FULTON COUNTY NEWS Published Every Wednesday. B. Iff. PECK, Editor and Proprietor. McCONNELLSBURG, PA. OCTOBER 18, 1905. Published Weekly. $1.00 per Annum in Advance. ovinTininj hat w. Per square of linen S tin) mi II W). Per suuare each subsequent Insertion.... NO All Advertisement inserted for tern than mree month ehnrged by the square. 8 nios. flmon, I yr, One-fourth column . . . One-half oolumn One Column . .11 von. iijooo. iivno ... us.no. 40 no. mi no ... 40 00. MOO. 7IS.00 Nothing Inserted for l than II Profession! Cards one year IA CITO. Dr. J. li. Mellott and son Hen ry, of Needmore, were at Kilcy Garland's one day last week. Mrs. Riley and daughter Laura of Cumberland, who had been vis iting friends and relatives at this place, returned home last Satur day. Wm. Kuhn and family and Mrs. George Seiders were the guests of Linn Alexander at the County Seat recently. John Clevengerof Ilustontown, is husking corn for Riley Garland this week. Spent More Than $1000. W. W. Baker, of Plainview, Neb., writes: "My wife suffered from lung trouble for fifteen years. She tried a number of doctors and spentover $1000 with out relief. She became very low and lost all hope. A friend rec ommended Foley's Honey and Tar and thanks to this great rem edy it saved her life. She enjoys better health than she has known in ten years." Refuse substi tutes. Sold by all dealers. What to Teach a Girl. Teach her that 100 cents make 1. Teach her to wear a calico dress and wear it like a queen. Teach her to say "no" and stick to it, or "yes" and mean it. Teach her to arrange the bed room as well as the parlor or li brary. Teach her to dress for health and comfort as well as for ap pearance. Teach her how to darn stock ings, sew on buttons and mend a glove. Teach her to have nothing to do with intemperate or dissolute young men. Teach her to observe the mor als and habits and not money in selecting her associates. The old rule of "A place for everything and everything in its place. Teach her the more she lives within her income the more she will save for a "rainy day." Teach her to cultivate the tal eut she has and not waste time and money on the talent she does not possess. Teach her to embrace every op portunity for reading and to se lect carefully the books that are elevating in their tone, and above all avoid trashy novels. A Dozen Times a Night. Mr. Owen Dunn, of Benlon Ferry, W. Va., writes: "I have had kidney and bladder trouble for years, and it became so bad that I was obliged to get up at least a dozeo times a night. I never received any permanent benefit from any medicine until I tr'md Foley's Kidney Cure. Af ter using two bottles, i am cur ed. Sold by all dealers. Educational Meeting. The first local institute of Lick ing Creek township, held at Shanes school house last Friday eveuing was called to order by the teacher, R. 11. Thompson, who ap pointed Chas. W. Mellott chair man. The questions on the program were intelligently discussed by the seven teache s present. The pupils of the school render ed some recitations in a manner that was creditable to both pupils and teacher. The next institute will be held at Siloam, November 3d. Mar garet Daniels, secretary. M CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS Boi Couth Sump. Tiatm Good. Um la lint. Said bf druagiata. $210 Stolen From Mrs. David Kline. Edward Stoner, aged probably !i" years, Is in jail la Chatnhersburg, charged with the stealing of be longing to Mrs. David Klino. Mrs. Kline, who la a widow, was liv ing with her brother-in-law, Joseph McDonald, near Greencastle, in Sep tember last. Stoner was employed on the farm. Mrs. Kline had drawn the 210 from the Greencastlc hank for tha purpose of investing It. She plac ed It in a tin box and secured it in her room in the McDonald house. The next morning the money was gone and after the family discussed me matter on cicw coum ne lounrt as to the thief. Constable Charles E. Miller, of Chambersburg, was engaged in the case and disguised as a tramp he se cured employment on the Nlcodeuius farm and became intimate with Ston er. From the evidence he thus secur ed, ho caused the arrest of Stoner. Stoner left Che McDonald farm after the robbery and worked for Kdward Nlcodemus on his farm along the VVaynesboro-Oreencastle pike at Park Hill. It was there Constable Miller arrested him. Ktoner's home Is said to be In Fulton county. The money, we understand, was not recovered. Stoner protested his In nocence, and said he knew nothing of the robbery. A certain selfimportant school director took it upon himself re cently while visiting a school to ask a class of boys and girls some questions, and when he found they were not able to answer, he pronounced them the dullest set he had ever seen. A few days later he received a letter , from one of the boys iu the class. If we're the dullest pupils iu the world, what makes you ask us such hard questions? it asked. Why don't you give us a chance ? You ask questions no man can answer. Any fool can ask ques tions. I'll ask you one: If it takes 34") yards of white cordu roy to make an elephant a black coat, how long will it take a lame beetle to crawl through a barrel of molasses? There, answer that if you can. BRONCHITIS KJR TWLNTY YEARS. Mrs. Minerva Smith, of Dan ville, 111., writes; "1 had bronchi tis for twenty years and never got relief until I used Foley's Honey and Tar which is a sure cure." hold by ail dealers. ANDOVER. Our farmers are nearly all done seeding and some have begun husking corn. Benj. Deshoug has finished planing for Anthony Mellott, and has moved his mil! home. Harvey Strait, Howard Hann, and Daily Strait made a business trip to Hancock last week. James Fegley, wife and son visited Mrs. Riley Deshong, Sun day. Mrs. E. L. Daniels, who has been quite sick, is slowly recov ering. Francie Daniels, who had been spending a couple weeks in Mc Connillsburg, returned home last Saturday. Reuben Mellott, wife and little daughter Winnie, of Johnstown, Pa., were visiting relatives and friends in Licking Creek and Bel fast last week. Riley DeshoDg, Lloyd Mellott and Dick Mellott started for Franklin county, last Sunday to husk corn. The buckwheat crop this year is immense. Wm. Fegley raised over 400 bushels, John Fegley ov er 300, and several others from 100 to 300. Danger in Fall Colds. Fall colds are liable to hang on all winter leaving the seeds of pneumonia, bronchitis or con sumption. Foley's Honey and Tar cures quickly and prevents serious results It is old and re liable, tried and tested, safe and sure. Contains no opiates and will not constipate. Sold by all dealers. IH0MPS0N. Mrs. Marth Funk, (nee Powell) of Illinois, is visiting her father, David Powell. Charlie Fisher, who had been visiting his father, John Fishor, has returned to his home in Illi nois. Austin Peck of Hancock, spout a few days recently at his home on the Kidge. Mrs Mary A. Kelly of McCon Ofllsburg, was visiting relatives in this towiwlup ov r Sunday Lula and Ni-lho Simpson Npmjt Saturday at Hancock. Subscribe fyr the News. - CLEAR RI0UE. Calvin Baker and family, and John Kerlin aud wife, were call ed to Mapleton Monday, ou no eouut of the death of John W. Baker. Mrs. Nettie Winegardner and daughter, Inez, visited II. T. Ileeter's family, Sunday. Blaine Anderson passed through our town, Sunday. Mrs. Blanche Henry, of Mc Conuollsburg, and children, j pi01.c0 an(i Mabel, visited John Kerlin, Saturday aud Sunday. Mrs. F. K.. Stevens and chil dren are visiting N. 13. Henry's family. Quite a number of our young people attended the party at Cor bin's, Saturday eveuing. Kaston Stiuson and wife, of Sixmile Run, spent a day or two with the latter 's parents, J. S. Mort and wife. Edgar Figtirt and wife, of Al toona, and the former's sister, Mamie, are visiting Mrs. Martha Wible. Sadie Wilson has left for Al toona, where she expects to spend the winter. J. S. Mort is putting up a corn crib and wagon shed for C. W. Evans. Mary Stinsou spent Sundny with J. S. Mort. Last Hope Vanished. When leading physicians said that W. M. Smithart, ofPekin.Ia., had incurable consumption, his 1 1:18,1 hope vanished; butDr. King's -New Discovery for consumption, j coughs and colds, kept him out of his grave. lie says: "This great smwifir rnm nlnt.pl v fnrnd mo iiml i 1 i ' saved my life. Since then, 1 hive used it for over 10 years, and con sider it a marvelous throat and lung cure." Strictly scientific cure for coughs, sore throats o colds; sure preventive of pneu monia. Guaranteed, 50c and 1. 00 bottles at Trout's drug stol e. Trial bottle free. Dr. A. C Daniels and son, of Bedford, made his sister, Mrs. W. B. Stigers of Warfordsburg, a Hying visit last Sunday aud Mon day, returning Tuesday. They made the trip across the country in their new auto. Letter to Frank P. Lynch. Cimiifllslnii", ',. Dear Sir: Tour business is, when a house burns clown, to give the owner some money to build a new one. It is a good business. Queer that the world got on so long without it. We paint the one that burnt down and the new one too. What is better, we paint the houses that dou't burn down. You insure the houses that burn; we insure the houses that don't. You have the ashes and smoke; all the houses are ours. We paint lead-and ziuc; Devoe. We sell the paint to painters; we don't paint. Lead-and-oil is the old fashion paint. Devoe is zinc ground in with lead and linseed oil; the best paint in the world: and the cheap est, because it takes fewer gal Ions than mixed paints and it wears twice as long as lead-and-oil. Nobody wants poor paint; there's lots of it, though, in the world. A. M. Griffin, Flainfield, N. J., writes : "Mr. Aaron Iligins, of Pluinlield, always used 15 gallons of mixed paint for his house. Last Spring ho bought 15 gallons of Devoe and had 4 gallons left." Yours truly F. W. Dkvok A-'Co., New York. P. S. F. C. Bare, Fort Little ton, sells our paint. An Authoritative Kuok on Railway Kates. It is not often that the ecouo-' mist has an opportunity to pro-1 sent a book of such practical in terest and timely unjiortance as j Professor Hugo R. Meyer's j "Government Regulation of Rail-1 way Rates," which is fresh from ! the press of tho Macmilhan Com pany. The volume emoodies the ; ranults of a twelve years' study of this question by the author,! and is brought thoroughly up-to- date, covering the facts brought j out at the special hearing of tho ' Rnnfn llnmmitlt.il ln.it. foir Tl.o ' ttbioct is treated in a comoletolv ! - - prRctical manner anil, in nrjditioti to giving iN author hiL'li rai.lc as an hu'Ikx-iiv on u,i i j : -m t i i.i , is liltfly to Iihvm ho ii. (!".." . oi' the di'Tiioti of CVims.'i-o.i M t.i'ho! l.ija-i,.,, to u wu ,X ,, ii.k ' iujoc, at iu coiuu.g easlou. Fall and Winter Suits. J vi The gathered crops and the cool frosty nights remind us Unit winter will soon be here, and that our lignt summer cloth- Jjj jtjj iiif? must bo put aside. We must have a new anil for dress, and .v take our last winter's "good suit" forevery day. Where shall 9S that new suit be ordered ? At A. U. Mace & Son's 1 .V Connrllsburg, because theirs is the oldest and largest mer- jj. elia:.t uiilorli -j establishment in the county; because thoy have & (JJ 'he t'K'a u'l best stock of goods to select from, and b"cause ji fi' of the cei-t.ilnty of getting a suit that will fit and not only he !J woi:h in vy dollar It costs, but look genteel and dressy as long jjp '.. .' i'S it lusts. jv Then in addition to their maklng-lo-order department, fcT) A. I'. N.V I'. V SON carries a large stock of Heady-made M!i' 4iJ mi') U -' lo'hirlg the best that the city markets atlord and lit pric. .1 , l.nv as good goods can be sold. In fact, anything ia y r . ! 1. 1 - . . - .t. I .......... J i xt - i - V 1 11 msiougs ii uiu ).i tie wear iaia -everything Oil mir order In, in A. U. NACE & SON, jj VlcConnellsburg, Pa. e?. AUTUMN 1905-- MISS A. J. IRWIN a CO., announces to the public that they are now ready to show a full line of If ATS and BONNETS in all the latest shapes and colors in Felt, Velvet, Silk, Kid and Patent Leather, In this announcement we desire to say emphatically, that we carry the finest line of Millinery Goods in Fulton county. Fashion has decreed that Fancy Feathers are to be used in abundance. Among them flings, are the new feature. Cogue feath ers effects, long drooping effects, and Aigrettes are next in demand, while Plume and Pompon ideas have the call for small hats and turbans. The leading colors are Reseda Green, Alice Blue, New Brown f and of course. Black is ALWAYS good. The combination of quality, up-to-dateness, and the lowest, VERY MUCH the low- . est prices, means better goods and values, for our customers and the satisfaction of having the very latest styles. We extend an invitation to the public to call, at which time we will take pleasure in showing our goods. Miss A.J. Irwin & Co., McConnellsburg, Fei. IR NEW and WAGONS at Cost and Carriage This is no joke. I have 15 brand now FAIiLlXG-TOI BUGG11CS and WAGONS on hand, and I have decided to close out every one of them at cost and freight in or der to lill up with SLEIGHS AND r CUTTERS for winter. 1 mean just what I say, and if you meun business come to see me. W. R. EVANS, Ilustontown. Pa. ALL I WANT is a chaucn to show you convlnc ly that you cannot be suited better elsewhere in a Hat than riuht here at my store und jhe price lower thun any where else. You want to look over the Pat tern llais, Hand-inado Hats of Vel vet, Chenille, Felt, Silk and Jet tho Triiuimnifs of Wind's, Plumes, Birds, Medallions, BucUles well anything that Is nobby. Hats inadu and trimmed to order i'Ki:i: or CHARGE. Mayo Johnston, West Water. Street, .McConnellsburg. FnTPYWAWVWTAn I Koai tttt cou b and htali lni , uu vveruuiib to ine iiiuisbimi in .ieci the latest and best. lime, and avoid the rush. m WINTER 1906 F0LEYSII0NEYHCAR W.H. NESBIT Nearly opposite Cooper House is better prepared than ever be fore to furnish our farmers with BINDERS, MOWERS, HAY RAKES, and one of the best Corn Plows in use. Repairs for all kinds of Mowers and Binders, Sections for all kinds of Binders and Mowers cheaper than ever. Binder Twine AWAY, awav, down this year. Machine Oil from 20c to B'lo, per gallon. Falling-Top Buggies and Runabout Buggies, Stick Wagons, ic. Also GardeD Tools of all kinds. If vou want to save money you will call on W. H. Ncsbit. M'Connellsburg One Minute Cough Cure For Coughs, Colds and Croup. SeyIiSases re the most fatal of all dis eases. CHI CV'C SIDNEY CURE It I or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the vest for Kidney and Bladder troubles, PIUCH 60c u4 WM. For silo at Trout:sdrug store " TftTrYHAn!VA!roTAT uita Colda: Prcvanta rnaumonia. I THE i FULTON COUNTY Covers the Field. In every part of the County faithful re porters are located that gather the daily happenings. s Then there is the State and National, News, War News, a Department for the Farmer and Mechan ic, Latest Fashions - for the Ladies. The latest New York, Bal timore, Philadelphia Markets. The Sun day School Lesson, Helps for Christian Endeavorers, and a Good Sermon for ev erybody. THE JOB DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE. SALE BILLS, POSTERS, LETTER HEADS, NYELOPES, CARDS, Ac, In fact anything and everything in the best style along that line. S3 Sample copies of the News sent to any 1 of your friends cri t request, j QUMilKULAND VALLljlV TIMETABLE. May 23, 100.1. Leave no. 2 uu 4 no. it no. c no.10 lie 1.M tA.M u U P.tJtP.M p.v Winchester ,. . 7 .Hi) .... 8 0u 6 30 Miirtlnsburtr 8 15 i 47 7 14 HuKerntown .... 8 4'! 1) i I'J 17 H u:ii R du'lu in '.ireeneiistle .... oil tt ji I:! Hi! 3 sii 8 si 0 mi Mercersburi; mil 10 3;iJt (!.... Chumbersuur.. 7 -in 9 4n 1 0(i 4 hTriTo M Wuvnesboro 7 0O li Oil 3 15 .... Sliiupensburif... 7 4 10 On l ai 4 ftn 9 u 11 10 N'ewvllle or iu a l :m 5 ou 9 S4 Ii SJ 1'tniMe 8 pa io 4i a oo 5 a-: 9 45 iaos Meohnnlos" .it,. 6 4tt II 05 it ) 5 M 10 07 12 21 UllKburK 10 (H) 5 20 Arr, Hurri' im 1 05 II a 2 35 10 10 14 10 Arr.Phllu ,. ...h M 8 17 6 47 8 50 4 ail 4 41 Arr. Ne'i '..('. . ..I 5 6H 8 0 II ssi 7 13 1 in Arr Ilu;uiii.)-..ii i,. 8 11 a 00 9 48 SO 7 16 I I. P. H. P.M. P. M. A M. A. M. Train N " -I ruim dully except Sumluy between 11 wnm ii und HurrlNburv. leavlnR HitKerHtown 1.05 Hud arriving ut HurrlKburv at a.m. Addltlonnl e.Mt local trains will run Jally, except S ih follows; Leave Carlisle 7.05 a. m., r:. u p.m. 8.15 p. m,, leave Meebanlosliurir a ... J.S9 a. m., 1S.5S p. m.. .8a p.m. Leuie uij.si.um 6.85 a. m 10.00 a. m., 6.S0 p. ni., Trains Ni. 2.8 i-id ! 10 ruo dally between Hu gerstown und Hrtrii-it'irir- Dally. t Dally except Sunday. Im' fin Hjno. Mno. 7 no. 109 r M A M P M P.M. Haltlmor I. I 65 12 (XI 4 85 8 HO New Yo.f 1 ': !' .... k 55 j 5s 5 &B folia. 1 . l ..m it 40 II 40 ; 6 30 8 3c Harrlsbnrt' , 5 ( ; ;n 4:, 8 Sn 8 S5 U Oft Dlllsburc. ' ii 4 0' MeehuDiuAi.-u. 1,. ! c:' :.' 8 41 8 43 II Si Carlisle i . -;mi 4 4'Ui 9 04 II 4S Newvllle. . y ) ,k 4k 4 u 9 S4 12 OS Khlppensburs.. S 9 OH 1 Ott 4 3d 9 4.' 12 IS Waynesboro 10 37 2 00 6 IK .... 1,'liauibt r-Lurtf. 8 45 9 SO 1 80 6 00 10 03 12 8(1 Mercerslc 8 16 10 30 6 63 lireencnstlc ... 7 05 0 U, I 60 6 21 10 21 12 63 lluiferstci ... 7 if. 10 -i 2 10 6 44 10 45 I 15 Murtlnali .ii.-..., 8 8 10 V- 6 24 Ar. Wlnclicsto; 9 s 11 40 7 to - A. M. A. M. P. U. P. U. P. U A. U Train No. 17 went runs dui'y except Snntlay between llarrlsburir und iliiKemtown, Icav Iuk Hunlsburu ut 5.15 p.10. and nrrivlut; iu Hu trerstowD ut 7.57 p. m. Additional local trains will leave HarrMiori- as follows: For Carlisle and Intermi'diute ma- wonh at v.37 a. m.. 2.00 p. m. und 6.30 p. m., also r.irMeolianlcsburg. Dlflsburg and Intermcili ite stallonsut 7 30 a. m., 8.10 p. m. and 11.30 p. 11.. Trains Nos. I, V and 109 run dally betweet, Hiirrlhhun and H.inerstown. I'ullmun palaoe sleeping oam between Nev York und Knoxvllle, Term., on trulna I wesi und 110 east and between Phlladelph a und Welsh on N. & W. Hnllwayon trains 109 west und IS oust, exoept that on Sunday the 1'hliu. lclnhlu sleeper will run east on No. 2. Through oouchen to and from Philadelphia on trains 2 und 4 east und 7 and 9 west. Dully. t Uallv except Sunday. BOUTHKKN PENN'A R. R. TRAINS. ('as. t7 CM Mix. I 4)1 A MLve. Arr. 8 I'as. IMlx.lPus. tl t8 t8t u 9 44 6 05 5 18 6 18 8 13 A ll A HIP. M o tviUhamuersburii.. 9 5l 10 30 10 M 7 14 8 15 8 50 9 C6 8 4.1III 60 iM 1 1 32 8 55 Marlon . -Meroersbi rg. . JoudoD .... ....Rluhmond.... 8 41 1 15 2 4.1 2 85 P. u. 8 OU 7 3X 1 80 10 80 6 soj 1 1 0.-,! 9 42 9 80 P. M.lA. M A. U A. H I. M k'Nnkdy, am: w. martin, Vice Pres. A (Jen. Supt. Sunt. H. A. 111UUI.K, Geu. Pass. Agent Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. KILLthi COUCH and CURE the LUNG3 WITH King r JIB t 11 AllJkull FORCi 0NSUMPTI0N Prlei 0UGHS and Kflo 1 ti nn I0LD8 Frc Trial. Ct ureal and tluickest Oure ior aii iiituAi' ana LIHO XBOUM- 4..o, or Jjiurg , r OJ AUiv. 1 I 9 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. i I1AKB1.HS. R. M. DOVVNES, First Class Tonsorial Artist, MoOONNfcXUSIiUUU, PA. A Clean Cup and Towel with each Shuve. Eveiylhllig Allliseptlo. Ruxora Sterlllned. tVShnp In room lately occupied by M Ilrnlie ISAAC IN. WATSON, . Tonsorial Artist. Strictly up to date In all style of bair cm tln. (jutok, eon? nhaveH. liny-rum, Crpftmn. Wltb-huzel. without extra chante. Krtsb tuwfl to each customer. Latest Improved up, paratuq for te rill zing tools, i'arlon oppoult Fulton Houhe. LAWYKRS. M. R. SHAFFNER, Attorney at Law, Office on Sauare, McConnellsbur, Pa. All legal business and collections entrusted will eoelve careful and prompt attention. CIRHCUtS. PRRSHYTKRIAN. K(!V. W. A. West, D D., I'astor. Preachinjf services each alteriiute Sabbath at 10:30 a. m. and every Sunday evening at 7:00. Services at Green Hill on alternate Sabbaths at 10:30 a. m. Sabbath school at 9:15. Junior C'liriHliiin K.n deavor at 2:00. Christian Endeavor at 0:00. Prayer meetinir Wednesday evAsuin( at i :j. , Mkthodist EPISCOPAL Hp v. J. Vi Adams, I'astor, Sunday School at 9:30 a. ni. Preaching every othor Sunday morning at 10:30 and every Sunday evening at 7:00. Epworth League at 6:00 p. m. Prayer moetinif Thursday evening at 7:00. Unitkd Pkksdytkuian Hot. J. I.. Grove, I'astor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Preaching every Sunday morn ing at 10:30, and every other Sunday evening at7:00. The alternate Sabbath evenings are used by the Young Peo ple's Christian Union ut 7:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:00. tLVANUKLloA L.VTHKRAN-Hev. A. G. Wolf, Pastor. Sunday .n-hool 9 :1S a.m. Piciu'liing evei y other Sumluy morning at 10:30 and every other Suu day evening at 7:00. Christ inn En deavor at 0:00 p. m. Prayer im-cUng on Wednesday evening at 7:00. Rkformkd Hc.v. (.:. M. Smith, Pus tor. Sunday school at 9:'!0 a. m. Preaching nn alternate Sabhaths at 10:00 a. m. and 7.00 p. ni. Christian Endeavor at 0:00 p. m. Prayer meet ing op Wednesday evening at 7:00. TKRMS or COI HT. The first term of the Courts of Ful ton county in the year shall commence on the Tuesday following tho second Monday of January, at 10 o'clock a. in. The second term commences on the third Monday of March, at 2 o'clock p. m. The third term on the Tuesday next following the second Monday of Juno, at 1M o'clock a. m. The fourth term on the first Monday October, it I o'clock p. m. IIOIUM'UH OITICKKS. Justice of the Peace Thomas P. Sloan, J,. IX. Witlo. Constable John IX. Doyle. Uurgess fl. W. Scott. CouncilmenD. T. Fields, Leonard IXohman, Samuel Pender, M. W. Nace. 'lerk William Hull. High Const able Wm.Liaumgardrier. School Directors A. U.ace. Johu A. Irwin, Thomas F. Slnun, F. M. Taylor, John Comerer, C. U. Stevens. GENERAL DIRECTORY. President J udge Hon . S . Mc. Swone. Associate Judges David Nelson. W. IX. Bender. Prothonotary, &c Geo. A. Harris. District Attorney George 13. Dan iels. Treasurer A. C. Lauver. Sheriff J. G. Alexander. Deputy Sheriff W. H. Nesbit. Jury Commissioners Simon Desh ong, Hennett A. Truax. Auditors W. C. Davis, Geo. "A Glenn, J. A Myers. Commissioners S. D. Mellott, Geo. Slgel, and H. P. Palmer. Clork Frank Henry. County Surveyor A. J. Fore. County Superintendent - Charles E Barton. Attorneys W Scott Alexander, J. Nelson Sipes, Thomas V. Sloan, F. McN. Johnston, M. K. ShuiTner, Geo. B. Daniels, John P. S.pes, S. W. Kirk. SOCIETIES Od d Fellows M'Coiinoll sburg Lod -e No. "44 meets every Friday evening Tn tne ( 'omerer Building iu M.uCounelN-bur-. Fort Littleton Lodge No. 484 meetsv every Saturday evening in the Cromer building at Fort Littleton. Wells Valley Lodjre No. 607 nieofs every Saturday evening in Odd Fel lows' Hall at Wells Tannery. Iliiliisurivlllp Lodge No. 701 meets every s.tu.iiiuy evening in Odd Fel lows Lull ut Harrison ville. Watorfall Lodge No. 773 meets ev. ery Saturday evening in Odd Fellows' Ball at Waterfall Mills. Warfordsburg Lodge No. 601 meets in Warfordsburg every Saturday evening. King PostG. A. P.. No. 3.'i meets in McConnellsburg in Odd Follows' Hall the tlrst Saturday in every month at I p. in. Koyal Arcanum, Tuscarora Council, No. 121,- meets on alternate Monday evenings in P. O. S. of A. Hall, in McConnellsburg. Washington Camp No. 497, P, O. A., of Now Grenada, meets every Sat urday evening in P. O. S. of A. Hall. Washington Camp, No. 554, P. O.S. of A., Ilustontown, meef.s every Satur urday eveuing in 1 O. 8. of A. Hall. John O. Tavlm. lWt C. A T XT.. Mil, meets every Saturday, on or just m-Ai'Pille.ir full trifi.irt In T tcV.la V...11 i ,4 P'ITJ Uttll. ut jJ p. m., at Buck Valley. woman's Uellef Corns, No. B0' meets at same dale and place at 4 p.m. Gen. D. B. McKlbbln Post No. 402, d. A. ft . n.J.nla Ilia UUii.m.l V . " " .... -i .'iji u.iu luurvu Haturaays la each month at Pleasarl L ADVERTISE IN The Fulton County News.