The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, April 04, 1906, Image 6

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    U; rON COUNTY NEWS wt tvery Wednesday.
B. . ful'X, SJItor aad Proprietor.
APRIL 4,1906.
- ibiished Weekly. 1.00 per
Annum in Advance.
l1oriimru of Hnfs 3 tlniaw 11 W.
for s-nntre ojifti ,xutisciuont Insertion.... Ml.
1 in!vertlfeninnt! Insi-rtcd for lew than
t'irci; lucuU.i ciinrged by the square.
. " a !uw. tiiuos. l yr.
O'vj-fourt)i?'lumn il io.
Onn-h'i!' cDlumii "
Ot! Cul.nriQ til OtJ.
40 110
SO. 00
I 76.00
NoTl.'tv' Inverted, for lsa than II
rV itsMoual Cards one year 15
sj-kim; i.xamina Hons.
Saturday, April 7. MOl.
Tlio Sprinji Kxaniiiuitioiis will be
licM :it the usual pliu-os in the va
rious townships on Saturday, April
Tth, commencing at eight o'clock
a. m., and continuing under the
direction of the committees.
Much applicant, before being ad
mitted to the class, is required to
present to the committee a note of
recommendation from his teacher.
Teachers should be very careful
in recommending pupils to this
examination, and under no cir
cumstances should boys orgirls be
urged to go before the committee,
unless they have completed the
eour.-e of study.
The following are the places of
hoi. ling the examinations, and the
names of the members of the com
mittees. The tirst named on each com
mittee will act as chairman, to
whom the questions and instruc
tions will in due time be sent.
Ayr Webster Mills -(iHbertli.
Meiloit, Olive Kendall, Carrie
lli'li'ii-t Needmore S. L. Wink
Oi pha Snyder, Anna Deshong.
liethel Warfordsburg T. K.
Shank, Zoe Mason, Bertha Gold
en. I5iih Creek Emmaville S.K.
Walters, Grace llixson, W. C.
Dublin Ft. Littleton L. P.
Morton, Myrtle Stevens, Lewi
Harris. '
Licking Creek Harrison ville
V. L. Hollinshgad, Ada Barton,
F.dgar Hann.
Taylor Ilustontowu W. G.
Wink, Harry Bergstresser, Thom
as Huston.
Thompson-Center S. L. Simp
son, Olive Zimmerman, Harvey
Tod MeGoveru's L B. Cline,
Lucy l'eightel, C. C. Kotz.
Union Center C. A. Foster,
Je.xie Giengcr, Lillian Hill.
Wells No. 2-W. Don Morton,
Tillie Stunkard, Robert Farley.
Ciias. E. Bakton,
County Superintendent.
The most rational remedy for
coughs and colds is Kennedy's
L.txative Hon'.! and Tar. It acts
on the bowels as a mild cathartic
.'xpels all cold from the system.
Cuts all phljg:n out of the throat,
relieves coughs, colds, croup,
whooping cough, etc. An ideal
remedy for children equaly
good for adults. S'dd ny Stout
eagle & Bro.
Mason Thomas visited his fa-ther-iu-law
inLicking Creek town
ship, on Saturday.
Fas ton S tin son's are moving to
Barton 'alters made a trip to
Kuobsville last week. On his re
turn, he bought a sled iu Wells
Uebeeca Daniels, after a visit
i two weeks with relatives here,
has returned to her home.
William Winters and two little
daughters, of Randy Run, spent
Sunday in this vicinity.
Frank Crook is all smiles. It
;s a girl.
Wade Figard made a business
trip to McOounollsburg, last
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Busick
buried their infant child on Sun
day. Nothiuf? will relievo indigestion
that is not a thorough digeatant.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests
what you eat, and allows the
Rtouw.'h to rest recuperate
grow strong a'-rain. A few doses
of Kodol after meals will soon re
store the stomach and digestive
organs to a lull performance of
their functions naturally. Hold
by Rtouteale t Bro.
Tho moving time baa come and
we hardly know vherc to find any
of our neighbors. Kpbraim An
.lerson moved into the house with
.lames Kerlin; James Steven?, of
Fort Littletou, moved into the
bouse where the Ande' son fam
ily vacated; James Fields moved
where James Stevens left; James
Carmack took possession of the
liouso vacated by the Fields fain
ily; Anderson Quarry, of Burnt
Cabins, moved in one part of Dan.
hi Henry's house; Kphraim Need
moved into the house vacated by
lames Carmack, and Charles E.
Stevens moved where Need left,
aud he, in company with George
linker, will deal in the mercantile
business, in the house of t te hte
T. W. Huston, so now our town
eau boast of three stores and two
Mabel Abbott spent Sunday
villi Minnie Grove.
The young people are prepar
ing for an Easter service.
Mrs. Margaret Henry spent
Sunday at Fort Littleton.
Ernest, Teddy and Annie Fields
spent last week with their grand
mother Fields.
Ada Fleming left last Thursday
to spend a short time in Franklin
county, and Lillian Fleming left
on Monday to take a course in
Sunday evening a message
came that M'-s. Jud Madden, of
Three Springs, whose maiden
name was Miss Teressa Brown,
was seriously ill. Her father, Al
fred Brown, started to her at
once, but in a short time another
message said she was dead. No
further particulars have been
Letter to A. D. Dalbey.
Mi Connellsburg, Ji.
Dear Sir : "It costs as much to
put on poor paint as good'' a
common saying and true it costs
much more to put on poor paint;
ino.-e gallons.
Poor paint is paiut and baryte
or paint and sand or paint and
lime or paict and chalk or paint
and benzine or paint and water;
these are the usual cheats; there
are others.
It takes more gallons of paint
and a cheat thau of honest paint;
and the cost of the labor of paint-
iug is so much a gallon one gal
lon costs as much as another, for
This is the way to reckon your
costs for this year; but how about
next year ?
Paint Devoe, and next year
costs nothing: year after next the
sarae; the same lor several years.
Paint anything else, and your
costs recur according to what you
paiDt with. Some of the mix
tures wear one year; some two;
some three.
It costs twice, three times, four
times, live times, as much to paint
with a cheat as to paint with De
voe. Yours truly
F. W. Devoe & Co.,
7 New York.
P. S. F. U Bare, Fort Little
ton, sells our paint.
Buy a Farm in Perm., N. J. or Del.
Best States for profitable farm
ing. Soil adapted to great varie
ty of crops. Near markets that
pay best prices for your products.
Farm lands in these States my
specialty, sold and bought. Write
for particulars. Ii. G. Fuicit,
1102 K. E. Trust Bid., Ptnhda.
Duvall Wink.
On Wednesday, March 21, l'J"tf,
at the M. E. parsonage at ttays
Hills, Lewis Duvall and Miss Klla
Wink, both of Akersville, were
united in marriage by Ilev. J. C.
Collins. The young couple hae
the best wishes of their many
i friends.
A Youni Mother at 70.
"My oiothei has suddenly been
made young at 70. Twenty years
of intense uffenng from dyspep
sia had entirely disabled her, un
til six months ago, when nhe be
gan taking Electric Bitters, which
have completely cured her and
restored the strength and activitf
she had in the prime of life,"
writes Mrs. W. L. Gilpatrick, of
Danforth, Me. Greatest restora
tive medicine on the globe. Sets
stomach, liver f.nd kidneys right
purifies the blood, and cures ma
laria, biliousness and weakness
es. Wonderful Nerve Tonic.
Price 50c. Guaranteed by Trout's
drug store.
Subscribe for the "News, 'only
$1.00 a year.
f vpewi h i il ii iii iiMMwimiiiiit
L $5 ZpzSgr
(Tinted Gloss)
fl covers more surface,
looks better and wears
loneer than any other
'M paint at any price. Our
:'M guarantee on every can
(a insures absolute satety.
inis siruny, uennue,
positive guarantee is
backed by a firm of
sixty years experience.
We are bound tosustain
our reputation as de
pendable paint-makers.
John Lucas & Co
Sixty-years of paint-makiuf
Nw York Philadelphia Chicago
"Normal School."
The undersigned will conduct a
term of school at this place, in
the Public Sen jol building.
Length of term 8 weeks, begm
niug Tuesday, May 8, at 1:13 p.
in. Tuition ."00. Special atten
tion t teachers.
B. C. Lamhkijson.
Arbor Days Proclaimed.
Governor Peimypacker has is
sued the following Arbor Day
proclamation :
"Since the seventeenth ol Jan
uary, the Forestry Reservation
Commission have bought four
hundred aud twenty thousand,
seven hundred and twenty-six
acres of firest lauds, and the
State now holds iu all seven hun
dred and tifty thee thousand.
seven hundred and forty -Que
acres of such lauds, aud this com
mission is doiug much to pre
serve and maintain our forests
aud our streams. It behooves ev
ery citizen wbo cares for the wel
fare of the commonwealth to le 3d
assistance aud to give encourage
ment to this important work. The
lives of men and of trees are so
interwoven that without the other
neither can exist. The growth of
the grove means bjth happiness
and benefit to mankind.
C) "In order that all of our citizens
men, women and children, may
participate in the pleasure aud
profit of planting trees, I, Sam
uel W. Pennypacker, Governor of
the Commonwealth ot Pennsyl
vania, do hereby, in accordance
with law, issue this my proclam
ation, designating Friday, the
sixth day of April, and Friday,
the twentieth clay of April, A. D.
IHOG, to be observed as Arbor
Days thoughout the Common
wealth." Two clays are set apart in order
that whichever may be best suit
e'.i to the climate of the locality
may be selected.
Danger From the Plague.
There's grave danger fr'im the
plague of coughs and colds that
are so prevalent, unless you take
Dr. King's New Discovery for
consumption, coughs and colds.
Mrs. Geo. Walls, of Forest City,
Me , writes : "It's a Godsend to
people living in climates where
coughs aud colds prevail. I find
it quickly ends them. It pre
vents pneu mouia, cures la grippe,
gives wonderful relief iu asthma
aud hay fever, and makes weak
lungs strong enough to ward otT
consumption, coughs aud colds.
50c and $1.00. Guaranteed by
Trout's drug store. Trial bottle
no it.
Listen for the Cedar t i "ovi
church bell, it is h:tbie to rr, nt
iny time. Mr. Kma'.uel Fwlov
had the pleasure of hiiuliuir
Ik'11 !o the church ground. It
wi ltrhs 1, IS I pounds.
lv. ,V. II. llondershot, of ( !
VMlt, und Miss Uell.i Smith, ff
Bedford county, were jmed in
in il.riinony, Thursday, Mii'-ch 1",
1! )., at Berkley Spring. Tie
happy couple pisseil th'-oi";h
hero March 17th, on their way to
l!.o bride's l;oiri.
Jumcs Shnrpeand family, irid
Mi---. K Carroll were guents of
James Truax and family recent-
Ueuiiis Laiieliart, of Berkloy
Spring , was buried at Cedar
G rove March "IHh.
Mi's. Tiitohel Hill u v.h v p
F 1 I
- " 1 A I''.
r- - ......I.,.,. I
I l.avn just r.-iH'hv;) ii
full linn of I hits for Spring
Hud Summer, which we
will show in all tlieir
lieuuly nnil ntli'iictiicness,
at our opeuinif April 1 1
nnil 1:.'. I'M ii, in our resi
dence. A c u iMal invita
liim is extended to all.
Mrs. H. C. McClain,
iustontovv, Pa.
To'() a and Till a'
I Maryland
ll!e;ins :
Nice elimate,
Kasily 1 iiled soil,
1.1 i erups,
lliversit v of crop?,
(J'.iiek Transportation fa
cilities, Congenial people, cliurclics and schools.
Send for catalogue,
J. Waters Russell,
Real Estate Broker,i
Chestertown, Kent County,
D. E. AlcCiain,
3nltillo, Pa,
Who has successfully condue'.ed a
Hardware and Furniture Store sinee
l'-ss, having failed somewhat in health
has decided to 'lose out his entire
l iree Stoclc of (lnods at Cost.
Hardware of all kinds, Hangcs,
C.iok and Heating Stoves, Nails,
Cilass, Taints. Oil, Keneini? Wire, Iar
li on and Water l'ipe, Chamber Suits,
,-iidehoards, Conches, Iron and Wooil
i'.eds, Springs, Mattresses, Tallies,
t 'haiis, Carpets and Wall Paper
l'nspuels were never better for
buineMS at Ll i i;s stand thau at. present
and bids fair for increase from now
oa, as Koeky Kide coal mines, newly
opened Ui are not far oil'. Good ener
jMle business man can secure lino
chance to take my business and con
tinue at Saltillo, I'a.
I invite correspondence from any
one meaning business,
d. i".. mcclain.
io OlSllE the LUrjCKJ
I UOLDS Frca Trial. S!
j Bureut und (iuickewt Cure tor all
imnMnmmn. II H IU III' ll
3 jrifrr-'W
"S DROPS" lakeii Ininrnally. rids Die blood
ot Out polsunous mmiur and acuta whieb
art bliu Uirct causes of tbso disyises.
Apink'fl exinriittily tt ufforda uiuiobi in
stunt relief from oaln, wblio a iwrmaoont
cure iu beliiif e fit c ted by purifyh.g ibe
blood, dissolving the iHjiboiious huU
ibuce acU ruuiuviDy it from tbe Hyaiutn.
Of lirwton, Oa. wrltvii:
"I tifttl buen ft Riitlflri-r fur m nnmher of yei-a
wltb Lumtwicu mill In my ariin
nil IrK.. inl trli'it all Ihu ruuivillpi. llml 1 uuulil
Kutlmr front inti'lli'ul hoi kn. fttul al.n iviiiaultiMl
with a iiuinlier if llio Ih.hi iiIi.-Iniim, In it luiuiil
nntlilnK tli( wave tlie rviut ulitalued from
-t liltui'H." I hiikII tn M'rllu It In iny uriulUlM
fur rtitimatliu iuiiJ Vluurtnl UluM.'r
It jou ro iiiri'rluif with Itheuinatlara,
NHtirnlulii, Klilney Truulilu or any tiln
dred disi'ttsf. write to im foru IrlKl lioltle
ot "t-UKOl'S." mid lest it rour.ulf.
"UKOPS" can be uiid any lenirth of
time without aciiiiiriiitf a "drug tmuit."
an It In entirely tree of opium, oocHlue,
alcohol, lttuuuuuui, actl otUer mmilar
LerceHli lioltle, .lItll'll(nODMi)
fl.OU. I or Hale uy llrusvUto.
HO, Itttf Lake Mtret, Vklie.
.;.LHfcVili l litlii i jw-luiLJK t
y i w nin I, iiu'IVi iiH" "-t ffBiaf-,
Ask fffA
mm w
. 'If
Bank Charter.
WANIIIXliToK, 1. C FEIIHl'ABV B, 10 fl,
W m ifi 1'".h. bv Matlsruetorv evldenoe pre
elitcil tn llie lUHliTsltfiied. Il lius been nuide to
iIk town or Mei 'niinellstnii v. Iu the l.'ouuty of
riillon. ami Stutenf imidsvIviidIu. Iiun com
ilied with nil the provM-nu, of the Statutes of
the lTliiteil Suites, reiiiireil to be eotnpllcd
with before tin asHoclnllou hhiill be Hiithorled
to comnieuou the business of HunkitiK;
Now. therefore. 1. Tlmmiis P. Kane. Deputy
anil Aetluv i.'oiiipt roller of the Currency. lo
Hereby eeitlfy that "THE FIRST NA
BURii." In the tnwn of McCouDellsburif. in
tlie County of Fultou, ami Stale of Pennsyl
vania, Is aulhorl.eil to eoinineuee the business
of ItanUlutr as provided in Section IHty-one
hiHiilretl ii nil slxtv-nlne of the KevlsedStuliHes
of I lie Tinted States.
In testimony whereof witness my hand and
Seal ol oillee this ninth day of February. 111''.
I Seal. T.P. RANK
Deputy and ActinK Comptroller
'-1 1st. of the Currency.
McConnrlblmrg, April 4, 11HKJ.
Thp follow Iny 1a a t of ret nil and wholesale
vcniltTH or ileitlrrs In k'oiI, wiirt't, merclianttiHe
c,t)itiiiioiliticn or t'ltt cfH ol' w liuicoevor kind or
initure, Mil.jt'ct to nit r'Hiitlle IIccmko tax, tu
Fulton rounty, rL-nnsylvttnla. ctiiruel to the
propiT iiithorltitH tliurtn, by the umlemifned,
Mercantile Api'fuitMr in and tor tho county of
Fulton utoioiiid and pnbllnlied bv the direction
of the CoiuiniKrOuncrH ut cuid county.
Names of retailer. ClaxHlllctitloii of bindneHn.
Ayr Township.
.1. '. Keidern, nierchiiiidlitd
l. II. 1'titternon iV Son, niercbandlHe.
Peter Kirk, inerehiindlito.
Heltant Township,
0 .1. Midlott, imrehundlMe.
Ahlniua. KunyHii, lnerehaiidUe,
W. K. Hurt, niL-rctninilint).
Joseph Lake, mere hand inc.
MrH .Matilda A ken, merchandise.
Ii. ,. Muilott, murchiindiitu.
I-etliel Towimlilp.
Andrew Hlnhop, J arm IniidementM,
S. . Winter V tiro., Farm ImpleiuoiitH, He..
f tli ii Mann, Merehantlir-o.
(ieniue F. Hill, mere-iamMse.
Carnell .V Son, in reliaiidirie.
Wm. ralmer, merehaudlHe.
V. J. (Inrdoii, merchandise.
Bnifdi Orook 'i'owiiMlilp.
I. K tlaeksoii, merchHiidiHu.
U. II, Srheitck, niundiaitdise. i
Ceo. i t. I.yneli. mcrchiindiMu. I
C. W. TriMx, inereliandirti. i
Inhti Plenttmer, merchandise,
Ann Mellott, lerchndie.
K. A, liehl, inerchundiMe.
Dublin Towiifhlp.
h. II. Grove, merehandlHe. (
S. L. ItiK-klev, uierehaiidiHO.
Kiunk O. Jtate, merchandise. j
.M !..(, H. Welch, muiuliandlHu, j
Jno. K. Speck, ei.arn.
Chat. Mi'Oehee, iiK'rehaiidiise,
dohuA. Henry, beef hlduM.etc.
.1. K. Kiltie, inerehamlltte
.luhn P. Kerlin. l-t-f bides, etc.
lie ii.) . WildH, ci;am.
l. f. lfowinan, uaercliandlHO,
Licking Creek Township
Joxcph li. Mellott, l'tirebandlrte,
.M.Manu, mere ha n dine.
M H. llolenrhead, inurubandlho,
11. J. t'rutt, merebanuiM).
y.iH. A. K. Little, nillllnery.
(leo. W, Smith, rouurleM.
ieo. It. Mtdlott, hardware und machinery.
W. II. Netdiit, hardware.
C C Itcmler, k rover iu.
Win, stoner, lurnlture.
'front's Drwt! slor, drugs.
W, tt. lU kHon. driiH.
ieo. W. K inner & Co., murchundnte.
Hull & Humltii merchuudUu
(ieo. Ki'xruth, citfurH'
T. d Coiuerer, tarmlng Implement.
A. I'. Naee & Sun., merchant tailor.
S. A. Nt-Miit, I arm log lmpluientn.
Albert StoiKT, mtovcM & fancy goods,
dno. A. Irwin, grot-Mien.
W. M. Keiineily, harnew.
d. K. duhimton. merchandise.
f no. W . (ircHil eail. merchandise.
Harry Hamil, cigars.
A. d. h win A Co,, lullUnery.
Stouteagle liios., groeerivs.
J'hos, Hmuil. grocurie.
1'. i. Mm. n, liarneHtt.
I'. It. Steve on, merchant tailor
Charles F. Scot', groceries,
t -. W. HuYN, uiui i haiidise.
(iolilr-mith & Co.. grueeries,
Samuel Hendur, furniture.
W. S. Clevengt-r, lurmtiire.
T. It. Stevens Hi Son, Furniture,
lumen Slpes, buuf bldus,
Taylor Township.
.J. Haiton, merchandise.
Mrs. Linn McClain, millinery,
.viihh Nell Duwihw. lnilllnery
Wluegaritner & Son,
SieveiiH linker, merchandise.
I, K Kamstty. merchandise.
W, It Kvuut, buggies.
Clem Cheauut, lurmturo - badwuie.
A.d. Lajnliuif on merchandise
N. M. Klik, merc.liaiidihu.
Mrs. M.K lterktr. ser( merchandise.
S. C (irneey, nn i t:iiaiKine.
M (ehael l.a'dig. nit-rehatidise.
H'iiert Huntaii, incf chainline,
A. N. Wilier, merchandise.
Thompson 'J'ownsblp.
dosepb Cnvalt, nii-rchaiidM'.
A nuts SliMrpit, iiiurebaudtse.
d no C. HouglisM, men handle.
Ienni' K verts, merehandtne.
'J'od Tow nidi I p.
John A Httinll. merchandise,
ira Fore, mercbaiidUe.
t'n ton Township.
S. (i. I.ashley, mcrclniudise,
HtTit ver ItiiiH., mei chanilie.
S. K. MeKee, uu-i c'landise.
Noriheralt Itiuttn in. tiMri-bandlse,
j Wells Towiihhip.
I tiuum y itriliitT, ' I'o , inwrohandlse.
M. W, Hiiuck, Mirrehautlise.
N. U. I'liniiliihaiu. iijen hHiidlsi,
i K. A. Hitrt' n. iiieiehtudl-u.
Mis. K. K. Mcclain, mlllim ry.
I ' leo W, Slpe. Uiei cliaiitllse.
i It. (1 llortou. iiierehaiidlse.
' Ami notice Im hereby given to all tHxbL
I In-iflu tiiat an appeal. In Meoorditnie with tho
j Mercantile A ppt aixer'n Act of Awuitdy will be
It-1 I bv thH Treaxiirr of Kullou eouniv, ctln
in eoi 1'inet on nil Uie sftid Af'prHlser, at tln
I ortlceoi hie Cititoiv Treasurer, iu the i.otut
lln'iv , McCouiieilnt)iirg, Pennsylvania, on H.tu
urdav, April 'jH, li'Mi, bei w ecu the hours oi u
o'obivka in. and 4 o'clock p. iu., when c ml
I wlire ll part it s Iniert ct (I are required W ap
pear und all grievances will be beard
Mercantile Appralaer.
Kennedy's Ltxitive Honey and Tar
Cures all Cough, aad xpU Colds from
th system by gently ma v Ing tks Irowsls.
iumm-.m- linn "THE FIRST NATIONAL T
"ft I
Covers the Field.
In every part of the
County faithful re
porters ire located
that gather the daily
Then there is the
State and National,
News, War News, a
Department for the
Farmer and Mechan
ic, Latest Fashions
for the Ladies. The
latest New York, Bal
timore, Philadelphia
Markets. The Sun
day School Lesson,
Helps for Christian
Enaeavorers, and a
Good Sermon for ev
In fact anything and
everything in the best
style along that line.
ISample copies of
the News sent to any
of your friends on
Cost and Carriage
'This is no joke. I have 15 brand
and WAGONS on hand, and I
have decided to close out every one
f",of them at cost and freight In or
der to fill up with
for winter.
I mean just what I sy, and if"
you mean business come to see me.
Hustontown. Pa.
fmrakUdrmni . aura. S molatm
) b r. L a Fran c o'st
Safe, Quick, Reliable Regulator tn tthfr rerufdlei ol1 at htuli prfect.
V m rinriiml. Btiri'twifully uifd ly over
' tun 11. Trier, it Vli!-, (1-hk
ki..riiy ml. ioi(iu"ntaU lx.okut fnc.
ir. LalraucOf Fhlladelphlo, I'a.
lbl V I V J
Made a
Well Man
thb ""JbVliK..of Ma.
' TJI 'N
prodaeni th above malts In 30 dsys. It sell
powarlullr uid quickly. Cure wliD ll olbtrt itll.
Iouumalllrala tbair lost niuiUooil.adolJ
Dies will recover their youthful vigor by lulos
lUiVIVO. II guloklysudeurelyreecoreetlervouii.
Uvw, Leal Tltelity, Inipotency. Nlsbtly luuliuloDe,
Lul Power, Fellliif Memory. W inline Vluaeae. anil
11 effeote ot MU-ebues or eioewieiid iDdlecretlon,
which unlit one for study, buelneee or merrtese. II
I: t only euro by etertlng t tbo eeet of dletue. but
. s ! nere tonlo sod blood builder, bring
luf beck the pink (low to pals eueeke end re
lorlng the fire of youth. It werde on losenlty
end Couiumptloo. Inelal on bevlng
elber. It eea be earned lo veel pocket. By Belt.
1.00perpeckMe,orsls for S.oo, wltb a post
tlva written s;uarantaa to caxa or refund
the money llix'k end advlne free. Addreuu
For sale ia McCoiiiiollHbur;; at
V. S. Dickson's drug store.
1 mm UM
i ii m inta w w
II A Rill'. US.
First class
Tonsorial Artist,
A Clean Cuu and Towel with enoh Shave.
Everything Anllnt-ptio.
i Kazort sterilized.
fVUhov In room latulv occupiedby hd Llrnlie
Tonsorial Artist.
Htrlclly up tn dat In all atylna of hnir cut
tln. Wiiluk, easy hhavci. liay-rum. Cretini'
Wltph-liBiel. without extra churue. Fnwh
towel to eaoh cumomor. Latest Improvf (I np,
?uratun for HlerllUiiiff tools, i'arlort opposite
'ulton House.
Attorney at Law,
Ofiice on Sauare,
All legal business and collections entrusted
will ecelve careful and prompt atteiitlan.
Prksbytkkian. JCev. W. A. West,
D D., I'astor. Preachintr services
each alterDttte Sabbiith at 10:30 a. ni.
and every Sunday evening at 7:l0.
Services ut Green Hill on alternate
Sabbiuha at 10 MO a. m. Sabbmh
school at :". Junior Christian lu
deavor at 2:00. Christian Enden.-r
at 6:00. Prayer meeting Wedm ni .-. y
evening at 7:00.
Mkthodiht wpiscoi'al Rev. .1. V.
Adams, PRstor. Sunday School
at 0:110 a. m. Preachlnir every diIim
Sunday morning at 10::i0 and every
Sunday evening at 7:00. Epworth
League at 6:00 p. m. i'rayer meeting
Thursday evening at 7:00.
United Ckksbytkrian Kcv. J. J,.
Grove, Pastor. Sunday school ut H:;i0
a. m. Preaching every Sunday morn
ing at 10:110, and every other Sunday
evening at 7:00. The alternate Sabbath
evenings are used by the Young Peo
ple's Christian Union at 7:00 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening
at 7:00.
G. Wolf, Pastor. Sunday school 9:1.1
a. ro. Preaching every other Sunday
morning at 10:30 and every other Sun
day evening at 7:00. Christian En
deavor at 6:00 p. m. Prayer meeting
on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
Rkfoumkd Rev. C. M. Smith, Pas
tor. ' Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.
Preaching on alternate Sabbaths at
10:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Christian
Kndeavor at 0:00 p. m. I'rayer meet
ing on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
The lirst term of the Courts of Ful
ton county in the year shall commence
on the Tuesday following the second
Monday of January , at 10 o'clock a. in.
The second term commences on U.e
third Monday of March, at 2 o'clock
p. m.
The third term on tho Tuesday cut
following the second Monday of Juii
at 10 o'clock a. in.
The fourth term on the first Monday
October, H I o'clock p. m.
Justice of the Peaoe-L. II. Wihle,
M. V. Nace.
Constable D. T. Fields.
Burg-ess W. H. Grt'iithead.
Gouncilmen JacoD Jiotz, Thomas
N, Hammil, Wm. II. Neshit.
Cleric F.dward Shlrrer.
School Directors Thos. F, Sloan,
John A. Irwin, Johti Comerer, C. 1$.
Stevens, S. B. Woollot, L. II. Wihlp.
Board of Hoalth II. S. Wishart, M.
D.; pres. J. W. Greathead,; sec'y. G.
W. Hays; W"L. McKlbbin, M. D., J.
W. Mosser, M. Y,
President Judpe Hon. S.Mc. Swope.
Associate Judges W.H. Bender, 1).
T. Humbert.
Prothonotary, ic-Geo. A. Harris.
District Attorney George B. Dan
iels. Treasurer A. C. Lauver,
Sheriff J. G. Alexander.
Deputy Sheriff W. II . Neshit.
Jury Commissioners II. C Mum
ma, Bennett A, Truax.
Auditors D. II. Myers, Aaron M.
Garland, W. Grant Wink.
Commissioners S. C. Grarey, Win,
C, Davis, S. A Neshit.
Clerk B. Frank Henry.
County Superintendent-Chas. F.
.Attorneys W Scott Alexander, .T.
elson Sipes, Thomas F. Sloan, F.
McN. Johnston, M. 11. Shaffner, Gen.
B. Daniels, John P. Sipes, S. W.
Kirk, F. P. Lynch, II. N. Sipos.
Odd Fellows M 'Connellsburg Lod
No. 744 meets every Friday evening in
tne Comerer Building in McConnells
burg. Fort Littleton Lodge No. 484 mm
every Saturday evening in the Cron.w
building at Fort Littleton.
Wells Valley Lodye No. 607 mei's
every Saturday evening In Odd Fel
lows' Hall at Wells Tannery.
Ilarrlsonville Lodge No. 701 meets
every Saturday evening ln Odd Fel
lows' Hall at Harrisonvlllo.
Waterfall Lodga No. 773 meets ev
ery Saturday evening In Odd Fellows'
Hall at Waterfall Miljs.
Warfordsburg Lodge No. 601 meets
In Warfordsburg every Saturday
King Tost G. A. P.. No. 3(15 meets In
McCounullsburg in Odd Fellows' Hall
the tirst Saturday In every month at 1
p. m,
UovkI Arcanum, Tus.rarora Council,
No. 121, meots oa alternate Monday
evenings in P. O. S. of A. Hall, in
Washington Camp No, 497, P, O, S.
A., of New Grenada, meets every Sat
urday evening in P. O. S. of A. Hall.
Washington Cump, No. Gi4, P. O.S.
of A., Hustoutown, meets every Satur
urday evening iu P. O. S. of A. Hall, '
John Q. ffaylor Post G. A. R., No.
689, meets every Saturday, on or just
preceding full moon In Lashley ball. -at
2 p. m., at Buck Valley,
Woman's Relief Corps,' No. 80
masts at same date and place at 4 p.m.
Gen. D. B. McKlbbin Post No. 402,
G. A. S., meets the second and fourth
Saturdays lo each month at Pleasact
Tbe Fulton County News.