The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, July 12, 1906, Image 4

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1 .bliir d livery Thursday.
u u . t .x, Editor and Proprietor.
JULY 12,1906.
' ihlMied Weekly. 1.00 per
Annum in Advance.
IVr siU:ir- nf lines .1 limns H
i-r Mju.ii'e eneh siilisei.ient Insertion o.
AH mlvertisi'menls inserted for less than
three months (Mmrtfed by the square.
3 inns.
. . L'iV'lO.
. .. Id 00.
ilmn. I I yr.
O'lo-fourtli iNilumn..
One-li Uf eolumn
One Column
I . HI 00
Ml. 00
7ft 00
Noth nt Inserted Mrless than II
professional lairds one year I
North Dakota Letter.
N'kw Uot'KKoui), N. !.,
IX As several friends have nak
ed ine to write, 1 send this for
publication in the News.
I arrived here at the home of
iiiv- nephew, Cleorgu Lake, on
the t wentieth of April, and found
him busy vith spring work, lie
has 270 acres of crop, and the
prospect of a j;ood yield is good.
I have often heard of North
Dakota bein; a dry place, out I
have found it very wet, and the
whole State i in a prosperous
couditi u.
Of course, this has been an un
usually wet year, but the gener
al appearance is far from that of
a drou tli stricken state.
The sod houses of pioneer days
have all disappeared and large
houses and barns have taken
their place.
It is no uncotn mou sight to see a
large two-story house together
with a large barn, granary, ma
rhino sheds, wind pumps, and
other necessary outbuildings, all
surrouuded by a nice grove of
cott m wood trees.
Some of the farm houses are
even fitted with a complete sys
tem of water works and steam
heat: all they need is electric
lights to enjoy the modern con
veniences of the city.
The rural telephone lines are
running all over the country and
any one familiar with its use does
not need to be told how this adds
to the coiivience of a farmer, as
well as supplying a means of vis
iting between neighbors on the
long wrier evenings.
Some may suppose the country
to be very hilly and rough, while
others tuny think it, perfectly lev
el; could agree with both opin
ions and not miss it very much.
I have been over a great deal of
the country since have been, and I have seen parts where
it would bo rathei hard to farm;
but for the most part, it is gently
rolling and well adapted to the
The soil is a bhek loam almost
without variation; 1 have seen
small tracts of, perhaps, a section
nhere it would be sandy; these!
afford cNci'llont pasture a:-d when
a country is so large they are con
sMi'red very small.
Mo.t of the farmers raise stock
'im coniiLCtion with farming, and
so haw use for a1! laud that is not
i: Oabie to plow. '
'I'lio m.o of the farms ranges
ltoai one-halt section up to nine
and ten quarters.
i ha: neighbor has planted a
fi-oo of 14ou acres; this is an ex
ceptionally large farm.
Most of them cultivate from
three hundred and twenty to a
lliousand acres; one man plows
and seeds two hundred acres.
1 have had the pleasure of vis
iting the Devil's Lake, Indian
Reservation and seeing the Jn
duw.s as they are to day.
Some of them that live along
the rcservatr.n lines are slowly
gelling on to the white man's
Wiiys; they are farming a little
and a few have small houses.
One can tell by being around
them, and watching their ways,
" it is hard ior them to adopt
the customs of the white man.
Ma iy of t'uni put up a frame
house for winter comfort and
cling to theit wig warn in sum
mer. We drove across the country
1o Steele, the county seat of Kid
der county, a distance of 110
miles. To one not accustomed to
traveling like this, Huch a trip
promises more besides pleasure.
It took two days to make this
trip, and one day and a half was
driven in the ram. Of course,
this caused the i oads to be slip
p o y and I might add that some
I t . I N CuUNI V
;o1 l'10 I'luisuro, also, vanUlicil.
I was accompanied by my ncph-
; ew, three nieces and Scott K liable;
,1 ..r tl... I,.....
name will sound famihar, as he Is
a son ol the late William Knablo
of Ayr township.
While there, we visited the
j home of J. 11, Truax, formerly of
! Belfast township, lie has a nice
home and is getting along liiu ;
he is engaged in stock and grain
raising, lie has sixteen bead of
horses, five hundred head of
sheep aud ninety head of cattle.
We also visited the home of M.
M. Morton, at the same place,
who is also farming and raisiug
sheep, horses and cattle. He
owns 2!) head of horses, 40 head
of cattle, aud 000 head of sheep.
While visiting at .1. II. Truax 's
he hitched up in the farm wagon,
and he, his three sons, audi went
for a wolf hunt. One of his boys
took a saddle pony so as to chase
the wolf. Mr. Truax has thre
large greyhouuds, aud a cage
made of boards. The cage he
puts in the wagon, then before
he sees the wolf he puts the
hounds in the cage and covers
them with blaukts. We drove ov
er northwest of his place about
ten miles, where we saw a wolf.
vVe turned the hounds out of the
cage when we were within about
4oo yards of the wolf, aud they
caught the wolf when they had
run about a mile. We then drove
back and found a den which we
dugout and found live cubs about
the size of a large cat. The den
was about two feet under the
ground. We killed these cubs
and the next day drove to Steel e
which is about 4 miles from his
place, and took them to the audi
tor, and had their ears punched.
He will receive a bounty of :2 IK1
fer head for them. It was just
tine to see the hounds run; they
will take about 111 feet atone
While there i attended a picnic
of the Old Settler's of Ktddei
county. We went in the morn
ing, taking our dinners with us,
and ate in the grove on the north
side of the city. Iu the atteruoou
there was a program consisting
of several songs by the united
choirs of the Methodist and Fres
oyterian churches, several se
lections by the Steele Band and
two spejches, winch dealt large
ly with the growth of the coun
try. After the program there
was a base ball game, foot aud
horse races, and iu the evening
the baud played again. We didn't
reach home until late iu the even
ing. We also took a short trip west
of Steele about lH miles, and on
this trip we were unfortuuate
enough to break a buggy spring,
and had to use a fence post,
which we borrowed of a neigh
boring farmer, to take the place
of the spring. The mosquitoes
were there in great numbers, and
I was forced to use a lap duster
around my lace for protei tion.
We spent 17 days down there
then began the return journey.
Toe tirst day we lost (i or miles
by taking a side trail. The sec
ond day proved to be a rainy one
aid we all got very wet. We
rtached home about nine o'clock
in the evening tired but all feel
ing like living.
I forgot to speak of an addition
to our party on our return. Mr.
Truax's eldest daughters, Clara
aud Lena, came along back-. It
was their tirst trip across the
country, but being Western girls
it wasn't so much of a new thing,
still they enjoyed the trip and had
agoodtimo. I think North Da
kota is a tine State. It was very
hard f r me to make up my mind
to leave old Pennsylvania, but I
fear it will b'e hnrder for me to
decide to go back.
Wishing friends and acquaint
ances health and happiness, and
the "News" a prosperous year, I
n main Yours respectfully,
E. R Lakk.
iluv a Farm in I'viin., N. J. or Del.
Best States for profitable farm
ing, hod adapted to great varie
ty of e.t ops. Near markets that
pay best prices for your products,
i-irnv i;;nds iu these States my
sp-tciaity, sold and bought. Write
fi t ii,. titulars. U. C Kwiik,
11(1- ii. K. Trust Did., Philida
Wanted at Once.
Vantkd. One man as a siw
,e", apply at once to
II. Kai.hahh & Sons,
Allen's Valley,
Richmond Furnace, l'a.
Mar. 7, tf.
Ki'v. Finney, of M bhoni.i, preach
i'il to .'in allcnUve congrcgitt ion a
llethel church, Mti m rd ay evening.
Miss Maude Biiumgardner, of Well
Tannery, spent u few hours here In-it
Saturday, mid attended preaching
fervll'MS lit. Bethel.
Commission"!' Oriicev supplies ns
with fresh incut. Lust Hiitiirdnv lie
was a little late Guess Unit iie.v
' ' I leiniK'I'iil .'" tl i ti t t'linis! into his htilii"
last Sunday is the cause. Sorry ti.r
young fellow isn't ulil cnouiih to vole
for "Kmery . "
Thai ()i)-tn Iked-of new roof wus
int mi (he P.etl.el ehuri'h, the piisl
week, liy a number ol the pie in the
Mr. Illid Mr. Lliikin Moore, nfWil
kinslinrg, I'll., lire visit ine Mrs.
Moore's parents, F. G. Mills and wile.
Last Saturday evening: the hoys gave
Until (Hie of the old tunes by the iMli
tliuinpiuti hand.
Irwin ('rider and John Mills, ol Al
tnona, are among our town visitors.
K;-Coinmissioiier A. M. Corhin, of
Taylor, was taking in the sigh's here
Saturday afternoon.
William I'lergslresscr's have another
addition to their family, in the way of
a bouncing hoy.
Another Box Social was held iu
Mills' Hull Friday n 111 last, by .ion
M. K. people, Net receipts about $12.
Kieluit'd Alloway tuid family, and
Geo. Shafer and son Hoy, spent a few
days in Mount I'nioii with friends, and
took in the Fourth there,
Quite a number of our young folks
saw the fourth in Mount I'niou anil
Huntingdon I f .McCuntiellslnirg wants
us to see the Fourth there, they must
Imild a railroad or trolley line this
Harry Holiugcr, near Waterfall, met
with a serious accident lust week, lie
had just started to cut his harvest, and
when he found that his binder wasn't
tying well, he reached iu anions the
machinery to eMricate some twine
which was eloped on the ktiotter.
The machine, brim: in motion, the nee
dle pierced through his hand. He
spoka to the horses, but when they
slopped, (he needle was through his
hand. Urn. l!oliiigcr, his brother,
beim.'" ii' iir, had presence o! inind
eno'ih to loosen the tightener on he
chain belt, and release Harry's hand.
Or. U. I!, tamineil was phoned, and
ilrcs.n-d t he injured hand, which :'
iuired four stitches in the back, and
two in the palm of his baud. This is
ijuite a misfortune, as Harry had just
begun his harvest. Tho wound isheiil
ing nicely
Mrs. Frank Thomas went on Sun
day to the funeral of her grandinotli
er, Mrs. Geo. Keith, in Clay t ownsh i p,
near Meadow Grove.
Mrs. Annie Fcsier of Bosswell, and
Mrs. Lizzie Thompson of Snowshoe,
are v i sitinr their old home town and
Iriends in this section.
Mrs. I, aura Kider, of McKeesport,
anil her mother, Mrs. Kliz.abelh Foster
of Altooua. visited friends in Wells.
Mrs. Jlessie llevans, of Wells Tan
nery, visited Hiehiird Alloway's on
Mrs. M. W. Houck has been on the
sick list for a week or more, and on
Sunday Mr. Houck was unable to be
out of his room, on account of illness,
Try a little Kodol for Dyspep
sia after your meals. See the
effect it will produce on your gen
eral feeling by digesting your
food and helping your stomach to
get itself into shape. Many stotn
achs are overworked to the point
where they refuse to go further
Kodol digests your food and gives
your stomach the rest it needs,
while its reconstructive proper
ties get the stomach back into
working order. Kodol relieves
llatulenee, sour stomach, pa I pita
tion of the heart, belching, etc.
Sold by Stouteagle iV Bro.
tueen and (Iraco Lake sjient
Sunday at Samuel Mellott's.
Among those v .'no visited I i. 11.
Truax's Sunday wore Chester
aud Ada I'lessing :v, Heat: ice liig
gleman and Maud Clar.
liov l'oweisand wife, and L'r
ua Uoss aud Hoi'tlit .j and
Lulu Clark were guests of Samuel
Truax's Sunday.
I'earl Ilill w i- the guost of Eva
Bedford Sunday,
Hiram Hill a' d wife visited the
family of David Carlaud Sunday.
cure any tit' lli-bc olfo iiorm. loel Jilliouft.
llff'M. ll!itlrr:.tlOU. (.!, ,is( i ( 'tl I intl , sil'k
llra'liitlir, N'liiiHeu. i.iililitirHM, Muluria,
or Nervotii UtH'xitrri.,
will rIU j v miikluK W will, tkf
"liven the Liver."
nIj Tnn miw In A nt-rlonn tooum pruvt their
RUwiuiM tvllaiiuuy, ua sitlti- auivij .
Purely Vcfftiihl ubitaluMy HitruilM.
For K1m evirvwhere. O S ceitll m box
. or by mull. f
ur. j. n. Kncncx on, nun., ra.
..Am. . mt ,, k ' .1
, mi ? ri: ...."l
I Purely t&VyU.tolMlv I
Special Values
All Hats Trimmed Free
of Ciiargi
To make a
lot yo i
s, Mi
very low.
Amnne; tin
cans, I'vroxiilini
new Sii i lorn
All mud, po ui
irly and ;et first
Mrs. H. C. McOlain,
Hustontoun, FVi
Workinnmcn Wanted
Single men under .'in years, to
d': farm ditching 7 months in
Wis. IT.'i.oO and board for sat
s.' '.etory hands.
"Also a faithful man to run
sic iin ditcher."
Kl) lvKU'llKNB.U'll,
Ot rville, Ohio.
l V
The undersigned intends to sell the
followintr desirable real estate, situate
four miies south of Met 'onnel 1 sbur:,
near I'il o I 'ost otliee.
Tract No, 1. Contains M acres
n. ore or' less, in ood state of cultiva
tion, and all in yruss except about one
arm. The improvements are a li
story weatherboarded House, and a
Frame Stable, both in yood repair,
aud all necessary outbuildings. Water
in out-kitchen. A line orchard of
choice nursery fruit.
Tract No. - (.'out ains about 4 acres
of tine yourex timber. Fine chance to
a lies;;,
i'erins to
r par! iei,
de 1 k in i".
call on or
V. M.
S 1 (Hi.
(;iio. I
Of vauaUlc
PI I- KSTflTli.
Ilf vli l ui' ol im imii'V "f tlir i irptimi". l ourl
t t'il'.'in c iii'ily. l'(Miii-.yiv:intii. (lie umteisin-
1 .i 1 ;i i u ' i imsli e nl the I'' of Jen. I iril
..i.lfe, .tte t llnl-ll O'l'.i l.lU'llsll'p In s.iiil
an ii I v. ile''-;.'-''i'.. ; ; 1 s : 1 ,11 J. i at! ie mle im ltd '
premiss, mi
TUESDAY, JULY 24, 1906.
rolluwillK (leM'l'il'l'a I'l'nl i".lnle (IT wlliell
s lid iteeciiseil (lied iiv.i'il, In wil, :
med iu H r li h i ' re el; towniliiij. l'o 1 1 . ,11 coiin
iliuut one in ! niirlli uf l''i,iiii!ivi!ie, eontiiin
i c, 3 ncz i-t it
f O'.' le-. '. ulmul MinetV 11 'n'i lieilli: I'U'lll I'd
UMler eil'l t i.l ;oli riitl Oil; li'llll-'i't'. Nixly
! ii.'i'hs, lieiri; le'iuily llniln'ieil witli
Wliili' l'liie nnd On It. .VIjulnlMK lunils uf Mi..
K II L'jdi,'t'. .liilm ii 'il .Inn' lUxum. l-'l'HllIC
l.oilu'e mid otlifcs 'i'tii l!",i(!l of lund (.Mill lit L,-
1'ic il' ci wliliii pin,- iln lnic in t'citim i-ounty.
T'le in.pnivcnu' ii ro it t,wn mill uml n hiitr
ti)t'V ivi'iitlli'lhiiiililell liouse. '.'J l.i'in, Illld
utli.-r i, 111 imil lint's-, weil watci'i'il wlili an ex
' elliMit -p'inx 'ii') -' Ol1' dwi IMni,' Injure A lino
ll ml exeel.r' jl f '(lit of vnrioir, lii-(l.
S'llf tK'i.'iris Hi I o'cio 'ii p in.
'I'l'.IIMS : Ten per eenl, wl.eli H i iyei t y I.
ktiiiekefl iIoimi i.iii-ll.lul iin'hiilin" I In- e.'n pel
I'i'ni, on ti'iniinni.iim:
n; bLtl'iincc in two
irmn ti '-c nf iMiit'',T:
1 iTDi- ii.ny We inmliti
pur-'!i:iS''i ,
' MIll ill
in in '.vii
.1 lo - li t
M MH 'tl f
V. '(1,1
if CO I ' '
at Private Sale.
Tin' uuiliTsiyut'il, on ai'ciiuiit of ad
vain iiio' jears, (ilVet'S bis farm of 17"
(icii'.i, situate In P.eiliel towu.-liiu, Kill
ton eouiitv, l'a.. very eiurlhe Mimoi
A'. lliX'on liui . on iuliie riiad leinliu;;
fr iiu 1 1 ii ue
noi l liwi
iiients lire
if i; 1 1 1
if lii.i
11 hll'L:
,uek ' u I Icy
irk j lie
I' II. . NIK
Itaru, II
IH il'SK,
St ore 1 louse. I ,
shop, lee I louse
OlILllUilllill'JS. I
ami in jru nl
'I'liere is plenty
, air.! nil ni'ei'ssar,
!itl acres are cliuiree
state ol' cultivut inn
of choice fruit on the
farm, au'l e.eelleiit win r at the door.
Tins farm will he sold on roiisonalile
terms lo ipiick Imycr. I'or furtlier
particulars call on ur address
.) II I. M MANX,
Mttiiu, I. O., I'll. '
1'. S. If thdfariii is not sold within
a reasonalile litne, it will he for rent.
Thir(trmor Mi'f 'all nrnm toA in the tTnitrd
lt(H i ban uf any otiirr uiko vi ujtinnH. 'I tils t ui '
tin uoi.t ui their t.tyl, Uttuimy knU niuin it y. ,
lli'f'ttll' If.Uny.ttif" I ht-(,in-o r,i Va'l.ion) hi '
moir '.iHtii lihfrl 'i h ah i, it hr I.iiir-' Nt il o. "
yc.i ' an o .1. tiiiimi a n o in lft r h) fuh Hit ! t I i1'"
itomhrr, ft CUilln Kvny gLH-(iiflf H Mt( H I'M i
jiiiuy it(enin oirn. i'i'i i i'iniiw ittbh cctixi.iBHion. Fullin I uit..'(ue of tiO d
ii,s) and i'tei'iiHia l l''.;ui (Imi,.i.k 40 (neiimiintj
ut lrv AdtliM iiiJC HlLALL lo., New Ysik-
HIDES Jan r Siimj .V Sor 8
pay 10, 18, aud Hie a jiounJ cash,
for beef hides a tdnir iiutcliei'l
slitip in McConnellsbur), also!
highest price puic' for calf skitif, I
tnheepskitiM uml tillnA'. '
? .i
in Millinery.
' ill my Hats I ha ve marked
id lind stylish ehjll'ons, Tin
, I an 'V liraids, and a lot of
2 f lo instead of f e to
W. M. Crimcrer,
aucnt lor
for the sale of Traction and
l'ortablif;ines, Gasoline,
Separators, Clover Hullers,
Sawmills, &c.
Kiiffini's on baud ulLlhe time.
My sheds are full of brand
new bneeies am1 wai'ims, hoih
faetorv and
iillil 111 V
jn Ices nrc as low us l !
1 Mouse
vev .'ini'e.s.
call arid sen mv cci
truly yours,
W. B..2VAN3,
H ustontywn. Pa.
I ii 1 ton (bounty lunk
ot Mc(()niicllsbur;j;, Pa.
:ias roiiiovdii to its new rooms iu
A. " Xace's liuildiuy, oppositi1 tin
I 'ostollli'H aud ( rfuithoiiil 's storn.
Will ilo a o'ciicral liaiilcint: busi-
iii'ss as usual,
(h'lnihitors liavo scouiity of over
Wm. H. Nelson,
One filirauie Cough Cure
For Coughs, Colds and Croup.
'l-PKUPS" UUfm tnternuily, rida thu blood
of Hie poIhououh uiutitir tinil aoida wliicb
art) the direct ouuhuh of tbeue diHensng.
Api'lieit eiLrmtiiy it ufTurda aliuoat in
i mi t reiitf from pain, w hile a peruiaoent
curs in btmitf eflituu-d by purifying tbo
blood, dtnuolvitiif the pouhjdoun Hub
Uuce aud remuviug It from iho ityiteia.
Uf Itrttwton, Oft,, writofli
'I lid been tantferttr for a Dumber of yuv
wltb l.umlitgu ud hliwuDiAtlmit in my rmi
mud fcntl triud nil the ruuivdluii tliKt 1 ooultl
gut her from medical worki, mJ Alio ooitiultwl
with k nuii) tier of tint hiwt pIivhIuUiib, hut found
nothing that itave tli reltvf obuiued from
"b iJlmHH." 1 itiU tirttiiTltm It Iu my urtollo
for ruauiuatUw aud kiuUi (m! tXlium.''
If you are suffi-rlnir with Kheumatlm,
Neuruluiii, Kidney Troulile or any kin
dred dUimse. write to ua for it trial botUe
of "-LUol'3." and lent It yourself.
"f-DHOPS" ean be uaed any length of
time wiilieut acquiring a "drug liublt. "
as It Is eutiruly free of opluiu. eocalne,
aloobol, laudauuuu and other aiiuilar
LaraeNUr Hotile, "R llllipnoo Dhw
tl.OO. or Vale by llrucclatr.
tlt, no, 100 Lake atrcat, (IkliHuj.
"OT Early Risers
The faitiou little pills
Subscribe for the "News, 'only
t.0) a year.
Dftwrnm liiu nan 'mm
FT7j R?" FT"
"' "i
Covers the Field.
In evet'i
County faithful re
porters are located
that gather the daily
Then there is the
State and National,
News, War News, a
Department for the
Farmer and Mechan
ic, Latest Fashions
for the Ladies, The
latest New York, Bal
timore, Philadelphia
Markets. The Sun
day School Lesson,
Helps for Christian
Endeavorers, and a
Good Sermon for ev
In fact anything and
everything in the best
style along that line.
Sample copies of
the News sent to any
of your friends on
k;odc! Dyspepsia Gun
Digests what you eat.
Disease r r W I
t and Health ItdVIVU
"Made a
Well Man
THE 'r jfTifZfY of Hei
TirixliK i'N lino reMiIta III 30 luy. It acls
iiowerfullv uiKlqulcklv. CureswueQothorsfall,
Vniiiii? mt'ii eun ri'Ruia tbnlr lOKt munbood. and
nld men inuy recovtr their youthlul vigor by
uslni; Kl'.VIVO. it quickly mid quietly ru
.mivi's Nt'i'ViiUNuesH, f,OHt Viiullty. Sciual
WeuknoNNKiich au l.cmtPowor, Fulllni? Memory,
WantiuK DlneaKim. uml effects of setr-uhuse or
cxciiss and lndlscrutlon, whlcb untlts ono for
study, buslnuHH or nmrriiwe. It not only cures
by sturtlnif ut tho scut nf dieaHe, but is a great
nervo tonic anil blood builder, bringing
liiui: l Im lnk u low to iihIo t lici'kKund n
siorlng the lire ol yoiilli. It wunls oil an
piouolilngdiseaNe. insist mi buving KKVIVO,
no other. It can be carried In vest nocbot. lly
iniill.l.OO per pncliairo, ornlx for ?ti.OO. Wo
give iriie auvice and rounsel to nil who wish It,
wiiii Ki.iiri.ii. ii. i ircuiiiru iree. Address
ROYAL MEDICINE CO., Marine Bldg., Chicago, III
Lir Mile, iu McCont ellsbur a".
iv. F. I.ioUs iii's (irnji htoi' .
cnntdy s Laxative Honey tnd Tai
res all Coughs, and expels Colds from
Hk atysL'.m by uently moving the bowels.
HiU. Alwiivt rcliiiblf, l,H(lln,tt DruptfiHt i'ur
IIH HUM I It H ICM.I.IIl i.i Itfil nnd
o!ft nu'Uillic bu.xcH, Htfuiftl with hluM nbOuii.
TuU no o(hr. IC4-rn ilnnu-vroiiM .tM.
ItiMoltHutifJ Iiiiltnlloii. Kn ui vi.iiri'iii-L'i,
ot svih! It, in hUiuii-t tor PwrliiHilum, '1VI1
uoitlalM uii'i 'Hcllfr (tr latili." (nUtfr.
t rviurn Hull. IOJKIO TwsiiuioniitS. rw'ti by
H iJriiKbfisu,
frtoO JliMliauu NiiiMrs 119 31.4.., VJL.
JUiiiun lbl por
Safe. Quick. Reliable Regulator
MupHrliH- to otlii'r rvnu,dli'H noli at hluti prleM.
Curl, iriirulili 'Ml. Bui'(fullT uwd hjr oor
Jllll.dOO t omen. I'rle. 15 ('ul. orim
Ki.mi'r l.y mitll. 'lualliui'iilulii hiioUlHt free.
Dr. Laf rauro, I', Pa.
W Early Risers
, The famous little pill.
I,, Bunt Couth Syrup. Tutes Cuod. 1
Uta In lima. Sold by druetltfa.
r'' f. 1i
Tonsorial Artist,
A ( lean L'up and Town) with enrh Shave
KviTythlriH AnllMrptlu.
Ktuor SUMiliBdd
t& Miop lo room luli lv oauupled by M l)ruilP
Tonsorial Artist.
Strictly up tit dnle In nl stylM of hair cut.
tlnK. yultk. ensy nhnvrh. Huj-iuni, Creunm'
Wlich-hiiKOl. without vxtru cluirKo. v,.t.K,
towel to '!loh oilstoiiier. I.litPMt llnpcoveU up
puroliiH for atrilliii( tools. I'urlor oppumu.
Fulton Houno.
Attorney at Law,
Office on Sauare, .
McConnellsburj,!;, Ha.
All ICKnl bun neRU nnd nollcctioim entrustrd
will ecelve careful and prompt attention
Pkk.shytf.rian. Uev. W. A. West,
D D., I'lisl.or. I'i'eacbiu"; sorvlrta
each alternate Sabbnth ut 10:30 a. m,
and overy Sunday evening at 7:(J0.
Services ut Green Hill on alternute
Sabbaths ut 10:30 a. m. Sabhnth
school ut 9:15. Junior Christian Ku
denvor at 2:00. Clii'istiuD Kndeavur
at fl:00. Prayer mt'etlnjr Weduesdaj
evening at 7:00.
Mkthodibt kpiscopal Iter. J. C,
Grimes, Pastor, Sunday Sohool
at 9:30 a. m. Preaching every other
Sunday morning at 10:30 and every
Sunday evening ut 7:00. Kpworth
League at H:00 p. m. Prayer meetinc
Thursday evening at 7:00.
Grove, 1'astor. Sunday school ut 9:30
a. ni. Pi-caching every Sunday morn
intt at 10:30, aud every other Sunday
evening at7:00. The alternate Sabbath
evenings are uHe.d by the Young Peo
ple's ennstian union at 7:00 p. m,
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening
at 7:00.
fciVANC.K.I iAii ilTHKRAN HeV. A.
G. Wolf, Pastor. Sunday school 9:l"i
a. ni. Preaching every other Sunday
morning ut 10:30 and every other Sun
day evening at 7:00. Christian Ku-
deavor at 0:00 p. m. Praver meeting
on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
UEKOitMKD Kev. C. M. Smith, Pas
tor. Sunday school at 0:30 u. ni.
Preaching an ulternate Sabbaths at
10:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. m, Christian
Kndeavor at 0:00 p. m. Prayer meet
ing on Wednesday evening ut 7:00.
Jusiire of the Peace Jj.
M W.N ace
H. Witile,
Constable D. T. lMclils.
Huifress W II. Oeiilhead. '
Councilmen JacoD Uotz, Tlionms
N. Tliunmil, Win. H. Nesliit.
Clerk- Kdward Shitrer.
School Directors Thos. F. Slonn,
John A. Irwin, John Comerer, C. II.
Stevens, S. B. Woollet, L. II. Wil'1.-.
Board of Health 11. S. Wishart, M.
P.; pres. J. W. Greathead,; see'v. (I
W. Huvr; W. L. McKlbbin, M. l')., .1,
W. Mosser, M. I).
President Judge Hon S.Mc. Swope.
Associate Judges W. 11. Bender, I).
T. Humbert.
Prothonotary, ic-Geo. A. Harris,
District Attorney George B. Dan
iels. Treasurer- A. C. I.uuver.
Sheriff-J. G. Alexander.
Deputy ShorilT W. II. Nesbit.
Jury Commissioners H. C. Mum
ma, Bennett A. Truax.
Auditors D. II. Myers, Aaron M.
Garland, W. Grant Wink.
Commissioners S. C. Gracey, Win.
C. Davis, S. A. Nesbit.
Clerk j. Frank Henry.
County Superintendent Chas. K.
Attorneys W- Scott Alexander, J.
Nelson Sipes, Thomns F. Sloan, V.
McN. Johnston, M. K. Shall'ner, Geo.
B. Daniels, Joliu P. Sipes, S. W.
Kirk, F. P. Lynch, H. N, Sipes.
The lirst term of the Co J its of Ful
ton county in the year shall commence
on the Tuesday following' the second
Monday of January, nt lo o'clock a. in.
The second term commences ou the
third Monday of March, ut 2 o'clock
p. ni.
The third term on the Tuesday next
following the second Monday of June,
at 10 o'clock a. m.
The fourth term on the first Monday
October, at I o'clock p. m.
Odd Fellows M 'OoiinctllsburgLodi;e
No. 744 meets every Friday evening In
tne Coinerer Building in McConubils
burg. Fort Littleton Lodge No, 484 nicels
every Saturday evening in the Croim r
building at Fort Littleton,
Wells Valley Lodge No. (107 nieds
every Saturday evening in Odd Fel
lows' Hall at Wells Tannery.
Harrlsonvllle Lodgo No, 701 nn."H
every Saturday evening in Odd I'd
lows' Hall at Uarrisonvllie.
Waterfall Lodp-e No.. 773 meets ev
ery Saturday evening in Odd Fellow'
U-tll at Waterfall Mills.
Warfordsburg Lodge No. (101 meets
in Warfordsburg every Saturdtiy
King PostG. A. P.. No. .Kid meets In
MijCounellsburg iu Odd Fellows' Hull
the tirst Saturday in e-'e-y mouth nt I
p. m.
Royal A i''!iinuiii,Twsciirora Coum U
No. 121, meets on iiiterriate Mond-ij
evenirigB In P. O. S. of A. llitll. in
Wasliinglun f'un'n No. 4n7, P. O u.
A., of Ni'v Gi'i ti'i 'ii,nu nt s every Sh
urrlny evniu In I', 1.) of A. ' linll.
Washington Camp, No. i.i4, 1'. O.K.
of A.f Hustontown, meets every Sm'mi'
ui'tlay evenlnif In 1', O -i. of A. Hull,
John Q. Taylor Pom O. A. K., ''.
fi89, meets every Saturday, on or lost
preceding fii'l inoou I" Ltchli hall,
at 2 p. m., a,l liiicl VuOi y,
Woman's Helle Corns, No. f,)
meutt at same ditto and plut'o ut 4 c iu
Gen. D. 11. Pom No. Wl,
CI. A. S., meets the second ami foue.V
Mtiiriay In each month at Pleusunt
Hidoe. , ... .
Ttic Fulton -finality Km.