The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, August 09, 1905, Image 5

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Of Local and Qeoeral Interest, Gathered
at Home or Clipped Irom onr
Mid-summer sale of Fancy
China, &,c, at Irwin's.
W. II. I'eck, of (iem, spent a
few hours in town last Thursday
Abrain Deshong's bees gave
him a big swarm last Sunday aft
Bargain sale of Framed Pic
tures at Irwin's.
Mr. Raymond Iluber, ofLan
caster, spout last week at the
Washington House.
S. M. Clevongor, of Needmore,
was in town yesterday, and went
home sober.
The Hiram Cash Store allows
12c a pound for butter and 17c a
dozen for eggs.
Howard Skipper left last week
for Chambersburg, where he has
secured a position on the C. V.
Dr. W. L. McKibbin, editor ot
the Fulton Republican, spent the
past week rusticating in Buck
Mrs. H. V. Lupfer, who had
been visiting m the family of
Judge Bender, loft for her home
in Harrisburg last Friday.
Fred Eastman, a draughtsman
in the Frick shops at Waynesboro
is a guest in the family of Mr.
Jacob Rot..
This is a grx-'l time to sub
scribe tor the Fulton County
News. Only a dollar a year in ad
John Woodcock, of Hustontown,
spent Saturday evening in town
on business. Mr. Woodcock
loaves this week for Pittsburg.
Mr. Ernest Ilixson and his sis
ter Miss Grace, were guests in
the family of John V. Stouteagle
from Saturday noon until Mon
day morning.
For a short time Irwin will sell
-at cut prices, Fancy Decorated
China, Dinner ware, Silverware,
Lamps, Framed Pictures, Books,
Take your chickens to Huston
at Saltillo and get 11 cents a
pound. Butter lGc. a pound;
Eggs, 16c. a dozen; Lard .11c. a
Ex-Justice Jimmy Gordon, of
Big Cove Tannery, at pres3nt
serving as an overseer of the poor
of Ayr township, was a business
caller at this office yesterday
Foley's Kidney Cure is a medi
cine free from poisons and will
cure any caso of kidney disease
that is not beyond the reach of
medicine. Sold by all dealers.
It is related of Jonah, that when
he took up quarters in the whale's
belly, he wrote home to his father
to come down immediately, as he
had discovered a splendid open
ing for the oil business. The
next day he telegraphed as fol
lows : "Father don't come, I'm
badly sucked in !"
A western newspaper offered a
prize for the best answer 1o the
conundrum : "Why is a newspa
per like a woman?" The prize
was won by a lady in Oklahoma,
who sent in the following answer:
"Because every man should have
one of his own and not run after
his neighbor's."
"1 had diabetes in its worst
form, "writes Marion Lee, of Dun
reath, Ind. "1 tried eight physi
cians without relief. Only three
bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure
made me a well man." Sold by
all dealers.
The usual privileges of conduc
ting luncti tables, pop stands, ice
cream tables, &c, at the Soldiers'
Reunion this year, will be let to
the highest bidder j on the Reun
ion Grounds near J. W. Hoop's
on Saturday, August 19th, at 1
o'clock p. m. i
Prof. B. N. Palmer, attorney-in-
fact of the heirs to the estate of
j his father, the late Thomas R.
j Palmer, deceased, was in town
last Saturday making arrange
ments for the advertisement of
the personal property which will
be sold at public sale ou Wednes
day, August 30th. .
The pills that act as a tonic,
and not as a drastio purge, are
DeWitt's Little Early Risers.
They cure headache, constipa
tion, biliousness, .Jaundice, etc.
Early Risers are small and easy
to take and easy to act Sold, by
Stouteagle & Bro.
Cut price sale of Lamps at Ir
win's. i
Sue Ortn, who has this gum
mar bwn with Mrs. Lillian Bern
hardt at Three Sprinsrs, is visit
ing at her home it ForiLittletoD.
Dr. S. R. Fr&Uer, whose family
reside at Fort Littleton, expects
to remove them to Mt. Alter, Mc
Kean county, Pa., about the 20th
of this month.
Grant Baker and son Norman
of.Knobsville, visited in the fami
lies of Kalb Bauer, J. A. Henry,
and Squire Fleming at Clear
Ridge last week.
J. C. Fore and nephew, Will
Barmont drove over from Cham
bersburg yesterday, and will re
main among friends on this side
of the mountain until tomorrow.
Christ Wagner, the accommo
dating mail carrier between this
place and Fort iJittletou is well
fixed for carrying passengers,
and also prompt attention to pack
ages and freight entrusted to his
. The salve that heals withouta
scar is DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve. No remedy effects such
speedy relief. It (baws out in
llamatiou, soothes, cools and heals
all cuts, burns and bruises. A
sure cure for piles and skin dis
eases. DeWitt's is the only gen
uine Witch Hazel Salve. Bewa-e
of counterfeits, they are danger
ous. Sold by Stouteagle & Bro.
A western editor hits the nail
on the head when he says that
"too many merchants look upon
advertising as a scheme to help
the editor. With rural delivery
and department stores sending
out tons of advertising matter,
the country merchant must have
the goods aud the prices, and he
must advertise or get run over in
the march of civilization. His
rents are less, his help costs less
and he can compete with the city
retailer and pay his advertising,
too, and the time has come when
he absolutely has to do it. Coun
try merchants are rinding this
out and taking advantage ol it.
Get into the band wagou, or the
automobile will butt you into the
middle of next week."
... There is no way to maintain the
health and strength of mind and
body except by nourishment.
There is no 'vay to nourish ex
cept through the stomach. The
stomach must be kept healthy,
pure and sweet or the strength
will let down and disease will set
up. No appetite, loss of strength,
nervousness, headache, constipa
tion, bad breath, sour risings,
rifting, indigestion, dyspepsia
and all stomach troubles that are
cuiablo are quickly cured by the
use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
Sold by Stouteagle & Bro.
a Tf j
Cure ColJi: Prevents Pneumonia
Auditor's Notice.
Tlie undersigned uuditor uppolnteil to piim
on the uxuepiUiu Ac, to Hie uecouni of the
lti'iil KNlute TruHt Company, tniHiee of John A.
McKibbtn, will sit for the performunue of tmlri
clinic ut nix oltloe In MuConnellshurK, IV, ou
Tucvluy. August S, Wb. ut lOo'olook u. in., ut
which time anil pluoe ull peion Interested
muy attend If tliey bob proper.
" Auditor.
fr ahUdrmnt af, turf, jr '
Bur. Alwaya reliable. I.nrilpa, ank IimevlKl rut
t il M il KNTKK'H KNULIItll I;, U..U d
44. .Id niMnllln kuixs. araleil wllh blur r'llH..
Takf no oilier. Hrruav dunurroua unit!!,
lutlnnaamtl IuiIImiIohm. Itui ol yuur Dnuuwt,
or wild 4r. In alumn f,,r Parl'la'Hlnra, Trail,
auonlula and "Heller Tor l.axllra." inl-llrr,
by rrmrn Mull. 10,000 'I'ealiiimiilala, Ko'd hr
all iTUKKlxla.
Mudlaoo Kquan, PHII.A., !,
Martian Ikla aapar
One Minute Cough Cure
For Coughs, Colds and Croup.
Kl.llTiTl H'l'OCKINOM TnilPPrfl
abdominal Hurroiti'Kiu nUooLO
loofl Si-iimu GiliDEN St., PhlUilnlphm, l'a
DeWitt's JK!fr Salvo
For Pilot, Burn, Sore
IIow about, that new
uit for Camp Meeting ?
Vou have been thinking
about It long enough.
Come to me and let me
make It easy for you to
dress yourself well, and
at a moderate price.
You want a stylish,
durable, and well made
suit, and you will find It
I am proud of the line
of clothing I carry, for I
know It Is what the stylish
dresser wants.
1 still have a few ot
those X00 black suits for
men. You will say they
are bargains when you
see them.
Sixteen miles seems a
long way to come for a
suit, hut I have sold cus
tomers who came that dis
tance. I do not soil a Ten
Dollar Suit for Five Dol
lars, nor do I sail Five
Dollar suit for Ten Dollars. Hut I do sell the best suit tht
can be had for $4..r0, $5.00, (I.O0, $7.00, $8.00 and $10.00. Thut
Is why I am selling more and more every day.
You will want a new hat, a pair of new Oxford Shoes, new
Neckwear, and Shirts. Why not come hero to got them V
The money you save on them here will help you enjoy
Camp Meeting so much more.
Give me a trial before buying, and you will not regret It.
Harry E. Huston,
Crum Store, Saltillo, Pa.
v"M":rf i . M'7 . ifw, ;r; ; fi'-JJ
w 7? Y.v t.y v v v.y y v v.v v.v
f, ', ni) in.yiy.Wiyi.v,w,v.v.w.v.w.u w.w.
Standard Fertilizer 13.00
Packer's Union Fertilizer $13.0(1
Ze.ll' s Fertilizer $13.00
Standard Bone and Potash, $14 00
Runner Wheat Grower $14.00
Can be got at any time you come. Always on hand.
Mifttinburg 3 seated top wagons 4 bows on each side $77.00. 2 seated
top wagons $72 00.
Beaver Springs hand made Farm Wagons, steel skein, long hound
round coupling polo, 3 sets of brakurs, double bed, all complete., $(;.".
Buggies all 18 spokes, rivits in rim, $45 to $l!2.
Salt, Feed and Flour
Salt in Grain bags 140 lbs. ti5c. Agricultural Salt in 200 lb. bur
lap sacks, $7.75 per ton. Chop, pure grain per 100 lbs., $1.35. Shorts
good per 100 lbs., $1.35. Bran per 100 lbs., $1 15. Flour, all kinds
ot the lowest cash price. Horse shoeing, NOu, best shoes and nails.
Highest m.u-ket price paid for Cloverseed.
C. E. Starr,
At Reduced Prices.
An exceptional opportunity that comes to you
Just in time to get a new Uat for Campmeetlng, that
brings you a stylish, up-to-date, hand made hat for
a price that is practically less than the material alone
would cost you.
I am showing a large assortment of all the
new styles In Summer Hats at reduced prices. They
are made o" line braids, chilTon, proxeline braids on
wire frames la black, white and oolors.
Coma early and get your choice.
Lena B. Ledciig,
Hustontown, Fei.
$1.00 a Year in Advance.
Before that cough turns into a serious throat or lung trouble, stop it with
Jaymff's EZxpcctorainilt (Pihsc
It has proved its real value during 75 years. teOfdlS'
Ask your druggist for it.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Tc! Laxative Ercino Quinine Ttiists. (Vj&
mn Mellon loxe told In fait 13 months. This J.ture,
Cwm Crty
ia TweDayt,
a every
tax. 25c.
are now showing the
largest line of House
Furnishings in town.
Carpets, Mattings, Li
noleums.oilcloths, cur
tains, blinds, &c. A
good table oil cloth 1 1
cts. yard. By the time
your eyes catch this we
will have all our spring
and summer stuffs for
dresses and waists
which we will be glad
to show you.
Shoes for everybody
all grades and prices.
Please call.
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Opportunities in California
The trade in the Orient is opening up.
Our exports to Japan and China multiplied
during the last year.
There will soon be a tremendous increase in
the trade of the Pacific Coast cities with the Far
Big opportunities for the man who lives there.
Why not look the field over?
Only $62.50, Chicago to San Francisco or Los
Angeles and return, May 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
29. 3. 31 June 1, August 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,12, 13,
and 14, 1905. Tickets good for return for 90 days.
Rate for a double berth in a comfortable tour
ist sleeper from Chicago to San Irrancisco, Los '
Angeles, Santa Barbara, and many other points
in California, only $7. Through train service from
Union rassenger btation, Chicago, via the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul,
Union Pacific and Southern Pacific Line
This is the route of The Overland Limited, leaving Union
Passenger Station, Chicago, 6.05 p. m., and The California
Express at 10.25 P- m- The Calitornia Express carries tourist
sleeping cars to California every day. Both trains carry
through standard sleepers.
: Complete Information tent !
en receipt of coupon with blank
line filled.
Oaa'l lulira Agant, jSi Broadway,
) .. . r ,
' O.B.ral Paaatngar Agaat,
Street addren
Probable destination.