The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, February 21, 1906, Image 8

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    Butter 22c. lb., chickens 9c. ib.,
potatoes firm, pt-r buslipl at ITns
ton's. " ,
Large assortment of beautiful
embroideries at Huston's, at very
reasonable prices.
Wanted at Paul Waguer's Tan
nery, calf skins, sheep skins,
horse hides and tallow. 9, 10 and
12 cents paid for beef hides.
Mr. V. li. Sipes and family, of
Andover, are to day moving into
the toll gate house on the Mer
cersburg turnpike at the Tom
place, a mile west of Foil..
HIDES. Jan a Sipes & Sous
pay 10, 13, and 10c a pound cash,
for beef hides a their ijutcher
shop m McUonncllsburg, also
highest price paic for calf skins,
sheepskins and tallow.
Wanted Bright, honest
young man from McConnellsburg
to prepai e for payiug po itim in
Government Mail Servico Box
one, Cedar Rapids, la.
During a rainy day not long
ago, one of our residents, to pass
away the time, did some "figur
ing," and this is the result:
"Thare are. 82. old mades in and
a round McConnollsburg; and
bachelers, 30. and wiedes !!5. and
wiedevers. 12."
Locust Grove, Brush Creek
township. Fifth month, ending
February 14th. Number of pu
pils enrolled, 14; those who at
tended every day: Elmer Hill,
Leslie Hart, Ellis Plessinger,
Marshall Hart, and Edna Dnihl.
Blanche Morton, teacher.
Just a little Kodol after meals
will relieve that fulness, belching,
gas on the stomach, and all other
symptoms of indigestion. Kodol
digests what you eat, and enables
the stomach and digestive organs
to perform their functions natur
ally. Sold by Stouteagle Bros.
The annual convention of the
School Directors of this county
will be held in the Court House,
Wednesday, March 28th, and the
lecture in the evening will be giv
en by Dr. Byron W. King. Dr.
King was here at the county in
stitute last December and it is
probable that he is remembered
by those who heard him at that
Wanted.- Two men in each
coun.v to rip resent and advertise
Hardware Department, put out
samplesof our goods, etc. Travel
ing Positiou or Office Manager.
Salary fc'JO.OO per month cash
weekly, with all expenses paid in
advance. We furnish everything.
TheCollwihia House,
Dept. 610, Monon Bldg.,
Chicago, ill.
An exchange tells of a young
wife who cured her husband of
staying out late at nights in an
original way. Before going to
bed she would place two chairs
together before the sitting room
grate and then hold a lighted
match to a cigar until the room
had a faint odor of tobacco. Al
though her husband never said a
word to her about noticing any
thing, three "applications" effect
ed a complete cure.
take Laxative l?romo Quinine
Tablets. Druggists refund mon
ey if it fails to cure. E. W. G rove's
signature is on each box. 27c.
Local institute.
The seventh educational meet
ing of Ayr township, was held at
the Corner school last Friday ev
ening, and was called to order by
the teacher, David Thomas, who
appointed Russell Nelson chan
man. TheBubjects: 1. Value of an
Education. 2. Stories as Aids. 3.
How to Cultivate the Will, were
well discussed by the teachers
The literary work was render
ed in a manner very creditable to
both teacher and pupils. Mr.
Cooster gave several selections
on his graphophone, which added
much to the evening's entertain
mentOlive Kendall, Secretary.
Don't deceive yourself. If you
have Indigestion take Kodol Dy
spepsia Cure. It will relieve you.
Rev. W. E Hocutt, South Mills,
N. C, says: "I was troubled with
chrontc indigestion for several
year; whatever I ate seemed to
cause heartburn, sour stomach,
fluttering of my heart, and gener
al depression of mind and body.
My druggist recommended Kodol
and it has relieved me. 1 can now
eat anything and sleep soundly at
night Kodol digests what you
eat. Sold by Htruteagle Bros.
The Texa Room.
Fon:'e off the State of Connect
icut from the Thames River to the
New York line, make the capitol
at Hartford the manor house, then
place the front gate at New Haven
ind you will have an estate of
about the dimensions of the King
ranch, in Hidalgo, , Star, and
Nueces counties. One million
acres and hundreds of thousands
of cattle owned by one woman !
Ranches containing from 100,000
to 500,000 acres are so numerous
as to be almost commonplace.
But li. is the breaking up of
these vast holdings which is re
sponsible for the sensational de
velopment now attracting the at
tention of all America. Oneopti
m:stic Texan told me thatthecat
tleraen had cired of silence and
longed for company. Maybe they
havo. It is the jingle of gold,
though, which has stirred them.
From five to thirty acres of grass,
according to the productiveness
of the soil, are required to fatten
steer. So long as that steer's
selling price pays, above all ex
penses, ti per cent, on the market
ralue of the land, there is money
in raismg it. When the land in
creases in value, however, there
is more money in selling the
ranch. The steer is falling be
hind, and that is why Texas, from
San Antonio, Houston, and Gal
veston on the north to Browns
ville on the south, is booming as
it never did belore. Mere out
posts of a few years ago are flour
ishing young cities now; more
towns are springing up, and there
are great plantations where the
rattle of the mower and the song
of th-3 plowman have supplanted
the crack of the cowboy's lash
and the soughing of the wind in
the chaparral. Whither goes the
cattleman ? To western Texas
and the Territories, and eventu
ally into Mexico. From "The
Growth of Southwest Texas," in
the America Monthly Review of
Reviews for February.
Have You Tried
the new Quick desserts that gro
cers are now selling? They are
justly termed "Easy to Make" as
all mgredieots are in the package.
Three complete products D
Zerta Quick Pudding and D-Zerta
Perfect Jelly Dessert, at 10c per
package, and D-Zerta Ice Cream
Powder, 2 packages for 25 cents.
A trial will convince you how easy
it is to have the finest desserts
with no labor and little expense.
Failure Due to Inexperience.
The man that generally fails in
poultry raising is the novice, who
begins the raising of poultry on
account of the glowing accounts
he has seen of the ease with which
it is done, and the enormous pro
tits to be made, says an exchange.
Millions of men have figured
themselves rich on chickens. It
merely requires a knowledge of
the science ot numbers. Ifahen
lays a hundred eggs a year, and
fifty of the chickens are pullets,
and they in turn lay a hundred
eg;s a year, it takes but a little
while to figure out enormous re
turns from a small investment.
The unfortunate thing about the
problem is that things do not
work out in practice as they do on
paper. With the beginner in
poultry raising, ignorance is the
first obstacle, but with many it
proves to bo so large an obstacle
that the attempt to raise poultry
is not continued. To successful
ly raise poultry requires a large
amount of knowledge, which must
be acquired partly by experience.
Major Hamm, editor and man
ager of the Constitutionalist. Em
inence Ky., when he was fiercely
attacked, four years ago, by piles,
bought a box of Bucklen's Arnica
Salve, of which he says : "It cur
ed me in ten days and no trouble
since." Quickest healer of burns,
sores, cuts and wounds. 25c. at
Trout's drug store.
ThoBe who are on the sick list
are reported no botter at this
David Brubaker, a well known
citizen, died at his home near this
place Sunday morning.
Jacob Frye, of Franklin coun
ty, visited friends here last week
Scott Wagner, of Kearney, Is
visiting bis family this week.
Wash Glunt spent last Satur
day at Fort Littleton.
Scott Cline, who has been em
ployed at Mt Union, returned
home last week.
A BIjc Excitement.
Siiy, come to town on February
22nd, Washington's Birthday,
and see what is going on here.
There will be scenes to make ev
ery one think of colonial times.
At 2 o'clock, p. m. there will be
a Fantastic Parade. Efforts are
being triicle to make this the best
parade of the kind that you have
ever seen. The Hobo Band will
lead the procession. Everybody
is invited to take part in the pa
rade. We would like to see a
good representation f rotn the ad
joining townships in the parade.
A prize will be given lor the best
outfit in line.
In the evening, chicken-swal-lop,
ice cream, and cake will be on
the market. Cnme, everybody.
See and be seen.
M'Conneixkhuko Coknet Band
"How to keep off periodic at
tacks of biliousness and habitral
constipation was a mystery that
Dr.K lug's New Life Pills solved
for me," writes John N. Pleasant
of Magnolia, Ind. The only pills
that are guaranteed to give per
fect satisfaction to everybody or
money refunded. Only 25c at
Trout drus store.
Weak Points in a Horse.
The weak points of a horse can
better be discovered while stand
ing than while moving. If he is
sound he will stand firmly and
squarely on his limbs without
moving any of them, with legs
plump and naturally poised. If
.ne foot is thrown forward with
the toe pointing to the ground and
the weight taken from it, disease
may be suspected, or at least ten
derness, which is a precursor of
disease, if the stands with
his feet apart or straddles with
the hind legs, there is weakness
in the loins ond the kidneys are
deranged. Heavy pulling b-jnds
the knees. Bluish or milky cast
eyes in horses indicate moon blind
ness or something else. A bad
tempered horse keeps his ears
thrown back. A kicking horse is
apt to have scarred knees. A
stumbling horse has blemished
knees. When the skiu is rough
and hard, and does uot move eas
ily and smoothly to the touch, the
horse is a heavy cater and his di
gestion is bad. Never ouy a horse
whoso respiratory orgaus are at
allimpaired. Placoyourear at the
side ol the heart, and if a wheez
ing is heard, it is an indication of
trouble let him go.
Sale Register.
Saturday, Mircli i!. Charles
E. Stevens, iutondingtoquittarm
ing and engage in the mercantile
business, will sell at his residence
nn the Richard Chilcote farm in
Trough Creek vajiey, Hunting
don county, 4 miles west of
Hawn's Bridge, and miles from
Cassville, horses, cattle, wagons,
buggies, farming implements,
household goods, Ac. Sale bo
gins at 0 oVlo.j'i; credit 12
Thursday, March X, Abraham
Wagner intending to relinquish
farming, will sell ut his residence
1 mile south of Knbbsville, hors
es, cattle, sheep, hogs, fanning
implements, gears, und many oth
er articles. Sale will begin nt 10
Friday, March 1(V C. R. Spang
ler, intendiug to quit farming,
will sell on his farm near Knobs
ville, Tod township, Fulton coun
ty, Pa., 4 head of good work hors
es, 11 head of crttle, hogs, Ply
mouth Rock chickens, Wagous,
buggies, farming implements,
household goods, 000 lbs. sugar
cured meat, &c. Sale begins at
10 o'clock.
Wednesday, March 7. Dr. C.
A. R. McClain and Arthur" Cun
ningham will sell on the McClain
farms, one uailo north of New
Grenada, on the road leading to
Robertsdale, 5 head of horses, 25
head of cattle, farming imple
ments, hay, grain, He. At the
same time and place, will be offer
ed the farms belonging to the
heirs of the late Samuel H. Mc
Clain, containing .'1()0 acres, with
line improvements. Silewill bi
tiin at 10 o'clock, when te ms will
be made known and a reasonable
credit g'ven.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
Bank Charter.
omi t or tbi: Compthou rn
OK TflK Cl'HRKMl-Y,, t. C , February S, WA
Whkrkar, by KUlHrnotory evidence pres
ented tu the undprwigned. it h been tnnue to
the town of McCnnhelll)ui-K. in the County of
Fulton, and Stute of ' ennsjlvanla. haa com
plltMl with all the provlftt'iiiM of the Statute nf
the l'tihed Stutea. required to le compiled
with before an association ahull be authorized
to coniinehue the hUHmeaa of Itnuklntf:
Now, therefore, I, Thomas P. Kane, Deputy
und Actilitr l.'otnptroller of the Cnrrencv. do
hereby eertlly that "THE FIRST NA
BURti." In the town of MeComiellNhurir . in
tut; t'Oiiiity or h niton, unit M,ate of rennsvl-
viinlii. h. iiuihurb.i.'d to eommenne the buslne
of MiinMni: as provided In Section llfty-onr.
tniiiili-n ii tic sixty-nine of the Kevised Still utes
or I he t nileil states.
In testimony whereof witness try hand and
pSeiil oi otllee this niiilh day of February, IIM1.
.sml. T. I. KANK,
liepuiy and Auliuir Comptroller
MI Kt. of the Currency
0 0X 0 0 0
0 0000 0m
Auditor' Notice.
The timlei-sliied hiivlto been appointed nud
um-oy ute tirpnans' i-ouriof r- mioti county,
to puss upon the exceptions &c. to thf-uC'
count and distribute the balance In the nunds,
of Sophia ilress. administratrix of the eslutes
of ( 'hi 1st (inhcr Kekert and Kva J. Kckert. late
of Toil toMiishlp.ricceti-ud.fflvcs notice that ho
will sit at his otiiee in Mcuonnellsburff, r'tt,, ou
Thursday March 1. 19 m. at 10 o'clock a. m . ut
for the performance of said duties, which t'me
and piuce all persons interested may utteud If
nicy see proper. .
2 HOOat Auditor,
Administratrix's Notice.
Not Ice Is hereby Klven, that letter of ad
niimsi ration ou the estate of John K. Kuinniel
hue of Tod township, Fulton county. Penn
deceased, huvlna been vrunted to the tin-
dcrsimicd. by the Keifister of Fult n
county. Notice Is hereby Kiven to all persons
uifiemeo to saiu cstatetouiaKe immeaiaiepay
nieiit, and those havtntf claiuisaKalnst the same
to present them to the undersigned, duly uu.
tlieiuicated for settlement.
M Mil. McConnellsburg, P.
Adminisrator's Notice.
Letters of administration on the estate ol
M:iri:iret K. IJawuev, late of Taylor township.
Fill ton county. Pa., deceased. huvInK been Kraut
edliy the Kenister of Wills for Fulton county,
to the subscriber, whose postofllce address la
Uusiontoun. Fulton county, Pa., A'l persona
who are imlctileu to tne saia esiaie will please
make payiueut. and those having olulmawill
present tnetn to
C. .1. UARTON,
Administrator's Notice.
Nonce is nerenv iriven tnat letters of admin
istrution have been irranted to the underslifued
upon the estate of Oanlel Shives, late of
Kelfast township. Fulton county. Pa., deoeas-
cd. All persons having claims against paid es
tale will present them properly authenticated
for settlement, und those owinx the same will
please call and settle.
L'-H-t. Administrator.
Itching, blind, bleeding or pro
truding piles. Druggists refund
money if Pazo Ointment fails to
cure any case, no matter of how
long standing, in 0 to 14 days.
First application gives ease aud
rest. 50c. If your druggisthasn't
it send 50c in stamps and it will
be forwarded post-paid by Paris
Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo.
The Old Time Hume Remedies.
' "Grandmother's way of curing
a cold seems to have been forgot
ten," said a physician who had
attended hundreds of throat cas
es. "The idea in colds and sore
throat is to keep the throat lubri
cated. Onion syrup was the
standard remedy for hoarseness,
and for severe croup the dear
ladies gave us a mixture cf vine
gar, butter and honey, until we
wereeickat the stomach then
the cure effected itself.
Vinegar, pepper and salt was
the standard remedy for sore
throat, with plenty of pepper.
Then there was the stocking
about the neck, and the wet towel
cure never known to fail. The
unctuous camphor and lard, well
rubbed in wasastar.durd remedy.
Just a case of kuepiog the fauces
well oiled, and many a doctor's
bill saved There's no reason
why a child should d ie of croup
An application of camphor and
lard or oil to throat and chest w ill
check the most threaten ingsy tup-turns.
All old-time cough syruj)s bind
the bowels, i'hia is wrong. A
new idea wus advanced twoyears
ago in K nnedy's Laalive Honey
and Tar. This retuoJy acts on
the mucous membranes of the
throat and lungs and loosens the
bowels at the same time. It ex
pels all cold from the system. It
clears the throat, strengthens the
oiucoun membrane, relieves
coughs, colds, oroup, whooping
cough, etc. Sold by Stooteatrle
January Sale
Effective Clearance of Stylish Millinery at Your
Own Prices.
Ladies and Childrens Coats at reduced Prices.
A beautiful line of Warm Furs, Fascinators, Gloves, Veil
ings, comfortable for winter in stock Latest Styles in
Ladies Tailored Dress Sktrts.
Ladies' and Children's Underwear, Hosiery, Belts, Col
lars, Shirt Waist Sets. Buttons, Silkatine, Shetland Floss,
for Ladies' and Children's Suits. Silks. Cloths, Mohair,
Novelty Goods, ranging jn all prices according to quality.
Dress trimmings in Latest Fancies.
Lady Corsets"
F. P.
Hancock, Maryland.
Ask for Fashion Sheet Banner Patterns
and Millinery
a specialty.
Wire Fence! Wire Fence!
1 Much Cheaper Than . j
U Any Style of Wood Fence
us lijfin-e toother. A stick of timber that will square yr
(i Indies und is Kit feet iu length, will make 4HJ feet of lumber,
which at a hundred, is worth 75 cents. Now, 1 can sell you jrt
u ij-ood wire fence for X2c u rod, which id less than half the 0OHt JJ
of u board fence. l&
The htylo J sell ut j-l; Is a "buukem" fence. A. witness In x
court was once asked wliut kind of fence he had, when he made fv
the reply, "I have a "bunkeuf ' fence " "What kind of fence is l
that, thundered the court." ''A l-bunKein" fence," answered the tch
witness, "Is a fence that is horse-high, bull-strong, and pig- 'A
tiyht." That i.s just the kjnd of fence I sell. The price ranges uj
from 2.1c. to liOc.; a rod depending on the style and height. r-,
1 also sell the S
Hie best on earth. 1 have just bought my twine and will guar
antee the price now. Machine Oil from 18c., to 40c., a gallon.
Linseed oil, harness oil, cylinder oil, turpentine, white lead, and
reaily-niixeii paints all at rock-bottom prices.
I am closing out a lot of good horse blaukets at cost. Col
lars, collar pads, trace chains, halter chains, i&c. at very close
( prices. I have tli best assortment of axes to be found anywhere
iu town. Axe handles, pick handles, sledge handles, Simon
cross-cut saws, liiston cross-cut saws, handsaws, u complete Hue
of strap und heavy burndoor hinges Plumber's supplies such
its pipe, littings. spigots, iVu. . I have on hand all the time a
stock of L'tnu's putuut birn loot1 haagjri and tnlck-t the best
hanger on the tnarkot can't gut off the track. Proved cable
chain from I to I on hand all the time, price ranging from 4k to
7 cents a pound.
$ Geo. B. Mellott iMcConnslfsburg, Pa. j
tftii km
Clay Park's,
Three Springs,
Prices Right.
' 00
0 0
. C5
I J. K. Johnston's.
Store is the place for Rubber Goods which
.you will soon need. We will sell you
Men's Felt Boots for $2.20;- and the best
with Woonsocket Overs, Snajr-oroof and
rolled edge at $2.50. Ladies' Candee Felt
Boots$1.25. Aen's Arctics $1.50, Lumber
men's Socks and Overs, Alaskas and plain Kj
overs to fit all feet. ' M
We still have men's heavy underwear
at 39c each, Our sales of Ladies' Coats L
and Furs and Skirts, has been unusually gf
large mis season, out we nave lots ot splen
did ones to show you yet a beautiful skirt Ea
for $1.98.
We feel that we have the best Over
See our Suits at $4, $5 and 6- ihey s&
are stunners.
More than 100 dozen beautifully Hand- Uj
kerchiefs just received which we are sell-
ing from 5c to $ each. 50 dozen ladies' $
white hemstiched, at 3 for 10 cents. w!
We are jn a position to serve vou,
I McConnellsburg.
r ....... .I-.
4 II 1 4' II KMT ftU'N KNULIKl In Uri and
Uold m.ulllo buim, .eklr.l win, bluo ribbon.
Tk u iilh.r. H.rsu 4aianiu aultatl.
Iullunann4 lanllatlluna. Huv ol our Uriiiwiai,
nc Md l. In i,imI, fur PBrll.'Ulur. IV. II. and Hrilr for" l-i Ulltr
W rlura Hail. IU.VO TaallmmilaM. Bu'll by
It Oruaj.i. '
cnionuavr oubuioal oo.
1UO Madlaoa laaara, flllLA TA.
MmUb lata wm
rr.i.. ri
uia wni itinera
Tho tamoua Kttl pCls.
One Minute Cough Curo
For Coughs, Colds and Croupi
AltllOMINALKUrr-OlllKlt. nUOuCO
1IHIS Mntim (lAHDlt HT., Plillmlelpblit, F
QViWm rOeivo"
' For PUeft Burns, Sores
W. Ha 'Comcrera
" n a. ,4- t
for the tale of Traction anti
'L'Poitable KuglneB, OaHollne,
Separators, Clover Ilullers,
tiawuillU, &o.
Eui(qh on hand all. the time.
W Early Risers
The famous little pills.
For sale by StiutoagleBro.
Tk ( 1 .00 bottl eontalna J Si tba trial Ju, vhlok Mlla I or 10 rr
r.arans omit at tmi lAMKATuiir or
Aalt tor Kodol 's 1906 Almanac and 800 Year Calendar.