H.I-UN COUNTV NEWS i w.bli5.h d h'vcry Thursday. ! c ... f'.-M, Editor and Proprietor. AWCONNELLSBURG, PA. JULY 19,1906. r '.IMishod Weekly. 1.00 per Annum in Advance. I'crsiin.irr or x lltn" .1 tlmen II W. I'it M(iiiin ':tfh wutTst'iiui't't Insortlon.... M1 All advertisements inserted far less than firee months irhurtfril by the square. ;t tuns. I tftuos. i t yr. I ino-Tonr-t l! eoimun One-li.l. f eoiutun One Column t OP I no. (to :.!l. 40.00 S0.00 4(1 HI. I Wi.00. I Th.00 S-t'; ,r insiTted for Ipss than ' l'ro' ss'onui Curds one year f 1)1 H TO OLD MMDS. nJ It's All Explained hy Silence, Too. Can you toll me the reason, tor Hit' fresh health v appearance of tho lOnyl imIi poopleV" inquired an Aiimm ii.':in tourist of liis compan ion. "Thuir complexion is far superior to ours or our couutry iiih) over the herring pond." "Well, 1 know what an eminent scientist saj-s. " "Anil what reas n does he ud vance Well, he says it is all owing to the old maids. " "( .ving to old maids ! You sur prise me. " "Fact. He figures it out this way. Now. you know the English are very l'ond of roast heef." 'Hut what has that to do with oldmaid.s-r" '(J.i slow. This genuine Eug lip.li beef is tne best and most nu tritious beef in the world, and it imparts a heautiful complexion." "Well about the old maids." "H' .ld on. You see, the excel lence of this English beef is clue exclusively to led clover. You re arli that?" 'All but the old maids. They are still hovering in theshadows. " ' '.Veil, this red clover is en rich oil, sweetened and fructified by Ivj in blebees. "Cut where do the old maids come in V said th.i inquisitive American, wiping his brow wear- iiy. "Why it is as plain as the nose on your face. The only enemy of the 1m in blebee is the field mouse. " "Uut what have roast beef, red clover, bumblebees and lieid mice to do Willi old maids "Why. you must be very ob tuse. Don't you perceive that the bumblebee would soon De ex terminated by the field mice if it were not for ---" "Old mauls "No; if it were rot for cats, and the old maids of old England keep the country thoroughly stocked up with cats, and so we can di rectly trace the effect of the rosy English complexions to the benign cause of English old maids at least that's what the scientist sa s about it. Science makes ele;:r many mysterious tilings." --Tit Hits. Dues evil still, your whole life till V ) i,,i s woe betide 'i You- thoughts on suicide';' You oei-.-d a pill ! Nvjw fur proseand facts DeWitt's Lit'-I" Early itisors are the most ple.isant and reliable pills known to day. '1 hey never gripe. Sold by S' uuteatrle ,v. Urn. The Wehsters. A mem tier of the Nebraska Le:.'i-i ..tare was making a speech ri'i some momentous question, a id. m concluding, said : "In the words of Daniel Web site, who wn te the dictionary, 'I live me Hoci'ty or give me death I' " t )ne of iiis colleiiguc-s pulled at his coat aud whispered : "Daniel Webster did not write the dic tionary; it was Noah." "No ih, nothing!" replied the speaker. "Noah built the ark." A Perplexed Bridegroom. Iw son "Do you tatte this wom an for better or worse V Briilegroom "Well, 1 can't ex actly say. Uer people think it's for better, but mine think it's for worse." Life. Whit It Cost to Live in 1828. From a Heading newspaper published May 2, tho follow ing prices show the cost of living then : Batter IU cents a pound; caickens, 3 cents a pair; turkey 75 cents a pair; coal, .1a ton; ham 6 cent a pound; whiskey, 22 ents u gl!.:; ".(!.', t'1 cents a .i ;vn FRANKLIN MILLS. What a spirit of improvement presents itself to the eye of Uie wayfaring man as lie traverses the hills and vvlleys of our own isolated little county of Fulton ! I say isolated, from the fact that it seems shut in from the out side world no railroad having crossed its borders; therefore, we have no floating population, and the people whose lots have been cast among these pine clad hills have accepted their situation, and fully realize that they, as a people, are free from mauy of the con taminating influences and vices that confront more thickly settled and more densly populated dis tricts, free from that disturbuif clement that follows along with this rapid transit improvements. I say the people have accepted the position and have resolved to build up nice pleasant homes as indi cated by the amount of modern and up to date farm houses, and large commodious barns in which to store r.he go deu giviu that has largely increased its yield in last decade for the industrious farm er. While the spirit of improve ment as to the home surround ings is in evidence, they are not unmindful ot the dutv they owe to Him who watches over them that He should too be remember ed aud have a building dedicated to his service. Therefore, the church known as the Christian church at Cedar Grove will uu dergo marked improvement with m the next thirty days. A large bell, weighiug 1-JuO lbs., is already on the ground, aud will be placed in position in time to ring tor the annual meeting commencing Au gust iiord. As stated, the chui ch is undergoing repairs, aud preach ing will be in Spencer's Grove uext Suuday at o'clock p. m. Sermon by Rev. W. H. Header shot. LOCUST OKOVE. The farmers of tlm Cove are done harvesting and hauling in. Nora Garland aud Michael Fisher made a flying trip to 'Wash ington, D. C. aud Baltimore. Ru mor says wedding bells will soon oe ringing in the Cove. W. C. Martin is slowly improv ing from an attack of blood poi soning. Mrs. E. A. Diehl has gone to Pittsburg. Mrs. Nancy Lay ton and Nancy Garland visited the home of H. Garland, in Cumberland, Md. Gertrude Garl vnd has return ed from Cumberland, after a short stay. II. Garland and wife, of Cum berland, are in the Cove visiting relatives. Lemuel Smith has sold his farm and purchased the farm of Hen ry Laytou, in the lower end of the Cove. WbST DUBLIN. May Reeder has gone to Phila delphia, where she will be em ployed In the family of her rela tive, Mrs Keller. Ex Mayor lion. Vance McCor mirk, of 11a1 risburg, with some friends, stopped at lliram Cleven ger'a one night last week on their way to Bedford Springs. The ex-mayor and his friends proved to be very agreeable people. E. II. Kirk attended a meeting of the executive committee id' the Fulton County Sunday school as sociation, at J. C. Kirk's, in Wells Valley. I 'art of the members not being present, the utility of the telephone was proved. Mrs. Joseph Deshoug, of Lick ing Creek, and daughter, Mr.-i. Lmna A. Trogler, of Mercers burg, attended preaching at Fair view last Sunday foreuoou. The steam thresher has begun its work. Samuel Strait's crop on J. E. Lyons' farm, was the first, to be threshed in this com in un' ty this year. The friends of Prof. John N Deavo? will no glad to learn that he has received ph increase in his -vuges from the electric com pun in Omaha, Neb . where he has been employed the past few months. WANTED Local Agent to represent a well-known and substantial Life Insurance Company, with Guaranteed Dividend policy. Liberal contract and renewals to the right man. A4drM B. HI. Payne, Mgr. MM KrtM Mb PHUbwf, Pa, Importance of I .inn. Customer' I'njusl kick in Kcsliimaiit Illustrated this Truth. Wahoo, the Chippewa catcher of the Carlisle Indians, said the other day of tortus : "Form in athletics, as in every thing else, counts for much. Form helps a man to dohis stunts more easily. It also bluffs his oppo nents, making them thinl him hotter than he actually is. "Yes, form in many ways gets us through at half the labor and at half the cost. "There was a man who dined regularly at a certain restaurant. He paid so much a week. One nightatdiunerhe .:ahed the waiter over aud said, frowning ; " 'Your portions aresmallagain this evening. As an old customer I generally have two pieces of beef, but to night you have only brought rnc one. " 'By gum, sir, you're right,' exclaimed the wauer. 'The cook must have forgotten to ':ut it in twe . ' " Kansas City Journal. Try a little" Kodol for Dyspep sia after your meals. See the effect it will produce ou your gen eral feeling by digesting your food and helping your stomach to get itself into shape. Many stom achs are overworked to the point where they refuse to go further Kodol digests your food and gives your stomach the rest it needs, while its reconstructive proper ties get the stomach back into working order. Kodol relieves llatulenee, sour stomach, palpita tion of the heart, belching, etc. Sold by Stouteagle ov Bro. An Old Hen. A. L. Carothor, who resides on the Noble farm back jf Orbisoma, is the owner of a hen that is past seventeen years of age. It don't have any particular pwdigrce in the hendom only that she has been named the mammy hen. She has raised and done the scratch ing for at least two settings a year for 1(J years averaging about twenty-five chickens each year. Her hawkeye is always on the lookout for danger aud she is ready and willing at all times to apply her bill and spurs to any old thing that might come in her way. She has survived the chicken cholera three times and at the present tune the bird will pass oil' for a two year old hen. She is now taking care of thirty two chickens aud looks bright and cheerful enough to live sev enteen years longer. What duck en fancier can beat this record ? And what is the average life of a chicken ? Should anyone doubt the above statement Mr. Caroth ers invites them to come up to his place and see the proud old mam my hen. Orbisonia Dispatch. The chances for living a full century are excellent in the case of Mrs. Jennie Duncan, of Hay nesvilie, Me., now 70 years old. She wntes : "Electric Bitters cured me ol chronic dyspepsia of years standing, aud made me feel as well and strong as a young girl." Electric Bitters cure stomach aud liver diseases, blood disorders, general debility and bodily weakness. Sold ou a guar an tee at Trout's drug store. Price only li Jc. liillen Hy a Coppi'rhvnd. On Monday afternoon, as Mrs, Harriet Jane Gruve. of Clear Ridge, went to pick up an apple from under a tree, she was bitten on the second linger of the left hand by a copperhead snake. Some home remedies were ap plied until they ( ould get the ser vices of Dr. D. A. Hill. It is hop ed that it will not give her much more tro il le. Handed Down From Father to Son. In thousands of famlliei all uTer the land, Sctieuck' Mandrake have, through three xeneratiotiH jfiven proof of, not only tli eir cura live proiei ttr. but 11U0 their Purity and fcaf- "SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS re Positive Cure for WiUoiisiit-jiH, J.ner Com plaint, Constipation, lndi Keation, bit k Ht-udat he jaundice, fit-Rrtimrn. rial ultney and Malaria. They Scbenck's "Liven the Liver.' Mandrake Dr. J. H. KCHI:NCK & SON For Said Everywhere 25 ceuts a box or by mall. 0; . 7 tWWWW 1 1 vjilBli m m m m,m mm mm mm iv iiiiiiii 1 viiiiiii v f iri lua. . 1 '. '. w 0m mm (OlUiANI.:! 1 This old mill well kncn iprmnmntly loi'iited In Its imw in;!. Largo ndililiotm havt . 0m m SI CAPITAL unit Uie niimlMtr of SUekli-'MTS Ims bpen incrousi'i In Flf-I'l-'.IOX. wliieli tc'wo all ii .n.-itoM a wrurity of upward of mm 0H Two Hundred Thousand Dollars. a The Fulton County Hank tloes a GHNKUAr. HANK INO HUSINKS8 ui.il extends every favor ti their p-it i'ins mid friends, consistent with sound Imnkinjr. W. I I. NELSON, mt 0m Special Values w.'t MiiiKiuhitrii .:un cr. 1 VMMWVV 1 ;i,;iJ,'" mjr All Hats Trimmed Free of Charge. To mnke a clearance of nil my Hats ( have mai lced all very low. Amontf the lot you will lind stylish ehilTons, Tus cans, Pyroxalines, Mllans, Fancy Hrnids. and a lot of new Sailors. All must jjo at -"n- to instead of .10c to .-. Come early and irpt tirsi choii-e'. Mrs. H. C. McClain, Hustontown, Fa. 'UBLIC S Of VAUABLE Hv virtue et un order ot the orplmns' Court ot l-'ultou couat.v, renusyivimiii. the undersiKU ed uppoiuteil trustee of the estate of .losatied l.mlu-e, late of Hriish Creek township. Ill said enmity, deceased, will Kell at public sale on the premises, on TUESDAY. JULY 24, 1906. the following described real estate of which IV said deceased died Mecd. to wit : THE ylrtNMIOlN FftRV situated in llrush Creek township. Fulton coun iv. about one in le nnflli of KumiuviUe. contain more or lcs, about ninety acres being cleared and under cultivation and the balance, slxty tlirce acres, heluif heavily timbered with White I'lnc aad Ouk. AdJolnlUK lnnds or Mrs. : 11 h U:c. .1 -hn ind .lere Hlxson, Krauk .,i.Ht- t'.rul others This tract or land contains the n::'-t while pine tlnibcr in Kuilon co.inty. Tiic In-.'j'ioveiiH'nts are a two ami ami a half -t.cv wcathcriiuarth'd hoiue. tun b-.ttn. and ether outtwiUiniM; well v.utcred with an ex r(. ent spnuif elo e the dwelling house A Hne VOUNG ORCHARD and excellent fruit of various kinds. sji.le btius at 1 o'clock p. m. TI'.UMS :- Ten per cent, when property Is knocked down one-third including the ten per cent, ou contlrnu.tlon ol sale by the court, and the balance In two equal annual payments from time of continuation with Interest, The terms may be modirt-d to suit e ieice ol p.iH-h iser. 1IKXRY I.. I.dlxil-'. TruHtee, VALUAELh FARM at Private Sale. The undersigned, on account of ad vancinjr years, oilers his farm of lii iicrcs, situate in liethel township, Ful ton county, I'll., very near the Masor, Dixon line, on public road leadino from Hancock to lltiek Valley, 6 milt s northwi st of Hancock. The improve ments uiealaijie FltMF. IIOITSE, Store House,, l.ojr Haru, Hlaeksmith shop, Ice House, and all necessary 'mlhiiildmos. inn ui-re-s are cleared and in ;oo(l state of cultivation. There is plenty of choice fruit on the farm, and excellent water at the door. The farm will he sold on reasonable terms to quick buyer For further particulars call on or address JOHM MANN, Hancock, Md. 1'. S. If the farm is not sold within a reasonable time, it will l for rent. VALUABLE FARM (IT Private Sale. The undersigned will sell at private sale Mansion Farm of the late Conrad Glazier. Sc., d.-ciu-ed, s'ttuattd in Ayr township; about i mibs easj, of ui! i'f)v Tannery Then., are three tracts hie luil ir.i; the M niision I in in triiet. that Heyreu'ttle about , kci-, s, tile ul l."0 acres improved and bn I nnce 'n timber. The improvements are a (iood Frame House, 1 Junk Itaru, (!raiu Hotiseand all necessary farm btiildius. Tl ere are very few farms on which is such a variety of excellent fruit i rees in ood bearinr i-oiiditions. 'I'lie f :i i-i . i I esitlea beintj proiluctive, hi utimirably adapt ed for ffrazintf purposes. I 'rice right and terms reasonab'c. l-'or fiirtnei particulars Inquire ot W. 11. Nelson, McCon.icllslr.iri.', or Tobias (1 uzier Webster Mills, l'a. 7-l!l-tf. ' ' . DeWIU's B Salve For Pilet Burns, 8or - - - - -.- " ' 7 - - - - "a i ",m Ti' s.'TT m0 .) 1NS7. 0 0 i I iw-iiil I nsl itn! I 1:1 i-. re mi in iVn A. I". Nni'i'li i mu le to tlio i I.I - STOCKg 0m 0, 0 m0 0 m m0 0m nmit00000 0000m0m0 in Millinery. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar Cures all Coughs, and expels Colds from the system by gently moving the bowels. NEW BUGGIES My sheds new buggies a factory anil are full of bi-aml it' wagons, both HAND -fr mfki V mlmf.-ttmi V MADE $ and my prices are as low as the lowest . Please call and see ray con veyances. Very truly vours, W. R. EVANS, Hustontown. Pa. One r.linute Cough Cure For Coughs, Colds and Croup. mm ' . emus RHEUMATISM LUMBAGO, SCIATIC! NEURALGIA and KIDNEY TROUBLE "S-UKOPS" taken Internally, rids the blood ol the poisonous mutter nd aolda which are the direct causes ol thnse diseases. Applied eiternally It affords almost In stant relief from pain, whllea permanent cure In being effected by purifying the blood, dissolving the poisonous sub tauce and removing ll from the system. DR. 9. D. BLAND Of Brewton, Os., wrlteai "1 tiad bn a aufferer fur a numbar of yaara with tumbtiro and Ktifuiuatlimi lu my arma aud leg, and tried all the rutdla that 1 cm Id Katttar from uifHlk-l wnrka, and alao uouaulted will, a lit m bar of ttta b,at idivalolana. but found nottilntf ttiat irara ths relief obtalaed from "b DKolH." 1 aliall preacrllHi It lu luy urautloa for rbaumatllui aud kindred dlaaajea.' F If you are suffprlmr with Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Kidney Trouble or any kin dred disease, write to us for a trial bottle of "i-UHOi'S." and test It yourself. "8-OH0P8" ean be used any length of time without acquiring a "drug iiablt," as It is eutireiy free of opium, cocaine, alcohol, laudanum, aad other similar Ingredients. Larseniee Battle, H5.HUPSiOO Daw) St. OO. jrr la by Uragalata. IWAHSOa IHEUMATIB OUR! C0MPAIV, !. so. lev Lake tltrMt, CMux. DeWIH'a Early iliser3 LIUIS The famous littio pillo. , BubHcribe for tho "News, 'only l.fMayoB.r. ft ig it TP- Ithe FULTON t COUNTY : NEWS Covers the Field. 20 In every part of the County faithful re porters are located that gather the daily .happenings. Then there is the State and National, News, War News, a Department for the Farmer and Mechan ic, Latest Fashions for the Ladies. The latest New York, Bal timore, Philadelphia Alarkets. The Sun day School Lesson, Helps for Christian E:ideavorers, and a Good Sermon for ev erybody. g THE JOB DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE. 8 SALE BILLS, POSTERS, LETTER HEADS, HYELGPES, CARDS, &c In fact anything and everything in the best style along that line. -v9 Sample copies of the NewS sent to any of your friends on request. SaOcB Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eal. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY Well Man THI'r IVl.fl.UAl' m ja -- - Z.i2Tbr vi in s XXEVIVO XIEMEDY irodiK ea fine roMllta In SO day. It acts powerfully uud quit-lily. Cures when others fall. Voiinr men cun reimin thrlr lost manhood, and old men may recover their youthful vls-or by using III-'. VIVO. It quickly nnd quietly re jioves NervouNnesn, Lost Vitnlity, Sttzunl Weakness mich us Lost Power, Falling Memory, Wasting Diseases, nnd ollectsof self-ubuse or (ixeesg ond Indiscretion, which untlts ono for study, business or nmi-riuKe. It not only cures by Ktnrting at the seat of (lisoase. but is a great nerve Ionic and blood builder, bringliiK biu k the pink glow to iiale i-lieeltaand re-smi-inK tho tire ol youth. It wards nit ni proachlnu disease. Insist on havinir HICVIVO, no Oilier. It can be curried in vest pocket. Hy mntl.Sil.OO per paokauo, or six for 9.5.0U. We nlve tee advice and counsel to" all who wish it, with uii" lee. Circulani free. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO., Marine Bldg., Chicago, III For sale in McConnellsburf? at W. t-'. Dicls son's iri)? stoiv. .icnnedy s Lax&ti ve Honey end Tai "ores all Coughs, and expels Colda Iron) the etystem by ueutly moving the bowels. UHICHESTEatYS N?USH wfr. Atwava rt-llutjU-. I-Lrtlea. a-k nntr'ulst for ii leu kvi'kk'm ,., d .oltl lin.u.lhn buxes, h,-ilI,-,4 ,nlt niu ribtwn, 'I iik no 4lli.r. IUrii.i (iaiiiit.roiiM si.li.ff. tntiiinMuiiil liuilitiiuii, j;,iv ti vour liiiiMifist, nr sriul lr. in Muinpi h.-r I'lirlii'ii'liira. T-(l-moiiiiila uml "Itrlii-r fin. I.imIi.-n," Inlrtlir, ny rt lurii .null. 10,000 'I'isaimuiiiala. u'u by 'll ilrucKlsls. CHIOHisHTEB CfllBMIOAt, Ol), luO JluUiaou N,iiurr, l"liai,A 1A. MmpUvm taia pauar. LADIES 0?iU- afr an c o'sj f UcompoundJ) wicl?5 1 if tiwjcei.tiw Writt-v i V.ira. - ',. in.,, I...-..,, --a, Safe, Quick, Reliable Regulator Snperlur to other reniedle noli I t htli prlcet. i'lifH iruaraiiti'fifl. Biiri'f-r)ifuU uil l.y tvr KUittor ly mull. TtiimuiiiaU houkliti Ir. Lkruvo, 1'lillMdoIplilu. Early Risers Tho farcous little pills. filinrp lliurnr . r buiito nnenr. hll tLoc rfllLS k cost i-ouisn Siyrup. Tastea Coed, VLI Uw In tuna. Said by drult. KJ 2V Disease fyftiLni Health BUSINESSDIRECTORY," n.tiini iim. R. M. DOWNES, First Class Tonsorial Artist MnliONM:IJ.SFIUK(), Pa, ' A Ulrtun Cup nnd Townl with eiirh shn. Kvfrvtlilng Antlseptiu "uve Razors Stprtllzt-d. , t" Shop in room lutclv oocupiid by i.y (,rsk ISAAC N. WATSON Tonsorial Ah;, Strictly tip todnto In a)Utvli:s of h townl to eiioh customer. I.ntcsi. i,l.... J1"1' n.t-n-iiizi. wiiuout ixtia tumrirn L- pnnitus for stci-illir,x tools. I'nrlors oun," i mproved '"lor ovmm", r uitoo nouse. I.AYVYfcKS. M. R. SHAFFNUR, Attorney at Law, Ollice on Square, AkConnellsburjj, pa, All lRk-itl bus.ncss and colleotions entrusts will ecelve careful and prompt attention CUt'KCIIES. F'RKSIJYTF.RT AN. lit) V. W. A. West D D.. Pastor. 1'reachinp; scrviws ouch alternate Sabbath at0:30a. m and every Sunday evening at loo Services at Creon Hill on alternate Sabbaths at 10:,'!0 a. m. Sabbath school at 0:15. Junior Christian In dnavor at 2:00. Christian Endeavor at 6 00. Prayer meeting Wednesdav evaning at 7:00. Methodist episcopal P.ev. J. c. Grimes, Pastor. Sunday School at ):'M) a. m. Preaching everv other Sunday morning at 10:30 and everv Sunday evening at 7:00. Kpwoitli Lena-lie at fi:0O n. Provm, mr.ii- Thursday evening at 7:00. Unitkli Phkshytkhiav IIrv J T Grove, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. in. Preaching every Sunday morn inir at 10:30. and evnt-v otlier Snnri... evening at7:00. The alternate Sabbath evenings are used by the Young Peo ple's Christian Union at 7:00 p. m Prayer mooting Wednesday evenins at 7:00. r.v a NDKi.it, Ai, m:thkhan Rev. A. G. 'Wolf, Pastor. Sunday school 9:15 a. in. Preaching every other Sunday morning ut 10:30 and every other Sun day evening at 7:00. Christian Kd-deu-vor at (i:00 p. m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7:00. Rktokmku Rev. C. M. Smith, Pas tor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Preaching on alternate Sabbaths at 10:00 a. m. and 7:00 p m. Christian Ktideavor at, (3:00 p. in, Prayer meet ing ou Wednesday evening at 7:00. IIOKOl'GH OKI-IOKKS. Justice of the Peace L. H. W'il.le, M W. Nace Constable P. T. Fields. litngess---W II. (ii-catbead. Co'.incilmen Jacoo Uotse, Thomas X. Tlnnimil, Win. II. Nesbit. Clerk I'.iKvaid Shin er. School Directors Thos. F. Slonn, John A. Irwin, John Comorer, 0, I!. Stevens, S. U, Woollct, L. II, Will.', Hoard of Health-If. S. Wishart, M, I).; pres. J. W. Greutbead,; see'v. (I. W. Hays: V. L. McKlbbin, M. I)., J. VV. Mosser, M. D. gi-:ni-:hai. dikkctohy, President Judge Hon S.Mc. Swnpe. Associate Judges W. II. Bcndnr, I), T, Humbert. Frothonotary, iic.v-Geo. A. Harris. District Attorney George H. Pun lels. Treusurei A. C. I auver. Sheriff J. O. Alexander. Deputy Sheriff W. H. Nesbit. Jury Commissioners 11. C. Mum ma, Dennett A, Truax. . Auditors!). II. Myers, Aaron M. Garland, W. Grant Wink, Coiiiniitrsiiihers S. C. Gracev, Win, C. Davis, S. A. Nesbit. ' Clcik- ii. Frank Henry. County Superintendent Chas. K Barton. N Attorneys W Soott Alexander, J. Nelson Sipes, Thomas F. Sloan, F. McN. Johnston, M. H. Sliaffner, Gen. B. Daniels, John P. Sipes, S, V. Kirk, F. P. Lynch, 11. N. Sipes. TERMS OF COL'HT. The first term of the Courts of Ful ton county In the year shall commence on the Tuesday following the second Monday of January, at 10 o'clock a. in. Tho second term commences" on the third Monday of March, at 2 o'clock p. in. The third term on tho Tuesday next following Ibe second Monday of June, ut 10 o'clock a. m. The fourth tenii on tho first Mondni October, at 2 o'clock p. ni. mk:u;tii-:9 Odd Follows M 'ConnellsburgLodi't; So. 714 mets every Fi id jy evening In tne Comctcr Build'iug" in MoConnells btifg. Fort. Littleton Lodge No. 484 mectn a very Saturday evening In the Cromer building at Fort Littleton. Wells Valley Lodge No. (S07 meets every Sat.'iidny evening in Odd Fel lows' Hall at Wells Tannery. HarrlsouviUe Lodge No, 701 inetd every Saturday evening In Odd Fel lows' l-'nH at ilnrrlso'!vi!!o. Waterfall Lodge K'o. J7'."i meets f'--ery Saturday evening lu Odd Fellows' Hull at Waterfall Mills. VVarfordMburg Lod;e No. (101 meets in Warfordtiburg every Saturday evening. King PostG. A. P.. No. 3J.1 meets In McCorlnellsburg in Odd Fellows' Hull the Urst Saturday to every month l 1 p. in. Royal Aicauutfi,Tiisi-nnirii Counc'l No. 121, meets on alternate Mond't) evenings in P. O. S, of A, Hull, iu MiiConnellsburg. Wnshlnr.-toii '.vii. No. 4f7, P. O. S. A., of N'c-' i J i 1 1 1 u ' ' -1 . meets every 8hI urdny eveiilriif iu P. i) S. of A. Hull. Washington Cutnp, No. 5;i-J, P. U.S. of A,, Hilontowrt. meets every ftiilor urday evening In P. O S. of A. ILill. John Q. Taylor Poai O. A. R., N" 58U, meets every Saturday, on or jnsl precedinir full moon tn i.ashley hall.' at i p. m.t at liuck Valley. Woman's Relief Corps, No. meets at same date and place ut 4 p.m. Gen. r. H. McICibblu Post No. K U, O, A. 8., meets the seeomi nod fmif.t Saturaaya) In each nioijili at i'l'M-ii.t Kldae 7 , J.DVEUTISE t Thfi Fallen CocotrNa!