The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, August 02, 1905, Image 5

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Of Local and General Interest, Gathered
at Home or Clipped from our
Mid-summer sale of Fancy
China, &c, at Irwin's.
Bargain sale of Framed Pic
tures at Irwin's.
Nicholas I. Finiff has for sale 8
nice Uarkshire pigs, 8 weeks old.
Call and see. Malloylias cards
Unit tell how to got a lflx'JO pic
ture free.
Cut price sale of Lamps at Ir
win's. D. J. Miller, atOracey, lias 20,
,000 ft. first class white pine sid
ing for sale.
The Iliram Cash Store allows
12c a pound for butter and 17c a
dozen for eggs.
The U. IJ. church at Knobsvillo,
will hold a festival in the Grove
on Saturday evening, August 5th.
All are cordially invited.
For a short time Irwin will sell
nt cut prices, Fancy Docoiated
China, Dinner ware, Silverware,
Lamps, Framed Pictures, Books,
Take your chickens to Ilu.ston
at Saltillo and get 11 cents a
pound. Butter l(5c. a pound;
Eggs, 16c. a dozen; Lard Ilea
Mrs. Harry E. Gross and little
daughter of Jumonville, Pa., are
guests at the Fulton House.
Foley's Kidney Cure is a medi
cine free from poisons and will
cure any case of kidney disease
that is not beyond the reach of
medicine. Sold by all dealers.
At the conclusion of a five
weeks' vacation, during which
time she spent three weeks' with
friends at Clearfield and Curwens
ville, Miss Sadie llann returned
to Chambersburg on Monday.
Ask your Minister about "Few
er gallons, wears longer.
"1 had diabetes in its worst
vform, "writes Marion Lee, of Duu
Teath, Ind. "1 tried eight physi
cians without relief. Only three
bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure
made me a well man." Sold by
all dealers.
The new church at Walnut
Grove, near Maddonsville,,will be
dedicated on Sunday, August (ith.
Services at 10 o'clock by Dr. C.
II. Forney, of Harrisburg, assist
ed by J. T. Fleegal, York, Pa. All
are invited.
The pills that act as a tonic,
and uot as a drastic purge, are
DeWitt's Little Early Risers.
They cure headache, constipa
tion, biliousness, Jaundice, etc.
Early Risers are small and easy
to take and easy to act. Sold by
Stouteagle & Bro.
Tho following persons have
taken the contract for furnishing
wood to the respective school
houses in Ayr township for the
comint; wiuter: Corner, E. W.
HerKWshot, $15; Laurel Ridge,
G. E. Clousor, $12.25; Tannery,
Win, Harr, $12.00; Webster Mills,
Wm. Harr, $11.50; Rock Hill, Ed
Richards, $15.75; Cito, Wm.
Kuhn, $13.75; Jugtown, D. A. Nel
son, $14.75; Road, Ed Richards,
$13.25; Back Run, Fred Truax,
Ask your grocer about "Fewer
gallons; wears longer."
Edgar Hann, son of Ross R.
Hann, of Saluvia, has a good posi
tion with the Westinghouse peo
ple at J. 'i us burg, lie will get a
promotion m a few days and will
not teach next winter. He was a
student in Prof. Lamberson's
school here tins summer.
Ask your lawyer about "Few
er gallons; wears longer."
Tuesday, August 8. Having
sold his farms and intending to
quit farming Jacob W. Mellott j
will soli at his residence 2i miles j
south of McConnellsburg on the !
Jugtown road, 8 horses, 41 head
of cattle, 12 hoys, farming im
l1nvnt, tf?. Sain' bo'jin nt 1"
(V.W.I:. ' ' ;
lt'ii- sunburn, tettpr and nil sHn
mid sculp diseases, . PV itt's
Wiled Il iZfl Salve has' no equal.
Tt is ix (!rrtain euro for bint',
deeding, itching and protruding
piles. It will draw the Are out 9!
a burn and heal without leiiving a
scar. Boil', rH sorofj. carbun
cles, etc., nre quickly cured ny
the use of the genuine DeWilt's
Witch Hazl Sulve. Accept no
substitute us On y are often dan
gerous ana uncertain.
Stouteala & Bro.
Friday, August 25, A. J. Fore
aud Dr. J. A. Corocrer, adminis
trator of the estate of Geo. W.
ComertM', deceased, will sell at
tho residence of the Into decedent
at Bm nl. .Cabin"-, two good en-, 'jp
gines, 0110 a 25hp Geiser, and the j k
other a 20hp Fi ick; 1 good Frick
sawmill, besides live stock, agn- j
cultural implements, hay, grair, I
and many ether things. Sale be- j g
gins at 10 o'clock. Credit 9 ' 3s
The salve that heals withouta
scar is DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve. No remedy effects such
speedy relief. It draws out 111
llamatioii, soothes, cools and heals
all cuts, burns and bruises. A
sure cure for piles and skin dis
eases. DeWitt's' is the only gen
uine Witch Hazel Salve. Bewa-e
of counterfeits, they are danger
ous. Sold by Stouteagla & Bro.
A corps of B. & O. engineers
have been located at Bedford dur
ing the past week and have been
checking some of the curves on
their line at different points, not
ably at Mt. Dallas, Lutzville, Bed
ford and at the Mulliu water plug.
Although this tells nothiug defi
nite it reveals the fact that they
are rounding upthedetails, which
is encouraging. The Bedford
Gazette says they will work on
east in a few days along the line
of the old South Penn.
Men Past Sixty in Danger.
More than half of mankind ov-
er sixty years of age suffer from
kidney and bladder disorders,
usually enlargement of prostrate
gland. This is both painful and
dangerous, and Foley's Kidney
Cure should be taken at the first
sign of danger, as it corrects ir
regularities and has cured many
old men of this disease. Mr.
Rodney Burnett, Rock Port, Mo.,
writes: "1 suffered with enlarg
ed prostrate gland and kidney
trouble lor years and after tak
ing two bottles of Foley's Kidney
Cure I feel better than I have for
twenty years although 1 am now
91 years old." Sold by all dealers.
Olive Zim merman, who was vis
iting relatives in Thompson, has
returned to her home at War
ford sburg.
Lydia Simpson, -who had been
visiting in the family of her uncle
B. R. Simpson, has returned to
her home at Washington, Pa.
Oliver Clovenger and sister
Florida, of Washington, D. C.are
spending some time with thefam
lly of Richard Hollenshead.
D. E. Little and wife, of Mc
Connellsburg, spent last Sunday
P. P. Shives'. They were accom
panied by their niece Miss Dot
Crook, who will remain for some
time at Mr. Shives'.
Carpenters are busy at work i
erect'mg a dwelling house nt B. !
R. Simpson's.
The fuueral of Albert Gordon, j
who died a few weeks ago, will be j
preached as Damascus on the
third Suuday in August at 10 j
o'clock, by Rev, A. G. B. Powers, i
On last Saturday afternoon du-1
ring a severe electric storm, the
lightning struck the barn of Mr.
George Wiuter's and burned it
to the ground. Mr. Winters re
sides within a few rods of Damas
cus church. It was first discov
ered that the building was on tire
by Roy Daniels who chanced to
be at the church. Mr. Daniels
gave the alarm and soon the neMi
bors rushed in to assist iu extin
guishing the lire, bUt tllH
soon swept over the entire Im'-M-lug,
burning with it buy
and graiu of Mr. Winters. No in
surance. All our Books must' go at bar
gain prices.--At Irwin's.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Nae of
Carlisle, are visiting lriouds here.
How about that new
suit for Camp Meeting ?
You have bpen thinking
about It long enough.
Coma to mo and lot mo
multo it piisy for you to
Ureas yourself well, unit
al. 11 imxli-rtite irii'(.
You want- a sty Hull,
durable, nut) well made
suit, and you will llnd it
I am proud of the line
of clothinjj I carry, for I
know it is what the stylish
dicsser wants.
I still have a few tit
those f J.OO black suits for
men. You will say they
are bargains when you
see them.
Sixteen miles seems a
long way to come for a
suit, hut J have sold cus
tomers who came that dis
tance. I do not sell a Ten
Dollar Suit for Five Dol
lars, nor do I sail Five
Dollar suit for Ten Dollars. 1 Jut I do sell the best suit
can be had for $4..0, $f;.00, U.OO, $7.00, $-S.OO and 10.00. That
is why I am soiling more and more every day.
You will want a new hat, a pair of new Oxford Shoes, new
Neckwear, and Shirts. Why not come here to get them ?
The money you save on them here will help you enjoy
Camp Meeting so much more.
Give me a trial before buying, and you will not regret it
Harry E. Huston,
Crum Store, Saltillo, Pa.
200 TO INS
Standard Fertilizer iHJ.Od
Packer's Union Fertilizer $13.00
.ell's Fertilizer $13.00
Standard Bone and Potash $14 00
ISanner Wheat Grower $14.00
Can be got at any time you come. Always on hand.
Millliuburg 3 seated top wagons 4 bows on each side $77.00. 2 seated
top wagons $72 00.
Heaver Springs hand made Farm Wagons, steel skein, loug hound
round coupling pole, 3 sets of brakers, double bed, all complete, $0,1.
Buggies all 18 spokes, rivlts in rim, $45 to $02.
Salt, Feed and Flour
Salt in Grain bags 140 lbs. (i"c. Agricultural Salt in 200 lb. bur
lap sacks, $7.75 per ton. Chop, pure grain per 100 lbs., $1.35. Shorts
good per 100 lTs., $1.35. Bran per 100 lbs., $1 15. Flour, all kinds
ot the lowest cash price. ITorse shoeing, 8(1,., lH,t shoos and nails.
Highest m irket price paid for Cloversood.
C. E. Starr,
At Reduced Prices.
An exceptional opportunity that comes to you
just in time to get a new Uat for Campmeeting, that
brings you a stylish, up-to-date, hand made hat for
a price that is practically less than the material alone
would cost you.
I am show ing a large assortment of all the
new styles In Summer Huts at reducod prices. They
are made of line braids, chitTon, proxtliue braids on
wire frames In black, white and colors.
Com.: early a'ld get your choice.
Lena IB. Lei id I
Hustontown, Fq.
ri inn i 'c ni'I'kkioh it.
ki, tsrli: s'rocKlNdS TDIICCCC
1008 Hp ki nil (lAunr.s St., IMilhiclolphU, l'
Cut off that cough with
prevent pneumonia:
is and consumption,
l ne world s standard 1 hroat
Heine for 7 1 years.
Get it of your druggist and keep it always ready in the hews
ry and prevent pneulniar"- ,
jm-A f WW x 11c wuims oiunuuiu x uruut ana juuntz
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Dromo Quminc Tuets."Jc rpAjb
Seven Million boxes oW In past 12 mouths. Tllfa SignatOTCt Sjsyr
. "ft
Cure Grip
In Two Days.
, on every
are now showing the
largest line of House
Furnishings in town.
Carpets, Mattings, Li
noleurns.oilcloths, cur
tains, blinds, &c. A
good table oil cloth 1 1
cts. yard. By the time
your eyes catch this we
will have all our spring
and summer stuffs for
dresses and waists
which we will be glad
to show you.
Shoes for everybody
all grades and prices.
Please call.
McConnellsburg, Pa. 1
: 11 1 iwt
To the Pacific Coast to California, Oregon, Washington
round-trip, long transit and return limits, liberal stop-over
The rate is practically on the basis of one fare for the round
trip. Of course, if you wish to visit both California and Oregon
or Washington, the cost is slightly more.
These reduced rates are in effect on certain dates in months
of May to October, inclusive. They apply from all Eastern points
via Chicago, St Louis or Memphis gateways. The Rock Island
System will take you up in either Chicago or St. Louis, or at hundreds
of other Middle West points and carry you to the Coast in through
Standard or Tourist Sleepers with unexcelled Dining Car service.
The Rock Island also affords a choice of routes: on the "Scenic"
route you can stop off in Colorado see Salt Lake Gty visit
Yellowstone National Park; on the "Southern" route you can go
via El Paso, thru New Mexico, then "up coast" to San Francisco
and on to Portland or Seattle if desired.
In short, these Pacific Coast excursions offer an unusually good
chance to see our western country in a comprehensive manner.
If you desire to go only as far as ColoraJo, there are excursion
rates in effect to that section and return, all summer long,
specially reduced June 30 to July 4, August 12 and 13,
and August 30 to September 4. Extension trips to Ogdeo
or Salt Lake and return at low cost also.
From September 15 to October 31, 1905, one-way
tourist or " colonist " tickets will be on sale to California and
the Pacific Northwest -about half regular fare.
If interested, send name and mddreM on ihu coupon, designating
which booklet wanted and to wht point you plan to go. Nam. probable
dot. of tart alto, so w. can advi. definitely with roped to rate, etc.
Fau. Trdf. Mgr., Rock UUnd SyUam,
Lun abMit-
1 n: