The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, July 19, 1905, Image 4

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Published tivery Wednesday.
W. PECK, Editor and Proprietor.
JULY 19, 1905.
Published Weekly. $1.00 per
Annum in Advance.
Per nu"r of 8 linen llnm II Ml.
Per square eituh uhequent Insertion.... HO.
AH adveniM-menta Inserted for leu than
three monlhi churned by the square.
3 mm. 6 mm. I yr.
One-fourth column Iivno. I .o.oo. t:uvno
One-half oolumo 2.VUO. 4000. soiio
'Jue Column 40 00. S6.0U. 75.00
Nothing Inserted for leu than II
Prof eiwlonal Cards one Tear lb
It Tellf About the Batcher ind the Way He
Sell Hii .Meat.
What is the man doing behind
the counter ?
He is selling meat. Let us
watch him.
What is the lady going up to
the counter for ?
To buy meat from the greasy
man with the white apron.
What does she ask for ?
A five pound roast of porter
house. What does ho give her
A seven pound roast.
Then does he charge her only
for what she asked for ?
No, indeed, tie charges her
for what he chose to give her.
Didn't the lady know what she
Evidently the man didn't think
Can't he tell the weight of a
piece of meat when he picks it up
Certainly he can. Otherwise
he would never be able to know
that he is always selling you a
piece of meat several pounds big
ger than you wanted.
Why does the man do tins ?
It is impossible to associate
constantly with greasy things
and not become pretty smooth
yourself. Now run and play.
Baltimore American.
Trail Your kidneys For Rheumatism.
When you are suffering from
rheumatism, the kidneys must
be attended to at ouce so that they
will eliminate the uric acid from
the blood. Foley's Kidney Cure
is the most effective remedy for
this purpose. R. T. Hopkins, of
Polar, Wis., says, "After unsuc
cessfully doctoring three years
for rheumatism with the test
doctors, I tried Foley's Kidney
Cure and it cured me. I cannot
speak too highly of this great
medicine. Sold by all dealers.
Etlect ol Gould Hoods Projected and Under
Way Felt la Three Slates.
It having been announced that
the connection between the West
ern Maryland and the West Vir
ginia Central, from Cherry Run
on the former to Cumberland on
the latter, will probably be open
ed for regular freight service
about September 1, some ol the
effects of the new road along the
Potomac from the eastern to the
western side of the mountain
ranges of Maryland are already
noticeable to a marked extent. It
is evident that the opening of the
new Gould lines through Mary
land. West Virginia, and outh
western Pennsylvania will cause
a boom in the small townsthrough
which they will pass. Tne effect
n Bome of the sleepy little ham
lets along the Potomac has been
Hancock, on the Maryland side
of the river, is to have a large
freight and passenger depot, and
as it is somewhat ot a freight
centre for the surrounding coun
try, it will bo one of the first
points on the new connecting line
on which freight will originate.
Cherry Run, Millstone, South
Cumberland and Ridgley will also
feel the effect of the uew railroad
jto,the Atlantic coast. Muc.h build
ing has been undertaken in Han
cock and other towns since the
construction ot the road was
Along the West Virginia Cen
tral also, there is evidence of new
business and industrial life on
account ot the purchase ot that
route as one of the links in George
Gould's seaboard line. There is
sharp com petition for the loca
tion of railroad shops on hoth the
Western Maryland and West Vir
ginU Central.
Fewer Gallons; Wears Lougcr. '
Albert Cleveogcr and family
relurniM! U) Pittsburg the lirstof
tho week.
Sumo of our jtcoplo attended
tho festival at Gracey Saturday
There will be preaching at Fair
view next Sunday afternoon by
Rev. Salter.
J. F. Johnson with Edward
Haughnian and S. 11. llocken
smith helped him started on h,a
tour of threshing for the farmers
last week.
C. M. Brant had a small ice
cream social last Saturday even
ing. S. L. Wilson lias returned from
Knobsville, where he had been
working on Keebaugh's saw-mill.
Frank Price is emi'loyed et the
coke ovens at Riddlesburg.
Sickening Shivering Fit
of ague and malaria, can be re
lieved and cured with Electric
Bitters. This is a pure, tome
medicine; of special benefit in
malaria, for it exerts a true cura
tive influence on the disease.driv
uig it eutirely out of the system.
It is much to be preferred to qui
nine, having none of this drug's
bad after efTectt. E. S. Munday
of Henrietta, Tex., writes: "My
brother was very low with malar
ial fever and jaundice, till he took
Electric Bitters, which saved his
life. At Trout's drug store; price
."f)c, guaranteed.
The farmers are all done har
vesting and the threshermen are
at work.
James Mellott, 6f Cito, visited
N. H. Evans Sunday.
Jacob Eader was visiting in this
vicimty Sunday.
Those who visited W. 0. Peck
Sunday were Johu H. Brewer
and family; Ira Barnhardt, Ross
Barnhardt and Mamie O'Rourke.
Charles Bathalo aud wife, of
the Cove, visited the latter's par
ents, G. W. Bishop and wife, Sat
urday aud Sunday.
Jacob Peck and wife spent Sun
day afternoon at Mrs. Lynch's.
A. C. I'ecu, of Hancock, spent
Saturday night and Sunday at
Denton Peck has begun his
mail route from here to Covalt.
Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer.
J. Calvin Hortou met with what
might have been a fatal accident
a few days ago. He was hauling
hay into the barn, when a Id-foot
scantling fell, striking him on the
head aud cutting an ugly gash.
Maud Warsing, of Hopewell,
spent last week with her friend,
Gertrude Young.
Harold Kirk visited friends in
Uustontown a part of last week.
George A. and Howard C.
Wishart, of Chicago, spent a few
days with their respective par
ents here. The boys look well
aud seem to be getting along nice
ly in their business.
II. M. Griffith and wife were
visitors at Everett last week.
B. M. Stewart aud wife were
callers in our town Saturday eve
ning. Joseph Woodcock, of W. Va.,
returned to his mother's home
Saturday fur a short vacation.
W. M. Clipinger, who is em
ployed in Altoona, spent Sunday
at home.
Maud E. Baumgardner has ac
cepted three weeks' work in
Elk county, assisting in Sunday
School convention and other pri
mary work.
Myrtle Stunkard, who has
been employed in Altoona for the
last year, is home for a short va
cation. Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer.
We have had some very severe
storms during the past week.
Pearl Booth was tho guest of
Uosio Mort last Sunday.
Sadie Wilson is spending a
week with her brother Charley
near Orbisonia.
J. Bart Stevens, of Childress
Chatter, is goiog to erect a new
chopping mill.
Jennie Mansherger, of Tates
ville, is visiting her brother J. S.
There will bo a picnic at Clear
Ridge on the 20th, at which time
the Ladies Aid Society will serve
dinner and supper. All nr" in
vited. The nT Hni-ch i Walnut
Grove wnJ hfij.-ti i-d,, the 5 b
of August.
Fewer Gjiil.i s; Wears Longer.
A Vonltl nl Rnlnshuri Will Piohshly Lose
Sight ol an Lye.
I'rmn i he Lvtrctt Ktiwhllcati.
Un Wednesday, at noon, a pe
culiar accident occurred at the
Rainsburg Hotel, of which Mr.
W. A. Cessna Is proprietor, that
may result in tho loss of an eye
by Raymond Cessna, a sixteen-year-old
son of tho proprietor.
While seated at the dinner ta
ble a daughter of Mr. Cessna
picked up a bottle ot tomato cat
sup that was very tightly corked,
to open it, when there was a loud
explosion and pieces of glass
and the contents of the bottle
scattered in every direction. One
fragment of glass struck Miss
Cessna on the cheek cutting a
gash about an inch and a half
long. She was also cut across all
tho fingers of one hand. Both
wounds bled freely, but were not
of a serious character.
Another fragment of glass
struck Raymond, who was sit
ting on the opposite side of the
table, in the right eye, inflicting
a deep out iu the eyeball. This
wound was exceedingly painful,
and Mr. Cessna at once brought
his son to Everett to Dr. Trim
bath. The Doctor examined the
wound and said it was a very ser
ious oue and the likelihood is that
he will lose the sight, of that eye.
He gave tho wound the necessary
attention and advised that the
boy be taken to Huntingdon for
treatment by Dr. W. II. Sears,
an eye specialist. This was done,
the boy going on Wednesday eve
uing's train, accompanied by his
A Grim Tragedy
is daily enacted, in thousands of
homes, as death claims, in each
one, another victim of consump
tion or pneumonia. But wnen
coughs or colds are properly
treated, the tragedy is averted.
F. G. Huntly, of Oaklandon, Ind.,
writes; "My wife had the con
sumption, aud three doctors gave
her up. Finally she took Dr.
King's New Discovery for Con
sumption, coughsandcolds, which
cured her, and to-day she is well
and strong." It kills the gerrn
of all diseases. One dose relieves
Guaranteed at 50c and 1.00 by
Trout's drug store. Trial bottle
fi ee.
What tha Auto Will Do.
Of interest to owners of auto
mobiles everywhere is the article
in Collier's by Johu Jacob Astor,
who says :
"The business automobile has
but reached the horizon of its
large field. From delivering tons
of coal in cities to the rural deliv
ery ol mails in scattered villages
and for all kinds of intermediate
work its utility is extending. The
working horse's elimination from
large cities will be welcomed by
every lover of animals. Horses
falling on icy pavements, or suf
fering acutely during summer,
will soon, we all hope, be forever
past, while the problem of street
maintenance and cleaning will be
practically solved.
"The farmer whose horses have
plowed all day, and who, with his
family, naturally needs recrea
tion when the work is done, will
invoke his automobile that, as a
stationary engine may have been
cutting feed, sawing wood or
what not, switch tne motive pow
er to the driving wheels, and with
a joyful 'All aboard,' be off to the
nearest town, though it may be
miles away.
"The touring car will become a
great factor in education and rec
reation. Large machines with
sleei ino accommodations will be
used for any journey from the
Atlantic to the Pacific, or for an
agreeable jaunt when the leaves
begin to fall, from Hudson Bay to
Panama, or may be Patagonia;
while the small runabout will be
come a household necessity.
"The racing car will' continue
to go at increasing speed upon
the earth, until presently it soars
off into space. Whether it must
always remain in the atmosphere
or may some day rise superior to
gravitation, time alone can tell."
Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer.
Thei e will be a festival at Ebon
ezer church, Saturday afternoon
and evei lap, Julv 29.
Boat Cunk Syron. Tutoa Good.
Urn la Una. Sukj br oiuttiKa,
ilinS. A. F. LITTLE'S
Under-selling Store.
We have just received a fine lot of Mid-Summer Hats, latest styles.
If you wunt to know the latest styles come to our store and get Diem.
Ladles' Heady Trimmed Hats from 50 cents to 110. Children's Hats
from 25 cents to $2. Ready-to-Wear Hats and Turbans In all col
ors. Ladles' Dress Bonnets from II to 1X50. Sunbonnets 10 and
15 cents. Wrappers 75 cents, Shirt-watst Suits $1.35 to 1.75. Shirt
Waists (10 cents to $2.25. Puff, Hack and Side Combs 12 cents and
up. Ribbons In all shades at the lowest prices. Belts from 10 to
50 cents; Laces 2c to 25c a yard; Corsets and Collars; Ladles Gauze
Vests 5 cents; Infant's Hose 7 cents Faucy Hat Pins, Collars or
Fans, with every hat.
Come and see our goods and get prices. You are welcome
whether you buy or not.
Your's respectfully,
Opposite l'ostoffice. McCoiinuMshurg.
One Minute Cough Curo
For Coughs, Colds and Croup.
Falling Top
both Factory and Handmade from
$35 to $85
Surreys d!&
Large stock on hand all the time
to select from.
Uustontown, Pa.
fmrehUdrmni afr, aura. JPa (
Mar. Alwav reliable. I.ndlra, uk nriipglut for
;..!. I meuillU: boles, wuliil with hli ribbon.
Talis bo ollirr. Hrfuu- diiimrri.tis .II.
lutionaanil Imitations. Jlnv til vour lnmi;il,
or wiiil !. in Main,, t,,r arllrular. Te.ll
monlaU and "ICrller for l.iiil ." in Inur,
by rrturn .Uail. lu.ullo TeuiiH,iiml. oulu br
'l LtruKtcisu.
1WO JlaUUoa Nquarc, I'll I L.A., PA.
- M.rUo. l.l. m
Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar
Cures all Coughs, and cxpela Colda from
the system by gently moving the bowels.
CI H If 171 I 'C Nrt'KKum iiandaoks
Kl.rtSIIO stockinos TDIICCrc
t'S Spiiinii ClAKnr. ST., Philadelphia, I'a.
DeWIH's ft,".0.? Salvo
For PHeoi Burns. Sores
The Shrewd Fox Hat a Plan Which Drives
Them Away at Once.
An old hunter and naturalist
confirms as absolutely true and
trustworthy the published ac
count, which has had few believ
ers until now, ot how foxes rid
themselves of lieas. The fox, ac
cording to the book narrative,
simply backs slowly into a stream
of water with a portion of the pelt
of a rabbit in his mouth, after
the fox has made a meal of the
rabbit. The water drives the
ileas first up the fox's legs and
then toward his head, and final
ly out on the piece of rabbit fur
and the fox drops the fur and his
pests are done for.
The local hunter and naturalist
referred to, strange to say, had
never heard or read this story
when he told of the actions of a
fox which he observed tho other
day in the waters of the Patapsco
River. The little animal he stat
ed, backed into the river slowly
with so much deliberation that
he wondered what he meant. It
carried something, he ditLuo.
know what, in its mouth, aLi
dropped the somethiug when out
in deep water. The object left I
floated near to the observer, and
he hauled it ashore with a stick.
Fleas literally swarmed through
the object, which was found to be
a bit of rabbit-fur, Tho observ
er had a puzzling mystery ex
plained to him. JIo says his ad
miration for the shrewdness f
the fox srrnw mote and more ns
he gjows oliler and loarus l is
way-. Ellieon, MtJ .Onrreapouil
once lialtiimire Sun
Fewer Callou; Wears Louger.
; P??-
vwn II
in all branches of Buggies,
Carriages, Spring Wagons.
New work on Applica
tion. Aaron Steele.
McConnellsburg, I'a.
Shop on Old Heikos St arid oppo
site Court House.
Cures Colda: Prevents Pneumonia
When In need of Millinery
Goods don't fall to call at An
nie E. Dawney's, Hustontown,
You can And what you want
either In Ready-to-Wear Hats,
Pattern Hats, or Untrimmed
Hats, and ac prices that are
We will not be undersold.
We have a few salable hats
such as Heady-to-Wear, and
Untriumied left over from lust
season, that will go at and be
low cost.
Hats that were sold last sea
son ut $2.50, now $1.50. We have
them at prices ranging from 50
cents to $1.50.
A line lot of all kinds will
be here by April 2(ith.
Come a-d see us. We can
save you money.
Thanking the public for past
putronage, I am,
Very respectfully, j
Hustontown, Pa.
atosa th couh and fcaals lunar
Nearly opposite Cooper nouse
is better prepared than ever be
fore to furnish our farmers with
and one of the best
Corn Plows
in use. Repairs for all kinds of
Mowers and Hinders, Sections for
all kinds of Binders and Mowers
cheuper than ever.
AWAY, A WAV, down this year.
Machine Oil from 20c to 5(o per
Falling-Top Buggies
Runabout Buggies,
Stick Wagons, &c. Also Gurden
Tools of all kinds.
If you want to save money you
will cull on
fur chHiirttn .. if', .fun. Ho o,mr, .
re the most fatal of all dis
or money refunded. Contains
remedies recognized by emi
nent physicians as the Best for
Kidney and Bladder troubles,
PRICX 60c aaW IM.
For sale at Trout's drug store
Covers the Field.
lii every part of the
X County faithful re-
porters are located
that gather the daily
Then there is the
State and National,
News, War News, a
Department for the
Farmer and Mechan
ic,. Latest Fashions
for the Ladies. The
latest New York, Bal
timore, Philadelphia
Markets. The Sun-
t day School Lesson,
Helps for Christian
t Endeavorers, and a
X Good Sermon for ev-
X CARDS, 4c,
X In fact anything and
everything in the best
t style along that line.
! .
t 8 Sample . copies of
1 the News sent to any
I of your friends on
X request.
TIMETABLE. May 28, 19G1.
Leave do. 2no 4 no. t no.10 110
"A.M ti.M tA. H P. M tP. M V.U
Winchester 7 tfi) 1! (HI 8 80
MurllnHburg H IS HI I H
HuiterNtown .... i'Z (l'i I" 3X1 8 oo 10 10
CireellOHStle .... 03 l!l 2 :l 8 Mi It t 10 80
MwroeinburK H oollO i 8 as . . . .
Ul.uuiburxburg'.. J at 9 tb 1 00 4 !!X 8 4ft IU M
Wuynesboro 7 Oil 12 00 8 IS ....
ShlppensburK... 7 41110 0ft la' 4 50 9 00 II 10
Nawvllle 8 07 10 ill 1 l ft 00 9 24 11 87
Cm lisle 8 2H10 4 I 2 01) 6 3 ; 9 45 12 02
Meohunlosburg,. 8 40 II Oft 2 2 & ftS 10 07 12 21
Ollltiburu 10 00 ft 2i)
Arr, Hurrlsburg. 9 Oft II 20 2 8ft 6 10 10 2ft 12 10
Arr. Pulla II m 8.17 6 47 8 fto Ul 4 i!3
Arr. New York. 2 Oil 5 5:1 8 Ot II 28 7 18 7 13
Arr liulttuiore.. 12 1ft 8 11 6 00 9 4H 2 20 7 16
H. 11. P. H. P. H. P. M. A. M. A. M.
Train No. 12 east runs dally except Sunduy
Detween HHKeintown und HitrrUiburu. leaving
llUKurslown t.06 und arriving ut HurrtHburg at
Additional east-bound looal trains will run
Jully, except Sunduy. us follows: Leave
Cui'llHle 7.oft a. ui.. 12.80 p. m. 8.16p.m,, leave
.ueonuuii'Miurg b.ftl a iu.. 7.29 a. tu., 12.62 p. m.,
8.80 p. ut. Leave Dlllsburg 6.86 a. m., 10.00 a.
ui.. &.2o p. tu..
Trains N'os. 2.8 und 110 run dully between IIu
gerstown und Uurruiburg.
Dll eroept Sunday.
no. lino. 8 1 no. ulna. 7 no. 9 109
New York
Shlppeusburg. ,.
Churn be rsburg..
Meroersburg.. .
ijreenaastle ....
ilugerstown ....
Ar. Wtnonemur.
A. if
11 6ft
7 66
II 40
6 00
4 44
8 66
12 00
P. u
4 86
2 66
16 80
12 10
4 26
7 fto
8 80
8 6ft
II 40
6 56
8 30
11 06
8 40
II 46
8 2ft
4 01-
8 46
8 Oil,
8 2Ni
8 411
6 Ift
6 40
12 OH
3 41
II 23.
12 24
4 00
4 10
4 811
6 tM
5 110
9 04
9 24
8 01
11 42
12 02
12 If
12 3d
12 Mi
1 16
12 4H
1 Oil
2 00
I 80
8 201
9 OH
9 U
10 87
8 In
9 2M
10 03
8 16
7 Oft
7 6:
10 80
6 63
6 21
6 41
t 2t
9 Ml
1 60
i 10
10 21
10 20
10 ft
11 40
8 31
9 21
10 4ft
7 10
A. U
P. M
Truin No. 17 west runs dui'y except siniiluy
between Hurrlsburg und HuKemtown. Iiuv
lug Hurrlsburg at 6.15 p.m. and arriving ui H.i
gerstown ut 7.67 p. ni.
Addltlonul looitl trulna will leave nurribiii g
as follows: For Carlisle and Intermediutr -ui-tions
al 9.87 a. m.. 2.00 p. m. und 8.30 p. m.. 'so
forMecbunlosburg liillsburg und lnternjeu,
stations ut 7 30 a. m., 3.10 p. in. und 8 30 p. m.
Trulus Nos. 1, 8 uad 109 run dully betwauo
flurrlsburk und Hunerstown.
l'ullinan puluce Hleeplng oura between Ne
York und Kuoxville, Tenn., on trulns 1 west
und no eusl unci between fhlludelph u uud
Welsh on N. & W. Hallway on trains 109 west
and 12 east, except thut on fcunduy the l'liliu
lelphlu sleeper will run fuHt on No. 2.
Through oouches tu and from Philadelphia
on trulna and 4 uui.1 and 7 und 9 west.
t Dully except Sunday.
P. M,
8 ftft
8 41
1 (ft
2 43
8 36
P. M.
P. M
6 Oft
6 18
6 63
8 13
8 201
P. H.
Vice Pies. & Gen. Supt. Sunt.
H. A. K1DDLK, Cieu. Put. Agent..
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
Digest what you eat
"""Dr. King's
flow Discovery
0L08 Fro Trial.
Uureat and Uuickeat Cura tor all
l'UN. Mix. I'uk Mix
483 tttl tV4 488
amah Lve. Arr. amah
9 44 8 ftft Chumbersburg.. H 41. II ISO
9 6tl 7 14 Murlon 8 83 II 82
10 80 8 Ift ..Meroersburg.. 8 00 10 80
10 5H 8 60 Loudon 7 8H 9 42
11 06 9 06 ....Klotuvood.... 7 80 9 80
A. H. A. H. A.M. A.M.
First (.'lass
Tonsorial Akiisr,
A Clean Cup and Towel with eiiota Shave.
Everything Antiseptic.
Hagorti Sterilized.
nrShop In room ltttelv ocaupledby Ed Iinike
Tonsorial Artist.
Strictly up to dute In all styles of hatr put
ting, tjiilck, eay shaves U'ny-rutn, Creams
Witch hanel. without extra chnrgp. Fresh
towel to each onsiomer. Latest Improved ap.
rmratus for sterlllrlng tools, l'urlora opposite
Fulton Mouse.
Attorney at Law,
Oliice on Square,
McConnellsburg:, Pa.
All legal business and collections entrusted
111 ecelve careful and prompt ottentlon.
Pkkjsbytekian. liev. W. A. West,
D D.'. Pastor. Preaching services
each alternate Sabbath at 10:30 a. m.
and every Sunday evening at 7:00.
Services at Green Hill on alternate
Sabbaths at 10:30 a. m. Sabbath
school at 9:15. Junior Christian En
deavor at 2:00.. Christian Endeavor
at 6:00. Prayer meeting Wednesday
evening at 7:00.
Methodist episcopal Ilev. J. V.
Adams, Pastor. Sunduy School
at 9:30 a. m. Preaching every other
Sunday morning at 10:30 and every
Sunday evening at 7:00. Epworth
League at fi:00 p. m. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening at 7:00.
United Presbyterian Kev. J. L.
Grove, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:30
a. m. Preaching every Sunday morn
ing at 10:30, and every other Sunday
evening at7:00. The alternate Sabbath
evenings are used by tho Young Peo
ple's Christian Union at 7:00 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evenine
at 7:00.
G. Wolf, Pastor. Sunday school 9:15
a. m. Preaching every other Sunday
morning at 10:30 and every other Sun
day evening at 7:00. Christian En
deavor at 6:00 p. m. Prayer meeting
on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
Reformed Iiev. C. M. Smith, Pas
tor. Sunday school at 0:30 a. m.
Preaching yn alternate Sabbaths at
10:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Christian
Endeavor at 6:00 p. m. Prayer meet
lug on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
Tho lirst term of the Courts of Ful
ton county in the year shull commence
on the Tuesday following the second
Monday of J 10 o'clock a. m.
The second term commences on the
third Monday of March, at 2 o'clock
p. m.
The third term on the Tuesday next
following the second Monday of June,
at 10 o'clock a. m.
The fourth term on the first Monday
f October, at 2 o'clock p. m.
UOROl (in oi I u;krs.
Justice of the Peace Thomas F.
Sloan, L. 1 1. Wible.
Constable John IT. Doyle.
IJurgess II. W. Scott.
Councilman 1). T. Fields, Leonard
Ilohman, Samuel P.ender.M. W. Nace
Clerk William Hull.
High Constable Wm. Baumgardner.
School Ditectors-A. U. Nace. John
A. Irwin, Thomas F. Sloan, F. M.
Taylor, John Comerer, C. B. Stevens.
President Judge Hon. S.Mc. Swodo.
Associate J udges David Nelson. W.
H. Bender.
Prothonotury, &c Ceo. A. Harris.
District Attorney George 15. Dan
iels. Treasurer- A. C. Lauver.
Sheriff J. G. Alexander.
Deputy Sheriff W. H. Nesbit.
Jury Commissioners Simon Desh
ong, Bennett A. Truax.
Auditors W. C. Davis, Geo. W.
Glenn, J. A Myers.
Commissioners S. D. Mellott, Geo
Sigel, and H. P. Palmer.
Clerk Frank Henry.
County Surveyor A. J. Fore.
County Superintendent-- Charles, E
Attorneys W Scott A lexonder, J.
Nelson Sipes, Thomas V. Sloan, F.
McN. Johnston, M. H. Sh a fi ner, Geo.
B. Daniels, John P. Si.n-s, S. W.
Odd Fellows M'Coiinellsburg Lodge
No. 744 meets every Friday evening in
toe 'inoror Hutldlmr In M..n.,.,di..
1)111',;, ,
Fort Littleton Lodge No. 484 meets
very Saturday evening in tho Cromer
building at Fort Littleton.
Wells V&llnv M. nm ...
. j r t un
every Saturday evening in Odd Fel-
iuws ximi at. v ens Tannery,
llnr.'lwniivllln T.i.,l,ro Nr, mi
" , v.. . '
every Saturday evening in Odd Fel
uan at uarribonviiie.
Watfirfall T.firl.ra 'r. tit ...
- - - 1IH11TL 3 C V -
ory Saturday eveningf iu Od Fellowa'
nv v ami tail iuiiiH,
Wai fordsburg Lodge No. 601 meets
I) Warfoidsbui'L' evniv,.
Kiner PostG. A. II. No. aiifi mocu i
McConnellsburg in Odd Fellows' Hall
the first Saturday in. every month at 1
p. m.
Roval Arcanum, Tuscarora Council,
No. 121. nil rt.s on l.. M,.r,,u.
. . .... ...v.imu ,
evenings in P. O. S. of A. Hall, iu
Washington Camp No. 497, P. O. S.
A., of New Grenada, meets every Sat
urday evening in P. O. H. of A. Hall.
Washington Camp, No. 554, P. O.S.
of A., (lusiontown, meets every Satur
urday evening in P. O. S. of A. Hall.
John Q. Taylor Post G. A. It., No.
5HU, mouts every Saturday, on or lust
preceding full moon iu Latthley hall,
at 2 p. m., at Buck Valley.
Woman's Relief Corps, No. 80
meets at same date and place at 4 p.m.
Gen. D. B. McKlbbln Post No. 402,
G. A. 8., meets the second and fourth
Haturdays In each month at Pleasan
The Fnlton County News,