The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, November 08, 1906, Image 8

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    If you svunt ' . p -r 1 '
your butter, .V.. per Uoz. lor
effs, Tor jut bnsho fur onion
take theui to llustou, at Saltillo.
Charles FCelley, who has been
employed in Altoona for so m ohm"
Is viiti:iy Ins parcuts, C ru i
Kylley an. wife in tins place. !
N'eedla u I catliarti'j? A pill
is beat. Say a pill lile PoWiU's
I'Ulii Karl' Ki-frs. About llio
nio-t reliable on the market. Sold
n!. Trout's drusr store.
Miis Iviviiui Lou;,', of tvi-ii Knd,
has in her possession a flowered
Migar ' owl 17." years old; also, a
book that was presented i" one
of her ancestors in JxOt'i.
David lloupt and two of his
f i iends catne ovur fiom William
sou and attended the (Jerman
Uaptist tnoeti'-fr n their re- j
turn they took dinner with Mr. '
ll'iupt's aunt, Mrs. Harbara j
lloupt, and her sister, Miss La-1
vma Long. I
(!ood for everything a
u;ed for and especially recom- ""'""V118""1'1 ,u uai'F"UBU
mended for , -ties. That is what i G,ax,er Resident.
r n w.. u ii. fhe questions were well clis
we say of DeWitts Witch Hazel; , , .
o i .i i .,.. .. cussed by tho nve teachers pres-
Salve. On the market for years! J
and a standby in thousands of
families. Get DeWitt's. Sold at
Trout's dru",' store.
I'. K Daw so. , Hancock, lias i
made application lor a patent on .
au automobile wheel. The wheel j
is so arranged as to distribute '
t,n woirrht ,,f tho over t.bp i
tire of the wheel. A factory to !
tni'uufacture whreU euonsrh to
supply manufacturers of automo- i
bile uart. willemnlov 3 )00 people. I
The familiar face of our old j
friend James A. Mumma, of Sa j
iuvia, was seeu iu toivn last Sat-
urday. James says they raised ;
live nice turkeys this year, and j
were looking forward to a Christ !
mas roast, when their hopes were
partially blasted a lew days ago,
bv some "hunter
shooting and !
carrying otT
two of the nicest
I'revcntics, as tho name mi- ;
plies, prevent all colds and grippe I
when "taken at the sneeze stage." ,
Preventics are toothsmne candy ;
tablets. Preventics dissipate all j
colds quickly, and takeu early, j
when you first feel that a cold is ;
coming, they check and prevent
them. Preventics are thorough
ly safe for children, and as effect- ',
ual for adults. Sold and recom-
mended iu ." cent and '2j cent box
es at Dickson's drug store. j
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Funk ;
and their two children Florence i
ami Wilson, of the Eastern Shore,
Md., were iu town from Monday ;
uiiUl yesterday shaking hands i
with their old friends and mak-1
iug new acquaintances. Mr. !
Funk, who is well remembered,
as a former popular proprietor of 1
the City Hotel, is u -w an mlluen-1
tial and prosperous citizen of the j
Modu mental Strto.
Keep your eye on the advertise
mcnts in the News. It is as much
advantage to you to know where
to lind what y')u want, as it is to
the merchant to serve you. Our
advertisers are enterprising peo
pie, w ho have learned that the
way to make themselves useful is
to L-t the public know what they
have to sell, and then give the
public a "square deal" when they
go to their stores. The new ad
vertisements this week ate
llui;v liender, Racket Store,
Win ll.Ludwig, l';.i;iionds and
Mi.. A F. Little, Millinery.
Denton Eeudershot, of Bethel,
spent l.ii Friday night in the
hniue of Lis brothor-in law, Frank
P. Lynch, Esq., of this place. Mr.
Ueudershot's family have been
fortunate with their po.iltry this
season, and bavu ready for the
holiday markutabuut linturkeys,
70 ducks, besides chickens, guin
ea, and pigeons galore. Among
his fowls is ,i curiosity in the
shape of a duck with four oars.
If that ducit sliould happen to de
cide to take a trip up Salt River,
the two leggt d ducks would not
bo "in it."
I'ontmaMer Kobhcil.
;. V. Knits, Postmaster at
U'vurUm, la., nearly lost his life
and '."'us robbed of h!I comfort,
nccordirif.' to his letter, which
nays : "For L'i years had chroii
in liver com(.laint, which led to
hucli a Hoveru ae of jumdice
that even my linger ijh.iI - turned
nlli)w; when my doctor pi K(.'ih
ed lilectric Bitters; which cured
mo aud kept rne well for
l. vi"ii yivii's, " 'Sure currf f"r
biliousness, neuralgia, weuknens,
and all stomach, liver, kidney and
bladder derangements. A won
der fl Tonic. At Trout's drug
store. 50 cents.
The Nov Century (iuilil.
'1 !' in'Mtln'i ni:, (if fa i huh t-
ilotiati-d l v liiMiiiheiH of the New
UfctilU'.v Guild, v ill it held at
he hi me of Mrs (.Jen. Keisner,
n Sa urd.iy, November Kill, at,
L':.'iO p in.--Bess l'attei soii, !-.
A MOUNTAIN (IF 001.1) .',
mild not briny as trmcn happi
ness to Mrs. Lucia Willie, of Our-
"line, Wis , as did one "."i; box of
itucklen's Arnica Salve, wIimi it
i '.oni pi i tely cured a ruitniiifj: sore
u her Itjr, 'vhich hiid tortured
icr :iu 'o"' years. Greatest an
iisejitii' healer of piles, wounds,
md son's. L"c affront's dm??
Editcatiuna! Meeting.
Ttio Unrd educational inoetini;
if Ayr towuship, was held at the
'i-'anuery school, Friday even inf.',
October Jil'ith. The meetinic was
. ailed to order bv Hi ) teacher,
i -i, ii- i i 'P.,
oni- oome excellent reciiaiious
were rendered by the school.
!arrie Humbert, secretary-
1'iles quickly and positively
-ured witn Dr. Snoop's Magic
'mtment. It's made for piles
.done and ll does the work sure-
and with satisfaction
in r, painful, protruding1, or blind
nsapp;ar line magic ny us
"e. Lars.e. Nicie. Capped glass
u s, fiO cents. .S")kl and recotn
nended at Dickson's druif stole.
Norris E. Hoover, of Mount
nion, and C. H. Hoover, ofl'it
cairn, are spentut g some tun"
.vitn their parents in this place.
They also expect to do some old-
iiine hunting,
i Rev. Emorj' Stevens, our new
presiding elder, preached a very
I impressive sermon here last Sun
; day morning, which was followed
; ; y the funeral services of M. 0.
I Eamberson's daughter, Ruth, in
he afternoon. Rev. Daniels con
cluded the services, and preach
; ed a very able sermon.
Rabbit hunting and politics are
, i ho topics of the day here in town,
1 nut the one will soon be dropped
old some other taken up.
j (tuite a num ber of teachers and
others from here attended the
i institute at Gracey last Friday
i Elmer Horton, of Pitcairu, is
i spending a week or two hunting
I in this part of the country.
Forlunale Missourians.
"When I was adru'irist at Liv
onia, Mo.," writes T. J. Dwyer,
now of (iraysville, Mo., "threes of
my customers were jiermanently
rued of consumption by Dr.
King's New Discovery, aud are
well and strong to day. One was
trying to sell his property and
move to Arizona, but after using
New Discovery a short time he
found it unnecessary to do so. I
regard Dr. King's New Discovery
as the most wonderful medicine
in existence." Surest cough and
col.1 cure and throat aud lui g
healer. (Guaranteed at Trout's
drugstore. 7(H: and si. Trial
bottle free.
The local institute at Uracey
last Friday evening was well at
tended. Six teachers of the town
ship were present; also, Prof. 13.
C. Lainberson, of McConnells
burg, who gave good talks on the
( uestious.
James L. and Edwin S. Cloven
ger, of Pittsburg, spent a few
weeks with the family of their
father Llirarn Clevenger during
corn husking, and hunting while
they wei'3 not husking corn.
Harvey Clevenger is visiting
relatives in '.'ittsburg, having ac
companied James and Edwin on
their return.
K.ilph llergstresser received a
severe wound in the thumb from
a -evolver which ho was carrying
on Friday evening. Another
warning to bo cat eful in handling
such weapons.
Chuonc.o llerkstrcsser, who is
employed it: Altoona, is visiting
relaties in this township.
Cumberland Valley Train
Leave Fort Loud on at 7. IL'a. m ,
11.47 o. m., 2.43.p m.; leave Mer
cersburgatH.Ol a in., VI n"p. :.,
and :!.U5 p. m.
. Arrive at Mercembursr at 7.47
a. ui., 10.28 a. m., and 't.VA p. m
Loudon, 8.07 a. m., 10.48 a.m.,
and 0.13 p. m.
Curt! lit Thin ks.
Wilson L. ('line ti nil ("enivh 'er
'lsli ! extend li.-n 1 t 1 fe.L
lha jl:s tin o'Jjfh the eoiuinns oi
this paper, to the n nuy ii i.-i rl
and nei)i,hliors, w o mi r.nxtiv u
sisted ( urinir the swknt s in l
death of their dea:- wife ilin
ltchnif, blind, bleedinir, pi
trudiny piles. Druggists an' u
llioi iz id to refund money if ll '--A
Ointment fails to euro in 0 ti I I
lays. 5"c.
W. 0. Rohsnn, Dead.
The name ef w, O. Uobson is
familiar to every one of the quar
ter of amillion members of the
Uoyal Arcanum. He was the
!irst and only , secretary of the
Supreme Council up to the time
of his death, which occurred at
I hishomeatWellesleyllills, Mass ,
in the L'Hli ull. Alfred T. Turn
er, of Boston, has beeu appointed
to succeed Mr. Kobsou until au
election shall be held.
take Laxative Bromo Quinine
Tablets. Druggists refund mon
?y if it fails to cure. E. W. G rove's
signature is on each box. L'"e.
Local Institute.
The second local institute held
it Gracey last Friday night, was
ailed to order by the teacher. II.
I'. Barton, who was relieved by
die president of the institute, 1).
Iv. Chcsuut, immediately biking
'lis station.
The house was crowded and
he questions were well discus.?
d by tho seven teachers preseni,
ilie literary work was good, and
tine order prevailed. Adjourned
to meet iu two weeks at Huston
town. W. V. Hoover, sec'y.
ilecrease in the same ratio' that
the use of Dr. King's New Life
Pills increases. They save you
from danger and bring quick and
painless release from constipa
tion and the ills growing out of it.
Strength and vigor clways follow
their use. Guaranteed at Trout's
drugstore. U5c. Try them.
Sale Kcgistcr.
Saturday, November 17, Beam
er ( Jress will sell at his residence
H mile west of Knobsville, hors
es, cattle, hogs sheep, farming
implements, corn, feed, cic. Sale
iiegius at 10 o'clock.
Thur; Uay, November 15. Clar
i.-iice Cooper will sell at his resi
deuce near Iiockhtll schoolhouse,
1J miles southwest of McCon
nellsburg, " horses, 5 cattle, hogs,
farming implements, 100 bhls. of
corn, and many other article.
Sale begins at 10 o'clock. Credit
one year.
Wednesday, November L'l. 11.
M. Strait, having routed his farm
and intending to engage iu other
business, will sell on the home
jla:;e three miles south of Salu
via, horses, cattle, hogs, hay,
grain, and farming implements,
and many other articles. Sale
begins at 10 o'clock. Credit 9
Itching, blind, bleeding or pro
ti uding piles. Druggists refund
x oney if Pao Ointment fails to
ire any case, no matter of how
iuug standing, in 0 to 14 days.
First application gives ease and
.est. 50c. If your druggisthasn't
ic send 50c in stamps and it will
oe forwarded post-paid by Paris
Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo.
Hides Wanted.
The undesigned will pay for
green hides free from cuts, the
fo, towing prices : Steers aud
heifers, 10c ; sows, !c.; bulls, he;
calfskins, (idtoHiic.; tallow, 4c.
Cut hides, 1 cent a pound less
than foregoing prices; salted
hides, 1 1 to VI cents.
L'.U'K Wacnkk.
Hit Kcv. Irl K. hicks IW Almanac.
The Kev. Irl li. JJicks lias been
compelled by the popular de
m'uid to resume the publication
of his well known and popular Al
rnanac for l'.):7. This splendid
Almanac is now ready. Fur sale
by newsdealers, or sent postpaid
for l!o cents, by Word and Work
Publishing Compauv, tt) Locuht
Street, St. LouN, Mo., publishers
of Word and Works, one of the
best dollar monthly roajjaztne. in
America. One Almanac with ev
ery subscription.
Justice S Equality
L.lip' Fancy
Plaid Coats,
Stylish Long
Coils and Cliil
(iri'ii's toats.
Hancock, Md.
T'iiiI ilelies improvements. Small mill useful Trimmed und t liti im-
meil Kelt Huts. Velvet llut, col
cut", tobojrguns. Velvet an 1 silk
white silk, black Mlk,
j Mohairs,
Silks,! Voiles, Panama, j Serges,
Cloth, j Tricot, j Melton.JjA'aistings
Dress Trimming
shuw Is,
nil-over laces mid einlirnidery, new
veliiii'. lui tulkeivli iefs, wool lm-,i
Corsets ! Corsel
Jmlie.-s umi clii Mii'iis Unit n m nvrar.
Uanncr Patterns! lianner Patterns
liest trade prices paiii T"ir i ;ts mi l poultiy.
I have a full and up-to-date line of Gro
ceries, Confections, Cigars and Tobacco -all
fresh nothing stale
Don 't forget about i hat
for Horses, Cattle, S.f. sep and Swine. I am
getting some good replies from it.
IVould be glad to i iveyour Eggs in ex
change for goods orf or cash.
Try me the next time you need anything in
my line.
M e C o n n e s b u r g , Pa .
At Mrs. A. I Little's li UnJersellinn Store,
McConnoll k buro;.
We have just received from New York a beautiful assortment
of millinery foods -bright, ei-ls i and iuw, at imapprouchahlo
prices. Come around and take :i look at I hem, ami bring your
friends aloii".'- Vou will iind all I'm latest and best styles, in this
store, pertaining to houdgiJiir: and. moKt likely at much lower
prices than you reiily exuectod.
We lielieve la doing a lively b isluess; and the proper way to
do this is, to keep the right styles and sell them utthe right prices.
After inspecting our stock jmu will iiiickly oirie to the con
clusion that we are th" rigli1, peo;i'i to see in inilliii r .
Hy the way, we have made, uivaugeinents with u leading New
York Wholesale douse 10 make in shipments of the latest things
in millinery as they spring inl i taslnon as the season slides
along. You can certainly save t ime and money hy dealing with
us, us our assortment is purlieu) xrly ut tractive aud prices are
Hindu to touch your pocket book light.
Our trimmed und laihjr-inadu hats are, candidly speaking,
lovely NeA- York stvk-s.
S eirei in Store,
For First Fall Days We Have
The Goods.
rndt rwear coming In at prie s that will surpri-io you. Overshoes,
I-eggins und Uubbi-r Goods no on Land ut u clean-sweeping price
goods tliut we comiii.eji " 1 lui iug us early us April and May.
We have u full linn of outi.-ig eloth at Ke., a yd., giugham'and cUli
coes us low as .'. a yd. Mus'lns, shirlings, seersuelters, llanneletts,
at ow prices. Men's cords from iil.lit up.
g- r C2CS tape ''" 11 while they last. We
UL.nO) vl-rc s(ill ,aV(. a f(HV (l)Z(.rl ti CU11S that we
are closing out for .'!Sf.
"pf ROPE 'ils1, ' li"5s ui"" !'1'' ropo hallers 15
" und "c., web hulti rs .'in aud -Tic, harness
pads thm wu mi- selling for from 1") to inc.
SHELLS! Sh'ellf.5 I .)v uf" " '"' -M c-
.1 and .ii drum of powder, ull
size shot lirst class for 4"c. u box. (.'recks from to 2 gallon each,
pi-lees 4 to lUc. each; 1 gallons 2lc. ' A full line of groceries that we
sell us low us the lowest, mid f.r SIIOKS don't fail to try Stevens &
Ilaker before you buy.
All kinds of country produce tulien iu exchange, wheat, 7'c: rye,
lillc: oats, Mr; onions, T.'c, und country lard llie. I'oliUocs IHc.
Call and see us. No trouble to show you goods If you dou'l buy
Respectfully yours,
Stevens & Raker, Clear Ridge, Pa.
HIDES JamcH Sipus iVt Sou
pay 10, lo, and Hie a iiouud cash,
for beef hiilos at their butclier
shop iu Mc.Connelltiuur, uI.ho
highest price paid for calf skins,
slieepstnns and taM iw-
BubKcribo for tho News.
Every Cu stomer.
futs, Tailored
Skirt3,' Shirt
Waists, Infants'
Wraps, and
ii'KC liuts. children's tarns,
I loses, Plumes, Wings, 1
i!uin, ilniil n nil fain vs.
'.loves, a scinatcrs,
' f ii ut v combs,
. Ii:.i
Store !
For aalti at, Trou t'n dra Btoro
1 1 mmmA
Will pay 3 per cent, interest per annum on all time deposits.
Tho Hunk lias IiiuitusimI in business rapidly and it is now ready to
Hharc it 4 (nrnln'H with Its depositors, thus ivin; them a mile invest
ment, ut home. Nut tee tin; during tho lirst live months busi
ness. Total resources ut, close of business April 24,l!Mll,
$71,333.03; May 24th, $80,711.41; June 23rd,
$? 1,485.30; July 24th, $101,023.11;
August 24th, SI 12,000.00.
If you cannot call in person, send your deposits by mail, they will
receive prompt attention.
oooooooooooooo oooooooooooo
I have spent some time in the Eastern Cit
ies buying fall and winter goods.
I otter you a line of goods that can not be
matched except in the city stores. Ladies',
misses and childrens
v at any price. Also a Beautiful line of Ready- . O
trimmed Hats. Latest Patterns in Dres Q
8 Goods, either home or imported cloth. Sv
Carpets at 25, 30, 35, .50. 75c, and $1 per yd. Q
8 Heating Stoves, $6. $H. 10, 515, $20, and Q
$22.50 each. Cooking Moves, $13, 15, $20, O
V 525,530 each. Iron Bedsteads, 51.85. 2.50,
X $3.50, $5. Chamber Suits 20 to 25
each. Rockers 1.25 to S3 each.
20 to 30 each. 1'ob Sleds 16 to 24
Sper set. Wooven Fence 22 to 50 cents per q
rod. Top Buggies 40 to 65 each. Q
O Anything you need to eat, use or wear at a Q
low price.
Three Springs, Pa, 8
'oooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOOO
A lai'no variety of Ludles', Misses und Children's Cloaks,
JacKets and Lonjf Coats, from $2 to tlO, We scored a iihenooi
Inal success with that last season, and that is why jve have the
present collection
I See Our Clothing !
1W U
No matter .wliut the price ours lii porfectly ulso, full of Jjf
style, shape and sterling service. The best men's dress over
couts in Fulton counly for $5. Storm Overcoats, iH.fiO; Water
prof Coats, $2.'0; Storm Dress Overcoats, $; line Kain Coats.,
12.50 und 14. .
Boys' Cord Tants, 4 ic, Youths' 1.15, Men's 811.25, Men'g
Hue cords, lined through, $2. Men's working couts, $1, 1.2.",
and l..r)0. Men's and Boys' Cord Caps 2.V.
Shoes ! Shoes ! Shoes !
Our shoe trade was never hotter, and our stock uover lurtf
er, than now even thoujfh lha price of leather is much higher
than in former yeurs. Hijfh cut storm shoes, in black and tan
leather. Same us wl' handled last year and by early buyinir,
price is same ai last year. Felt boots for men, women und chil
dren. See our line of
Ladies' Furs
In bow scarfs and inulTs
leather gloves.
The largest line of Blankets we ever had
Bod Comforts, 41.
Dress Goods
Iu all the new ell'ects. Shirt waisl Patterns, no two alike. Out
ing cloth, cunton llatiuels, muslins, a inghaiiiM, ju ints, wool flan
nelettes, Arc.
You remenilier the underwear for men of last year at "mi.
pel' suit, the same this year, and ladies' at 4"o. per suit. Hoys
and Youths, same price-UK before. Men's lleecud lined heavy
shirts (blue) at ,'i'J and J"ic. Trunks, suit cases, curpets, win
dow shades, horse blankets, ami carriage robes, grain. S.' IC. 8.
eolton butting.
j. K. Johnston,
McCon nellslpurg.
jj$ . w w w 1
Atk lor Kodol' DOC ,'ilraanao and
PPiUli, I
A fine line of cotton, wool and
l.uive full sized
Tfc tl S0 kttlt r1""ln ' w,.lh.l, ! turn, vlilck )ltoHwlt
'!'. ir Tit WUidl u
c nwTT & co:..-i.f w". ciirc.4.t.o. iiJL,
200 Year CUlardcr.