The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, March 28, 1906, Image 5

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Local and Oeneral Interest, (lathered
at Home or Clipped from our
) B. Nace ot Chambersbur'
U seen on our streets Tuesday.
Levi P. Mortou has closed his
hm at Fort Littleton qn ac
.gut "1 illnnsM.
'l!-)t!i of tlio Clear Uido scljor la
C closed on account of sicknoss
, jiha community.
Pavid Fraker and family spent
Wednesday with friends m Mc
('Minullsburtf. fe. K. ! ittmau and family left
f their new home near Ship-i.f-Shsburs.
this week.
Wantiot): Men, women, boys
girls to re; resent McClure's
Midas'me. Good pay. Address
Vast 22d St , N. Y. City.
piere will be preachiDg at the
rioling Hill Baptist church the
;:rfct Sunday in April at ten o'
clJclt by Elder Abimaaz Mellott.
V anted. Four men for good
laying position in Cham bersbuig
""diary and commission. Bright
; for right man. Reply by
or P. O. Box 189. at
"he new town council organized
Tuesday evening by electing
race U, Nace president, and
Nicholas Koettger was appointed
; co man.
on Salk. Glass front, show-
calos, counter nd shelving, al! m
ttcla.-is condition. Apply to
J no. V. Glunt,
Knobsville, Pa.
ant k d Bright, honest
yoliug man irom mcuonneusourg
trepai e for paying pontion in
eminent Mail Servico Box
, Cedar Rapids, la.
fllDES Jan Sipes & Sons
iy 10, 13, aud HVj a pound cash,
beU lnues a me?r uuicner
. . , , , .
uep in Mcuonneusourg, aiso
lest price aic for calf skins,
"pskins and tillow.
The First National Bank of Mc
smells burp, will open its doors
business on Monday, April
The room is being enlarged
fl equipped with new and mod-
jfra bauk fixtures and will be a
iqi'oughly up-to-date banking
he death .f Wilson, son of the
William Everts, occurred at
home near Pott's Mills on
Inesday after a few days lll
s of pneumonia. He is sur-
(hrd by his mother, who in the
ire will make lier home with
son William Fegley.
ev. .1. G. Rose, of Mercers
will conduct a meeting in
Presbyterian church on
rsday at 2:30 o'clock at which
) a call will be extended to the
. VV, A. West to further con-
lie his ministrations to tnat
Tiit Liltth ilAat i3 Out.
Dkah En. of Nf,W8 s Tho let
ter f Rev. Geo. Shoemaker, In a
late copy of the "News. " in which
he invites himself to come houif,
and suggests at the ame time , rakes p,ace of post &r(1 Craze
mat we surroun.i nis coming Dy
all the pomp and circumstance of
an "Old Home Week,'' I confess,
amuses me not a little. His tac
tics are very like those of a dear
little six year-old neighbor girl
of mine, a methodist too, by the
way, who, when I have been re
miss In not pressing her to visit
me, will frequently call over to
me, "Mrs. C, don't you want me
to come over ?" Of course, I al
ways want her to come, and have
the same feeling toward Rev.
Shoemaker, and all others of the
old Fulton county boys and girls
who are enriching other localities
by their preseuce and efforts, but
whose absence has made us poor
indeed. I speak for the town and
county, when I say that we will
be delighted to set apart a week
for the reunion of all who are will
ing to take a day off, and turn
their faces homeward again.
There is no greater pleasure en
joyed by us than the return of
those who are exiles from the
home of their childhood, i am,
personally in favor of holidays
and reunions, and recall with
pride, the success of our centen
nial occasion, Sept. 30, 1886. It
was unreservedly the greatest
day in the county's calendar :
"The day so mild
Was Heaven's own child. "
and passed without a single mar
ring circumstance.
I should be glad to receive com
mumcat.ons from the absent ones
who are able and willing to trek
homeward, or who in any way by
personal effort, are willing to
make an "Old Home Week" a suc
cessful venture, some time this
fall, while yet "the green is on
the trees," and before "the corn
is in the shock."
S. M. Cook.
The Breath of Life.
It's a significant fact that the
strongest animal of its size, the
gorilla, also has the largest lungs.
Powerful lungs means powerful
creatures. How to keep the
breathing organs right should be
man's chiefest study. Like thou
sands of others, Mrs. Ora A.
Stephens, of Port Williams, O.,
has learned how to do this. She
writes : "Three bottles of Dr.
King's New Discovery stopped
my cough of two years and cured
me of what my friends thrught
consumption. O, it's grand for
throat and lung troubles." Guar
anteed at Trout's drug store.
Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle
'e read an account of the l'l-
of the editor a week or so ago,
"jiiope he is well asain.
ell wintor did come at last,
hor earth has on the heaviest
of snow that she has had for
o time.
presu me there will not be any
sowed or potatoes planted oy
euterpming farmers in the
tth of March this year.
Jlward Beatty of Philadelphia,
I siting relatives in the vallev.
sorgo Stotleraeyer, of Piney
ve, Md., was in our vicii.ity on
lie day last week James Car-
was thrown from a run away
and dragged a short distance
11 tlm saddle stirrup bnke,
rwisu tho result mav have
fatal. Fortunately he was
nuc-li nurt.
flUk Boss, of Kirlnlmo- Hill
iu our vall,y last Thursdiiy
'(rgo Scluitrompf is quito ill
'" 'miug.
"H ton days of school mour
"hip, then vacation days have
111 y licarts were gladeued
"f, Ul friends nnd rim.'hhnra
,r va!luy by the social gather-
filings during this slod-
There will be quite a good deal
of changing homes in our com
munity this spring. Scott Kear
anse will move to the Sheridan
Hann place; Howard Hann to the
house vacated by Mr. Kegarise;
Frank Nori is will move to the W.
W. McDaniel house.
Rev. Hendershot preached an
able serm .u on Sunday at 10 o'
clock, from the text "There is
room for us all."
Aaron Garland and wife are
visiting Sneridan Hann.
Mrs. John Hann was the guest
of Scott Kegarise on Sunday.
Scott Kegarise is all smiles; it's
a baby boy.
Our sick folks are all on the
H2T 1
.With the Young
A number of our people went
to McConnellsburg this week;
some went on business and some
to court.
W. E. Bair was at the county
seat on business Monday.
Samuel Strait and I. W. School-
ey attended court last week.
Harvey Strait aud Miss Je,uiie
Stewart took advantage of the
good sleighing and weuttoMj
Uonuellsburg Monday.
Jeff Ilockensmilh has movoJto
Isaiah Sipos' farm vacated by
Mr. Hockensmith.
Miss Sadie Ilann was the giiost
of Mrs. U. E. Austin one day last
Mrs. M. E. Bobb, who has boon
visiting hor mother, expects to
return to her homo after atteo 1
ing conforence held in Tyrono,
Pa. '
Rev. S. J. Pittinger preachod
his farewell , sermon to a large
cougregation at Asberry church,
Sunday eveuing. Hegoestocon
ffi enc Wednesday,,
Mrs. F. M. Taylor and Mr..
D Wishart attended preachig
at Greenhill Sunday afternoon
The Gibson picture hoblt ha ben ef
fwtunlly fnHtened on a bl proportion of
the reading- population of this section by
the publication by the Sunday North
American of ten of the latest of thl
great American artist's pictures as art
upplenicnis. It has started the Gibson
collection fnd, and this promises to last
until the Inst of the pictures are out.
There was a time when the Gibson girl
was the Idol of the young woman. Now
the Gibson art supplement glveB every,
body an opportunity to collect the artist's
works, and there will be few homes that
will not have a good representation with
in the next few weeks.
For the tlrne being the collection of
Gibson drawings has taken the place of
the collection of post cards In I'hlladel
plila, and the fad .'a certain to spread to
all of the towns where the pictures sre
made so easily obtnlnahle.
The picture which The North American
Is to Issue next Sunday Is "A Castle in
the Air." It Is one of the most forceful
of Gibson's works, and teaches a broad
moral lesson to young people and old
Carrie Charlton has returned,
home after spending ten weeks
with relatives at Pittsburg and
Altoona and Warriors Mark.
Belle Locke is convalescing aft
er au attack of malaria fever.
M rs. Mary Wagoner spent pirt
of Friday with N rs.Elmer Fraker
at Fort Littleton.,
Mrs. John McCoy has been,
poorly with malaria fever.
Annie B. Polk spent a day last j
week with her grandmother Mrs.
Barbara Polk at Knobsvide. j
Geo. and John Wagner spent!
Saturday visiting their cousin
Smith Uejry at Clear Ridge.
Our schoil closed on Wednes
day. A very successful term un
der the management of Lillian
Allie Ferrenberg moves into
the house this week which was
vacated by Wm. Locke last fall.
George Lock and wife spent
Tuesday with his cousin, Robert
Locke at Maddensville.
Watches, Clocks,
and Silverware.
A KonuiiiP T-.lewelctl Kltfln or VViillliain open-fiiee N iirkel casofor
').(K) This Is a watrh that will koop time and stand roii(fh usne.
I will sidl you a (rood Liv.lins' L'0-yr. Opon faro 7 Juwelud Kljfin
or Walthuin movement O. walch nicely engraved for nil This
Is strictly a llrnl-:1uss watch for u lady, and Hit! most up-to-date
wnteh on the marltet. Cheaper ones, if desired.
8ii,(K) will buy a nice, black frame trimmed in llt 8-day mantle
clock, fully guaranteed.
I can sell you unythi.u;, tuch as Watches, Clock, Silverware,
Kings, Chains, Fobs, Chatelaine pins, Bracelets, lirooches, Hat pins,
CulT pins, Match safes, Thimbles, Napkin .rings, Fountain pens,
Scarf pins, Lockets, Neck chains, (.'harms, or anything on the mark
et. Watch repairing, jnwelry repairing, Koman coloring, plating
plain or fancy engraving a specialty.
D. C. HART, Jeweler and Optician,
"Watches that tell the truth."
405 Uroadway, Camden, X. J.
Mew Furniture Store.
Read this and be convinced that we have in our store
the largest stock ot selected FURNITURE and HOUSE
HOLD FURNISHINGS that has ever been in this coun
ty, and at prices that will suit every body :
NclV Alilllileryv
Mrs. A. F. Little's
Big Underselling Store.
We have a suberh collection of seasonable hats, and latr a
styles in Millinery, just received from eastern cities and placed in stod. .
Our Trimmed Hats from "tte to '() cannot bo einile..
lXnady-to-wear Hals, popular rous, trimmed with ijiiilis, win,.-.-,
birds and all kinds of llowers. Misses a"nd children's trimmed huts in
every color, shape or style. Large number of iintriinmcd huts, and
trimmings for you to select from.
Hats created according to your ideas in black, white, gray, brown,
bluo, pink, tan, navy, green, and cardinal.
Tam-o-shanters, collars, cuffs, belts, hose and combs. Ready
made Shirt-waist Suits, and shirt waists from 110c up Sun bru.iiets and
children's caps.
Remember you get a hat pin or fan freo with each hut Come uiul
examine our stock of goods. Store opposite postolllce.
McConnellsburg, Fa,
Bank Charter.
. Hota Thraruhy Department, '
Office of the
Washington, D. C, Feiiuuahy 9, l;fl.
Whehbas, ' by sstlnfuntorv evidence Dres-
enled to the uiKlersincl. It hus been ninde to
ihu luwn uf Mul'ounellHburK. lu tbe Couuty or
Fulton, aud State ot ennNVlvnnln. tuwuouj-
plled with all the proviwl ins of the titututeH of
the united sttltuK, required to be compiled
with before au us-soolution Htmll be uuthorleu
to uommenue lue buslueuti of lluokinri;
Now, therefore. I. Thonms P. Kune. Denutv
nnd Aclltnr Comptroller of the Currency, do
hereby certify that "THE FIRST NA
BURta. lu the town or .Mcuonni'iisinuv. la
the Couuty of Fulton. Hnd suite of I'eimsvl
yuulu, Is commence the busiuess
of ItuuUInK iih provided In Section tlfty-one
hundred utid sixty-uiue of the Heviscd Slututes
of the United States. .
In testimony whereof witness my hand und
Seul of oillcc this ninth day of February, luuil.
Seal. T. V. KANE,
Deputy and Acting Comptroller
I4-Kt. of the Currency.
Administratrix's Notice.
Notice Ik hereby ulvnn, that letters of ud
ministration on the estate of John K. Kummel
late of Tod township. Fulton county. Penn'a..
deceased, bavins' been Kriiuted to the UQr
aersiifned, by the Register of Fult'-n
County, Notice is ncreny itveu 10 uu persons
Indebted to said estate louiuke itnniedlutepay
meut, and thosehavluif olaimsaKulust thesame
to present them to the undersigned, duly au
thenticated for settlement.
-14-0)1. McConnellsburK, Pa.
Adminisrator's Notice.
r.eltern of administration on the estate of
John Hrubaker , late of Tod towuship,
Fulton county. Fa., deceased, havlm? been Kraut
ed by the Ueifister of Wills for Fulton oouuly,
to the subscribers, whose postcrnce uddresa is
Kuobsville, Fulton county, i'a., all uersous
who are Indebted to the said estate will please
make payment, and those havinif claims will
present them to
J. t). FOUK,
.H-I4-OD. Administrators.
Take Notice-
We the uuderulKued request all persons
haviuK claims uaiust J. Ueors-e Tmle, deceas
ed, or any who may be indebted to the same,
will pleuse present same for settlement to
Notice Is hereby given that I have
filed with the Secretary of Internal Af
fairs' at Harrisburg, an application for
a warrant for IS acres of unimproved
vacant land situated in Thompson
township, Fulton county, adjoining
lands of David Gregory on the north,
east, south and west.
David Grfxiohv.
Notice is hereby given that I have
Hied with the Secretary of Internal -Affairs
at Harrisburg, an application
for a warrant for 8 acres of unimprov
ed vacant laud situated in Thompson
township. Fulton county, adjoining
lands of .1. C. and T. D. Snider, on
the west, Samuel reck on the north,
and David Gregory on the east and
David Grhxiouv.
Iron Beds green, blue and white,
2..'W, 2.0'i, 4. 25, and up.
Bod Springs both woven wire, and
coil, 2.50, :U3, and $:t.7.1.
Mattresses excelsior, husk, cotton,
etc,, $2 j, $3 10, t:t.T5 and $4.
.1-piece Bedroom Suite, 15.50, f 18.50
to ;12.75.
Chiffoniers, $10; Llall Hacks,
Side Boards, $12 to $20: Extension
Tables, 8-ft., (i.25, $7.05; ti-ft., 4.55:
Falling-leaf, .'1.15. Dining-room and
Kitchen . Chairs, $.'1.75, $4, $5.75,
$0, $0.5(1, $7.80 per set. Hookers, $1.25,
Anything: you would like to have, and we don't have
it in stock or mentioned in the above list, would be glad
to have you call and select from our catalogue, and have
same ordered at once. Thanking you for your past pa
tronage, and wishing your future trade, we are,
Respectfully yours,
Thos. B. Stevens&Son,
$1.45, $1.75, 1.08, $2.05: Child's liock
ers and High Chairs: Heed Rockers,
$4.75, $5.55, $5.75, and $0.50.
Couches, (0.25 to 12; Bed Ijounges,
$11.1)8; Cots, $1.50 and (1.70.
Five-piece Parlor Suite, upholsteredl
in biiK uamusK, -'.
Stands, 75, !l5, and $1.25. Kasels, 50
and 05c.
Mirrors French Flnte, 85, (1.1)0 and
$5.50. Pictures and Frames, $1 to $1.75
Window Blinds, 10 to 22c. Ten
piece Toilet sets, $.1.25 and (4.1S.
This Space
Reserved For
W. H. Nesbit's
Which will Appear
a $1.00 Year in Advance,
is the people's paper.
Administrator's Notice.
! Notice In hereby tftven thut lettered Admin
iHti'ution uu the estate ufJucot) C Hewett
lute ot Thompson towuship. Fulton oouuty Ha,
Ueoetikted, huve been Kntnled to the udiIhihIkii
ed, tbut nil pei-Koru Indebted to mild esttrte wtM
limke puynmtit, und those huvliiK uluinm will
preweut IheDi properly authenticated for puy
! Hum Kuu, Pti.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice in herehy given that letter of admin
istrutlou huve been runted to the undentltrued
tpon the estute or uuntel Slitvew, lute or
Htlfust towurthlp, Kultou eounty, Pu.. deueau--d.
All peiHiiUM huvlnif elulniH uttnlDHt mid e
lute will present tlii'iu properly uutheutiuuted
for Huttleineiit. und those owing the name will
yleune oull und Nettle.
-1 1-at. AduiUilKtrutor.
For 75 years the favorite family laedicine for throat and lungs.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. s
Sv.n Million 1xxm told In past 1 3 mentht. This signature, V. X
Cur. Grip
In Two Day.
on every
oooooooooo xxxxoopooooo
oots and Shoes 8
Boys' and Men's Boots $ 1 .50 to $1. 75.
Ladies' Felt Boots $ 1 25 to$1.50.
Men 's Felt Boots $2. OO to $2. 35.
Boys ' School Shoes $1 to $2.
Men 's JVork Shoes $1.25 to $2.
Men 's JVatsontown high Shoes $5.
Ladies' Dress Shoes $1 .25 to $2.50.
Ladies' Fox-lined Shoes $1.25 to$l. 75.
Men's Work Pants 75c to SI.
Men 's Corduroy Pants $1. 50 to $2. 50.
Best Linen Corduroys $2.50.
Men's Work Coats $1.25 to $2.
Men 's and Boys' Sweater s2 5c to $3.25.
A full line of
8 General Merchandise
always in STOCK. Highest Market price
for Butter, Eggs and Poultry. O
G. J. Mellott, o
Q o
oooooo xxxxxxoooooox
6. W. Reisner k Co,
JVe have just received a very full
line of Seer suckers and Ginghams for
Spring and
Beautiful Styles at Old Prices.
White Goods
infancy Mercerized Stuffs, Lawns,
Shrunken Muslins, Linens, &c. Our .
Wall Paper
and Mattings are now in, at least,
large partfor early use.
We Can
Please You.
See these GOODS and learn the
PRICES before you do your Spring
G. I. Reisner & Co.
McConnellsburg, Pa.