Iiort Ilohman butchered a hog for John V. Svnitoaslo last wi'ck that dreasod 414 pounds. Need a ijooil cathartic ? A pill is best. Say a pill like DeWitt's Little Ki'l Kisprs. About the most reliableon tin? in ark ft. Sold at Trout's drujj store. I P. Shivea has purchased oue of the Davy IVitilo lots m Fast End and has broken ground for a new dwelling houso. Mr. Shives has rented his firm in Thompson to his brother in law, Leo Cattlett. The Chambersburg papers say that Captain Skinner, with sever al other gentlemen has a project on hand Tor the building of a trol ley toad from Shippcnsburg to Koxbury, theuco through the gap in the mountain bv Guuter's Kun t Ambtrson's Valley, around the Knob to Spring Kun, thetica to Dry Kun and Concord. Preventics, as the name im plies, prevent all colds and grippe when "taken at the sneeze stage." Preventics are toothsome candy tablets. Preventics dissipate all colds quickly, and taken early, when you first feel that a cold is coming, they check and prevent them. Preventics are thorough ly safe for children, and as effect ual for adults. Sold and recom mended in " cent and 23 cent box es at Dicltson's drug store. C. M. Unj;er, a trusted employe in the Freight yards of the P. R. 11., Altoona, was home on busi ness a few days during the past week. He has arranged with Sloan Warthim and Henry Ilann to go on his timber Innd in Ayr township, with their steam saw mill and cut out theluin ber which ha will have shipped to the rail road company at Altoona, where he will get a good price for it. If you like Coffee but dare not drink H, try Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee. It is true that real Cof . fee does disturb the stomach, heart and kidneys. But Dr. Shoop's Health Colleo has not a gr.iiir. of true coffee iu it. Being made from parched grains, malt, etc., it forms a wholesome, food like drink, yet having the true llavor of Old Java and Mocha Cof fee. "Madi in a minute." Call at our store for a free sample. Sold by E K. McClain. M. E. Ch ireh, for Sunday Dec. 2nd, IW6. Fort Littleton. Sabbath school, !:.'!() a. m.; Preaching ser vice, 10:0a. m.; Epworth League, 7;00 p. m. McCounelisburg. S ibbath school, 'J:30a. m ; Class meeting, 10:o0 a. no.; Junior Epworth League, L':00 p. cri.; Senior Ep worth League, G:17 p. m.; Pleach ing services, 7:00 p. m.; Mission ary Prayer meeting Wednes day, 7:00 p. ra. Kuobsville. lievival services still continue with increasing in terest. Services every evening except Saturday evening. Song service begins promptly at 7 p. m. John Coxmov Gi;imi:s, Pastor. Fortunate Missourians. "When I was a druggist at Liv onia, Mo.," writes T. J. Dwyer, now of Graysville, Mo., "three of my customers were permanently cured of consumption by Dr. King's New Discovery, and are well aud strong to day. One was trying to sell his property and move to Arizona, but after using New Discovery a short lime he found it unnecessary to do so. I regard Dr. King's New Discovery as the most wonderful medic:ne in existence." Surest cough and cold cure and throat and lung healer. Guaranteed at Trout's drugstore. 50c and 1. Trial bottle free. CLEAR KIDOH. Corn husking season has about closed. Emery Wible, of Altoona, has moved to his farm lately purchas ed from his mother. Isaac Hortou, of Ilarrisburg, spent a few days with friends ind relatives in tins community recently. Sadie Wilson and Minnie Grove apent part of Sunday with Rosie Mort. DEATHS FBOM APPENDICITIS decrease in the same ratio that the use of Dr, King's New Life Pills increases. They save you from danger and bring quick and painless release from constipa tion and the ills growing out of it. Strength and vigor elwaya follow their use. Guaranteed at Trout's drug store. 252. Trv them. School Report. Tin1 number ol pupils p i rolled in the Primary kIioo! of McCon j nellsburg.ui ing the third month, j was .'!; average attendance, !J7: per cent, of attendance, us. The following pupils attended every day duiiug the month : An tin Mary 3ipes, Helen Bender, Mm crva Pittman, Mary and Fred Fisher, Coldioand Parker Tritle, Lucie and Raymond Gris'sit.j.'er, Dorothy and Ross Ilannl, Charles and McCauley Lynch, Dwight and Harry Stcacli, Peto aud Mac Morton, Norman Doyle, Eirl Ev erhart, John Stoulcagle, Frank Thompson, Walter Largent, llol lis U'ible, Pierce Henry, John Su ders, Wayne Taylor, Guy Reed, Albert Rodcay. Olive Grissing er, teacher. Piles quickly and positively cured wita Dr. Shoop's Magic Oiutment. It's made for piles alone aud it does the work sure ly and with satisfaction. Itch ing, painful, protruding, or blind piles disappear like magic by its use. Lare Nickel-Capped glass jars, ."0 cents. Sold and recom mended at Dicksou's drug store. Surprise Party. On Thursday, November lath, the home of George Miller, at Webster Mills, was the scene of a joyous event occasioned by the celebration of Mrs. Miller's iiDth birthday. About half past 10 o' clock, her friends aud neighoors began to arrive, laden with btick ets, baskets, and boxes. After greetiugs had been exchanged, and a little social conversation in dulged in, all sat down to a table that groaued beneath its load of good thiugs such as rolls, b'ead, cakes, cold ham, chickens, jellies, tea, coffee, and many other appe tizing things. Mrs. Miller was the recipieut of quite a number of useful pres ents to remind her of the event. About 4 o'clock in the evening, all returned to their homes, feeling that time was not lost .iu spend ing a day in social intercourse with friends aud neighbors. Those that were there, were : Nat Kotz, wife and son Paul; John Lake and wife, Riley Peck, Mrs. Chas. Vores, Mrs. Cather ine Vores, Will Summers, w,fe aad children, and Henry Everts and wife all of McConnellsburg; E." B. Lake, of North Dakota, Mrs. Harriet Mellott and daugh ter Rosa; Mrs. John Mellott and daughter Blanche; Oliver MeHott, wife and son all of Gem; Mrs. Robert Graham and daughttr Georgie, of Webster Mills. A MOUNTAIN OP 00LD could not bring as mucn happi ness to Mrs. Lucia Wilke, of Car oline, Wis., as did one 25c box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, when it completely cured a running sore on her leg, which had tortured her i3 loug years. (Jreatest an tiseptic healer of piles, wounds, and sores. 25c at Trout's drug store. He Knows How. Last Saturday noon, Johnnie Car mack, near Dublin Mills, took down his gun and started out for a little game for Sunday dinner, lie did not have much time to waste, a id so at the end of an hour from the time he started, he returned home with a rabbit and a 15 pouud wild turkey. Be sides killing the rabbit and the turkey, he also on the same trip, shot and killed a hawk that meas u red four feet and four inches, tri m tip to tip. Good for everything a salve is used for and especially recom mended for piles. That is what we say of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. On the market for years and a standby in thousands of families. Get DeWitt's. Sold at Trout's drug store. Cumberland Valley Trains Leave Fort Loud m at 7.-12 a. ra., 11.47 a. m., 2.43 p. m.; leave Mer cersburgat8.04a. m., 12 07 p. :n., and 3.05 p. m. Arrive at Mercersbursr at 7.47 a. Hi., 10.29 a. m., and 5.53 d. m. Loudon, 8.07 a. m., 10.18 a.m., and 6.13 p. m. Hides Wanted. The undesigned will pay for green hides free from cuts, the following prices : Steers and heifers, 10c; sows, J)c; bulls, He; calf-skins, CO to 80c.; tallow, 4c. Cut hides, 1 cent a pound less than foregoing prices; salted hides, 11 to 12 cents. Pait. .Wagnkk. 1 Sale Register. Friday, November 30.- Denton Uendershot, administrator of the estate of Rachel Hill, lateof Beth el township, decease!, will sell at the residence of .lib L Hill, near Sideling Hill postolhVe, Cow aud Calf. Hay, Grain, and Household Goods. Sale begius at 10 o'clock. Saturday. December 1. Dora E. McGowan will sell at Burnt Cabins the personal property of the late Mary E Johusoo, decea ed, consisting of household goods o. Sale to begin at 1 o'clock, p. in. sharp. Saturday; December 8 Geo. B. Daniels, administrator of San son Liuehart, deceased, will sell Real Ettato of said deceased, in Betnel township. Sale at I o' clock, p. in. Thursday, March 7. Chrisliau Martin, having rented his farm, and intending to quit farming, will sell athisresidence, twomiles south of McConnellsburg, horses, cattle, hogs, farming implements, haj', corn, and household goods. Sale begins at 9 o'clock. A GUARANTEED CUKE FOR PILES. Itching, blind, bleeding or pro ti uding piles. Druggists refund coney if Pazo Ointment fails to ?.ire any case, no matter of how i-jug standing, iu 6 to 14 days. ''irst application gives ease and .est. 50c. If your druggisthasn't it send 50c in stamps and it will e forwarded post-paid by Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. Surprise Party. Last Saturday as Edward Lin- j inger, of Dutchtowu, Franklin I county, wis busy hnskiug corn, ' he was not a little alarmed at an imperative summons to come to the house quicnly. Losing no time he was in the presence of his family in short or.der almost out of breath only, to find his house full of kind friends and neighbors who had assembled to have a good time and inci leutally to enjoy a bis; turkey dinner, and there was no disappointment iu a; y of their expectations. The party was made up of Nat Kotz, wife, and thro children; Mrs. Geo. Fin i IT, Jr., aud two children; P. L. Finiir, wife, and daughter; Mrs. Joe Erlsmau, Mrs. Henry Everts, aud Samuel Kotz and wife. The two Mrs. Finiff are sisters of Mrs. Lininger, and daughters of Nat Rotz. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES Itching, blind, bleeding, pro truding piles. Druggists are au thorized to refund money if Puzo Ointment fails to cure in C to 14 days. 50c. Surprise Party. A great surprise was given to Mrs. James Mumma last Wednes day on her (iHth birthday auniver sary, when her many friends and neighbors gathered bringing with them a largo supply of good thiogs to eat. Her daughter, Mrs. John Raker, conceived the idea of sur prising her mother, an 1 she did it satisfactorily. Mrs. Mutr. ma received many useful aud valuable presents Mr. Muni iu a was mIso pleased with the occas'on, for his large field of orn was husked by his kind triends. Present were Chas. Stevens and famih; George Laidig and wife; N. I. Pin ill", wife and daugh tor; Harvey Mum ma, wife aud two sous; Mrs. ,A brier (Jhilcotn and children; Mrs. Anna Haun, John Laidig and wife; Prar.k Davis and wife; John Raker and wife; S. 11 Uockensmith and wife; Mrs. John Wipes, Mrs. Daniel Laidig, Mrs. Charles Deshouir, Leonard Hock insmith and family; Lillian Sipe, Mary Ewing, Bess Raker, Clara Laidig, Beatrice Wagner, Otis Ilockensiriitb, Melvin Chiicote, Bud, Norman and Harvey Raker, Roy Lai Jijr, Elmer Chilcot", and James Davis. Postmaster Robbed. G. W. Pouts, Postmaster at Rivorton, la., nearly lost his life and was robbed of all comfort, according to his letter, which says : "Por 20 years I had chron ic liver complaint, which led to such a severe case of j iundtco that even my finger DaiU turned yellow; when my doctor proscrib ed Electric Bitters.; which cured me and huva kept mo well for eleven years." Sure euro for biliousness, neuralgia, weakness, and all stomach, liver, kidney and bladder derangements. A won derfulTonic. At Trout'a drug store, fiO cents. WINTER IILONERY. Trimmed and I'ntrlmmpsl Velvet Hats, 'Felt Hats, College Hats, Children's Tarns, Infants Cups, Tobuguuns, Velvet and Silk Hoses, Wings, Pinnies, etc1. Ribbons, Ribbons, Dress Materials, White Silk, Black Silk. Plain, Plaid and Fancy Silk, Velvet, Silk, Mohairs, Cloth, Voile, Tricot. WAISTINGS ! Dress Trimming ! QraUtt, All-over Laces, Kmbroidery, New Holts, F.iiintitors, Corsets ! (.orseto ! Corsets ! FURS ! FURS ! FURS! Ladies' and Children's Knit Fiidcrwr-ar. X, J. Wiener, Hancock, Maryland. llanncr Patterns! Banner Patterns! Host trade prices paid fur eggs and poultry. M'CLAIN'S New Grocery Store! Full and up-to-date line of G rocerles, . Confections, Cigars, and To bacco. I am prepared to ive The Teach ers of the county a special rate on Holiday Candies and Oranges. . I have a line line of Comia and Sou venler Postals, While you are in town institute week call and see me as I can give you some . good pi ices on Candy and Oranges. COME ! COME ! COME ! a V 7? C en o U. M CLAIN, NEW YORK STYLES FOR INSTITUTE Institute, is drawing near We lmv3 sent a speriul order to New York for tints, feathers, ribbons, bells and eollu rs -all of the. latest styles for institute week, which we will sell at u small prol'it. We expect to ive one and all the greatest bargains they ever received in millinery during- institutes. We still have a few dress skirts, petticoats, shist waists, chil dren's to.jues and hoods, which wn will close out ut cst. If you need anything in this line you cannot allord to miss these great bargains and pay more money elsewhere for the same goods." A1J huts trimmed free un'd a fancy hut pin given with each hat purchased ut our store.' MRS. A. E. LITTLE McConnellsburg. Opposite STEVENS & RAKER'S Bargain Store, For First Fall Days Wc Have The Goods. FALL AND WINTER. Underwear coining in at prices that will surprise you. Ivershoes, Iggins and liubber Goods now on hand at a cl:ui-sweeping price goods that we commenced buying as early as April and May. We have a full line of oming cloth at He., a yd., gingham uml cali coes as low as Sc. a yd. Muslins, shirtings, seersuckers, llanuoletts, at low prices. Men's cords from'ijil.-Kt up, GLASS joq ;'ui'nd (iOc u dozen while they last. We still have a few dozen tin cans thut we are closing out for DKe. TAR ROPE (lrbl l'luss Sisal twine c. lb., ropo halters and 1!h!.,. web hulters :iu aud 4)C, harness pads that wo are selling for from M to 4(lc. SHELLS ! Shells ! "Winchester and u.M.C. shells , '.i and 31 dram of po-dor, all size shot first class for -lie. a box. Crocks from i to 2 gallon each, prices 4 to 10c. each; 2 gallons 2Uc. A full line of groceries that we sell as low as the lowest, and for S1IOK3 don't fall t j try Stevens & I taker before you buy. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange, wheat, 7.ie; rye, title; oats, IIOc; onions, 7.1c, and country lard 10c. Potatoes JSc. , Call and see us. No trouble to'show you goods if you don't buy lloripeutfully yours, Stevens & Raker, Clear Ridge, Pa. HIDES. JamoH Sipes fc Som pay 10, 13, and Kic a pound ca,su, for beef hide at their butcher shop lo McConnellsburjr, also highest price paid for calf skins, si eepskins aud talbw- Subscribe for the News. "5; f r-r...-, .i t !.K 11 .'iv.vrilll'.ll3mu II, 1 V" Rostoffice. For sale at Trout's druj?(tore. LEWIS H. WIBLE, FRANK PRESIDENT. ATTORNEY W. SCOTT ALEXANDER VICi PRIOfNT. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OFM'CONNELLSBURG, PA. Will pay 3 per cent, interest per annum on all time deposits. The Bank has increased In business rapidly ami It is now ready lo share iu earnings with its depositors, thus giving them a safe invest ment at liinno, Not inn the growth during the first live months busi ness. Total rejouroes at close of biisines April 21,1'U;, $71,333.03; 3Iay'24tht $80,711.41; June 23rd, $01,485.30; July 24th. $101,023.11; August 24lh, 3112,000.00. If you cannot call In person, send your deposits by mail, they will receive prompt attention. directors: LETWI8 H. WIBLE, JNO. P. CIPE3. . UNO A. HENRY; W. SCOTT ALEXANDER. PETER MORTON. GEO. A. HARRIS. D. L. GRISSINviER, R.M.KENDALL, CHAS. E. BARTON. oooooooooooooo ocooooooocoo O . n 9T1ITT nKrm i.THTn i y h i s he ii Ea fa i ill v i o 9 . I have spent some ies buying fall and winter goods. I offer you a line of goods that can not be matched except in the city stores. Ladies', misses and childrens LONG COATS. at any price. Also a Beautiful line, of Readv trimmed Hats. Latest Patterns in Dress Goods, either home or imported cloth. Carpets at 25, 30,35, 50. 75c, and $1 per yd. Heating Stoves, $0, $8, $10, 15. $20, and $22.50 each. Cooking btoves, $13, $15, 520, $25, 30 each. Iron Bedsteads, 51.35, 52.50. $3.50, 35. Chamber Suits 20 to 25 each. Rockers 1.25 to 3 each. FANCY PORTLAND CUTTERS 20 to 30 each. Bob Sleds 16 to 24 per set. VVooven Fence 22 to 50 cents per rod. Top Buggies 40 to 65 each. Anything you need to eat, use or wear at a low price. CLAY PARK, O Three Springs, Pa. o OOOQOOOOCOOOO oooooooooocoo Seasonable A large variety of Ladies', Misses and Children's Cloalt3, JacKets and Long Coats, from 2 to 10. We scored a phenoni inal success with that last season, and that is why ye have the present collection. See Our Clothing ! No matter what the price ours IU perfectly also, full of style, shape and sterling service The best meu's dress over coats In Fulton county for fco. Storm Overcoats, 4.,"i0; Water prof Coats, $2.50; Storm Dross Overcoats, flue ltain Coats, $12.50 and f 14. Boys' Cord Pants, 4 'c, Youths' Men's $1.25, Men's- fine cords, lined through, $2. Men's working coats, $1, $1.25, and $1.50. Men's and Boys' Cord Caps 25c. Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! 8 Our shoo trade was never better, and our stock never larg er, than now even though the price of leather is much higher than in former years. High cut storm shoes, in black and tun leuthor. Saino as wo handled last year and by curly buying, price Is sunie as last your. Felt boots for men, women and chil dren. See our line of Lei clios' Furs in bow scarfs and mulls. A' lino line of cotton, wool aud leather gloves. The largest line of Blankets we eicr had. .Lurge full gizd n,t f...f hi Dross Goods In all the new elTeets. Shirt waist Patterns, no two alike. Out ing cloth, canton flannels, muslins, ginghams, prints, wool llau nelettos, itc. You remember the underwear for men of last year nt 75o. per suit, the same this year, and ladies' ai 4"e. per suit. Boys and, Youths, same price lis before. Men's fleeced lintd heavy shirts (blue) at ;) and 45e. Trunks, suit cases, carpets, win dow shades, horse blankets, aud carriage robes, grain S. K. 8. cotton batting. J. K. Johnston? McConnellsburg. DYSPEPSIA CURE DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT . , Tte 1 .OA Mti oonUln. )H MotMlka irUI m, wblek mttlmH i 'L B. C XUT7ITT COXZPJUiY. CIUCAC re- Ask tor Kodol'a 1906 ilJmanao and P. LYNCH. AND SOLICITOR. MtftRIL W. NACE, ' CASHIER. O. FRANK HENRY, AJT. CAOHItK, 6 time in the Eastern Cit GOODS FOR WEATHER AT PRICES. m 'i S3 if. 8 pa Si r3 200 Year Calander