COUN1V NEWS tvery Wednesday. Jj1i.i Editor and Proprietor. McCONNELLSBURG. PA. mi 20,1006. p-iblished Weekly. $1.00 per Annum in Advance. AllVKHTlxtMl KATK IVr; fit " line- .1 tlim ... . T.t lriMit'iinn. . .11 M. !H. AilVlv.-rtWrn.-ni.. Hiwrted dr less than lliree uionlh. ohriid by lti square. " " 3 mm. I yr. mi.nn Ml no 7MJ0 OnpfiMirt.h t-oumin Oiio-hmr i-olumii... One Column .:n (10 4'1 I'D M..0O. .. U.0t. Nolhinif Tiii-rtid fur lt"s thrtn II Pruft.'-loui Cr) one voir In THOMPSON. The throe day meeting at Dam-aseu.- was largely attended last Sunday, and an immense crowd tjatiiered at the Iron Bridget) see the baptism of six new mem hers. There were persons there from Haucock, Big Cove Tannery, Webster Mills, and many other points, more or less distant. The rain scattered the crowd a little prematurely. Kev. Pittenger will preach at Mt. Zion next Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, and Ke. llarland at J o'clock iu the afternoon. Amos Sharpe, wife and two daughters, Mrs. Mary Gregory, and Mrs. Klizabeth Hess, wtre guests of David Gregory's last Sunday. Mrs. Olive Stoops, of McKees port, is visiting relatives here. Ileid Simpson and W. Lf. L'itt man expect to go to Charlestown, Vu., to place themselves under tin; t eatmeut of Dr. Joe I'lttmau. Km ma Mellott and Lillian Pott, of Big Cove Tannery, were guests of Bess Simpson,' last Sunday ev ening. P. P. Shivesand KrauK Martin are remodeling the dwelling house of Miss Amanda Pott, near the Tannery. A Tex us Wonder. There's a Hill at Bowie, Tex., that's twice as big as last year. This wonder is W. L. Hill, who from a weight of !ii pounds has any plastering Uone, get, naney, grown to over liu. He says : "1 ' as he is one of the best and I be sutiered with a terrible cough, I lieve the best mechanic in his line and doctors irave me up to die of , consumption. I was reduced to iO pounds, when 1 began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds. Now, after taking 1:! bottles, I have more than doubled in weight and am completely cured." Only sure cough and cold cure. Guar anteed at Trout's drugstore, ."nc Uiid l.ii.. Trial brittle free. SIDHLHU HILL. The well drilling at Cedar Grove church last Saturday night was well attended. A. H. Hixson is going to put an addition to his house. Wesley G'Mir.'er is the carpenter. Cuttle buyer.-, seem to bo plenti ful in this vicinity. That is a pretty good sijxn of a bountiful hay crop sr me where. lianoy 1 lootii and Mamie i olden ol l-'i uuidin Mills, visited Ottie Hill Sunday. Mrs. U'-nton Hendershot and sod Lemuel of Warfordsburg, vis ited Job Hill's recently. .May Akers ha returned home from McConnellsburg, where she had been attending normal school. lvl Hendershot visited the fam ily of Geo. Hill Sunday. Kexie Hess was the guest of Moses lless Sunday. Kev. S. J. Pittiuger will preach at Bedford Chapel, Sunday even ing, July th. Thousands annually bear wit ness to the efficiency of Early His ers These pleasant, reliable lit tle pills have long borne a reputa tion second to none as a laxative and ..atharlic. They are sta ple as bread in millions of homes. Pleasant but effective. Will , promptly relieve constipation without .'.'riping. Sold by Stout eagle & Bro. The cigarette fiend is being hit hard upon all side i' the busi ness world. The Chicago, Eur- Jingtou andQuincy Railroad com- pauy fiu uui.uu m, .: t jr employee found smoking cigar ettes by the company will no louder he given employment. They have ascertained to their satisfaction that a cigarette fiend cannot, or does not, perform his dutie in as satisfactory a manner as does the other fellow, This is poor encouragement for the boys. Bon. Mrs. (Joo. Wilsou spent FnJny evening wit.i her aunt. Mrs.Karhol Hill. Mrs. Jonathan Sipes is on the sick Hat. Lemuel Barnhardt has in his j possession a live fox. Kid. Arlington Garland, wife, ind daughter, of Fort Koyal, W. Va., spent a few days with friends In; re. Charles Hess is propnring to build a large uew house. Logue lless and family spent Sunday with the family of .). C. Fisher. Oscar Bivens spent Sunday with Thuriiian Sharpe. Mrs. Aaron lless is visiting her son Moses, this week. John Bussard, of Everett had a nice herd of cattle driven to his farm last week from this county. Wm. Carnell, wife and children spent Sunday with Allen Smith, at Pleasant Grove. Bennett Robisou, ol Ilaucock, spent Sunday with Wilbert Lay ton. James Sharpe's had an ice cream supper last Sunday even ing, in honor ot their son, Stan ley's second birthday. There will be preaching at Ce dar Grove next Sunday at 10 o'clock, by the pastor, Kev. W. II. Hendershot. S. M. Carnell and wife spent Sunday at the home of James Truax. NEW CLRb FOR tPILEPSV. J. B. Watermau, of VVatertowu, O., Kural free delivery, writes : "My daughter, afflicted for years with epilepsy, was cured by Dr. King s New Life Pills. She has not had aD attack for over two years." Best body cleausers and life giving tonic pills on earth, ."c at Trout's drug store. A (jood Job. Chas. K. Kershner, of Need more, has finished plastering G. V. Fisher's house near Forest Mill, now owned by James John son. Mr. Fisher is well pleased with the' work. Mr. Fisher has built one of the most modern and expensive houses in the county for a farm house, it you want in tne county. From one who knows a mechan ic in the building line wheu he sees his work, as I class myself as a mechanic. From a painter, Phil Scukhimek. LONii TENNESSEE KUIIT. For twenty yeais W. L. Kawls of Bells, Tenn., fought nasal ca tarrh. lie writes : "The swell ing aud soreness inside my nose was ftarful, till I began applying Bucklen's Arnica Salve to the sore surface; this caused the sore ness aud swelling to disappear, never to return." Best salve m existence. -c at Trout's drug store. SALLVU. Emery llessler is laying iMO feet of liino to bring the water to his kitchen. S. S. Hanu, of Webster Mills, was called to Saluvia last Satur day on account of the death of his sister, Mrs. Joseph Everts. A very delightful Children's Day service was held at Asbury church last Sunday. The house was not large enough to hold all the people iu attendance. The officers and teachers deserve much credit for the success of the service. Odd fellows sermon next Sun day evening at half-past seven o'clock atCreenhill M. E. church. Oulwils Hie Surntun. A complication of female trou bles, with catarrh of the stomach aud bowels, had reduced Mrs. i'hos. S. Austin, of Leavenworth, Ind., to such a deplorable condi tion, that her doctor advised an operation; but her husband fear ing fatal results, postponed this to try Electric Bitters; and to the ama.ement of all who kniw her, this medicine completely cured her. Guaranteed cure for torpid liver, kidney disease, bil ousuess, j cluls and fover( genor. . d . .. nerV0usriess and blood poisoning. nest ionic maae. Price fjOc at Trout's drugstore. Try it. Lloyd Poffenberger, of Phila delphia, and sister, Miss Stella PolTenberge, of Foltz, spent last Wednesday, the guests of Miss Es telle Logue, -in the Cove. MARRIliD I.N IOWA. (icorge W. Ashlun and Mrs. I aura B. Snavely are United hy Rev. I. II. Ben edict In Athens. George W. Ashton.of Wheeling, y. Va , and Mrs. Laura B. Snav - ly, of Ida Grove, were inafr t:d last evening, at m o'clock, in lov a City. The ceremony was performed by I lev. I. II. Benedictol the Bap tist church, at the home of Dr. Leora Johnson, L'l'd North Clin ton street. The happy couple will reside in West Virginia. The bride is a former resident of North Liberty, where she was vvid dy known and we'll liked, for many tine qualities. The groom is a noted Iowa educator, having served live yaer. as a teacher at Ames, mx years as superintendent of the Boone City schools, and six years, as county superintendent of Boone county, Iowa. A host of old friendsofthebride aud newer, but no less devoted, and friend of the groom, will wish Mr. and Mrs. Ash ton lifelong joy and prosperity in the sunny south laud, where they will be at home erelong. Town City Daily Press. June Hth. SII'ES MILL. The time was Weducsday, Juno 13th, and the place v as the hos pitable home of Obed T. Mellott and wife. What occurred was not abu thdav party, not a wed ding, nor a circus, but a jolly old fashioned barn raising. About 7." persons were present, and the big structure went up without a hitch. The names of those at the raising are : Michael, diaries, Sherman and Oli ver Bard; Andrew mid Will Swope; Thomas, Levi, Pun, K. K., George, William, Nathan and Sampson Mel lott: George Haiin, Johnson Truax and wife, Thomas Truax and wife, Wiley, Aaron, Jordan afcd George Dosliotig; Charles Mellott and wife, (I. S. Mellott, wife and. three children; Charles lirnnt, Klijah Mellott and wite, John Pittman, .1. Lake, Geo', and ('.lias llauman: Randolph 1 'aimer, Loguc Wink, Joseph and Homer Sipes, Harvey Batdoi lT, Dick Sehooley, Ed ward and J tassel Swope, Frank Gra eey, Jiennet Mellott, wife and two sons; Milton Mellott and wife, Nathan Pal mer, Philip Sehreiber, E. N. Akers, lloland Sharp, Edward Mellott and family, Hubert Mellott and family, John I lollenshead. Kdward Strait and Angcline Mellott and daughter. There was lots of fun and music by the graphophone while the folks were eating supper. After they hud one raising they thought they would have another; so they raised Mr. Mellott and set him down to supper. Permanent Certificate Examination. The examination for Perma nent certificates will bo held in the public school building at this place Thursday aud Friday, June aud 211. The examination will begin at 9 o'clock, a. m. Emokv Thomas, II. M. Griffith, Minn if Mock, Committee. CI.HK KIIKili. Howard Kerlin lias gone to Al toona. Edna Kerlin is visiting Mrs. Pert Henry iu the Cove. ( J no. Myers expects to move his family from here to Uobertsdale, this week. Luther and Miami' G rove spent Sunday with friends at Fort Lit tleton. Mrs. F. K. Steveus and chil dren hbve returned to their home after spending sometime with her parents. Win. Carinack and family, of Chamborsburg, spent part of last week with hisuncle J. V. Carmaek at the hole1. J. C. Appleby and family of Decorum, speiitSuud vy here with friends. Mrs. T. E Fleming has been quite poorly for sometime. Her daughters Ada and Ldiia.i, who wore awiiy hav returned notne Hark Wanted. A large quantity Rock- ak and Hemlock bark, l'.iUli peel, for whi;h tbe highest cah pric will lie paid. For price, addre--or apply i i po-Non 1o iSAf.'I'll.l.o T.l''NFliV, Apr. Hi, l'.iuii. Saltillo, Pa I'.nv 8 Farm in IVnn., N, J. or Del. 1J'. St Slates foe prulitahle farm ing. S il aihip'fd tn uroat varie ty i d' i'i )ps. Nrar ma' kt'ls Hist pav Lesifii ice.-, for , our products. I'-ii in i.-.nds in tb"se States my 'ciait, sold and bought. Write fi r n,.ticular. Ii G. Kun'K, I In. It. E. Trust lild., Phil ida. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar CurH all Coughs, and xpil Colds from tk system liy gently moving th sowals. EilGAirNS In Trimmed and Un til mined Hats. I trim nil hats free of charm'." That you inny bet ter umlurnl and what this o! fer means, I will illustrate a hat pm eliast d untriniiin d and trimmed free of I'luo ue Fu;e French Chip lint fl.4!t; 4 yds. all silk rililioii nt i"e. yd., tl.oo; spray of roses, "" : LiniiiB ic. ; milk ing the lot a! cost for the at tractive Hut hut :i.2:i. I have a full line of lii e Tuscans in natural color, and the new Sailers two here for your inspect ion. Hats from "0e. up. Mrs. H. O. McOlain, Hustontoun, Fa. " 00 MRS. A. F. LITTLE'S Big Underselling Store. 0.0. 00 0 10 01. I have just arrived from the city with a !in line of Mid summer Millinery, consisting of Hats, Flowers, Kihhons, liells, and Laces. All of the latest styles. I I you want to wear the la'e-t in mil! in- t'y come to see our stove. We will si ill please Ton and save you money. We believe iu iiiick sales and small prolits. We yive free with each hat a fancy hat in. All trimmlnif done free lii our store. Store opposite postolticc. McConnellsburg, Pa. 0 0V.0 This Way Mew Grocery Store ! I take the pleasure in ann' ncllshui'j,' and vicinity, tha date (Irocery in Ine Sipes store. ' My stock consists of nvt tytliiujf you wuuld liud in aliist class ('irocery. Nolhinif ;m liolliHit; Mai -er tliinjj f.vsh. If you use tobacco iu any form, come in and .- ( my line. I also have a nice stocn ol confeci inns, and a full line of The National Hiscuit I'o's. pinds, which I have jus! received trom the factory, t'ome in and jv t a sampKi. Hoping to receive a share of your patronage, am Yours for lair dealing. R. M'CLAIN. .Mc(onncllshurg, la. '3 W. M. Comcrsr, assent for THE mm MANUFAC- trikj mnn BURNT CABINS, PA. for the sale of Traction and l'ortablcj Knj;lnes, Outline, Separators, Clover llullers, Sawieiils, c. I'.njjines on hand alhlhe time. NEW BUGGIES My sheds are lull of new busies am' wajrons, f actor v and irand both HAND Si, St tL MADE r-'ff r$P and ni pile low cM . , I'ie.iM' the call und hi ejeV cor viy ances. ery ti W. R. EVANS, llustontown. Pa. 1 niton County IJanU of Alc(onncllsburK', l'a. Mas removoJ to Its new rooms In A. Ij N'uce's build itiir, OP'iosi'.e the I'osliillleit and (ireithead'n slmr. Will do a umieral bu-.l-ness an usual. Depositors have security of over TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. Wm. H. Nelson, ('ashler MM . 0 I " mm 0 0 f 00 0 '. . 0 0. 10 0 00 A uincintr to the citizens of Met 'on i I have opened a new and up-to-lloom, opposite I ick:.ori'ri Driii; i &ncPftinuteGoughCure rur buurjnsi i.oias anu uroup. RHEUMATISM LUMBAGO, SCUTICJ NEURALGIA and KIDNEY TROUBLE "I PKOPS" takflit Internally, rUiv l lie -blood of the poisonous mutter and acids wblub are tlie diretit ouuwun of theo diseftsev. Applied eiierimliy It afforUH Hltuoat In Slant relief from piiln, while a peruiaoent cure ia belit effi'oted by purifying the blood, dissolving tbe Kluuaoua aub ttauce Rod roLuoviag it from tbe aysteuy DR. S. D. BLAND Of Drew to ii, Ga., writeat "I h.d beau a surTeror for a nunibr of yra wttb Luuibfo id lllifuuintlntu fu ntr u-uii mini ltni.urt trlilall thm rtNutHllm tlt 1 exiiilA Vj yntbur (rum tu Mil leal work , and m.lo oonauiCMl "I'll" iiuiiiimrui III umi VB1U1V.I1B, UlllilUUlia Duriiltitf thkt Kftvs rtlltr obtained from "MittoVH." 1 ttil preterit It Id my praoUoa far rhtmaiftUitn aud kiudrvU tlUwutb.'' If you are uflnrlnir with Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Kldiu y Trouble or any klu druJ dli:ann. write to ua (or a trial bottle of ' 'I -DROPS," aud teat It youraell. ".)UOM8" ean be used any lenmh of time without acquiring a "drug habit," aa It la eutlmly free of opium, ooualne, aloohol, laudouuiu. and otuer anuilar liikfredleots. B.IHe, 'S.)I(IPh(IIUm. l.ou. t'r MkU by liruaauik IWANS01 IHtUMATIO CURE COMPAIV. Uuiit. o. iav i.Ki. iuhi, uatoaa. ptfr' Eur!y filisers The famous little pills. SubiorHio for tlio "Nowa, ' only iri fK) u your. 1 i THE t FULTON COUNTY NEWS Covers the Field. Ill every part of the County faithful re porters are located that Rather the daily happenings. Then there is the State and National, News, War News, a Department for the Farmer and Mechan ic, Latest Fashions for the Ladies. The latest New York, Bal timore, Philadelphia Markets. The Sun day School Lesson, Helps for Christian Endeavorers, and a Good Sermon for ev erybody. THE JOB DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE. SALE BILLS, POSTERS, LETTER HEADS, NYELOPES, CARDS, &c In fact anything and everything in the best style along that line. j! ISample copies of the News sent to any of your friends on request. KodoE Dyspepsia Cure Digobts what you eat. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Man A. of Me. prodaeea the above reanlta In SO daya. It acti (lowerfully and quickly. Curea when all othara fall. Vouugmen will regain their lost manhood, and old men will recover their youthful vigor by nalng lti;VlV O. It quickly and surely reilorea Net-roue-uom. Lo.t Vitality, Impotenoy, Klghtly KmlMlone, f.oat Power, Falllug Memory, Wanting DlseaN.a, and all effecta of aelt-abuBe orezcebaaud indliorellon, which unntaoneforeludy.bualneHorniarriaga. II not only cures by starting at the seat of disease, but isagreat nerve tonlo and Uloou Douaer, onng. It if back tbe nink arlow to Dale cheeks and re Ltorlng the lire of yonth. It wards on Instnlly rind Consumption. Insist on having REVIVO. no other, it can be carried In vest pocket, of mail H1.00 per package, or all for SS.OO. with a post five written guarantee to car or refund the mont-v Ifnon anil uuvle Iroe. Aililren. KOYAL MEDICINE CO., c'Mlu For sule in Mi CuunellsburK at V. S. r ic'isuii'ci druy storo. (enneuy's Laxative Honey r.nd T& iti-s all Couohs, and expels Colds front he aiystem by gently moving the bowels. CHICKCSTEri'S ENGLISH ?K.YB0ALF8LLS i fa. AlwnvK rflitahlr. liilloi,sV4lc Hnifrirlft fo I IIU IIIIVI KK N :4,l.ll In Kf.l und iiifiitllic ijuitH, M4M Ifil wiiN bluu ribbon. T-le ho nihT. lC'l'iiMit liiiitftriuH m,t(. luitoiiM i.ntl liiiltniioii). iui itt v(iir JniajKi t, hi .-eini -lc. In HlanipH lur I'uri ten I a i-, Tfali (iMMti:il Mini "Helitr lr l.willt." initiirr, t i-vlurn .null. lU.UUO TvfctiiuoiiiHlii. bu'u 0 OHIOHIIHTKR OH1SMIOAL OO. lutf MtkUUon Niuur flllLA PA, LADIES mmssmif IPR.LA FRANCO'S ( I a J r-. ". I l a I ira , TOV,l?5 t.K WdfXWS OH " WlWt x.n ii i mi 1 1 i i - i - ' Safe, Quick, Reliable Regulator Hniierlcir tn nil. it remedl.. sold at hlijU prlcts. Cure auarHlilved. Suri'timfully iimI by ovur tiOU.OOU W omen. Price, -5 iil, drug annul by mall. TslUu"iill liooklnl fru. : lr. LaVraucu, liUailBlpbU, raw W Early Risers The famoutt little pills. CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS Best Couth Syrup. Tastes Cood. Uao In lime. Sold by druggists. IromUla. U-XUIA'l.' via 1 C If 5' BUSINESS DIRECTORY. lUlil'.I.KS. R; M. DOWNES, Fihst Class Tonsorial Artist, A ('ltuti Cup nnd Towel with eiioh Shave - KvfrytJiinK Aiii!eptio. KUXOI'K StM lht'll. fcfffShop In room ifiti'iv oco.jpiutlby txi Hrulic ISAAC N. WATSON. Tonsorial Artist. Strlotly up tn .Iftfp In nUMylvH of hmr cut. tfTiir. gulnk. Piv.y thnvr; Hay-mm. Crpurn,. Wli rh-hu2t!l. without xtrH olmi tie. Vrvsi towol RHiih miffinm!. I.Htpt iiuprovHt) im' p ir' tuH for f.te rtlinlUK tooi. I'urlorH oppiMiit Fulton Houhc. I.AWVrlKS. M. R. S11AFFNER, Attorney at Law, Oliice on Sauare, McConnellsburg, Pa. All lejrtil huN.ncHN and eollectionR entrusted will eoelve careful und prompt attention CIILKCIJF.S. Prksiiyterian. Uev. W. A. West, D D., I'astor. Prencliinif servicta eat:h alternate Sabbath at 10:30 u. m, and every Sunday evening at 7:0). Services ut Grren Hill on alternate Sabbaths at 10:JS0 a. m. Sabbath school at l):l.. Junior Christian Kn deavor at 2:00. Christian Endeavor nt 6:00. Prayer meet'ep; Wednesday evening at 7:00, Methouist K.P1S0OPAL Rev. J. C. Grimes, I'astor. Sunday School at 9:H0 a. m. Preaching every other nunuay morning at iu:.w anu every Sunday evening at 7:00. Kpworth league at 6:00 p. rn. Praver meetini? Thursday eveuing at 7:00. Unitkij nticsHYTMiAN Hev. J. h. Grove, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. in. Preaching every Sunday morn ing at 10:;io, and every other Sunday evening at":00. The alternate Sabbath ovonings are used by the Young Peo ple s Christian luion at 7:00 p. in. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7 :00. AVAMGKIjuAi. L.VTH K.KAN Rev.' A. O. Wolf, Pastor. Sunday school 9:lfi u. ni. I'reacliing every other Sunday morning at 10:30 and every other Sun ilay evening at 7:00. Christian En deavor at 6:00 p. m. Prayer meeting im Wednesday evening at 7:00. Kkkohmko Rev. C. M. Smith, Pas tor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Preaching on alternate Sabbaths at 10:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. in. Christian Endeavor at 6:00 p. m. Prayer meet ing on Wednesday evening at 7:00. HOKOt Gil OTI-'ICEHS. Justice of the I'eaceL. II. Wihle, M W. Nacc Constable D. T. Fields. Hui-gess W IT. Grcathead. Councilrnen Jacob Rot., Thomas N. II a mini I, Wm. IT. Nesbit. "Clerk Edward Shiircr. School Directors Thos. PJ Sloan, John A. Irwin, John Comerer, C. ii. Stevens, S. R. Woollet, L. H. Wible. Board of Health H. S. Wishart, M. I).; pres. J. W. Greathead,; sec'y- G. VV. Hayn: W. I. McKibbin, M. 1)., J. V. Mosser, M. D. gj.m;h.u. iukectokv. President Judge Hon. S.Mc. Swope. Associate Judges W.ll. Itender, 1). T.' Humbert.' . Prothonotary, kc.Gv.o. A. Harris. District Attorney George B. Dan iels. Treasurer A. C. Luuver. Sheriff J. G. Alexander. Deputy Sheriff W. H. Nesbit. Jury Commissioners II. C. Mum ma, Bennett A. Truax. Auditors D. II. Myers, Aaron M. Garland, W."Grant Wink. Commissioners S. C. Gracey, Wm. C. Davis, S. A. Nesbit. Clerk ii. B'rank Tlenry. County Superinteuilenl Chas. E. Barton. Attorneys W Scott Alexander, J. Nelson Sipes, Thomas F. Sloan, F. McN. Johnston, M. R. Shaffner, Geo. B. Daniels. John P. Sipes, 8. W. Kirk, F. P. Lynch, H. N. Sipes. TF.BMS OK COI KT. The tirst term of the Courts of Ful ton county in the year shall commence on the Tuesday following the second Monday of January, lit 10 o'clock a. m. The second term Commences on the third Monday of March, at 2 o'clock p. in. The third term on the Tuesday nexl following the second Monday of June, at 10 o'clock a. m. The fourth term on the first Monday October, at 2 'o'clock p.m. such ni.s Odd Fellows M'Connellsburg Lodge No. 744 meets every Friday evening in tne Comerer Building in McConnells burg. Fort Littleton Lodge No. 484 meets every Saturday evening In the Cromer build iugviit Fort Littleton. Wells Valley Lodge No. 607 meets every Saturday evening In Odd Fel lows' Hall at Wells Tannery. ITari'lsouvillo Lodge No. 701 meets every Saturday evening in Odd Fel lows' Hull at IlarrlswuvlUe. Waterfall Lodge No. 773 meets ev ery Saturday evening in Odd Fellows' Ball at Waterfall Mills. Warfordsburg Lodge No. 601 meets In Wurfordsburg every Saturday evening. King PostG. A. P.. No. 3.ri meets In McConiiellsburg In Odd Fellows' Hall the first Saturday in every month at-1 p. m. Royal Arcanum, Tuscarora Council No. 121, meets on alternate Monduj evenings in P. O. S. of A. Hall, in MoConnellsburg, Washington CanipNo. 407, P. O. S. A., of New Grenada, meets every Sat urday evening iu P. (.). S, of A. Hall, Washington Camp, No. 5l4, P. O.S. of A., llustontown, meets every Satur urday evening In P. O. S. of A, Hall. John Q. Taylor Post G. A. It., No. 681), meets every Saturday, on or just preceding full moon in Lashley ball, at 2 p. m., at Buck Valley, Woman's Relief Corps, No. 80 meets at same date aud place at 4 p.m. Gen D. B. McKibbin Post No. 402, G. A. S., meets the second and fourth Saturdays In each mouth at Pleasant Ridge. ,r ADVERTISE IN