The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, February 21, 1906, Image 7

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Iff. THtM, Ones rrnnnitnretl Incurable,
Hm Bmn Well Thras Venn.
E. B. Pitt, CO Hallmwny St., SlW
began, Me., says: "Seven year Hjra
my back nclicd and I was ro run ilowii
tnnt i was la.u up
(our roontlis. I
iind night Bwentu
and fnlutinff spoils
and dropped to 00
pound n. Tlifi urine
pnsjod every few
VA ftm.&'iW tense pnln nnd
looked like blood.
Dropsy act In nnd
(be doctors decided
I could not live. My wife got me uini
Doan't Kidney rills, and as they belpcd
Die I took heart, kept on and was cured
so thoroughly that I've been well three
years." '
Bold by nil dealers.. fiO cents a box.
Foster-MIIburu Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
No One to Take Dog's Place.'
A traveler was once passing on
horseback throufh a backwoods re
gion where the Inhabitants were no
toriously shiftless. Arriving at a dilap
idated shanty at the noon hour, he
Inquired what were the prospects for
getting dinner.
The head 'of the family, who had
been absorbed In "resting" on a log
In front of his dwelling, replied that
he "guessed ma'd heV Btithln onto the
table putty Boon."
Thus encouraged, the traveler dis
mounted. But to his chagrin, he
found the food to be such that he
could not force himself to partake of
It. Making such excuses as he could
for lack of appetite, he happily be-,
thought himself of a kind of nourish
ment that be rhight venture to take
there. He asked for some milk.
"We don't hev milk any more,"
drawled the head of tho house.' "The
dog's dead died week afore Inst."
"The dog!" cried the traveler. "But
what has that got to do with it?" ,
"Well," explained tho host medi
tatively, 'tho cr:"ers don't seem ter
know 'Dough ter c'm up ter be milked
thelrselves. The dog he used tef go
.V fetch 'em up." Youth's Com
panion. Nervous Women
Their Sufferings Are Usually
Put to Female Disorders
Perhaps Unsuspected
Can wc dispute
the well-known
fact that American
women are ner
vous ?
How often dowe
hear the expres
sion, "I am so ner
vous, it seems as if
1 should fly;" or,
" Don't speak to
make you irritable ; you can't sleep,
you are unable to quietly and calmly
perform your daily tasks or care for
your children.
The relation of the nerves and gen
erative organs in woman is so close
that nine-tenths of the nervous pros
tration, nervous debility, the blues,
sleeplessness and nervous irritability
arise from some derangement of the
organism which makes her a woman.,
Fits of depression or restlessness and
irritability ; spirits easily affected, so
that one minute she laughs, the next
minute weeps ; pain in the abdoioinal
region and between the shoi.ters;
loss of voice; nervous dyspeps.a; a
tendency to cry at tho least pro-oca-tion
all these point to nervous pros
tration. Nothing will relic'-o this distressing
condition and prevent months of pros
tration and suffering so surely as L.vdia
B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Mrs. M. E. Shotwell, of 103 Flatbush
Avenue, Brooklyn, N. V,, writes:
"I cannot express the wonderful relief I
have experienced by taking Lydis E. l'ink
ham's Vegetable Compound. I suffered for
a long time with iwrvous prostration, back
ache, headache, lots of appetite. I cculd
not aleep and would walk the floor almost
"I had three doctors and got no better, and
life was a burden. I was advised to try
Lydia E. Finkbam's Vegetable Compound,
and it has worked wonders for me.
"I ara a well woman, my nervousness Is all
gone and my friends say I look ten years
Will not the volumes of letters from
women made strong by Lydia K. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound convince
all women of its virtues ? Surely you,
cannot wish to remain sick, weak
and discouraged, exhausted each day,
when you can be as easily cured as
other women.
pi i ii.,aa,iiaiyav:tq,jmH,ja'aaieMiiiP
"" u-ilf-fsirf 'jr"- -
Atlas Engipes
Minr protpcilve Durcbiieri of cntlnei md
boilet a arc under the imprci.ion tht. bectute the
Aiut 1 hrotihric Engine it ol uch Ditft (raoe,
an 4 becautc U it fitted with a balance valve trtd
a main beating, auch aa only Cor I in engine! cl
other makca contain, it ia ncccnarlly cf auch
price that It ta quite owl ol their reach. Thi ii
not true. An Atiaa engine ia no higher In piice
than any other engine, eaccpt, pctbapa. out
thai it made entirely la foundry.
Pot your Inform. lion, iheielore, wt give for
the present an approilmate price upon a 12il6
Throttling ! Engine, range 4J to Oo
Har Power of
ThUlncluie engine eempleie with band wheel,
governor, throttle valve, and all regular tiin
ralnga and repreaenta the price delivered t. o.
b. cara factory, or. If In nock at our Agcnciei
at any of the following polnia.
Norfolk, Vi. Minneapolis, Ml no.
Anderaon, I. C. Omaha, Neb.
Auiti.M, Ca. " New Orleana, La.
Montgomery, Ala. Greepiboro, N. C
Dee Moines, Iowa
Chrevcpori, La.
Ft. Smith, Ark.
New Bern, N. C.
Jackae-svillc, Fie,
Athena, Ga.
Memphis, Term.
Birmingham, Ala,
Leavenworth, Kaa.
Joplln, Mo,
Little Rock, Ark.
Atlas Engine Works
Soiling Hncl Id il oiiit INOl ANj APOt !
li the nun or woman who, loving a
good dinner, muit curb their appetite
through I ear of a-fler oonaequeDcoa,
Parsons' Pills
ara an alii lo digeitlon, lumr. assimila
tion of foxid, Ullj niOtt usarty aatlng
poMlbl. without distress or regret,
trio, lie., bottle, ,1. All arngsUU.
L I lOHMOs 4 CO., issua, Mtli.
, Naw York ,'irv. . N. Y.
Women on the upper West Sids a
begun a war to the death on street
noises.- First, they nia going to begin
with the raucous-voiced peddler. Then
lliey arc going after the oiher murder
ers of sleep.
The fight is expected to le taken up
by women aU over the city. The pion
eers in it are the .members of the VVcst
IJnd Woman's Republican Association.
They met at the Hotel Astor and sound
ed this slogan:
"Resolved, 1 hat we, on behalf of the
wives and mothers of New York, do pe
tition the Board of Aldermen of the
city that the city ordinances be so chang
ed and amended as to make it an offense
t punishable by fine and imprisonment for
any person to cry out bis wares for sale
upon the public streets of this city, ex
cepting certain streets which may be
set aside, and upon which the huckster"
may operate."
A9 A9
Mrs. Irene Goodwin l'oyc brought
suit for divorce from I'raiik M. Foyc,
once known as the best-drcssed man "of
Jersey City, and the announcement of
the unhappy termination of this romance
came with dramatic surroundings, for
prior to her marriage she had acted as
bridesmaid to Anna Gould when she
married Count dc Castcllane. She is
one of the heir of the estate of Frank
Goodwin,, her father, who died five year-:
ago, leaving several millions part of
which was placed in trust for her and
her children.
J& JO J&
John Lynn, senior member of the firm
of J. Lynn & Co., dry goods merchants,
at 48 Bond Street, took a nap, and awoke
to find that it had cost him about $200.
or about $5 per wink. When he opened
his eyes a score of firemen were stariiv
down at him in blank astonishment.
Mr. Lynn's private ofiicc is on the
third floor, front. It is a cozy little
room . with a big, open fireplace, in
which there is a gas log. Tired out with
his day's work, thr merchant went to this
den soon after 5 P. M. for a. little rest
Al! of the employees had left the build
ing. Mr. Lynn lit' the gas log, and then
ftretched himself on a couch. The re
flection on the wimloy.s led some one to
believe the store was or. fire, and an
alarm was sounded. The alarm brought
out Chief Crokcr, four engines, two
fire trucks, one water tower and the Fire
Patrol. They did damage getting in.
0 jt
Rather than forcjro the right to tail;
when he pleased, ex-Congressman (No
Pass) Baker resigned his $4500 position
as secretary to the Dock Commissioner.
Mr. Baker expressed his poor opinion
of Borough President Coler. and was
called to account sharply by Dock Com
missioner Bcnscl. The latter notified
Mr. Baker that there must be no more
public criticism of city officials by his
secretary. This was too much for the
loquacious reformer, and with haughty
mien he laid a letter of resignation oil
Mr. Bcnscl's desk. The letter had much
to say about the right of free speech,
etc., and, as Mr. Benscl laughingly ex
pressed it, read like Patrick Henry.
r at at
A novel idea which flashed quickly ti
the mind of Miss Katharine McCahiil, a
pretty girl of Larchmont, saved the life
of John Burgess, a 10-ycar-old boy, who
broke through the .ice while skating.
The ice was so thin that no one could
go to him.
Miss McCahiil took off her long New
market coat, and, t,knting as near as she
dared to go, threw the garment to the
struggling boy, at the same lime holding
the other end. The fair rcscurcr pulled
the boy out of the water, anil then di
rected girl companions to get a rope.
The girls then threw the rope to the
boy, who grasped it, nnd -was dragged
to a place of safety.
& & o
Miss Carrie Wormscr, daughter o:
Leopold Wormscr, a retired banker, re
siding at 6 West Seventy-first Stroet,
was awakened by a noise in her room
at 3.30 o'clock the ot'.icr morning. She
thought the noise was made by a mouse,
she said afterward, but presently found
there was a burglar in her room. Miss
Wormscr pulled the bedclothes over her
head and kept quiet. ,The burglar work
ed leisurely and ransacked the repm, cn
tracting from bureau drawers jewel cases
containing valuables. After the burglar
had left her room, Miss Wormser called
for help. The father jumped out of bed,
grabbed a revolver and ran to his daugh
ter's room at the same time that his son
ami the servants were drawn there.
Then they went in search of tic burglar.
On the first floor they iound raised n
sash of a big bay window, not far from
the porch. Outside the entered window
they found fragments of a glass case
that had contained bronze and brass an
tiques. Apparently it had been dropped
by the burglar in his (light. No trace hza
becTi found of bin: or the jewels he took.
Working women of Toledo, O., have
organized a labor 'union to be known
as the servant Girls Union.
General Secretary James J, Cullen, of
the luterr.ational Union of the Metal
Polishers has resigned from otlicc.
Citizens of Atlanta, Ga., have formed
n syndicate to solve the servant giri
problem by the importation of joo girW
from Chicago.
The New York Court of Appeals has
declared the union shop contract legal
and in no sense imcompatiblc with pub
lic policy and industrial liberty.
The press of New York comments fav
orably on the freedom from violence
and outrage with which the present
strike in the buuk and job offices has
been attended.
Garment workers pay the smallest
amount of tax of any organization in
the country, and unless they become ed
ucated to the necessity of label agitation
they cannot hope to succeed.
The Chamber of Commerce of Den
ver, Col., is interesting itself in the trou
ble brewing in the building trades of that
city. A committee is endeavoring to
bring the two factions together
San Francisco (Cal.) Journeymen
Horseshoers' Union is petitioning' the
board of supervision to have all horse
shoeing for city contractors done by
that union, and that a clause to that
effect be put in all contracts awarded.
According to Dun, the cost of living
lia. risen 37 per cent, in the last seven
years. With the exception of a few
workers in some of the highly organized
trades, this increase is much greater than
the increase in wages for the same
period. ,
Butte (Mont.) Central Labor Council
has made a rapid growth in the last two
NEW VOKK A M;t? VA it.
R. G. Dun & Co.s Weekly Trade Re
view says : ,
"Spring buying in wholesale lines is
becoming more active, money is easier
and collections arc gcparally gool. The
dry goods situation is exceptional, with
current business of good proportions,
and some houses report that sales for
January of this year were as large a
for the first two months of 1505.
"Clothing manufacturers are well sup
, p'ied with orders, and cancellations ar
few ; collections arc good and the higher
price of garments has not apparently les
sened the demand. The advance in boot!
and shoes has apparently stimulated
buying, sales for the week being very
satisfactory, and collections arc up tc
the standard. The season in hats and,
caps has not yet reached its fullest
activity, though orders in hand are ol
fair proportions and the outlook appears
"(.SaIes of leaf tobacco are light, owing
to the disposition of manufacturers to
bold b-ck orders in the hope of lower
prices. Prices of lumber have advanced
to per cent., with a strong demand for
the better grades, and collections prompt
The furniture outlook is not so good,
'collections being unsatisfactory and or
ders light, though prices are tending up
ward. Dealers in machinery and sup
plies arc fairly busy and collections are
quite good."
Baltimore. FLOUR Dull and un
changed; receipts, 6.845 barrels.
1 WHEAT Dull; spot, contract. 84V;
3W February, (nyA March,
SS?4(o.86; May,'S74; steamer No. 2 red,
CORN Stcadv; spot, 4.18 ' -5 ; Feb
ruary, 45.S';March aEjjS ; May,
49)45; July, 5o4 & ; steamer
niivpfl. A(.r7i if.-..'.
I OATH Easier! Mn 1 i,i'.f,t
3('A; No. 3 white, 353;' No. 2
mixed, 35.
RYE Steady; No. 2 Western, 72 ex
port, 7475 domestic.
EUTTER Steady, and unchanged;
fancy imitat'on, 2i(?i .-2; fa-icy creamery,
2(a28; ladic, 18VJ19; store-packed
EGGS Firm and unchanced, 16.
CHEESE Steady and unchanged;
large, September,'do., November,
14; medium, September, 14'i ; do., No
vember, 14; small, 141514)4.
SUGAR Strong and unchanged;
coarse granulated, 5; fine, 5.
New York. WHEAT Receipts, ui,
000 bushels; exports, 24,049 bu'he!s.
Spot steady; No. 2 red, Sg8 elevator;
No. 2 red 91 . o. b. afloat: No. I
Northern Duluth, 94?8 f. o. b. alloat.
CORN Receipts, 04.600 bushels; ex
ports, 191,455 bushels. Spot steady;. No.
2, 52 elevator and 40J4 f. o. b. afloat;
No. 2 yellow, 49 54 ; No. 2 white, 40J4.
OATS Receipts, 130.300 burhcls; ex
ports, 19,150 bushels. Spot steady; mix
ed oats, 26 to 32 pounds, S5'j(aiA('Ai
natural whit-, 30 to 33 pounds, ?fiVjCiX!;
clipped white, 36 to 40 pounds, ifilo.
POULTRY Alive steady; Western
chickens, n; fowls, 13; turkeys. 14
Dressed easy ; Vcr tern chickens, 10S16;
turkeys, J3(i2o; 'owls, I0(l3!.
POTATOES Easy ; State and West
cm, per bag, 1.70(1.85; sweets easy; un
changed. BUTTER Steady; receipts, 6.116;
street prices, extra creamery, 2(i(t?2Gi ;
official prices unchanged. "
CHEESE Steady; unchanged; re
ceipts, 555.
EGGS Firmer; receipu, 5,513; State,
Pennsylvania, and neat-b, fancy, select
ed, white 2425; do., choice, as'tis;
do., mixed exfa, 20W21; Western, firsts,
iS; do., second?, lCi7; Southerns, 13
Si 8.
SUGAR Ram nominal; fair refining.
5; centrifugal, 96 test, 3 IS-.V35''-; mo
lasses sugar, 2:i ; refined steady.
Live Stock.
NEW York. BEEVES Steers, ior
15c. higher on limited supply; bulls
steady to strong; bologna and fat cows
fully loc. higher; medium, firm. Steers,
4-2i5'90; tops, 6.00.; oxen, 3.oo'55.oo;
bulls, 3.oo(; cows,
CALVES Receipts, 29. Steady. Veals.
55O(i09-5o; httle calves, 4.50; bamvard
and Western calves, nominal. Dressed
calves, steady; city dressed veals, 9(140.
per pound; country dressed, '((. 12.
inal ; lambs, easier. Prime State, lambs,
7 "5?i7 P5; culls, 5.50.
Chicago. CATTLE Market steady ;
common to prune steers, 3.30iVi4.6o
heifers,; bulls, 2,oo(Jt'4.oo;
calves, 3.oo(rS.oo; stockcrs and feeders,
2.40W 400.
HOGS Market 10c. higher; choice to
prime heavy, 5 755 No; medium to good
heavy, 5 705.75; butcher weights, 5.75(0;
;.8o; pood to choke heavy mixed, 5.70
HSS-7-yii packmy, SAK'(f."5- -SHEEP
M-uket slow and dull
.-beep; 3.?o'(j5.9o; yearlings, 5.307.6.25;
lambs, 6.505J.7.50.
A school f"r women chemists has been
opened ut Dessau, Germany. Graduates
can cam from 720 to $48 a month.
Japanese have been caught circulating
counterfeits of gold coin in Tacoma.
The molds and batteries were made at
Hiroshinii, Japan.
The average weight of a stationary
gas engine, in proportion to its horse
power, is only about one-fourth as great
as that of a steam engine.
In two cases of chronic and apparent
ly hopeless neuralgia, relief has been re
ported by about 20 applicants of violet
"iglit to the parts of the body affected.
The Cerinan government has offered
prizes for the best field kitchens available
for army use, and it is stipulated (hat
every such outfit must be of a size
making it possible to carry it on a horse,
with space left for the diver's luggage
and forage for the horse.
Recently, when Uncle Sam ousted a
tribe of Indians from their ancestral
home of Warner's Ranch, San Diego
County, and moved them to the Palo
Reservation, he gave them a number of
portable houses. A gale swept all these
houses away and the r-d men arc hortic
less. While passing over a railway crossing
near Brunswick in his motor car re
cently the Grand Duke of Oldenburg
was nearly killed by-an express train,
which missed the car only by a few feet.
Sir Oliver Lodge's denounciation of
coal fires as the chief cause of London's
fog was anticipated more than 200 yeaTs
ago by EVelyn. ' He attributed the great
fog of 1684 to the "fuliginous steam of
the sca-coale."
Melon day is a novel fall festival pe
culiar to Rocky Ford, Col. People from
all over the state gather once a year
and devour- several thousand melons.
Work of reviving interest in that al
liance of machinery trades known s the
Metal Trades Federation of North
America has been started by President
James O'Connell, who is also the head
of the International Association
Carss Rail HroathPotltlTs sad Tnrtanl
Cars Fro Drn Cure
by Abtorptlon.
A sweet bresth is pheeleas.
Mull's Anti-Belch Wafer will enrc bid
breath and bad at Inatantljr. Belching
and bad taste indicate offenflra breath,
whii-h is due to stomach trouble.
Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers purify "hs
stomach and stop belching, by stmorbing
foid sates that arine from undigested foodj
and or aupplving the riigMtiv organs with
natural solvent lor food.
They relietrt tea or car sickness and
cante of an kind.
l'lie.T quickly cur headache, eorwt the
ill effect of exceacivt eating or drinking.
fh will detroT a tobacco, wbiaky or
onia breath inituntW.
They stop fermentation lr the atomarh.
acute indention, cramps, colic, gas in tha
atomach and ir.teatinea, dintenried ab
domen, heartburn, bad complexion, dirzy
apella or anr other adlictioo ariaing lrom
a riiflcaped ammiioh.
We know Mitll'a Antl-Tetrh Wafpra will
do thia. and tre want you to know it. Tins
otter may not appear again.
Send thia coupon with your name
and adilrea tnd your dniKitirt'a nam
and 10c. in atampn or silver, and we
will aupply jou' rumple tree if vou
have never r.ned Mull'a AntiBeleh
Waters, ana will alao send "on s cer
tificate good for 2.ic. toward the pur
chase ol more Belch Wnfera. Von will
find t'nem invaluable tor atomafh trou
ble; eurea by absorptkn. Addrea
Mull's Chape 'loxic Co.. 328 3d
Ave., Hoik lainnd, ill.
Gioe Full Akdrtm and ll'rife Tlainhj.
. I
All driiirtfiata, CCc. per box. or by mnit
upon reeeipi o' price. Stamps accepted.
Kngland'a firat apinning wheel to be
woikcd by electricity haa beeD atarted at
Eruption Iro! Out In Spots All Over
Dotty Cured ut l.ipru.e at Only
SI. 23 Tlinnka Cutlcura licuiedirt.
"The Cuticura Remedies cured mc of my
skin diaep e, and 1 am very thankful to
you. My trouble was eruption of the skin,
which broke out in spots 'nil over my body,
and caused a continual itching-, which
nearly drove ine wild at times. 1 got
medicine of a doctor, but it did not cure
mc, and wnen 1 saw in a paper your ad.,
I sent to ycu for the Cuticura book and 1
studied my case in it. I then went to the
drug ftor and boiijit one cake of Cuti
cura Soap, one bo- of Cuticura Ointment
nnd one vial of Cuticura Pills. From tho
first application 1 received relief. 1 used
tne first 6et ard two extra ei.kes of Cuti
cura So.ip, niul was completely cured. I
Imd suffered for two years, ind 1 again
thank Cutirura for my cure. . Claude .N.
.lohnson, Mnp Grove Farm. It. k 1). 2.
Walnut,, June 1005."
Congressman Longworth's great-grandfather
was a native of Newark, X. J.
Catarrh Cannot Its Cnrrtl
With tociL APPLiciuoKS, us they cannot
reach the seat ot the disease. Catarrh is a
blood or constitutional disease, and iu order
to cure it you inuBt take intermit remedies.
Wall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and
actddirectly on the blood and mucoussurfaou
Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was creseribed by one of the best physi
cians in this country for years, and is a reg
ular prescription. It is composed ot tha
beat tonics known, combined with the boat
blood purifiers, acting directly on the mu-
unntcnrf.M. Tt.A ... i.
..... a. punuui cumuiUMllon OC
the two Ingredients is what produces suon
nuuuDimnnmiHB m uuriuir .caiurru, beuu
F. J. Chkmev Co., Props., Toledo, O.
Sold by druKglsta, price, 75c.
lake Hall's Family Tills lor oonstipalios
The late Chnrle T. Yeikcs was a gold
miner in Ins youth.
Carelessness and Color-Bllndness
Equally to Blame.
There are Btill many who will re
member the late Theodore D. Weld
as one of the old-time, active aboil
tionlsts. He wag afflicted with color
blindness,, and often related the fol
lowing lncldeot as one of the unpleas
ant happenings connected therewith.
Amopg other preparations for an ex
tended lecture tour he had ordered
two pairs of trousers of his tailor,
one pair blue and the other green. It
was a rush order, and the garments
were finished off after dark and sent
to his residence the same night.
His first lecture was delivered at
an afternoon meeting, for which he
donned a pair of the new trousers.
When he made his appearance on the
platform an amused smile appeared
on nearly every face In tho audience,
and a murmur of suppressed laughter
was plainly audible.
He looked, so fur as he could, to see
if there was anything wrong with bis
personal appearance, and, being satis
fied that all was well, proceeded calm
ly with his address. But he was en
lightened before the evening meeting,
his hostess kindly telling him that
one leg of his trousers was blue and
the other green.
He Immediately brought the other
pair for her Inspection, and they were
found to be the game. In rushing the
garments together by lamplight the
parts had got mixed. Boston Herald.
'Tits Mors Poatuiu tha Mora Pood lbs
Mora CofTaa tha Mora PoUon."
The Tres. of the W. C. T. TJ. In a
rounj; giant Stato In the Northwest
"I did not realize that I was a slave
to coffee till I left off drinking it. For
three or four years I was obliged to
take a nerve tonic every day. Now I
stn free, thanks to Postum Food Coffee.
"After finding out what coffee will do
to Its victims, I could hardly stand to
have my husband drink it; but be was
not willing to quit. I studied for
months to find a way to Induce blin to
leave it off. Finally I told hlra I would
aiake no niore coffee.
"I got Fostum Food Coffee, and made
It strong-boiled It the required time,
nnd had blin read the llttlo book, The
ltond to Wellvllle,' that comes in every
i'kg- ,
"To-day Tosttim has no stronger ad
vocate thun my husband! He tells our
friends how to make It, and that he got
through the whiter without a spell of
the grip and has not had a heada.-bo
for months he used to he atititr
frequent uervousslieadRcues.
ine stronger you until: fostum tbt
more food you get; the stronecr von
drink coffee the more poison yon get."
Name given by Postuui Co.,' lia t tit
Creek Mleli.
There's a reason.
3 rooii
There is
. Qenuine-SyrUp Of FigS,
The Genuine Is Manufactured by the
California Fig Syrup Co.
Ths) full nam of tha company, California Ftg Syrup Coq
fa printed on tha front of savory packago of the gstnuino.
The Genuine- Syrup of Figs- is for Sale, in Original
Packages Only, by Reliable Druggists Everywhere
Knowing the above will enable one to avoid the fraudulent imita
tions made by piratical concerns and sometimes offered by unreliable
dealers. The imitations are known to act injuriously and should
therefore be declined.
Buy the genuine always if you wish to get its beneficial effects.
It cleanses the system gently yet effectually, dispels colds and headaches
when bilious or constipated, prevents fevers and -acts best on the
ftiineys, liver, stomach and bowels, when a laxative remedy is needed
by men, women or ciildren. Many millions know of its beneficial
effects from actual use and of their own personal knowledge. It is the
laxative remedy of the well-informed.
Always buys Jie Genuine- Syrup' of Figs
Loubvilte, Ity
CURES 5Qc. and SI. QO.I
Swine Disease
Bend for Circular with Direct lona.f
Or. EARL 8. SLOAN, 615 Albany St.,Botton,Mm.
The first verse of the fifty-first Psalm
is called the "Neck Verse," for the rea
son that in former times a man con
demned to death sometimes had a chance
to save his life by proving that he could
read, and this verse was used as a test.
FITS permanently cured. Ko tits or nervous
neas after ttrst day's uae of Dr. Kline's Grpat
Nerve Keatorer.ti trialbottloandtrontls-frea
Dr. IJ.H. Knur., Ltd., Ml Arch St.,l'hila., Ta.
The Sultan of Turkey owns more than
200 bicycles, aome with gold mountings.
A Gunratiteml Cure For l'llr.
ItehinK, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding Filea.
PiuKRists are authorized to refund money if
TaisoOintmentfuils to cure in 6 toll days.SOc.
Crar Nicholas ia aaid to lie anxious to
break bis alliance with France.
To Cure a Cold In On liny.
Take Laxative Bromo Qulnlnn Tablet.
DruKRL'rta refund money If It fails to cure. E.
W. Grove's signature on each box. 2&c.
At Strohheck, Prussian Saxony, chea ia
s part of the school curriculum.
Itoh cured In 30 minutes by Woolford'a
Ranltary Lotion; never falls. Hold by
DruKglsts. Mail orders promptly tilled
by I)r, Detabon, Crawfordbvllle, Ind, II.
The Kaiser in bis sports employs "all
the modern improvements."
l ay lor K.hurokne Hemtdy ul t. wont Gum and
Mullen Is Naiuru'. (real rvuiedy Cures Coughs,
Colds. Croup and consumption, and all throat
aud luna troubles. At diusgists, liiic., 60c., and
11.00 tier bottle.
In an arvument with s woman ths best a man
ran get la the worst of It.
A Woman's Goat of Arms
Good Luck Baking Powder, the absolutely pure and reliable leavener,
is a blessing to good cooks, Vou can count on a spoonful to go just so
far, every time, and bank on your baking being crisp, light and tempting
when you use
Furthermore, It it to every woman's Interest to purchase this reliable brand instead
of the high priced kinds. It it sold at an honest price 10 cents for a pound can.
That't money in your pocket about 300 per cent. every time the baking powder can it empty.
If you cut out the coupons found on back of each can we will send you useful and'
handsome premiums. For list and pictures of ,
these, tee the gift book fonnd inside each can.
Your grocer ought, to have Good Luck
Baking Powder. If not,' will you tend . ut hit
only One
MIA rifwiw
IS a renovator of soil and as a
food for stock, the cow pea
is unsurpassed. To get the larg
est possible yield of cow peas from
any given soil, a plentiful applica
tion of Potash is necessary.
The best methods leading to certain success are fully
explained in the 65-page illustrated book, which we send
free to farmers who write for it. It tells of the remarkable
results attained with cow peas nourished upon Potash.
Address. QERMAN KALI WORKS. 93 Nassau St., New York.
fl fllDP THP fTDID
l, vuiiu IIILIHUr
lim rnirmiir t
i. .. : w ear
L3 ujlai FOR ymACfle
ami all kinds of sarden plants.Can now rurnl-h all kinds of cubn.g,'
pinu. Brown In ths opm air iiml wbliiaml gi ritcold. umwn from
wr' u- u, in, ,., rriiNuir .eetiMucn. in name plants on our
tbou-aml acre truow farm. P.ants carefully couutnl anil properly .0K
ed t eliry read hit of De?. Lotiuce. nlon au.l Uvet plan's, name
lime or earlier. Reduoe.1 expresi rates promneil. bt.h.wheneffei-tlte
will give u.u per ernt. loa than men n ii.iIm- rates. Hrlces: .-mall lots
ft .50 perthousan.1, large lot IU.I to -l. per thou.m I. K i. U Wei
A'a 5.' Arlln-'lllt Spine CHrumntr Seed tiieeuts , erpouu.l.
. .'V.. r".""- .? 1 ,ll"u R'ates arlcu Mural Liepartinatii
haieMbllsbeil an Eaperlnianlal .tinllon on our Jaruis to te.t ill kl.lrt,
ipeelall. Cabbages. The re.uUs ot W-ersp-rlment-Ve wt"' Tbi pi ..ej ii
tlma-tours ra.pectfully.-X. 11. MUTCH COMFAXT. lltiSct!'
of vepetshlea etj
Blve you at any
Frr Military llnnnte I. .nit Warrant. Imwl
II. KlvlJMt, QI4 7tU N .. IIKNVUf.OU.
Ill" aat OarOeu beeds. tl'a wortu ot liuUerl rre-
W tutam Coui'ons (re. with eir, r,l..
a aw ElUac ila.lXIaiURK
CO., Richmond, V.
BalQnilTlI-ai llVrSPSi aV
if "' J
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1 won't Mil Anll-OrlplD. to a Sealer wbo won't Onnrantrr It
Call for your r BACK If IT DUES.V'T ( HBt.
jr. IF. JDlemer, Jl.l., Manufacturer, Sjtringieia, M
TTS, a. c.
A unw urJar
wilt air. Dtttx
w fit. m. liC ohm inr blank, .n.i . ...,....
1-rie cl cn.rtro. No f.nalun. ofi. AJdrasi
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M uslilugtuu, u. u falauu auU IraMla-jtuu
Every Coupon
Couats for s Premium
This Oouskim on Lasat oa Ivsrv Oais
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lS Ca2 VAAUALr1 iV