The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, February 07, 1906, Image 5

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01 Local and General Intcrcxl, (lathered
at Home or Clipped from our
I'rime Clover seed for sale thla
week atW. U. NesbitV
Mrs. Lou Jackson, East Walnut
street, Is on the sick list
Mrs. John Gunnells spent Sat
urday at Squire D. E Pore's.
Miss Sarah Stewart, ofUarrl
sonville, is visiting her sister,
Mrs. L. II. Wiblf, North Second
Wanted: Men, women, boys
iiml girls to rei resent McClure's
MajjuzitH!. d'ood jiay. Address
f." East 2L'd St , N. Y. City.
Oliver Sipes, of Harriaonville,
one of Licking Creek township's
successful teachers, spent Satur
day m town on business.
"Uncle" John G. MeUler, of
Ilarrisonville, was a pleasant call
er at, the News office a few min
utes last Saturday.
Wanted at Paul Waguer 's Tan
nery, calf skins, sheep skins,
horse hides and tallow. 9, 10 and
12 cents paid for beef hides.
Isaac C. McClain, of Gracey,
was among the Monday visitors
a the County Seat. Mr. McClain
is a lumberman and has two mills
eutliugrn Broadtop.
A man who once had rough
horny hands ma.'e them soft and
Miiooth with Witch Hazel Sale,
ijut he used the genuine that
hoaring the name of'E. C. DeWitt
it Co., Chicago." For sores, boils,
cuts, burns, bruises, etc., it has
i o equal, and affords almost im
mediate relief from blind bleeding
itchiug and protruding piles
Sold by Stouteagle Bros.
James Huston Kendall and
bride were the guests of honor at
a very pleasant social function
given at the home of S. A. Nes
bitanci wile, N n th Second street,
last Friday evening; where fifty
guests from this place and the
Big Cove, were entertained. Re
freshments were served, and the
evening spent in pleasant social
intercourse. Mr. and Mrs. Ken
dall were a welcome addition to
the social circle of McConnells-burg.
"How to keep off periodic 'at
tacks of biliousness and habitual
enstipation was a mystery that
Driving's New Life Pills solved
for me," writes John N. Pleasant
of Magnolia, Ind. The only pills are guaranteed to give per
fect satisfaction to everybody or
money refunded. Only 25c at
Trout's drus store.
Bert Henry and Arthur were
visiting J. P. Kerlin's family last
Wcci. Keebaugh was a business
caller here Monday.
The Clear Ridge-Hustontown
Telephone Company, at a meet
ing held here Saturday evening,
elected the following officers :
President, J3. H. Shaw; vice pres
ident, John Henry; secretary, W.
R. Fields; treasurer, J. P. Kerlin.
Directors, C. R. Shore, W. J
Henry, aud D. S. Henry.
The Jr. O. U. A. M. held quite
a lively debate Saturday evening.
(Question : Resolved, that the old
way of working the roads in this
county U chef per than the new
Road Law.
Charles Chamberlain and Ja
cob Ruby, of Sixmile Run. visit
I od the fa uily of Jaob Wiaeyard-
u m , over ouuciay. .
I The Mechanics band, of this
pkee, will hold an oyster supper
;uthe Hall, Saturday evening,
Feb. 10th, when tine concert
Will be given by the band.
Our postmaster, Jacob Wine
Kar'dner, while out buying calves
last week, discovered a new breed
of sheep. .But after coming home
and oxpluimn-g the good and bad
qualities of them, he 'fouu l out
to his surprise, that they were
Angora goats.
Itching, blind, bleeding or pro
ruding P'tes. Druggists refund
noney if Pazo Oiutment fails to
mre any case, no matter of how
ng stauding, in 0 to 1 days.
'irst application gives ease and
)st 50o. Ifyourdruggisthaan't
i send 50c in stamps and it wul
f forwarded post paid by Paris
Iltcluo Co., St. Louis, Mo.
News, like candidates for road
miervi.sor, im vory souvn in bins
Miss Ada Bartin, teacher of
Harns(.nville soliool, was one or
the nine teachris present at W.
O. Wink's institute last Frfilay
J H. and W II. lianok, of Broad
Top City, spent Sunday at their
respective homes the former re
maining at home on account of
severe cold.
Miss Nellie Kirk returned to
her home in this place last Mon
day after a three weeks' visit with
her sister in New Washington,
Rev. B. A. Salter began his pro
tracted meeting in the M. K.
church in this piuoo lost Sunday
Andrew Woodcock and Ray
mond Dawney began their con
tract of keeping the roads smooth
between this place and M t. Tabor
last Thursday nip;ht. The chances
are the roads will be in tine con
dition ere the groundhog awakens
from his six weeks of slumber.
The End of the World
of troubles that robbed E. II. Wolfe
of Bear Grove, la., of all useful
ness, came when he began taking
Electric Bitter 8. He writes: "Two
years ago kidney trouble caused
me great suffering, which I never
would have survived had I notta
ken Electric Bitters. They also
cured me of general debility."
Sure cure for ail stomach, liver
and kidney complaints, blood dis
eases, headache, dizziness and
weakness or bodily decline. Price
50c. Guaranteed by Trout's drug
(lond Slories.
1 was tola a good story a few
days ago by a wull Known lawyer
j in regcrd loan i-qsally well know n
I lawyer, snvs h writer in Tit. Bus
i "Hlank Blank's mind," sn.ys
j my informant, "is s well stored
j with amusing tales and experienc
es that nearly eveiy time he ris
es to argue a point at issue be
tween himself and opposing c.oun
! sd he makes use of them, to the
vast amuw. mentof the pprctators
and iurv. '
'Oucoheaud I were together
in a case, and 1m ot m a strong
answer to a point a lawyer on the
i other side had m;d i.
" 'The gentlemen of the jury,'
he said, 'must not placo too much
j faith in what my friend on the
! other s'uIm says. I f thev knew
him as wed as I do Uicy would j
see as well as I do that when his
mouth opeus his biaiu ceases to I
.work. I can only compare him
j to a little steamboat that used to j
run in the river Clyde. It had a
live inch boiler and a seven-inch
whistle. The effect of this was
that when the whistle blo w the
steamboat stopped.'
"Blank won his case."
Let Ale Sell Yon
No matter what kinil of u watch ynu want 1 cuii fui'iiish )t
from the dollar clock wnluli to ihc solid gold 2:1 jeweled highest
grade movement on the market, sill fully pinninteed and sent
prepaid to you.
jeweled F.fjjin and Walthan open
I will soli you a genuine
face Nickel cuso for only J.".
Ciold wutches . ,
Cold filled watches
Silver watches .
Nickel watches .
Gold chains . .
Gold tilled chums
$7 to 25
7 to 1 5
t2 to 12
. $10 :i.!
$1 to.!) j
tl to $12 i
Gold watches . .
Gold II I led watches
Silver watches . .
Gold chains . . ,
Chateliuo pins .
Gold lil.ed chains
. . $r :t
. $7 to $20
. $4 to $10
. 10 to $25
. 75c to $.)
2 ."xi to l
Watch repairing, jewelry repairing, Human coloring plat
ing, plain or fancy engraving a speciality
1). CHART with E. IS. WALLEN
'Watches that tell the I ruth."
405 Hrouthvay, Camden, N. J.
Geo. P. Hill has improved his
property by
Mrs. Savanah Hixson visited at
James Sharpe's Saturday.
Miss Annie Hebner spent some
time visiting Mrs. Man. Spencer
Mrs. J. Tiiden Hill visited Mrs.
Wm, Giffin recently.
Mrs. ClarK and Miss Rosana
Giftin spout a day recently with
Mrs. Mary C. Winter. .
Mrs. Alfred Mellott visited
Mrs. Ella Bernhardt one day last
Kev. Hendershot preached a
very able sermon at Cedar Grove
Jan uary 27th, at the close of which
Mrs. Milton Hill wr.s received in
to the church.
Ellis Lynch of McConnellsburg,
made a flying visit here last week.
John Uarnoll and wife we1 e the
guests over Hunday of Mr. and
Mrs. Iiussel Layton at Sideline
Henry Sharp of Locust Grove.
visited relatives and friends here
Saturday and Sunday.
A large crowd attended spell
ing school at Alpine school house
recently. Opal Sharpe and Kate
Yonker won the laurels.
Last Thursday , evening J. C.
Reid, of Hancock, entertained the
loafers at Carnell's store very
pleasantly with his phonograph.
Galveston's Sea Wall
makes life as safe in that city as
on the higher uplands. E. W.
Goodloe, who resides on Button
St., in Waco, Tex , needs uo sea
wall for safety He writes : "i
have used Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption the past
five years and it keeps me well
and-afe. Before that time I had
a cough which for years had been
growing worse. Now it's gone"
Cures chronic coughs, la grippe,
croup whooping cough aud pre
vents pneumonia Pleasant to
take. Every bottle guaranteed at
Trout's drug store. Price 50c
and fil 00. Trial botile free.
Mrs. George P. Metzler aud
sou Robert, of Harrison ville, were
McConnellsburg visitors Satur
A protracted will be
gin at the Antioch Christian
church in Thompson township,
Thursday evening, February 15th.
Rev. Chas. Rinehart, of Ohio, the
noted evangelist aud his singer,
Miss Bryson, will have charge of
these meetings.
I was considerably amused on
the train tue day watching a jolly
old mau who was very bald. In
a short time I was aware, as wys
everyone el .e in the cur, that he
was furnishiug if not
amusement, to the 'little girl sit
ting ju.-t back of him, who re
marked in distinctly audible
tones, "Mamma, that man has
enough room on the back of his
h'M(l for another face, hasn't he?"
A certain professor who
uoted for ;u excellent mathema
tician stopped :t small town in
Missouri, where a largo crowd ol
doctors wore holdir. g a conven
tion. That evening at the hotel,
the M. U.'s thinking to have some
Store Prices
Lantern globes, s cts.
Fire Shovels, 4 cts.
Files. 10 cts
Strap Hinges, 4 to 15 cts.
Cow Chains, 1(1 cts.
Tin Cups, 2 cts.
Galvanized oil cans, 1H cts.
10-(t. Galvanized water pails, 10 cts.
12-qt. Gulvaniled water pail.s, IS cts.
4-tjt. F.natneled coffee pots, 25 cts.
Horse Brushes, 10 cts.
Shoe nails, box, 3 and 5 cts.
Horse shoe nails, 11)., 12 cts
Knamoled Wash F.asins, 10 cts.
Shoes and Rubber
Table oil cloth, yd., 13 cts.
Brooms, i;, to 25 cts.
Felt Window Shudcs, 8 cts.
White Cluiid Toilet Soup. 4 cts.
1'kg. Coffee, l.j cts.
Loose ColTce, l:i to in cts.
Kugle Butter Crackers, 8 cts
Men's Knitovershirts, lleece lined 45 cts
Overalls. 4.'i cts.
Work Shirts, 40 to 50 cts.
Levins, 40, 50 and (id cts.
Ked Key Tobacco, cut, 8 cts.
Tin flippers, 4 cts.
Gingham, 5 to 7 cts
goods at the right prices.
M. H. Hollinshead,
Harrisonville, Pa.
fun, told the professor that ihey i Mpf 11111 ftllc'hlll1ff 'o
had made up their minds to take j luljVJUllIlulloUlll S 0
out ins nrains to tiud out why it ,
New Furniture Store.
Dr. King'
c;v Discovery
OUGHSand , 60c tf 1.00
0LD8 Fret Trial.
burout and Ci,iucket Cure tot all
was lie understood figures so ;
well, and asked what he was go- j
mg to do at. out it, whereupon lie !
cooly auswered : '
"Why, I shall simply go on liv- ;
ing without them, just as yon doc- ;
tors are doing. "
A good country parson preach
ed a series of sormons on practi
cal morality and very interesting
aud instructive they were. A lad
in the village who had hoard only
one of them was coming out
orchard one day, his pockets
bulging out with stolen fruit. He
met the parson, who noticed his
efforts to conceal the evidences of
his guilt. "Have you beeu steal
ing apples V" asked the minister.
"Yes," answered the boy, sheep
ishly. "And you are trying to
hide them from me?" continued ;
the good mau. "Yes, sir," said !
the culprit brightening up, "You
said last Sunday that we must !
avoid the appwrauce of evil." j
They never gripe or sicken, but j
cleanse and strengthen ihe stom
ach, liver and bowels. This istlie- p yy WATER ST
universal verdicj of the many '
thousands 'vho use DeWitt's Lit
tie Early Risers. These famous '
little pills relieve headache, con- j
stipatipatior, biliousness, jaun-1
dice, torpid liver, sallow complex- i
ion, etc. Try little Early Risers. '
Bold by Stouteagle Bros. ' 1
Dan Cromer, of Fort Littietou. I
was a town visitor last Saturday, i
Read this and be convinced that we have in our store
the largest stock of selected FURNITURE and HOUSE
HOLD FURNISHINGS that has ever been in this coun
ty, and at prices that will suit every body :
Iron Beds (jreen, , blue ond white,
2.:i0, 2.(lu,' 4.25, and up.
lied Springs both woven wire, and
coil, S2.50, $.J,15, utid $.t.75.
$1.45, $1.75, 1.!8, &!.i5; Child's Uock
crs and llifrh Chairs: Heed Uockers,
$4.75, $5,55, $5,75, und $0.50.
Couches, to 12; Bed Lounges,
$i 1.118; Cots, $1.50 and f 1.70.
Five-piece Farlor Suite, upholstered
in Silk Damask, 20.
Stunds, 75, 05, and $1.25. Kasels, 50
and 05c.
Mirrors French Plate, 85, f 1.00 and
$5.50. Pictures and Frames, $1 to $1.75
Window Blinds, 10 to 22c. Ten
piece Toilet sets, $.'1.25 and 4.15.
Mattresses excelsior, husk, cotton,
etc,, $2 Hi, $.' Id, .(.75 and $4.
:!-piece Bedroom Suite, $15.50, 18.50
to :!2.75.
Chiffoniers, $10; Hall Backs, $7;
Side Boards, $12 to $20: Kxtensioo
Tables, 8-ft., fli.25, $7.05; (l-ft., 4.55:
Falluiff-leaf, $11.15. Dining-room and
Kiudien Chairs, $.1.75, $1, $5.75,
$0, $0.50, $7.80 per set. Uockers, $1.25,
Ainthinjf you would like to have, and we don't have
it in stock or mentioned in the above list, would be glad
to have you call and select from our catalogue, and have
same ordered at once. Thanking you for your past pa
tronage, and wishing your tuture trade, we are,
Respectfully yours,
Thos. B. Stevens&Son,
cooooooooooo cooooooooooooo
oots and Shoes I
D. E. McClain,
eiltillo, Pa.
Who has successfullv conducted a
Hardware und Furniture Store sinua I
1888, having failed somewhat in health '
has decided to closo out his entire!
largo Stock of Goods at Cost !
Hardware of all kluds, Kanecs, i
Cook und Heating Stoves, Nails, i
Glass, Paints. Oil, Fenolnsj Wire, Bar ;
Iron und Water Pipe, Chamber Stilts,
Sideboards, Couches, Iron and Woou I
Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Tables, i
Chub s, Carpet and Wall Paper
Pn s peels were never belter for
business at this stand than at present 1
und bids fair for Increase from now j
on, as Rocky Itidj,' foul mines, newly i
openod up are not fur off . Good ener- i
getla business liutu can sc.'uro line !
chance to luko my business and con- i
tinun ut Saltillo, Pa.
1 invite correspondence from any
one meaning business '
Boys' and Men's Boots $1 .50 to $1. 75.
Ladies' Felt Boots $1 25 to $1.50.
Men 's Felt Boots $2. OO to $2. 35.
Boys' School Shoes $ 1 to $2.
Men 's Work Shoes $1.25 to $2.
Men 's fVatsontown high Shoes $5.
Ladies' Dress Shoes $ 1 .25 to $2.50.
Ladies ' Fox-lined Shoes $1.25 to$l. 75.
O Men's Work Pants 75c to $1.
O Men 's Corduroy Pants $1. 50 to $2. 50.
S Best Linen Corduroys $2.50.
Men 's Work Coats $1.25 to $2.
X Men's and Boys' Sfveaters25c io$3.25.
A full line of .
S General Merchandise
O s ,
O altvays in STOCK. Highest Market price
O for Butter, Eggs and Poultry.
Gem, Pn
fcooooooooco xxxooxxxxooo8
the standard cough and cold cure for over
75 years now comes also in a
F- n ITV B" Mr r A IV T rr ' Convenient to mrry with you. Don't
H 1L V-trk . I I I Uf XI I be without It. A.kyourdruugiit.
be without It. Ak vour druccit. 3 1 iC
. ALMANAC KKKK. Wrll to I)i fl. Jayile ft Sou, Phllikl.lil.
Big Underselling Store
We still have ajfew hate that we will close out at, and below
cost. Don't fall to come soon, if you wait too lonif you will mis
great bargains.
The winter U long. Come and get a bat at your own price.
We have all kinds of Dress Trimmings. We have a few shirt
waists that were 1.40, now only tl. Collars reduced to cost.
All shades of Ribbons at cost.
Give us a call before gotnjf elsewhere, If you want to save
money. Our store is just across the street from the pnrtotllce.
McConnellsburg. Fo.
Prices For January
Tar roofin;; KKc roll
Roofing cups Gc lb.
Siding paper 500 sq. ft 48c.
Lump globes No. 1 and 2. . . .4 and 5c.
Lantern globes No. 1 and 2.. 5 and 8c.
No. 1 Diet, lantern 45c.
No 2 Dietz lantern 80c.
Dashboard lanterns f5c
2qt. covered buckets 5c
.'ttt. covered buckets 8o
4 qt. covered buckets 10c
2 qt. tin cofTee pot 12c
3 qt tin coffee pot 14c
4 (jt. tin cotTee pot ltlc
10 qt. tin dish pan 10c
14 qt. tin dish pan 14c
IT qt. tin dish pan 17c
14 qt extra heavy dish pan 25c
17 qt. extra heavy dish pan 2!lc
21 qt. extra heavy dish pan 37c
Silver steel teu spoons, set ..tic
Silver steel table spoons, set 12c
Tin cups 2c
1 gal. galvanized oil cans 19c
5 qt. granite preserving kettle 23c
8 qt. granite preserving kettle 33c
(! qt. blue & white preserving kettle 35c
8 qt. blue & white preserving kettle 45c
10 qt blue & white preserving kettle 55c
3 qt white and blue stew pans 10c
4 qt blue and white stew pang 18c
Steel skillets. 8 and 9 20c
Metal skillets 24 and 33c
Mouse traps, sure catch 3 for 5c
Rat traps 8c
3 corner files 4-, 5-, and ti-in 3 and 4c
8-ln. Ilat files 8c
10-in. flat files 10 and 12c
Horse shoe rasps, 12-ln ltk-.
Horse rasps, l.'t-in. tong 22c
Horse rasps, 10-in. plan 25c
Hand saws 35c, 75c and tl 55
Compass saw 12c
Tenon saws 55o
Cow chains 15 and 19c
Web halters 15c
Mica axle greese 8 and 23c
We have a full line of Never-s'.ip
horse shoes and calks. Ready to
No. 1 per set 65c; No. 2 per set 70c;
No. 3 per set 80c; No. 4 per set 98c; No.
5 per set tl.Oti.
Galvanized tubs No. 1, 40c; No. 2,
45c; No. 3, 50c; No. 4, 55c.
Mann axes .75 and 90c
Trunks tl 85, tl.90, t2.25, and $2.38
Felt boots ; . ,H2, t2.20, and 2 50
Horse blankets 90c, $1 25 and tl.(K)
to $2 50.
Plush lap robes $2.45 and $3.25
Table oil cloth 12c yd
Felt window shades 8c
Oil window shades 20 and 23c
Cross cut saws $1 to $1.35
Wood saw, double frame 48c
Curtain poles 8c
Thanking our many friends for the nice increase in our business
the past year
We are
Geo. I. Reisner & Co.
To our patrons and the public generally .
We have just received
have ever bought. The STYLES
are Strictly UP-TO-DATE, and
the QUALITY and PRICE are
strictly all right. We want you
to see our suits before youfiuy.
WINTER are now coming in
and will be ready for you very
soon. These we want you to
bought our Cotton Blankets,
Outings, Flannelettes, &c and
can say to you that we can sell
you these goods AT LEAST 2
THAN LAST YEAR, and m some
of them more. .
For early fall serving, we
have the goods.
Very respectfully.
6. 1. Reisner i Co,