The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, July 19, 1905, Image 5

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Of I ocal tri aDerS Interest, Gathered
I Home or Clipped from our
Call and see. Malloy-has cardg
that tell how to get a 10x20 pic
ture free.
Miss Irene Pott, who has been
in Freeport, lit., for sometime,
Is now visiting her aunt Malinda
Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer.
Laudlord Harry llamil and
wife, of the City Hotel, spent a
day recently with friends at Fort
Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer.
A. J. Bolinger, of Hostontowc,
and Bart Stevens of Dublin Mills,
were registered at the City Hotel
last Saturday.
Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer.
While returning from the home
of his grandfather last Wednes
day evening, Bruce Paylor killed
a blacksnake that measured six
feet, three and one half inches in
A. li. Bass, of Morgantown,
Ind., had to get up ton or twelve
times in the night, and had a Re
vere backache and pains in the
kidneys. Was cured by Foley's
Kidney Cure. Sold by all dealers.
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Dawuey
of Huston town, spent last Satur
day night In the home of the hit
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Abram Runyan of this place.
Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer.
Frank Irwin, of Philadelphia,
accompanied by his friend, Rob
ert Simpler, of that city, is spend
ing two weeks in the home of his
parents, John A. Irwin and wife.
There will be a meeting at the
Hebron Reformed church in the
Corner, next Sunday 'afternoon
at half past two o'clock, for the
purpose of organizing a Sunday
school. Everybody invited.
When e'er you feel impending ill,
And need a magic little pill,
No other one will fill the bill
LikeDoWitt's Little Early Risers.
The famous little pill "Eany Ris
ers," cure constipation, sick head
ache, biliousness, etc. They nev
er gripe or sicken, but impart
early rising energy. Good for
children or adults. Sold by Stout
eagle & Bro.
The Pope Manufacturing Com
pany, Hagerstown, is making
preparations to operate its auto
rnonile and bicyle factory on an
extensive scale. The plant which
covers 18 acres of ground and is
one of the largest of its kind in
the world, is now receiving a gen
eral overhauling. Plans are laid
to make between 30,000 and 40,
000 bicycles next season and at
least 2,000 automobiles. The fac
tory has now ou its piy roll (iOO
Digests all classes of food, tones
and strengthens the stomach and
digestive organs, Cures dyspep
sia, indigestion, stomach trouble,
and makes rich, red blood, health
and strength. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure rebuilds wornout tissues.
Gov. G. W. Atkinson, of W. Va.,
says. I have used a number of
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and have
found it to be a very effective, and
indeed, a powerful remedy for
stomach ailments. I rocom moud
it to my friends. " Sold by Stout
eagle & Bro.
Morning Fire.
TIio alm in r lire wps m.imwlcil
abmit st-veti u'cl'i' k fl ' j morniug, ;
rtii l it wa.i noun diiiciVfcioil t.liiit i
.Uwri P.. MHl'iHt liege new'
stable tuin In a few.
minutes the lio-.j was attached to I
the plug at Cleveuger'u corner,!
and a stream turned on which;
soon checked the fire and saved
the surrounding property. The
stable is used by Alex Patterson
for a livery, and how the tire got
started is not known. The loss ,
on the stable is covered by insur- ;
ance. , Mr. Patterson's loss is I
contined to about two tons of hay.
No hnlse Claims.
The proprietors of Foley's Hon
ey and Tar do not advertise tins
asa "sure cure for consumption." '
They do not claim it will cure this
dread complaint in advanced cas
es, but do positively assert that
it will cure in the earlier stages
and never fails to give comfort
and relief in the worst cases,
Foley's Honey and Tar is without
doubt the greatest throat aud
luug remedy. Refuse substitut
es. Sold by all dealers.
200 TONS
Mrs. r H. Peck Dead.
A telegram Tuesday evoking
brought the sad intelligence that
Mollie, wile of Nathaniel H. Pock
died st their home at Arnbndge,
a town on the Ohio river sixteen
miles below Pittsburg, at live
o'clock that evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Peck were for
merly residents of Hartford City,
lnd., but came to Pennsylvania
several years ago on account of
tho impaired condition of Mrs.
Peck's health.
The immediate cause of her
death was paralysis, a stroke of
which she su tiered Tuesday morn
ing. Her maiden name was Stahl
and siie was aged about Otl years.
Her remains were taken to
Hartford City, Ind., ou Wednes
day for interment. Besides her
husband she is survived by two
sous, Harry and Walter.
Their many Fulton county
friends extend sympathy in this
hour ot sore bereavement.
DeWitt's Witch lJazul Salve
penetrates the pores of the skin,
and by its antiseptic, rubifocient
and healing inlluence it subdues
inflammation and cures boils,
burns, cuts, eczema, tetter, ring
worm and all skiu diseases. A
specific for blind, bleeding, itch
ing and protruding piles. The
ongional and genuine Witch Hazel
Salve is made by E D. DoWitt &
Cdi, and sold by Stoutoagle &
Scott Riucdollar, of Everett, is
spending his summer vacation
with his 'parents, D. L Rinedol
lar and wife, in the Cove.
Tuesday, August 8. Having
sold his farms and intending to
quit farming Jacob W. Mellott
will sell at his residence 2J miles
south of McConnellsburg on the
Jugtown road, 8 horses, 41 head
of cattle, 12 hogs, farming im
plements, Ac. Sale begins at 10
h and heals lungs
-lrr, the c-u'
Subscribe for the News.
Campmeeting Buggies.
For the second time this season
I have tilled my extensive sheds
with brand splinter now buggies,
suitable for all uses especially
great for a trip to campmeeting.
Come and look them over for a
special Midsummer bargain.
W. R. Evans,
Hustontown, Pa.
Lutheran Reunion.
The lUtli Annual Reunion of
the Lutherans will be hold at Poi.
mar on Thursday, July 27th. Ev
ery effort has been made to make
thu the best. , Low railroad
rates. Addresses will be deliver
d rv Rev. Dr D. II. Baushn, of
Springfield, O , by Rvh. HetH
bower, Williams, Haithcox, and
others. ,
Nothing is moroladernaudihan
amedlciue which meets modern
requirements for a tlood and sys
tem jiloanBer, such as Dr. King's
New Life Pills. They are jnM
what you need to cure stomach
and liver trouble. Try them. At
Trout's drug store, 25c, guaran
IIpr.La Franco's
" -- -'ii i m whhiwii mm Ti-wir
Safe, QutcU, Reliable Regulator
Ruiietinr to other renimiie sum av hikii 'ru-r.
C'nrn inmmlUfml. Suci..ful1v tlf'l liy ovar
-.4110,0110 Worn lrli n.'i.1Nt.'ln'-
fcumor ty mail. Tu.llinnlul JC loMta fret-.
Ir. lal'rauco, rniiaauipui, rm.
Early Risers
The famous little pills.
1 OK SALli.
Standard Fertilizer 13.0(1
rui-kur'8 Union Forlllizur ' $13.00
.ell's Fertilizer . . tl.'MMi
Standard Hone and l'otush $11 00
Kimner VVIuuit flrownr $14.00
I lin Ie vl ut liny time joii runic. Alwujs on lnind.
M l II I i 1 1 1 ii i-tjr ;t Heated tup wmroiiB 4 bows on eiieh side t77.dll. - seated
top wuirtms $7- 00.
Heaver Springs hand made Farm Wagons, steel .-dcrin, loner hound
round coiiplinjr pole, 3 sets of lirakers, ilunlilit tied, all eoniplrle,
I!iiiricrf nil l1 spokes, i iits iii rim, 1 1 lo fii-.
Salt, Feed and Flour
Salt in Grain liajjs 110 His. ii.V. Ajji-icu lturu I Salt in 200 11). bur
lap sucks, "."" per ton. Cbop, pure trrain per loo lbs., 1.3.7. Shorts
trootl per 100 lbs., 1.3.7. ilnui per loo lbs., $..7. Flour, all kinds
ot tbe lowest cash priee. Horse shoeing, S0e, best shoes and nails,
lliylipst ni.irket prien paid for ( 'loversenl.
C. E. Starr,
This lias been a season of Low Shoes. Their
use has been more general than for several years
and why shouldn't the Oxford he popular? It
has all the stylo and wear ot the regular high
out shoes and is so cool and comfort able that it
is really the only shoe to wear during the warm
summer days.
We have them in all the popular shapes uud
shades Including tans, patent leather, and viei's
both button and hue. Price for ladies Oxfords
ranging from tl.Oi), $1..7, to 2.0U per pair.
Men's Oxfords $1.70 to $2.7.7 in tan, vici, and
patent leather. Oxfords for tho little chaps as
low as .'iS cents.
Quality considered we will put our prices on
shoes side by side with any shoe dealer in the
county and wager that they are lower for our
motto is "Quality before all else.
For your next pair of low shoes or shoes of
any description try
Harry E. Huston,
Crum Store, Saltillo, Pa.
..?-6 o : V. V.I. V v
At Reduced Prices.
An exceptional opportunity thut conies to you
just in time lo get a new Hat for L'ampnieotiiig, that .
bringyou a stylish, up-to-date, hand made hat for
a price that is practically loss than tho material ulone
would cost you.
I am showing a largo assortment of all the
new styles in Summer Hats at reduced prices. They
are made of lino braids, chilVon, proxeline braids on
wire frames In black, wnito an 1 colors.
Conn eif iy ii 1 1 got your choice.
Lena 3. LeiicHg;,
Hustontown, le.
$1.00 a Year in Advance.
Cut off that cough with
I avne's Expectorant
and prevent pneumonia;
bronchitis and consumption.
The world's Standard Throat
Medicine for 7 5 years.
Get it of your druggist and keep it always ready in the house.
and Lung
are now showing the
largest line of House
Furnishings in town.
Carpets, Mattings, " Li
noleums, oil coths, cur
tains, blinds, &c. A
good table oil cloth 1 1
cts. yard. By the time
your eyes catch this we
will have all our spring
and summer stuffs for
dresses and waists
which we will be glad
to show you.
Shoes for everybody
all grades and prices.
Please call.
McConnellsburg, Pa.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Tck9 Laxative Dromo Qmnmc Taiicts. (ysjy
Seven Million boxes sold In past 13 months. ThlS Signature, VTiCr
Cure Crip
In Two Day.
on every
box. 25c.
Opportunities in California
The trade in the Orient is opening up.
Our exports to Japan and China multiplied
during the last year.
There will soon be a tremendous increase in
the trade of the Pacific Coast cities with the Far
Big opportunities for the man who lives there. 1
Why not look the field over?
Only $62.50, Chicago to San Francisco or Los
Angeles and return, May 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
29, 30, 31, June 1, August 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,12, 13,
and 14, 1905. Tickets good for return for 90 days.
Rate for a double berth in a comfortable tour
ist sleeper from Chicago to San Francisco, Los'
Angeles, Santa Barbara, and many other points
in California, only $7. Through train service from
Union Passenger Station, Chicago, via the
Chicago, Milwaukee S Si. Paul,
Union Pacific and Southern Pacific Lino-
This is the route of The Overland Limited, leaving Union
Passenger Station, Chicago, 6.05 . ami The California
Express at 10.25 p. in. The Ca!i!oi ni.t K.x;'i -ss carries tourist
sleeping cars to California every day. l;ih trains carry
through standard sleepers. .
Complete information vent fn u
on receipt of coupon will) lilai.k
line, tilled.
O.oi E.atarn Agant, 381 Broadway, '
O.a.r.1 Paaaang ar Agent,
Street (ldrcti
Probable destination,