The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, October 11, 1905, Image 4

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Published tvery Wednesday.
B. W. PECK, Editor and Proprietor.
OCTOBER 11, 1905.
Published Weekly. $1.00 per
Annum in Advance.
Per square of S linen 8 tlmen II 60.
Per square each aubHeiuent Insertion 60.
All advertisement Inserted for less than
three moolha chanced by the square.
inn I 6 mos. I I 'r.
One-fourth column...
One-half eolurun
One Column
. . UMH).
. .. 40 00.
I f K1.00
I 76.00
Nolhlnx Inserted for less than II
Professional Cards one Tear ft
By Miss Alice K. Wikhaut.
Siucs Miss Tod left u, I have
been inspecting our zenanas, at
the same time keeping up my us
ual school work and examina
tions. It is quite worth while, as
lam findiugoutall the informa
tion about the pupils, theirlessous
nrxA liprtarwl f'litli in IHiriat.'
special need and' reception 'of tie '
Truth, so that each may be made
a subject of prayer. I have an
ambition to know just as far as
possible what kiud of work is be
ing done by each individual mis
sionary and what progress is be
ing made, the hindrances and en
couragements. So much money
has been, and is being spent in
this work, so many prayers offer
ed for it, that I want you to be
able to know and realize how worth
while it all is.
r.phe time was spent with Miss
Lillie Roderick in visiting nor
Bengali pupils in thirty houses.
I was much encouraged with the
way the women appreciate spirit
ual truth, as well as their advance
ment in secular studies. Five
women were examined on John's
Gospel, besides writing from
memory the entire fourteenth
chapter. Their answers showed
very plainly Miss Roderick's
thorough and excellent teaching,
and the Spirit's work in
their i
hearts, so much so that I was not
only delighted, but surprised.
She doei not spare herself iu
time, strength, patience, or mou
ey lor her pupils, and the fact
that she is able to get so many of
these strict purda women to at
tend our semi-annual gatherings
in the Mission, is the best evi
dence of the respect and trust iu
which she is held by the women,
but their husbands and brotners
The lessons vary according to the:
and dwnnn.nmpnt of the t.u- i
pils, but the method is nearly the I
same in every house. First, the I
secular lesson of reading, writ
ing, sewing, or whatever it may
be, than the Bible lesson, special j
mernorv verses, eatwhism. nml
hymn to which the whole family Missionary Lui
listen all work stops, and last- never ask advice.
ly a prayer. It is not easy always , When you have a cough or cold
to get an opportunity to pray iu ; don't ask what is good for it and
a heathen house, butl fouud Miss get some medicine with little or
Roderick never omits it. A few j no merit and perhaps dangerous,
questions bring out their position ; Ask for. Foley's Honey and Tar,
in regard to the Truth, and by i the greatest throat aud lung rem
taking notes at each house one : nCy, it cures coughs and colds
Cia get a fair idea of what is be- j quickly. Sold by all dealers.
ing done in this way, and can j
pray more intelligently for indi
vidual souls. We have much
cause for praise, for it is remark
able the houses our workers are j
aole to gain an entrance to, and i
the way in which the messages
are received. j
My visits with my assistant mis- J
sionaries have been an. encourage- j
ment to them and the pupils, ii
have au insight into all that is bo-1
ing done as well as into the char-1
acters of our workers, and can opened a few days ago. The gun
pray more intelligently when I ners are not handing good re
know the needs. ; ports y(ll as yam(J i(J uot )lentyi
Two weeks ago 1 vmited twen- we have been informed that one
ty-BOven houses with Miss Kami j hunter in a t eighbonng township
Roderick, representing about ! killed three wild turkeys last
fifty pupils, most of whom are weok at one shot, and carried
Mohammedans, and difficult to j tiem j,onie m a pillow slip; too
work with. Wo found some new, 8malli too WK,n and by tho
girls for our schools, and she is , amount of trespass notices stick
teaching some who being of i ! ing around, too dangerous. Let
marriageable age cannot go out ; the law bo enforced,
to our schools. One or two little j Everybody is waiting for Octo
iucidents of that week show how i her li), at 7:510 o'clock, m., at
the Gospel iu song will gain a ! which time we will be entertain
hearing when nothing else will. , for 2 hours with a lecture deliver
In a Mohammedan zenana where j ed by Clarence F. Huth. of Sham
wero four women, it was quite i ,!h,-i h
evident that the peace of thehouso 1 ,.,t j-'i Kbiy evening U,,rry K'el
hold had been considerably dis-1 1,.,-, (IJ ,..(liipfn.y wki,' pltrty 0f
turbed, aud no one was In a !iu J c,n.n ln;iterh, c mv-ht h.i Orji'han
Dior to listen, muchlessbe taught. i,.,v.n. ."..V irches between tho even
"No, no one would read to day,
Kiai was ih, there was no time !"
Wo seated oursolvos and said we
would sintf a liymti, and halfway
through, tli: clouds Mijoiiiod to be
liftiu",', aud by tho tiino wo had
tiuished, the sun was beginning
toshino. Half way through the
second hymn, the girl who was
ill (?) came out and bogau to look
for In r books preparatory tohav-
j iiig uer lessons; the old mother's
face lost its sullen, angry look,
and in a short time the lesson
went through joyfully, all because
of the Spirit's work through a
hymn, lu the next house, a neigh
bor had dropped in for a chat,
and I had an opiortunity to talk
to this old womau, whose sad eyes
aud anxious face only courirmcd
her pitiful story.
Miss Jessie Clark's work was
deeply interestin g, aud few give
the message from the King, more
directly and earnestly than she
docs, aud it goes straight to the
hearts of the women. We visited
together thu-ty houses, where we
i met from fifty-five to sixty souls.
I One day she visits Bazar ' houses
exclusively, and no one else in tho
j city does this kind o! work. When
we think of the hundreds of hous
I es, and that we alone are carry
ing the message of salvation to
thnse bound by chains stronger
than iron or steel, and that only
one day in the week, it makes me
i almost shudder with the thought
i of tho awful responsibility. It is
I most difficult work, but eucourag
j ing too in a way. 1 marvelled at
i the way these girls listened, their
j more than ordinary intelligence,
j their reception of the truth, and
their eagerness to be taught.
, Time ahd again they begged, "Do
stay longer, sing to us again !"
One poor little thing, sick in both
j body and soul, clung to my hand,
jand said, "Why won't you stay
longer?" I said, "But, daughter,
! listen : we must go on and take
! the good news to others, the time
is ; o short, and Jesus is coming;
we must toU -Vour sisters- or t,iey
will not know how to be ready.
While inspecting zenanas re
cently, some new girls were found
for the schools, and some of the
school girls are in turn finding
zenanas for us. One little , pupil
took us to her home after school,
smuu crippieu motner,
who looks a mere child herself,
but so clever and eager to learn
that it is a joy to teach her. At
the first visit she said : "When
will you come agaiu? Every
day?" And how disappointed
she was to find she could only
have her lesson once a week, but
insisted I should copy a Bhajan
ih.yinn), for her. so she could learn
the words alone.
The faithful teaching of Miss
; T.. -1 rri.i i ...lit. ii..'..
M auu iUUUW,ul l,1L'ir
example and prayers is telling in
the lives of our teachers, for
they seem to be growing more
earnest, more devoted, and what
is best, many are aiming to know
in a real way what it means to be
irwl.i'.Jt w.t l-. T r ,, i .. i.-::. rru.
,u""ul u' ""c im 1 l,a
After having spent a week very
pleasantly among friends m Hus
tontowu, Thad S. Shoemaker,
Miss Maty Shoemaker and Lee
Campbell have returned to their
homes in llolhdaysbu rg.
D. K. Che&nut and Hooper Bar
ton spent iJ") or 40 minutes very
pleasantly in Clear Kidge, Satur
day evening.
Corn is a good crop.
Adoiphus Kegarice is very ill.
Hunting season for souirrels
and tho blmde" of one l ing on its
' Oct. !J. The newly organized
Sunday school at Franklin Mills'
is progressing nicely uuder the
care of the Superintendent, Ira
Melloit 1
Mrs. Mary J.llill, of Kvei ett,
is spending a few days with
friends here.
Blanche Morton, teacher of Lo
cust Grove school in Whips Cove,
spent last Saturday, with Jessie
Mason, at this place.
Thomas Ileinbaugh, of Web.
ster Mills,' visited his brother,
Wesley, last Saturday.
Tho surprise party at J. C.
'ishwr's, Saturday night, was
largely attended.
Ellis L. Lynch, of McConuells
burg, spent a Sunday recently
with his uncle, Geo. J B. Hill.
Ottio Bill and Miss Mason call
ed on the Misses Golden, at
Franklin Mills, recently.
Bessie Morton visited her un
cle, Amos 1 'aimer, last Saturday
Job Truax and wife spent Sun
day at tho home of Chas. Hess.
Mt. Airy school is well attend
ed this winter. There are twenty-three
pupils on the roll.
You may be just as skeptical
and pessimistic as you please.
Kodol will digest what you eat
whether you eat or not. You can
put your food in a bowl, pour a
little Kodol Dyspepsia Cure on it
and it will digest it tho same as it
will iu your stomach. It can't
help but cure indigestion and dy
spepsia. It is curing hundreds
and thousands some had faith
and some didn't. Sold by Stout
eagle it Bro.
The I'leasant drove Sundry
school has closed for this sum ;
mer. We hope that much good
was accomplished.
Harry Bess and lady friend,
Hancock, made a Hying visit
among friends in tiiis locality.
Allen Smith and family visited
tho family of Daniel (larlaud, on
Timber Kidge. i
Samuel Truax and wife viMtqd ;
Job I'lessinger's last Sunday.
Mrs. Ellen Clark was a recent j
caller at Iddo. i
Jert Truax and wife were Sun
day visitors at Alfred Mellott's
Simon Fix, of lJu.-tonto wn, ,
lassed through this place, en- i
route to Amos Lay toil's along j
Sideling Hill. i
Spent More Than $11)110. j
J W. W. Baker, of Plain view,
i Neb., writes: "My wife sulTei ed !
from lung trouble .for fifteen!
years. She tried a number of j
doctors and spentover $1000 with j
j out relief. She became very lo ,v j
i aud lost all hope. A friend roe- '
jommended Foley's Honey audi
j Tar and thanks to this great rem-
. edy it saved her life. She enjoys
better health than she has known
in ten years." Refuse substi
j tutes. Sold by all dealers.
Local Institute.
Tho (iriit local institute of, jlnthel
township, was bold ut Gordons school
Oct. litli. The institute wan culled to
order by tho teacher, after which J. If.
II. Lewis was elected chairman,
(Questions: 1. Hygiene of theSchoul.
2. School Government. X Look after
I Utile things in school. Miss Kirk says
i we should not make any rules nntil the
I oll'ence has been committed.
.oo Mason says lirinness is one of
the essentials of our school room, al
though wise teachers know when to
relax their firnmess
Our chairman the.i trave a very iu-
: tereslin' talk in which he said he did
; not endorse what was said conccrninj;
I making rules and whisjeriui,'.
I gutstion -0iened by llertlia (iold
! en "Preparation hy teai in r, Dull s
: son. Miss Kirk-Ouiet in the school
j room. Mr. Uendershot-Toll Stories,
j Knowledfti most useful to children !
i opened by Miss Kirk. Miss Morton '
lliorouph and fresh knowledge iu
which to present to pupils.
Mr. Hondershot snoke on the elimi
natio;i of branches. !
Mr. Kliarpe spoke on the method of !
teaching beginners arithmetic. .oe
Mason, secretary.
Last Hope Vanished.
When leading physicians said
thatW. M. S mi thart, of l'elnn, la.,
had incurable consumption, his
last hope vanished; hut Dr. King's
New Discovery for consumption,
coughs and colds, kept him out of
Ins grave. He says: "This great
specific completely cured mo,and
saved my life. Since then, 1 h ive
used it for over 10 years, and con
moor It a marvelous linear ntu.
lung, cum' " St ! I v n il .1 j ! i r-
CH i e l'i ir Colli.' 1 if , sni'n llwna'-i i)l
colds; iiii e ' p'o -v.. t j,.-,. ,,r j. ,.u
nioi.liv (i rir -nti. V'i' .itxl j' no
hot'lei Ht T'"Ut' u i ll'-i htoie.
Trial boUlw free.
Fall and Winter Suits.
T'io gathered crops mid the cool frosty night remind us
that, winter will Boon be here, and that our Hunt summer cloth
ing must lio put u.sido. We miiNt have a new suit for dress, and
take our hist winter's "(food suit" for every duy. Where shall
that new suit be ordered f At
I A. U. Nace
3 TV-
iii ( '.uiiii'llsbiirg, because theirs is tho oldest iiu.l largest ni'T
i Inn, l t : i i 1 1 ; - L ' establishment in the county; becume they li live
; In- l:n ::e ,i and best stock of goods to select from, and because
of tlii ivi i ;i Inty of getting a suit Unit will lit and not only be
win-Hi i i v dollar it costs, but look nentecl aud dressy ns long
us it lasts.
Tiien iii addition to their maklng-to-order de irtinent,
A. I '. NACK HON carries a larire stoi'k of lleady-made Men's
in,. I l;,n, i "'. ililnjr the best that the city markets afford and
u) prices ii ; low as (rood goods cun be sold. In fact, any thin);
iu yvtus' f i i li i ii(js from an Overcoat to the latest fad in Nock
tie wear -Mais everything the latest and best.
Ci I i ir order in, in lime, and avoid Die rush.
AlcCon nellsburg, Fei.
--1 905--
MISS A. J. IRWIN & CO., announces to
the public that they are now ready to show
a full line of HATS and BONNETS in all the
latest shapes and colors in Felt, Velvet, Silk,
Kid and Patent Leather,
In this announcement we desire to say
emphatically, that we carry the finest line
of Millinery Goods in Fulton county.
Fashion has decreed that Fancy Feathers
are to be used in abundance. Among them
Mings, are the new feature. Cogue feath
ers effects, long drooping effects, and
Aigrettes are next in demand, while Plume
and Pompon ideas have the call for small
hats and turbans. The leading colors are
Reseda Green, Alice Blue, New Brown, and
of course. Black is ALWAYS good.
The combination of Quality, up-to-dateness,
and the lowest, VERY MUCH the low
est prices, means better goods and values,
for our customers and the satisfaction of
having the very latest styles. IVe extend an
invitation to the public to call, at which time
we will take pleasure in showing our goods.
Miss A.J. Irwin & Co.,
McConnellsburg, Fa.
i R NEW jj
Cost and Carriage
This is no joko. I have 1.) brand
and WAGONS on hand, and I
have decided to close out every one
of them at cost and lreijfllt iu or
iiir to Mil up with
for w inter.
I mean just what I say, and if
vou mean business come to see mo
Ilustontuwn. Pa.
Taste Tells
In tlie sidection of u Hat more, per
haps, than iu uuy ono article of
one's upparel.
jHayc Johnston
spent a week, while in the city in
stud, in' tlie latent models and ac
ijuiiiiiti -i herself with .nil the little
specialties in tlie urt of fashionable
hut construction.
Tho ludies Huts have never burn
prettier and tho prices more rea
sonable than this seasou. They
come in almost every shanti and
style -although the small bat U !
the prevailing style and tho colors
Iirown. tri'een mid blue. i
Miss .lohnstoii can show you all I
,...i....t. a. ... i ..i i. i..... I
wiwi b nun nnaji9, uuii it win tie u
treat to visit her store and see hei '
Hals made to order and trimmed
free of chae. j
1 1 Alaye Johnston,
West Water Street,,
MeConnellsburK. t:
oatfaeoufl;taid htflilungi
& Son's
Nearly opposite Cooper House
is better prepared than ever tie
fore to furnish pur farmers with
and one of the best
Corn Plows
in use. llepairs for all kinds of
Mowers and Binders, Sections for
all kinds of Binders and Mowers
cheaper than ever.
AWAY, a WAV, down this year,
Machine Oil from ('c to 6'c per
Falling-Top Buggies
Runabout Buggies,
Stick Wagons, Ac. Also Garden
Tools of all kinds.
If vou wunl to suve money you
will call on
W. H. Ncsbit,
One Minute Cough Cure
For Coughs, Colds and Croup.
tal of all (Us-
mmm w mt wa?
vi ii mm 4 J D .
Of money refunded. Contain
remedies recognized by eml-
gf" " me ,10'
h pwcb so. m.
; ' Kor ajlo'at Trout's drug stoi!e
the tystuin by unMy moving tk kowv,.
V44 444 4 44 f
Covers the Field.
Iii every part of the
County faithful re
porters are located
that gather the daily
Then there is the
State' and National,
News, War News, a
Department for the
Farmer and Mechan
ic, Latest Fashions
for the Ladies. The
latest New York, Bal
timore, Philadelphia
Markets. The Sun
day School Lesson,
Helps for Christian
Endeavorers, and a
Good Sermon for ev
CARDS, 4c,
In fact anything and
everything in the best
style along that line.
X ? 'Sample copies of
t the News sent to any
I of your friends on
I request,
TIME TABLE! Mav 28, 190.r..
Leave no. i no 4 no. no. e no.10 no
.iiu.utin;riitP.iK en
Wmchester 7 :o .... 2 ui 6 X0
MiiiUriMiurK K h i 47 7.1 1
Uiierstowu.... 6 il (hi l-i 17 S :t:l S 00 to 10
UruunuuHtle .... MM ai I'J 'i Mi h 2 iu m-
Mt.reewtlurl., s no 10 fliir.....
C'huuibei-.sburi.. jlt iTtfi "lljiPi" 'T TjK 10 64
WuyneHboro 1 Oil U Oil 3 I f . . . .
ShlppeilBburlf ... 7 41 10 05 1 a 4 SO 9 06 11 1(1
Newvllle H 07 10 1 .'Id 5 00 8 24 1187
CltllMe... 8 I'M 10 II Ii 011 6 XI 9 4h 12 Cfi
MeulmniOFii.ii 4 II oft i iti b M 10 07 12 ai
UlllsburK 10 10 5 UO
Arr, Jlar.ii.iiun-. ' Oh II !M tin 6 Hi k) 2S 12 10
Arr. Phi;.. H 3 17 5 47 8 fid 4 2tf 4 eH
Arr. Ni- .irl. : HI 5 M 8 On II 23 1 13 7 1H
Arr Uiiiilm.i.. . ' ' ft 3 II 6 00 9 4 2 20 7 Ift
- if. I'. M. P. U P. M. A. U. A. M.
Train N .' mt ruiu. dally exuept Sunday
between HuKeratown und liarriNtiurK. leaving
HaKergtowfi i.oft and arrlviutf at Hnrriaburg at
Additional enn l ouml local trains will run
dally, exoupt s nv n.i (oIIowh: Leave
Carlisle 7. Oft a. til . u.ii p. ni. 3. 16 p.m., leave
Meuuaniu&uun: i t-, ut., i.-cv a. tn.. 12.02 p.m..
8.3(1 p.m. Lttavt uli.ii'ii-K 5.36 a. m.. 10.00 a.
in.. 5.20 p.
Trains N ok 2 'md
run dully between Ha
irerstown atui
tial'riiiii I rif .
4- Dally
J j ii vno. nino. 7 no. 9 109
I' I ... A.U A.U T.U P.M.
I' .i I Hi -1 66 12 00 4 36 8 SO
8 6ft 8 S6 6 69
1 1 I H 40 II 40 6 80 H 30
' " i i n IS 2ft 8 26 II 06
I 4 01!
ft I - m:1!-.' ik 8 41 8 43 11 23
1 " I . U ' 4 0(1 9 04 11 42
I " I.' 12 4H 4 10 9 24 12 02
'.- !) 0M 1 OH 4 Si 9 42 12 18
110 37 ! Ill) 6 IB ....
li 46! 9 -II I 80 6 00 10 03 12 36
8 16 10 110 6 63
7 lift II i I 60 6 21 10 24 12 66
7 III 2i 8 10 141 10 4ft 1 16
8 :, HI V- 8 24
6 2.1 ii,; 7 10
a. u. a. m.p. m. p. m. p. m a. m
New Yoi a . .
Meebanloliiii .
Shippensburil-. .
VVaynesSoro. . .
Cbumbi'.-iui i
('.reenca'iii ...
UmierHln -'i ...
Mai-tlnstln-:. . ..
Ar. Wluoliiiotoj
Train No. 17 west runs duoy exoept Sundtiy
betwuen Ilarrlsliurx uml if UKemiown. lenv
Iiik ilurrisburx ut 6.16 p.m. aud arriving ut llu
Kerstowu at 7.67 p. tu.
Addltloual local trulns will leave Harrlsburfi
as follows: For Carlisle and Intermediate sta.
lions at 9.37 a. in.. 2.00 p. m. and 6.30 p. ni., also
lorMechanicsburK, DIllsburK and Internieunue
siutionsat 7 30 a. m., 8.10 p. in. und U .'lo p. tu.
Trains Nob. 1, 8 and 109 run dally uetweer
Uarrlshur and HuKerstown.
Pullman palace sleeping oars between Nev
York and iCnoxvllle, Tenn., on trains I wesi
and no east and between Pblludelph a and
Welsh on N. & W. Hallway on trains log west
ii nil 12 east, exoept that on Uunduy tu l'hiiu
lelphla sleeper will run east on No. 8.
Through ooaobes to and from Pblladelpnlr
on trains 8 and 4 east and 7 and 9 west.
Dally except Sunday.
5 061
. 1.
3 .'ft
8 41
8 1ft
8 43
8 36
6 ft.l
6 13
P. M
Vine Pies. It (Jen. Supt. Supt.
H. A. Ill I Jl ILK, Oen. Paas. Agent
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat '
wnH Or. King's
Nov Discover
0UGHS 61111
Fre Trial.
Kurost and Uuiukebt Jur tor all j
TtiiwAr ana jlunq TUOUB.
H'as. Mix. I'us Mix. :
M t61 i tl W
M A u Arr. am hi
9 41 6 6ft Ohumuursbur-. S ts II 60
9 66 1 14 .... , Marlon If .13 1 1 82
10 30 8 16 ..Morcerhburif.. 8 00 10 80
10 68 8 60 Loudon 7 88 9 42
11 06 9 Cf ....Klohrvoud.... 7 80 9 80
A. M. A. M. A. M. A M.I
MAHU fl(S.
A Clean Cup and Towel with encn Shave.
Everything Antiseptic
Razor Sterllltcd.
tVBhop in room latelv ocoupledby TeA Brakt
Tonsorial Artist.
Strictly up to date In all styles of bair cut
tfnu. Oulck. easy shaven, llav.rum. Creams
W Itob-baxel. without extra charite. rrest
towel to eauh customer, i.utesi Improved p.
puratu for sterillsInK tools. 1'arlors oppoKlte
Kulton House.
Attorney at Law,
, Qllice on Sauare,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
All legal business and collections entrusted
will ooelve vareful and prompt attention.
I'kkshytkkian. liev. W. A. West,
D D., Pastor. Preaching services
each alternate Sabbath at 10:30 a. m,
and every Sunday evening at 7:00,
Services at Green Hill on alternate
Sabbaths at 10:30 a. m. Sabbatb
school at 9:15. Junior Christiun Kn
deavor at 2:00. Christian Endeavor
at 6:00. Prayer meeting' Wednendaj
evening at ;uu.
MKTH011IST i-jpiscopal Uev. J. V.
Adams, Pustor, Sunday School
at 9:30 a. m. Preaching every other
Sunday morning at 10:30 and every
Sunday evening at 7:00. Kpworth
League at fi:00 p. m. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening at 7:00.
United presuytkkian Kev. J. L.
Grove, Pastor. Sunday school ut 9:30
a. m. Preaching every Sunday morn
ing at 10:30, and every other Sunday
evening at7:00. The alternate Sabbath
evenings are used by the Young Peo
ple's Christian Union at 7:00' p. ni.
Praver meeting Wednesday evening
at 7:00.
fi.VANUKI.loAu 1.UTHKKAN Rev. A.
G. Wolf, Pustor. Suiiday school 1:15
a. m. Pleaching every oilier Sunday
morning at 10:30 and every other Sun
duy evening ut 7:00. Clirlstiuti En
deavor ut 0:00 p. m. Prayer iwetlng
on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
Rkfokmed Kev . C. M. Smith, Pus
tor. Sunday school ut H:.'!0 a. in.
Preaching ju ulternate Sabbaths at
10:00 a. m. and 7:0(1 p. m. Christian
Kndeavor at 0:00 p. in. Prayer meet
ing on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
The Urst term of the Courts of Ful
ton county in the year shall commence
on the Tuesday following the seevnd
Monday of January, at 10 o'clock a. m.
The second term commences on the
third Monday of March, at 2 o'clock
p. in.
The third term on the Tuesday next
following the second Monday of June,
tti iu o ciock a. m.
The fourth term on the first Monday
uciooor, m i o ciocn p. m.
IIOIUU (ill Ol l-'ICEHS.
Justice of the Peace Thomas
Sloan, L. H. WiUe.
Constable John II. Doyle.
Huriress II. W. Knott.
Councilinen D. T. Fields, Leonard
Ilohman, Samuel iender,M. W. Nace.
Clerk William Hull.
High Constable Win. Baumgardiier.
School Directors A. U. Nuce. John
A. Irwin, Thomas F. Sloan, F. M.
Taylor, John Comerer, C. H. Stevens.
President J udge Hon. S.Mc. Swope.
Associate Judges David Nelson. W.
H. Uenden.
Prothonotary, &c Geo. A. Harris.
District Attorney George B. Dan
iels. Treasurer A. C. Lauver.
Sheriff J. G. Alexander.
Deputy Sheriff W. II. Nesblt.
Jury Commissioners Simon Desh
ong, liennett A. Truax.'
Auditors W. C. Davis, Geo. W.
Glenn, J. A Myers.
Commissioners S. D. Mellott, Geo,
Slgel, and II. P. Palmer.
Clerk Frank Henry.
County Surveyor A. J. Fore.
County Superintendent-Charles E
Attorneys W Scott Alexander, J.
Nelson Sipes, Thomas I . Sloan, F.
McN. Johnston, M. K. StiulTrier, Geo.
B. Daniels, Johu P. Siiies, S. W.
Odd Fellows M'Cotinellsburg Lodge
No. 744 meets every Friday evening In
tne Comerer Building In McConnells
buig. t',,nl Ttl.lnfr. T r. .1 V- AO. V
m. ... w ubnu . J - , V . .HI, 1 1 1 1 ' ' I S
every Saturday evening in the Cromer
building at Fort Littleton.
Wells Valley Lodge No. 007 meets
every Saturday evening in Odd Fel.
lows' HhII at VV oils Tannery.
Jliiivi-icivUlr. Lodge No. 701 meets
every , uuii'diiy evening iu Odd Fel
lows' Hall at Hurrisouyille.
Waterfall Lodge No. 773 meets ev
ery Saturday eVenlug In Odd Fellows'
Hall at Waterfall Mills.
Warfordsburg Lodge No. 001 meets
in Warfordsburg every Saturday
King Post O. A. P No. 3fl5 meets in
McConnellsburg in Odd Fellows' Hall
the Brst Saturday In every month at 1
p. m.
Uoyal Arcanum, Tuscarora Council,
No. 131, meets on alternate Monduy
evenings in P. O. S. of A. Hall, in
Washington Camp No. 407, P. O. b .
A., of New Grenada, meets every Sat
urday aveningja P. O. b. of A. Hall.
Washington Camp, No. 654, P. O.Hi.
of A., Hustontown, meets every Satur.
urday evening tn P. O. S. of A. Hall.
John Q. Taylor Post G. A. U., No.
589, meets every Saturday, on or just
preceding full moon in Lafhley hall,
i)t 2 p. m., at Buck Valley.
Woman's Ilelief Corns, No. 60
meets ut same date and place at 4 p.m.
Gen. D. B. MclClbbln Post No. 402,'
G. A. 8., .meets tho second and fourth
Haturuay In each month at Pleasure
The Fulton County News,