INTERESTING PARAGRAPHS hi I acil and General Interest, Gathered it Hume or Clipped from our Exchanges. CONDENSED FOK HURRIED READERS Km'! lutieli latest National Bis ciiit Ciiinpauy'i claintins will be s,-rvod at ' The Irwin Store," Sat uicUy, Junu All are invitod and welcome t' this demonstra lion. Tim .McCmuiollsburg Water Company is (xtendin; the wt. tir main on North Second street totliH residence ol Tod township's progressive eiti.isii, Jaines Henry- .IdIiii James Kean, who last wci'l abducted little Freddie Muth, in Philadelphia, w?s on Tuesday sentenced to tne peni toutiary for tweuty years. The trial lasted less than an hour. Constipation makes the cold dratf along. Get it out ofou. Take Kennedy's Laxative Honey aud Tar cough syrup. Contains no opiates. Sold by Stouteagle & Uro. (in Saturday afternoon as 2 o'clock Rev. John C. Grimes will baptize DO candidates in theSiloam M. K. church by sprinkling, and then he will baptize three by im mersion in Licking creek. The school at Harrisonville will be examined on Friday and Sat urday of this week, aud the schools at this place will face a similar ordeal on Thursday and Friday of next week. HIDES. Jan ft Sipes & Sons pay 10, 13, aud Hie a pound cash, for beef hides a their butcher WANTED Local Agent to represent a well-known and substantial Life I n surance Company, with Guar an i -ed Dividend policy. Liberal contract and renewals to the right man. Address B. H. Payne, Mgr. 1406 Kertton. Hulldlnc plttubunr. !a. 1 Vvl Who Has It s STYLISH 3 shop in McConnellsburg, also highest price paid for calf skins, sheepskins and tallow. The Pennsylvania State Teach ers Association will be held at Al toona duriug the first week of July. County Superintendent Barton and quite a number of the teachers of the county expect to attend. V a n t k n : Au experienced woman for cook and generalhouse work. Wages per week. Ap ply to Mks. U. K Simmons, Hancock. Md. Cl'I (it. Irwm sells all makes of Sewing Machines from if 14 for a good drop head machine to the tiuest White aud Standard Rotary. We will sell you a machine, on your own terms. Coino to ste us; we want to do business with you. The annual reports from the school districts of thi county, are about all in. Superintendent Barton is going over them as fast as they arrive, and immediately sending them ou to State Super iutendent Schaeffer. This promptness means that Fulton's share of the 3tate appropriation will soon be along. At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Knobsville Meth odist Episcopal church, held on Tuesday evening, it was decided to paint the church. Color to be w H i T h trim med with ci k'a y. Building is 30x45 feet and 13 feet from ground to eaves. New tow er is 5x" and vestibule is GxlO. Tlnre are 9 rods of fence also to be painted-white. Rids will be received until June 30th for the work. On the evening of June IKith, the choir of the church will have a festival on the church lawu their first effort to secure funds pay their subscription toward the improvements. Every body V'elcome. By order ot Trustees "f the Knobsville Methodist Epis- '"p;d church Pleasant Social Affair. Last Saturnay was the eighty third birthday of Mr. William Pat terson, one of Ayr township's old est aud most highly respected citizens. Mr. Ephraim Houck is Mr. Patterson's tenant faruier. Inasmuch as Mr. Patterson is one of the very best of landlords, it occured to Mr. and Mrs. Houck to give their landlord a surprise birthday party. Preparations for a splendid dinner were made, invitations sent out to about three dozen mutual friends, and at the appointed time' Mr. Patterson was taken into the parlor and let into the secret that had been so car3fully kept from him up to this time. Ofctursehe was de lighted, and the friends present were glad for the opportunity of taking their old friend by the hand and wishing him "many more happy returns." Mr. Patterson is a rema:kably well preserved man for one of his years. Being a man of temperate habits, his mmd is as clear as a bell, and it is a great pleasure to sit and listen to hi in as he re counts events that happened in the Cove in the good days of auld lang sine. He told the folks that day that he almost felt like a stranger in his own home. All of his associates of early days had passed from earth. His father died rifty-seven years ago; his mother, forty, and his wife fifteen years ago. He was born and reared on the farm that he now owns, and has sent his long Ufa upon it, with the exception of the last live years which have been spent in the home of Hon. D. A. Nelson. lie does not think it any great feat to walk to McConnellsburg, a distance of five miles and re turn; also, he generally walks to church, preferring to do so rath er than to ride in a carriage. M r. Patterson related the fact that during his younger days he hauled hundreds of cords of wood to McConnellsburg, and, said he, "I got paid for every stick of it except two loads, and one of the men that owes me is dead, and the other has left the county." M 1 . f Painting costs more .! U a. mail paint. Lucas Paint (Tinted Gloss) saves the labor and time of many pairtfings be cause it lasts gives M protection and keeps its fine looks far longer than any "other paint. Pure well-settled lin seed oil, right pigments, thorough erindinc and Si mixing; also the know- l i ledge of sixty years. John Lucas & Co Sixty years of paint-making New York Philadelphia Chicago n CLOTHES CLu O T HING Are you particular about siyU'f Out clothing is ot the most up-to-date make. Are you particular as to quality and price? When it comes to a question of dollars and cents we all want the very best we can jet for the least money possible. A slim purse will do heavy work when it strikes our clothing de partment. Come here for that suit lor the Fourth of July and you will be pleas ed. I THOMPSON. Quite a heavy storm passed ov er our community Sunday even ing. Elders Alderton and Dalton have returned to their homes, af ter conducting a three days meet ing at Damascus. About four hundred people at tended the baptismal services at the iron bridge, on last Sunday. W. H. Pitt man and Reed Simp son left on last Monday for Char'.estown, W. Va., where they will spend some time with the former's brother, and thelatter's uncle, Dr. J. J. Pittman. Anna Carbaugh has returned to her home after spending a lew weeks in Baltimore. Preaching at Antioch at 10 o' clock, and Mt. Zion at 2, next Sunday. Huston, of Saltillo, pays 15c, a dozen for eggs; lie, a pound for ohicken, and 50c, for potatoes. Do You Suffer rrom Sick Headache? "Liven the Liver." In majority of i:a-a, bail llvr mentis n llut Iirad, 1 ix the livir mill you 11 z Hie heail. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS A Sure euro fur all thcailmenta re aultlng from the liver. They are a mire, permanent relief or lniliKentiotl, Constipation, Nhu. are, HrnttlHirii, Flatulency, OiuUli new, Malaria, lauu1k-e. etc.- Ouarantead all Vegetable Absolutely llarnile-aa. , lu uhc fur tieveuiy YearH. For ale everywhere. IS centa boa or by mall. Dr.J.H rhnrk Atnn r.ku4- AKERSVILLE. Fine growing weather. A very heavy rain descended in Crush Creek, Sunday evening. A number of people from Gaps ville and McKendree attended the Childreu's service at Akersviile, Sunday. Mrs. Mary E. Hixson spent Sunday aud Monday with Mrs. lihoda Akers. George McKibhin and sisters Clara aud Ivy spent Sunday eve ning in the home of John N. Hixson. Viola Hixson has returned from Everett where she had been study ing music. The Children's serviceatAkers ville was wer attended, 'ihose taking part in rendering the very interesting program, especially thechildren, deserve much praise. John N. Hixson, wife and son Morton, have returned after tak Ing a trip to 'Vestport, Williams port and Parker. Mrs. Hixson visited her hrniher theUev. G. A Duvull, of Westpoint, while Mr. Hixson. who was selected as a juroi to the United States court att mded it. which convene i ai Wilhamsport .I ne llth. Our "boss" carpenier, U. H Williams. U build mar a wagou shed, for Mrs. Irene Truax at Kn. mavillo. Tim new postmaster, W m. F. Hlxsou, and wife are getting aloug nicely in their new home Workinxmcn Wanted -Single men under liD years, to : farm ditching 7 months in Wis. $175.00 and board for sat sf ictory hands. 'Also a faithful man to run s team ditcher." En Kkr'hknuaoh, Orrvillo, Ohio. Rev. John C. Grimes, pastor of the M. E. church of this place, has just received a call to a very delighttul charge in the "Sunny South" salary $1,000. The rev erend geutleman has until July 1st, to decide definitely as to his acceptance. Car loud of salt just received by 'iMton. Prices aocoraH.iv v xm ol of, sacks. Wanted at Once. Vantkd. One man as a saw yev , apply at ouce to 11. Kalmach & Sons, Alleu's Valley, Richmond Furnace, Pa. Mar. 7, tf. HONEST SHOES Aore shoes sold in April and Aay than in four months last year. Scarcely a day passes that we are not asked for a pair ot shoes like a pair bought last season. This tully dem onstrates that we are selling honest shoes at honest prices. The fact that we bought our spring shoes before the heayy advance m shoes has placed us in position to sell you shoes at old prices which means a big saving to you. Remember a dollar buys shoes worth a dollar here. We will be pleased to show you anything in our line and will leave it to your good judgment to decide whether it pays to trade here. Harry E. Huston, Saltillo, Pa. REAL ESTATE PIT PRIVATE SALE. The utidei'fiijrned intends to sell the following desirablo real estate, xitdutu four tulles south of MeC'onnellsbuiy, neur Cito 1'ostolHco. Traut No. 1. Contains 10 acres more or less, in good state of cultiva tion, and all In grass except about one acre. The improvement are a 21 story weatherboardod House, und a Frame Stable, both in good repair, and all necessary outbuildings. Water in out-kltchen. .A. line orchard of choice nursery fruit. Tract No. 2. Contains about 4 acres of tine young timber. Fine chance to get a desirable home. Terms to suit purchaser. For fur ther particulars call on or address W. M. ltKKU, - fi-l-0tl. Cito, Pa. OPENING LETTER STEVENS' & RAKER'S NEW STORE, At Clear Ridge. To the public. New goods still coming in.' We have just receiv ed it line of shoes, strictly new, tit prices that will surprise you. Ladies' Oxfords from l.-0 up: Indies' tine dress shoes from 1.10 up: men's line dress shoes from t.2 to .V0; bovs line dress shoes from ifl.10 up. We have a full line sf tine and every day shoes and prices are right. Dry Goods and Notions We have a line lino of dry goods coming in. Gingham nd call coos, 5e a yd., and up: Curtain net 10 anil 15e yd: Muslins from ;'c a yd. up. We have a full line oi lawns, mohairs, silks, plaids, seer-mclier, flannels, ticking, etc., at the lowest price. (ictits, ladies and misses hose !(c per pair up: lad ies and gents 1.1c up: ladies' ribbed vests 7c up: gents summer underwear -" up: window blinds up. Groceries ! Groceries ! 20 pounds granulated sugar $1; .'? packages Mothers Oats 2"c: .'f cans syrup J"ic; li bottles extracts i)c; (i packages smocking tobacco 2."e; chewing tobacco Nc cut, up; kerosene 12c gallon; best. barrel oil I'm. We have a nice line of tin and gi'aniteware; flour, feed, etc. High est cash prices payed for produce, butter, eggs, chickens, wool a special ty, also hides. If you want to save money call and see us before you buy and be convinced. Kverything new. Stevens & Raker, Clear Ridge, Pa. Look! Read! Buy! Flickerville's Bargain Store ! W. H. Nesbit Opposite the'Cooper House, Is better prepared than evi Farm Machinerv, namely. before to furnish our farmers w ith BINDERS, MOWERS, Hay Hakes, Hay Tedders, Corn Plows, Spring Harrows. Cultivators, Ituggies. Spring Wagons. I sell the Osborne Harvesting Machine. Not the bi-st on earth, but flie best In grain fields and grass fields and the best on h rse llesh. Hinder twine, get my prices before buying. Machine oil from IV' to ortc per gallon; Mien axle grease V, 2 and 7."c; gurdeti rakes 1" to 2"ic: Hoes, 15 to 2.V; spades ."0c: shovels from .15 to 50c. The ax trust is broken and the ox 1 sold for !"c. I will sell you for T.'c. Pumps and pipes of all kinds, I can sell you it pump for .land up. Repairs for all kinds of machinery and mower sections cheaper than you have ever bought them. I have a lot irf i,,re jovit. shingles: lawn mowers from J.""" to s. Clocks! Clocks! Clocks! Why do you have the cook gues.-Ing ut the time when you can buy sin K day clock for $2..". Myer's burn door rollers and truck on hand at ull times. It is one of the best rollers on the maruet, it can not be throwed off the track. Traces of all descriptions und prices. Grauiteware of all kinds, take ft peep at my (i.V white and blue dish puns. Oh, yes, I forgot to say anything about the galvanized root ing. I sell the best galvanized roofing that is made. When I sell you a siiuure of galvanized roofing it covers 10 feet square. W. H. NESBIT, McConnellsburg, Pa. G. I. Reisner & Go, We hareju st received a very full line of Seer suckers and Ginghams for Tlurt more McCu 11 Putt"" " !" l.i than of ny other n.k. of nillcnia. I hu U Ol luounl of their etyle, ccu,cy lid iniihilty. Moral!'. Bltnl TIm Queen M l-airmm, n lore KuUhLilliere iIiaii any other l.adi.. ai;,p-'ima year'a subecnt'iion lu number at c.l. oil Cllilni nuinb.r, It oeule). r-.ery auuacriHai no.. tern Free, buuacrtbe tuuay. I.aUr Ag.atl W.nleia. Ilndwm premium' ot liber.'"..! romuhaaior,. l'.llern I '.'"" "'Si" ?i5 al,e) and Cel.lociie (,l,,t .tci,um.) ul irua. AOureaa 'iU McCAU. CO., New York. One l.air.t i iKL'all 1'et- . 1 am now ready to open my New Store at the. little village called Klickerville, which is near the .ooilst Grove postollice, in Whips Cove. I will give you a little sketch of the lino which I expect to handle and the produce I expect to take in exchange. Hutter, 20c cash, and 22c trade; l'.ygs 12c cash, and 14c trade: Po tatoes, Meat, I.urd, Hcuns, Dried Apples, all taken in exchange for goods. Muslin bleeched and unbleached,' percales, lawns and all kinds of fancy dress goods. Ladies' and Misses Dress Skirts from 1.50 up. Under Skirts "Sc, calico to 7c a yard. Men's all-ready-made work and dross pants, 5 it; to 2 per pair. Men's and boys' dress hats from "0e to $1 each; Ladies', Misses and Children's trimmed huts from fiOe. to 3.23 each, children's caps 25c each. Tuble oil cloth l"ic yard, or He by the bolt, why pay 18 to 20 cents elsewhere. Straw mattiug l2c yard; Ingrain carpet 2,'ic yard; Window curtains at 75c puir; Curtain Poles 10c a piece; Bed spreads iiOc up. 5 gallon oil cuns at 75c each, also will (111 them at 10c per gallon, single gallon 12c. Granulated sugar at 5c; Scrap Hinges, door knobs, rakes, hoes, single trees, und all kinds of hardware. Come one come all now, no trouble to show good sell or not. Upholstered couches $fi, why pity l or 7 when you can get them eliruner. Larue Mirrors, nice frames for 111x201.25. Ladies' handder- chiefs, ribbons, laces, embroil ic rs, anil collars for both men and women D. C. MELLOTT. Dissolution Notice. Nuilct Ik hereby irtvei ihut Uo partntt MUp lie re lu fur! ex.t.iiu U-twei-n 1 It. Mum, W. II. NeKon. A. V, N.hi initl J, Nc sun Sih k. trutiltiK w titl dofutf busuies-i a fio Kulnm (.'uun ty liuiik hits heen di Mil veil hv euuftiit Hie uuilemliriied lmvimr wtilulriwu rnxu suul I nrt)M'rhlij i-.iO-et l . H. NA'K nXKCL'TOU'S WOTICK Noiit'u herubv atvoii Hint letturH tHHlHniuut HIV liHVO b(H!tt UIIltlttMl tOt tlC UUiliMnliflllM I1IK1II tin- tmt or it. k. '! run i, lute of lie, runt lowictiln. r niton con nt", Pu., dwceuNed. Any livrhoiin uuviiitf cihiiiim Mvuitist KuiUtintute will iitfieitt tlii'iu troptrly tuilheuimuleil fur uitiiiftu. uimi t .him own iK iitehuine win piuurtd vai itMtl mitliu. H t,. VlvK. Si pen Mlllv. VH h 9 i-i1. I'.x-uuutoi- For 75 years the favorite family medicine for throat and Kings. OlClS? TO CUflE A COLD IN ONE DAY 'kft Laxativa Broroo Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund mon ey if it fails to cure. E.W.Grovo'8 t'lRnaturo is on och hn :do. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. A(Jb m utilise. Wai A In uieft' 12 mnnthfl. - , - Cures Crip la Two Days. Seven Million boxes sold In st 13 months. on every yrmn box. 25c. Spring and Summer Beautiful Styles at Old Prices. White Goods in fancy Mercerized Stuffs, Lawns, Shrunken Muslins, Linens, &c. Our Wall Paper and Mattings are now in, at least, large partjor early use. . in We Can Please You. See these. GOODS and learn the PRICES before you do your Spring buying. 1 & Co. G.I.Msnei rtUcConnellsburg. Pa: : PULTON COUNTY NEWS a $1.00 Year in Advance, is the people's paper. & ' 'f t & ? ' J