Buy timothy and crimson clover send at Irwin's. . The Bedford county fair will by held on Tuesday, Wednesday, -uiu Thursday, October 1, i', and o. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson L. Nace am "At lIom!" in tho now I'rtis hy toriiin parsonage. .lohn 1'.. Sipes and daughter, Miss IVilly, of Iudijr, were called to the county scat Thursday on Ijusmci-is. Wantko at Paul Wagner's Tan nery, calf skins, sheep skins, horsojhides and tallow, t), 10 and 111 cents paid for beef hides. Money to loan in lots of not less than L'UO. Mortgages aud judge ments bought and sold. Apply to M. U. ShatVuer. General John Fed den will hold service at Charles Dishong's Sat urday evening, :!d, at o'clock, to which all are invited; and, also, at Joseph L. Richards, on Sun day evening, the 2 1th, at 8 o'clock. The Presbyterian Sunday school at (ireenhill, will have their Chil dren's Day services next Suuday morning at the usual hour for Sunday .school. The program will be interesting, and the public generally is mvited. The sworn statement of the manufacturers protects you from opiates in Kennedy's Laxative Honey aud Tar the cough syrup that drives the cold out of your system. Sold by Stouteagle it Urn. Through some misunderstand ing, the Odd Fellows sermon to be preached by Rev. Pittinger at Asbury church at Greenhill, was announced for last Sunday even ing. The sermon will be preach ed at that place next Sunday ev ening, 24th. Hess Irwin, of this place, and Myrtle ' ay berry, of Dillsburg, have been chosen delegates from the Shipensburg Normal school to represent the school at the Eastern Student Conference of the Young Women's Christian As sociation at Silver Hay on Lake Cioo'gp, N. V. This conference opens on the 22nd of June and last for ten days. This is the second McConnellsburg girl who has been a delegate. Em ma Sloan attended the conference last year. Joseph Sipes and wife, of Lick ing Creek township, were early Monday morning shoppers in town. Mr. Sipes and son llomer are as busy as ever this summer building bams. They raised a tine one for Onod T. Mellott last Wednesday. The building is a bank barn 10x70 dressed siding and modem style. Mr. Sipes and son have also a contract for the building ot a good barn for the Pawner brothers near Sipes Mill, to be finished before har vest which will make them hus tle. There is no need worrying along in discomfort because of a disordered digestion. Get a bot tle of Kodol for Dyspepsia, and see what it will do for you Ko dol not only digests what you eat and gives that tired stomach a needed rest, but is a corrective of the greatest efficiency. Kodol relieves indigestion, dyspepsia, palpitation of theheart, llatulence, and sour stomach. Kodol will make your stomach young and healthy again. You will worry just in the proportion that your stomach worries you. Worry means the loss of ability to do your best. Worry is to be avoid ed at all times. Kodol will take the worry out of your stomach. Sold by Stoutei gle it Bro. N. H. Henry t Son put toe fin ishing stroke on Johnnie Mag sum's big barn last Saturday, and hastened away to begin on one for s. mehody else. Johnnie is one of the most public spirited citizens in the County. It was he that purchased the first land and laid out town lots aud began tho building up of the East Hud extension; and with the compila tion of the barn to which we have just referred, he has placed up on his farm south of tho Mercert--burg pike, n mile and ahalf south east of McConnellsburg, a set of farm buildings of which any farmer might justly be proud. Tho Messrs. Henry have nothing but the kindest expressions of satisfaction of their business re lations with Mr. Magsam, and liopo that the time may not be far distant when Johnnie may be snugly ensconced in his new house with a wife selected from the many fair damsels of Little Fulton. BURNT CABINS. Children's Day services held at, tho Methodist church at this place June 10th, was largely at- te.ided and was one of the best that has been at this place for years. Any one now that is needing a physician will do well oy giving Dr. Madden a call. He lias locat ed here in our town and we wish him good success. Cora Doran, of this place, is vis iting her sister Mrs. Mclloay at Spring Mills. Mrs. Delsie Mummaand two little sons, James and Kalph, ot Wilbinsburg, is visiting her many friends here. Mrs. Auuie Briggs of Altoona, is visitiug her parents, John Mil ler and wife, near here. Edward Welch and niece, Annie Alexander, of Spring Run, spent Suuday with his sister Mary at this place. Savilla Bowman speut last Thursday afternoon at Shade (iap. Maggie and Olive Cline made a business trip to Foct Littleton on tost Friday. Mrs. Blair Appleby aud her mother Mrs. J. W. Miller, of Shade Gap, are spending a few days at this place. James Henry and wife, of Mc Connellsburg, spent Sunday with John E. Speck and family. A GUARANTEED CURB FOR PILbS. Itching, blind, bleeding or pro truding piles. Druggists refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case, no matter of how long standing, in 6 to 14 days. First application gives ease and rest. 50c. If your druggisthasn't it send 50c in stamps and it will be forwarded post-paid by Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. dull- NliW GRENADA. Plenty of rain town items scarce. We notice that the hard shell potato bug is a thing of the past in this section. Mrs. Alda Smith, of Braddock, Pa., spent a week very pleasantly among her many friends in, and about, New Grenada. Reuben Crum and wife, of Sal ter, Pa., visited friends a few days here. Mrs. Crum is a sister of Mrs. J. G. Cunningham. Guy Weaver aud wife, of Saltil lo, were registered at the Black Bear llotui last Sunday. Little "Beth" aged about nine years, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Uarry Truax, of Altoona: died of diphtheria on the 4th inst. She was a grand-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Truax, of Enid. This was a very heavy load of grief for the parents, as she was their only child, and more than ordinarily bright. Mrs. Margaret Houp received the sad intelligence last Sunday of the death of Jacob Houp of of heart disease, in Pittsburg, on the 8th inst. The deceased was aged about forty-tive years, and at the time of his death, his wife was lying very low with typhoid fever. You cannot induce a lower ani mal to eat heartily when not feel ing well. A sick dog starves him self and gets well. The stomach, once overworked, must have rest the same as your feet or eyes. You don't have to starve to rest your stomach. Kodol for Dys pepsia takes up tho work for your stomach, digests what you eat and gives it a rest. Puts it back in condition again. You can't feel good with a disordered stomach. Try Kodol. Sold by Stouteagle & Bro. FORT MOTT. 'or the curiosity of my FulW n friends, I will add a lew lines from Jersey. The troops here go into camp Monday morning for their sum mer maneuvers. Corporal Hoop, 11 'J Co. C. A., was in Pennsgrove, N. J., last Sunday. He says there was lots doing. II. P. Lea won $15 last evening on a raflle, from Corporal Evans. Bathing on the beach is an im portant sport of the boys it: blue. Some of the boys declare that Hoop tried to loop the loop on his wheel yesterday, but success was a failure. II. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES Itching, blind, bleeding, pro truding piles. Druggists are au thorized to refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure in G to 14 days. 50c. WCLLS VAUtV Mrs. (. W. Swopo is visiting her children in, and arouud 1 ilts burg. Mrs. Margaret Lyon visited a day with Mrs. S. P. Wishart, en route to Mrs. vVhitehill's nt Yel low Creen. lion. . r, vvisnart nui'iniod the Sunday school convention at Yellow Creek, Saturday and Sun day. ! Paul Baumgardiier has gone to j Eastou, Pa , to attend commence- merit of Lafayette, mid t take the examination. j Carl and Morris Baker, who are in the employ of Collier's Weekly, spent a few days at home last week. Howard and Roy Hoke, of Sax ton, spent Sunday with their grandparents, W. H. Spangler and wife. J. II. Allen, of Cliambersburg, speut Suuday at the Truax Inn. Mrs. Lizzie Baker is visiting friends in Saxton this week. Miss Maud Baumgardner is at tending Bedfr.rd county conven tion, held at Alum Bank this week. Harry Wright aud wife, and Samuel Jones and wife, of Metal, Pa., were "guests in tho home of W. L. Sprowl aud wife, last Sat urday and Sunday. Minnie Swopeisvisitingfi ieuds near Saluvia. T. J. Wiener, LEWIS H. WIBLE, . PRESIDENT. W. SCOTT ALEXANDER. VICE PRESIDENT. FRANK P. LYNCH. ATTORNEY AND SOLICITOR. Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Silks, Notions, Hosiery, (ilovcs. Underwear, White Goods, Laces, TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund mon ey if it fails to cure. E. W. G rove's signature is on each box. 25c. WEST DUBLIN, Daisy Hoover spent a few days with friends iu Ilustontown last week. Some of our young folks at tended Children's Day service at Center last Sunday, and report a good program. Mrs. Margaret Lyon spent sev eral days recently with friends m Hustoutown. Rev. Daniels preached a good sermon on Sunday atternoou, at Fairview, from Gal. b : 11. D. D. Deshoog, Jr., of Licking Creek, spent a little vvtiile iu this vicinity, Sunday afternoon dur ing the rain. Mrs. Margaret Lyou is visiting relatives in Yellow Ceeek, Bed ford county. Spring Millinery Ladies, Misses and Children. Infants Caps and Wraps. Lingerie Hats, Veilings, Neck Wear, WASH GOODS. WHITE GOODS. SILKS. ALL-OVER LACES. AND EMBROIDERIES. IVe are in Absolute Position to give our patrons the best the ; market affords at lowest prices. Leading Dress Goods and Silk Hose in Hancock, Vd. All New Spring Manner Patterns for Ladies', Misses and Children. Wire Fence ! Wire Fence! Much Cheaper Than i The siucerest tribute that can be paid to superiority is imitation. The many imitations of DeWitt's Witch lla.e! Salve that are now before the public prove it the best. Ask for DeWitt's. Good for burns, scalds, chaffed skin, eczema, tetter, cuts, bruises, boils and piles. Highly recommended and reliable. Sold by Stouteagle & Bro. NEEDM0RE. Mr. Editor: Kindly insert the following iu the next issue of the News : a out Rat;e. on last sunday at plesent grove church after preaching thare was a youg man took h:s girl and started a way aud thare wps a small party thare that thot thay was suinbody tha slaped thare hands and holerd and laft the people of this comunity think this a vary low colling for ( any boddy that wants to bee sum boddy. if you dont think this is worth puting in put it :n the Basket, you ned not put my name to it. June 15, l'.iOC). Cumberland Valley Trains Leave Fort Loudon at 7. 42 a. in., 11.47 a. m., 2. 1: p ni.; leave Mer- cersburgatM.O I a. m., U.uTp. :n., and 15.05 p. m. Arrive at Mercersburg at 7.47 a. in,, 10.11H a. m., and 5.51! p. in. Loudon, H.07 a rn., 10. a. rn., and li.lli p. rn. Lost. A bunch of keys on route from M e rc e r s b u r g to M eCo n n ell s b u r g, Saluvia, and Laidig. Reward, if returned to Rk.haud Bkasto.v, Tyrone, Pa , or Jovas Laki:, Iu dig, I 'a. L't. $1 h m n Pi K ( m ti I rei 8 ft k Any Style of Wood Fence Tx-t us lijjure together. A sthnc of timber that will square li im-lics mid is ltij foot in letiytli, will muke 4!IJ feet of lumber, wtiii li at f !.." a hundred, is worth "" cents. Now, I can sell you a ycxxl wire fence for .'llio a rod, which Is lss than half the cost of a board fence. 1'he style 1 sell at '.V2ti is a "bunkem" fence. A witness in V; m 1 court was once asked what kind of fence he had, when he made g the reply, "I have a "Iniukein fenco. "What kind of fence is that, ihundered the court." "A 'bunkem" fence," answered the witness, "is a fence that Is horse-hih, bull-strong, and pi(f-ti-rht. " That is just the kind of fence 1 sell. The price ranges from to (HU:., a rod depending on the style and height. 1 also sell the DISKING- HARVESTING MACHINERY the best on earth. I lone juut bought m-y twine and will guar antee the price now. Machine Oil from lSe., to 40c., a gallon. Linseed oil, harness oil, cylinder oil, turpentine, while lead, and ready-mixed paints all at o.-k-boitom prices. 1 a in closing out a lot of good horse blankets ut cost. Col lars, collar pads, truce chains, halter chains, Vc.. at very close prices. I have the best assortment of axes to be found anywhere in town. Axe handles, pick handles, sledge handles, Simon cross-cut saws, Piston cross-cut saws, handsHws, a complete line of strap and heavy barndoor hinges. l'himber'H supplies such as pipe linings, spigots, c. 1 have on hand all the time a stock of Lane's patent barndoor hangers and trucks the best hanger 'on tho market can't got off the track, 'roved cable chain from i to s on hand all the lime, price ranging from 4i to 7 cent s a pound. Geo. B. Mellott, McConnslIsburti. Pa. n u V Si & ROUSS RACKET STORE. Ladies and Gentlemen '. W'e want to tell you right here that we have the nicest line of underwear that it has been your pleasure to look at. We have ladies' vests, with tapered shoulders for 5o; others ut 4u; al so, the nicest laced sleeveless vest ever bought at !lc; others at 10 and l.'lc; extra large sizes, l.'ie: ladies' knit pants, i.'tc. Iu mou's we made a great hit. 1'ull size shirt, ribbed tail, and double-heat drawers, 21c each: and the genuine balbriggan, the one that takes up the sweat and don't leave you cold at 4.'ic or Wc a suit. Table Oil Cloth, 12c. Yd. Why don't you, who haven't wore a pair of Walk-Over shoes, try a pair. It is the experience of peop'e that have and are wearing them, that they are the best shoe on earth. We are selling more this sea sou than ever und $4.00. Also, others as cheap as ever, except some that we had to duplicate on. t all while, the old stock lasts. SAV FYRVER! Wo have bought a nice lot of clipper mowing scythes, that we can sell jiiu at f)0e, ami the scythe and snath complete, $1.10. This Is the patent snath, not the old pin snath. Also, the same machine oil that we always handled, at &: gal. This .is the same oil that most all of the. 11 ask you file a gul. Curtain stretchers !Mle each. See our line of scythe stones, ": H in. deep jelly plates 4c, tin cups 2c, I'io plates, deep, 2 for Tie and :i for JO; Milk strainers 12 and ioc, (mart measures 4c, dishpans 10 to :Uc each, lamps, complete, 20 to 3'ti" RIBBONS ! RIBBONS We believe that we have the best and cheapest line of ribbons on the market. We handle tho Kichurdson, and everybody knows these goods, but they always have been sold so high that people didn't buy them. We sell them at a short profit, and sell lots of them. If you want good ribbon and cheaper than unyone else sells them, see ours. Lots ui people know this. This Is for those who haven't found it out. HULL & . BENDER, Proprietors, MERRIL W. N ACE, CASHieH, B. FRANK HENRY, ASST. CASHIER, ' THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF M'CONNELLSBURC. PA, Alisolnic Siifrty. Mrr-proor nnil Hurtrlnr-proof Hutn mid Vault, am1 ittflnprH nr the Hank ItlMIVllv howled. Tmuhiiets a xenenil HunklDK, KxelmoKe and Collection huxinnw, unci l utidor Die Miner. vision of I he Comptroller ol the Currency of the ITnltrd Suite Uovernmcnl.l Drafts on New York. ' hllndelphln and I'lttshurK issued at lowest rates. Ccrtllleiitenof deposit Issued. IjOhtih made on personal and collateral security, und Notes discounted. Courtenu, IreiitmcDl to nil. Correspondence sollcted from those dclnnx Loans or u lhlui; to open nn count with us v DIRECTORS: LEWIS H. WIBLE. UNO. P. SIPES, JNO A. HENRY. W. SCOTT ALEXANDER. PETER MORTON. GEO. A. HARRIS, D. L. GRISSINGER, R.M.KENDALL, CHAS. E, BARTON ooooooooooooo oooooooooooo 0 900 oo oooo M Deering Binders. Hay Rakes, Reapers s 1 overs, s0 TJ A- f m r . rr rue jor prices ana catalogue, or sena me your order. Every machine guaran teed. Xop Buggies arid Wagons $ A fine Buggy at $49, $55, and $65. Farm IVagons, 2 horse, $55. Deering Binder Twine for sale. Fertilizers for buckwheat are now in. Remember we have anything you need , to use, wear or eat. Prices are lower than elsewhere. Yours for Bargains, o o 0 o o o CLAY PARK, Three Springs, Pa. OOO oooo cooooo ooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo o CO oooo oooooo rr f- ft. SPRING AND SUMMER I GOODS 8 i Lost. Two umbrellas incases were lust from tliss hack in coming from Mercersburg to McConuollsburg on Monday evening of last week. A reasonable reward will be paid upon their return to Huh oflice. DeWitt's Galvo For PHoSi Durnsi Sores KILLthe COUGH AND CURE THE LUNGS WITH Br. King's fiew Discovery VnuniiuaTinm FDR I CUGHSand ' U" WOLDS Prie BOo I. $1.00 Frc Trial. I tiureitt und Ctuickent (Jura lor nil THROAT and LUKO TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. $ Having just returned from the city we are now Cil ready to show our spring and summer goods to better advantage to our customers and at more $3 sasisfactory prices than ever before. r2 n,..-1 in Lawns, Linens, Dimities, Shrunk Muslins, Tat- ft tetta, bwiss Muslins, Panama Cloth, Batiste, Mer- j$ cerised Suitings, and Silk Mull, from 8 to 50c a yd. iftj In seersuckers, ginghams, and prints, our stock is complete. Our clothing department is full to jijwj overflowing. There are still a few dozen of 'our 19c shirts left. ISee Our Shoes We are proud of our shoe line. Oxfords for rj children, misses and ladies in white and patent gJJ leather, and a full line of patent Oxfords, Bals. and hj Blutcher tor men. We want you to see our line of ladies high top dress shoes, solid leather soles SS and counters, tipped Blutcher tor 1.35-. Look at them. Lace curtains 30c to $1, window shades, rj 8, 20, and 25c, curtain poles He. A beautiful flowered carpet at 25c yd; a nice 5 striped carpet, 12 and 19c a yd; a sttaw matting from 11 to 20c, worth 1-3 more. sj Our stock was never so full and so complete as j$ it is this spring, and consider it a favor to display it to all. . 1 S J.K.Johnston, I McConnellsburg. . DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT TU II .00 koU oonlilm JH tmi.tK trial vhlch Mill lor 80 cant UtMlIO UDLV AT TMi IAKjKATQIY or X. C DWITT COMPANY. cincAr.n rr t For Bale by Stoutoaglo Bro. Ask tor Kodol'g J900 Almanac and 200 Year Calendar. IFUVELL'S HI'I'KK lU HAN OA WHITE KOH C ATA I.OrttTW AHIH.MAl.Hl l-l'OKlKlU HUOOto HHfl I Mi OAIim.ii NT., fhlliuloli.liiii, e. ftuhscribo for tho News.