11 ii eh W. Ewinr lias boon on t ) . . siclt list for several days. Mr. Ii & liarris, of tliis place, has beeu in ill health for a few days. If you fail to litid your items iu tbi News, it is her.ause you tor pal to sifrn your name to thorn. M rs. Jack ilislio)), of Clearlieid, visiting iu the family of her brother, R 11. Truax, uoar lddo. Harry Llustou at Saltillo, just received a carload of phosphate which he will sell on special terms to quick buyers. William Youse, of AUoona, is wearing a very broad smile. It's because a little dish washer has C'une to his house. Through Attorney ShatTner, Mrs. Susan C. I'uyer, and Mrs. El.iott Kummel have received p.uisious duriutr the past week. Sat.ksman Vantkii to look af ter our interest iu Fulton and ad j'lcent counties. Salary o." Com mission. Address Tin: II auvky ( u. Co., Cleveland, O. Miss Rose Nteiyer, of Mercers b.-.rg, and Mrs. T. 1!. Donnelly, of Philadelphia, were guests of the Iv'xrnth family at the Fulton House a few davs last week. i'rof. W. Don Morton, who had l.i'cu elected principal of the Ad i. his township High School in Cambria county, at a salary of 75 a !:;outh, left for his new field of labor last week. Vrite f jr a free copy of the 1 it;'n7 catalogue and new Illus r '.fed College Journal of Col urn -t. i Hnsiuess College, Ilagers t n, Mil. They will iuterest V u. , Charlie Creathead startec on Tuesday morning, for his return t Loveland, Colo., after having f pent several mouths with his pa -outs, Mr. and Mrs. Johu W. ( ireathead. Last week John Hard and his men raised a big bank biru for .1 i1) Plesstuger cu the old Clark farm west of Xeedmore. Job is bringing the old place out and he will make it blossom as the rose. Fau.m Vou Kknt. Good two horse farm for rent, situate in lielfast township. For further pa- tieulars, apply to 1!. V. l'KCK, McConnellsburg, Fa. !. v. Akers, who had been p'-ndiug a week with his friend, I'rof. V. Don Morton, returned lo !iis home at Iveyser, V. ';v.,on '!'! ursday of la.-t week. Mr. Ak- rs is a former irush Creek boy, a id is now chief clerk to the Vard i;Mster of l!ie I). A: O. yards at 1 ' it place. Wheu you have a cold it is well t. be very careful about using anything that will cause constipa tion. Be particularly careful about preparations containing op iates. Use Kennedy's Laxative 'oney and Tar, which stops the cough and moves the bowels. Sold at Trout's drug store. Geo. W. Sipes, of Need more, aci ompauied by his sister-in-law, Mrs. Mary Martin, and her son F. 's, of Claysville, Pa., and by his daughter, Mrs. J. S. Swartz '..i 'der and son Wabace, of Need i':i'e, were registered at the Wii-,liingtou House last Thurs ! Mrs. Martin will be remein be! i'l by the middle aged set !':ut McConnells'burg, as Miss M !ry Hampton. This washer li-.t visit to McConnellsburg for a rum her ol years. While the editor enjoys auy 1 l. ug that is good to eat when he 5-firtunate enough to have it in h's possession, he is especially t'ond r.f peaches. Whether this fact is known to his friends or rot, he was the recipient d unrig ' iie past yeek, of two lots of as line pouches ascau be grown any where. One lot came from Mrs. llebecca Stenger, of Jugtown, lid the other, from Mr. John I loopengardner, ot Thornastown. The peaches were of the Craw ford variety large, red cheeked, t ipu. juicy, fine flavored, luscious, delicious, meaty in fnct thry vein "great. " In these days of rush and hur ry courtesy is often forgoten. In 1 he mad, pell mull rush of our life little thiugs are done to of fend that we rather remained un done. A hastily eaten meal and i's resultant head iche may cause us social or financial loss. The v ise nir. ii or woman is the one who relieves little ills of this sort I y a little dose of Kodol For Dys pepsia. It digest what you eat I'd puts your stomach back into fbHpe. Sold at Trout's drug Morn. I mmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmi mmmmmmmmilFm mm ' '-..,,.A A... '-A' T I ( H l n ' M l ', I l ' t ( t ( ; I l 'i li H ! . I ( r f r " 'y'r'T'' Capital $150,000.00. :?90 Stockholders. Farmers and Merchants Trust Company. XATIOXAI, HANK HflLDINT,, CHAM HKIlSIII'liG, PA. deposits by mail in Checking or guv inn department, (in latter 3 per J cent interest is paid); acts as Trustee, Guardian, Executor, Admin- Does a general Hanking, Trust and Heal Estate Business: receive istnitiir and Ueceiver of estates: Sells and Kent houses and farms. Your attention Is especially Invited to our Saving department, la which Interest Is allowed on deposits at rate of .1 percent, per annum, l't compounded every six months, which possesses advantages over mort- enues at hither rates. No doubtful titles of real estate to cause wor ry: no risk of tire: money subject to call and always ready for you when yon want It. The total assets of the Company amounting to ov er JiIii,ikh). pledges to secure each and every deposit. We have many customers located at a distance, who dothelr bank ing with us entirely by mail and llnd It a very convenient and satis factory way of doing business. t)ur real estate department has leen placed in charge of Mr. H. V Karper who Is well and favorably known to many of the readers o' ' ' this paper, and any one desiring to purchase or rent a farm in Frank. .. . ,ii i ii ... :.... ...:.t. Li... nn county win uo wen to coiimiui'icuie wim uhm. Your business in any of our departments Is respectfully solicited and will receive our prompt and careful attention Write us fo particulars on any feature you do not fully understand. I x ) 14 1 ( Ml ) t ! M I I ( it ( t I : I . I ; 1 1 m H M I t I I eri'lili'nl. . Secretary. O. tJ. SOLLCNRCRGEa. MILLIrtM IIOERNBR, ' ice I'rcsldenr. Solic tor. S. V.WINOEHT, T.Z. MIXEHflHT, Tri-H-MinT. Trust otlloer. H. W. KrtRI-'ER. MiuiBKer Heul K-tiie In-parlinpnl. ill Sale Register. Thursday, September 20. Kev. A. C. Wolf, intending to re move to West Fairview, Pa., will sell sell household goods, horse, buggy, surrey, sieigh, hay, harn ess, stove, and mauy other arti cles. Sale at 1 o'clock. Credit t months. , Wednesday, September 215 Dr. J. S. Swartzwelder, having sold his real estate, and intend ing to remove to the Pacific Coast, j will sell at his residence at Need more, personal property, consist ing of live stock, buggies, harn ess, household goods, Ac, Sale begins at lo o'clock. Credit 7 months. A LIVELY TUSSLE j -. ith that old enemy of the race, i Constipation, often ends in Ap pendicitis. To avoid all serious trouble with stomach, liver aud bowels, take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They perfectly regulate these organs without pain or dis comfort. 2."e at Trout's drug store. - - Fall Term Opening. The Tri-State Business Col- J logo, Cumberland, Md.,Sept. 4th, j "th, and 15th. Write for catalogue ! and terms. I HUSI0NT0WN. Some of our young people at tended the picuic at Burnt Cab ins last Satu. "day. They report ed having a good time. Eugene Chesuut is home on a visit from Wilhamsport, where he has been for the past two months.' M. D. Mathias is seriously ill at this writing. His mother died on Sunday evening. Miss Maggie M'chaels and Mrs. Robert Sneer both of Everett are visiting frieads and relatives in this vicinity. M. L. Kirk is digging the foun dation for a house on the Dawney extension. A movement is on foot to or ganize Uustontown into a bor ough. Let the good work go on. Mrs. Frank Mumma-and son, of Jeanette, are visiting in the home of David Mum ma. Kll:ott Smith and fimily, of McCoanellsburg, are visiting in the home of Mrs. Smith's moth er, Mrs. Emahue Chesnut. Johu Sailers aud wife, of Wood vale, are visiting in the home of David Lambersoo. Cumberland Valley Trains Leave Fort Loudon at 7.42 a. m., 11.47 a. m., 2.4.5 p. m.; leave Mer- cersburgatn.04 a. m., 12.07 p. :n., and 3.05 p. tn. Arrive at Mercersburg at 7.47 a. m., 10 28 a. m.,' and a. 53 p. m. Loudon, K07 a. m., 10. Ha. m., and (5.13 p. in. THOMPSON. The farmers of our vicinity will begin to harvest their coi n this week. W. II. Pittman and wife spent Sunday at Scott-Johnson's. After spendi ig a few weeks with friends here, S. L. Simpson, wife and son left fin Monday for their home iu Lebanon. Pa. Alvah Gordon spent Sunday af ternoon with Uonj. Fisher. lioy Daniels, wife and son, and Will Secnst and family soeut Sunday at J. C. Comerer's. Olive Zimmerman spent a few days in Thompson last week. Lillian Pott and Bess Simpson spent Saturday and Sunday at Mac Li turn's. The Vaccination Law is the principal topic -of convei sation at present." Kev. John II. Barney will preach at Damascus at 10 o'clock and at Bald Kaglo schcolhouse at half past two o'clock, on the fourth Sunday of this month. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES Itching, blind, bleeding, pro truding piles. Druggists are au thorized to refund money if Puzo Ointment fails to cure in 6 U 11 days. 50c. HEATH SCHOOL. Business and Shorthand cours es, day and night sessions. N. E. Cor. 13th and Market Streets. Opposite Wanamaker's, Philadel phia, '.'a. F. Ii. Hkath, 4t. Principal, Formerly with Peirce's. Prime Timothy Seed for sale at Stoutoagle Tiros. H 28-4r. A GUARANTEED CUKE EUR PILES. Itching, blind, bleeding or pro t: udiug piles. Druggists refund i.oney if Pazo Ointment fails to .ire any case, no matter of how Lng standing, in 6 to 14 days. ''irst application gives ease and .est. 50c. If your druggisthasn't it send 50c in stamps and it will oe forwarded post-paid by Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis. Mo. Oddfellows' Picnic, llarrisonviile Lodge, No. 710, I. O. O. F., will hold a basket pic uic in the gros'e at the Presbyter ian church atGreenhill, on Satur day, September 22nd. All Odd fellows and their friends are cor dially invited, to be present A couple short addresses will be delivered, but the day will be mostly given up to social inter course and innocent amusements. A good time is confidently expect ed. Come with your baskets, and help make it a joyous occasion. Come in the morning and stay all day. Committkk. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund mon ey if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. Farms Ghange Hands. Among the visitors to the coun ty seat last Saturday, were Lem uel Smith and Edward McCray, of Whips Cove. Mr. Smith has sold to our townsman Andy Mel lott. his farm, and has purchased the Henry Laytou farm. Both Mr. Smith and Mr. Mellott ex pect to take possession of their new farms next spring. Mr. and Mrs. Mellott are tina pe ple, and we are sorry to lose thern from this neighborhood. . A LJCIENTIHC WONDER. The cures that stand to its cred it make Bucklen's Arnica Salve a scientific wondoi . It cured E. II. Mulford, lecturer fo' the Pa trons ol Husbandry, Waynesboro, Pa., of a distressing case of piles. It heals the worst boms, sores, boils, ulcers, cuts, wounds, chil blains and salt rheum. Only 25o at Trout's Drug store, Do It Now ! Don't put off until to-morrow whnt you should buy to-day. , , Take ndvnntno of our Summer Clearing Sale of millinery Kvfery hat In stock at lacrillue price. Iteady-to-wear Drens Skirts, I'ettlcoatii, Mutlln Underwear, Oau.e Veatg, "Quality a well an cheapness" describes our sUck of drens goods. Don't fall to ee our assortments. ' Notions ! Notions ! Gloves, Helts, Corsets, Veilings, Neck-wear, Hand-bags, Hosiery, Hralds, Hair l'lns, Side Combs, Ac, Ac. Laces, Embroideries, Hnnner Patterns In stock for Ladies, Misses and Children. All scums allowed on all H miner Patterns. T. J. WIENER, Hancock, Md. Uest trade prices paid for Kggs and Poultry. LEWIS H. WIBLE. PBF8I0FNT. I W. SCOTT ALEXANDER, VICi PRiSIOBNT, p. 3 ! New Grocery Store ! Jg, I still take pleasure Id announcing to the citizens of McCon nellsburg, and vicinity, that T have opened a new and up-to-date Grocery Store opposite Dickson's Drug Store My stock consists of a line line of Staple and Fancy Groc eries, Confections, Cigars and Tobaccoes. I have Just received a fresh line of Nutrlotone for Horses, Cattle, Sheep and swine, and if your stock Is not doing right I would ask you to try Nutrlotone. You may be receiving some advertising matter on Nutrlotone and I would ask you to read It carefully. It is guaranteed to build up all stock und keep them in good health. If you are not receiving any advertising matter on Nutrlo tone, please drop me a postal card and I will see that you receive It regularly. Hoping to receive a share of your pat ronage, I am Yours, for fair deallug, E. R. M'CLAIN. McConnellsburg, Pa. 0 00 MRS. A. F. LITTLE'S Big Underselling Store. xx XX I X 0 0A0. A few Hats still left which will fce closed out at cost during the next two or three veek.s. This layourchance, Come In Soon, McConnellsburg, Pa. -XX XX :xx FRANK P. LY NCH, ATTOnNF V AND POLICITOR. MERRIL W. N AC t CASHIEH. U. 1- H ANK HLNHY, THE FIRST NATIONAL BAN OPENING LETTER STEVENS & RAKER'S NEW STORE At Clear Ridge. 2 5 lbs. Granulated su;ar, $1.25; Glass jars; quarts, 50c. a doz.; one-halt gallons, 60c. a doz.; Fish, 65 cts. a bucket. We are selling a nice line of Lace curtainette at 10c. a yd. and up; Lace curtains, 60 cts. pair; Towels, 15 cts. pair and up; Ginghams and Calrcoes at 5c. and up. A nice line of dress goods, white lawns, ribbons and laces Ladies' and Gents' bhoes at prices that will aston ish you. Machine oil at a guaranteed price. A full line of Dr. A. C Daniels' veterinary medicines. You will save money if you deal with us. We will pay first-class prices tor Eggs, Butter, Pork, Lard, Chickens, etc. Everybody welcome. Stevens & Raker, Clear Ridge, Pa. OR AVCONNELLSBURC. PA, Will pay 3 per cent, interest per annum on all time deposits The Hank has increased in luisiiiess rapidly and it W now ready to shure its earnings with its depositors, thus vriviti; tlmin a safe Invest ment at home, Notice the growth during the lirst five months busi ness. Total resources at rinse of lni ness April -I, l'.Ktli, ' $71,343.03; May 24th, $80,711.41; June 23rd. $91, 4-85.30; July 24th. $101,023,11; August 24th, 3112,000.00. If you cannot call in person, send your deposits by mail, they will receive prompt attention LEWIS H. WIBLE. J NO. P. SIPES. UNO. A. HENRY. W. SCOTT ALEXANDER. PETtH MORTON. GEO. A. HARRIS, D. L. GRISBINoER, R.M.KENDALL. CHA8, E, BARTON KILLthi cough and CURE thi LUNC8 WT" Dr. King's Mow Discovory rONSUMPTION 0UUH8 antf OLDS Prlca BOol. 11.00 Fru Trill. Buriwt and Quickest Our (or all THROAT and LXWO TEOUB Lta, or MONEY BACK. FLWEU'S ABDOMINAL KUr rOKl'KIU 1009 Hrsimi Uiuum St., rhlUdelpliu, r MITl'KKIOK IIANOA WKITK KOH i:i'Fl I HI II If stock i noh Tniirrrr i nuooco Subscribe tor the News. OOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOC c oooo M 1 k A A JLAJL TTuBuDil K A L, W IT W ri M have just received another P. R. R. car ofMijTdnbnrtf fop Buggies, 3 seated V Vagons. and 2 seated all have 18 Spil es and riveted rims All fully guaranteed. 8 Prices Very Low. ing. Phosphate noiv in for Fall Seed- Yours for a new Vehicle, CLAY PARK, Three S o r I r ooooo: . oooooo ooooooooxoo ocooooooooooo V ' GUNS ! 1 . . St. A. iff v7;- r ti'AV, A, GUNS! GUXS h ) r oaded Shells, Black and Smokeless y Gun Cleanors, Re loading Tools, cleaning rods. Grease. Car tridges all sizes. GUN Gun CLOTHING. The largest stock of fc3 " Guns in the county. Prices the lowest. iXsihk - -'iliila it..' ., J. K. Johnston. McConnellsburg, CURE DIGESTS WXIAT- YOU RAT Tkl.00 Mtla LUttini 3Sk MntitktlrtolilM, whltk Mia tm 10 MlttkU ekV THI LilUU'XlK u M. C DcWXTT it COUPAUY. CUICACQ, For tie by Stouteajjle Bro. Auk tor.Kodorii 1906 Almanac and 200 Yoar Caiandet p ft I 88 ft u hi ti