The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, October 18, 1906, Image 4

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r'ublblicJ Every Thursday.
W. f'-t Siitor and Proprietor.
wGOiN N h l.LSb U KLj , t'A.
OCTODEu 18, 1906.
i'ublished Weekly. 1.00 pc
Ann'im in Advance
?r M)Ura of C Hn time II
iVr square euoii n i.'hm i..-nt lo';iM,,,.n.... W1
Alt advertisements inserted f.r o-s thai
lli'ee month churifiid by Ihc juii-
S m.n. I t no, i I yi
ne-fourth column ....
wne-half onlumn
oue Column.. :o0o I MOW
.. . 2N.00. 4" " OP
.. .. lo.oo. I I ts oc
S'nlhlm Innerted r than tl
Professional Carda une year 15
Mission Work In India.
(Continued from rtrt nutre. )
with the hand and foot accompa
mment. The entire school fo
lovvsd the leader, the deep rich
tones of the men mingled with
the higher notes of the women,
rising, then falling almost to n
whisper, then swelling into e
swit' crescendr, and at the end
dying away in a kind of pensive
wail, which made one want them
to continue. There was no skip
piug of verses, if there were a
dozen, everyone was sung with
the refrain repeated over and ov
r again, and s.:n- limes, this not
being sufficient, they would begin
m the middle and go river it all
ou-.te more.
Wheu the tirst period was ovei
a!l broke up into classes groups
of 8, 10 and 20 sitting around thei
t-iacher in the schoolroom and ou
the veranda floor. A curriculum
suited to the needs of the work
m used, and special emphasis is
laid on Bible study. Large class
fs in the Gospels and tlio Old
Testament in earnest study, were
ach visited in turn, as well as
the beginners just in from the
villages, who did not know their
letters yet. Tl:e larger children
h d been caaried off to the nurs
ery school, but the babes in arms
could not be so disposed of; so
thev put in tho time trying the
pitieuce of the mothers, and
keeping things lively. Consider
i'ig all these disadvantages, th"
progress- made is remarkable.
When this four mouth term isov
nr, examinations will be taken
ind promotions made according
ly. 1 he men and women will go
hack to their villages to carry the
gospel to their friends and neigh
h rs. The men to preach, and
1 ho women to open schools tor
the children and teachother worn
un who could not possibly be
reached by men. oo year after
year, they come in during the
rainy season t prepare them
selves for further usefulness
among their own people, and re
t.irn to practice and work out in
real experience, what they have
liwii learning these months of
study. So it is the direct and
personal witnessing for Christ by
these converts among their heath
en lriends and village folk, that
bri gs in hundreds more to His
fold, and gives them a strength
they could not have otherwise.
There is so much more to tell, I
seem s arcely to have touched
ou this great work as I saw itlast
week. Tht. industrial work will
have to wait for another time.
The .hoe making, printing ol
chintz, carpenter work, etc., in
charge of liov. li. C. Smith, who
is Superidtendrint of the Boys'
High School in the city as well,
where some 2i k) Christian Hindus
and Moha m tneduis are taught up
to the entrance olthe University.
The boys fare such a clever lot,
and seem to enjoy having one ex
amine their work. And so this
veritable bee-hive of industry and
learning stands n it as a bright
pxarnple in this part of India, of
what Missions can and are doing
to eleva'.e and clu istianizo those
who would otherwise remain m
the daknes.-- of ignorance and
heathenism. This is an imper
fect glimpse of what missions are
doing in one little corner of indi i,
but it is a fact that the work goes
on and souls arts boinir savt'd.
August 1".) India.
id no worse than the lerribiecase
of piles that alliicted mo lUyeai s.
Then I was advised to apply Buck
ten's Arnica Salve, and less than
a box cured me, writes L S. Si
bier, of llugles, Ky. Heals all
wounds, burnsandsoreslike mag
ic, at Trout's the druggist.
A Trip on My Hike.
) 'i tin !K!i , I Mat ted from
my homo netn- Harrisonburg, Va ,
enroute lo the home of my father
Dr. .1 ll Mellott in Fulton, tin;
com y t f 1 1 1 v nativity.
O: ..n do I think of my boyhood
days, and the j dimes where I use
1 to loam ino-t especially in the
I community of the Kbetiezer
(church near Si pes Mill. I used
I to meeu wi:h dear frieuds there
quite frequently, and we mingled
onr v irts in singing those sweet
old soi.g.-s of pruisu. I especially
recall lliatold song'Ohthefenn
sylviima lulls, where my boyhood
days v"re spent: where I often
vnderd lonely, and the future
j tried to ca t. Is it any wonder
j tbnn, thiit my heirt with rapture
thrills f as I stand once more with
! loved ones, on the P nnsylvanio
) hills."
I I .oQtfin ii it fot-niltv ittrtll n j non.
uui nig iij y 1 11 1 li iij til t."5 u JM
al, I started from Harrisonburg
at V2A noon. After going two
miles, 1 stopped and sprang from
my wheel, for 1 was alarmed bv
a crasn behind me. Looking
around I saw the cause an auto
mobile wreck. I went back and
found Mr. Kickle, a clerk in a
hardware store Harrisonburg, ly
ing unconscious in the road. The
men who were accompaniug him,
thought he was very seriously
hurt. The party was on their
way to the llagerstown Fair. The
wreck was caused by the auto
'tinning to swiftly to make a
c u r ve i n 1 1 te pi k ;, a n d i t r a n aga i n s t
a telephone pole.
I resumed my journey and went
to Mt. Jackson, ;!0 miles North c.f
Harrisonburg. Owing to a heavy
rain storm I was delayed there
over night. Next morning being
bright I started on my way, think
ing of the many miles before me,
but animated by the though of the
friends I should meet, and the
beautiful scenery along the way,
I arrived at father's home in
Need more at 10:3") p. m., and had
the privilege of attending an As
sociatiou at the Sideling Hill Bap
tist church Saturday and Sunday
where I met many old friends.
I expect to start back to my
home next Friday. By request
of several friends I write this in
order to give them a brief idea of
my trip.
Wm. Mellott,
Harrisonburg, Va.
Leller (o -1). T. Fields.
-li' Conmlliburg, I'd.
Dear "Sir: Here's a tale with
tnree or four tales to it.
Professor Irvine lira an Acad
emy, Mercersburg, Penn. He
paints the floors i.i summer va
cation. It used to take DO gal
lons of paint. There were two
naint stores there, and he used
to buy (one year of one, next year
of ths other) HO gallons year after
How he paints Devoe; (iOga1
Ions; and the difference is a sav
ing of ijflnO a year.
II. C. Fallon was one of those
dealers, good man; but he
wouldn't take up Devoe; ro we
turned to the other, J. A.Boyd.
Hut Fallon has found it necessary
to get a good paint to compete
with Devoe. He" got one of the
eignt Honest, paiins. ne has a
big hardware store and is doing
an 3xcellent hardware business;
but Boyd, of course, has the run
on paint he's a little hardware
We doutcare how little or big a
man is, if he wants good paint,
and is active and sound.
Yours truly
F. W. Dkvok .V Co .
10 New York,
i'. s. F. C. Bare, Fort Little
ton, sells our paint.
A roan named C. E. Johnson is
charged with the theft of a team,
valued at JjCiOO, from Liveryrna i
A. C. Bushey, Grooncastle. The
man hired the team, Tuesday,
and prorrmed to return with it
Wednesday. It is said the team
passed through Frederick Thurs
day tn irumg. Mr. Bushey offer,
a reward of $-5 for the team.
Human Mood Mark.
A tale of horror was told 1
marks of human blood in thehonie
of J. W. Williams, a well Known
merchant of Mac, Ky. flu writes:
"Twenty ye ars ago I had severe
hernorrages of the lungs, and was
near death when I began, taking
Dr. King's New Discovery. It,
iomnletoly cured me and I have
remained well ever since " D
cures hemorrhages, settles colds,
chronic coughs and bronchitis,
and is the pnly known cure lor
weaklumrs. Every bottle guar
autoed by Trout's tho druggist
oOc and 1. Trial bottle free.
OF Tllli CANDIDA 115
Pictures of Stewart anJ Emery I'r.e to
Tilt ir Followers.
Two haiMlso.n.M.ortiMits. .-..
. , , ,, .
me photogravure, m..-o an ,-!! in
art stores at 2 each, e'
being Edwiu S. Stuart lid Lcwb
Emery, Jr., candidates for 'tin.
( ;vp..,hin of I..,o,;1 will
" " i I,
i, :. i .... i . I
Nil in.suril HM HI l Ml I'l'l.'HU'll I in
. I . . f 1 ' X- . . ; r
ine ouuuay. orin .vinenca 101
October 21st and October !th.
The S uart picture w;ll he issu
ed ou October "1st and that ol
Mr Kmuru nn t.Vii fidl.iu-itur Knn.
.j ...... .
The editor of this paper haste
ceived advance copies of the two
portraits, and pronounces them
, ,
works of art of the highest class.
I - i"n in (111(1 tl I l III t"t'l L Will
I Nothing so good has ever been is- j i, malum imMl in tin. fnturr u in tin
j sued as a special supplement. pn-t.
; As the editors of the Sunday Thk Tiiuick-a-Wkkk Wohi.ii's
! North America for these two i ular '''!;" j"" i- i " ..! i.ih.
dates will bo J t in i tod and the de-
mand unusually large, it will be
necessa ry to order the paper in
advance to insure delivery.
! Wanted.
I Married man to work on dairy
I farm. (Jood wages. House lurn-
ished. Correspondence solicit
j ed.
: (Jkaxt Skxton,
i Salisbury,
i K. F. D. 3. Md.
j Horton.
i Albert M. Horton, son of Mil-j
I 1011 .VI. Horton, Well KtlOWl! Ill tniS '
county, died at his homo in Shin-1
pensburg, last Thursday, aged i
r' i
about !il) years. The deceased
had beeu in failing health for sev
eral years, an I the immediate !
cause of his death was paresis.
He is survived by his widow and I
scvenchjldren; also, byhis father, j
who is an inmate of the Soldiers'
Home, in Toledo, O., ard by one
sister, Miss Ada, secretary of
the principal, of the Cumberland
Valley State Normal School.
Dr. Swartzwelder and family
left last Sunday morning. They
expect to S end a week or two The Fulton Democrat and the
among friends in Hedford county Blade will be sent to any inl
and other points further on in the dress for ouo year for only one
j state, and then make stops in In-
j diaua and Illinois, and, so on, f.
llio (.olden state. i
( I. W. Sipes bade adieu to his j
native state Tuesday morning, j
for the I'acilio coast. His lirst ,
stop off was to be Uonnellsville, !
N. II. Peck and family anived
worn i Hbsuurg, lasi oaturoay i
evening, and now expect to hang
e ... li:. .1 i j. i
up his hat in his own house as
soon as their goods arrive.
.). i. Kunyan. of McConnells
burg, came down to his father's
on Sunday and on Monday his :
mother went home with hnri. It
is hop:d a little rest and outing
will bo beneficial to her declining
Rev. Powers is on an extended
. . . Txr .tr- , i
trip in West Virginia, where ho is !
. , t ,. I
attending a conference some
, . i.i o i I
Where West Ol the A lleglietlles. ,
I Kev. T. L'. Garland spent Sat
i urday and Sunday among some
!of tlie churches in lied ford conn
ty. .
; Mrs, H. L. (jarland of Front
j Iioyal, Va., is visiting her son and
! family at her old home, near here.
wur seiiool is getting along ve
r.y nicely under the tutorship of
Miss Hard; and, although, the
vaccination law has reduced the
I enrollrneutconsiderably, shosays
' she ti ids plenty to do, j
j Dr. Palmer, assisted oy Dr. j
' McK'ibbin. removed a very large !
growth from the neck ot Mrs.
',) i'.'id Powell last Saturday, which
1 had given her much trouble for
some linv. It is hoped the op j
: eration may give her permanent
I relief.
"'hurley Keishner aiiddnugh-l
j ter Carrie attended the funeral of i
'Irssisti-r, Mrs. Moore, neiir Park
! bend, Md . last Wednesday.
Mrs Ahiiiiuxx VlolloMconiiiiues
j danger:. usly ill.
I Excursion to Harrisb r October 20 III.
i For tho benefit of persons de
siring to go to Ilan iburg to in
spect the new Capi.t.ol, as suggest
ed by Oovornor I 'enny packer,
Cumberland Valley liailroadCom
pi'iy will xell exeorsion ticliels to nsbn rg from all sl'Mionsi in
l.;tins Iv-ini i no Kv urdu (Jctn
l)"r 2(ti at Kpocial low ratei
Sum Jones, the noted evainro!
1st, dropped dead while ridinv on
I a train Mo iday, near Utile li tck,
m my vokk world.
:t :ul Whrn'l .Tllic K ullsh I.OHKJ urt: mSpokrli
'I'ti.' Thrii " h -Week W.nid, n.
tint u hit it ri.iil.-ntial (::iinpui.M U
fi.i'"li:ii(i. hone to lio a I ict I ! mi-
i'-r V.n U I,.h -vnr h,i. wf.rr. nu
mailt1 it n iiiTiiiip'iiirnts m-rnnl-
j ,njf,v , ,.w ,,,.,,. ,.v(l.s t,, P.
c.,-,. yii., an.t It. ic...i-ts pvcrytliiny
i fully, prnmptly mid lu'curuti-ly. It Is
! lh" ""'.v nrwninir, not aduilv, wiiinh
! U ,li t-"""1 11 llB".vi n,,1 w,,,,'h wi"
.... .
yo.i an ciiinplcti'ly infonni'cl of
is liiippi'iiinir t lit-ou (flu tut tin'
Tin-Tliriee-n,-Work W orld isfiiii In
it polil'il'lll I'f.pOI'tS. YOU jot till' tlMllll
from its I'oliiiiins, wli.'tlit'r yon nre
piitilirim or Oi'iiioiTiit, nrid tlnit is what.
, yl)U H.,m
j A .spi'i'lul ti-iilurii of thi' 'I'lii iri'-ii-
Wwk World ims always !mmi i's sim i-
ul til-1 i". It mi'iliKlii's i.ovi'ls by tlm
! ',ph1t u""'",'s 1,10 n,,v,'u w,,"'h
; In Imiok form si'il for l..i0 aidfre, anil
v,.rl, , .. . .,,
I per yeur, and this pays for l.'iil paprr
Wlf olVir this 11 mi i u a liu'l rii'wsii.'i iw.r iitiil
i thk I'i i.tdn Coi-nty -Nkws t);rrM,i r
for one year for I.7"i. The regular
subsrript ion priee of tho two papers is
1 1 ().
O.villfT to l-iiliny heaiih, ,.- . ,i
filled to oliVr for sal iny Mill I'rn
tv, sitii.:itid nt Veli-,ter Mills, Fulton
county, l'n. .Splendid wat. r rower the i
year round. Tin; null is one of il.i-
best establisln d in the count v, was
thoroughly i Linodeli d a ycai' ao, and
' elil'le'l with the latest improved
r!. i ....i.i. ... ..... ,i
P ' "'""r
f ys.s
Terms to suit uiinsliaHei1
call on or
W. H. Dri:i'Y,
!i 20 Jim Webster Mills, Pa.
Great Offer.
one 01 tne most popular city
v. eekly newspapers is the lole-
do Blade. It is a large eight-
Ijutfe j ni j h i . Him nas ,i wiuiio r
culationallovor ttio Uuited States.
Through a special arrangement
with the publishers of that pap.r.
dollar. As this oiler is good
for thirty days only, persons to
take advantage of it. should net
promptly, as after that lime, both
papers can only be had at the
regular nrt e.
No such oiler has ever been
made to the people of this coun
ty, end, of course, cannot hang
. .
out long,
Wei! Han
of He.'
! nrixliii in lino rcNiilu in o lu. it nctH
I li.Hi.rliilly uuilquirkly. ( lires whiu c.Ihfrs full.
I V nunir uumi can reunin tliclr lost uml
"u iiM-ii iiiiiy rcruvcr ou;ir yoiit ilaj vit'ur l.v
uimt hi vhii. n quu-kiy nmi ui0uv ro-
movi's IM.-i viiiisiiess, l.iikt Viti.Ilt v. St-xuul
Wuslluif I)isi'iiK-, uml elf. its ol Nuir-uluiso or
-xi-is uml Inillscn ilon, whkli unllts om, for
r....ujr. uuaim:nn m UIHrrillUH. 1 C nill Ofll V (' Uri'S
I.y Martinif ut tin, M'ut of iiiscitKA, Out ih'h Kn ut
iiitvo Ionic ami l.looil hull. I, r, lirlnt-liiK
link Ihfl lUnh ulowtii h.iH,, ri
Klurini; tl,u lh-t. ul youlli. H v,,r,is r,; IUl.
proaelilnudlhuiiso. ia.lsi. on huvlmc III IIMl,
10 other. It cun be curried In vust poi lmt. Hv
linill.Sl.OO per ,ncla;n, or Nil for S".Oll. Wo
rlvc f ! inlvire una counsul to all who wish it,
with iciliiraiiti-c. (.in iilurn free. A.Mn sH
ROYAL MEDICINE CO., Marine Bldg., Chicago, lit
l''or sale in McConnellsburg ut
V S Dickson's dru. store.
Pi w
TT'v .nfi.ii"x "'
.-,1A :-. V" V'
'b p. I a Fran c d'sl
i.v,.:, Ouick, KeliaLla Regulator J
Jll'l.lll.ll .'Hii-li. I'l l.
I i.. iIoik I
1.1.1 ii. i i II. ll I. I erf: ill.
Dr. IjuI-'i uui-v,
Kennedy's Laxative kloney and Tar
cure coroh. ni ...peiacoid. from
tha nyitteni by oently ntt: utriii the liowel. ,
I fj(;Vni1 Health
. . , '.
I I i
I To Cure a'Oite Bay
I Tcke Laxative Eromo Qiiimo Tai!ets. r.ry'
H Seven Million boxe sold in part 112 months. This cl'fiiature. SJjCyr
yyv5-- t
Jtty bronchitis and consumption.
:ullon County Bank.
H.i (Til
(KOANt.Kn IN 1X87 )
J l'p Cent, lalcreat I'nlcl on T I in t Ocponltat.
This old ami well known ViiKineial Institution Is now
permanently loeated In lis MC.v. room in the A. I'. Naee liuil.l
in'. Lai!e additions lia-e hien initde to the'
and the number of Stockholdi rs has luen inereased to I'll'
'I'KKX, whleli irivi-H n!l depositors a sei-nrlly of upward of
Two Hundred Thousand Dollars.
The Kult .ii County nun: does a GKNF.flAL HANK
I.'; HIJSIN'F.SS ai.d extemls every favor to their patrons
and friends, eonsistont w t i i s..iind 1 01 n k 1 1 1 1: ,
MeConneilslmr;;, Vu. Cashier.
h v 0 a , njtn 0e.0
New Grocery Store I
I have a full and up-to-date line of Gro
ceries, Confections, Cigars and Tobacco -all
fresh - nothing stale
Don 't forget about that
for Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Swine. I am
getting some good replies from it.
IVould be glad to have your Eggs in ex
change for goods or for cash.
Try me the next time you need anything in
my line.
McConiullshurK, Pa.
'Ve t . 11 ve our arniniinitii.ii i.i ft.
win '.j drum loaded sliell.s 12 ua,;"
l ie. .-''ini' are selling 2i drum -.h
reason id Ininters don't "i-: ;
load u ml j ;u oet tlio oame; 2 so i t Him, , live eurtrides, 1 le box: J!'.'
I iim, live en rtridoes, 2Si; :I2 oeirr.', live, Ide box; .iS eentre, live, I'.lo
lox; bull In - (Jran. !'. 1". T. .V U. tJun Powder, lb.; stiot Ho lb ;
Hamilton Hille, Sl.IM: 2. yua-) sinylu barrel shot un, :.2.j; others
at IJie'ble liarrels. at .".!! ' and 4S St.; Halustite smokeless shel Is,
IH'e box.
Tor Rope! Tor Rope!
We now have our 'J'ar Hope. ii. for this seasnn, and it is guaranteed
to b strictly all sieul at 7 jo by the coil. We eould have bought u mix
ed ropo of jute, und sioul that we eould have s.dd at ir. lb loss; but what
is a 4 runt, when you ran jjt u i pe that don't pu!l upart when it gets a
little wet. is where you en i sen the dtllen iu e Wo have now sold
.".ill) lbs. of this rope. Shook tyers, 11 and 'JOe; sash oerrl for these tyers
at le lit. T'.e l."st oorii ehopp.'r for 'SAv; Tin fruit cuns, ."So doz ; lard
eans, .!.lr ., i ve the best on;.- Bushel Musket made. Tins basket
is made by one of the best basin!, makers in tho country, uml he has no
trouble in selliijo them. See tin n.
Say, talk about olothiii"; und underwear. Wo have never made a
irrealor hii than wn did in clothioo and underwear. Uf course, It is a
little early: but if you come a d .tanoe and want to make a yood duv's, it, will pay you to buy this now; and in Corduryy pants we are
in shape to do yuu jood. We l:;.v na n's cords us ( heiip'iu We
have a full line of tinware, nut! ins. hosiery, huts, cups, suspenders,
overalls, hardware, and window shades; table oil cloth, 12c and 7e.
When in town, cull and see ns whether yon want to buy or not. We
want to see you. Respectfully ;'
Oli RE vise tj.UNt3
V.'ITH 'filv '. yi.
1 w
trn "t0MSi.':tl?l!C.i
run S oughs mj
fe Un
www. jntti w.Tijf w
Ti-IKOAT uo(t S. TO) -J'T: 0 )1
" i K.;' tuttKUM. x r?.r-izuno
ra-Tl Per In izeestion.
AavJP2L ,:, ., vc ,,,;ichi
palpitution ol tlc h-jrl. JJijai, u.-.tyoueat.-1
i -
Cut ofF that couli
i--ii r"T'e- t
X.-'-'r'. ' ' 't'T
: uuu "-vwhl
The world's Standard Thrnnt nnA- T.n
-" -
Medicine for 75 years.
Get it of your druggist and keep it
rvi.)(Aioif tuiA .
m 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 m x 0 v
0 . 0 0 0 A 0 0 00 0 . 0 0
Sis season, and are in shupe to sell
at 42e: Hi drams and 1 of Bhot at
lis ut these jii iees, and tliU is tlir
:i.V bailie. V,'.' t-i a e-jo.I stronu-
! r?lill-:si Auk your DriiwrUt for
, c itl.s-l'liH'S I'll.l.S in Hkd nl .
I Oiii.ii mclallic Iioxch, nealed with Bluet
Kill. .nil. IAKR NOOTHHR. Iluyolyour
t'lilUL'lHt mid RMlc for l,lll.f?IIKM.TKICM
1 I M.I. 111 1-II.I.H, 1 1HAMIIM Hit A. Ml, for
' l' vein y. u vc yeni Known hh llent, buleM, Al
u.ivm k-liut.l. Solil l.y 111-iijfintH every where,
. lIlClll.sllvK CIIMMICAl, CO., J'lUl.A., iA.
npWITT'". ". U'lTrM HAiri
2LV F-T l';3!, JSurr.-;, Scrt9.
Cure Crip B
in Two Daya. a
on every R
lox. 25c.
-- mav i miij;
always ready in the nousc
Fall Winter
It has been reported I
was sell i 111' out my entire
stock of millinery X'oods.
I did sell at Auction all of
my old stock, and have
just received a full lot of
new goods, consisting of
Pattern Hats, Ready-to-
Wear Hats, Untiimmed
Hats, and a general line of
Millinery, and they aie
now on sale. Remember
to select from.
Come and see my goods
before buying elsewhere,
as 1 know I can save you
Yours for Bargains,
My shmls are full of branil
now busies ant' wajrons, liutli
factory and
HAND -&.&'&.
and tny .prices are as low ax the
1'lcase call and see my enn
vcviinceH. Verv truly yours,
Hustontown. Pa.
Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tav
Cures all Coughs, and expels Colds lroi
the system by gently movlno the bowels.
Situnto in Taylor township, on the
road Icuiiiiiy: from lliiainntown to the
Itolicrtsualu inurket, eontainhij KM
acres; 100 acres cleared, of which
about i")0 acres are line meado-.v land;
balance in timber (iootl state of cul
tivation. Good House, iiuuip at tho
door. Barn, 4"x"(i. Terms easy,
Call 011, or address
A. J. FllAlvKU,
-) -tf. Hustontown, Va.
Kihst Class
Tonsorial Artist,
A Oleun Cup und Towel with eauli Shuvn
KvurytliliiK Antiseiitlu.
Kuuirs SlcrillzeU.
Shop In room lately oooupled by Kd llruke
Tonsorial Artist.
fcs tt'illtl V IID LO flli! f ll. ;tll ulul.i. ..f 1,....
tliiu. (j'ulek. easy Kl.avew. Hav-rum, Crranm.
A li oh-liuzol. without extra chai Kt,. Friwh
IowkI to each auHtuiuor. l.utel lniiroveil up
, .7 i'.om i. M il,. 1 nui (ippomie
l- niton Hoiine.
Attorney at Law,
Office on Square,
McConnellsburg, I'a
All IcKiil buH.uoss and uolleuUons entruHtcl
rcelvi! cun-ful and prompt attention
KOKtVuii 01 ,"iri:is.
Justice of the Peace I.. H.
M W. Nace
Coii.-ilahlu Tl. T. V'ielils.
JiuriroHS W I. Oreiuheiid.
C(j;inuil!in-n .lacoii lloiz, Thoiiuis
N. Hammil, Win. H. Neshit.
Cli I'K - Kdwurd Shin. 1. r
School Directors 'JSios. P. Slo
Johr, A. Irwin. John ( !nmnwi 'I '
on 11,
stevHtii', S. JJ, Woollet, I,. H.'wil.i.
;.ouru 01 iieallli-11. S. Wisharl,
i.! pros. .1. vv. tireathead,; see'v.
W. liny; W L Mclvlbbin, to. U.
V Moss. r, L.
President Ju,dre Hon S.Mo. Sw...
Associate Juds W.H. Hender, 1).
T. Humbert.
Protlionotary, Aic.--Geo. A. Harris,
District Attorney Georpe U, Pun
iels. Treasurer A. C. Lauver.
HhorlffJ. G. Alexander.
Deputy Hheritr W. H. Nesblt.
Jury Coiiunlssloiiei s H, V, Muiu
ma, JJennett A, Trunx,
Auditors J). II. Myers, Aaron M,
tiarland, W, Grant Wiuk.
C'onnnlssloners S. 0. Gracey, Win,
C. Davifl, S. A Nesblt."
Clerk tl. Prank Henry,
C.ouuty Siiie.rlut.:i.di-nt - Chas. V
Attorneys W Scott Alexander, J,
NeUon Blpon, Tlioman P. Bloan, P,
McN. Johnston, M. P.. fdiaffner, Goo,
II. Daniels. John P. Bl.8, S. W.
Kirk, P. P. Lynch, H. N. Hlpeg,
FlieFaUoa Caaati News.