The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, December 20, 1906, Image 4

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Published Fvery Thursday.
B W P'ivK, Editor and Proprietor.
DECEMBER 20,1906.
Published Weekly. $1.00 per
Annum m Advance.
Psritir) of 8 linr 1 lime II M
Pit u,utfcre eneh miMequent Insertion.... M
AM ftdvertineraentn Inserted for leu thao
three month! u barged bj the square.
9 mm. I fl moH. I yr.
One foirth column.
..11100. 1 (JOP0 1 130 00
One hull oolutnn is no. fo.m w oo
One Column I0.U0.I M OO. 76.00
N.rthln Inserted for less tnnntt
I'rofeulonsl Cardi on rear IS
Announcem:nts for M. E. Church.
Fort Littlet n : Sabbath school
9:550 a. m.; class meeting 10:'!0,
and Epworth League 7 p. m.
McCounellsburg : Sabbath
school !':J30a. m.; cliss meeting
10:JJ0a. m. ;J unior Epworth League
2 p. m., and Senior Rpworth
League 0:14 p. m.
Kaobsville : Sabbath school
9:30 a. m.; class meeting. 10:00 a.
m. Preaching services followed
by Evangelistic services, begin
ning promptly at 7 p. m. Revival
still continues. Last report there
were 40 conversions and 15 at the
The pistor is called away to re
open a church on the Burnt Cab
ius charge next Sabbath. John
Conley Grities, pastor.
A vegetable corrective for the
stomachs of babies and children,
with the name of each ingredient
in plain English on every bottle,
that is Cascas weet, the ideal med
icine for the little ones. Contains
no opiates. Conforms fully with
National Pure Food and Drug
Law. Write E. C. DeWitt & Co.,
Chicago, III., for the "Baby
Book." Sold at Trout's drug
stoi e.
Jacob Clouser, of McConnells
burg, is spending a few days with
frieDds here.
Stanley 11 umber l has been sick
some weeks with blood poison.
Mrs. B. F. Shives and son Ray
mond spent a few hjurs in Mc
Connellsburg, Saturday.
Our school is getting along
nicely under the care of Miss
Rhoda Keudall.
Mamie and Bertha Bess are
visiting their aunt, Mrs. Daniel
Mrs. George Humbert and
daughter Carrie, wore in town
Elmer Clouser and Harry Shaw
were in town Thursday.
Catarrh of the nose and throat
should lead you to at least ask us
for a free trial box of Dr. Shoop's
Catarrh Cure. Nothing so sure
ly proves merit as a real, actual
test and Dr. Shoop, to prove
this, earnestly desires that we
let you make that test. This
creamy, Snow White healing
balm, soothes the throat and nos
t:iU, and quickly purities afoul
or feverish brerth. Call and in
vestigate. Dickson's drug store.
The undersigned offers a re
ward of Fifty Dollar for infor
mation that will lead to the arrest
and conviction of tha person or
persons who set tire to his slab
pile the night of September 13,
1 00(5.
Alkxandkr Mellott.
Cumberland Valley Trains
Leave Fort Loudon at 7.42 a. m.,
11.47 a. m., 2.43 p. m.; leave Mer-
cersburgat8.04a. m.. 12.07 p. :n.,
aDd 3.03 p. m.
Arrive at Mercersburg at 7.47
a. m., 10.L8 a. m., and 5. Gil p. m.
Loudon, H.07a. m., 10.18 a.m.,
and fi.13 p. m.
G iudu.trious, sober, married
or single men, to work in and
around tannery. Wages $1.40
per day, and up. Apply immed
iately, and go to work.
Saltillo Tannkuv,
Dec. :,, w2. Saltillo, Pa.
Farm for Rent.
The undersigned has good lime
Htone farm for Itent, containing 1
acres, all under good tat of cultiva
tion; -good bulldlogs, water at house
and barn, situated one mile west of
Scotland. For further particulars,
call on or address
Chick Mir-bLOTT,
Fuyettevi'le, I'u
Tim policy hotdi rs til Hit! 'r'ulton
County Mutual Fire Insurance Coin
pant arc hereby notHVl that tmwi
Inif will hvJield the 2nd Tuesday ot
lanuury at Npedmore, Pa., Iy the
eoniany to elect in oIllcerH and trout
n't bucli business a m.iv come betoie
it. Secretary.
A Social Event.
Avery enjoyable event took
place at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. K. (). Ivesselring, nearGra
cey, list Friday evening, in hon
or of thoir olilest son Harry, who
had reached his twenty tirstanni
versary. It was a grand and
complete surprise to him. He
lad remarked that evening to a
man, that it was his twenty-tirst
birthday, and ho had been watch
ing tliem at homo all day. About
three o'clock in the afternoon he
and his mother went to Clear
Ridge to do some shopping, and
returned homo about eiglit o'
clock. After ho had put the
horse to its place, he went into
the kitchen and found that some
thing was "doing," and in a few
minutes, started for his room to
make a hasty change in his toilet,
when about three of the able be d
id boys hoisted him up against
the coiling, till he thought they
wertj trying to cracn his skull.
Promptly at 9:30 o'clock, the diu
ing room door swung open, where
stood a large table that gi oaned
uuder its heavy load of good
things to eat. The friends had
not forgotten the presents, which
were many and useful. Harper
Barton, of Uustrntowu, was there
with his graphophone and a tine
lot of records, which helpei the
cause along. After supper was
over the games begaj, which
made things lively. When the
hall clock began to strike the long
and solemn midnight hour, the
frie ids began to disperse, all
wishing Harry many more such
happy occasions. Owing to the
inclemency of the weather, not
I more than one-third were present
that were invited.
Open the bowels and get the
cold out of your system. Keune
dy's Laxative Cough Syrup opens
the bowels and at the same lime
illays the inflamation ofthemu
cous membranes. Contains Hon
ey and Tar. Drives out the oold
and stops the cough. Absolute
ly freefiom any opiates. Con
forms to the National Pure Food
and Drug Law. Pleasant to take
Sold at Trout's drug store.
The farmers are now worrying
about the winter's wood.
King Mellot-t has moved his
saw mill to Will Gracey's, where
he is sawiug out a bill for a new
There will be a Christmas en
tertainment at Mt. Tabor, next
Tuesday night.
William Witter is on the sick
Jesse Berkstresser left last
Mondiy for Urichville, Ohio, to
take a course in Telegraphy.
The protracted meeting is in
progress at Center M. E. church.
The people of this community
were shocked last Saturday
morning to hear of the death of
Mrs. Curt Auckei man (formerly
Oracoy). She leaves a husband,
nine children the youngest bo
in(, about six months old, and her
aged mother, Mrs. Hetty Oracey,
besides four brothers and two
sisters. Interment Monday af
ternoon at Center cemetery.
Mrs. Clara Bergstresser spent
Sunday with her daughter, Mrs.
Waithen, at Three Springs.
Iiaac Bolinger's children at
Dublin Mills, are sick with scar
let fever
Daniel Lenders is haviug an ex
tension put to his house.
Reprint, News Herald : "There
is at least one effectual, safe and
reliable Cough Cure Dr. Shoop's
that we regard as suitable, ev
en for the youngest child. For
years, Dr. Shoop bitterly oppos
ed the use of opiates or narcotics
in medicine, offering $10 per drop
to any one finding opium, chloro
form, or any other poisonous or
narcoticingredientinDr. Snoop's
Coggh Curo. And the challenge
is as yet unanswered. Here is
one manufacturing physician,
who welcomed with much satis
faction the new Government Pure
Food and Drug Law, The pub
I'ncantiow protect itself at all
times, by insisting on having Dr.
Shoop's, when a cough remedy is
j needed." Sold at Dickson's drug
This Space Belongs
To The
Tn-Statc Business
Cumberland, Mcl.
Bargain Store.
For First Fall Days We Have
. The Goods.
Underwear coming in at prices that will surprise you. Overshoes,
Lecithin and Kubber Goods now on hand at a clean-sweeping price
goods that we commenced buying as early as April and May.
We have a full line of outlnjr cloth at Sr., a yd., ginghiini and culi
coes as low as ;"e. a yd. Muslins, shirtings, seersucker, llunueietts,
at low prices. Men's cords from 1.4" up.
. - j-, - rpr !M ttnJ ''0l'- n dozon "I'i'e tliey last: We
are closing out. for .'ISc.
-p rx r popp first class Sisal twine Do. lb., rope baiters 1
and 2V.,
j)aJs that we are selling for from
SHELLS! Shells
' size shot first class for 4."c. a box. Crocks from i to 2 gulloti encii,
pi ices 4 to 10c.' each; 2 gallons 2 )c. A full line of groceries that w
sell as low as the lowest, and for Stl!3 don't fail ta try St?vvns v
Kukcr before yon buy.
All kinds of country produce taken lo exchange, whoa', ": rye,
tiitc: oats, :10c: onions, and country lard 10c. l'otntocs lc
Call nnd see us. No trouble to show you goods if yon don't buy
Respectfully yours,
Stevens & Raker, Clear Ridge, Pa.
Dealer In
Pianos jj Organs
The undersigned takes this
method of informing the people of
Fujtoh county that hois prepared
to furnish High Grade Fi.inos and
organsat pi icestbat urj attractive,
lie makes a specialty of the
1 &
an Instrument of national reputa
tion: and the
ISeing a thoroughly trained
tuner, he is prepared jn short no
tice to tune pianos or repair or
gans. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
A sample Lester Piano may be
seen In the homo of Geo. B. Mel
lott, McConnellsbuig.
If you are thinking of getting
a piano or organ let me know, I
can save you money.
Trespass Notice.
Came to and on my property on or
about October 1, lll.iti, one light-red
cow with horns, crop off left ear, and
slit in i-isfht, blind of left eye. The
owner will please come f.jrwurd and
pay damages and take the cow away,
or she wiil be disposed of according
to law.
IIahvky Wishaut,
Wells Tannery, Fulton County, Pa.
Trespass Notice.
The uiidersigued hereby warns all
persons uguinst trespassing on his
premises in Tod township, either by
hunting, gathering nuts, berries,
grapes, or In any manner whatever.
He has recently suffered much damage
by persons prowling over his farm,
and fair notice Is now given that the
law will be rigidly enforced against
all trespassers in the future.
Rejister' Notices.
Nnt'ce In herrl.T given llmt tha riillowllg
limm Ht-ouuhUnrkljuvl lilctl KlHl 4-coilh III
KKlil-r' ottlc.H ul Fulton County, I'm.. jiihI
that thu nniH wilt lit) irHnntPl Uitlte Orplum'
t;onrt of Comity, lor coiitlrinHlioii, on tli
ill Tuii,ijr, ( I6i h liny) ut January A. 1J., Iiiirl.
I, Plrat an'1 tltml Hi-i-nuiit or Samuel A. Wll.le
mill ltwla II Wilile. Ailiiiinialiitlora il Ilia
ealalfi or l.wla It WIUIc, luW tit Licking
(ruek towiiahli, ilooM.
J. Klrat Mill tlnal fturoutit nf Henry I. toilet,
AiliiniilatrHtor ol tlin natatii of Joaalioil
li.lje lata of llrub l.roek low ulil, Uae'il.
1. Flrat an. I tliiall aerniintor A. .1. Knr an'l .1
Altln luiinr, Ailinlnl.tralora ol Ilia lala
of (tan. W.Couiaror, lata of I'uliliu towii
alilli, Uae'd.
1. Klr.t ami final tamuilt ol Mra. Harriet
Kvana, Ailminiatratrla ofilia aatata ol David
U. K.n, lala of Uullaat towuahlp, ileo'il.
. riratmirl Sua I amy.unt of W. H Millar. .l-lulil-tratof
of tha ratal of. lacob W. Ulllfl,
lalu of Dublin towimlilp. dac'il.
Ki-ulnr'adtHe,' A I. Kills,
! i- a, liaid. J UeVitr.
::o and I"
1') to -li'c.
y tnchester and V . M. ( '. sin-
and ;! drum of powder,
Owing to falling health, and desir- '
ing to retire from business, I will dose j
out my entire stock of merchandise i
consisting of Hardware of all ki'ids,
Hunges, Stoves, Fencing V ire,. liar
Iron, ChamVier Suits, Sideboards. I
Mattresses, Carpets, c, either at
cost to customers, -or the whole busi
ness to any one wishing to take it.
This Is an excellent opportunity for
an energetic man, and an exvellent
chance will be given the right man.
For. further information call on or
Saltillo, Pa.
Trespass Nuticc.
The undersigned hereby gives iotice
that ihe lands and premises of the Ful
ton County Kud and Gun Club, an or
ganlzatlon duly incorporated by tlio
laws of Pennsylvania, situated in the
townships of Wells nnd Brusn Cteek,
county of Fulton and state of Pennsyl
vania, aie private property, and that
all persons are warned not totrespnss
on said lands aua pn mi.-es for the
purpose of hunting, fishing, gathering
nuts or berries, on in any other man
ner whatever contrary to acts of as
sembly in such cases made and ptovid
eu as tne law win br rigidly enforced.
Fri.Tos Cot'NTY Uoi) a KD Gun
Administrator's Notice.
Notine is tiereny triven thnt leltera of ailmlti
istnitlon liuve lieeu Krniiteil lo the untie
upon the eatiite ol Mia. Itiicliel 111)1, lute ul
IfelhPl tiiwushiii, Fulton oounty, 1'n,. denea
ed. All pei-inu Ink vitiif claim UKUiusl ulil ei
lufe will pre'-tiut thetn pruperly otnlienliiiHtuil
fur aettleinent. und iIiono uwltitf the tiuuie will
plouse cull und al i le.
1 1 K N TO S H K 1)1 -.R S 1 1 O T ,
Wiirfiinlslmrif. Hu.
Bed-room Suits
web halters
i 8J B IMJvr i H 1 i':t oi postotiice. -4 I mwxk Bts$&-z:tfjF:
' ijl.75 and $2 50. Commode, $2 50; Wasbstands, $4.25, and up. Dress
ers, $10.50 anil up. Hall Hacks, $7 and up. Chiffoniers, 410 Combination bookcase and wilting desk,
l:i.75. Kxteusion Table, (l-ft. 3.H3: -ft. t;.H5 to i4u; 10 h. f tu 5.). Dining-room Chairs, f.'l.liO, $5 and
up to $S.,M) Huckers, 1 25 up to $:i.30; Heed, $:i up to $il.50; Child's tl and up. High-chairs, $1.15 and up.
Stands, 75a., up to $1.50. (j '.ass-hall foet Stand, iH.75. F.asoU, Mirrors, Towel Hacks, Pictures, Picture
Frames made to onbr, and a lot of other things in the line of house furnishings. We also have a nice
line of Fresh Confections and Oysters fresh from Haltimoro C( me und look our lino over whether you
buy or not. Welcome to everybody."
To Cure a Cold in One Day
m Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. v pa vwy
Seven Million boxes sold in past 13
Defore that cough turns
It has proved
Fulton County Bank.
a m
(OliOANIXD IN 187 ) ,' .
J I r Cent. ltitorMt I 1 d on TIitiw U p o 1 1 a
This old nnd well known Financial .Institution Is now
permanently located jn Its new room tn thn A. I. Js'ace build
in. Larye ailtl jt ions have boon made to the
a a
0 nnd tlic ninbri' of Stockholder has been increased to FIF
H TKK.V, which gives all depositors a security of upwtitd of
Two Hundred Thousand Dollars.
The Fulton County Hank does a GF.NF.ItAL HANK-
ING HUSIXK.S-? nr.d extends c ery fuvor to their patrons
nnd fricirls, ciinsNtetit with sound bunking. "
McConncilsburg, Pa. Cashier.
0.0P'H0.0 000M00 0'.
i v.
Simla Clans lias In in planting and is s'iil ulanning to glad
den the hearts thro'.ighuut Chri.ite:iJo:n. No season in the. year
u (fords s ich opportunities for bringing jny tn all mankind as does
the Chri'sf mas tima. a loving glance, a gtiile word, a small gift
rightly given will biiag joy to the giver us well as the recipient.
For weeks we have been busy selecting Xiaas gifts for the IToli
d iy sli iip?rs, and suliice it to s ty that you can lind almost any
kind of s'.rt you may wish.
Jewelry I
bains, cull
ri"' .. including
i oys, biics.
stoves, h'irns,
and oii3 hundred-piece dinner sets. '
BOOKS, including story books, A.. B. C. books, testaments ana
IJIbles, a-.d many useful gifu.consisting of silk mutllers, silk hand ,
kerchiefs, initial handkerchiefs, neckties, collars, linen towels,
pillow shams, bureau scarfs, stand covers as well as comb and
brush sets, toilet sets, manicure sets, albums, etc.. All aro here
und only in a measure show what we have to offer the hoiiday
Let us help you m iko this Christmas a most enjoyable one.
Harry E. Huston,
Saltillo, Pa.
:i-picce. if J..'i Vnii $7.5 l; 8-pieee, $2S.,iU and lf.'12 75. Iron Hods, $2.40
$2.83, ta 23, 44.50,- $5 to 10. - Spring, 2, 2.0 to $.1.75. Mattresses
$:j 50, $ 1.75 to $5. Couches, 5.5o to $12 Cuti, tl.ii.5 and $1 85. Cribs
into a serious throat or
its real value during ?K
for' it.
00H0-p100-90TH000'900 j
0 '
0000000 000ir010
bracelets, watch fobs, lorgnette
watjh?s, dolls, tops, banks, automo-
including water sets, vacs, cnoeolate sets .
mugs, cuis and saucers, berry sets, tea sets,
lung trouble, stop it with
Pall ' -Winter
t . Miiimery
. It has be: n reported I
was selling out my entire
stock ot millinery goods.
I did sell at'Auctionallof
my, old stock, and have
'-. just, received a lull lot of
1 new goods, consisting of
: Pattern Hats, -Ready-to-;
; Wear Hats, Untiimmed
. Hats, and a general line of
; Millinery, and they ate
now on sale. .Re member.
; to select from.
Come and see my goods
before buying elsewhere,
as 1 know 1 can save you
Yours for Bargains,
I have just received n line
lot, of butter Sleighs at low
iu ics. Please call and
I al-io have a lot of New
BujTSies that t will run out lU
Cost Carriage
while they last. ThonUinijthe ;
1'iiblic for fast favors, I cm
Vours very truly,
Ilustontown. Pa.
Kennedy's L&xafive Koney end Tei
Cures ell Counts, and exntu Colds frot
the aystcm Ly gently mo vino the bowels.
Situate in Taylor township, on the
road leading from Ilustontown to the
P.oberlsdalo market, containing .'!()
acres; 100 acres cleared, of which
about 50 acres lire line meadow land:
balance in timber. Good state of cul
tivation. Cood House, itmnp at the
door. nam, -l.'ixTO. Terms easy.
Call on, or address
sA.. J. Frakkr,
tf. Ilustontown, Pa.
Safe, Quick. Reliable Regulator
Piipnrtui tn nttii'r rompiIlM nolil at lilcli prlep.
Cm. fnmniiiii'iil. burc'sif ullv uifQ ly over
Jdll.l'IIO Wmni-ti. l'rli p, i.'i Ont, cImik.
r l.y mull. 'i'ollaiinlnlii iHioklvi free.'
Dr. LalTaaco, flitludelpbla, la.
Iron Consumption
eoc &si.oo
Free Trial.
gSurobl. anu QuiolcuKt Cure for nil
rjlit.iiii m mill m
Saoa Hualth lltlVlVU
tirixtnoew lino rut. tilts In UO day. It acts
tioworliiUy uu.lquliUly. ciirtHWlien others f nil.
o'.niif niuiiiiun riuiiiinhi inJi.Ht nmnliooil uuil
i. HI men . limy rm-ovcr tlmlr youthful vii.-or bv
tiilutf lll'.ini). Ittjiiixkly n;id iintoUy n'
.iiov.H Nri-vounnoKH, Lost Vltiilitv, Beiuiil
U cnlmms Htirh us Lost Pcwi.r, Fiiillui Mi inoi v
.Wiistiritf liiwiH. !,, anil eltucts of wjif-uuuse or
una lnulHcrutinn, which umits ono fur
miiily, ruslniisii or umivluiiH. it not only inrca
I'V Ktuiiloif in. il.o HiRt nf itlseuKe. but is unreal
iiurvo loiilc und bluutl bntlilwr, brlmlnn
limit iHb pink Sw lc pale tl...I(u.l re-
. . . vw yoiiiii, n WUI'IM on at-
prououluuilltBiiso. Iu.l..tuiihnvin(i JilV'.VIVO.
I'D other. It, cuu be turrlt-d in VBt twcknt. ty
iijuil. bl.dO rM-tiHcliavc, or six (or .'..0l. We
l:lvu ritui uclvlce irud couniiol lo all who wish 1l
with uuiirau-(i. Cln uluni frou. Address
ROYAL KE0ICINE CO., Marine Bldg., Chicaoo, lit
For salo in McUonntllsbur at
VY. S Dickson's drug sVjre.
I.AIUI!SI Ak your Drur(f)st for A
ICHIiS-I HR'S I'll.l.S in Km Mini j
o luui illlc bu. neiiled with ULiielC)
lion. Takh nouthkh, Buy of your Vy
if and auk for "lll-t'HKtf-TKirin V
I.AIUliSI AgU vonr nruirirtst for
KNUMHII fll.l., tha IMIIDMI BUkMI, for
iwiiiy-iiv ni huqwu MS ueill, rmlnu, Ah
wii-n RrlUlile. Sold hv liruxfrlats emywhtrt,
tlllCIII'Ml lilt CIII'.MICAI, CO., I'lllI.A., I'A.