Men Wan toil Immediately Tho JZ estern Maryland Rjitrjad Company t.'c.-l tivecti big Pool end Wil liamcTort. Wages $t.50 for ten hours. Comfortable carriers provided and table board reasonable. Apply to .JOHN CAUMICllAEL. Division Kns'int'er, BIG SPRING P. O., Washington Co., Md. ' mice at Clear .Spring Station, W. M. R. R SALL'VIA. Ottr farmers are busy huskiur cirn. Owing to tlie wet weather soui" of the corn cribbed early IjogHii to spoil aud had to be removed. Uncle John Hann says he wii uot bother the wild turkeys auv more this season Lit! hiSagOO'l : reason he has already killed ali the law allows any one person t- kill. Ada Bennett, of Everett, spen last week with her cousin Loui Kearise. William N. Siellor has purchas: ed from Scott Kegarise a tract of iiin'ier which he expects to cui ihis winter. Or school is progressing nice ly under the skillful management of V. L; Holleushead. Joseph McDauiels has moved to Everett, where he will work in a machine shop. Ada Be mettaud Mrs. Kegarisi attended preaching at the Side ling Hill Christian chu'eh last Sunday. Arthur Williams, of Breeze wood, speut a few days recently in this neighborhood hunting. The new Pure Food aud Di ur 1 L-iw w.ll mat kit on tho label (.! ! every cough cure coi'taiam opium, chloroform, or'any other ; st ipofyiop or prisonous drug. , Uut it passes Dr. Slioop's cough i Ko,..,i,n.-,.. cure as made for L'Oyears, entire ! iioi.erts. Mun.iiy, ly f ree. Dr. Snoop all along has itni.ert s. Murphy. bitterly opposed the use .,t all op-: '"""""Jmmh s. k. ntes or narcotics. Dr. Shoop s i,;o,nra,",w''""h' 1 fieremiall S. ItlHck, Oou:hCure is absolutely safe! Lincoln, even for the youngest babe and ! it cures, it does not shriDlv sup- j presp. Get a safe and reliable i cough cure, by simply insisting ; on having Dr. Sho p's. Let the la a hQ your pi'otectiou. We rneerfully recommend and sell it. ' DtcKson's drug store. ! OoTT. Howard Charltou, of Pigeon i Cove, hits an excellent rat trap 0 ;o niht last week wiien he got up to get his little boy a drink, he lour.d two rats in the kitchen, aud bj .) t about two hours killing the one mid chiihed the other iutothc stnve oven. The next morning he S-ii't.bil li2 noi 0V-. V-vis in t.llm. .0wva iu, tcinu: thorn to brint; clubs along. When th"y vnt in they found thechairs a l side down, and every thinjr I n'it i.T ;htue in the kitcheu .'roin liis scrap the uifrht before He t'tld liifin l.t- h.tu a hig rat in th: cviTi. Thotove door was opened si nd ii" r t was mm n killed, Uev. T. I'. Garland will preach at Cedar Gj-ove next Sun Jay ev ening at 7::!0 p. rn. Chai le . Sit;ucer and two chil dren spout, Sunday and Monday with Mr M C. .Spencer and S. .M (J.i.riicli and wif.j. N' u ly all lhi scholars iu our t'wnsliip are vaccinated. rJ'li" best ni"'it fir indiey tii'i and i rnt b!(w fif the stomach l ti rit ,1," stomach. I. tea:; bo rested by sta.-vntio i or by tlie uce of a good disTMsU'it which will di gest tho food eaten, thus taking the work off the stomach. At the proper temperature, a single teaspoonful ol ICodol will wholly digest : i , X M "rams of food. It relieves the present, annoyance, puts tho stomach in . hape to sat isfaetoriiy perform its functi ns. (iood for mdigestioii, hour stotn b1i, ltatuleti;e, jr.! pita lion of the tieat and dyx.epsia. Kodol is matle in ctrict coLforinily w th the National Hure Food and l.rug I. aw. Hold affront's drug store. Mi J. C llolloiih"iid and Miss Knvder, "vho Iu 1 ho n 'n 15-lfist vUiiiu-jf thi .furrier'i. mother, returned to their home ut G'eoncustlo, yesterday. GOD SAVE THE COMMON-VJtALIH. PROCLAMATION GENERAL ELECTION WHKIOIAS. in ,u,. I liy III! ;!! ,)l I III' ( line' '.' AsM'ml!'. uf tin- ' llli.Hlwt':i)tll of I' iji,vn. nlii. emitted. An ici .vl:i:iny untie . i ,,. .1 w 1 1 Hi 11 n ('tiniiniin'c:t)lll. " iiiHNt l tli- I I, !i llU.V llf .1.. '. Atl'Ht llUIIIUi IH11. UOll .M.KIUU'I the llnl ! iv of June Atihu linliiihl il made the tlirv or Hie slu'i-IIT of every eotmn within (lie Coniinouwf ulth toim't UiU tit 1 t'f of tlit' t. ucrul Kjeotlou ami In such notices i.i enunuTu: 1 he ottlcerx lo lie elected mitt vv i LWt of u i ; lie uiuuillill tout tliiulc. nuil ili'vlnnli Oh1 JihiCf .u whioli On- election N tu In In li1.. Tiii-'.u::!- . . 1 .I.VIKSr. AI.HX AN'IIKU. Well MiciilT ..r l!:.- 1'iiillrV ii. .- iiltOtl. Cltl lieretiy IllllliC KliOUll au.l i v.- Hi;-. I'IIIJC NO'I'K'K to tin- Klci-tn.-ol the county of Kulton. thnt on i 1 lie I list Tlicsdny after the I Ir-t .Monday of November next, hclntt the nth Jay of the month A tlenen.l Klectlon will hi.' tielil ut the stvenil Kleelioli Uisli'lcl estHl'lwlied Ity luu ill snlil . County, mill ut puhlUhetl below. I OKKICKKS TO UK KI.KCTKI). 1NK PKHSUM tu llll the offlee uf (luvvrnur il -PemiHrlvaiiiK. "INK PKKNON to till the iilHra ill l.leiltcimi.l , V I -,'" iiuveriiiu 111 1 t'liiiM ivaiiitt. i IIVI.' PI.-IIHHV In III' tld nlH.... ill' A mil In r 1 Henernl of PoiiimylVBiil. r. i-r. uii i.-n to nil me omce 01 .-Htn-reinry i i IntLTliHl Atlairitut 1'eiiliH.vlVHliiH. t (INK I'KKSOS to llll the iitllce ol HeproKt'Ti rntiv- in Cmiim'WH. fur the iliftrlrt eniiniueil ef i 'lie ceuntleH ut Kllllon Krmiklitl Mininuuitul.. IVrry, .Milllin, .liniiiita, Snviler Hint I'niuii. ONE PKKSHN lo till the oltti e or He.n ei,- I iMtive in the Senate, lur the iliMtrtct i''iiiioel i:' the ctiuntiei' ol Kiilton, Hetlt'oril ami .SiimerHet tNKPKIiS'lN to ri'tirenent the I'mnitv o!' 1 riillon in the uenenil Affenihly ol relintiylva nfa. ll.NK I'KKSDN to llll t tin offiee of .Iiipv Colli " riii.oii voii.iiY. i eiiiiirKiiia I h:ive emimeruteil the ul'leei-s to lie elei'teil .mil here ul; the fnilon iliir llt of ('.Will UATKS eertiUeil t Hie Seeretnr or Mule iiui I'ounl.v t'oiunii'.i.''Onei-s. GOVERNOR. i Murk On.-,) I Kti uhiti'Hii, Ktlwln S. Stimrt, I Oitl.eiif, j KJwin S. Stutirt, , iemocrtttip, ! I.ewL- Kmery, r., ; Comnionweultli, Lchk Kmery, Jr , I.liiculu. l,ewlr Kiuory. .Ir.. ' 'Iflereii'luni, i Lewis Kiut-ry. .Ir., t'tiiun l.nUur, ( Lew it. Kmery, .Ir., ; Prohihtrioit, i iU)iiitr I. Cant le, J him cit A. MtiurtT, orirtlist Li I or, l-itin Oeemond, LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR. (Maik One.) . Jeremiah S. Itlurk, lietereii'liau, iIuremiMb S. Hlack , I'nion I.ftlmr. rlereiiMHh S. Illiick , I'rohihltion. II. It. Pattun, viemliht, Churh-K P. Itildea, S iciiihbt Liihor. Juuien Chirk, AUDITOR GENERAL (Mark Uhtf.J lniihlicrtii. liUIKTI l . 1 UUHg, 'ItizeiiK, Koburt K. Voting, 1 )i:iiMcriitle. William T. CrwHty, irohil4Hon, Wliliaiu T. (.'reay, ''nuiiiiiiiiwfutth. Wiilium T. t.'ri-Hcy, Liiii'oln, WilliHin T. Creasy, Ut-tert'inlnm. U. Ilium T I'r- .. Wllliiiiu T. C'Uy- si;iitriHt, hilwuil MiNirr , seiaiit SECRETARY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS (Mink Oiu-. ) Iti'piililicaii, llfinv lluiirli. Clli.iMlh, lli'liry Hiiiiik. O. iiiojrati', Jiilili .1. Ori'en, I'ulUlllUIIWHulltl, .liilm .i. Oreen, l.iiii'uln, fulin .1 (IrtM'ii. tti'ler.iitliiiu, Jiiliti I. Ori'un. I'lium I.hIoi-. .liilm .1. (in-Hli. Pn.liiliitlim. titiui'ri Hiitliuan, HiirlullKt, Henry W. Kan', Socialist l.ulior, JttlueM A. .McCiiiiiihII. REPRESLNTAUVE IN CONGRESS. I Mark Oiu' ) Kttpulillrllll. IJeiijamiii K . Kueht. Oeiuucralle. WilliHin AlexHinler, l.lnculli , l.ilwln M . 1 1 il in I , SENATOR IN THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. I Murk One. I ItCMI,iJrrrill, WillltiUi -'. Miller. If Mlt'CrHllf. William 11. Kutuil, Lincoln, Wtllluiii H. Koni.ti, hiteiMiiim. WIIIihiu II . luHiltt, CoiuinonwcHlth, WilliHin H. Ko.miI, FroUibiUuii, b 0. Hurt e, REPRESENTATIVE IN THE GENERAL AS SEMBLY. (Mrfrk Out.) I I'nruA'ii)!.' ..Igiiu F. Keiiilull. li'in.MrHtii', Uohu t. Bljiea. Ijnt'ulti, Ji'liu P. Slna v CORN SYRUP Karo Corn Syrup is pure as Nature can produce it, pure as the utmost cleanliness and care in preparation can make it all pure, natural goodness. Karo Corn Syrup brings health to your cooking and table, and supplies every . wholesome craving for sweetness. The children can eat it morning, noon and night and be the better and healthier for it. It's delicious in candy, fine on griddle cakes and good for every home use. Put up in airtight, friction-top tins whlcn keep it pure and good till the lait drop. At all grocers 10 cents, 25 cents, 50 cents. The Syrup of Purity and Whole someness. eoijje W. lnv, JURY COMMISSIONER. (Mark One.i ,. Ke'inneioi, Hiivul Itotz, Iieiuoerntlr. TriiH, Proliiliitlon, .1. Hui'ton Johiion, a I ulo hrebv niiint Known unit u'ive ii.ihm-, i Umt the piueeof huuiiiirf tiH."fureiitiitMi'eni:i ' ill the M'venil bormi rh mid tnwn-liips with n I Mii.l oi.ulit v me uh lnllim . to wit The Kleetup of Ayr tow ti-hip to meet .it tin Publie Sehool Hou-e neur Webver .Mill. Tiiei:!eetuixor M.iheit..wnriipt. im-ei in Gyrator Muehluerv for the roller pro Niiut tow uhip ' cess. Tlie KleefoiN if He! fast fowrislilp to meet ut the pluee lately fixed for said purpose, to wii: The frame ImildiiiK near tn the lale rt"ideuee of Denuis Mellotl . rue Kiemnr or isrusn i.reeK iowumup t. meet ut the phiee lately fixed for suid purptisr. : to wit: the earpeuter sliop of C Mellott, ut 1 j Kinmaville. In said township - j ! nThe Kleetor of Dabliu tow n-Oiip to meet In i Kast room on first Hour of huildimr neailv I i positeM. S- Will k Hotel, on iinnNjot hau Vi:i j i iu Kort Littletou i The Kleetors of LieUiny Creek township to , meet at the plaee lately fixed for that purpost . , in wit; Johut. Metler hotel. IfarrNonville- j The Kleetors of Taylor township to meet at j ' the plaee lately fixed for that purpose:, to wii: j .1. Catchall s store room, in said township - i j ''.V.T'1 !!1!1 !i?nMl ttt llU! TheKietors.,f Thompson township to meet . i:,Meutre cnoo, Mouse. o. ,. ' , I The Kleetors of MeConnellshum ltonxitrh to 1 meet at the plaee laielvtlxed for that purpose. ' to wii: The Commissioner onlee ut the Court - IflllWU ill WLlIll lt.M.UIlh liouse iu said litnotitfh - ! The Kleetors of I'nlon fowitship to meet it t ! the plaee littt lv llxed ior said piirpove, to wit: 1 ( ieoive Serriver's earpeiit er sho. nearteori.'e ', Sehetronipt s sioic. In said township ! The Klreiors or Vells township to meet at ; the school house, neur the Methodist ehureh. I iu said town-.hi. f.very person exeeptint: Justiec of the I Vaee who shali hold unv otllee or iippoiutiiii-ut of profit in-trust under tlie ( Joveniiin-nt of the railed States or of tin- Slate, or ol un eilv or ineorporal ed disiriet. w he t her aeoinmis.Mou ed oltieer or ol her wise., a su I .ordinate ofheer or .ient. who is. or -hail he, employed under the ieu'islutive. executive or jiul.eiary department of this State or ol tlie t'liiteu States, or of any oil y or I net irporatel dist riel. and also that every member of Congress and of the State Leu'islu ture. aud of the seletM or eoiuuiou eouueit of auy eity. or eonnuissioners of any incorporated di.triet, is hy law uieapahle of holdiuw or exe--eisiuif. ut the san.e time, ttie otlHe or aipoiin meiit of JtaK'e, inspector or Clerk of any ctt -lion of this Coinniouweulth: aud no ltispector .(ude. or other oltieer of auy such election, shall be eligible to any olttee to he theu voted for, except that of uu election officer. gi ALIKICATloNS Oh' VOTKliS i Kvery male citten twenty-one years of iut posxessint-' the following .pialitltuitlotis, shall he . cum led to vote at all elections: KIi-mi. he sU ill , ;iave heeu a ctti.cuot the t'nited'Siatesat least i one mouth. Second, lie shall have resided In 1 the St ate one yen r (or if. ha vim.' previously been i a (j'ualiited elector or ualive bom citicti of the State, he shall have removed Uterefrom and u 1 turned, within six months) Immediately preecd i iu the election. Third. He shall have resided iu the election district where he shall oiler to I vote at least twomontas Immediately prcecd i ini: the election, fourth, if twenty-two year- o( au'e or upwurds fie shall have paid withiji . i wo year a Slate or County lux. which shad have e ll ussl-smmI ut leust two nn.Dllls uu.l ! i piiUl ut least hup month tM!fon t lir eli-eliou. Mule uouxtiiuiiun. Article ill. tectum. 1. I Uiveti mule- my liawl. ut my ortiee. In the Imii'oii'Ii ol Mel 'nuiielKlMliv. the Mrtl tiuy ol Oelolier. A. I). Imil. uuil of the ltiiU;ieuileueeuf the I'uiteil StiiteM, the uuu hundred uu'l lliiitv-llr.Hl. JAMKS (;. AI.KXANDKU. SlierifT. Trespass Notice. The undersigned hereby warns all I'l'isons against tresiiassin on his lii'emises in Tod township, either by liuiitinir, gathei'injf nuts, berries, rruups, or In any manner whatever. I He has recently suffered much daumire j oy persons prowling over his farm, i und fair notice is now t-Mven that tlie j law will lie rigidly enforced U'ainst all trespassers in the future. DANIEL MOCK. Wanted. Married raau to work on dairy farm. Good wages. House furn ished. Correspondence solicit' ed. G HAN'T SiOXTOX, Salisbury, K. F. D. 3. . Sid. COAL for sale at the Wishart Mine at $l.r0 a ton. More thau 300.00 has been expended there to secure coal this year. The road is in good condition. The mine is operated by practical miners. Your patronage is so icited. Ex-Cominisaioaer A. M. Corbio of (iracey, was in town on busi ness last Thursday. Hilly Kvaos, Mustontown's ir ropressiblii bugv man w in m town yesterday, circnlmifi-jr among his ipany friends His wife is visiting triends atllojm wo.ll. , Pure as the VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY fT PRIVATE SALE. Owing to failing hctiiib, 1 hayo cided to otter for sale my M ill Proper ty, siiuated t Webster M iiis, Fulton i-mint v rn Tlonl irl u-ntot tiriLo tint 1 year round. Tho null Ih one of tin' . . , , . . ,.. . I thoroughly remodeled a year ago, aifd ! is equipped with the latest improved Terms to suit purchaser, call on or address W. H. DUKFY.i ir I n u .U iiui Webster Mills, Pa. Great Offer. One of the most popular city weekly newspapers is the Tole do Blade. It is a large eight page paper, and has a wide cj cuiation all over the Uuited States. -in 1. i arougu u special arraogemei 1 ! with the PU bllsherS Of that pa p.M , ! The FultOH DefHOCrat and the! hi i Slade Will be feOnt tO ailV j a wress lor one year for only one ; dollar. As this offer is goou for thirty days only, persons V ! take advantage of it. should ac: promptly, a.s after thattirne, hotii papers can on'.y be reirular nri .e. hatl at, th" xt i. ...... i , iu sucu oner nas ewr ceen made to the people of this coun ! ty, end, of course, canuot hans; 1 out long. 1 JHIOHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS BRAND I.ADIKSt Ask your Cruffftlat for CIII-CHKS-TKR'b FILLS in Rko nd C.ii.i metallic boxi'a, Healed with Blue Kiixioii. Takbnoothkr. Buyofyour llriioiiut Atirt fnr f'H l.fltl KH.TKH'1 I for A B'luegS your M1I.IKII II.LN.tka UIAHONU UHANIt. for t'.veutv-tive yeaia known as Best, ttafest. Al w:iv ktlialilc. Solil hv DrimirisU everywhere. CIIICIIKSTh CHEMICAU CO., I'lilUA., ra. Bed-room Suits DIAMOND JPk At p hW Will I A I t v cTPVFvc r':l I I A U-mitiv0 i ram fti Mccrs' mmm 1.73 and 2 .10. Cumin Alu, 12 ri: A'uilistands, $4.23. and up. )ioss- ers, $10.50 and up. Hull Hack. 7 und up Chiffoniers, 110 Comtitnii ion booltense and wi ltlnjr deck. 13.75. Extension Tables, U-ft. $5.85; K.ft $7.85 to 10 ft $1(1 5.i. 1) i.ltur-room Chairs, i'.i.'.H), a .d up to $8. 3d Itockers, 1 25 up to 8;i.5'i; Heed, $: up to $(1.50; Child" tl uuil up. Hife'h.Dhaii'H, $1.15 and up. Stands, 75c, up to $1.50 O'uss-biU fost Stand, $1.75, Easels. Mirrors. I'.rwel Haeks, t'iilurex, P.eiuiti Frames inudo tu circle , and a lot of other things In the line of Iioiim f jrnUhlnjts Wo ulso h'lve n nlen line of Frenh Confections and Oysinrs fresh from i'.altimoro Ci me ui'd look our line over heth.r j' ii buy fr not Welcome to everybody. Tflfce Seven Million boxes told In post 1 3 tgwrarmMtwj-iraia:aB Oct. j 10-0 00 00- 00Xp00 ; 00M0 t000000 0Mji i Fullon County Bank. 0 1 i . 0 (ii:n.M.i:i) r iss7 3 fr Cent. Iiilere! IMId oil Tlitik- poults Tliin old iiiiil well Uii'iwn Kiniiiifinl tiliiuinn I now H'tiiinti(i)tlv liicitUtil In its ne.v romn In tho .. I!. Niico tnilil iiiif. fjiwuo uilili: linn hnvB In- n nuiil- tu th 0 0 : - t r 5 ' r I . H a J A inn! 1I10 number uf Sturklmld' i s lrin l en inMeiised lo FIK TI'.IIN, wlileli (flvea all den.itiirn h HHourity uf upward of .! ; 0 I 0 10 Two Hundred Thousand Dollars. The Fulton County Uiiiik iloes a GKNF.RAL HANK IN'O KL'SINIOSS 11 r.d fxtemN every fiivor to their piitron iiml friends. oonn!-le!it witli juund blinking. M. H. NELSON, .McComicllsburg, 1;! Cashier. 5 0X0. f r- sjt00lf0M,p0 0 4 4 i 5 New Grocery Store I I have a full and up-to-date line of Gro- ' eerie s. Confections, Cigars and Tobacco all freshnothing stale Don 't forget about that NUTRIOTONE for Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Swine. I am getting some good replies from it. Would be glad to have your Eggs in ex change for goods or for cash. Try me the next time you need anything in my line. E. R. M'CLAIN. McConncllsburg, Pa. ! V, Our Fall and Winter .i v; 2 liH Stock is Ready- p 2 Uuady with a lariT at il a moro eomnli'to line than ever before, Hhowinj; iln- very latest styles in suitH and overcoats. Men's Cardigan Jackets, Sweaters, Flannel t'nderwear, and all the wool ciotlilng you need. Children's Canie.'-liuir Tam-O'-Slianters, and nobby Hats and Cajm fur boys. Our lino of Fiim Shirts, Collars, Cufl'i, and Neckties, and in, fai-t every thinj,' you would find in an up-to-date GonVs Furnishing Store. 2 ) r$ iro v'H J3 c2 Cannot be surpui before buyine. C. B. STEVENS, M'CONNELLSBURQ, PA. .IS Pi 'mam :(-piece. XZ r,n und 27.5(: K-pieee 2S t-i 83, .l i3. 14 50, 3 to I0. pi .50, .f.7.3 to 3 Couehei, ).5() t. 1 o Cfiire a Cold m Om Day months. TlilS Signature, CuL ofT that couh with -lavnc'S Expectorant and prevent bronchitis and The world's Standard Throat and Li Medicine for 75 years. if of your druggist and keep t 1 I 0 0 0. 0 0 . 10 S 0 STOCK 0 0 0 0 0 s 0 00000 o 5 S ed. Come anil st nur line &2 a B 5li and : 75. Ir .n Deds, 2 40 linf . -. 3.0 to J 75 Muttresses CoH, l "i mid tl 8". Cribs Cures Crip In Two Days. on every Sfc&rTTrtri l)OX. 25c. pneumoniae consumption. always ready la the cuse. A Fall K Winter iviiinnery It lus ban reporled I was selling out my entire stock ol millinery goods. I did stll at Auction all of .my old stock, anJ have just received a lull lot of new goods, consisting of Pattern Hats. Ready-to-Wear Hats, Uiitn'mmed Hats, and a general line of Millinery, and they te now on sale. Remember NO OLD STOCK to select from. Come and see my goods before buying elsewhere, as 1 know 1 can save you money. Yours for Bargains, NELLV. DAWNEY, HUSTONTOWN. PA. NEW BUGGIES My sheds are lull of brand new busies and wagons, bulh factory and HAND & & MADE and my, iprlces are as low as Ihe lowest. Please call and see my con veyances. Very truly yours, W. R. EVANS, Ilustontown. Pa. Kennedy's Laxative Honey end Tat Cures all Coughs, and expels Colds front the system by gently moving tbe bowel. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. Situate in Taylor township, on l ho road leading from Ilustontown to Hie F.obertsdale market., containing acres; 100 acres cleared, of which about 50 acres are line meadow; balance in timber. Good state of cul tivation. Good House, pump ut the door. Barn, 45x70. Terms easy, Call on, or address A. J. Fkakkk, H-il-tf. Hustontown, Pa. OSES UcomroundJ Safe, Quick, Reliable Regulator Superior to othfr remedies nM at hleti priori. Cure gtiHrntted. SuvcfMrully uieil by nvtr OO.AOO W ru. PrW'A '3 Vnln. d-ntf. t(Uti or by mall. Toilro"nta)H a booklet frrt. Dr. La Franco, Pblludulptila, 1'a killthe cough! inn lini a at jL w,HDr. King's fiow Discovery Alll I SkVI A - ONSUMPTION Pries OUGHSand B0oi$1.00 ulus Frea Trial. Surest and Quickest Ours for ail xnnuAT ana LUNG TBOUB- i-JiS, or MOHEY BACK. Dlieaas and Health REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY "Made a Well Man UEVIVO, riEMBDY lrol iifpi 11 ne reKuIt th 80 days. It Bt miwurlully unaqulckly. CiireHwhonotheratull. oniiir uaun oun ri'truin tholr lost miinhooU una ' olcl men may recover tlmir youiliful vlnor bv slntf KICVIVO. Jt quickly and quietly re .iiuvcs NervoUBnesH, lst Vltultty. Soiuul W uitkneMx Mitch us Lost Power, FuilliiK Mcmorv WiiHilng l)leuNca, and Directs o( self-abuse or tixcesa and luillscrutlon, which untlta oiu for study, business or murrluiia. It not only cures by stiirtlii(t at the scat of disease, but la a groat rve i liiiiloHiid blood builder, brliiulno bach the pink jjlow to pule cheeks and re. aiorliiK tho lir ut youth. It wunls olt at liroaolilugdlsetisu). Insist unhavlnn ItlCVIVO. 10 ollii.r. H can bo carried In vest pocket. Itv mull, l. 00 per pankaire, or six for t&.OO. W'5 lilvo f ree ailvlce and cnuu.iel to all who wUh 11 Uhuuraiileo 01 rcu lam free. AddrvaH ROYAL MEDICINE CO., Marine Bldg.. Chicago, III For sale in McConnellsburK ut W S. DickHOD's drug stiro. CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS Boat Couch Syrun. Ttea Good. Uu U tlin. Sold by druKgiata, 5 L. O. Cline and wife, Mrs. Au ale E. Chne, aiid Mrs George W. Uomererall of Burnt Cabins, spent a few hours ia town yesterday. L A i tr-'x ar rr m