W. H. Peck, of Gem, was a wel come caller at the News office Monday afternoon. Charles W. Lynch was appoint ed postmaster at Crystal Springs las!, V'npk. You cun fret il'Jc., a pound for your wool at Huston's store, Sal tillo, in trade, VVa ntkd at Paul Waguer 's Tan nory, calf skins, sheep skins, horse hides and tallow. !, 10 aud 1- cents paid for boof hides. Money to loan m lots of notless than -00. Mortgages and judge ments bought and sold. Apply to M. K. Shaffner. ( lydo Ott and brothers Frank aul I'oss spent fi om Friday un til Sunday with their uncle and aunt W. 15. Karns and wife at Ev erett. Waynesboro has anepidem'col rneasies. The schools, particu larly the primary department, mostly affected. There are now 150 pupils out on account ot the epidemic. Miss Ella Tice, of Knobsville, visited friends in Cleveland, (Jib son burg, and Toledo, Ohio, also hr sister Nelly in Detroit, Mich., and stayed a few days in Pitts burg on her return. Why take a dozen things to cure that cough ? Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar allays the conges tion, stops that tickling, drives the cold out through your bowels. Sold by Stouteagle & Bro. The many friends of Mrs. Rach el A. Speer, formerly of Saluvia, whose illness was noted in the News a few weeks age, will hear with pleasure that she has very greatl.. improved in health. She is still in the home of her son W. Kobert Speer in Everett. Senator Alexander is spending this week in Philadelphia, attend ing the Supreme Court in the ar gument of the case of Dr. Trout's executors against the Turnpike Company. The case was tried in our Courts a couple of years ago, and the Turnpike Company took an Appeal, which is now before the Supreme Court. A good complexion is impossi ble with the stomach out of order. If pasty sallow people would pay more attention to their stomachs and less to the skin on their fac es, they would have better com plexions. Kodol for Dyspepsia will digest what you eat and put your stomach back in right shape to do its own work. Kodol re lieves palpitation of the heart, Hatul.-nce, sour stomach, heait burn, etc. .Sold by Stouteagle .v liro. II. S. Crawford, an automobile manufacturer of Hagerstown,and T. M. Nelson, prospective candi date for auditor general, andCapt. and Mrs. Skinner, left Chambers burg at o'clock last Sunday morning in one of Crawford's big automobiles and were herein good time to hear Dr. West preach in the Presbyterian church at 10:30. After the sermon they took din ner at the Fulton House, rested UL't il 3 o'clock, and started on their return across the mountain. The l 'a tain says lie thinks the chances very go.id that the big state high way will be made, and that Fulton wiil at least have one thorough fare of which to he proud. Sena tor Alexander in speaking of the highway, expressed it as his opin ion that such an enterprise would add -")', CP0 to the valuation of r. iil estate in Fulton county. Have You Tried the new Quick desserts that gro cers are now selling ?. They are justly termed "Easy to Make" as all mgredieats are in the package. Three complete products D Zerta Quick Pudding and D-Zerta Perfect Jelly Dessert, at 10c per package, and D Zerta Ice Cream Powder, 2 packages for 2" cents. A trial will convince you how easy it is to have the finest desserts with no labor and little expense. Seven Vacant Pulpits. Harrisburg, May 15: The Carlisle Presbytery faces a rath er peculiar condition in that sev en of its pulpits are vacaDt, in cluding that of the Mlddletown Presbyterian church, whose pas tor, the Rev. A. L. Groff, leaves next August. Others which will come up ao the next meeting of the Presby tery, and may be filled bv this year's graduates, are : Dickiu noa, Paxtang, Dauphin, Millers town, Buck Valley.York Springs, and Great Conewago Circuit I He Got It Fixed. The following story, illustrative of the red tape that used to pre vail in a certain department of the Federal Government at Wah i ington, says Success Magazine, is told by an official who begun ; his service there in the humble i capacity of clerk : I "Shortly alter entering upon j the discharge of my duties," said j the official, "I witnessed a scone in the division to which 1 hud ' boon assigned that astonished me ! to a degree. One day au elderly i clerk whose desk was near mine, suddenly rose from his seat, drag ged his chair to a fireplace, and, seizing a jxiker, attacked the of fending piece of furniture with what apjeared to bo maniacal fury. When he had broken a leg off the chair his passion seemed to be exhausted, He Hung tl.e damaged chair into a corner of the room, and, getting another chair, calmly resumed his work just as if nothing had occurred. "When the time came to leave the office that afternoon, I ventur ed to ask a fellow clerk, who had been a witness of the scene, what it meant. 'Is that clerk,' I in quired, 'subject to attacks of that kind?' "The clerk smiled indulgently. 'Oh,' he explained, 'there was nothing the matter with him. You see, one of the castors had come off his chair. This depart ment will not replace castors it repairs nothing less serious thau a broken leg. So Blank broke one of the legs and now he will be able to get the castor put on again.' " TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund mon ey if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. His Prompt Nickname. It has been said according to the Cleveland Leader, that a boy who goes through school and col lege without a nickname must have lacked some of the elements of popularity. The Honorable Wilfred Hosford and his wife, however, did not believs in nick names, nor did they intend their hoy to have one if they could pre vent it. "I was never known as 'Will' or 'Willy,' " said Mr. Hosford. with dignity, "and 1 see no reason why my son, Wilfred Sawtell Hosford, should receive either of those names or the still more objection able one of 'Bid.' " Wilfred -Sawtell Hosford was delicate for the first ten years of his life, and received his educa tion at the hands of a grave young tutor. He grew stronger as time went on, and at the age of 1-J en tered the public school. On his return from the first ses sion he was solemnly questioned by his parents. "The boys are going to like me, 1 guess," said Wilfred eagerly. "They've got a nickname for me already." Mrs. Hosford shuddered and the Honorable Wilfred looked stern. "Do you mean to say you enjoy being called 'Willy' or 'Bill?' " he asked, in his deepest tones. "Oh, they've got a better name than those," said the boy, with a broad grin. "The smartest fel low in the class, Sandy Lane, thought it up almost right off as soon as he heard my name. They are going to call me 'Sawhoss.' " A torpid, inactive liver can pro duce more bodily ills than almost anything else. It is good to clean the system out occasionly. Stir the liver up, and get into shape generally. The best results are derived from the use of DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Reliable, ef fective, pleasant pills with a rep utation. Never gripe. Sold by Stouteagle & Bro. New Time Table. A new time table will go into ollect on the C. V. R. R. on May 27th. There will be very little change over the present schedule except that of train 1 00 winch will be made later in order to give it more connections at Harris burg fiom the east aud the west and to permit more time to those who desire to attend enteitain ments in Harrisburg. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PM.E8 Itching, blind, blooding, pro truding piles. Druggists are au thorized to refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure m 6 to 14 days. &0o. Train Callers to be Abolished. The Pennsylvania Railroad has decided to abolish the train an nouncer. Instead, the announce ments will be made by a phono graph, which, it is hoped, wil enunciate more distinctly and whl incidentally save the company several thousand dollars a year in salaries. Phonographs will be worked by au electric switch from the train dispatcher's office and thev will also call out the change in running time, chango.sof sched ule, and all other announcements that are necessary. Re ordsare now being made at the Union De pot, Pittsburg, by the best an nouncer ou duty, and the new system will be installed within a month. For a painful burn there is nothing luce DoWitt's Witch Haz el Salve. There are a host of im itations of DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo on the market see that you get the genuine. Ask for DeWitt's. Good, too, for sun burn, cut, bruises, and especial ly recommended for piles. The name E. C. DeWitt it Co., Chica go, is ou every box. Sold by Stouteagle it Bro. The Real Apple Jack. Adam Weider, a farmer, while hunt'ug ginseng m the mountain near Cleversburg, Cumberland county, found a barrel containing applejack. The liquor was a deep amber in color and of such strength that a medium sized drin k was enough to put an able bodied mau to sleep. It is thought it was buried during the sum inerof 1SC3 when Lee's Army invaded Pjnnsylvania. S. M. Clevenger, of Needmoro, called at the News office a few minutes while in town last Thurs day. Sam came uj. as a delegate to the Prohibition convention. Al though " years of age, Mr. Clev enger did not think it a great trick to furrow out cornground all day Wednesday, and on Thurs day morning, take breakfast be fore the robins were out of bed, and then walk to McConnells j burg, a distanceof fourteen miles, in fou r hours. HAD A CLOSE CALL. :'A dangerous surgical opera tion, involving the removal of a malignant ulcer, as large as my hand, from my daughter's hip, was prevented by the application of Bucklen's Arnica Salve." says A. C. Stiekel, of Miletus, W. Va. "Persisteut use of the Salve coin petely cured it" Cures cuts, burns and injuries. i'5c atTrout's drug store. Rev. Bell Resigns. The Rev. L. Carmon Bell, pas tor of the Presbyterian church, Greencastle, for the past fifteen years, at the service last Sunday morniag, read his resignation to the congregation. The resigna tion was a surprise. It is to take effect July 1. The congregation will take action upon the paper next Sunday, it is probable that it will Vie accepted. It is the intention of Mr. J tell to go to Dakota, where his activi ties will be confined to the estab lishment of new churches under the authority of the home mission board of the Presbyterian church. Mr. Bell's pastorate has been very successful and the people of town and the members of the con gregation wilt be loathe to see Mr. Bell leave. DeWitt's JKitf Salve For Pilot, Bums, Sores W. M. Comerer assent for ( THE CEISER MANflFAC- i ni nu vumrftiu, ) BURNT CABINS, PA. for the sulu of ' Traction ami Portable KuirlneH, Gasoline, r Sepurutors, Clm-f-r Hnllr-r, ? Sawmills, Ac;. Kngiiie on liaml all. the tinift. J Fulton County Hank of McConncllsburg, l'a, Ha removed to Its new rooms Iti A. U. Naou'i hnlhlliitf, opposite tho 1'ostotllce and OrHitthenil'H store. Will do a iri-noral banking bust liens ai usual. Depositors have security of over TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. Wm. H. Nelson, Cashier T.J. Wiener, Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Silks, Notions, Hosiery, Cloves, Spring Millinery FOR Ladies, Misses and Children. Infants Caps and j Wraps. Lint-eric Hats, Veilings. Neck Wear, IV ASH GOODS, WHITE GOODS, SILKS, ALL-OVER LACES, AND EMBROIDERIES. IVe are in Absolute Position to give our patrons the best the market affords at lowest prices. Leading Dress Goods and Silk Hose in Hancock, VYd. All New Spring Banner Patterns for Ladies', Misses and Children. m 8S Wire Fence ! Much Cheaper Than $ Any Style of Wood Fence 12 i m MS f? ft 'm & m PI k Let ns lijrure together. A sliek of timber that will square v U inches and U KiJ feet in length, will make 4i feet of lumber, which at f 1.50 u hundred, is worth 7." cents. Now, I can sell you a (food wire fence for .12c. a rod, which is less than half the cost of a bourd fence. The style I sell at 32c is a ''bunkem" fence. A witness in court was once asked what kind of fence he had, when he made the reply, "I have a "bunkem" fence." "What kind of fence is that, thundered the court." "A '-bunkem" fence," answered the witness, "is a fence that is horse-high, bull-strong, and pig tiyht." That is just the kind of fence I sell. The price ranges from Z'm. to tide, a rod depending on the stvle and height. I also sell the DLLRING HARVESTING MACHINERY the best on earth. I have just bought my twine and will gnat unti e the price now. Machine Oil from 18c, to 40c. a gallon. Linseed oil, harness oil, cylinder oil, turpentine, white lead, and ready-mixed paints all at rock-bottom prices. I am closing out a lot of good horse blankets at cost. Col lars, collar pads, trace chains, halter chains, &c. at very close prices. I have the bust assortment of axes to be found anywhere in town. Axe handles, pick handles, sledge handles, Simon cross-cut saws, Diston cross-cut saws, handsaws, a complete line of strap and heavy barndoor hinges. I'lumber's supplies such us pipe, ratings, spigots, Ac. I have on hand all the time u stock of Lane's' patent barndoor hangers and tracks the best hanger on tho market can't get off the track. Proved cable chain from i to i on hand all the time, price ranging from -H to 7-vents a pound. 5tf & Geo. B. Mellott, ROUSS RACKET STORE. Ladies and Gentlemen ! We want to tell you right here that we have the nicest line of underwear that it has been your pleasure to look at. We have ladies' vests, widi tapered shoulders for Co; others at 4c; al so, the nicest laced sleeveless vest ever bought at He; others at 10 and He; extra large sizes, l.lc; ladies' knit pants, 2.'!c In men's wo made a great hit. Full size shirt, ribbed tail, and double-seat drawers, 24c each: and the genuine balbriggan, the one that takes up the sweat and don't leave vou cold at 4.'lc orR'w a suit Table Oil Cloth, 12c. Yd. Why don't you, who haven't wort' a pair of Walk-Over shoes, try a pair. It is the experience of people that have and are wearing them, that they are tho best shoe on earth. We are selling more this sea son than ever-$;;.ou and 4 0t). Also, others as cheap as ever, except some that we had to duplicate on. Call while the old stock lasts. SV FARMER ! We have bought a nice lot of clipper mowing scythes, that we can sell you at 50c, and the scythe and snath complete, $1.10. This is the patent snath, not the old pin snath. Also, the same machine oil that we always handled, at 2.1c gal. This is the same oil that most all of them ask you fJc a gal. Curtain Ktr.iU:hers UOc each. See our line of scythe stones, oc; lj in. deep jelly plates 4c, tin cups 2c, 1'le plates, deep, 2 for uc aud II for 10; .Milk strainers 12 and 13c. quart measures 4c, dishpans In to Mile each, lamps, complete, 20 to Xitr RIBBONS! RIBBONS! We believe that we have the best and cheapest line of rlbbong on the market. We handle the Itichardson, and everybody knows these goods, but they always have been sold so high that people didn't buy them. We sell them at a short profit, and sell lots of them. If you want (food ribbon aud cheaper than anyone else sells them, see ours. Lots of people know this. This is for those whojiaven't found it out. HULL & BENDER, Proprietors. I KILLths COUCH U AUn tr Hint? vi i ir I II tl WITH flew Oissowy CONSUMPTION Pric OUIiHS and OLDS 60c. $1.00 I Fr Trial. bureet and Uuickest (Jura for nil THttOAT and LUNO TROUB- fj Underwear, White Goods, Laces, Wire Fence! 3 3 igr, .' to fa ft McConnsllsburg, Pa. Ji 'HKHIOK HAN OA WKI'l'K KOKOA I'AI.OOI'l-: AHJ)OMINAI. NUHfOUiKlt. I hllooti I'OOKINOM n 1 1 n n r n tM Spiiijmi (Uiii.ii St., rutla(lolibm, r. SuhsnriVe for the Newh. For sale by Stouteagle Bro. Ask LEWIS H. WIBLE, PRESIDENT. FRANK P. ATTORNEY AND w. SCOTT ALEXANDER, VICI PRIBIDINT. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OR M'CONNELLSBURC, FA. AlMolute Safety. Fire-proof nd Burelnr-proof 8fe nd Vault, Knd onicert of the Hank heavily bonded. Tranmct A venernl Hanking, KxchnnKc and Collection business, and In under the mr. vision of the Comptroller of the Currenoy of the United Stales Government, Draft on New York. I hlladelphln and rittsliniK ixxued at lowent rules. Certificates of nrjtoNlt iHsued, lns mude on personiil and collateral security, and Notes discounted. Courteous treatment to all. Correspondence solloted from those desiring Loans or wishing to open nn a0 count with us. DIRECTORS : LEWIS H. WIBLE. JNO, P. SIPE8, JNO.A. HENRY, W. SCOTT ALEXANDER. PETER MORTON. GEO. A. HARRI8, . L. GRISSINUER, R. M. KENDALL. CHAS. E. BARTON. 0 X m r 0 0X a 000000 00t 0A000 VP ';. 0 000. 00 00 10 00 00 fy 00 tp 00 00 00 00 00 10 10 010. P0 I 00 00 Sill 0m 00 yy 00 00 00 00 ::x 00 00 8 00 00 8 00 3 3 Clay Park, Three Springs, Pa. 30miles woven wire fence for sale, for gardens or para's 35 cents to SO cents per rod. For farm fence 2 5 to 35 cents per rod. Also a car of Barb JVire, Smooth Hire and Nails. Cook Stoves 40 Cook Stoves and Ranges at $12 to $35 each. Iron Bedsteads, fancy colors at $1.85 each up to $30 each. Beau tiful Chamber Suits at $22 each. Rocking Chairs at$l. 25 each. Syracuse and Gale Plows, Anything you need to eat, use, or wear from a Pin to a Threshing Ma chine or Engine. Do not fail to call. Clay Park, Three Springs. 0 0 .00 jl 00 0 00 0 00 00 00 00 01 00 xy 00 00 5S2vi?!-0i0i0f0s0M000000!0 000000 0 00 00 00 00 00 0000 0000 0 00000000 UW MU till Kti ! KKMIltlKMIi 000000 0000 tmg 1 SPRING AND SUMMER m Havin; just returned from the city we are now M ready to show our spring and summer goods to m better advantage to our customers and at more N sasisfactory prices than ever before. $) Our line of white goods was never so complete' $ in Lawns, Linens, Dimities, Shrunk Muslins, Tat- fetta, Swiss Muslins, Panama Cloth, Batiste, Mer- - 3 cerised Suitings, and Silk Mull, from 8 to 50c a yd. gjj In seersuckers, ginghams, and prints, our stock is complete. Our clothing department is full to overflowing. There are still a few dozen of our 19c shirts left. ' Ui See Our Shoes! We are proud of our shoe line. Oxfords for, jg children, misses and-ladies in white and patent leather, and a full line of patent Oxfords, Bals. and f Blutcher tor men. We want you to see our line of ladies high top dress shoes, solid leather soles f and counters, tipped Blutcher tor 1.35. Look at r m f2 52 W 8, 20, and 25c, curtain poles8c. A beautiful flowered carpet at 25c yd; a nice striped carpet, 12 and 19c a yd; a straw matting &i from 11 to 20c, worth 1-3 more. M Our stock was never so full and so complete as g it is this spring, and consider it a favor to display 14 it to all. . J. K. Johnston, McConnellsfcurg. DYSPEPSIA CURE DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT TU 1100 koitJ.co. ui... as tm ,V. trial which Milt lot 10 unU . cvi.wrr r . tor Kodol's 1806 Almanac and 200 MERRILW. NACC, CASHIER. B. FRANK HENRY, A8T. CASHIER. . SOLICITOR. m tt. 0010 000 t 00.0H00 0000gm 4 ...t 00000000 compa.wv. Chicago, duu Year Calendar. LYNCH.