Salksm N Wanted to look af ter our inifro'it in Fulton and ad jacent counties. Salary or Com missi'.. Address Lincoln Oil Co., Cleveland, . Wanted Strong single work logmen to do farm ditching in Wisconsin. Must be steady, fuitnful, and used to labor. Wag es 1200.00 and board for eight mouths work. No free car fare. - Kd ttotoheobach, Or viilo, ( thick When the cold winds dry and crack the skin, a box of salve can save much discomfort. In buy ing salve look tor the name on the b-)X to avoid any imitations, and be sure you get the original De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Sold at Trout's dru store. In renewing his subscription to the "News" for 190?, Mr. John ft. Winter, formerly of Whips Cove, but now a resident of Olpe, Kas., says: "I hkcyour paper. Through its weekly visits I am kept in touch with the old Keystone State the place of my birth and boy hood. Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Fagley, of Dott, gave a turkey-ioast ou Christmas in bono.- of their son Charles, of Huntingdon, and their daughter Kosie, of Cumberland. In addition to those already men tioned, there wore presejt Mr. and Mrs. D. Oarlaud their two sons Raymond aud Marshall and Sherman Hurnlnrt. Among the engagements an nounced in Chamiiersburg on Christmas were Miss (iail (iillan, daughter of Hon. and Mrs. W. Kush Oillan to Robert McCand li h. of Hancock, Md., and Miss Mary Skinner, daughter of Cap tain and Mrs. George W. Skin ner, to Henry V. Hlack, one of the publishers of Pu.lic pinion. Little touches of back ache should not be allowed logoua tended. Rheumatism and many other things follow. A box of Di'Witt's K'ulDey and Bladder Fills will bring relief quickly. They drive the poison from the body. Acton the liver as well as the kidneys. A 25 cent box holds a week's treatment. Sold at Trout's drug store. The young man who thinks that a man can't be a good boxer and a gentleman at the same time, should drop in on Professor Wil liam H. Fiudlay oa North Ivchth street above Race, Philadelphia. He will find the professor not on ly a well educated man aud a good teacher, but also a very clever boxer, and ono who can hit hard enough to make any tough have a very reat respect for him. To stop a cold with ' Prevent ics" is safer than to let it run aud cure it after wai ds. Taken at the "sneeze stage," Preventics will head off all colds and grippe, and perhaps save you from pm umon ia or bronchit.s. Preventics are little toothsome candy cold cure tablets selling in ."i cent and '!' cent boxes. If you are chil'y, U you begin to sneeze, try Prevent ics. They will surely check the cold, and please you. Sold at Di.;kson's drug store. A local institute was held at Jugtown on the 14th ult. The house was called to order by the teacher, Ethel liays, who appoint ed Mr. Fryman, president. The questions for discussion wjpe : 1. Praise aud censure; to what ex tent. 2. Methods of starting be ginners in Geography. :i Kind aud amouut of home study re quired of pupils. A well prepar ed program was arranged by the teacher. Recitations aud sing ing were given by the school. Good order prevailed. Virginia Truax, secretary. Henceforth clergymen per forming marriage ceremonies in Pennsylvania, canuot "keep so cret" the facts in the case. A new law is now in effect requiring every clergyman within twenty four hours after performing a marriage ceremouy to record the names of the parties and other specified particulars with the re cording officers of the city or bqrtnigli. This law was especial ly designed to prevent "secret marriages" aud is likely to prove thoroughly effective in that ro spect. A record of all marriages is kept by the registrar of ;ital statistics. The Sabbath I .. (Continued (rom rn-nt tutr than the tat of rams." The great reward, iu store for thise who observe the Sabbath properly, should bean incentive to all, for God has a number of times promised to pr jlo'ig tlie i days of those who keep thu com I inand: and, also, he causes them I to delight in Mm, thus securing 1 for themselves a more perfect 'happiness. "For if th'-n tnru away thy foot from the Sabbath. from doing thy pleasure on my holy day, and call the Sabbath n delight, the holy of the Lord, honorable: and shalt honor htm not doing thine own ways', nor speaking thine own words; then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord; and L will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, aud feed thee with the her itage of Jacob thy father; for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it." What greater incentive should we want than such a beautiful re ward as this ? the reward of happiues; not such as man can af ford, but true happiness from our heaveuly father, who is the givor of all good gifts ! The Sabbath is one ot God's gifts and should bo accepted as such, aud those who have made it a day ot hoiy religious rest will have in store for them another Sabbath more quiet and peaceful in the world to come. All should labor for this end and when Christ's work through the(hurch. has been accomplish ed, then Christ and his people shall rest together; then tlwv who have shared i j his work, will share iu the joy of their Lord. Should we as Christian people not hail the day when all shall say us did one of the poets- "Sweet clay : Ihtne Iin-jr. loo soon will reus,-: Vol while ihey lastly roll Itri'.itlie. BMfealj spirit. KHirO. "f M.;e. A Subbiitti n er my soul. Wh.-n will my pilgrimage be dine. The world s louu' w vel: he o it. Thai Sabbath (law u WOldO ueetls 10 sun. That day which fall's no ni.-.e ' Sale KegiMcr. Thursday, February 14,- Joliu li. Tavmao, having sold his farm and intending to remove from the county, will sell at hi residence in Thompson township, livestock, farming mpl monts, hay, grain., and licusehol-.l goods. Sale will begin at 10 o'ch ck. Thursday, March 7. Christian Martin, having rentod his farm, uid intending to quit farming, A'lll sell at his residence, twom.les tonth of McConnellsburg, horses, cattle, hogs, farming implements, hay, corn, and household goods. Sale begins at 0 o'clock. A L. Wible, Auctioneer. Tuesday, March 12, John Fore man will sell at his residence on the Kush Cline farm at Fort Lit ilcton, live stock, farming imple nicnts, etc. Sale begins at 10 o' clock. A. L. Vible, auctioneer. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES Itching, blind, bleeding, pro truding piles. Druggists are au thorized to refund money if Puzo Ointment fails to cure in 0 to 14 days. 50c. STATE WILL PAV Clear up the complexion, j cleanse the liver and tone the I .system. You can best do this by a dose or two of DeWitl's Lit tie Early Risers, ftftfe, reliable lit.l.lo tiillw inlh o mnntatlnn TL,. ' pills that everyone knows. Re comnierded at Trout's drug store. Places of Business Clussd. During the Cuion Week-of Prayer services next week the fallowing places of busines 111 McConnellsburg will he closed Monday evening to Friday even ing inclusive, from 7 to 8 o'clock, namely, W. II. N'eshit, C. F. Scott, Harry Ham it, J. A. Irwfn, Hull it Bender, A. IJ. Nace & Si n, Geo. Rexroth, C. C. Bender, J. K. Johnston. W. S. Dickson, Geo. Reisner & Co , M. B. Trout, E. R McClairi, C. B. Stevens, Al bert Stoner, Geo. V. Hays, Geo. B. Mellott, Rjbt. M. Downes, J. W. Greathead, Isaac Watson, David Little, T. B, Stevens Son, T.N Hamil, Chas. E. Gold smith it Co , S. A. Nesbit. A WONDERFUL HAPPENING. Port Byron, N. Y., has witness ed one of the most remarkable cases of healing ever recorded. Amos F King, of that place says : "Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured a sore ou my Jeg with which I had suffe.-ed over HQ years. I am now eighty -five." Guaranteed to cure all sores, by Trout's, the druggist Money for Persons Who S:nd In Snake That Swallowed Young;. If any person in Pennsylvani i be able to kill and send to State Zoologist Surlace, a snake which has been seen swallowing its young, he will be well paid for his trouble. Surface says he wishes the snakes sent dead, but with the young Is the stomach just as they were swallowed at the time the observation was made and the pareut kilod. "The many stories that are t ld couceruiug serpents swal lowing their yonng for protectio i must have truth as their basis," said Surface, "but by tho most carelul efforts, we havs been un ablo to find any evidence of this, excepting from the reports of other persons. Iu more than 200 specimens which we have exam ined at my office, wo have never yet found any young in the stom ach. " Surface also said tho stories sometimes told about garter snakes attempting to choke per sons, are entirely without foun dation, and that there is no reas ou why supurstition and ignor auce should combine to crush out the life of this animal, which is perfectly harmless and unable to inlhct any injury whatever upon mankind. A UUAKANTEED It I'l. FOR flLKS. Itching, blind, bleeding or pro tiudiug piles. Druggists refund i.oney if Pao Ointment fails to .ire any case, no matter of how lng standing, iu 0 to 14 days. 'irst application gives ease aud .est. 50c. If your druggisthasn't it send 50c in stamps and it will ogj forwarded post-paid by Pans Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. A MliMORADLF. IMY. i, Uue of the days wo remember y with pleasure as welt a. with profit to our health, is tin ono on which wo oucaine ace uain .eii wun Dr. King's New Life P.lls, the painless purifiers tin t cur? head acne and biliousness, and the bowtls riht. 'Jfic at Trout's irog sto e. Announcements lor M, E. Ch rth. McConnellsburg. Sabbath school, 9i80 a. m.; 'reaching ser vice, il':30 a. m.; Jr. Epworth League, 100 p n..; Sr. Epworth League, 0:Ki p. rn.; Eveuing ser mou, 7:i0 e'eiock. 4tli (Quarter ly Conference will bo held in the Methodist Episcopal church, Mc Connellsburg, Pa., January 19, 1!)07. Knobsvilie. Sabbath school, 0:80 a. m. Class meeting, 10:1)0 a. m.; Evening Praise aud Prayer service, 7:00 o'clock; Prayer meeting, Wednesday evening, 7 o'clock. Ft. Littletou. Saobath school, 0100a. m ; Class meeting, 10:110 a. m,i Epworth League, 7:00 p. m. John CoiiUy Grimes, pastor. Mothers who i',ivo their chil dren Kennedy's Laxalive Cough Syrup, invariably indorse it. Children like it because the taste is so pleasant. Contains Houev and Tar. It is the Origiual Lax ativ? Cough Syrup and is unrival ed for the relief of croup. Drives the cold out through the bowels. Conforms to the National Pure Food aud Drug Law. Sold at Ti out's drug store. Happy New Year. The editor feels that, lf'it wore possible, he should like to take by tho hand every ono of the more than ten thousand men, women, boys, and girls that he talks to every week through the "News," look into their faces, and wish them a "hannv and prosperous now year." Every Calling in life has its attendant i perplexities, and publishing a I newspaper IS no exception to tho general rule, but the many kind J letters received during tho hoh I days from members of the big ; News family scattered over a J wide expanse of territory, makes i him feel that he is in close touch I with a constituency of which any j man may well bo proud. The editor feels a personal iu- torest in every one of his readers, aud wishes for each and every ono of them a year of happmess i aud prosperity. Food dou't digest? liecauso the stomach . lacks 'some ,no of the essential iligostants or the di gestive juices are not properly balanced. Then, too, it Js this undigested food that causer sour ness and paiuful indigestion. Ko dol for ludigestion should be us ed for relief. Kudo) is a solution of vegetable acids. It digests what you oat, aud corrects the deficiencies of the digestion. Ko dol conforms to the National Pure i Food and Drug Law. Sold here at Trout's dru.; store. Subscribe for the "News, 'only $1.00 a year. WINTER MILLINERY. Trimmed rind I'ntrimiiu'd Velvet Ht(r, Ml Hut", College flow, Children' Tom, Infant Cap. Tobagunnx, Velvet rind Silk Rone, Wings, Plume, et Ribbons, Ribbons, Dress Materials, White Silk, Ulnek Silk, Plain, Plaid and Fanc.v Silk. Velvet. Bilk, Mohairs, ('loth, Voile, Tricot. WAISTINGS ! J)rcss Trimming ! n,-ni, All-over Laces, Embroidery , New Brits, Kacinatorn, Corsets ! (,orsets Corsets ! FURS! FURS! FURS ! Lad lei' mid Children1! Knit Underwear. T. J. Wiener, Hancock, Maryland. Banner Patterns! Banner Patterns! Beit trade prices paid for eiftfs unci poultry. X I .VI'. H. VMM' I . PRESIDENT. W. SCOTT ALEXANDER vies PtirRini MT. FRANK P. LYNCH. ATTORNEY tO SOLtCITOn. MERBILW. NACF CRBHirn. P. PTMNK HENRY. ASST. ctHliP. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF" M'COININELLSBUG, FA. Will pay 3 per cent, interest per annum on nil time deposits. Th Hank hus Increased in business rapidly nnd It is now ready t shore Its earnings with its depositors, thus giving them n safe invest ment at home. Notice the growth durint; the first live months busi ness. Total re?ouroes at close oNbiislness April 21, 19 ' $71,33343; May 24th, $80,711.41; June 23fd, $91,480.80; July 24th, $101,023.11; August 24th, SI 12,000.00. Tf you cannot call in person, send your deposits by mail, they will receive prompt attention. DIRECTORS : LEWIS H. WIBLE. JNO. P. 8IPES. JNO A. HENRY. W. SCOTT ALEXANDER. PETER MORTON. GEO. A. HARRIS. D. L. GRISSINGER. R.M.KENDALL. CHAS. E. BARTON H Old Smokers knoiv the difference between n food ioar and a bad one between one that is rank. MOttgtl to sicken u Mavujre, nnd one Mini is smooth enough to make you forjret all your troubles. The reason M'CIAIN is fretlinn a trreat run on tobnecoes, clears, pipes nnd smokers material generally is, that he keeps the largest assortment and the linest ooods for the money that can be found In the county. 0 II X K 8 E. R. WGleun, West L id of Boardwalk, VlcConnellfburfj, Pa. MILLINERY We will now write 1067, und we desire to thank one and all for the patronage of the pust year, 1030, We still have a few hats on bund which v.e will close out re gardleei of cost. We do not belie iu keeping (jnods over, and too we must make room for our Spring stock, thoref.ira those goods must go at a low figure, We have dress skirts reduoecT from .! to 93; Shirt waists reduc ed from 9120 to !i0c: waist patterns that were Toe now 80c, . Collurs and belts reduced to l-.'l loss than the regular price. We invite one and all kindly to call and see the great bargains we are giring. Very sincerely, MRS. A. E. LITTLE, McConnellsburg. Opposite Postofflce. L. W. FUNK DeWITT'S IXSSSJ WITCH HAZEL SALViL For Piles, Uurns. Sores. Dealer iu Pianos ; Organs The undersigned lakes this method of informinj; the people of Fulton county that he is prepared to furnish High Orade PUnoi and organs at pricostliu: are attract I VS. He makes a speciullv of tin LESTER PIANOS an Instruinout of national reputa tion: and the MILLER AND THE WEAVER0RGANS l it-inn a thoroughly trained tuner, he is prepured jn short no tice to tune pianos or repair or gans. . Satisfaction Cuaranteed. A sample Lester I'iuno may be seen in the home of Qeo, li. Mel lott, McConnellsburg. If you are thinking of getting a piano or Organ let mi- know, I can lave you money. L. W.FUMK, NtEDMORF, PA. iFall fj Winter Millinery It has been reported I was selling out my entire stock ol millinery goods. I did sell at Auction all of my old stock, and have jyst received a lull lot of new Roods, consisting of Pattern Hats, Ready-to- ' Wear Hats, Untiimmed Hats, and a general line of Millinery, and they aie .now on sale. Remember NO OLD STOCK to select from, Come and see my goods before buying elsewhere, as I know 1 can save you money. Yours for Bargains, NELLV. DAWNEY, HUSTOINTOWN, PA HO dol For Ingestion. KfthevM sour stomach, palpitation ol ihe heart. Di-'csts whatyoueat. ooooxxxxxcoo ooooooooocoo FALL BARGAINS ! I have spent some time in the Eastern Cit ies buying fall and winter goods. I offer you a line of goods that can not be matched except in the city stores. Ladies', misses and childrens LONG COATS I at any price. Also a Beautiful line of Ready trimmed Hats. Latest Patterns in Dress Goods, either home or imported cloth. Carpets at 25, 30,35, 50. 75c, and $1 per yd. Heating Stoves, $6, $8, 10, 15. $20, and $22.50 each. Cooking btoves, $13, 515, 20, $25, $30 each. Iron Bedsteads, $1.85, 2 50, $3.50, 35. Chamber Suits 20 to 25 each. Rockers 1.25 to Si each. FANCY PORTLAND CUTTERS $20 to $10 each. Bob Sleds $U to 24 per set. Wooven Fence 22 to 50 cents per. ibd. Top Buggies 40 to 6 each. Anything you need to eat, use or wear at a low price. CLAY PARK, Three Springs, iPo. o ? OOOOOOOOOCOO OOOOOOOCCOOOO ru .tr- i'v.'i: ifjrcE z-jx 1 i J. K. Johnston's & Yes, that is the place you want to go to lor $ After-Christmas Prices. I i RUBBER GOODS i Men's, Ladies' and Children's. OVERSHOES, p Eelt Boots, i .Arties, F 'ffl Outing Cloth, gray anJ red Flannel, French Klnnnels in Hj all color-. und Klannalettes, Bleached and I 'uhleached lJ MusliiiK, Lancaster QloKhama, Searauckers, andaailooei JV lL'ht and dark. J?f We have a few Ladlcn' Fum and Coat that oan lie VJ bought VIOllV CHKAH, also H few men's and chlldreu'i ffi OvereoalH that can be boncrht t lie same vay Don't forget wo oarry a full steck of I PAR0ID ROOFING. jj J. K. JOHNSTON'S p McConnellsburg. HIDES Jamob Sipos Sb Sous pay 10, 18, and 100 a pound cash, for beef hide at their butcher ahop in McCounellabur, also Ingtieat price paid for calf slnns, alietpHkiiiH arid tall w For sale at Trout's drug Store DYSPEPSIA CURE DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT Tit II 00 Mi'i.-nui'., 3M Milk. trial Mm, whlek MB. tm to ufe 'M'ilU HIT i f TV. UHUTUI Ask tor Kodol'g 1908 Almanac and 200 Year C dander. i