The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, January 17, 1906, Image 7

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Owen Wlster, the novelist, wss crit
icising the work of a literary begin
ner. "Now, here," said Mr. Wlster, clash
ing bis blue pencil through an entire
manuscript page, "hero la arrant su
perfluity and surplusage. In what way
to theso 400 words help your story T
"In no way. On the contrary, they
binder, they impede It These written
words are mere surplusage, as so
many of our spoken words are mere
surplusage. They resemble the use
less questions that we ask.
"A man stood before a mirror In his
room, his face lathered, and an open
razor In his hand.
"His wife came in. 6 he looked at
bim and said:
" "Are you shaving?'
"The man, a foe to surplusage, re
piled fiercely:
"'No; I am blacking the kitchen
range. Where are you out driving
or at a matinee?' "
Lydla Em Pnkham's
Vegetable Compound
is ft positive cure for all those painful
ailment of wornen. It will entirely
oure the worst forfts of Female Com
plaints. Inflammation and Ulceration,
Falling and DifiplacQments, and conse
quent Spinal Weakness: and, is peoul
arly adapted to the VhaAge of Life.
It will surely cure,
It has cured more eases jf Female
Weakness than any other remedy the
world has ever known. It is almost in
fallible in suoh cases. It dissolves and
expels Tumors in an early stage of
development. That
Bearing-down Feeling,
causing pain, weight and headache, is
instantly relieved and permanently
eured by its use. Under all circum
stances it acts in harmony with the
female system. It corrects
Suppressed or Painful Periods, Weak
ness of the Stomach, Indigestion, Bloat
ing, Nervous Prostration, Headache,
General Debility. Also
Dizziness, Falntness,
Extreme Lassitude, "don't-care" and
" want-to-be-left-alone " feeling, excit
ability, irritability, nervousness, sleep
lessness, flatulency, melancholy or the
"blues," and backache. These are
sure indications of Female Weakness,
some derangement of the organs. For
Kidney Complaints
and Backache of tither mx the Vegeta
ble Compound is unequalled.
You ean write Mrs. Pinkham about
yourself in strictest confidence.
LTDU E. PINK HIM KID. CO., Lies, lets.
A Delicate Compliment.
Many delicate compliments have
been paid the fair sex by men subtle
In speech, but here is one straight
from the heart of an illiterate negro
that is difficult to excel:
It is recalled by the Rev. C. P.
Smith of Kansas City, In telling the
story of a marriage fee.
"When I was preaching at Walla
Walla, Wash.," he says, "there was no
negro preacher in town, and I was
often called upon to perform a cere
mony between negroes. Ono after
noon, after I had married a young
negro couple, the groom asked the
price of the service."
" 'Oh, well,' said I, 'you can pay me
whatever you think it is worth to you.
"The negro turned and silently look
ed his bride over from head to foot,
then slowly rolling up the whites of
his eyes to me, said:
"'Lawd, sah. you has done ruined
me for life; you has, fur sure.'"
The more we know of our Ills, the
easier and sooner relief will come.
Pains and aches of the flesh,
Joints and muscles are
The mission of the Old-Monk-Cure
St. Jacobs Oil
Is to cure, sr.d the world knows
it does it safely and surely.
Price), 85c ad 30o.
That Delightful Aid to Health
Toilet Antiseptic
Whitens the teeth purifies
mouth and breath cures nasal
catarrh, sore throat, sore eyes,
and by direct application cures
all Inflamed, ulcerated and
catarrhal condition caused by
feminine UU.
Paxtine possesses extraordinary
i ;?'"' healing and germi
cidal qualities unlike anything
else. At all druggists. 1 50 cents
Ihe R. Paxtoa Co., Boston, Kail.
Too Many Women Curry the Hasty Load
of Kidney Slcknees.
Mrs. S. W. Wright, of 172 Msln
Street, Haverhill. Masr., snys: "In
1800 I was suffer
ing so with ihnrp
) pains in the small
of the nncK ana una
such frequent dizzy
spells I could scarce-
U0ll,e- Tuc ilDiry
lulte 1. regular,
alonthly periods
were so distressing I dreaded their
approach This was my condition for
four years. Doa'.'s Kidney Pills
helped me right away when I began
with them, and three boxes cured
me permanently.'
Sold by all dealers. SO c.'iils a bo-.
Foster-MUburn Co., Buffalo, N. 1'.
Deceptive Appearance.
' in 1 railroad train, Bishop Brooks
of Boston leaned across the aisle and
toward an intelligent-looking man, and
"What were you going to rtmark?"
"I was not going to remark any
thing." "But you looked at me, and seemed
about to say something to me."
"Yes, I am said to be very decep
tive that way. I used to say things
.and make remarks as soon as I
'thought them. I have often thought I
had something to say, and discovered
after I had said it, that I ought to
have kept my mouth shut."
Corel Itail Tlraath roiltlre anil Tnstant
Care Free No Drucs Curei
by Absorption.
A sweet brrnth is priceless.
Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers will cure bad
breath and bod tsste instantly. Belching
and bad taste indicate offensive breath,
which is due to stomach trouble.
MulJ's Anti-Belch Wafers purify the
stomach and . stpn belching, by absorbing
foul xanes that arise from undigested food,
and. by supplying the digestive organs with
natural (olenls (or food.
ThoT relieve ' sea or car sickness and
nausea of any klad.
They quickly cure headache, correct the
HI effect of excessive estina or drinklns.
They wilt rle'troy a tobacco, whisky or
onioo breath instantly.
Thev stoo fermentation in the stomach.
scute indigestion, cramps, colic, gas In the
stomach and intestines, distended ab
domen, heartburn, bad complexion, fliay
spells or any oilier affliction arising from
a rliensed stomach.
We know Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers will
do 'this, and we want you to know it. This
oner may not appear again.
GOOD FOR 2.-c.
Send this coupon with ?vor name
and address end y;ir druggist's name
and 10c. in stamps or silver, and we
will supply you a ssmnle free if- you
have, hover ued Mull's Anti-Belch
Wafers, and will also send "ou a cer
tificate good for 25c. toward the pur
chase of more Belch Wafers.- You. will
find them invaluable for stomach trou
ble; cures by absorption. Address
Mull's Oraub Tonic Co.. 328 3d
Ave., Hock Island, ill.
Oiet -Full Addreis and W'rile riainhj.
All druggists, 50c. per box, or by mail
upon receipt oi price. Stamps accepted.
Lake Titicacs is the highest navigable
lake in the world.
Bow's This T
WoofforOne Hundred Dollars Reward for
any case of Catarrh that onnnot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
V. J. Chsxet & Co., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, hava known I". J.
Choney for the last 16 years, and believe him
porfeotly honorable in all business transac
tions and financially able to carry out any
obligations made by their firm.
Wbht h Tbdax, Wholesale Druggists, To
ledo, O.
Waldiho, Kibkak h Mabviu, 'Wholosalo
Druggists, Toledo, O.
Ball's Catarrh Curo itaken Internally, act
ing dlreotlyupon the blood and mucuous sur
faces of the system. Testimonials sent free,
lrioo, 7So. per bottle. 861d by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Tills for constipation.
Tea at a cent a pound is used by the
poorer classes in Japan.
Cures Cancer, Blood Poison ami Scrofula.
It you have blood poison producing
eruptions, pimples, ulcers, swollen glands,
bumps apd risings, burning, itching skin,
coppor-oolored spots or rash on the skin,
muooug patches In mouth or throat, fall
ing hair, bone pains, old rheumatism or
foul catarrh, take Botanic Blood Balm (B.
B. B.) it kills the poison in the blood;
soon all sores, eruptions heal, bard swell
ings subside, aches and pains stop and a
perfeot oare Is made of the worst canes of
Blood Poison.
For oanoors, tumors, swellings, eating
sores, ugly uloers, persistent pimples of all
kinds, take B. B. B. It destroys the can
cer poison in the blood, heals cancer of all
kinds, oures the worst humors or sup
purating swellings. Thousands cured by
B- B. H. after all else falls. B. B- B.
composed of pure botanic Ingredients. Im
proves the digestion, makes the blood pure
and rich, stops the awful Itching and all
sharp, shooting pains. Thoroughly tested
(or thirty years. Druggists, tl per bottle,
with oomplete directions for Dome cura,
Sample free and prepaid by writing Blood
Balm Co., Atlanta, ia. Desorlbe trouble
and free medical adyloe also sent iu sealed
The momentum of a swiftly flying bird
is considerable.
Terrible Sore ou Ankle Cansad Awful Sof
frlu( Could Not Sleep Cured
by Cutlonrn In Six Weeks.
"I had a terrible sore on my ankle, and
had not walked any for eleven months. 1
tried nearly everything .ritho' t any bene
fit and bar. a doctor, but he didn't seem
to do any r.ood. He said 1 would have
to have icy jimt t ken oft, and that 1
would never alk again. 1 suffered aw
ful, :.nd at night i could not sleep at all.
I thought the.o was no rest for me, hut
i-f soo.i as I beg.'n to use Cuticura IScap
and Oi it comn enced healing nice
ly. If tad the ankle with warm water
and Cutirj.a Soap, -d hen tpplied Cuti
cura Ointment to the affected part, and
laid a cloth over the sore to hold it in
place. A'ter two weeks I could walk
around in my room real good, and in six
weeki' lime my snkla w.-a eu- rci.- cured,
snd - was walking around out of doors.
Mrs. Mary D.ckcrsou, Lou'sa C. II., Vs.,
April 'a, 1805." .
Mere invention was regarded as vulgar in
ancient times.
Bobbed la Chnron.
Just think what an outrage it is to be
robbed of all the benefits ot the services
by continuous coughing throughout the
congregation, when Anti-Uripine is guaran
teed to cure, bold everywhere. 1(9 eta.
if. W. Uiemer. Id. D manufacturer,
Springfield, Mo.
Chinese student in Japan now number
more than 8000.
Itoh eared In DO minutes by Wooiford's
Sanitary Lotion) never foils. Bold by
Druggists, llajl orders promptly filled
by Ut. Petohou, Crawlordsvillo, Ind. II.
Secretary Taft has traveled 100,000 miles
since May 24, IV.
. A 8tatlon Without 8lgnsle.
There Is no chance of a signalman
making a mistake ut WansjroVSta
tion the smallest on the Great West
ern railway Tor the simple reason
that there are no signals, and, conse
quently, no signalmen. The station Is
situated on the Wells branch of Som
ersetshire, between Wltham fcnd Cran
more, a structure consisting of a Dlat-
Sorm about 24 yrds long snd a small
waiting rpom. in tne waiting-room is
a Are grate, and on the platform one
lamp. No station master, porter, or
other staff is kept at Wanstrow, the
station being under the supervision
of the Witham station master, who
pays occasional visits to the piace to
see that everything is in order. In
the winter a platelayer makes a fire
in the waiting-room, attends to it dur
ing the day, and lights the platform
lamp when necessar). London Tit
riTSpermanentiyeureJ. yo tits or nervous
ness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Croat
NorveRHatorer.tltrlalbnttloandtroatlsefree 11. Ki.iss. Ltd., 981 Arch Ht., I'hlla., I'a.
The world's production of coal in 18S0
was 37VXX,OW lops.
A Oueranteed Cure for l'ltei,
Icchlng, Blind, Blosdlnir, Trotradlng DIM.
bruKgisUareuutliorizedto refund money It
fazo Oint moat f ni Is to ou re in 6 to 14 days. oOc.
The telephone syslciu of the Illinois
Ctntral Railroad is to be extended. ,v
Jam sure l'lso's Cure for Consumption saved
my llfethroo years a?o. Mrs. Thomas Ko
ksts, Muplo Ht Norwich. N.Y., Feb. 17.190J
The German city of Pforzheim has a
population of 85,000.
To Cnra a told In Una Day
Take Laxatlvo llromo Quinine Tablots.
DruttKist refund monoy If it falls to cure. K.
W.tirove'sslguuturo on each box. U5c,
Glasgow, Scotland, spends on drink fl6,
000,000 a year.
TaylorX;h;rokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and
Mu)len is Kuture'g grout remedy Cures Ooughs,
Colds, Croup and Lonmmntlou, and all throat
snd lung troubles. At druggists, 'lbc., COc., aud
Si .00 per bottle.
Made Presence of Mind a Very Sec
ondary Consideration.
C. K. Sober was showing a group
of Pennsylvania statesmen over his
famous chestnut farm near Bhamo-'
"I have been told," said an insur
ance inspector, "that on a good chest
nut fr.rm each tree yields $100 profit.'
"That Is impossible," said Mr. (So
ber, iaughlng. "That is quite impos
sible. It la such a whopper that it
reminds me of life in the west.
"A friend of mine sat one cold night
before the red-hot stove In a western
"At the bar a number of tall stor
ies were being told. Every man had
an illustration to present of his own
bravery or generosity or Lotharlo
ism, One chap said: 'I was once
crossing a long, high, one-track rail
road bridge on the ties when I seen
a train coming toward me. Tho
bridge was too narrow for me to draw
to one side or the other and to Jump
into the boiling waters below meant
sartln death. In a flash I grasped the
situation and started on a quick run
toward the locomotive. Wlen with
in a few feet of the great machine
I concentrated all my nerve and mus
cle in one effort and leaped straight
up in the air. The terrible loco shot
under me and I came down safe and;
sound on the bridge, preserved from
death, but seriously shaken by the
"At the conclusion of this tale a
groan went up from the assemblage
and an old miner with a white beard
said bitterly:
" 'What's the use of presence of
mind when a man can lie like that?"
Snuffbox In Her Stocking.
It was a sunny day and several pas
sengers on the ferry boat were sitting
on the outside benches. One middle
aged, quietly dressed and obviously
respectable woman sat alone. Pres
ently she reached down, pulled up her
skirts and drew a small box from out
of her stocking. She opened the box
rnd took therefrom a pinch of snuff.
This done, she replaced the box in
her stocking and fastened her garter.
The pungent odor of snuff pervaded
the air, but the woman appeared un
concerned to the point of defiance.
"Well!" exclaimed one man to him
self or anybody who chanced to hear
bim. "I wouldn't have believed it if
I hadn't seen it." New York Press.
Worse Than an Epidemic?
Dr. Heber Jones, to whom the citi
zens of Memphis recently presented
a purse of $10,000 for his care of the
quarantine this year, has weathered
five epidemics In the city and yet it
is recorded that he was "greatly em
barrassed" when the leading woman
who presented the check kissed him
full uron the Hps.
llow It Often Happens From Coffee.
"I had- no ides," writes a Dtiluth
man, "that it was the coffee I had been
drinking all my life that was responsi
ble for the headaches which were
growing upon me, for the dyspepsia
that 110 medicines would relieve, and
for the acute nervousness which un
fitted me not only for work but also
for the most ordinary social functions.
"But at last the truth dawned upon
me, I forthwith bade the harmful bev
erage ft prompt farewell, ordered in
some Tostuin and began to use it. The
good effects of the new food drink were
apparent witlilu a very few days. My
headaches grew less frequent, and de
creased lu violence, my stomach grew
strong ami able to digest my food with
out distress of any kind, my nervous
ness hss gone and I am able to enjoy
life with my neighbors and sleep sound
ly o'nlgbts. My physical strength and
nerve power have increased so much
that I can do double the work I used
to do, and I feel no undue fatigue af
terwards. "This improvement set In Just as
soon as the old, coffee poison had so
worked out ot my system as to allow
the food elements In the l'ostum to get
a hold to build me up again. 4 cheer,
fully testify that it was Tostum and
l'ostum alone that did all this, for
when I began to drink It I 'threw
physie to the dogs.' " Name given by
Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich.
There's a reason. Bead the famous
little book, "Tb Boud to Wellville," in
R, G. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Trade Re
view rays:
1 "Wholesale trade for the week was sea
sonably quiet, with stock taking in prog
ress, and salesmen preparing to go out
on their spring trips. Bad weather and
the holidays combined to diminish the
volume of retail business, which was
hardly tip to expectations.
"The week in clothing lias been quite
active, in spite of its being between sea
sons; orders coming in are of substantial
volume, and retailers evidently anticipate
a good spring season. Business in dry
goods and notions at wholsale i only
normal, and spring trade has not yet
opened. Manufacturers of straw hats
are very busy and there is a brisk demand
for shirts and men's furnishing goods.
There is no let up in the demand for
shoes, and jobbers expect fully as large
a trade for the coming season at last
"Business in leaf tobacco has become
more active since the first of the year,
collections are good and prices continue
high. Holiday trade in manufactured
tobacco exceeded expectations, and col
lections are fair, though, prices are un
steady. Harness manufacturers report
that salesmen are sending in fair orders
from the road, but collections are unsatis
Baltimore. Wheat Receipts, 16,093
bushels, including 344 bushels Southern
and 15,749 bushels Western; shipments
from elevators, 6,300 bushels; stock in
elevators, 361,307 bushels. Receipts of
Southern Wheat were confined to a few
small bag lots, which sold at 62c, 74., 79c.
and 80c., as to quality and condition. The
market closed at 85c. for No. 2 red and
"9)4c. for steamer No. 2 red, a decline
of 4c Western opened easy. Spot arid
January Wheat was quoted at 85c, Feb
ruary at 86fri;86c. ?.d May 8oc. bid.
Corn Receipts, 214,664 bushels, includ
ing 1,31 1 bushels Southern w hite and 213,
353 bushels Western; shipments from
elevators, 165,381 bushels; stock in eleva
tors, 2,331,290 bushels. The receipts of
Southern Corn were limited and the mar
ket was quiet. A cargo of No, 2 white
sold at 49 c. Closing quotations on
Southern Corn were 42449c. for
white and 4249!4c. for yellow.
Oats Receipts, 10,747 bushels; with
drawn, 9,687 bushels; stock in elevators,
373.77& bushels. The market was firm.
The quotations were as follows : White,
No. 2, 3838J4c; white, No. 3, 37
37J4c.j white, No. 4, 35jJ6!c. ; mix
ed, No. 2, 36!4(tf37c.; mixed, No. 3, 35
j6c; mixed, No. 4, 34J4635c
Rye Receipts, 11,969 bushels; with
drawn, 2,684 bushels ; stock in elevators,
312,117 bushels. The market was dull.
The quotations follow : No. 2 Western,
in export elevator, 73c; No. 3 Western,
6667c. ; No. 4 Western, 65(fi;66c. ;
No. 4 nearby, 5758c. ; bag lots, as to
quality and condition, $o(n.6sc. ; choice
Western, uptown delivery, 7bi77C.
Hay The market was steady at the
following quotations: No. I Timothy,
large bales, $14 50(0:15; No. I Timothy,
small bales, $14.50(015; No. 2 Timothy,
as to location, $
Straw The market was quiet. Large
baled Rye Straw was easy. The quota
tions were: No. I straight Rye, $12;
straight Rye, No. 2, $ll 11.50; tangled
Rye, blocks, $9 10; Wheat, blocks, fair
to choice, $7.50(0:8; Oat, common to
prime, $6(&8.50. Receipts, 55 ton's, in
cluding 10 tons for shipment.
Butter The market was firm. Prices
were the same: Creamery separator, ex
tra, 2627; creamery imitation, extra,
202I ; held creamery, extra, 2324.
Eggs Fancy Maryland and Pennsyl
vania, per dozen, 24c; Virginia, per doz
en, 24c. ; Western, per dozen, 24c. ; West
Virginia, per dozen, 23c; Southern, per
dozen, 22c.
Dressed poultry -The market was
steady at quotations, as follows : Chick
ens, young, per pound, 14c. ; do., old and
mixed, per pound, 13c Ducks, per
pound, I3isc. Gccse, per pound, 12
15c. Turkeys, fancy, per pound, 16c.;
do., fair to good, per pound, 15c. ;' ordi
nary, per pound, I2i3c.
New York. Flour Receipts, 36,552
barrels; exports, 12,857 barrels; dull and
unchanged. Minnesota, patent, $4 5o5!
Minnesota bakers', $3.60(0)3.90; winter
patents, $4,10(0)4.50; winter straights,
$3-904 i winter extras, $2.85(3.25.
Wheat Receipts, 162,000 bushels. Spot
easy; No. 2 red, oo?c. elevator; No. a
red 95'Ac. f. o. b. afloat; No. I Northern
Dulutth, 95Hic. f. o. b. afloat.
Corn Receipts, 780,475 bushels; ex
ports, 3,120 bushels. Spot firm. No. 2,
57c. old elevator and 51c. f. o. b. afloat;
No. 2 yellow, 5l4c. ; No. 2 white, sijjc.
Oats Receipts, 103,503 bushels; ex
ports, 3,500 bushels. Spot, steady; mixed
Oats, 26 to 32 pounds, 3637c. ; natur
al white, 30 to 32 pounds, 37J38c-;
clipped white, 36 to 40 pounds, 40(0)41.
Philadelphia. Wheat steady; contract
grade, January, 85855.ic. Corn firm;
January, 4849c. Oats steady; No.
2 white, natural, and No. 2 white, clip
ned. 7'A(xil&c. Butter scarce; extra
Western creamery, 2728c.; nearby
prints, 30c. Fggs steady; nearby fresh
and Western fresh, 26c. at mark. Cheese
frm; New York full cream, fancy, 14
1454c.; choice. I3i3:. ; fair to
good, I2l3c. Refined Sugars firm.
Live Stock.
Chicago. Cattle Receipts, 500 head;
market steady. Beeves, $3506.25;
Cows, $l.354-5o; Heifers, $2.2549o;
Calves, $68; good prime Steers, $5.35
6.25; poor medium, $3.so5.3o; stock
ers and feeders, $2.30 4-35.
Pittsburg. Cattle Supply light; mar
ket steady. Choice, $5-405-6o; prime,
Hogs Receipts light; market active.
Prime heavies and medium, $5-655.70;
Vorkers and Pigs, $5.65 ; roughs, $45. .
Lord Roberts has accepted the presi
dency of the Soldiers' Christian Associa
tion. John M. Gerin, recently appointed
United States senator from Oregon, will
be the poorest man iit that body.
The entire collection of the diplomatic
letters of Pope Pius VII, has been stolen
from the archives of the Vatican.
Of the 74.795.65S kilos of wheat im
ported into Portugal in 1903, 72,989,347
kilos came from the United States.
An order for 35 spinning wheels has
been placed in Europe for the establish
ment of a spiniug industry among Boer
girls in the Zoutpansberg district of the
The Khedive of Egypt does not even
smoke an Egyptian cigarette. He gets
up at 6 o'clock in the morning. He is
said to be able to converse in six differ
ent languages,
All the education of native children in
Natal it carried on by American mis
sionaries, who are paid by the govern
ment a small sum for each child so in
structed, the number in the schools being
tbout 3,00a
i i4 csriosd nippo men paki no 'powder fT T
Ie0TO(JrllsiASIANoTvrMiKr!G I , ' ,
CACH CAN. Address : Tut DCA"TWtNT t or I I.
TliU it th "ear coupon
found on back of tach cao
of fenuino Good Luck
Butting Powder. Each
coupon counts for a
fioo premium.
Commercial Agent Carroll, of Gren
ville, reports thst the lumber cut tills
season by the mills In the Ottawa dis
trict was about 380,000,000 feet: The
season lias been fairly prgsperoust
For Family and Farm
IB Albany Street, Boston, Mass.
Love for the Old Home.
Mankind Is nomadic, find while the
sweetest poetry In the language Is In
spired by the old homo, the monu
mental work In the world has been ac
complished in the main by thos? who
left the parental roof to pursue else
where the quest for fortune, fame and
high success. Nevertheless, the love
for the old home abides. The re
union of those who remain and those
who have departed Is an occasion
that will stir the pulse of any com
munity in which such a soulful event
takes place. The pretty announce
ment was made by a newspaper in a
little New England town which was
about to celebrate Its old home week
that "the Jones boys have arrived
and Charles will preach In the Pres
byterian church on Sunday." A little
waif of news like that revives old
times and pays for all the prepara
tion of "old home week." Philadel
phia Ledger.
Hetty Green's New Auto.
Mrs. Hetty Green, the richest wo
man la America, is to purchase an
auto, and she will run It herself. Her
heart Is softened toward all automo
billsts. She no longer thinks they
are devil wagons, run by devils, for
devils, saya a New York writer. Soon
she will spin from bank to bank In
her own auto Instead of walking.
Three rules she has laid down for
"My auto must be the best on the
market that can be bought for the
least money.
Through Coffee Drinking,
Some people question the statements
that coffee hurts the delicate nerves of
the body. Personal experleuce with
thousands prove the general statouient
true, and physicians have records of
great numbers of cases that add to the
The following Is from the Rockford,
111., Iteglster-Uazette:
Dr. Wllllai . Langhorst, of Aurora,
has been treating one of the queerest
eases of lost eyesight ever In history.
The patient Is O. A. Leach, of Bcuch
County, and In the last four months he
has doctored with all of the specialists
about the country, and baa at last re
turned home with the fact Impressed
on bis mind thnt his case Is Incurable.
A portion of the optic nerve has been
ruined, rendering his sight so limited
that he ia unable to see anything be
fore him, but he can tee plainly any
thing at the side of him. There have
Good Luck Baking Powder is such a great
favorite with good cooks that
it to grocers in car load lots.
saving to us. ' Now, to show our
still further increase the sales, we are
load saving with you in the form of
all absolutely free if you use
Baking Powder
These articles ste carefully selected, sud you sre sure to
find something to pleane you. All are illustrated in the
Oils Boos, found Inside each can. It also tells you how
rnauy coupous It will take to get the premium you choose.
Oood Luck Bnkinif Powder is the bet obtainable at
any price, because strictly pure and always reliable.
The low price, 10 cents for a pound can, Is made pos
sible by the enormous sales, and the premiums are
offered merely as an inducement to new purchaners,
the cost of same being covered by lower cost of ship
ment In car lots.
V your f'Ctr hasn't Geod Luck, pleatt Itnti ut hit nawu.
Richmond, Vs.
price, 25 ct r
w". im wt imv rs m m h hb aa
111 win. uni I'i 'II
a- ir. or is
I nj o njlJAL FOR w
tVt'y Call tor your
Two of Dtleot and
oooscltntioui effort to produce the
wti Nftfci ia ine woria.
Ten RrMieratlouiof blood and bralni.
The lamest plnut in tho world ricluilvelv
devoted to Baw-inakint:, employing many
hundred, of lilph-clui. hlgh-prlcea crafttmrn
and equipped with cottly pedal machinery.
a, ivuriu'wiue uusinesi tttftf rcguiiiig luauy
millions of dollars every year.
A reputation built up through two centuries
of steady growth, Talued more htijhly than
uj uiuor ssnsvut vi tun grout luiuiuuuu.
The guaranty of this Company, which Is
respected the world over.
we make all types and sizes of saws, but
only one ftradi the best.
Atkins Saws, Corn KnWes, Perfection Floor
Bcraoers. etc.. are sold br all trood hardware
dialers. Catalogue on request.
E. CATKINS a CO.. Inc.
Larsreif Saw Manufkcrnrtr in the WorM.
Factory and Eaecutire Otaicca, India txl, India at
i urtiRan, lurrtruiij, nniiun, ouu rnuiciftcu,
' ti
UcnipbU, Atlanta .bd Toronto, iCuuda).
Accept do Substitute laaat oa the Atkmt Draad
cm. S.k of t,.tlBi.Ll, .ad 0 dare' li.ttm.Nl
free. Dr. B B. USEES'! SOSS, B.iS, Atlaata, Sa.
Story of a Medfard Warrior.
Capt. James C. D. Clark of the
Lawrence Light Guards of Medford,
Mass., wuh a Rpeaker at a recent
camp fire of civil and Spanish war
veterans, end related the following
A Medford man, a quaint chaiacter
of Irish birth, returned from tho civil
war with an undisputed record of
hard and meritorious service in the
The younger generation, hearing ot
his bravery, tried unsuccessfully to get
bis own version of his part in the
bloody struggle.
One day. flndlnc himself bpslppprl
by a number of persistent questioners,
tho modest warrior consented to
"We'd get up in tho morntn' at
6 o'clock," he began, "an' have break
fast. Begin flghtin' at 6, knock off at
12. Begin shootin' Hgln at 1, knock off
at 6 an' ate supper, iin' turn in to
sleep. Every day tho same old thins:
that's all."
Under Arrest, but Unguarded.
While Gen. Brugere, corurrander of
the French army, wss under fifteen
days' arrest In Paris ho was not per
mitted to leave his quarters on any
pretext except to transact official busi
ness at the war office, might not wear
his sword and could receive no visi
tors. But In consideration of his
high rank no sentry was placed over
beeu but few cases of its kind be
fore, and tli cy have been caused by
whisky or tobacco. Leach bus never
used either, but has been a great cof
fee drinker, and the specialists hove
decided that the case has beru caused
by this. Leach slated himself that for
several years he had drank three cups
of coffee for breakfast, two at noon
and oue at night. According to the
records of the specialist of t'Us coun
try this is tho first case ever caused
by the use of coffso.
The nerve Is ruined beyond aid and
his cas !s incurable. The fact that
makva the case a queer ono Is that the
sight forward has been lost and the
side sight has ben retained. Accord
ing to the doctor's statement the young
wan will have to glvo up coffee or the
rest of his sight will follow and the
entire nerve, be ruined.-Keg titer Qa-tctto.
Hop Vou
we are shipping
This means a big
appreciation' and
dividing this car
desirable premiums,
am tt a n av mffr am r trtTii v
IP 1 em
rijin I won't sell Aall-Wrtplae to a easier who won't Caaraate It.
sw J,; H'.JMesur, M.D., Manufacturer, fSvrinnflel Ha
Because It Is Made to Cure
Colds, Coughs, Croup
Bronchitis, Tonsilitis,
Burns, Bruises,
All Muscle
Twotises. Soreness. IlandSOc.
I. S. JOKKSOH 4 CO. Bcilon. Km.
Write me at once lor blanks and Injtrn ".I
slve pu
it rite ma a uuva iui u.u. uu iuiit;i .luui,
Kree oi charge. Ko t ension, 20 Pay. Address
W. II. WILLS. Will, Hulldlng .Sli IndlanaAva.
Wekhingtou. it. U fuivub and imdu-MalU
Ifirinr ItAti.rv I. anil n tn-si iitsj IswitswI
to old'ei ni any war. Write meat nm-. KUAN II
Bof Coutth Sjrup. Tastes Good. Use
in tima. sold Or druactra
Look for Action from Senator.
According to general belief Mr.
Kno of Pennsylvania does not mean
to be a silent member of tho United
States senate at the coming session.
As a rule newcomers are rather ex
pected to keep In the backpround for
a time, but Senator Knox is tacitly
booked to take a leading part in dis
cussion of the railroad rate measure.
For many years Pennsylvania sena
tors hnve almost conn.. themselves
to committee activity. .ho earner
ons, father and son. were silent men.
and so to a great extent was Mr.
quay. Mr. Penrose, too, rarely opens
his lips, so the SDectacle of a Pnn.
sylvania senator active In debate will
be somewhat of a novelty.
Chick's Slie Drew Query,
Miss Anna Barrows, lecturer In
domestic science at Columbia univer
sity, lolls the following littlo story:
"The first cooking class I ever had
wus a cluss of poor boys in Boston.
Materials were rather scant, and one
day the sole article provided for a
lesson on poultry cooking was the
smallest, skinniest chicken I ever
"Right In front sat a littlo hunch
backed boy, a very good little boy,
and very much Interested in the les
sons. After I had dressed the chicken
and explained the anatomy of the poor
little bird he suddenly raised his
hands and said:
"'If that had lived to grow u;i
would It 'a been a turkey?' "
Let It be remembered that the eyrs
limy be ultucked lu one ciiSe and the
stomach in another, wlil! In others it
may be kidneys, heart, bowels or gen
eral nervous prostration. The reniwV
Is obrlo'13 and shoulu be adopted be
fore too la"-e.
Quit coffee if you snow Incipient
It is easy If ono can hnvo woll-bolled
l'ostum Food Coffee to serve for the
hot morning beverage. The withdraw
al of the old U l(i(l of coffee that Is
doing he Ivu-rui and the supply of the
elements iu the Postuin, which Nature
uses to rebuild the broken town nerve
cells, insures a qjlck return to the old
Joy of strength and health, and it's
well worth waile to bv able aa!i t
"do things" aui foel well. Tber; l t
reason for