Andy Tlohuger, tT Taj-lor, lias ru ado it hot for us. Ue brought ui h load of coul last week. Dou't deiay in sending for J. Waters Mussel's (Chestertowu. Md.) catalogue of farms for sale. Davy Strait and Luther Kirk, of Uiistontown, were in f.wn a few hours, attending to business last Thursday. K. U. Ivirk and wife, of Taylor, came to town last Wednesday, and remained until Thursday af ternoon in the home of tin form er's brother, Hon. S. W. Kirk. HIDES. Jan Sipes & Sous pay 10, 13, and 10c a pound cash, for beef hides a their butcher show in McConnellsburg, also highest price paic for calf skins, sheepskins and tallow. Want k u Bright, honest young man from McCounellsburg to prepai e for paying po ition in Government Mail Servian Hox one, Cedar Rapids, la. 1-10-81. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Booth, ot Dublin Mills, and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Cromwell, of Clear Kidge. spent the time from last Satur day until Mouday visiting rela tives and friends in aud near Mc Connellsburg. Lillian Pott, of Big Cove Tan nery, was in town last Saturday. Miss Pott said that her graudla the, Rev. Lewis Chambers, who has his home with his daughter, Mrs. Amanda Pott, walked up to Webster Mills and back last Fri day. Miss Rebecca E. Sipes, of Hus tontown, called at the News oflice and had a "7" placed on the label of her paper. Miss Sipes is now sewing in the family of T. Irvin Sipes near Harrisonville, and helping Mrs. Sipes to get ready for their trip west after the sale. Just a little Kodol after meals will relieve that fulness.belching, gas on the stomach, and all other symptoms of indigestion. Kodol digests what you eat, and enables the stomach and digestive organs to perform their functions natur ally. Sold by Stouteagle Bros. Marshal McKibbin, son of Mi. and Mrs. Geo. McKibbin, of Buck Valley, who has been postal clerk on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad between Cumberland and Pitts burg, will, in the near future, run between Cumberland and Balti more, and will make his home m Hancock. All old-time cough syrups bind the bowels, i'his is wrong. A new idea was advanced two years ago in Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. This remedy acts on the mucous membranes of the throat and lungs aud loosens the bowels at the same time. It ex pels all cold from the system. It clears the throat, stre-ngt hens the mucous membranes, relieves coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, etc. Sold by Stouteagle Bros. Merchant John Plessuiger and Farmer James C. McKee, of Whips Cove, spent last Thurs day night at the Fultou House, and after attending to some busi ness in town on Friday morning, returned to their respective homes. Jimmy has been suffer ing during the past three weeks from an attack of septicaemia on one of his hands. Mr. Plessinger has sold his store property aud intends to engage in business elsewhere, but has not yet decid ed upon a new location. One of the most unique under takings of the Pennsylvania rail road in the course of irnprove mei.ts of the main line will be the digging of a new channel for the Juniata river from Vineyard bridge to the Juniata club house, on the middle division, prelimi nary to the construction of new tackslrorn Mt. Union to Hyde. A new bed, sixty feet deep and almost as wide as the river at that , point, will bo excavated aud the channel of the river diverted. The p esent channel willtnen be used for the roadbed. Dou't deceive yourself. If you have Indigestion take Kodol Dy spepsia Cure. It will relieve you. Rev. W. E. Hocutt, South Mills, N. C.,8ays: "I was troubled with chronic Indigestion i'or several years; whatever I ate seemed to cause heartburn, sour stomach, fluttering of my heart, and gener al depression of mind and body. My druggist recommended Kodol and it has relieved me. lean now ; ' -at anything and sleep soundly at Kodol digests what you old by Struteugle Bros. a 1 t UKACtV. Mrs. V. W. Iott, nee Miss Mary V. Booker, daughter of Mrs. James Doran, has been vis itiug in the home of James Doran. She came to this county from her home in Nebraska on the P.Oth of October, and expects to start on her way home on the 15th of this mouth. She will stopon her way home at Mount Union and at Al toona for a few days. Mrs. Lott says that this coun ty has improved greatly in the time she has been absent. She went west in 'eft, aud with the ex ception ot a visit home in 'Dl, she has been away from tno county. She is much delighted with the West, and savj thev have line climate, and a splendid country. When she read the letters from Mr. Palmer and trom Mr. Kelly, a .id others that have appeared in the "News," she said, "Every word they say about the country is true." Mrs. Salhe B. Price, formerly MissSallie Cramer, of Juniata, Blair county, has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. James Doran, and expects to return to her home this week. IN SELF DE t.NSE. Major Hamm, editor and man ager of the Constitutionalist. Em inence, Ky., when he was fiercely attacked, four years ago, by piles, bought a box of Buckleu's Arnica Salve, of which he says : "It cur ed me in ten days and no trouble since." Quickest healer of burns, sores, cuts aud wounds. LTjc. at Trout's drug store. A Correction. Deau Enrrou. In a recent communication recei'ed from Rev. Lewis Chambers, he called my attention to a few errors made in myaiticle pubhsh'edin last week's issue of your valuable paper. Permit me to make the corrections. 1. Bro. Chambers' brother lives in Nevada, Ohm. 2. Bm. Chambei s did not organize the cougregation at Gatchellville, butaided in erecting anew church edifice. 3. Bro. Chambers says lie did not pn ach at Wes tchester but in addition to the places men tioned in my other article, he preached at Oxford, New London, Kennett Square, Chandlerville, and Rising-Sun. Respectfully. A. G. Wolf. Sale Register. Thursday, Februaay 8, Mrs. Alda J. Sipes, having sold her farm, and intending to remove to the West, will sell at her resi dence, one mile northwest of Harrisonville, live stock, wagon, harness, grain by the bushel, household goods, and many other things. Sale begins at 10 o'clock. Tuesday, February 13, James D. Stevens, haviug rented his farm, will sell at his residence, just west of Fort Littleton, 6 head of horses, 11 head of cattle, hogs, far mingimpleraents, wheat, corn, oats, potatoes, &c. Sale begius at 10 o'clock. Credit 9 months. Thursday, February 13. Wm. P. Gordon, executor of v ill of Miss Jane Gordon, will sell at the late residence of the decedent on the Pigeon Cove road, 2 miles north of Warfordsburg, Hancock Bridge Stock, wheat, rye, oats, hay, and household goods. Sale beeins at 10 o'clock. Credit 6 months. Thursday, February 1"), Isaac G. Waters, intending to remove to the West, will sell at his resi dence at Burnt Cabins, horses, harness, cow, hogs, wagens, sur rey, farming implements, hay, household goods, &c. At the same time and place, Mrs. E. A. Mathias, will sell her household goods, including meat, lard, pota toes, A c. Sale will begin at 9 o' clock. Credit 6 months. Wednesday, February 21. P. D. Hixson, intending to quit farm ing, will sell at his resideuce in Brush Creek Valley, 1J mile south of Akersvillo, horses, cat tle, farming implements, corn, buckwheat, hay, and many other things. Sale begins at 10 o clock. Credit 9 months. Saturday, March 3. Charles E. Stevens, intending toquitiarm ing and engage in the mercantile business, will sell at his residence on the Richard Chilcote farm in Trough" Creek valley, Hunting don county, 4 miles west of Hawn's Bridge, and 0 miles from Cassville, horses, cattle, wagons, buggies, farming implements, January Sale 1906 EJfectire Clearance of Stylish , Millinery at Your Own Prices. Ladies and Childrens Coats at reduced Prices, A beautiful line of Warm Furs, Fascinators, Gloves, Ceil ings, comfortable for winter -in stock -Latest Styles in Ladies Tailored Dress Sktrts. Ladies' and Children's Underwear, Hosiery, Belts, Col lars, Shirt Waist Sets, Buttons, Silkatine, Shetland Floss, Wools. UNSURPASSABLE MATERIALS for Ladies' and Children 's Suits. Silks, Cloths, Mohair, Novelty Goods, ranging jn all prices according to quality. Dress trimmings in Latest Fancies. X00000000 ST --. . tfkfelllifllf I yyxti 000 00, X0 0X0 "American Lady Corsets' F. P. Corsets T, J. WIENER, Hancock. Maryland. Ask for Fashion Sheet Banner Patterns. Mourning Veils and Millinery specialty. Have You Tried the new Quick desserts that gro cers are now selling: rney are justly termed "Easy to Make" as all ingredients are in the package, Three complete products D Zerta Quick Pudding and D-Zerta Perfect Jelly Dessert, at 10c per package, and D-Zerta Ice Cream Powder, 2 packages for 25 cents, A trial will convince you how easy it is to have the finest desserts with no labor and little expense. Tested the School Teachers. Near Pittsburg recently at a county institute, an instructor sprung a spelling bee upon the almost 4'J0 teachers, and the whole bunch were unable to spell 13 words correctly, and here are the words : Auxiliary, beefsteak, supersede, picnicking, seize, cyl inder, desiccated, Tennessee proceed, sieve, siege, succotash. Fifty missed on "auxiharyr' and fifty more could not spell "beefsteak." household goods, &c. Sale be gins at y o closu; creait 12 months. Friday, March 1G.-C..R. Spang- ler, intending to quit farming, will sell on his farm near Knobs ville, Tod township, Fulton coun ty, Pa , 4 head of good workhors es, 11 head ofcrttle, hogs, Ply mouth Rock chickens, Wagons, buggies, farming implements, household goods, GOO lbs. sugar cured meat, &c. Sale begins at 10 o'clock. WHEN ONE (JETS GOOD ADVICE. IS m Wire Fence ! Wire Fence ! $ Much Cheaper Than & Any Style of Wood Fence ism : - w 3 8 k 4 Let us tigum together. A stii'k of timber that will B(uare 0 Im.-hea and Is llii feet in leiitfili, will make 4!4 feet of lumber, wlileh at ft. 50 a hundred, i$ worth eents. Now, I run sell you u good wire fence fur .'t-e a rod, winch is less than half the cost of a board fence. The style I sell at is a 'bunkem" fence. A witness In court was once usked what kind of fence ho had, when he made the reply, "I have u "Imnkem" fence " "What kind of fence is that, thundered the court." "A "bunKem" fence," answered the witness, "is a fence that is li jrse-hi!,'h, hull-strong, and pijf -tijeht." That is just the kind of fence I sell. The price ranges from "S.'tc. to title., a rod depending on the style and height. 1 also sell the DUE RING HARVESTING MACHINERY S 8 00 00 00 00 00 00 F0 ip t0 00 00 r0 00 00 00 Xm 00 0i 00 00 00 00 Z'd 00 00 00 0i 00 0S 00 00 00. 00 5$ 00 S5 00 KP 00. 00 00 0 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Ky i0i 00 ?, XY XV 00 00 A Carload of SLEIGHS and SLEDS at Clay Park's, Three Springs, and Prices Right. :m m.m , i 0000XJk 000 f. X000 000-i 00 , .00 00 00 00 00 :j 00 0j 00 '00. 0i 00. .00 00 0J0 00 0-0 00 00 ' 00 00 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 00 00 00 00 ril t 0 00 0 00 Xt 0 00. 0 00 X0X0 h the best on earth I have just bought my twine and will guar" antee the price now. Machine Oil from ISc., to 10c. a gallon. Linseed oil, .harness oil, cylinder oil, turpentine, white lead, and ready-mixed paints all at rock-bottom prices. I am closing out a lot of good horse, blutikets at cost. Col lars, collu.r pads, trace chains, halter chains, &c. ut very close prices. I have the best assortment of axes to be found anywhere in town. Axe handles, pick handles, sludge handles, Simon cross-cut saws, Diston cross-cut saws, handsaws, a complete line of strap and heavy barndoor hinges. Plumber's supplies such us pipe, liltings, spigots, I have on hand all the time a BtO'jk of Lana's patunt b irn J r hang a-id tricks the best hunger on the market -an't get olT the tra jk. Proved cable chain from i to S on hand all the time, price ranging from 4. to 7 cents a pound. Pa. -, IJ5 Geo. B. Mellott, McConnslIsburg t'4: 00 0X X00 0' 00 00 0i 00 X0X0 V 00 X0X.0 00 , 00 0 0 0 ' W, X0 00 X0 00 li IZ MMMMM MM MM MM MM MM MMMMMMM2 IJ. K. Johnston's. m Wantkd.- i'wo men in each coun .; to rtf reseut and advertise Hardware Department, put out samples of our goods, etc. Travel lug I'ositiou or Otlice Manager. Salary '.K) t0 per u.i.nth cash weekly, with all expenses paid in advance. We furnish everything. Thk Columbia Uousk, Dept. 610, Monon iildg., Chicago, 111. Local Institute. The third educational meeting of Ayr township heldat McNaugh ton's school last Friday evening, was called to order by the teach er, Maye Mellott, and Mr. C. J. Brewer was elected chairman. The subjects: 1. Nature study; value of; how taught' 2. School room freedom, il. Tne teacher's duty to the community and to the profession, were well discussed. The literary part of the program which was well rendered, reflects much credit on teacher and pu pils. Hattie B. Kendall, secreta Ira Fore and wife, spent Sun day in the home ot their uncle, D. E. Fore, Esq., In Tod township. One Who Hat (lone Borrowlnj Tells Some of Ibe Thlngi Tbat Happen. "Have you ever been to a wealthy acquaintance when you were rather hard pressed," in quired oue ol t wo, "and intimat ed that a small loan, $50 or $100 would hlpyou along amazingly V His friend shook his head. "Then don't," continued the tirst speaker. "Go without; let your beard grow and your trous ers fray; wear a rusty collar on your overcoat; imaglue tnat you're getting too stout and per suade yoursell that one meal a day is better for you than three; pinch, deny yourself, starve, if you must, but don't borrow. Not that you'll always be refused, or put off, because you wou't; but you'll be lectured, which is a thousand times worse. "When you approach one of these fellows lor money it's his inning lie may be pretty loose morally himself, hut nn"d think to hear him tailt ihnfc he'd teeh the means of bringing Jot athan Edwards to g ace. His intimate knowledge of you and every bless ed one of your shortcomings is somethiug wonderful and start ling. He doesn't omit a single fault or defect, and his interest In you puzzles you. flu's that Kulemn and his face that long tli -1 ho looks as if ho might break down and cry at any minute; bo fore he's half through you're feel ing m your pockets to see if you can't lend money to him. "Aud the surprising thing about it Is Unit he hus you i iuht; ho draws a perfect likfiiess. You wonder who told him. Hummed up, you're improvident. Yon suspected as much. In the end you may get it, but you've earn ed it and two or three thousand besides. I You Are Not Busy 1 p The holiday rush is over and you now have jp time to complete your wardrobe, to finish that quilt you had laid aside, or to do the C many little thins-you were obliged to neglect . jj ?3 on account of having so much to do. S3 How about that best dress? A wholesaler & 3 came to us and offered us the same quality of Mohair that we have been selling- at 60c at a & jp3 big reduction. It was a good chance for us l to give you that very popular fabric at a low- W V er price than vou have ever bought it. tS Just think of it! 45c per yard is our price on a w b-J regular 60c article. The patterns are stylish and at- 2 f& tractive. Who ever heard of St. Almo cloth, just the S it.: t- -ii - - j w i i rj uimg ior waisis sewing ai mc per yaru. vve nave u in cream white and it is considered cheap at 25c, .-,) uui iiiiD 13 auuuici ui uui luiiuiiaic yuii.n.iM;: una yuii are getting the benefit of it 6-S Samples of either Mohair or St. Almo cloth gladly furnished by mail upon request. Calico reinnunts 4c a yard; Outiutr Flannels 5, 7, II and 10c a yard; Shuker I'luuneln 5 to lie; Canton Flannels 5 to t 12; Heavy red Flannel 25c. Special good value Lancanter Oinghum (k:. yd.; Cotton for quilts 10c, worth 12c, We ro still S(dlinn lots of-Grunuluted siijfai1 at o-lc. lb ; lirovui su- Ifiir "c. 11).; Ktar Soap, H cakes (or 2"c; Town Talk Tobacco, 2.1c. plii; 2 K3. -broom, l ie ; 4 lb. Lima Huang for 2 c. it's j- your fault if you are paying more eLsewliere. i HARRY E. HUSTON, I SALT1LLO, PA g m t i i a m itt. it tr in Store is the place for Rubber Goods whici. you will soon need. We will sell you Men's Felt Boots for $2.20, and the . best with Woonsocket Overs, Snag-proof and rolled edge at 52.50. Ladies' Candee Felt Bootsl .25. Aen's Arcticstfl .50, Lumber men's Socks and Overs, Alaskas and plain overs to lit all feet. We still have men's heavy underwear at 39c each. Our sales of Ladies' Coats and Furs and Skirts, has been unusually large this season, but we have lots of splen did ones to show you yet a beautiful skirt S$a ior ya. We feel thai we have the best Over coats in the county. 'See our Suits at $4, $5 and 6-ihey are stunners. More than 100 dozen beautifully Hand kerchiefs just received which we are sell ing from 5c o )?1 each. 50 dozen ladies' white hemstiched, at 3 for 10 cents. We are in a position to serve vou, m H i i m i SI li J. K. JOHNSTON, McConnellsburg. Worklnimea Wanted ' Single men under !iri years, to do farm ditching " months in Wis. $175.00 aud hoard for sat isfactory hands. "Also a faithful man to run steam ditcher." El) llKlCHKNHACH, Orrville, Ohio. Charlie Oreathead aud James and Scott Hull, who had been working In the large Sugar Mills at Loveland, Colorado, during the past two years, returned home last week for a visit to their re spective parents. ' Notice Noiico l, hereby given that I will not pay any detjts contracted by Frank D. Mellott, as he has gotio away f.-oir. my place with out ju st cause. D. II. Tkuax, Pleasant llidge, Pa. Jan. 15, 190(5. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS r nfr. Alwavn rfllnbln. likdlM, Mlt Druirclnt fur t 1114 aiK.N l fr it M 4. LIN II in Itrd nd tUitl uifialllo buitw, Mwlea wuti blu r'bbon. Vwkw bo tthr. HvfUM dmiirii huImII luiluuK ni liuliHtlutiM. liny uf your lruKtt, or hkikI lr. hi utHinpi Ior lrMfuiii'H, l4tl tuuninU Ktxt "Hellrf fur 1-HilU'-." if. I'ttf. ov rwiuru MII. 10,MIO iiMUaitiutHiii. txj u ty OUlOHUbTBII OHIMIOAL CO. JMPti Mil tfmf The famous littio pill. 8.1 4 "V-V vwv Mm W. M. Domcre aicnt for THE GEISER MANUFAC TURING COMPANY, EBURNT CABINS, PA. tor the sale ftt Traction uud Portable Knginen, Gusollno, Separators, Clover Uullers, Suwinlliu, &lo, EuKlueii on hand all. the time. OcWHt's urn Enrfy Itisefs The famous little pilln. For sale hy Stouteagle Bro. DYSPEPSIA CURE DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT T9 1100 tkjli: ov uln I'i Hnoithi trial Mm, which Hl)for tOuoU. rxrASD OKLV T TB LAIOIATOHV Of X, C D.WIXT St COMPANY, CHICAGO. IIX Ask lor Kodol's 1900 Almanao and 200 Year Calendar.