The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, March 28, 1906, Image 7

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Cora For tme'a TronloA lw b Abnorptlon TCo Dnl.
L. - j : ..1 ctAmak Am van
Ucl wh Short, Breath. Om, Paw
oeUtiont. Heart P-'"'"..
niU. Burning Pins and Lead Weight In
I el Btoi aeh. Acid Htomsch, Distended
vjomcn, Diiatiness, Colic?
isd Breath or Any Other Btomneh Tor-
Ut tie tend vou box o. Mull AMI
4ch Wsfers free to convince yo-i that it
Nothing le like it known. It's jure
d rery pleasant. Cures by abanrptinri.
irmlasa. No rlnifrs. Stomach Trouble
fi'fc be cured othertriae so ssya Medical
enoe. Prugs tjon't do they eat dp the
tmch and make yon worse.
tVa know Mull'e Anti-Belch Wafer cure
,d we want you to know it, hence thu
er. Ton Oner may noi apprar bkhih.
.fiend this couDon with your name
and address and your dmwrist's name
and 10c. in atampa or silver, and' we
will supply you a sample free if you
hsre never used Mull's Anti-Belch
Wafers, and will alao aend you a cer
tificate good for 2Tc. toward the pur
chase of more Belch Wafers. ou will
find them invaluable for atomnch trou
ble; curea by absorption. Address
MULL'i Grape Tom5 Co., 328 3d
8 Ave., Hock. Island, 111.
Giv Full Adtlreti and Write Plainly.
(All dnifniata, 80c. per box, or by mail
on, receipt of price. Mmps aocepted.
. Sacrifice Imperative.
fit was her first proposal, and, al-
nueh somewhat rattled, she remem-
Ircit thp nronrletles.
i 'You would give up everything for
k?" she asked.
He answered her that he would.
"Even smoking?
"I couldn't do that."
"No; for I never smoked."
Than tin had to nromlsc to learn to
fcoke so as to have something to sac
Ill ce. And in the heart of each the
jy bells rang. Philadelphia Ledger.
! Haakon and the Hawkinses.
You pronounce the double "aa" In
aakon like "aw" In "awful" and the
laf" in Olaf as "laugh." The two
limes fall on the ear as "Hawkln"
ilid "O-laugh." The numerous Haw
doses are descended from marauding
Jews of Northmen who flew on their
t bottomed boats not the raven,
iit the hawk flag. London irutn.
rM Couour, Ulnml Poison nitri Rheu
If you have blood poison producing erup-
ins, plmpios, ulcers, swollen gianas,
Imps and risings, burning, itching skin,
toper-colored spots or rasn on tno skin,
aoous patches in mouth or throat, falling
Mr, bone pains, old rheumatism or foul
tarrh. take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.)
(kills tho poison in the blood; aoon all
kes, eruptions Deal, Hard swellings suu
e, acnes and pains stop and a periect
ire is made of tho worst cases of Blood
lor cancer, tumors, swellings, voting
a-os, ugly ulcers, persistent pimples of all
lids, tnko B. B. B. It destroys the cancer
lison in me moou, neuis canoer oi an
pds, cures the worst humors or suppur-
ng swellings. Tbousands cured by is. U.
after all else fails. B. B. B. oomposed
pure botaulo ingredients. Improves
fc digestion, makes the blood pure and
ill, stops tho awful ltnhing and all sharp,
looting pains. Thoroughly tested for
Brty years. Druggists, 1 per large bot
I. with com pinto dlreotlons for home
ire. Unmple free and proimid by writing
moa uann uo., Atlanta, u. iiescnue
ubla and free medical advise also seat
teuled Jottor.
ntliuslasrn sots tho pace, but common sense
is In a walk.
ivered With Crusted Scaly licnma
When One Month Old Cured by
Cntloura at Expenso of SH.BO.
When I was one month old I was
Iken with eczema. After being uml -
je treatment of two doctors for one
fcnth, and no improvement, my moth-
was advised by a druKout to try Cuti-
jru Soap and Ointment. I was one
ist of tores from head to foot. My
ther could brush the scales off mv bodv.
Id my finger and toe nails fell. After
ng six cakes of Cuticura Soap and
lout as muoh Cuticura Ointment I was
hnpletely cured. I am now seventeen
ars old, and my akin has not a scar.1
am still finding wonders in Cuticura;
er washing a fever blister two days it
fa completely gone. Your Cuticura
lend, Miss Eola Glasscock, Marksville,
i uct. if 7, 1005."
tlie poor vre havo always with us espoclally
Nothing knocks out and
disables like
Lumbago and Sciatica
Nothing reaches the trouble
as quickly as
t. Jacobs Oil
Known the world over as
(The Master Cure
for Pains .Bd Aches
Price, 23o. and 80c
jWhen you buy
I Vftl . t-
fcnd long
9 rJld manv
combined In
foucarrt afford
"I till Farm Clt? pt
rty or aay
Wily (S1", J'orniloii, Aadram Unnoli-
?tl, ItlUCk IIMW, BrOWB
I 1
r, ill
Whh the Funny
A Posited oitTptier,
Teacher says that Mississippi
Is the Indian name for "Father of
Why don't they call it Mister sippi?
And is Mimi-nuri nne'of his daughters?
A. D. Condon, in St. Nicholas.
Aa Inquiry.
"Emerson advises every young man
to hitch his -wagon to a star."
"But most stars are rntlipr exclu
sive. As a second choice, docs be sny
anything about a soubre te?" Minn
eapolis Tribune.
His CtMtnm.
"My house wag robbed for the fifth
time Inst night."
"Have you notified tho police?"
"Oh, yes. I always send 'em n
marked copy of the dully paper."
Minneapolis Tribune.
Servant "The plumber snys
check should be $5 more."
Castleton "Cut it's tho amount
asked for."
"Yes, Bir. But you've kept him vralt
ln for nearly an hour." Life.
The One to lie 1'leased.
"No," said Feckhnm, "we never havo
boiled ham at our house any more."
"Why," replied Newltt, "I thought
you were very fotid of It."
"So I am, but my wife's pet dog
won't eat it all." riiiladelpbin Tress.
' Feminine Finesse.
Duffer "My wife got a liver out of
me to-dny wifh one hiippy remark."
ruffer "Let's have it."
Duffer "She ttld our boy Willie
that she wns his nearest relative, but
that I was his closest." Indianapolis
A Htanare
First Politician "Thluk the rail
roada will reverse their attitude on
Second rolltlclan "You bet; I've In
troduced a bill compelling them to en
ter the city on airships." Brooklyn
A Harah Suggestion.
"Why -couldn't George Washington
tell a lie at the cherry tree?" asked
the small boy.
"Bec.uise," answered his fnther, who
is a ' rough and Irreverent man, "he
was caught with tho goods." Wash
ing Star.
"lie has none of the fiuor sensibili
ties, nothing to distinguish him frf
the common herd."
"No, sir. I've heard him confess,
out of his own mouth, that all autos
smell alike to him." Puck.
Not In Hfs I.lne
Johnny (who has struck a snag in his
mathematics) 'Ta. what is the differ
ential calculus?"
Mr. Wlpedunks "Oh, try It on some
body else. I've told you a thousand
times, Johnny, that I'm no good on
conundrums." Chicago Tribune.
Chanced Conditions.
Charlie "Don't you remember? It
was that day you borrowed five shill
ings of me."
Jack (hastily) "I don't recollect any
thing of the sort."
Charlie "But you paid It back next
Jack "Oh, yes; I remember that
perfectly." London Tld-Blts.
It All I)epenla.
Mrs. Caller "Mrs. Gabblcton Is an
awful talker and I lined to think that
she always told' the truth,"
Mrs. Homer "And now you think
Mrs. Caller "I certainly do. One
can't believe a word she says."
Mrs. Homer "So she has begun to
talk about you, has she?" Chicago
A (treat Thin.
"This Is an interesting clock, Mi3S,"
said the salesman, "you really should
buve one, especially if you're both
ered with tiresome cnllcrs."
"It's merely a cuckoo clock, Isn't It?"
asked Miss May Pccbls.
"Yes, but beginning at 10 p. ra., in
stead of eaylng 'cuck-koo' every quar
ter hour it yells: 'Oojiome! Go home!' "
1'iiiiaaeipuia press.
Gentlemanly Jtebnka,
"Dead little town you've got here,
j ain't it?" said the passenger with the
heavy watcn cnain, as ce oruereu a
cup of coffee and a sandwich at the
little eating house near the railway
"Yes, sir," answered the man behind
the lunch counter. "Nobody ever comes
here but tody snatchers or por rela
tions of the deceased. Which are you?"
Chicago Tribune. ;
Bnstnsaa and Pleasure.
"Every morning Mrs. A. tised to re
main at home and do her churulug.
Now she spins past here In her auto
mobile." "You don t say! Has she given up
her dairy business?"
"Oh, no. Instead of turning the
clumsy old churn she Just places tho
milk cans iu the automobile and by tho
time she has run twenty miles tho
cream has been shaken Into butter."
Chicago News. "
Looking on the Bright Bide.
The doctor had been Injured so se
verely In a afreet car collision that
tho surgeons were compelled to ampu
tate his right hand.
"Upon the whole," bo said, "It'a a
lucky accident. Do you know that In
the palm of the ordinary unwashed,
hand there are over 80,000,000 mi
crobe to the square inch' A man in
my profession baa to meet all sorts of
people. I shall get an i.rtiflcial band,
and hereafter I ahull bo able to shake
bands with anybody with perfect safe
ty." Chicago Tribune.
R. G. Dim & Company' weekly re
view of trade says :
Wholesome conditions are maintained
in commerce generally, the tenor of most
reports heing favorably and compara
tively little atyticty U felt regarding
the labor situation.
New projects are constantly appearing,
calling for much capital and giving em
ployment to many wage-earners.
Several scales have been signed that
provide for higher wages after this month
and the general prosperity of the Winter
is believed to assure a very large retail
trade in Spring wearing apparel,
Jobbing houses have been enabled to
make shipments with unusual prompt
ness, owing to the ample railway facili
ties and few freight blockades that re
sulted from an exceptionally mild Win
ter. Manufacturing- returns from the lead
ing industries continue favoraVc, the
week's feature being record-breaking
sales pf leather, while the steel mills and
iron furnaces operate at full capacity,
the demand for lumlier exceeds the sup
ply and glass factories arc preparing to
advance quotations.
Failures this week numbered 229 in the
United States, against 250 last year, and
34 in Canada, compared with 26 a year
Uradstrect's says that wheat, including
flour, exports from the United States and
Canada for the week are 2,010,237
bushels, ngaiust 2,563,083 last week,
895,74a this week last year, 2,606,124 in
1004 and 2,305,598 in 1903. Corn exports
for, the week arc 2,335,282 bushels
against 2,894,445 last week, 3,841,411 a
year ago, 1,573,289 in 1904 and 3,072,068
in 1903.
Baltimore. FLOUR Dull and un
changed. Receipts, 5,972 barrels ; exports,
22,363 barrels.
WHEAT Weak. .Spot, contract,
8iJ4; March, 8iJ4; April, 8jJ48iJ4;
iMay, 82j4(a'82.Mi ; steamer No. a red,
7$7S'A- Receipts, 13,429 bushels.
Southern on grade, 75(a8i.
CORN Weak. Spot, 4Mi4tf;
March, 4(Sa6'A ; April, 4Gft47i
May. 47J448; July, 48; steamer
mixed, 44ji444- Receipts, 150,629
bushels; exports 102,857; Southern white
corn, 43447; Southern yellow corn,
OATS. Steady. No. 2 white, 354
36; No. 3 white, 353S'Ai No. 2 mixed,
34434M- Receipts, 17,539 bushels.
RYE. Dull. No. a Western, 6667 ex
port; 7o7i domestic. Receipts, 3,337
BUTTER. Steady. Fancy imitation,
21(0)22; fancy creamery, 29; fancy ladle,
l8ig; store packed, I5i6.
EGGS. Steady and unchanged at 14.
CHEESE. Firm and unchanged.
Large, September, 144 ; November, 14;
medium, September, 14; November,
14; small, I4(??)I4J4.
SUGAR. Steady and unchcanged.
Coarse granulated, 5 ; fine, 5.
New York. WHEAT. Receipts, 50,
000 bushels ; exports 7,938 bushels. Spot,
weak; No. 2 red, 83 elevator; No. 2,
red, 85 i. o. b. afloat; No. I Northern
Duluth, 855 f. o. b. afloat.
CORN. Receipts, 88,150 bushels; ex
ports, 75,686 bushels. Spot, easy; No.
2, 50 elevator, and 475 f. o. b.
afloat ; No. 2 yellow, 47ji ; No. 2 white,
OATS. Receipts, 64.500 bushels. Spot,
easy; mixed oats, 26(332 pounds, 3454
34?4 ; natural white, 3033 pounds,
353; clipped white, 3840 pounds,
FLOUR. Receipts, 10,924 barrels ; ex
ports, 10,118 barrels; dull and lower to
sell ; winter patents, 3.904.25.
POTATOES. Weak ; Southern, sec
ond crop, per barrel, 2.oo3.oo; sweets,
quiet and unchanged.
EGGS. Firmer ; receipts, 9,791 ; Wes
tern firsts, ni ; do. seconds, 14(14 ;
Southerns, I3i4ij.
POULTRY. Dressed, Western chick
ens, ioI3; turkeys, l42o; fowls, 10
SUGAR. Raw, strong; fair refining,
2 I5-i63; centrifugal, 96 test, 3 15-32
354; molasses sugar, an-i624; re
fined, steady.'
Live Stock.
New York BEEVES. Market slow;
steers steady to a shade lower; bulls
steady; fat cows a trifle easier; others
steady; steers, 44S S7J4 ; bulls, 3 SO
4.50; cows 2.io4.20. Liverpool and Lon
don cables quoted live cattle slow at
lojilll4 per pound dressed weights;
sheep steady; refrigerator beef lower. at
7J4c per pound.
CALVES. Market quiet; veals, 6.75
9.50; no choice stock here.
inal; lambs slow and I525c lower;
sonic sales of medium stock 35c lower.
HOGS. Good State and Pennsylvania
hogs, 6.506.75.
Chicago. CATTLE. Market steady
to strong; common to prime steers, -3.85
(S6.40; cows, 3.6s4.5o; heifers, 250
5.00; bulls, 2.404-35; calves, 3 o775.
HOGS. Market 5c higher; choice to
prime heavy, 6.3o6.35 ; medium to good
heavy, 6.2S(h.6.30 ; butc'. rs' weight, 6.25
6-35; good tP choice mixed, 6.25(36.30;
packing, 5 85-6.27.
SHEEP. Market steady; sheep, 4.00
G2CI.2S ; yearlings, 5.50OO.40; lambs, 6.25
The value of camphor exported from
Japan last year exceeded $1,300,000.
Tramway men of Kiel, Germany, were
defeated recently after a short strike.
Eugene V. Debs, the apostle of indus
trialism, is at present on a tour through
out Canada.
Tinplate Workers' International Pro
tective Association of America will meet
at Canton, O., May 7.
Tramway men uv Winterthur, Swit
zerland, have gained increases in wages
and a reduction of hours.
A new union of Italian laborers with a
charter list of 400 has been instituted at
Lawrence, Mass.
Diamond cutters of New York City
have received an increase in their wages
and will now receive $75 a week.
' Locomotive engineers have come to an
agreement with the Grand Trunk Rail
way regarding an increase in wages.
A lockout of weavers has taken place
in Verviers, Belgium. All efforts at con
ciliation have so far proved unsuccessful.
Employers in New York City have de
cided to give the increased wages de
manded by the coal drivers, and no
strike will take place.
Mayor Fitzgerald of Boston, Mas.,
has approved the proposed pension bill
for city employees. It is also indorsed
by labor unions of Bostoa
Wage in Porto Rico have increased
threefold since the Spanish days', and m
per cent oi the children are in the pub
lic schools, which is an American innovation.
The Elggctt Man of Addison Connty, Tt.,
Tells an Interesting Story.
E. C. Scott, meat dealer, Vergennes,
Vt, Past Commander of Ethan Allen
toatk O. A. It., says: "A severe attack
or typnom. left me
with -weak kldueys.
Every night I had to
get p frequently to
pass the urine, which
was ropy, dark and
very painful to void.
1 had no appetite, but
drank water contin-
ually without being
able to quench my thirst. Terrible
headaches and dizzy spells oppressed
me and my back was lame, sore and
stiff. A month's treatment with
Doan'e Kidney Tills rid me of thin
trouble, and now I am strong and
healthy and weigh 2.')0 pounds. I
give the credit to Ddan's Kidney Tills."
Bold by all dealers, no cents a box.
Foster-MIlburn Co., Buffalo. N. Y.
Development Result ef Struggle for
Racial Existence.
As to a woman's curiosity, It may
be said at the outset that she is not
so curious, by an infinite measure, as
Id man himself. Women, It Is true,
are persistently and assiduously cur
ious; but men also are not only per
sistently and assiduously but patient
ly and systematically curious. It is
the character of female curiosity thai,
makes it apparently contemptible.
Scientific men of every kind have no
raison d'etre for their Infinitely pa
tient research save pure curiosity
alone; and their curiosity has no more
purpose in it than has the curiosity
of the woman who cannot rest until
she finds out all discoverable facts
about her neighbors, or the cause of a
mysterious sound by night.
These two forms of curiosity, the
male and the female, originated no
doubt In the early needs of tho rnce
long before men appeared on the earth.
The male animal is interested in the
causes of remote things things which
upon being run down might turn out
useful for food purposes. The female
Is Interested In the quick investigation
of near and small things which may
turn out a menace to the lives of bet
young. The female watches with in
tenBo and lively interest the vicinity
of the nest or lair; the male is prompt
ed to look abroad away from the lair
In or towards fields where his dally
prey Is .found. These two kinds oi
curiosity were among the most potent
instruments in the struggle for racial
existence and In the ultimate devel
opment of man. National Magazine.
Walled In.
"Yes, Mrs. Jlllup," says the man
who has been on a long tour, "I saw
the place where your son lives."
"Tell me about it," saya, tho fond
old mother. "I have never been to
visit him, but be always writes me
that he la very successful in life."
"Well, he lives In a big place, sur
rounded by a high stone wall, with
Iron gates."
"What do you mean?" whispers the
old mother.
"And the houso where he lives Is
made of stone also. You cannot get
inside at all without explaining the
nature of your call to a man In uni
form who stands at the door."
Here the old mother begins weeping
"Why do you weep, Mrs. Jlllup?"
"Alas, you cannot conceal the
truth from me, gently as you try to
break It. My son Is In prison."
It requires some moments for the
man to convince her that her son Is
really living in the style befitting a
prince of commerce.
In Old New York,
f It Is the custom of the New York
papers to sneer at the unsophisticated
doings of the people In other parts of
the country. Apparently, however,
Judging from the revelations made In
the evidence of Col. Mann In the libel
ease now on trial, many of the most
prominent and wealthy men of the
metropolis were the easiest kinds of
easy marks for parties who merely
proposed to write them up favorably
or unfavorably, according as they paid
out their cash, generously or not. It
Is marvelous to read how easy it was
to get large sums of money ostensibly
as loans or in return for certificates
of stock whose value bore no proper
proportion to the money paid out.
That the leaders of New York society
should have been held up in this way
argues 111 for their common sense, and
at the same tlmo shows the total lack
of real value to tho utterances of the
so-called society Journal. Pittsburg
In Management of a It.
Speaklug of food a railroad man
"My work puts me out In all kinds of
weather, subject to Irregular hours for
meals and compelled to eat all kinds of
"For 7 years I was constantly trou
bled with Indigestion, caused by eating
heavy, fatty, starchy, greasy, poorly
cooked food, such as are most accessi
ble to men in my business. Generally
each meal or lunch was fwllowed by
distressing pains and burning scusn
tlons in my stomach, which destroyed
my sleep and almost unfitted me for
work. My brain was so muddy nnd
foggy that it was bard for me to dis
charge my duties properly.
"This lasted till about a year ago,
when my attention was called to
Grapo-Nuts food by .a newspaper ad.
nnd I concluded to try It. Since then
I have used Grape-Nuts at nearly ev
ery weal and sometimes between
meals. We railroad Vneu have little
chance to prepare our food In our ca
booses and I find Grape-Nuts mighty
handy for It la ready .cooked.
"To make a long story short, Grape
Nuts has made a new man of me. I
bave no more burning distress in my
stomach, nor any other symptom of In
dlgeetloo. I can digest anything so
long I eatOrape-ltata, and my brain
works as dearly and accurately, as an
engineer! we. ten, and my old nervous
trouble bar disappeared entirely."
Name given by Postum Co., Battle
Greek, Mich.
There's a reason. Read the little
book, -Tb Road to WellvUle," la pkgs.
Very Plain Congressman.
8enator Beverldge was talking one
afternoon tg a group of newly elected
congressmen. r .
"You boys," be said, "must on no ac
count appear green. Keep cool, go
slow, think before you apeak; then
yon won't' give yourselves away."
Tho unripe congressmen laughed,
and Senator Beverldge continued:
"I should hate to hear that one of
you had acted aa a new congressman
once did.
"He, as soon as he reached Wash
ington, went off to a photographer's to
be photographed.
"'I want my likeness taken,' be
" 'Cabinet?' the photographer asked.
"The sitter reddened aud looked
"'No,' he answered, 'Just a plain,
everyday congressman.' "
What the Farmer Said.
A Kansas lawyer tells of a visit he
had from an old farmer.
The farmer wanted a big suit for
damages brought against a railroad
company because his old brlndle cow
had been run over during the night.
On questioning him, the lawyer could
not find a single peg upon which he
could legitimately bang a case.
"Well," he Bald, "I kinder thought
ye could fetch it on the sign beln'
down. They wan't no Blgn, 'Look out
for the cars,' so I thought mebhe ye
could git 'em on that." Chicago Inter
FITS permanently cural, No (Its or norvo'is
ness attnr first dny's uq ot Dr. KllnVs Gna'
Nerve Restorer, til trilbottliaiuKrfitisorre'
Dr. It. H. Kli. Ltd.,931 Arch 8t.,l'lnln.,P.l
False teeth will not be in demand '
Germany. Statb or Ohio, Citv of Tolkdo, 1
I-1UOA8 CooKnr. (
Frank J. Cnniir.r make oath that ho i
fonior partner ol thu Arm of F. J.Ohknf.t ,fc
'o., Uoinn buslneis lij tho City of Tolel-
(lounty and Statu nfornsald, and that said
llrtn will pay the sum ot oxa nc.SDaitD dol
i.Ans for oa;a and nvnry cam of cATAnntr
that cnonot In eura.l lv tho una ot Halu'.
CATAnau Cnna. Frask J. (!nir.
Hworn to before me and AutHorlba 1 in my
1 . j presonne, this th day of Dacero
i bai.. I ber, A.D., 1S-KS. A. W.Gliason,
' JVoirtry l'u'dic.
Hnll's Catarrh ('11 re Is taken Intnra-Uly.aad
actsdlroctly on tho blood aad mucous snr
laees of the syst-sm. Bond for t3timoulali,
tree. F. J. Ciibkrt A Co., Toledo, O.
Hold by (Ul Drujrirists. 75o.
Taku Hnll's Family for constipation.
ltiruvy fur a man 10 Iwhave after he breaks
Into tlie has-been clans.
Tarlor' Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and
Mullen i Nature' great remedy utile i.uuKtm,, Croup utid cuntuini'ilon, Bnd ail threat
Hint luilK iroillilvt. UIUVUt, 25i!., uuc, unci
ll 0j bottle.
Perseveritnce work wonnVrs, but It can't con
vert bad ef(r Into chlokelH.
You're bound
EACH CAN. Address:THC Dcpartmint Stoic or I
PRICE, c, 23 Ctm m ma
-niwiiumi Ki VI
1 im iriiriiriv- if. ? is
mltm Ir fflr Mi .GRIp. bad
-ui. r v . . - ' w rip i
"'" -"frill a JP. W.iXawW. . alanufaoi.,,.,
Sr.filiil,.i,."i-fS,d,,',?to't,,.B ""'"""a all kinds of cabhacr
plants, tr,wa In lhi oewn air anil win aland (ra ti told, uniwn from
aadt of the nio.1 r.llti, V, a uaa tka lama plania on our
inouianu aora ruo farm. P.naw carafully oouatod aud protxrl; mc"
iL.Zi:X,7l'''iS$D ". ""ion and Ba.f otn'a. iam.i
Unaoraarllar. arduoad axaraa. rataa anmliad.wkl,.h
ai?ih!,IS.K',r"t.'. '.",.5,
r. U B., Maasatu.
af vepatahlfta atpaolallj
naaaataoilabari aa Eaoarii
If Cabliaaai. 'I he raaulli nt
II..I...I.U, Mina louia raapaoUully,-K. II
loan raapaotfullT. ki. B. bi.iti h I
COn5 liniment
for a rub down after exarclslnr.
It eoolhea and Itaala aora and Innauted
Cur ni'Alita.. at rat ma atud
For JnUrual titd -KkUrnal
um. Try it wWn you have cough or
void. 2A and txi mnit. At aruegittU.
1. 1. XWH-OH 4 CO.. loitti, Hut.
1 Writs rns a oooa for blanks ana iuitruotlana,
) of chars. No fsnaloa. Mo far. Addraat
W. H. WliXa. Wills alulldlai-.aU Indiana Ata,
Waahlnatosw la. U rouaoaa aaal lrad-alaxai
5, for Ma wot-ik ftoadtaw IM MvaHftaa toOhair
I sat aaarlau Stada. II 'a wxrtti of Uaiaaraaia'la
A Time When Women Are Susceptible to Many.
Dread Diseases Intelligent Women Prepare
for it. Two Relate their Experiences.
The "change of life" Is
the most critical period
of a woman's existence,
and the anxiety felt by
woinon as It draws near
is not without reasoa.
Every woman who
neglects t he care of her
health at this time in
vites dlaeanc and pain.
When her system is in
a deranged condition,
or she is predisposed to
apoplexy, or congestion
of any organ, the ten
dency is nt this period
likely to become active
and with a host of ner
rous Irritations make
life a burden. At this
time, also, cancers and
tumors are more liable
to form and begin tbeir
destructivo work.
Such warning symp
toms as sense of suffo
cation, hot flashes, head
aches, backaches, drend
of impending evil, timid
ity, souuds in the cars,
palpitation of tho heart,
sparks before the eyes,
irregularities, constipa
tion, variable appetite,
weakness, inquietudo,
and dizziness, are
promptly heeded by in
telligent women who are
approaching the period
in life when 'woman's great change
may be expected.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound was prepared to meet the needs
of woman's system at tlila trying
period of her Ufa. It invigorates ana
strengthens the female organism and
builds up the weakened nervous system.
For special advice regarding this Im
portant period women are invited to
write to Mrs. Flnkham at Lynn, Mass.,
and it will be furnished absolutely free
of ohargo. The present Mrs. Plnkhom
is the daughter-in-lew of Lydia E. Pink
ham, her assistant before her decease,
and for twenty-five years since her
advice has been freely given to sick
Head what Lydia E. Pinkham's Com
pound did for Mrs. Ilyland and Mrs.
Dear Mrs. PInkham:
" I had been iiifferlne with displacement of
the organs for years and was passing through
the rhango of life. My abdomen was badly
swollen; my stomach was sore; I had dizzy
spans, sioa neoaacnes, ana was very nerroua.
Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Succecda Where Others Fall..
Good Luck
Knocking at
Your Oven Door
to have good luck on baking day
if you
vjooa luck uaKing; rowder. 1 here is always just so
nz to a spoonful, because it never varies in strength.
. Know that s what makes reliable baking. A good cook
once tries Good Luck will never go back to the uncertain
also makes a big difference in the
K J ,t,a ' i n
me uajf llic yiuwcrs Bill IS
for a pound can we couldn't improve the
purity and quality of Good Luck if we
charged three times as much.
Don't overlook the beautiful premiums we rW with
Good Lack Iluklnir PowiIrf ti.i. i. Z.. ' l.
abmrlna wlih you the savin w m,.i:
won can. i m utile air
iitas and describes the
you may
Richmond, Va.
atac I
b&tm m
guarantkm to r-im r
- - "Jr "aW"s-w M Ji
rata f rtoan aiuall lo.a
ne.aaxnrlmrau w will k nl.aaad lo
That Delightful Aid to Health
Toilet Antiseptic
Whitens the teeth purifies
mouth and breath cures nasal
catarrh, sore throat, sore eyes,
and by direct application cures
all inflamed, ulcerated and
catarrhal conditions caused by
feminine ills.
Paxtine possesses extraordinary
cleansing, healing and germi
cidal qualities unlike anything
else. At all druggists. 50 cents
The R. Partem Co.. Boston, Mass.
D 17 k Pfl V"wwrarJ
Sa aM r-U.r aaa ...4
"MJ k artMl.wlal. a .ra-tra4
" so au M. ssa.vs avJSy s- , aiimu. aa.
A DvsiiTiax im tuis rarsa, it will pay
" au
drotaWooUBtiafoosioeiauorvJ I
Mrs. AECMvlan d
" I wrote yon for advice and commenced
treatment with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound as yon directed, and I am
happy to say that all those distressing- symp
toms left me and I have paswdeafely through
tho change of Ufa, a well woman. I am
recommending your medicine to all my
friends. "-Ml a. Annie E. O. Hyland, Chester
town, Md.
Another 'Woman's Case
" During change of life words cannot ex
press what I suffered. My physician said I
had a cancerous condition 01 the female
organs. One day I read some of the testi
monials of women who bad been cured by
Lydia E. Pinkuara'e Vegetable Compound,
and I decided to try it and to write you for
advice. Your medicine made me a we)f
woman, and all my bad symptoms sootv
disappeared. ,
" I advise every woman at this period of life .
to take your medicine and write you for ad
vice." Mrs. Lizzie Hinkle, Salem. Ind.
Whet Lvdin E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound did for Mrs. Hyland and
Mrs. Hinkle It will do for other women
at this time of life.
It has conquered pain, restored
health, and prolongod life In coaea that
utterly baffled physicians.
family pocketbook
1 r.
paiQ. KJMy lUCtntS
tor Military lUti
XT ItauatT l.and Wuraata lnM
f any war. Wrlta maat onoo ITUASu
to aoiatrj o:
W. L. Douclas
W. L. Douglas $4.00 Cllt Edge Lin
vonrim po oquniieo ai any price.
W. L. DOUGLAS atf LL Of?
$10,000 xOTr
HI could Uka yoa Into aay tkroa karaa factorka
t Brackun, Maaa., au siow To fka
car. with which .y STSW
-would roallu why U Dwuflaa tint am
Ji' b-'r. ,r Uagar, and in al rrwalar
tntriosvolu. than My otbar J.M ahooV
llhou his mo and Bnoa aaaipad a bl.a7
W. I. Wvt)LAaVj jarocktwai, afauA
-.Mus,.. inn- ,5 T,
1 LJKarJ CahtaC j.soaoosl