OX OF WAFERS FR5E-NO DRUGS jr -CURS BY A8iO.riON. bras ftelehlnf of 0s-Bit llraetti i Bull Stomach ht Oraath I HIobHrt onr Krntitritlons 1 Imioln Heart, Kie. :Tk a Mull's Wafer any time ol the i d r night, and not the in .mediate ood el let on your etumsch. It absorbs the pas. Uninfects the stomach, kills the poison rm. end cure the disesse. tstsrrb of in head end throat, unwholesome food bd overeating make bad stomscbs. tarcely eny atomach i entirely free from fink of .ome kind. Mull's Anti-Belch sfers will make your atomach nca.tny . abnorbina: foul jnsee which arise from be undigested food and by re-rnforaiiK he lining of the atomach. enabling it to boroiighlv mil the food with the ga.tno oicea. 'X'biH cures atomach trouble, pro aotea r1iijer.iinn. sweetens the brenth, stops lehitiit and fermentation. Heart jetton rcomca atrong and regular through tbie process. . 4 J)iacard drugs, aa yon know from experi ence they do not cure atomach trouble. Try a common-eenee (Nature s) method that doca cure. A anothing, healing sen sation results Instantly. We know Mull'a Anti-tWrh Writers will do tbia, and we want you to know it. Ibis Oiler tuny not appear again. 3178 UOJD FOR lie. M2 Send thia coupon with your name and address and your drusir.at'a name and 10c. in atampa or ailvcr. and we will supply you a astiiiile Irce i! you hnve never used Mull'a. Anti llelcli Wafers, and will also wild you a cer tificate goefd lor 25c. Inward the pur chaae of more Hclch Water. Vou will find them invaluable for atomach trou ble! curea by absorption. Address Moll's Ukapk Ionic Co.. 3JS 3d Ave., Hock laland, III. 7 Full Addrett and Wriln 1'lainlij. I All dmggiata, Bflc. per box, or by mail Upon receipt of price. Stamp accepted. a Steven Baird, of Chittenden, Vt., af ter working ceaselessly for forty years, declares, he has discovered a method of -elding copper, something metallurgists .!ay has never been done before. iurwH llhtii,ii mm aim! rHlMr'li Mll!lue Nmit I'lmi. Bond no nioiiny Mmpl.v writ"- anil try otunln Wood lliilm ut nut iwih-mhh. Ho- tunio lllnoil IIhIiii (.11. 11. II.) killH or du--ftroya tlio pulMofi iu tho blond whlrli cuiisps tho awful iiclK'N In I'.'K'k mill shoulilur liludos, BhlftiliK paius, iliniiMilty in moving ilugerH, toes or Ib ih, boiiH pitiim. swollen piUKfilcs and joints of riHumutisui, or tin) jfoul breath, hawkiui,-, KpittiiiK. dmpplnirs in turout, bud lu'iirinK, spinks tlyinK be fore the even, nil played out fueling of ca tnrrh. Uutuulo lllood Isului hiut cured Iiuu A reds of cuhuh of 8(1 or 40 years' Mundlujr after dootora, hot springs uud patnt medl jrinca hud all fulled. Must of tlicso cured patients bud lukou lllood l;nloi as ii lust re sort. It la especially advised for chronic., tieep-sentnd tnes. linposxlblo for nny olio tosulTerthn iiKoiiie or symptoms ot rheu piatism or outiirrb whllu or uftcr taklnii Jilood Bnlm. It mukrg tho blood puro nud rich, tburoby Klvinga henltby blood Hupply. Cures are purmiiumit and not it putnliliiK up. )ruK storea, H por Inr'o bottlo. Hiimplool Jilood lialni aunt free and prepaid, alnoxpeu lul medical advice by describing your Iron tie and writing lllood Bului Co., Atlanta, tu. I Abraham Lincoln w.ia uinc years old when his mother died. ' -, How'a Thia f TVeofTerOno Hundred Dollnra Tieward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hull's Catarrh Curat F. J. Chknet A Co., Toledo, O. Yfo, the undersigned, hav known F. J. Cheney for the Inst 15 years, and believe him perfectly bonornbln In nil busiuess transnc- tlna a n .1 II nfltinl nllv oliln I n tnrrv nil, unu J obligations made by their Arm, west xboai, wiioiesnie urugsists, ro ledo, O. Waloino, Riknah A Mabvix, Wholeanlo Druggists, Toledo, 0. nail's Catarra Cure Is takn Internallv. aot Ingdlrentlyupon the blood and mueuoussar- laces of tbesystom. Testlmoul ilx sent froe. J'rtce, 75c. pr bottlo. Sold by ull Dnig.-lsts. STake Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Oirnflea are the most difficult of all ani in.als to take by turprise. I To Cnre n Cold In One it. b"ake Laxative Dromo Quinine Tab' .. )rugglsts refund money If it falls to cup-. .J. W. Urove'a signature on each box. iiSc. J The coldest city in tbe world u lakulsk. Juatern Liberia. '1 livlor'f (htrnL-HH n,tnHn . I xu-wt f.'lini in 1 elulk'ii li Naiuru'k eroui rci. ..!) e.'urui cuukIiv, uiiik, i.ruup nun Luiibiiiiu, on, anu an inroat nd lung trouljle. Ai uiukwii, jm., tw. and l.OVpcr bottle. Thr nro nn nu'wliovrf in linin. Women oll newspnpera on hip trci t. - TOP, WOMAN! AND CONSIDER THE ALL rtPORTANT FACT That In address- met Mrs. Pin tr. fcum you uro con ning your private Is tO B. Wntrinn . woman whoan exnerb ice with women's (lis (Sases covers a., great ?any years. Mrs. Bukhara is the 4aughter-in-law tydia E. Piukham, and for many years miuernerairectloii, Bid since her de (ae,shehas been ii vising siek wo fen free of charge. iManv womAn biter In silence and drift along from d to worse, knowing full well that ey onght to have immediate assist ce, but a natural modesty Impels bem to shrink from exposing thern sives to the questions and probable aminations of even their family oysleian. It Is unnecessary. Without ney or price you can consult a wo hb whose knowledge from actual ex rience Is great. Irt. Pldkham'B Standing Invitation. pnaleweaknessareinvited to promptly mmunicate with Mrs. Pinkham; at tn.d "a A1i lettor re received, wuea, read and answered by women ivauj illness to a woman: thus has i AmLI'- P'kh'n nd the women Lk.n n .Wh.ioh h -w been i , U mlu ch he h" todraw from, ined the J1." ?,ible thftt h " the Tery knowledge that will lTl2l,i P yr pood-wlll. and he, 7 woml J-T thou""s. Sure!? J f yeu are ill, don't hlt . L.ynn. Mans., for special advle .S,&"-"?.i Mm Wi COMMtrvClAL R. G. Dunn & Co's "Weekly Rruew of Trade" says: Prospects are most en couraging for continued activity in the commercial world. Seasonable merchan dise is going into consumption more free ly, and preparations for a large spring trade keep shipping departments busy. Mercantile collections arc somewhat ir regular, although satisfactory on the whole, especially in view of the firm money market Manufacturing plants report little idle machinery, except at Northwestern flour mills, where the heavy output has ex ceeded demands for a time. Railway earnings for February ex ceeded last year's by 28.2 per cent., but a further decline occured in rriecs ol securities, attributed to the finnncial stringency. No setback has occured in lite iro'i and steel industry, mills and furnaces operating at the limit of capacity wiili out overtaking orders, which come for ward more rapidly than they can be fille,!. Bradstrcet's says: Wheat, inclitdi:v flour, exports from the United Sta:o and Canada, for the week, arc 2,.ioo.4;6 bushels, against 3,35",oo8 last week. 907,930 this week last year, 1.643,0X6 in 1904 and 3.401.486 in 1003. Corn exports for the week arc 3,767, 063 bushels, against 4,403, 007 !ar.t week, 4,171,279 :i year ago, 1,690,753 in 1004 and 3,817,000 in rgo.l. WHOLESALE MARKETS. Baltimore. FLOUR Quiet and un changed; receipts, 4,098 barrels; exports, 5,179 barrels. WHEAT Weak; spot, contract, 85M 8s- February, RsM&SH, March, 86J486; May, 88ji asked; steamer No. 2 red, 8o(g8o; receipts. 3,737 bushels; Southern on grade, 80(1(85. CORN Weak; spot, 45M4Si ; Feb ruary, 455i ?? 1 March, 46 (fi) 46M ; April, 465e46j4; May, 47H A'H 1 steamer mixed, 44(8444 ; receipts, 8. 82a bushels; Southern white corn, 42!4 45'4 i Southern yellow corn, 4i4 45!4. OATS Easier; No, 2 white, 35T4 35'Ai No. 3 while, 34J434-M 1 No. 2 mixed, 3434; receipts, 28,516 bushels. RYE Steady; No. 2 western, 71 72 export; 7475 domestic; receipts. 865 bushles. BUTTER Firm and unchanged; fancy imitation, 2l2r; fancy creamery, 2829; fancy ladle, 1819; store packed, 15(ii6. EGGS Easy ; 15. CHEESE Strong and unchanged ; large, September, 14 ; November, 14 ; medium, September, 1454 ; November, 14; small, September, 14 14. SUGAR Quiet and unchanged ; coarse granulated, 4.90; fine, 4.90. New York. WHEAT Receipts, 8.000 bushels; exports, 1,765 bushels. Spot weak; No. 2 red, 87 elevator; No. 2 red, 90H f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth, 928 f. o. b. afloat COR N Receipts, 58,05s bushels ; exports, 138,311 bushels; sales, 130.000 bushels futures, 128,000 bushels spot. Spot weak; No. 2, 48 elevator and 47 i. o. b. afloat ; No. 2 yellow, 47J4 ; No. 2 white, 49. Option market was active and generally weaker, affected by lower ca bles, the wheat decline, and liquidation. OATS Receipts, 46,500. Spot weak; mixed oats, 26 to 32 pounds, 3414: natural white, 30 to 33 pounds, 34! 35'A i clipped white, 38 to 40 pounds, 353S. New York. FLOUR Receipts, 19.005 barrels; exports, 9,468 barrels. Quiet and lower to sell. BUTTER Firm; receipts, 3.180; street price, extra creamery, 27J4 ; official prices, creamery, common to extra, i6Ji 7'A'' renovated, common to extra, 15 eo; Western imitation creamery, extras, 20(52l; firsts :8. POULTRY Western dressed chick ens, 10 13; turkeys, lj2i ; fowls, ioS 13. SUGAR Raw nominal; fair refining, 2li; centrifugal, 96 test, 3Ii-323-H; molasses sugar, sU ; refined quiet. Uvs Stock. ' New York. BEEVES Steers slow and feeling weak; bulls steady; fat cows slow; others steady. Steers, 4.65 to 5.40; tail ends, 3.75; stags and oxen, 4.204.8s; bulls, 3.40(f7;.i.4o ; cows, 1.90 405; few choice fat Ohio do, 4.40. Exports, 3tp cattle. Tomorrow, 1,036 cattle and 5.1 15 quarters of beef. CALVES Prime veals would sell steady; others weak; barnyard calves unchanged. Veals, 4-5o9-5o; choice, 9 75; h'tle calves, 3SO4-5o; barnyard do, 3.50; no Westerns, Dressed c.n!ve steady. City dr-sserl veals, 8;ifi.(c per pound; country dressed. S'nii'ic. SHEEP AND LAMBS Sheep nomi nal, but feeling steady; lambs easier. Medium to prime lambs, 6.,"57.6o; choice slightly exceed. quotation's; yearl ings, 6.00. HOGS Market nominally steady; no sales reported. Chicago. CA TTLE Market steady. Common to prime steers, 3.60 (S6.50; cows, 3-0045p; heifers, 2.505.00; bivlls, a.oofg3.2o; calves, 3.008.00; stockers snd feeders, 2.50(4.65. HOGS Market strong; prices 5ioc lower. Choice to prime heavy, 6.io(?j! 6.15; medium to good heavy, 6.05(6.io; buitcher weights, 6.io6.i5; good to choice heavy mixed, 6.056.:o; packing, $.8o6.io. SHEEP Market loQisc lower. Sheep, 3.506.oo; yearlings, 5.50S6.40; lambs, 6.40(7.25. IK lllli HELD Ot LABOR. There were 1,352,947 concerns doing business in the United States in J905. Boston (Mass.) lodges of mechanics have begun the agi'ation for a uniform Initiation rate. Arrangements are about completed for t new organization of dock carpenters' fit Duluth, Minn. London (England) cabmen have re volted against the new badge order, for which Ihey r called upon to pay as. 6d. It is probable that Boston and Albany freight handlers in the East Boston (Mass.) yard will be organized into a Knights of Labor Assembly. A number of the master barbers in Bos ton, Mass., joined with the union of ficials in support of a state license law. Blacksmiths' International Union will, in 4he near future, organize the black smiths of the Montreal (Canada) dis trict. A concerted movement is about to be made in San Francisco, Csla., against the ever-increasing number of Japanese cobblers. The hospital association of Carmen's Union No. 205, in San Francisco, Cala., numbers 1800, and it has over $3400 in its treasury. The annual convention of Ihe Inter national Brotherhood of Bookbinders is announced to he belj in Washington, D. C, in June. With the Funny Iptr Tlevlaeit Muslim Karly to rine, And earlv to shop, l!iikee dmidy'a bank account lake a big drop. Kilt He Ol.l. "Slip don't look ro old." "But I ran remember when hp had la grippe." Trvlni, First Chlrkon "l'nn ar-oni iici'vona." Sr-eoni! Chicken "Why. yes. I've Juft seen n cour.In of mine running around with bis bead off." The Oeatlenlatnry I.nneange. "Ah, bon jour, iiionMeitr." "Oh, talk English It's too cold for French to-dny. I wnnt to keep my hands In my pockets." Woman's Home Companion. Me Dneant Cnnnl. Caller "There is Mr. Ilenpprk nl the window, nnd you tell mo thoro isn't anybody at homp." Mnld "Sure, then, nn' Sir. Ilcnpeck Isn't anybody nt home." Iinpftfltinenr. rrup "Why don't yr,,u bronk the en cagiMiicnt If you find you no longer love him?" Marjorle "I've Just discovered thai he wunta to break it himself." ruck. It Often Ifapjiena. "I understand you played a solo at the musical Inst night?" "No; merely an accompaniment." "Why, nobody sang." "True. I5ut everybody talked." Louisville Courier-Jounial. Difference In Fiiplle. "It costs a good deal to got ft thor ough college education, doesn't It, Henry?" asked one of bis friends. "Naw!" responded the husky young athlete. "It ain't costlu' mo nothln'." Chicago Tribune. Ad Awlnl Warning. Men of tbe Strap-hanging Age. (From a print of the period, VMj.) Puncb. Woman! TOoinnnT "She Is literally stni-vlng." "Well, I can get ber into an Elderly Ladies' Home." "But, my friend, she would muih sooner starve than admit that she's tin elderly lady." .Minneapolis Tribune. Hnl the Dost. "Was there much dust on the trip coming through?" said bis friend to the new arrival. "I didn't notice any," said the otber, "but the pot-terfound fifty cents' worth on my clothes." Detroit Free Press. Not to UUina. "Why are you here, my poor man?' asked the prison visitor. "Through no fault of mine, sir," re plied the convict. "No?" "No, I ain't hr-.a a single chance to break out." Philadelphia Press. After ClirUlmai. nivers "Brooks, you've heard that familiar saying, 'Give a man ropo enough ' " Brooks "And he'll smoke himself to death? O, yes, I've heard that, ar.d I have often wondered who the pretend ed friend of yours la that's trying to kill yon off." Chicago Tribune. Dlsnppoloted. "Don't you know," said the young man who thinks be has musical tal ent. "I sprained my throat the other day playing the cornet." "Yes," replied his landlady, "and tho neighbors sent their sympathy until they beard the truth." "What truth?" "They thought you had sprained the cornet" Chicago News. 11 unit. nicks "lie was at one time quite prominent in Wall Street financiering, wasn't he?" Wicks "Yes, but he's settled down now as a gentleman farmer, raising Que cattle and all that sort of thing." Hicks "Well, woll! How entirely different from bis old work." WIcks-"Ou, not entirely. He wat ers bis stock, of course." Philadelphia Press. Investigation Culled Tor, Julius Caesar "When dey fit froo Investigation. do lnlqultuble Life I wish dey'd disillusionize dls yeve telle graft company," Slsrcus Cicero "Wot d.-y done, Julius?" Julius Cofcsur "Dey doat- said In dli message, 'Money sent by telegraph.' My ols boas done sent It. too. But when I open de eenvelop derc ain't t sent Iu it, iai:HJJudx, HERITAGE OF CIVIL WAK, Tliomand of Soldier Contracted Ctironle Kidney Trouble While la the Berrlee. The experience of Capt John L. Ely. of Co. K, 17th Ohio, now living at 600 La.t Seccnd street, Newton. Kansas, will Interest the thou sandi of veterans who came bnck from the Civil War suffering tor- turn n 1 1 it feMtinw I,lnlnt C"Dt E1' M-T,: trouble durinc the Civil n'lf nn,l ttia nnn.,.lnnnl 'Sj$! attacks f.naliy (level. oped Inio n chm'c .np. At one tune I hud to us n crutch and cane to get about. Siy back was l.-.me and weak, and besides the nchliig. there was n dlstiesslns re tention of the kidney secr.-tlr.ns. I was In a bad wny when . tipciin uslna Donn'A Kidney Pills In 0ul. but the fpiiipdy ci-eil p.p. and 1 hnve been well ever iinrp." Sold by all denier, flrt rpnt n bo;. l-'o-.tiT-Milliui n Co., Itn 1T11 lo N . Real Cause for Worry. "Yes, I am concerned about myself. You see, of late I have pot Into tho habit, if one may term It, of tn'Mn? In my sleep," said the innn who had been waiting to see the doctor. "Ah,, yes!" said the doctor. "And you want to stop it In somo way? Really, It Js not a cause for worry. 1 should give It no attention If I were you." "But It bothprs me a great deal." "Tut, tut. You needn't feel nny alarm over tailing In your sleep." "But I nm afraid my wife listens In her sleep." Stray Stories. AWFUL PSORIASIS 35 YEAK3. Terrllilo ft'nily Iltunor In I'nlrhea All Over llody Skin Crocked and llleedInCmed by Ciitlcnra. "1 was nlllicted with psoriasis for thirty five years. It was in patches all over in y body. 1 used three caUes of Cutieurx Soap, six boxes ot Ointment nnd two bot tles of Kcsolvcnt. In tinny days I was completely cured, and 1 think permanent ly, as it was about live years ago. The psoriasis first made its nppearance in red spots, generally forming a circle, leaving in tile centre n spot aoout the size of a silver dollar of sound flesh. In a short time the affected circle would form a heavy dry scale of white silvery appear ance, and would gradually drop oil. To remove the entire scales hy bathing or using oil to soften them the llesh would he perfectly raw, and a light discharge ol bloody substunce would ooze out. That scaly crust would form again in twenty four hours. It was worse on my arms and limbs, although it was in spots all over my body, also on my scalp. If 1 let the scales remain too long without removing by bath or otherwise, the skin would crack and bleed. I suffered intense itch ing, worse at nights after getting warm in bed, or olood warm by exercise, when it would be almost unbearable. W. M. Chidester, Uutchinioo, Run., April 23, 18C3." MEMBERSHIP OF RUSSIAN DUMA. Only 28 Out of 400 Will Come From the Cities. The 400 members of the Russian Imperial Duma must have certain property qualifications. They must be able to speak Russian and they must take the oath of allegiance, on elec tion. They will draw $5 a day during the session of the Duma, and mileage at the rate of two and a half cents a mile to and from the capital. As first designed these members were to be elected In rather a roundabout way, Groups of electors were first to bo chosen from threo great classes of Russian society; the land-owners, the village communities and the munici palities. The first extension of this scheme further admitted large num bers of tho artisan class, the latest developments will, it seems, admit cv crybody, including the army and navy, It Is worth noting, a.s showing that Russia is still a vast, sprawling vil lage, that of more than 400 members to be returned to the Duma, only twen ty-eight will represent cllles; six for St. Petersburg; four for Moscow, and one each for the following eighteen towns; Astrakhan. Kishinev, Wllna, VoroneJ, Rostov, Ekaterlnoslav, Ka zan, Kleff, Riga, Nljnl Novgorod, Orel, Samara, Saratoff, Tula, Kharkoff, Odessa and Yaroslav. Compare this vast rural representation with that of England, where the city and county members exactly counterbalance each other, and we get a measure of the difference between the two nations. Harper's Weekly. Jimmy Wanted to Know. Jimmy was riding In an elevator for tho first time. He wasn't more than four, and be was a bright youngster. Tho trip to the fourteenth floor was made In safety and excited no com ment. Jimmy and his mother caugnt an express elevator on tho downward Journey. They had slipped past four or five floors when Jimmy caught his mother's hand. "Mamma," said Jimmy In an excit er? tone. "Yes, Jimmy," answered the mother. "What makes the pavements go up. I never saw pavements go up like that. Where do you suppose they're going, mother?" And of course she couldn't tell. THE EDITOR Explain How to Keep Up Mental ant 1'hyslca! Vigor, A New Jersey editor writes: "A long indulgence In Improper food brought ou a condition of ul rvous dys pepsia, nearly three years ago, so severe that I hud to quit work eutlrely. I put myself on a strict reglineu of (Jiupe-Nuts food, with plenty of out door exercise and iu a few months found my stomach so fur restored that the process of digestion gave uie pleas ure Instead of distress. "It also built up my strength so that I was able to resume my business, which Is onerous, as I not only edit my owu paper, but also do a great deul of 'outside' writing, "I Bud that the Crape-Nuts diet en ables me to write with greater vigor than ever before, and without the feel ing of brain-fug with which 1 used to be troubled. As to bodily vigor I mu and do walk tulles every day without fatigue a few squares used to weary me before 1 begun to live on Cirspe Nuts!" Name glveu by Postuui Co., Battle Creek, Mich. There's rearou. Read the Utile book, "The ltoad to Wellvllle." la pkgs. WOLVES ARE HARD TO CHOOT. Seen fop Only an Inatant, They Seem to Melt Into the Landscape. The wolves now found In Jackson county are In size between the coyote ot the western plains and tho big wolves found In the Ozark region. In general appearance they bear a re semblance to the Scotch collie dog. They live In unfrequented places, generally In the timber or along the streams, and a favorite abode is lo naves or under overhanging ledges of stone. Scratching out a shallow hole in the ground they line It with small sticks and dry leaves. Here tho mother wolf takes care of her young, while tho father Is scouring the country for miles around In search of food. He Is rarely seen by day, and then only for an Instant, for he seems to melt away like a mist into the weeds or brush, his fawny hide making li cusy for him to disappear from sight His skill In eluding his enemies, es pecially human, Is remarkable, and this Is one of the most ngsr.-n-atlng things about him. If a hunter suc ceeds In getting within gunshot of lil'u the (bailees are 10 to 1 that no damage will be. Inflicted. His hide Is so thick and tough and la covered with such a heavy coat of fur that an ordinary discharge from a sfiotgun has llttlo or no effect. With an ease that Is exasperating ho sim ply lopes out of danger nnd Is soon lost In the brush. Kansas City Star. Utilize Victoria Falls. Sfpps are being taken to utilize the 500,000 horsepower of the Victoria falls for industrial purposes, care be ing taken not to mar the scenery. 1 Your. Flour Goes Further Here's a pointer on getting more baking to the dollar from your flour. Use Good Luck baking Iiowder, which raises the dough better, insures ight, crisp baking, nnd develops all the nutrition of the flour. No chance to spoil a batch of baking with Good Luck baking powder, for you cau always depend on it9 strength. You know just how much raising power there Is to n spoonful no guesswork, no soggy dough, no wasted flour. LUCK la sold at an honest price Notice this coupon with IN CUTVINO OUT COUPON POLLGW Solid Csr-lo.o "GOOD LUCK'BAKING 1 CUT OUT THIS CA AND SAVS IT. TMtY AAl OOOO FOR VALUABLE ARTICLES. SEC LIST IN EACH CAN. Addra: Tut Dcpartmcnt Stoni op THE SOUTHERN M'NTG CO OnAMf m 8l fl.CMlUDNttVA UJS A mm i w- lMCtT?tf"a'"lrJj'ui W B N C LEADER" AND "REPEATER" SHOTGUN SHELLS Carefully inspected shells, the best of powder, shot and wadding, loaded by machines which give invariable results account for the superior ity of Winchester "Leader" and "Repeater" Factory Loaded Smokeless Powder Shells. Reliability, velocity, pattern and penetration are determined by scientific apparatus and practical experiments. They are THE SHELLS THE CHAMPIONS SHOOT PRICE. y23 Ct jfTO CURE THE GRIP i a III llHi I Mi I i.Jk - J X3 RWi HO LOIML F0R Hl'JlVfME H V - -n, w CABBAGE Plants! CELERY Plants! ami U icintU of garden planu.CAn now rurnUb all kinds of cabhi piwnt, crown In thp open air nl will itand riit cold, t.rown from iRfda of ihfc nu 'H l rrllsiblc ke(iincn, We me tlm snin p'auu un our thoiuaud acr truci farm. Plant carefully countrd and i)r. p-rW .uck vd. Celery redv laat of Der. lettuce, 'iilfin and plun t. name lima or earlier. Kedut'au exprra raiei proniited.irhi.li. when eft ecu v. will nlve uu per ct-oC loi than mri-i)-nlltf rates, hrico; small lot i 5 pr thoun1, larae tot ii.uu to A per thouin I. K. u. It. il g yctti. a. c. Arlington White bplne Cucumbt-r heed eot-ruti i erp -nn mm hai eitablltned an Experimental Stallon on our it.rii.rj to tent ull kl m or vnpetftniM eitciallT 1 hl.oKt(, he reiuiti nf t flva jouatacy uue,-iour ra.pectfull.-K. II. Andrew Paul, marshal at Cirard, Pa., works for the glory of working. His salary is one dollar yearly, and he pays 50 cents on the first of each year to be sworn in, and then gives a $1,000 bond for the office, FITS permanently eured. No Stn or net-rons- reus alter nrst day's use or In. Kline s uroar Nerve It c9torer,tatrfalbottleandtrtfs9fre9 Dr. H.H. Klise, Ltd.,931 Arch 8r.,Phlla., Pi Smallest if all the armies In Europe J that of the principality of Monaco. A nnrniitoml Cure For Plica. Itohlnir. Blind. MeecMnff. Protrudlmt Piles. DruKKtsts axe Authorised to refund monevlt PasoOlntmentfalls to cure In 6tolt dayg.&i The year 100J broke tbe I'atent (Jflict record. Itnh eured la 80 mlnntes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion) never falls. Bold by DruKKlst. ii all oraers promptly nilea uy vr. uetouoD, Lrawiorusviue, xna. f i. Women in China have fhe Drivileze of fighting in the wars. If, H. Oaaax'a Sons, of Atlanta. Qa.. r tbeonlysuooessful UroDsv Suealallsts lntne world. Bee their liberal offer In advertise ikeut In another column ot this paper. The nay of tbe Chinese soldiers figures exactly eiabteea cents per .week. OWXWWM I THE EXTERNAL UE OF St. Jacobs Oil Is tho short, aura, easy curs for Rheumatism and Neuralgia MMMMMts)ittM AVfTTl FROM CATARRH OF LUNC8 V SO COMMON IN WINTER BY TAKING PE-RU-NA. Sore Throat Develop! .. $:x k-. ' v wyvssy. . y-l 1 r:m-?;.'m- y?;y fy-;:-:yyy.--X xix-fa.Vi'y, it.';-;','.:.-' - Ails Mm. Addlo Harding, troubled with my throat, a kino ot raw . ivcutiK, luiiiuiK iu mi uiii in ua. a niive uau t lie services cfmv iilivsiiMiin in inrh ph.h l'wo years ago, when 1 elt .- riell comiiiB I tried Peruna to check it, and to my delimit was not troubled with the smoth ered nnd choking feeling and never have been sinrc. 1 ccn check it every time with ' Peruna." Baking only ten cents per pound can. picture of o freight car. You will find one f HtS UNC i Into Bronchitis. JJT5?5 Ave., Syracuse, N. YT. writes: "I hsve been a user of Peruna for the psst twelve fc yesrs. With me it is a sure preventive . of colds and many other ills. . "Two or three times a year I imffi o ti ... , I L mmmmm .11: Mr . mum fr S mm outsiuc. v.ut out iuc coupon, jnsuic or can you will find the Good Luck gift book. Pick from the gift book the premium you want and w e. will send it to you iu exchange for your coupons THE. SOUTHERN MFC. CO., Richmond, Va. POWDER "' hiii'i '--rfrtisi HE S T E K IS GUARANTEED TO CURE GRIP, BAD COLD, HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA. I woo't Mil Anft-Orlplne to t lpltr wbo won't Onarantre It. Cll for your Mu.vtl BACK lr ITllotn.V'Tdlim. If. Viemer, il.lt., Manufacturer, HprinaJield, JUa iWAVBfl m m )( eirrl mm t we wilt b nl ued in UUTCU lOMPA VT, MU4iKT T. . C. There) 1a no aatlsfaction kenr than being dry and comfortable when out In tho hardest totm 09 ARE SURE OF T1KS ,l? YOU WEAK 'WATrJBPDOftI: ILED.CL0THIM(i V ' iiXlar'lrMVWlAU HACK oaYtUOW! Kl OiUUt EYErWHLBL ' -O0in.f0ST0K.M$$:(rS."A. 1 .TOWtR CANADIAN C0.LWU4.T0lMlf0.UM.' PENSIONFORAGL; A new order wul elye oau Blon lar ... Write me at onoe for blanks and liutrutitw. rrre of charge. No fenslon, ho fay. Addnu, . II. WILLtt, Wills bullulnt.au Indiana Ara Wutbluiiou. l. C. faiwu ud I'rade-alariu aolloiwd. I PAY SPOT CASH For Mllltaj-y Bou.tr I.aed U'arrauate Ssanea toaulil'ersotanrwar. Write we at 0110. IibAnK A UVEKT1SE IN THIS fAFKK. IT WILL PAY. ' KM till 0 It penetrates to the teat of torture, and relief promptly follows. Prtco, 25c. and fOc vl . X X . X A. . : ? . Mra. Vlrsliilu C'arlnnn. Chronic Catarrh of Throat and Lungs. !rn. N'iruinin L'nvi.inu, room 32. Cam bridge Hloek, Portlnnd, Ore., wiites: "I was a snllerer -,ith catarrh ol the throat and lunirs lor a lonn time before Peruna was recommended to me. I gitve it a trial, i.llliuuh 1 thought at Hie time it would be jut like other medicines nnd o me no good. I was pleased to tind that my improvement beitun in less than two weeks and continued u- til i was entirely vv.il. I guincd nearly 75 pound, have a splendid appetite and nm grateful for what your medicine has done for me." Powder on the back of every can iKoiTiKirt WtiW's-1'Vlfvhiir-'rai . L. Douglas W. L. Douglas H4.00 Cllt Edge Line cannot do equalled at any price. W. L. DOUGLAS MAKITS StLLSMORP MEN'S S3. BO SHOtS 1 HAN ANY OTHER MANUFACTURER IN THE WORLD. I U,U U U disprove this llit.raent. If I could Uke you Into m v three larie factories at Brockton, Alaaa., and show you fhe infinite cm re with which every pairot shoea Inmade, you would reillre why W. L. l)ougl S3. BO shoca coat more to make, why they Bold their shape, tit better, wear longer, and are of greater Intrinsic value than any other $.1.50 ,hoe. W. L. Oouglnm Strong Made thorn to Man, tit. BO. S3.UO. Hoys' School S.TSfS?."',2'0' ?,'f,7,f.aO CAUTION. -ln!'t u.on Luiinu' V.l..H..i,K. las hh.es. i'ake no subtituto. None gonuiiio n ithmit his nnm anil prion stampM oil fHittum. Fast Color Eyelets uxtd ; thtfd tvitt not wmr brattu. Wilts for Illuai ruled CatKlng. IV. L. JJOUULAIS, ISrouhton, Maaa. fhat Delightful Aid to Health r Toilet Antiseptic Whitens the teeth purifief mouth and breath cures trasal catarrh, sore throat, sore eyes, and by direct application cures all inflamed, ulcerated and catarrhal conditions caused by feminine ills. Faxtine possesses extraordinary cleansing', healing: and germi cidal qualities unlike anything else. At all druggists. 50 cents IARGB TRIAL PACKAGE FREB The K. Paxton Co., Boston, Mass. . Medicine Mndps rrv. A for Internal Mi ti.t " ?"re croP, coliCl cronipa cough. ,ore throuV' bun..' Sri-Tei "!d I t. MHSSCf."-AAraa,i A". WS 4 CO, bites, Mitt. DROPGY H35W MSCOVMTl 5. for Sue went of leedlu IS4 unw ir.ru- t OerduiaWh fl'. woriaol Vu. aduai Ccu.cu. rre wi h ' 'ml mi: . i ! L-.t-l'sAir'.w QSS li CAPiVAL 2,i00,00Q j