Fewer gallous; wears longer; Dcvoo. Mrs. James Woodal baa the I thanks of the editor's family for a mess of beans and new potatoes secoud crop for this season. Dr. West will preach in the Presbyterian church in this place next Sunday morning at 10:30 and in the evening at 7. Foley's lloney and Tar cures coughs and colds and prevents pneumonia. Take uo substitutes. Sold by all dealers. Annie Irwin, who had been vis iting the llustou family at Saltil lo, returned to her home In this place last Sunday accompauied by her niece, Grace Huston. Mrs. Florence Spencer and children, who have been visiting Mrs. Spencer's parents, John McKee and wife, have returned to their homo near Baltimore. W. II. Speer aud wife and the former's mother, of Everett, and Mrs. E. C. Whiteh.il, of Yellow Creek, attended communion ser vices at Greeu Ilill Saturday aud Sunday. Clark McGovern and George Mock of Tod township, and B. F. Henry and Geo. A. Harris, Esq., of this place, spent Saturday in Licking Creek township on busi ness. To draw the tire out of a burn, heal a cut without leaving a scar, or to cure boils, sores, tetter, ec zema and all skin and scalp dis eases, use DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, A specific for piles. Get the genuine. Sold by Stouteagle & Bro. Mrs. Mertie Harr, who had been spending the last six weeks in McKees Rocks, Pa., visiting her brothers, returned home last Saturday accompanied by her brother, John Shimer, who will spend a week or ten days visiting his old home. lially Day was observed by the Sunday school of the Methodist Episcopal church in this place list Sunday evening. The pro gram was interesting and well rendered; and the room was taste fully decorated, and a larye con gregation was in attendance. No pill is as pleasant and posi tive as DeWitt's Little Early Ris ers. These famous little pills are so mild and effective thatchildren, delicate ladies and weak people enjoy their cleansing effect, while strong people say they are the best liver pill sold. Sold by Stout eagle and Bro. Harvey Black writes that they like their home in Johustown, and that they have work enough ahead to keep them busy for another year. They have just begun the erection of a Methodist church and parsonage, that will take ov er 00,000 feet of lumber. The church is 100 feet iu length by 40 feet m width, with a 54-foot ceiling in the clear. Miss Lillian Pott, ot Big Cove Tannery, was a pleasant caller at the News office last Saturday morning. Miss Pott says that her grandfather Rev. Lewis Chambers has had a very success ful operation for the removal of cataract in the Methodist Uospit al, Philadelphia, and will bo able to have glasses fitted in a few days.- Dr. J. B. Mellott, of Needrnore, and his son William, of Harrison burg, Va., spent a few hours in McConnellsburg last Friday. William and his wife and their children, Lewis, Athol, and Sie Ver came up from their southern home on the eighth of Septem ber, the family coming by rail, and William making the trip through on his bike. The family returned several days ago, and William will leave for home this week. It is impossible to have a clear head, an active brain, a vigorous constitution or a strong body when the digestion is weak or when the stomach is out of order. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will put the stomach and digestive organs rnVgbod condition and improve the general condition. Sold by Stout eagle & Bro. A local institute will be held at Independence school house, in Thompson township, on Friday evening, October 20. Questions for discussion: How do you teach Aritbmatic? What knowledge is most useful to children? At what grade would you begin teacbiug Algebra? All teachers, ' directors, and friends of educa tion are invited to atteud. Nkllik Simwon, Teacher. Sale Register. Saturday, October 21. Intend ing to remove to the West, Mar tin Everts will sell at his resi dence, 4 miles northwest of Mc Counellsburg, horses, cattle, hogs, farming implements, grain, household goqds, and many oth er articles. Sale begins at 10 o' clock, a. m. Credit six months. Friday, October 27, Mrs. Maria Maun will sell at hor residence on the turnpike just east of Salu via, valuable personal property. Sale begiusat 10 o'clock. Saturday, October LX W. H. Keller, administrator of the es tate of Sarah C. Keller, deceased, will sell at the late residence of the decedent in Huston town, a good cow, and all of decedent's household goods. Sale will be gin at 1 o'clock. Credit f months. Wednesday, November 1, James K Fryman, having sold his farm and inteuding to quit farming, will sell at his residence in Ayr township, 4 miles south west of McConnellshurg, horse", cattle sheep, hogs, farming im plements, household goods, etc. Sale begins at 10 o'clock. Credit !) montns. Saturday, November 11. Geo. B. Daniels aud Chas. F. Nesbit, administrators of the estate of Susan C. Unger, will sell on the premises of the late decedent in McConnellsburg, a house and lot situated on the south side of Water street, and bounded on east by alley, aud west by property of Harvey Bender. Sale begins at 1 o'clock p. m. TO CURE A COLD IN OME DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c, School Report. Report of Wells township High School for first month ending Oct 13: Number enrolled, 11; number attended every day, 11; those iu attendeuce in order of classes, are: Seuiors Marjorie Sipe, Paul Baumgarcinor, Rene Guillard, Vaughn McCiain and Walter Stewart; middle-year tJeorge Edwards and Earl Schenck; and juniors Murrill Foreman, Frank Guillard, DeFor- est Gibson and Roy Barnett. W. Don Morton, teacher. "WATCH THE KIDNEVS." "When they are affected, life is iu danger," says Dr. Abernethy, the great Eughsh i hysician. Fol ey's Kidney Cure makes sound kidneys. Sold by all dealers. Big Turnips. And now Mr. Cal Summers comes lorwaru with a turnip which he raised this summer, that measures 25 inches in cir cumference and weighs 5 pounds Mr. Summers says he has a crop of the biggest turnips this year that he has ever raised. Have You Tried the new Quick desserts that gro cers are now selling ? They are justly termed "Easy to Make" as all ingredients are in the package. Three complete products D Zerta Qu'ck Pudding and D-Zerta Perfect Jelly Dessert at 10c per package, and D Zerta Ice Cream E'owder, 2 packages for 25 cents. A trial will convince you how easy it is to have the finest des serts with no labor and little ex pense. Married. WALK Kit C'A KHAL'GH. William Walker, of Franklin county, and Miss Mary E. Car baugh, of Cito, were married at the Lutheran parsonage In Tag erstown on Wednesday, Septem ber 20th. Tho gioom is an indus trious young man, and the bride an estimable young lady, and the happy couple have the best wish es of their many friends as they start together on life's matrimon ial tour. Cheated Dcatb. Kidney trouble often ends fatal ly, but by chousing the right med icine, E. II. Wolfe, of Bear Grove, Iowa, cheated death. He says : 'Two years ago I had kidney trouble, which caused me great pain, suffering and anxiety, but I took Electric Bitters, which ef fected a complete cure I have alno found ihein of great benefit in generally dhi'ity ft"d norve trouble, and kept thrnn constant ly on hand, since,, n I liod they have no equal. Trout's the dru,? giat, guarantees them at 50c. FIRE AT WILLIAMSON. Peckman Mill Bnrned Last Friday Morn- Ing at a Less ol $10,000. Williamson, on the Cumber land Valley railroad, eight miles from Mercersburg, was visited by disastrous fire last Friday morning, at which time the big flouring mill of S. F. Peckman was destroyed with five thousand bushels ot wheat and a carload of Hour ready for shipment. The loss is estimated nt 10,000. Flames were discovered issuing out of the third floor of the mil! about 3 o'clock, while tho mill was in operation. It is believed that overheated machinery start ed the blaze. The null was doing a thriving business and was located in the midst of a prosperous fanning community. It is reported that Mr. Peck mau inteuds to rebuild the burn ed structure. A DAREDEVIL RIDE ofteu ends in a sad accident. To heal accidental iujuries, use Buck len's Arnica Salve. "A deep wound in my foot, lrom nu acci dent," writes Theodore Sehuele, of Columbus, ()., "caused me great, pain. Physicians were helpless, but Buculen's Arnica Salve quick ly healed it." 2r; at Trout's drug I store. i Local Institute. Tho second educational meet ing of the teachers of Ayr town ship, held at Back Run school house lat Friday eveuiug, was one of great interest and very in structive. The topics, 1. Tho Value of Books, 2. What Should the School Do for the Child ? 3. School Evils aud how Overcome, were very ably discussed by eight teachers of tho towushin, and three teach ers from other districts A num ber of recitations given, in a pleas ing mauher by the scholars., showed very careful instruction on the part of their teacher, Hat tie Kendall, and were appreciat ed by those present. Tho third institute will be held at Big Cove Tannery in two weeks. Ethel Hays, secretary, The first institute was held iu Belfast township, last Friday ev ening at No. T school, and was called to order by the teacher, Gilbert C. Mellott. Jefferson C. Mellott was made chairman, and IdaF. Bard, secretary. Iho sub jects, which were practical, were ably discussed by S. L. Wink, Ida Bard, Amos Mellott, Minnie Funk, Orpha Snyder, Queen Lake, Annie deShong, H. C. Mel lott, and others. An excellent so lection of recitations was render ed by the pupils of tho school, greatly to the satisfaction of the visitors. FRIGHTFUL SUFFERING. RELIEVED, Suffering frightfully from the virulent poisons of undigested food, C. G. Grayson, of Lulu, Miss., took Dr. King's New Life Pills, -'with the result," he writes "that I was cured." All stomach and bowel disorders give way .to their tonic, laxative properties. 2."c at Trout's drug store, guar anteed. Local Institute. The teachers of Wells towr.ship held their second educational meeting Friday evening, Oct. VI, at school No. ;i. The teacher, Til he Stunkard, called the meeting to order. A. G. Hd wards was elected chairman, and Rene Guil lard, secretary. Questions: 1. "Whatshould the school do for a child V was ably discussed by W. Don Morton. 2. "Do the schools torch what is most practical ?" was opened by MissChilcoto, followed by others. 3. The evils of tho school room." was spoken on by Robert Early, Prof. Morton, Daniel Cunning ham and others. 4. "Under what conditipu willed ucation prosper ':" was ojioiied by K. A. Horton. The institute adjourned to meet at tho Pine Grove school in four weeks. A GUARANTEED CUKE FUR PILES. Itching, blind, bleeding or pro truding piles. Druggists refund money if Pazo 'Ointment fails to cure any case, no mallei' of how long Kt,indm.', in 0 ti U dH.vn.- First application (fives ease iipd res t. TiOc. I f y ou r d r u z? i I , ; fii 't It send f)0o in !itmp and it. nil bo forwarded nt paid by Paris Medicluo Co., St. Louis, Mo. Ribbons 1 F;Ul MILLINERY Our variety of Trimmed and Untrlmmed Hats, Felt Hats, Velvet Hats, Silk JIats, Patent Leather Hats, exceeds and excels In style and quality any pant Neason. Matchless lino of Trimmings, Ostrich Tips, Ostrich Plumes, Wings, Ornaments, Pom Pons, Silk and Velvet Flowers and Foliage. All the Newest Weaves DRESS GOODS M.'lln tMi', run--. Mohair, Whip Cords, Shcnherd Check Mohairs, l'.icitt'l ('loth .ill colors, 1'anamu Cloth, llain Cloth, Beautiful Shirt Waist Material. FALL UNDERWEAR Ladies and Children llosr-ry, ( I'.tibioidory, Dress Trimmings, Neck Wear, i' till 1 iM HMHHHHHMWMMMMM MMMMMMMMM Uln vim. insertions, Germantown Yarn. Holts. T. J. WIENER, Hancock, Md. Rouss Racket Store. Prices for court week. Douhlo hited axes "!i, and H."c Single bitted axes 50c 10-iu Steel carpenter pincers 2.JC 12-in shoeing pincers 1 lorse rasps 11' Horse slum nails 2-ft rules Carpet tacks Hold fast shoe nails Long traces Halter chain Kepuir links Mica axle greese Horse shoe hammers iH and ii.'ie . 10, 22, and 2.h: lie lb. 8, 10 and 28c lc 3c 4K, 58 and "c 15, 1!) and 2:fe 8 and 10c a do. 8 aud 2:ic 20 and 23c We now have all of our winter Underwear in and was fortunate in getting the same one that we handled last year at the. same price. Our men's underwear weighs Ki ounces to the shirt, and costs you 43 cents each or 8o cents per suit. These are goods that are sold every year at oiic. The reason we can sell it at this price Is that we buy by the case. Last year we bought a 3(1 dozen cate und then we had to order again and we had ) dozen to carry over. If you haven't try ed this try it this winter, and the ladies that we mentioned we have showed it to a great many people and they say they havo never seen as good one for anything like that price. Don't got it into your head that tliis is a 25c one selling for 24c, it Is not. GlotHing ! Clothing ! w e have made a special ell'ort, this year on Clothing. Our sales havo been increasing in this lino and this certainly will cause any per son to work the harder. All that we have space to say is that we can knock them all out, for where we sell once we caa sell again. If you want an overcoat we havo them. Oh, yes, we forgot to say anything about our boys underwear. It is heavier than ever and only costs the same as before, 2lc. Kelt window shades He; brass rods complete, Sc. Respectfully, HULL & BENDER, Proprietors. ENGINE WANTED AND MULES FOR SALE. A 10 or V2 H. P. Eugiue wanted ! in good condition at a bargain. ! Give full description including I make, number, condition and low-1 est cash price and whore it can i be seeu at work. 12 Missouri mules and mulei colts, 10 Steers, 73 tons ot line hay and a lot of corn for sale at Warfordsburg, Pa. Address T. D. KlCIIAKDS, Germantown, Md. Or call oii H. K. Mauklky, Warfordsburg, Pa. KN0I1SVILLE. Win, Gunnclls aud wife visited friends and relatives at Hancock last week, and on Thursday took in the Hagerstown fair. Henry Divens is improving un der the car o of Dr. Mosser and is able to bo out again. Mrs. Logue, of Pittsburg, is visiting. John A. Myers, at this place. Chatlio Foro moved back from Charnbersburg to our town yest erday. Welcome back, Charlie. Some of our hunters get plenty of hunting, but not much game. Quite a number of our people attended tho fair at Hagerstown last, week. Some misunderstand ing caused some of them to cou.e iu a day late. Our farmers report a very large corn crop. Levi Kalback is moving a saw mill onto the Woollett farm this week, and will bo ready to saw iD a few days. NBVl-K ASK ADVICE. Whon you have a cough or cold don't ask what n good for it an get some medicine with little or no merit and perhaps dangerous. ANk for Foley 'h Tfonoy and Tar, the greatest throat aud lung rem ei'y, it cure coughs and ' colds quickly. Hold by all dealers. Opening silks 3 corner tiles 8-in flat tiles 10-in flat tiles Tea spoons Table spoons Buteher knives Corn huskers Hatchet handles Steel hatchets Single-tree clips 3 and 4c S and lie 10 and 12c 0c set 12c set 13 to 20c 3 to 20c 4c 35 and 48c 13c set Double-tree clips 24e Cobbler, sets 3 last and stand, 1 ham mer, 3 awls and handles, 2 packages of nails and I knife 45c millinery We are now ready to bIiow you a full line of Fall and Winter Milli nery Goods. We do not claim to have the largest line of any in the county; but we do claim to have the Cheapest quality considered. Don't fail to come and see our goods before buying elsewhere. We can, and will, save you mon ey. Thanking the public for pas! patronage, I am yours for business Nellie Dawney, Hustontown, Pa. (Successor to Annie E. Dawney. ) XKCUTOK'S auric k.. NotKiw Ih herebv ulvun flint letrtf m tutttttiuen dry buvo Imhii irttiittMt tu tlm uiMlurttuiit)il unut the etute o f Conrad ilu.ir, Sr., lute ofAyi towDKhlu. r'tiltou count", tu., (WveuMud. Any pontons IimtIiik claim hjuIukI mild entitle will pruHunt tlieio firopurly uutheutiouteil for attttleiiitiiit, ami thotm owIiik tlitSHUiue will pluuiu cmii aim (ten 10. T01UASULA7JKK, W. U. NKLHON, 9 :i iV. Kiecutora. Rule on Heirs. Kktatk tip John P. Kckkht. i.atk okTu U'iiWNNMIH. f Ul.TC'N COUNTY, 1'KN SiH VI. V AM A lfc'KAhfcl. To Cuthiuine. lutermurrlud wllli Matthtiw MtHcii f. ifsltliuif Iu Wuvne-sboio. 1 rank In county. IJu.; Sopliln, InVeriimrrlfd wllh Atluin (t eN. reMiiniitf in lorK, y or uouiuy. i'u.; An tile, lnUTiimniuu with John hunk, reHldmtf u r oll.. Krunkhu county. Tit ; John KM wan Sln-unl. rtiNHlt'Ue unknowu: WiJiium Ktlwiml Mieimru. Joiiu u. ?iittpiiru, Mitrtriirel S,. lutHr mum ud with IUiijmntu A (tuition: und Hurrltit Shepunl -ull of Troy, N. V.; Wllliuiu Mullen I'uutMnirn, residing In LuutiuNtur. 1'u . uud I'lill Ip h. btiL-puru, rt'hldeuue uukuowu. Yo.i und nil otht'r person Interested, tire neri'ny n iiiti(i to upptmr in open court iu MO- unnelKliurK. t'ultoii oounlv. t'u.. on Tliuihduy liiK mh tlnv of November, itkA, und uouopt or refuse Mie nil eLutu oT the Huld deceased ul tho vuluiitum returned or make itUin on the hume. or nhow uuuH why the siuno hIiuII not lie Mild ott your nutflect orreluuJ lo uucepl i ae xuiiie. J. U. ALKXANl'Kli, Oct. l iwfft, 8t. Sheriff. C HITHfUIOK IIANOAOKS O WUITK foil A I' A l. 1 1' I siTis NineKlNOs tnnoprrt aihxjminai. Hi crounviiH nUooCu tiHiSHpiimiilUHiiKN St., rhlliltil.lii, p, fdi V M FARMERS, ATTENTION! r New Phosphate and Land salt arriving every rveek for fall seeding. I sell Baugh and Armour Phosphate which have been us ed successfully for 50yoars. Phosphate $13. OO per ton. Land Salt $7. 75 per ton. Clay Park, Three Springs, Pel. db " 00. t 0000 0000 00000 0000 000000 000000 0 0 000 00 000 0 00 535CC3J5i'5C5C J5iJ ft3 fi5 OUR BARGAIN tlenuine Laneaster Ointrhums, nt Cuntons aud Shaker Flannels, Knjjlish Flannelette's and Amuskeatf Outings, 1-1 I'n'iloaebe'l Muslin, ICxi.iu Heavy all-wool FlannoN, m' 10-4 Heavy Blankets, Coloiw Site and (ii'ay, per pair, Full-size Kxtra-beavy Comforts !i0c. Black V'owdor Shotgun Shulls -12 and Hi Gu., 40c. Table Linen, Unbleached per jard, Men's Corduroy Pants, Full i UNDERWEAR Tho Garment situation is full of interest for the women this . season. In the lirst place, Dame Fashion, is less arbitrary than usu al-Hiern'll be many sorts of Cloaks that are modish and in irood kijIh. so every type ot fi miniue figure may be fitted to the best a 1 vantage. There are long cloaks, short coats, and garments of medium i nstn in this large stock of ours, und al) of them are right. i 4 i J. K. Johnston, McConnellsburg, Pa. (r'" the coush .nd heal, lungs Repairing all branches of Buggies, Carriages, Spring Wagons, &c. New work on Applica tion. . ' . Aaron Steele, McConnellsburg, Pa. Shop ou Old Heikes Stand oppo site' Court House. DeWitt's Cnnlu Fllsn na HI. kill I J 9. v TIM amoui llttlo pillfc DYSPEPSIA 0 y . 0JL 00. 0 y 0 09 00 0T0 00. 00 0 0 f0 0 0 00 0 0 00 J0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 K 0 c; 0 00 m0. 0 0 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 a on 0 0 0.01.0 " 000 0000 0000 .0 00 0 0 0000 0 .0 000 00 000000 0000000 0 00000 0 000 0.' 0 l0 2i0 Lined, with Drilling Pockets, $1 2.",. Al LIST.J mi (ic yard. 8e aud 10c fj 10c. tii .ie. 1 is,?. . id ix ).,c. r Ladies'" I ibbed Fleeced Underwear, 22jc each. Mon'a hfittvv IIphcpiI nmltirwpiir.' at. t!k' piu-h. i,-7S.' nor suit. Tho shirts arc catstitehod Inside yoke, pearl but tons, curved arinhc les, shaped sleeves, with double ribbed cult's, and duuble-stitciied hemmed tail. ft ft! i i m P g. i P Our line of hunters' clothing Is made up of po.s tively the best numbers on tho market. They a. o not made from short pattei ns but are fnlVnizu. length and weight. is F0LEYSH0NEMM Curat Ooldti PrevenU Pneumonia W. M. Comerer, . aient for THE GEISER MANUFAC TURING COMPANY, BURNT CABINS, PA, for the sale of Truction and Portuble Knglnes, Casoline, Separators, Clover Hullers, Sawinills, c. ;F.ugiuos on hand alMhe time. "ff Early Risers The famous little plllo. DIGIiSTS WUAT YOU CAT Tbill.OO b.tt:r.-ui' 2S htnt!i tr'aUlzn. fhlch fit (or fiOcinla. PntA$t GKL.V AT Tug I AHOATt.M V i)W . C D.WITT 4c COIll'ANY, CHICAGO. IUU r.i .J Fur sale by StouteaKle & Ut o.