The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, December 13, 1905, Image 7

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Suggestions How to Find Relief from Such,
Suffering. - ,j Vife
3Hss Nellie Holme sjil Jjfi Alrx 77 Hie Hart fefl
While no woman is entirely free from
periodical Buffering, It does not seem to
be the plan of nature that women
hould suffer no severely. Menstrua
tion Is a severe strain on a woman's
vitality. If it is painful or irregular
something is wroiijr which should be
et right or it will lead to a serious de
rangement of the whole female organ
ism. More than fifty thousand women
have testified in grateful letters to Mrs.
Pinkham that Lydia E. I'iukhain's
(Vegetable Compound overcomes pain
ful and irregular menstruation.
It provides a safe and sure way of es
cape from distressing and dangerous
weaknesses and diseases.
The two following letters tell so con
vincingly what Lydia E. Pinkham'g
Vegetable Compound will do for
women, they cannot full to bring hope
to thousands of sufferers.
Miss Nellie Holras of 540 N. Davl
sion Street, Buffalo, N. Y., writes :
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
" Your medicine is Indosd an ideal medicine
for women. I suffered misery for years with
painful period, headaches, and beariiifc-down
Cains I coiuultod two different physicians
ut tailed to pet any relief. A trie id from
the Kant advised me to try Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound. I did so, and
no longer suffer as 1 did before. My periods
are natural ; every ache and pnln is gone, and
my general health is much improved. I
advise all women who suffer to take Lydia
i. Pinkham' Vegetable Compound."
Mrs. Tilllo Hart, of Larimore, N. D.,
Dear Mrs. Pinkham :
"I might have have been spared many
months of suffering and pain had I only
known of the oltlcacy of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Ask Mrs. Pinkham's Advlce-A Woman
It Isn't ulwnjrs ivl-e to judiro a man by the
swear-words ho doesn't use.
Lost All Ills Hair tetrliel Till BlooO
Kan (iratf-fnl Mother Tells at
His Cure by Cuticura for 70c.
"When our baby boy was three months
eld he had the milk crust very badly on
his head, so that all the hair came out, and
it itched so bad he would scratch until the
blood ran. I got a cuke of Cuticura Soup
and a box of Cuticura Ointment. 1 applied
the Cuticura and put a thin cap on his
head, and before 1 had used half of the
box it was entirely cured, his hair com
menced to grow out nicely agnin, and he has
had no return of the trouble. (Signed)
Mis. 11. P. Holmes, Ashland, Ore."
Reformation of n Kind.
"Yes, kino' lady, my four years' term
expires In two weeks, then when I cot
out of the pen I mil going to reform
and start a little cigar store. I kin
buy one for nix hundred dollars. Have
I friends whut'll advance the money?
Naw, I don't need them fer that little
gam; I kin steal that much In two
nights." Lipplncott's.
There is a fine opportunity In this vicin
ity to take orders fur the celebrated White
Bronze monumenta, headstones, grave
oovers, eto., made by The Monumental
Bronze Company, 3'J2 Howard Ave., llrldgo
port. Conn. It Is a good, lctrltltmite busi
ness, and they offer very liberal inducements.
Someone Bhould wrtto them for thu agency.
Antlcluateil ICegr, t.
Iler husband haij died very sud
denly, und her. friends were railing
to comfort her. She listened very at
tentively and seemed to be more
cheerful, but suddenly she cried out,
"All you've told nie is very true, but
I'm sure I shall never love my sec
ond liUKband as much us I did ihe
first" Lippincott's.
riTSpermanentiyuuiHd. '&o fits or nervous.
Tiessnftor llrst day's use of Dr. Kline's Great
NervoKestoror.'riJtrialbottleiind treatise free
iJr.ll. b. Kt.iKK,Ltd., lb) ArchM.,l'hilu.,l'a
Arabian horses show remarkable cour
age in bat Lie.
Mrs. Wlnwow's Soothing Syrup for Children
teething, oftonsthegums,reduceslullamma.
t Ion, allns pain, cures wind colic, 25c. u bottle
Hundreds of millions of dollars are annu
ally spent in advertising.
lamsurePlso's Cure for Consumption saved
my ltfethroo years U70. ilrs. Thomas lton
Kkts, Muple ht Norwich, N.V.. Feb. 17,11K)J
The earliest known cook book was
printed in Venice in 1475.
To Prevent Chapped Hands.
Many women who do their own work are
much annoyed In winter with chapped
bands. This niuy be avoided by using Ivory
fioap tor dish washing and toilet purposes.
Dry the bands thoroughly each time aftet
they have been in water and rub with a
little oatmeal-water or some good lotion.
The only Englishman who ever became
Pope was Adrian IV..
Itoh oured fn 80 minutes by Woolford's
Sanitary Lotion; never fails. Hold by
Druggists. Mali orders promptly filled
by Dr. Detokon, t'rawfordbville, Iud. (1.
Few Russian trains travel at a fiuter
rate then. twenty two miles an hour.
Taylor chi-nikea Hcmody of Sweet Ouin and
Mullen It Nature' great remedy Cures UiiiKhs,
Colds. Croup and Consuiniuloii, and ull ihroul
and lung trouble. At druggims, a., tXK' . und
11.00 yer bottle.
Plausible Theory.
The great detective had been sum
moned to the plumber's office.
"I can't understand it," aaid the
plumber, "The young man bus boon
in my employ for the laBt thre years
and I have always found him honest
and trustworthy. But three days ago
I sent him to collect a bill in the sub
urbs and be has fulled to show up
since. Now, what do you think of
"Oh," replied the g. d., "I don't
think you have any cause for alarm.
He was probably paid In small bills
mid lg still counting the money to
t"nKe sure that the amount Is cornet."
Vegetable Compound sooner; for I have tried
so many remedies without help.
" I dreaded the approach of my menstrual
period every month, as it meant so much pain
and suffering for me, but after I hnd used the
Compound two months I became regular and
natural and am now perfectly well and free
from pain at my monthly periods. I nin very
grateful for what Lydia K. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound has done for me."
Such testimony should be accepted
by all women as convincing evidence
that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound stands without a peer as a
remedy for all the distressing ills of
The success of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound rests upon the
well-earned gratitude of American
When women are troubled with irreg
ular, suppressed or painful menstrua
tion, leucorrhrea, displacement or ul
ceration of the womb, that bearing
down feeling, inflammation of the
ovaries, backache, blouting, (or flatu
lency), general debility, indigestion and
nervous prostration, or are beset with
such symptoms as dizziness, faintness,
lassitude, excitability, irritability, ner
vousness, sleeplessness, melancholy,
they should remember there is one tried
and true remedy. Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound at once removes
such troubles. Refuse to buy uny other
medicine, for you need the best.
Don't hesitate to write to Mrs.
Pinkham it' there is anything
about your sickuoHS you do not
uiKlerHtand. 8 lie will trout you
with kindness nud nor advice is
Iree. No woman ever regretted
writing her and she has helped
thousands. Address Lynn, Muss.
Best Understands a Woman's Ills.
Doubt Word of American.
Referring to the fact that an Amer
ican in England had said that for less
than a penny a mile one may travel
on an English railway in a compart
ment nearly equal to the American
Pullnan or parlor car, the London
Globe says that a large force of pri
vate detectives has been sot to work
to try to discover which railroad tha
American was speaking of.
,)100 Ttewarcl. 100.
The readers ofthts paper will be please d to
learntliat tuerols at Lout one dreaded dis
easetb&t science hai bajj able to euro In all
Itsstaes.andtaatisOatarrj. Hall's Catarrh
CureU tueoa'y positive cure now known to
theinedioal fraternity. Catarrh bein g a con.
titutlonal dlwua, remlrei a constitutional
treatment. Hall's UatarruCureis tulcentater
nally.aotluidlrjotly uoou thu blojd and uiu
coumurfacesof taesyitem, thareby doatroy
ingthefoundntloaof tne, aud giving
thepatleut streu;tta by bulldlnir up the con
stitution and assisting nature la doing 1U
work. The proprietors haveso much lalthla
ltsourative poworj thai tuey offer Oue Uua
dredDollarsforaay o-ite ttvit It fails ti cur
bend for list of testimonials. Addrusi
F.J. Cns.NET 4 Co., Toledo, O.
Bold by Druggists, 7oc.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
The Dentist and the Alligator. .
Roy Farrell Greene, the president
of the American Society of Curio Col
lectors, told at a dinner of dentists an
appropriate story.
"A dentist," he said, "was once
traveling in the East, and in the
Ganges his beat overturned and he
was obliged to strike out for the
"As the dentist swam sturdily
through the muddy water an enor
mous alligator suddenly roso up be
fore him. The alligator opened its
finormous jaws, and the next instant
would have been the dentist's last,
only Just in time the man hap
pened to notice the great reptile's
sharp, white teeih, and an idea struck
"Ho drew a piolio from his pocket,
and, pressing it Into the alligator's
gums, he said:
" 'Does this hurt you?"
"The alligator screamed with pain,
ond the dentist, amid Its great agony,
made good his escape." Philadelphia
Too Late to Sort Cats.
Jim Crocker lived in an old tumble-down
house in .a little town in
MassachiiMats. The cellar windows
being broken out, an opportunity was
afford to stray cats to run In and
out, and sometimes there would be
quite a congregation.
We lost our pet cat one evening, and
thinking she might have joined the
happy throng, we sent our man over
to ask "Uncle Jim" if ho would take a
look and tee If she wag among the
number. He was generally pretty
good-natured, but this time be was out
of torts, for he said:
"Your cat may be there, or she may
not be, but I ain't a-going to light up
no lamp and go down In that cellar
this time of night sorting out cats
for nobody, so there."
Keep the Kiduvya Well and the Kidneys
M ill Keep Van Well.
SIcK. suffering, languid women are
lea-ruing the true can so of lied backs
nud lion to cure
them. Mrs. W. U.
L-nvIs, of Gro'.'sbeck,
Texas, says: "Back
aches f urt me so I
ecu Id hardly stand,
fpclli; of illz.r.lnexa
and sick headache
v er frequent and
5vHtr action of the
the kid ne vs tvus Ir
regular. Knon nftev I hi'irnn taking
Duau's Kidney Pills I pimed several
gravel atones. I got well and the
trouble li" not returned. My back
Is good ii ml strong and my general
heultb better."
Sold by nil denlets. 30 ee I'-i h box.
I'osler-Mllbui'u Co.. .'iuffalc. K. Y, ,
With the Funny
lon't liiteirup'.
Don't interrupt your father when he's tell
ing funny jokes;
Don't interrupt your mother when she's en
tertaining folks;
Don't interrupt a visitor when he has
come to rail;
In fact, it it wiser not to interrupt at all.
!t. Nicholas.
"Is your hnslinud even tempered?"
"Yes," answered Mr. Wurryd.
"He's just about as Irritable one ley
as another."
Hatue Here.
Father "My boy, try to be conic. u-J
with what you have." ,
"I am, daddy. It's what I haven't
that bothers me."
Not a Lasting Impression.
Mr. Masbley "I think I've met you
She "If you hnd stared at ine like
that you'd be sure."
A Question of Tene
Miss Gottington "Will you love me
when I'm old?"
Mr. Aftercnsh "I beg pardon. Did
you ask nie if I would or if I do?"
rtecnmtnen flill Ion.
Mr. Ollroll "Is Siiuirmlngton a good
Mr. Ueofwad "Fine. He can steer
you -closer to the penitentiary without
getting you in than uny lawyer iu
XThr Certnlnly.
Mercy "I would never marry a man
I did not love."
Maude "But supioso n real wealthy
man should propose?"
Mercy "I should love him, of
The Latest Hero.
"People ain't havin' any trouble
flndla' mimes for the kenlry's latest
crop o' dawgs," commented the Po
hick philosopher. There's already
eighteen pups named 'Togo' in this
one township."
Woman's Way.
McFltib "Your wife seems to be
quite industrious."
Sleeth "You bet your life she is.
She's busy from morning until night
hunting up odd jobs alout the house
for me to do."
Not Taking Clianres.
"I see you're advertising for nn c.fTiop
boy that can't write."
"Yes;,nnd I want one, too."'
"What for?"
"Oh, I ain't taking any chances Lav
ing my business shown tip in the ten
cent magazines."
The Usual ting.
Clly Editor "We don't seem to be
able to learu much about the personal
characteristics of this Ualkun states
man who Just died."
Managing Editor "Oh, well, just
say that he had the best memory for
faces of any man ever In public life,
and let it gb at that."
The Onlv Hope For Htm.
"Hoys coniiu' home for Tliunksgiv
ln'?" "Oh, yes."
"What are they n-dcla' of now?"
"Well, four of 'cm are makin' of a
livin', but the fifth it's slch a puzzle
to know what to do with blm that I've
Jest about decided to put him to wrltln'
American literature." Atlanta Consti
tution. The MlflTerence.
"Pa," said little Willie, "what is the
difference between a magnet and a
"A magnet, Willie, is a metallic sub
stance, generally of iron, which will
uttract certain meluls, but not gold
or silver. A magnate is a metallic
substance, invariably of bras?, which
will attract gold and silver only."
Her Flmt Impression.
"Just to think," remarked Mr. Stubb,
stirring his coffee thoughtfully, "of the
Russian battleship Kiiia. Potemkln
cruising around with a red ling at the
"It was rather unusual," remarked
Mrs. Stubb. "Who cares to buy u bat
tleship at auction'" Columbus Dls
patcb. Il.'d Need It.
Towne "I've got a bid to Dumley'n
wedding, and I'm blest if I know what
sort of a gift to send him."
Browne "Who's the lady In tin
Towne "Miss Kuleher, of Boston."
Browne "Send him an unabridged
dictionary, or, better still, nu encyclo
pedia." Philadelphia Press.
Nt In Hit Lexicon.
"My lad," said tlio strange geu'.le
man, "can you direct nie to the post
"You are not acquainted here, then?"
"Well, there's one respect in which
you resemble most other young fel
lows." "What's dat?"
"You should learn to say no "
' No Club For Ului,
"Lanible, dear?"
"Yes, dovey, Carllng." '
"Is he going dow u to the h" '
to-iilght, duckie?"
"Yes, ownest ownle."
"Not to-nlgbtle?" .
"Yessle." .
"No, sweetie."
"Yes, dearie."
"Bet hiin a sovereign, lju-y.''
"Why niu't I. birdie?"
"Because, sugur-pluiu. as you go into
the front ball you'll so uiuinuia, my
own dear mamma, who dotes oi you,
sitting on a trunk; she's just urrived.
Won't you please stay at Uoiue,
He stayed.
. R. G. Dim & Co.' Weekly Review ol
Trade says ;
Business conditions certainly warranted
a day of gratitude this year more than
ever before, but in many indiislrics it was
iliflicult to take time for a holiday with
out falling slill further behind orders ainl
increasing the complaints of importunate
An idea of the volume of trade in No
vember is shown by a daily average" of
hank exchanges that exceeded last year's
figures by 4.0 per cent., which in turn
surpassed all previous monthly records.
Yet unseasonably mild wraihcr h No
vember has postponed retail business in
Winter goods. Christmas trade opens
with a volume that promises 10 eclipse all
rarlier records, and the feeling of con
fidence in the future is strengthened by
the encouraging statements that the
strike of structural iron workers may not
become general.
Ilradstrcct's says: Wheat, including
flour, exports for the week ending No
vember .10, are 3.070,600 bushels, against
3..153.o(8 last week, 2,iot,773 this week
last year, 4.201,504 in 1903 and 5.704,440
in 1902. Corn exports for the week arc
1,643,824 bushels, against 1,010.522 last
week, 364,841 a year ago, 1,09,951 in 1903
and 1.151,563 in 1902.
Failures this week in the United Slates
are 203, against 228 last week, 240 tin
preceding week and 245 the correspond
ing week last year. Failures in Canada
number 32, against 34 last week, 42 the
oreccding week and 29 last year.
Baltimore, Md. FLOUR Dull an J
unchanged; receipts, 2,031 barrels; ex
ports, 21,530. barrels.
WHEAT Finn ; spot, contract, 83;
f-83'A I spot, No. 2 red Western, H.VC
K5; November, Sird 8j!4 '. December,
4!i$4'A I January, 6f't 86'4 ; steamer
No. 2 red, 77Jirri774 ; receipts, 32,614
bushels; exports, 40,030 bushels; South
ern by sample, 70180; Southern on
grade, 7y2((j K4.
CORN Firmer;, spot, new, so'.jfi?
; Novel, tbrr, new or old, 50 dc
$o'A; year, 50'fi 504 ; January, 49!4W;
M'A; February, 40, ;4 (n 401-; ; March,
V)iii,A)'A ; -May, 4)!(" I steamer
mixed, 4"H('i47'A; receipts, 117,385
bushels; exports, 52.51-6 bushels; South
ern white corn, 42(1150; Southern yel
low com, 42'ifa $o.
OATS Steady ; No. 2 white, 35) i
bid; No. 3 white, 35(3514; No. -'
mixed, 3-Afi34'A I receipts, 39,896
RYIi Firm; No. 2 Western, 75(fi75!j
export; 77j-i(i7 78 domestic; receipts.
1,180 bushels.
BUTTER Firm and unchanged;
fancy imitation, 2ofri'2i ; fancy creamery,
:aA&2$; fancy ladle, 18(1719; store
packed, ls'fi 16.
EGGS Steady and unchanged; 29.
C H E F. S E Firm and unchanged ;
large, 14; medium, I4j ; small, 14',.
S U G A 1 Steady- and unchanged ;
Coarse granulated, 5.10; fine, 5.10.
New York. BUTTER Quiet, un
changed; receipts, 6,159.
POULTRY Dressed steady; West
trn chickens, 9(0.13;-! ; turkeys, . 1420 ;
fowls, g(ii 13. -
FLOUR Receipts, 35,917 barrels; ex
ports. 13.476 k'rrels; dull and unchanged.
rellow, 3m'j(ti2i)'A-
ROSIW Nominal; strained, common
to good, 4.00 nominal.
TURPENTINE Quiet; 63(564
.MOLASSES Firm; New Orleans
open kettle good to choice, 30(0)38.
SUGAR Raw firm ; fair refining,
2 15-16(0:3 ; centrifugal, 96 test; 3(i
39-16; molasses sugar, 2 ii-i6(o2.J4 ; re
fined steady.
POTATOES Irregular; Scotch, per
bag, 2.00W2.15; English, 2.00(02.10;
Irish, l.90(?r2.oo; German. l.75'o2.oo;
domestic unchanged; sweets firm; Jer
sey, per barrel, 1.50(g) 2.00; Southern,
1.25(0 t.50. '
WHEAT Receipts, 248.000 bushels.
Spot firm; No. 2 red, 9o'4 elevator; No.
2 red, f. o. b. afloat ; No. I North
ern Duliith, 9156 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1
hard Manitoba, Q2 f. o. b., afloat.
CORN Receipts, 120,400 bushels; ex
ports. 52.181 bushels. Spot steady; No.
2. S7'A elevator, and 55J c. i. f. afloat;
No. 2 ye'low, 56; No. 2 white, 56.
O A T S Receipts, 155,500 bushels.
Spot firm ; mixed oats, 26(S)32 pounds,
3536; natural white, 30(0)32 pounds.
26'j((?37! 't ; clipped white, 36()40 pounds
Live Stock.
New York. BEEVES Receipts, 351
head. Feeling steady, but no sales rT
CALVES Receipts, 19 ; market
steady; common to good veals, 4.oo(?2
8.50; grassers and Westerns nominal.
Dressed' calves steady; city dressed
veals, 8(0 13c. per pound; country dress
ed grassers and fed calves, 4'o)6 per
SHEEP and LAMBS Receipts, i,
c.1?. Market steady, but lambs slow
Sheep, 4.00:05.25; lambs.'7.65 ;
culls, 5.00: no Canadian lambs sold.
HOGS Receipts, 4.900. Nomitiallj
steady ; no sales reported.
Chicago. CATTLE Receipts, 8,500 ;
market steady. Common to prime steer.'
290616.60; rows, 2.80(04.25; heifers, 2.0c
(0)5.06; bulls, 2.00 (0)4.00; stockcrs and
feeders, 2. 1 5(0)4. 1 5 ; calves, 2.00557.00.
HOGS Receipts, 25,000; market gen
erally steady. Good to prime heavy,
4.85,o14.95 ; medium to good heavy, 4.7;
(04.85; strong weight butchers',- 4.85(?I
4-95 '. good to choice heavy mixed,. 4.7c
5yj.8o: packing, 4.30(0480.
SHEEP Receipts, 15,000, medium
higher. Sheep, 375(03.50; yearlings 1
5.50(0,6.00; spring lambs, 675(07.50.
A secret chamber, furnished in old
ak, was unexpectedly discovered during
:he demolition of the Plough Inn, Little
Ealing, England. The inn was 500 years
lid. The grandmother of Dick Turpin
:lie highwayman, once kept it.
Claiming the right to serve, as British
itibjccts, 20 Victoria (B. C.) Chitlcsr
iave applied for enrollment in the Fifth
Regiment, Canadian Artillery, in that
:ity. The commander has referred the
.natter to the minister of militia at Otia
Dr. E. A. Mcars announces his diseuv
ry of several new species of birds on tlu
ininmit of Apo, a volcanic mountain ol
the Island of Mindanao, in the Philip
pine group. The animal life on this
cak differs not only from that of the
owlands, but from that of the oilier h'gh
ands of the archipelago.
The general report to the London
Board of Trade on railway accident's in
1904, issued on July 17, states that, the
langer of railwav traveling has been re
duced to such a point that in 1004 the
;hanccj against a passenger being killed
;n a train accident in the course of a given .
journey we more than 200,1x00,000 to 1.
High Class Druggists
Tho better cine of druggists, everywhere, are men of scientific attainments and high integrity,
who devoto their lives to the welfare of their fellow men in supplying the best of remedies and
purest medicinal agents of known value, in accordance with physicians' prescriptions and
scientific formula. Druggists of the better class manufacture many excellent remedies, but
always under original or officinal names and they never sell false brands, or imitation medicines.
They are the men to deal with when in need of anything in their line, which usually includes
u. nwiuum itiniouioa uiiu turrehponuing aujuncis ot a nrst-class pharmacy and the finest and
best of toilet articles and preparations and many useful accessories and remedial appliances.
Ihe earning of a fair living, with the satinfaction which
conferred upon their patrons and assistance" to the medical profrssion, is usually their greatest
reward for long years of study and many hours of daily toil. They all know iliat Syrup of
Figs is an excellent laxative remedy and that it gives universal Pntiffaetion, and therefore they
aro soiling many millions of bottles annually to the well informed purchasers of tho choicest
remedies, and they always take plonsure in handing out the genuine article bearing tho full
namo of the Company California Fig Fyrup Co. printed on the front of every pitckage.
They know that in cases of colds and headaches attended by biliousness and constipation and
of weakness or torpidity of tho liver and bowels, arising from irregular habits, indigestion, or
over-eating, that there ia no other remedy so pleasant, prompt and benefioinl in its effects as
Syrup of Figs, and they are glad to Bell it because it gives universal satisfaction.
Owing to the excellence of Syrup of Figs, the universal satisfaction which it gives and the
immense demand for it, imitations have been made, tried and condemned, but there are
individual druggists to be found, here and there, who do not maintain tho dignity and principles
of tho profession and whose greed gets the better of their judgment, and who do not hesitate
to recommend and try to sell the imitations in order to make a larger profit. Such preparations
sometimes have the name" Syrup of Figs" or "Fig Syrup" and of some piratical concern,
or fictttioua fig syrup company, printed on the package," but they never have the full name cf
tho Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of the package. The imitations
should bo rejected because they are injurious to the system. In order to sell tho imitations
they fiud it necessary to resort to misrepresentation or deception, and whenever a dealer passca
off on a customer a preparation under tho name of "Syruo of Figs" or "Fig Syrup," which
dooa not bear tho full name of tho California Fig Syrup Co. printed on tho front of the package,
ho is attempting to deceive and mislead the patron who has been so unfortunato as to enter his
establishment, whether it be large or small, for if the dealer resorts to misrepresentation and
and deception in ono case hp will do so with other medicinal agents, and in the filling of
physicians' prescriptions, and should be avoided by every one who values health and happiness.
Knowing that the great majority of druggists aro reliable, we supply the immense demand
for our excellent remedy entirely through the druggists, of whom it may be purchased every
where, in original packages only, at the regular price of fifty cents per bottle, but as exceptions
exist it is necessary to inform the public of (he facts, in order that all mav decline or return
any jmitalion which may be sold to them. If it does not bear the full name of the Company
California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of every package, do not hesitate to return "the
article and to demand the return of your money, and in future go to one of the better class of
aruggiois wao win sen you
About Cne Out of Every Ten In the
City Population.
Now that, thirty "emergency" census
takers finished the tail end of their
work a few days ago we may soon
bavc light on an Interesting question
that this enumeration will throw porno
light upon. Out of Gotham's 4.000,000
sonls how many are actual New York
erspersons born in this city? Tak
ing the last federal census as a criter
ion there Is about one "native born"
New Yorker out of every ten In popu
lation. Still, even this small balm to
Knickerbocker families 390,000 per
sons has to be greatly reduced, for in
It is Included every person of whom
no actual knowledge could be obtained
of whom tho haste of the census
tempted to throw under this general
heading. Amateur statisticians have
decided that there are about 120,000
citizens of New York who have been
born of parents natives of this coun
try. These delvers In the census re
sults are of the opinion that If the
qualification were that both their par
ents were natives of this country not
more than 6,1100 persons could qualify
as New Yorkers of the second Ameri
can generation. Children of parents
who were born abroad numbered 1,
375,000 In the last federal census.
There were then more than 400,000
Americans hero who were born in oth
er states. New York state leading with
a contribution of 125,000 ane! New Jer
sey following with 56,000; 36,000 were
born In Pennsylvania, 25,000 In Mass
achusetts, while 22,000 a compara
tively largo number were born in
Virginia. Therefore the descendants
of the Knickerbockers 'are wofully ou'
nurr.bered In population if not In
money and real estate.
His Father Was Athlete.
Dr. Dudley of Ablngton, Mass.,
tells this story of hla man David and
IiIk housekeeper, who had Kreat con
fidence In all that David paid aud did:
Oue day David was in the barn, do
ing something which caused a visitor
to eay: "You're quite an athlete,
aren't, you?"
"Well, yes," replied David; where
upon tho housekeeper, who stood
near, snld: "Why, I thought you
told mn you was Scotch."
"Well," said David, "my mother
was Scotch, but my father was ath
Must Hare I lie Kind nt Food That X nu
Uhrs r. nil 11.
"I am 11 literary man whose nervous
p 'try is a stent part of my stock in
trade, anil ordinarily I have little pa
tleuee Willi breakfast foods ami tho
cxlravnirant claims niailc of them. lint
I cannot withhold my acknowledgment
of th debt that I owe to drape-Nuts
"I discovered long nco that the verv
bulkiness of the ordinary diet was not
calculated lo j-ivo one a clrar head,
ihe power of sustained, accurate think
ing. I always felt heavy and sluggish
In 111 1 ml us well n body after eating
the ordinary meal, which diverted, the
blood from the brain to the digestive
"I tried foods easy of ingestion' but
found them usually deficient in nutri
ment. I experimented with many
breakfiift foods and tliey, too, proved
unsatisfactory, till J reached (irap
Nuts. Aud then the problem was
"Urape-Xiils agreed wllh me perfect
ly from Ihe beginning, satisfying my
hunger and supplying the nutriment
that so luuny other prepared foods
"I bad not been rising It very long
before I fotiml thnt I was turning out
an unusual quaHtlty and quality of
work. Conlinued Ufe lias demonstrated
to my entire satisfaction that Grape-.
Nuts foOjd. contains all the elements
needed b the 'brain and nervous sys
tem of tlie bnrd working public writ
er." Naine given by 1'ostura Co., Hai
ti Creek, Mich.
Tuerej's a reason. Head the filtle book,
"The lyoad to Wellvllle," lu pkgj, 1
wnat you wish and the best of everything
OOD, big "mealy" potatoes
can not be produced with
out a liberal amount of -Potash
in the fertilizer not less than
ten per cent. It must be in the
form of Sulphate of Potash of
highest quality.
"Plant Food" and "Truck Farming" are two practical
books which tell of the successful growing of potatoes and the
' other garden truck sent free to those who write us for them.
Address. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York
ruuilOmWLFORH'UlACHE it Csll tor rour
'Hi' 11 11 li- J.'. IT, V it: lend dlHtiaction to Ihj torer's view
of tliu gt'liouiu-r.
Currs niood. Skin Troublrs, Cancer, Blood
I'olnou. (ircntest Hlood I'urlCtr Fni,
If your blood is impure, thin, diseased,
not or full of humors, if you have blcoi
poison, cani'rr, oarbunrles, eating sires,
orofulu, eczema, itching, rislnmaail lumps,, pimply skin, bo i pains, oitanh,
rliiMimiitlBm, or nuy blood or skin uitu.i),
lukii Iiolanio Wood B ilm (U. H. B.) accord
ing to directions. Boon nil sores heal,
sclies Hnd puii g stop, the blood in made
pure und rich, h avinR the skin free from
evry eruption, mid Kivlmr the rich glow of
perfect health to the skin. At the name
tune I!. II. U. improves the digestion, cures
dyxpcpnlu. strengthens weak kidneys. Just
tho niediiiie for old people, as it gives
them new, vigorous blood. Druggists, tl
per large buttle, with directions for home
euro, innip e free and pn( aid by writing
Jiiood Jijiim Co., Athmtu, Co. Describe
trouble und special free medical advice
also sent in sealed letter, li. 11. J), is es
pecially advised for chronln, decp.a.-air,;
easts of imiiurc bo;d and skin dibtusu.
and cures after all eiso fails.
Kven tho clock Ihu: dues it duty bus time 10
Cures Kelrhing of !hp II I Breath aud
Hud XVmiaell SlKirt Breath
Kloallfl' Sour Krtictutlons
IrreaalMr flaart, Ktc.
Take a Mull's Wafer any time of the dny
or night, and note the immediate good ef
fect 011 your stomach, it absorbs the (fas,
disinfects the ftomacli, kills the poiaou
genus and cures the disease. Catarrh of
the head and throat, unwholesome food
and overeating make bad stomachs.
Scarcely any stomach is entirely free from
taint of some kind. Mull's Auti-Heleb
Wafers will make your stomach healthy
by absorbing foul gases which arise from
the undigested food and by re-enforcing
the lining of the stomach, enabling it to
thoroughlv mix the food with the gastric
juices. This cures stomach trouble, pro
motes digestion, sweetens the breath, stops
be.ching and fermentation. Heart action
becomes strong and regular through this
Discard drug?, us you know from experi
ence they do not cure stomach trouble.
Try a common-sense (Nature's) method
that does cure. A sunlliiug, healing sen
sation results instantly.
We know Mull's Auti Be'.cli Wafers will
do this, and lie want you to know it.
SrKt'lAL Offer. Tha regular price of
Mull's Anti-lJelch Wafers is nOc. a box, but
to introduce it to thousands of suticrera
we will send two (2) boxes upon receipt
of 75c. and this advertisement, or we wi!l
send you a free sumps for this coupon.
Fend this coupon with your name
and sddres soil name of a druggist
who does not sell it for a free sample
box of Mull's Anti lklch Wafers to
Mvn.L's Orapk ToN-ro Co.. 328 Third
Ave,, Kock Island, 111.
Oivi Full AJdret$ and H'j Ho J'laMi.
r liv all A rilrriviair a W is nan tin nt
cut by wails
A iiwrK-a man km' cm uu;uia mat bo uoiuii
in his line at reasonable prices.
lSl 1 wnn't Mil A ntl-Qrlpln. to a d-alr who wr.n't Oanrunt If.
liter, 31. V., Manufacturer, SarlnaJield. JUit.
One Dollar
for a Postal Card
Thl company will give one dollar for
the first reliable information of an
opportunity to sell a steam engine or
boiler of our standard types within
our range of sizes. This does not
include vertical, traction or pas en-
Eietnes. If you know of anybody in
tending to buy an engine or boiler
icii us. A r'ostal will do.
hive for years been fhe ttnrlartj for eTI wim
plants besr of material and worlttriBi.snip.
ur b b (imput entblea ua (o action imali p-of-ftt.
An, ihs brut in the world; costL do
mo it than the ctber fciad.
Writ$ today for oar special otter,
:UncavmiMfaftIleUici INDIANAPOLIS
.'orliuKruinM Hifli ffW Fnrint M'
Viiii! nifi" Kncinerii C.-iiM"""1 'innes 1 .,
Autvu.jiiU kit UN TruUiutg LnUMt ft
ii )
At! EnflaM In Mrrlco l,mK,ftoc H P.
la tha man or woman who, loving t
good dinner, taunt curb their oppetitt
thrmtgli fear ol afUr tHjosequoucc.
are an aid to (Negation, laur iti,mila
tion at food, aud naka lieartjr eatiug
poMibte without dUtreaa or fftttli,
Price XX-., flrabottlaa II. All C iigsiita.
I. I. JOWSSI CO- SMlon, liass.
run w j ivi ml n
troubled with ilia peculiar to hf.
a" s"a V-ft ft A I am r l
then sex, uiod tfoacha) is Knuveluutwy suo
cestui. Tnoiottf ftiviuwa, nwudiwaaW KWDi-t.
ttit dladjaiftoa. fan la inUaoiDUttiua a& Immkk
soiooeas, cures lcuconbca &4 Uavaal CAtanb
Paxtins la iu powder larm to t duaolwd in
water, aud ia lr moie cleiuialiv liaaling, aoimwiuai
sad acononicul ihaa liquid aniMcptica (or all
t or mIq At dragsiata, 60 canta a box.
Trial Box end Hottk erf tastructlons Prosw
Tms r. rAxrow CoavMsir ain. Mas
Z 1
Bsa ttHinh bitufx x. Das
aov er risE1 i-;v it r
tit a'1 "