Ho Ruro anil road Stevens' A Raker's new advertisement. Philip OH wears the smile that won't come off. It's a boy. Prime Timothy Seed for sale at Stouteatfle Bros. H 3-4t. . A good bicycle for sale cheap. Apply to Edward H. Reisner, Mc Connellsburg, Pa. Joseph L. Richards, of lower Ayr, was a guest in the home of hi son Aaron last Friday uipht. Salknman V'antko to look af tr our interest in Fulton and ad jacent counties. Salary or Com mission. Address ThkHakvky Oil Co., Cleveland, (.). September 12th, UlOti, Dixie Spriggs, child of Sarah Spriggs, died, aged 4 months and U days. Funeral service was conducted bv J. L. Grove. Having quit hucksterms.', U. C. Mallott in Whips Cove, has two horses for sale, one of which is ! yiars old and the other 12 both will w-rk wherever hitched. Waxtkd. For Fulton County. Agent for Tan Gkkat A. & P. Ti:a Co. Good inducements and big pay. Thk Gkkat A. A P. Tka Co. 131111 Ave., n 'J3 tit Altoona, Pa. Lost. Ladies' light-tan box coat, and child's coat, last Friday afternoon, on road between this place and Knobsville, or on road north of Knobsville. A liberal reward will be paid for their re turn to this oflieo. Bessie Irene, only child of Mr. and Mrs. George Bradnick, was cilled to heaven, Sept. 14, 1900, aged 1 month and -." days. In terment was made in the M. E. rhurch cemetery at Knobsville, on Sunday. Pains across the small of the back indicate something wrong with the kidneys. DeWitt's Kid ney and Bladder Pills will quick Jy bring relief. A week's treat ment for 25 cents. Act on the liver, too. Sold at Trout's drug store. Mrs. C. P. Carmack and two children Russell and Flo, and Miss Bessie Tritle, returned home on Saturday evening, after spendicg a few days witn Mrs. Carmack's brother, David Briggs, who is very ill at the home of his mother, in Charlestown, Pa. When you have a cold it is well t.) be very careful about using anything that will cause constipa iii hi. Be particularly careful about preparations containing op cites. Use Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar, which stops the cough and moves the bowels. Sold at Trout's drug store. Huslontown Epworth League. Resolutions of respect on the death of Emma Laidig, who died August 24, 1900. Whkkeak, the great and Su preme Ruler has, in his infinite wisdom, taken from among us oue of our worthy and much es teemed Epworthians; and where as, the intimate relations held with her in this league, makes it nighly betitt'ng that we record our appreciation of her; there fore, be it Resolved, that the removal of Kuch a noole life from among us, leaves a vacancy that will be deep ly felt by all the members of our Loigue. Resolved, that we extend our sympathy to the bereaved farm lv, pointing them to the giver of all good and precious gifts for succor in this the dark hour of trouble and grief. Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to the bereaved mother, as a mark of our love and esteem for our sis ter who has gone from us. NkllkKikk, Salmk Fiklds, Eh'KIK CUTKHAf.L, Lydia Mi; mm a, Committee. HEATH SCHOOL. Business and Shorthand cours es, "flay and night sessions. N. E. Cor. 1 ;th and Market Streets. ( )iK)8ite Wanamaker's, Philadel phia, t'a. F. It. Hkath, 4t. Principal, Formerly with Peirce's. Cumberland Valley Tralnt Leave Fort Loudon at 7.42 a. m., 11 47 a. in., 2.4'J p. rn.; leave Mer cersburgat8.04a. m., 12.07 p. m., itiid 3.05 p. m. Arrive at Mercersburg at 7.47 a m., 10 28 a. rn., and 5.53 p. m. Iiudon, 8.07 a. nd 18 p m. m., 10.48 a. m., IIUSIONTOWN. Mrs. May Ranck and Dura Speck both of this place, left Saturday tjr Pittsburg, where they expect to upend Home time visiting. Mrs. George W. Hays, of Mc Connellsburg, is visiting Mrs. Keepers, in this place. The teachors of our township met Saturday and reported hav ing a good institute preliminary to going into their Holds of labor, Monday. We were very sorry to hear of the sudden death of Mrs. Whit field on Friday morning, which is the fourth death in Hustontown inside of three months. David Ueifner, who has been employed for some time in Hunt ingdon, is spending some time with his mother and sisters in this place. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES Itching, blind, bleediug, pro truding piles. Druggists are au thorized to refund money if Puzo Ointment fails to cure in (i to 14 days. 50c. Mortality Aiming War Veterans. The report of Fluted States Commissioner Warner for the fiscal year ending Juue 30, is com pleted, and will be issued in Sep tember. The report will show that during the year more than !f,000 pensioners died, and that for the first time since the Civil War, the decrease in the pension roll outbalanced the increase. The experts of the pension otlice express the belief that from now on, the mortality among the Civil War veterans will show a decided increase. The average age of the veteran pensioner according to the records, is now 0a years. In five years the average will have exceeded the three score and ten which is allotted to man. It is also shown that, only 74 per cent, of the old soldiers who die leave children eligible for pensions. A GUARANTEED CIRE FOR PILES. Itching, blind, bleeding or pro ti uding piles. Druggists refund f..oney if Pazo Ointment fails to ire any case, no matter of how i-'.ug standing, in 6 to 14 days. irst application gives ease and ,v!st. 50c. If your druggistha.su 't it send 50c in stamps and it will .ie forwarded post-paid by Pans Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. CLEAR kllllili. Stephen Witter, of Graeey, was tha guest of J. A. Henry's and J. W. Mowers' Saturday and Sun day. E. D. Kesselnngand wife spent Sunday with Mrs. Jacob Wine gardner. Jacob Crider and family spent Sunday at A. W. Brown's. R. J. Fields and wife spent Sunday at Mi s. Kate McClain's. C. R. Brcwn, wife and two daughters Janet and Hazel, spent Sunday at J. Winegardner's. Charles E. Stevens and wife spent Sunday with Mrs. Stevens' parents. Nellie Curren, of Hustontown, spent last week with her sister, Mrs. C. L Henry. Miss Bess Raker and brother, of Knobsville, spent last Thurs day evening in our town. There will be a picnic in the af ternoon, and a festival at nijrht, next Saturday, September 22nd. Come one and all. Mrs. Richard Miller and son Eugene, of Fort Littleton, spent a d ly recently with her mother, Mrs. W. L. Grove. 3ert Brown spent Sunday at Three Springs. Myrtle Shore spent Sunday with her cousin Mame Fields. Mrs. Hannah Brown spent the past week with her piste.1, Mrs. John Madden, at Three Springs. Elsie Baker, who is teaching the Battle liidge school, spe.it Saturday and Sunday with her parents. Mrs. II. T. Heeter is spending some time with her daughter at Huntingdon. C. R. Brown killed a hawk a few days ago, that measured 4ft i inches from tip to tip. Who can beat that f When two strong men come to blows, eyen if they are well match ed, it is not a pleasing sight, but if the man wno gets the worst of it will use DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, he will look better and feel better in short order. Be sure you get DeWitt's. Good for ev erything a salve is used for, in cluding piles. Sold at Trout's drug atom. Sale Register. .Wednesday, September 20 Dr J. 8. Swartzwelder, having sold his real estate, and intend lug to remove to the Pacific Coast, will sell ut his residence nt Need more, personal property, consist ing of live stock, buggies, harn ess, household goods, Ac. Sale begins at 10 o'clock. Credit 7 months. Thursday, September 27. Tbos. P. Garland, Attorney in Fact for the heirs of Mrs. Mary K. Cattlett, deceased, will sell on the premises in McCouuellsburg, what is known as the Cattlett property, situate on the north west comer of First and Main streets, a lot of ground on which there are two dwelling houses, stablo aud other outbuildings. Also, at the same time and place, on? acre of ground situate near the Sideling Hill Tunnel. Sale at I o'clock, p. m. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund mon ey if it fails tocure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. Cure for Intemperance. A southern doctor in at'.eud ance at a recent medical conven tion at a dinner at which the luestion of intoxication and its cure was discussed made a state ment which was regarded by some of the physicians and lay men who were listening to him as remarkable. He said that he had given a good deal of attention to the question of inebriety and its prevention or cure, and stated that he had tound that the creating of an appetite for fruit was the best, and in fact the only remedy for the disease. Fruit he said will destroy entire ly the tato fo liquor, and in his experience he had never lound a mm that was fond of fruit; who at the same time had an appetite for drink. On the contrary he said, nobody ever saw a drunkard who cared for fruit. The remedy is so simple, that it is worth considering, and ex perimentation is within reach of everyone. A SCIENTIFIC WOINDER. The cures that stand to its cred it make Bucklen's Arnica Salve a scientific wonder. It cured E. R. Mulford, lecturer to" the Pa trons ol Husbandry, Waynesboro, Pa., of a distressing case of piles. It heals the worst burns, sores, boils, ulcers, cuts, wounds, cliil blaius and salt rheum. Only 25c at Trout's Drug store. LAIDKi. Quite a number of our young people have been vaccinated. Nettie Price has returned to Al toona, after having spent some time with h;r parents, Frank Price and wife at this place, There will be pleaching at Fair view next Sunday evening. The party at Orlando Wagner's last Saturday evening was well attended and good order prevail ed. Nora Ritchey spent Sunday with her friends, Zelda and Clara Laidig. Jonas Lake and wife attended preaching at Sideling Hill Sun day. Daniel Laidig and wife, George Laidig, wife and daughter Zana, Hiram Laidig, wife and children, spent Sunday very pleasantly in the home of brother George, near Hustontown. Our school opened Monday un der the control of A. D. Peightel. James Mum ma and wife were guests in the home of S. H. Hock ensmith Sunday. Myra Auld haviug been employ ed in the family of S. II. Hocken smith for some time, has return ed to her home nor LbrrUouville. Edward Doshong pen'; Satur day and Sunday with friends in Licking Creek. Casper Brai.t and wife spent Sunday at James Foreman's. Torture By Savage. "Speaking of the torture to which some of the savage tribes in the Philippines subject their captives, reminds mo ot the in tense suffering I cud u red for three months from inflammation of the Kidneys," says W. M. Sher man, of Gushing, Me. "Nothing helped ine until I tried Electric Bitters, three bottles of which completely cured me." Cures liver complaint, dyspepsia, blood disorders and malaria; aud re stores the weak and nervous to robust health. Guaranteed at Trout's drug store. PHca 50c, Do It 'Now-! Don't pil. off until to-morrow wlint yon should Iniy to-day. Take B(lviiiitufe of our Summer. Clearing Sale of millinery Kvery hut In stork ut gucrillce price. Keudy-to-weiir Dress Skirts, Petticoats, Muslin Underwear, (iau.e Vests. "(Quality as well as cheapness" describes our stock of dress jfoods. Don't full to see our assortments. . Notions ! Notions ! Oloves, I It-It h. Corsets, Veilings, Neck-wear, 1 latid-lia r af 1 loslery , llralds, llujr I'lns, Hide ( 'omlis, Ac., .vc. ' Laces, Embroideries, Hnnner l'attems in stock for Ladies, Mleuml Children All seams ullowcd on all Manner Patterns. T. J Hancock, Aid. Hest trade prices paid o 3. 4& New Grocery Store ! xS I still take pleusure in unnouncinj; to the cit izens of Met 'on nellsliur, und vicinity that I have opened u new and up-to-date Grocery Store opposite Dickson's Druy Store My stock consists of u line line of Staple and Fancy Groc eries, Confections, Cigars und Tobaccoes. I have just received a fresh lino of Nutriotone for Horses, Cuttle, Sheep and swine, aud if your stock is not doinn liyht I would ask you to try Nutriotone. You may lio receiving soino advertising matter on Nutriotone and I would ask you to read it carefully. It is jruaranteed to build up nil stock und keep.them in (food health. If you are not receiving any advertising matter on Nutrio tone, please drop me a postal card and I will see that you receive it regularly. Hoping to receive a share of your put ronuge, 1 am Yours, for fair dealing. E. R. M'CLAIN. McConnellsburg. Pa. 0 0 AIRS. A. F. Big Underselling Store. Fall and Winter 88 I have just returned spent two weeks selecting les of the season. We are now busily engaged in unpack ing boxes, marking, and placing goo Is on our shelvns tor your convenience. In Fall and Winter Millinery, we have t i In rest line on display that was ever placed in our stor -. V,.. vere ve ry careful in order to get the latest styles uud best goods for the money. We are now reudy to please one and all. Come in und examine our stock. M'CONNELLSUUUG, PA. 00 STEVENS' & RAKER'S Bargain Store. For First Fall Days We Have The Goods. FALL AND WINTER. Underwear coming in ut prices that will surprise you. Overshoes, Ijeggins und l'ubber Goods now on hand at a eloan-sweopiug price goods that we commenced buying us curly as April and May. We have a full line of outing cloth ut He., a yd., gingham und cali coes as low as "e. a yd. Muslins, shirtings, seersuckers, llanneletts, at low prices. Men's cords from stl.-W up. . I r t ''" unl' 11 dozen while they last. We -tJS9 hav-a few dozen tin cans that we are closing out for IIXu. jpa FFE "rSl t'ass twine tic. lb., rope halters l'i and 'k:., web halters .'In uiul -I'x-,, harness pads that wo are selling for from o to' 40c SHELLS ! Shells ! h.ctiesterandr.M. C. shells J und .it drum of powder, all size shot lirst class for 4.1c, a box. Crocks from I to 2 gallon each, prices 4 to UK;. nv;h; 2 gallons S'lc. A full line of groceries that we sell ua low as the lowest, and for SHOICS don't fail to try Stevens llulcer before you buy. All kinda of country produce taken In exchange, wheat, Nile: rye, ifc; outs, .'): onions, und country lurd 10c. Cull and see us, No trouble to show you goods If you don't buy. Respectfully yours, Stevens & Raker, Clear Ridge, Pa. Kaum Foit IIknt. (looJ two horse farm fur rout, situate in Belfast township. For further pat ticulars, apply to 11. W. 1'IX'K, McConnellsburg, Pa. Subscriho for tho News. WIENER for Kjrjrs und Poultry. LITTLE'S Millinery. from the K astern Cities where I: the latest und most popular sty 00 For sale by SV)uteVlo Cro, A!t LEWIS H. WIBLE. PRESIDENT. FRANK P. LYNCH. ATTOnNlY AND SOLICITOR. W. SCOTT ALEXANDER. VICC PRCSIDKNT. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OR M'CONNELLSBURC, PA. Will pay 3 per cent, interest per annum on all time deposits. The liank has Increased In business rapidly and it is now ready to share .its earnings with its depositors, thus giving them a safe Invest ment at homo. Notice the growth during the first live months busi ness. Total resources at close of busi noss A pril "4,1'KHi, $71,343.03; May 24th, -$80,711.41; June 23rd, $91,485.30; July 24th, $101,023.11; August 24th, $112,000.00. If you cunuot call in person, send your deposits by mail, they will receive prompt attention. LEWIS H. WIBLE. JNO. P. 6IPE8. UNO A. HENRY. W. 6COTT ALEXANDER. PETER MORTON. GEO. A. HARRIS. D. L. GRISSINviER, R.M.KENDALL. CHAS. E. BARTON. poooooooooooo oooooooooooo ooooo !88 have just MIFFLINBURG ft. car ofMifflinburg Top Buggies, 3 seated W. ago ns and 2 seated Wa all hare 18 Spokes and riveted rims. All fully guaranteed. Prices Very Phosphate now in for Fall Seed' o ing. O Yours for a new Vehicle, CLAY PRIL, S Three? Springs, Pa. w 0 00 5OOOOO ' oooooooooooo P2 LVip7 v lit. k . . j y. 1 r j. Prices A 1 -rfEx Mm--j mm J. K. Johnston, McConnellsburg. 0 -DYSPEPSIA CURE DIGESTS Tk 11.04 ktla,ta'ii)H Hn.ilh, ttUl u. Mtk lt fw Ifl .j, tor Kodol's yon Alreanao anJ 200 "' ' MERRIL W. NACE. CASHIER. B. FRANK HENRY. AS9T. CA3K.CH. 000090 8S8 00 00 O Received another P. R, q gons, Low. CiC.Ci CidCiCi OOOOOO 0000000000000 GUNS ! 1 CM GUNS! 33 GUNS ! Loaded Shells, Black and Smokeless Powder. Gun Cleanors, Re loading Tools, ' cleaning rods. Gun Grease. Car tridges all sizes. GUN . CLOTHING. The largest stock of Guns in the coun-If- I the lowest. 8 . Ml '! WHAT YOU ' RAT Var Onlander,