The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, December 06, 1906, Image 4

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PublibheJ Livery Thursday.
B.,W. PivK, Editor and Proprietor.
DECEMBER 6,1906.
Published Weekly. $1.00 per
, Annum in Advance.
Per iUre of lino- J lime H JJJ.
.r .iiui.r Ah Muh.nuenl Insertion.... ml.
Aii advertisements Inserted for ten than I
three month oharited by tbe square.
a7ns. I tf 'U'M, I 1 yr.
One-fourth Ofllumo 1100. 20t I t?O.O0
One hmf column mm
Uli Column 0 00. M M). 75.00
N.ith'n Inserted for less than II
I'rofesalonal Cards ono rear M
In loving Remcmbcrooce ol Hannah Belle
Ilj Her Pauirhters.
Her chair is empty now,
Her clothes now laid by:
Mother's gone and left us.
To reign with him on high.
The loving tongue is silent.
The voice we love is stilled,
A )iluce is vacant iu our hearts,
Which never can bo filled.
All her suffering ore now ended,
And upon her quiet breast
Lay her loving white hands folded,
Fold-id now in peaceful rest.
Dear mother we have laid thee
In the peaceful grave's embrace:
Hut thy memory will be cherished
Till we see thy heavenly face.
Mother, we loved thee,
But God loved thee best:
And has taken thee home
To be forever at rr-;t.
Deadly Serpent Bites
arc as common id India as are
stomach au J liver disorders with
us. For the latter however there
is a sure remedy: the great re
storative medicine, of which S.
A. Brown, of Bcnnettsvillc, fc. C,
ays : They restored my wife to j
perfect health, after years of suf-1
icaJly torpid liver. " Electric Bit
ters cure chills aDd fever, malar
ia, biliousness, lame back, Kidney
troubles and oladder disorders.
Sold on guarantee by Trout's the
druggist. Price "i0c.
John Mackey, who has typhoid
fever is reported better.
The protracted meeting is still i
in progress at the M. E. church. I
David Glunt spent Sunday at ,
Hustontown. j
Those of our hunters who each j
succeeded in killing a tine deer !
were Bert, Ira, andCloyd Kerhn;
Johu Forney and Daniel Uamil. j
Those composing the party were !
Bert, Ira and Cloyd Kerhn; David
Glunt, John Forney, J. C. Span-
nuth and Enoch Kerlin.
Our townsman,. Elmer Glunt
killed a hog last week that weigh
ed 508 pounds.
Nan Fleming, of Ilarrisburg, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Ir a Fore.
Open the bowels and get the
cold out of your system. Kenne
dy's Laxative Cough Syrup opens
tbe bowels and at the same time
allays the inllamation ofthemu-j
cous membranes. Contains Lion-1
ey and Tar. Drives out the cold j
and stops the cough. Absolute- j
ly free from any opiates. Con-1
forms to the National Pure Food
and Drug Law. Pleasant tf) take. I
Sold at Trout's drug store.
Morgan Deshong and Frank
Shives attended the meeting at
llarnsouville Saturday.
Mrs. Beckie Deshong has been
poorly during the past week.
Win, Deshong was at Charley
Bess's Sunday.
Garfield Morse visited Lewis
Mellott's Saturday.
Garfield and Date Shives spent
from Friday until Monday with
their parents.
Uriah Kline, .Ally, Morgan, Wil
liam, and Martha Deshong, visit
ed Lewis Melloti's Sunday.
Henry Strait and wife visited
Frank Shives Sunday,
Rich vrd Deshong and wife vis
""lted Morgau Deshong Sunday.
Sadie Mellott has been quite
poojly during the part few days.
Catarrh of the nose and throat
should lead you to at least ask us
for a free trial box of Dr. Shoop's
Catarrh Cure. Nothing so sure
ly proves merit as a real, actual
test and Dr. Shoop, to prove
this, earnestly desires that we
let you make that test. This
creamy, Suow White healing
balm, soothes the throat aud nos
t.'ili, and quickly purities afoul
or feverish brertb. Call and in
vestigate. Dickson's drug store.
A, V. Kelly inatlo a business
trip to Fort Littleton last Sutur-
I day.
Kuvh, who has been
; nttondinr scnool at Shippunsburjr
m spending a low tiays at ner
home here.
Ed Welch, who has heeu em
ployed in Mount Union, spent a
low days at his homo hero this
Howard Ntiogle, who has ben
visitiuK at his home hero return
ed to Altoona where ho has em
ployment. Jacob Smith, James Brenting
er and Grant Jones, of Pitcairn,
who had been spoudiD"; some time
hero huntiujr, have returned to
their homes there.
Mary Snyder, of this place, is
spending sometime with her sis
ter, Mrs. Ttiomas at Saltillo.
John North, of this place, spent
Sunday in Fort Littleton.
Pilos pet quick relief from Dr.
Shoop's Magic Ointment. Re
member it's made alone for piles
and it works with certainty and
satisfaction. Itching, painful,
protruding or bliDd piles disap
pear like magic by its use. Try
it and see ! Dickson's drug store.
Family Reunion. .
A joyous event took place at the
home of Ephraim Skiles iu Bel
fast township, in hoior of his wile
on her sixty lirst birthday. She
said it would take more thau that
to surprise her. Those present
were Baltzer Mellott
and wife, .
Jas. P Walt, aud sister Esther,
Mrs. Rachel Shives Alfred Peck
and wife, Daniel Rash and wife,
Tilden Bill, wife and two sons,
Lola Giflin, Diana Smith, Mrs.
Allie Smith and two daughters,
G. D. Morgret, Maudllill, John Ew
ing, wife and sou, Francis Shives,
wife, son, daughter andgrandson; j
Bertha Truax, Mrs. Margaret !
Mellott, Mrs. William Truax and
two daughters; Levi Skiles, wife
and four children: Mrs. Martha
Strait, George Deshong, wife aud
two daughters; R A. Skiles and
family. Baltzer Mellott, Mrs.
Geo. Sipes, Minnie Crouthers,
Mrs. Emaline Chesnut, Mrs.
David Forner ind sen Peter all
came in a four horse wagon.
All the children of .Mrs. Skiles
wore home, and all of her
children, and people that had not
seCu each other for over thirty
vtars. and some that had never
,liet before, got acquainted.
What a pleasure to meetatabirth ;
day ; It is a joy tom-dctold frieuds '
that we seldom get to see. It is
better that friends assemble iu !
this way, than to wait for a funer- j
al. These grand reunions, when i
all if t.iifi nhilfl rcn rn n tin a t. hnino I
i gether, with glad hearts, makes
la day spent that does not seem ;
half long enough. So we had to
j say good bye, andgotoourhomes.
Who will have the next birthday j
dinner 'i Hope the oid ladies and
gentlemen may all have one to
meet their mauy friends.
Oxk Who was Tih:ui;.
Reprint, News Herald : "There
18 at least one effectual, safe and
reliable CoughCure Dr. Shoop's
that we regard as suitable, ev
en for the youngest child. For
years, Dr. Shoop bitterly oppos
ed the use of opiates or narcotics
in medicine, offering i0 per drop
to any one finding opium, chloro
form, or any other poisonous or
narcotic ingredient in Dr. Sh op's
Cout'li Cure. And ihe challenge
is as yet unanswered. Here is
one manufacturing physician,
who welcomed witn much satis
faction the new Government Pure
Food and Drug Law. The pub
lic can now protect itself at all
times, by insisting on having Ur.
Slioop's, when a cough remedy is
needed." Sold at Dickson's drug
WitheichsucceediDgyear more
and more copies of the Fulton
county News are used as Christ
mas pi esents. Orders are beinar
b.oked right along now, and will
nelilled"week before Cnristmas."
Youcinnotdofora friend so much
with a dollar as to send him a copy
of the News for l'JO". Only a dol
lar !
A'vegetable corrective for the
stomachs of babies and children,
with the name of each ingredient
In plain English on every bottle,
that is Cascaswcet, the ideal med
icine for the little ones. Contains
no opiates. Conforms fully with
National Pure Food and Drug
Law. Write E. C. DeWitt & Co.,
Chicago, 111., for the "Babyl
Book." Sold . at Trout'i drug
stoi e.
i fc.
Vl::x y;;ir Wacli Slaps
t Ycu cannot m.iUc il ci hy sh.iUii) il. 4
lieu the ImwciMiru j
Cnn.-lpated you j
distiu t) them with 2
Cathartics but, like 4
the w r.clt, they will J
t ot be sue to do j
their allotted vor!c 4
until t'.K-y are put
into proper tondi. 4
tion to do it. 1
One cannot mend J
n (lcli'.'Ho piece of 4
mechanism by vm.
leit methods, mid
1 machine, mad by man is as fine
n.-s 'M.; human bor'.y.
J The use of 1 1 salts, cnr.tnr-oil
k and, rlintl'j cathartic medicines is
tlio violent method. Tlio use of
the lurl) tonic lax it've, X
: Lane's Family :
E Medicine
k Is t':o method adopted by Intelli-
t;ert people. J
Headache, backache, Indigestion, J
K constipation, skin diseases all are
( benefited immediately by the use J
P of tiiis medicine.
? l")rmre;ists sell it at !c. nnd roc.
Comrade Scott S. Hann, of
Webster Mills, has sonie relics
that he prizes very much. The
ti rs ti!-a trunk and achest that were
binuftht to this country from Ita
ly by his grandmother in 18tH;
the other is a stand purchased a'
Win. Ilammett's sale iu 1813
Mr. Ilammett was a grandfather
of J. J., and Joseph B. Mellott, of
Ayr township.
Ladies' long coats all colors at
J. K. Johnston s.
Following The Trail.
When our soldiers went toCuba
and the Philippines, health was
the most u portautcousiderati n.
Willis T. Morgan, retired Com
missary Sergeant U. S. A., of
Rural Route 1, Concoid, X. li.,
says : "I was two years in Cuba
and two years in the Philippines,
and being subject to colds, I took
Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, which kept tne in
perfect health. And now. in New
1J:: mphhire, we find it the bust
I medicine in the wor.'d for coughs,
j colds, biouchial troubles and all
jlunj1 diseases." Guaranteed it
Trout's the druggist. IV ce ."nc.
! and si. Oil. Trial bottle free.
Mr. Anderson, Mr. llartzoll,
! Mr. Francisco, and Rev. Ciine, of
i Lancaster, spent part of last
j week in this vicinity hunting,
j Guard Anderson and wife, of
j M addons ville, passed through
, ou r town Sunday.
; Mrs. V. R. Fields spent Satur-
day with her mother, Mrs. T. B.
Ci omwcll.
Myrtle Shore is spending some
time at the Eagle Hotel at Fort
Mr. Britner, Mr. Baker, and
Mr. Llcis spent part of last week
in the home of Calvin Baker.
They accompanied
sou, William, heme.
Mr. Baker's
Dr. Montgomery
Locke, of Pitcairn,
and James
and Tilden
Newman, of Waterfall,
spent a
day last week with C. R. Brovvu.
John Raker, wife and sou speut
Saturday in tho home of their
daughter, Mrs. Chas. Stevens.
Mrs. Jonn Stinson visited her
son Melton, near Kearney, one
day last week.
II. J. Fields and wife visited
John Miller's, near Huston town,
Sunday. Mr. Miller has been
quite ill for some time, bnt we
are glad to hear he is better.
tuite a number of our people
attended the funeral of Mrs. Mc
Ilheny last Sunday.
Robert Fleming spent Sunday
with his parents here.
Fred Bowman and wife ha.'e
moved to the old Carmack man
sion. We extend to them a hearty
R. E. Brown spent last woek
atKeirney, with the family of
Ran M '.Donald.
tJ chrnrk' Maniimt! rill, havt 1.1
&4 been iu ui wlille imitator luivt f H
jj aieurrlttilcldiap;nrrtl. Noitlf-il- L'
ital tirtHratton could hold its
plr,o loti( without Kem.iiic merit.
P. crururK'c m.vnoAii: nine
"Uvcn the Liver."
! and cure Blltomneis, IJrer Com
, iluiut, lnrtiKt!tion , C'ltifttitmlinn,
TlruilHch. Mnxi,
mm, MHlftrin. Hmrtimra, Mtttu
Irncy, JhuihUc. etc,
IWIf VnUM. AkMlttUlf UamlM
For Aalt Kverywhert,
2S teuti Bus or by matt.
Dr. J. H. Sch.nck A 5oo.
PhlUdclDiila. Pa. S
1 J
v w vimv
u' L,
Pianos Organs !
Tho tindersini'd takes tliU
iii-thml of Infonnintf tlio ioolo of
Fulton county that he in prepared
to furnish High Grade I'i mo aud
organs nt pi hesthut nrj tltrai-tive.
He makes ft specialty of tlm
an instriiiiiont of national
rejiut a-
lion; and the
lieltijr a tlioniujihly trained
tuner, he In prepared ju Hliort no
tice to tune planus or repair or
gans. Satisfaction Cuaranteed.
A sample Lester I'iuno may ho
tet n in tho home of Geo. 13. Mel
lott, McConnellshuiy.
If you nie thinking of gettinjr
u piano or organ let me know. I
eim save you money.
l T
(Jwing to faihn;: health, I haye de
eiiled to otter for sale my Mill Proper
ty, si'iiiatcd at Webster M ills, Fulton
county, Va. Spbndid water power the
year round. Tho mill is one of the
best established in tiie county, was
thoroughly remodeled a year uj;o, and
is e nipped with the latest improved
Gyrator Machinery for the roller pro
cess. Terms to suit purchaser, call on or
V. II. Dl f.fv,
9 20 3m. Webster Mills, Pa.
Owing to failing health, and desir
ing to retire from business, I will close
out my entire stock of merchandise
consisting of Uardware of all kinds,
llanges, Stoves, Fencing VViro, Itar
Iron, Chamber Suits. Sideboards,
Mattresses, Carpets, i:c., either kt
cost to customers, -or the whole busi
ness to auy ono wishing to take it.
This is an excellent opportunity for
an energetic tnan, un;l an excellent 1
chance will lie given tho right man.
For further infornritlon call on or
Saltlllo, Fa.
Trespass Notice.
Tho undersigned hereby gives notice
that the lands and premises of tho Ful
ton County Rod and Gun Club, an or
gaiii.ation duly incorporated by the)
laws of Pennsylvania, situated in the i
townships of vVells and llrush Creek, !
county of Fulton und state of I'ennsyl j
vaniu, aio private properly, and that
all persons are warned not to trespass
on said lantls ana pr. nilses tor the
purpose of hunting, lUhing. gntlicring
nuts or b irries, on in any olivr man
ner whatever contrary to acts of as
sembly in Buch cases made and provid
ed as the law will br rigidly eufjrceil.
Fl'l.TliN CofNTY Ul AM) GlN (I.I'll,
SALV For Piles, Burns, Sores.
7 v j,u r.'
a H z)
V Y A . U
m W
Bed-room Suits
Mi' lh lfWa U tkd U3 b I i pJ&tetMtim
. 1.75 and $2 50. Commode, $2 5(1: Washstunds, $ 1.25, and up. Dress
ers, 10.50 and up. Hall Hacks, $7 and up. Chilioi'lers, tlO. Combination bookcase and writing desk,
1.1.75. Extension Tables, (l-ft. 5.H5: K-ft. $7.85 to t-H.40: 10 ft. 10 53. Dining-room Cliairs, :i.H0, 5 and
up to S.5i). Hoekers, 125 up to $:i".'0'; Jteed, J.) up to 40.50; Child's l and up. High-chairs, 1,15 und up.
Stands, 75o., up to il.50. G'asiS-ball feet St vnd, l.75. F.isels, Mirrors, Towel flacks, Fictures, l'icture
Frames made to oi (Ur, und a lot of oilier tilings In the lino of house furnishings. We also have a nice
line of Fresh Confections and Oysters fresh from Baltimore- Cime und look our Hue over whether yod
buy or not. Welcome to everybody.
Tcke LraXatlVe ISrOIRO llininO TaLIets.
Seven Million boxes sold In MatX 13 month. ThLt KJ?nstnre.
For 75 years the favorite family medicine for throat and Kings. XSfpifi?
I rHii''riiirirr,
il Fulton County Bank. 1
( urc.sNi'.r.o in is; )
-'3 lfr C'ont. Intor out Inlcl on Tlmt. Mrponll.
This old and well known Finniiciitl Institution Is now
permanently locutcd in its now room in the A. V. Naee build
ing. Largu uddillons have been made to tho
and the number of Stockholders has been increased to Ft F-
TKK.V, which gives all depositors a security of upward of
Two Hundred Thousand Dollars.
Thn Fulton County Dank does a GENF.UA1, I1AXK
INO HUSINICS3 or.d extends every favor to their patrons
aud friends, consistent with sound banking.
McConncilsbur, Pa. Cashier.
ktf lf 0 0 0 If 0
0n,0M0L00,0m00ji00 T V W W N ri7
Ladies' Long Coats
Just a word before we tell you about the coats we cow have.
Last year wo showed you a great many coats C. 15. Ci um
had been showing for years. We found it didn't pay to try
to sell out of style goods and in duly of this year wo sold
drum's coats to a Philadelphia .low and it is with pleasure we
tiller you a line of ladies', nilss"s and children's coals that
.lire absolutely fashion's latest- productions.
No matter when; else you go you will find coats which have
Inert carried from year to year, but b?ro you can feel safe
that you ium getting tin latest . 0;ir long coats for ladies'
lire priced :I.!H, $-1.50. S:li. $i. ."'!, , $, "if , $10, und 1.'.
Ilain coats run from t!) to $12 in several patterns,.
The young miss from S io 14 years has a w ide range of pat
terns to select from and t'u way we h ive b?en selling misses'
con's convinces us our line is right.
That little tot just beginning t toddle up to the , and li
year fellow may be bewitehingly dressed in a bear skin or
plush coat at economical figures. We want you to see our
coats before you buy no mutter whether you buy from us or
the other fellow.
We have suits for dress, for business or for knock about
use. ( Ivercoats, corduroy coals, corduroy pints, leather
coats. Iambs wool lined coats, rubber coats, duck coiiis and
hunting coats us well as Sweet, Orr - Co overalls and
blouses. Wo are iu position to liifiiish the boy most any
tiling he would want to wear In the clothing line.
lteuieuiber you arc not feeding the Rubber Trust when you
buy a pair of our rubber boots, rubber overs, feit boots, lum
berman socks and overs, for we have the Beacon Falls rtu li
ber Goods this year which moans you can have tho best if
you want them.
For Your Next Coat, Suit,
or Rubber Goods try
, Harry E. Huston, ' r
Saltillo, Pa.
is the people's paper,
a $1.00 Year in Advance.
Auditor's Nolle?.
Tin; ir ili-rslKiied, Audllur appoiuKMl )v the
tii plmns' Court of Kulleu eoutty t j puss uputt 1
Hie rxueptlcus to the llrst uuU uci-ouut of
J IJuru-n. AUiuinl trtitor o( the estttlu uf
Murirarct Dawney. tlt-cciiM-il, iiutl to uiiilie UIr
t. lout oa or the fuuUs lu Din unuouufntV
loir Us, liiTf.liy liivt-s notice that ho wl:l sit for
ll.-- pm rnr n i net! of his fliitluh, t his .mice Iu
McCouiiellsburK. on W'itliK-srtuy. lA-crmrer
1!MI, ut lOft'eluelc. A. M.. hi-u initl wheie ull
piii'tles Inieris i-il iniiy utieuil, If they sec
Nov. 21 Ofl St. Aud tor.
& SON,
Fast of Postollh
.1-pleeo. t---" and 27..V); S-)iLuce,
fiM, M 25, 1 .50, 5to10. Spring , $2.ii0 to :i.T5. Mattresses
$:i.5l, 1.1.75 to $5. Couches, 5.50 to ffVZ. Cot?, and 1 5. Cribs
To Cur a Cold in One Bay
rri r, . rfM I
0 v
Trespass Notice.
The undersigned horeby warns all
persons against trespassing on his
premises in Tod township, either by
hunting, gathering- nuts, berries,
grapes, or in any manner whatever
lie hos recently Buffered much damage
iy persons prowling over his farm,
a id fair notice Is now given that the
lav will be rigidly c-nfoiced against
all trespassers in the future,
2S.iVJ and tilJ 75. Iron lieds, $2.40
Cures Crip
In Two Days.
f every
OiwWL VOX, 25C.
Pal 1 k Winter
It has bezn rcporteJ I
was scHiiis out my entire
stock ol millinery 'tfooJs.
1 did sell at Auction all of
my old stock, and have
just received a full lot of
new floods, consisting of
Pattern Hats, Keady-to-Wear
Hats, Untiimmed
Hats, and a general line of
Millinery, and they are
now on sale. Remember .
to select from.
Come and see my goods
before buying elsewheie. v
as I know 1 can save you
Yours for Bargains,
i uae jisL reeiieu a line
lot of Cutter Sleighs at low
prices. 1'leuKo call und
I also have a lot of New
Buggies that I will run out ai
Cost n Carriage
while they last. Thanking the
piibllo for past favors, 1 tun
Yours very truly,
Hustontown. Pa.
Kennedy's Laxative Honey tnd Ta
Cures all Couoas, and expels Colds front
the tystem by gently movlno tbe bowels.
Situate iu Taylor township, on tho
road leading from Hustontown to the
Robertsdale market, containing FIO
acres; 100 acres cleared, of which
about 50 acres are line meadow land:
balunco in timber. Good state of cul
tivation. Good House, pump at the
door. Barn,' -15x70. Terms easy,
Call .on, or address
A. t.,
! -0 tf. Hustontown, Pa..
Safe, Quick, Reliable Regulator
Snpnrloi to othir re"iMllwi lrt nt hfttli Trli. "
f-iirH tfiinrHnira. bii'-i-t-Hiifullv iim.I hy nvr
'JUO.OOU YV'Dmrn. rrli-r. v3 ViiIn. itriin
Klum r ly nutil. Tebllui"tilnU A IkhjUIvI fre.
Dr. L.l'rauco, l'LIIudol plilu, l'a.
KILLthe gouch
. imiiKiI a
flew Discovery
FOB Uffi
Froa Trial.
Surest anii tluicliest (Jure lor all
I, J A.V A Z
nnvwo x.,33iMrxai3"x:'
urmliK-cs lino re-nllk Iu 30 !. It nets
nowei-liilly iihilquklily. wht-u niherafull.
lniiiiK muni-iiti i'i-i.'alii tli'-li- liihtS.jiintKxiit. uml
elil men limy iccnver tlielr youlliliil vl:or l.v
UNliirf ICl:VIVt. Itqiik-kly a.-id oulutly n
mev.n Nervousness. iMHi Viuilliy, Seiunl
Wealmpsv such us Lust I'ewer. 1-Vlliiiu Mi inurv
WantiUki Ukiciisi, uii.l effci-tBof n.'it-uliiive in
cxvhkh und lnUiH. ri tl(in, wnU-b unIIIh iuo (nr
Htuily. buxIneHs or nmrriui'e. Ji not only vutvn
by .l;irtl'iK nt tlio suit nl r.i-easn. hut in u Rr;ut
IKI-vt) lollir Kill) IiIoikI lull III r, LirliiKliiK
liiu-k ilin .lnk tlnv lo imle do-elm uml ,,.
hiki inn tlio lli-o ol youili. It wanls ot ki.
Iiriiuoiilutjdli-easo. insist unhuvlnu III.VIVO,
iiootlinr. It tun b ui rli-il in vest nK-knt. Hv
i.uill.H.OO per imiikavu. or six for i.0O. Vv u
Hive tn-ii mlvluo nail i-om-.sel to ull who wish U
with Kiiiiriiii e. f hculiirii fioo. Ail.ln-ss
ROYAL MtDlCINE CO., Marin Bldu.. Chicago, IU
For salo iu MtConnollribur ut
V. S. Dicksou'a drag store.
I.ADlIts t Ask your PruRKlut for
k your IruBclt for A
I'll.l.rt in ki n ami A
..nlcJ with Hliir(O)
ootiiku. liuvof vonr V
for lll.fllk-im V
wlj lCH KS- I HK. 8
(ol.i metallic boio
l) mul ask for ' lll.t llks.i l
kwetiiy-nve yeum knowu un itr-st, huirst, Al
ffnvM Rlishlr. rold l.y 1 IrngKisU rvrt y wllt-re.
CII1CI1USTKK I'll KM l: A I, CO., I'lllLA., fA.