i INTERESTING PARAGRAPHS Of Local and deneral Interest, Gathered at Home or Clipped from our Exchange. CONDENSED FOR HURRIED READERS Call and see. Malloyhas cards that tell how to get a 16x20 pic ture free. T. E. Fleming and J. D, Cutch all, of Clear Ridge, made a busi ness trip to Johnstown recently. Miss Cora Hill, of Warfords burg, is visiting her cousins, Josephine and llussel Runyan in this place. This is a goul time to sub scribe tor the Fulton County Nkws. Only a dollar ayear in ad vance. Miss Marjorie Sips and broth er Charles, of Wells Valley, are visiting In the family of thoir un cle, Ilenry Spangler in Mercers burg. Persons desiring to establish a Sabbath school can be supplied with a quarter's supplies free by applying to Field Secretary M. R. Shaffner. Charles Stevens and wife, form erly of Dublin Mills, but lately of Huntingdon, visited her par ents, John Raker and wife, near Knobsville, part of last week. A. R. Bass, of Morgantown, Ind., had to get up ten or twelve times in the night, and had a se vere backache and pains in the kidneys. Was cured by Foley's Kidney Cure. Sold by all dealers. Elmer Horton, a conductor on a street car in Aitoona, was, the past week, visiting friends at Dublin Mills and Hustontown. He expects to leave for Chicago soon. Holy communion will be cele brated by the Tannery congrega tion next Sabbath at 10 a. in. Preparatory service will be held on Saturday at 2:30 p. m. Divine service at St. Paul's next Sabbath at 7:30 p'. m. A. G. Wolf, pastor. When e'er you feel impending ill, And need a magic little pill, No other one will till the bill Li ke DeWitt's Little Early Risers. The famous little pill "Eariy Ris ers," cure constipation, sick head ache, biliousness, etc. They nev er gripe or sicken, but impart early rising energy. Good for children or adults. Sold by Stout eagle & Bro. Miss Mary Sloan, who had not recovered from the effects of the injury received from being thrown from her buggy last Au gust in crossing the mountain from Harrisonville, went to York, Pa., about the middle of April, and placed herself under the care of Miss Donuelly, a noted special ist in osteopathic treatment. The result was very satisfactory to Miss Sloan, and after a visit with friends in Scranton, Pa., return ed to her home in this place last Thursday, accompanied by her cousin, Rev. J. A. Woodcock, of State College, Pa. Digests all classes of food, tones , and strengthens the stomach and digestive organs, Curos dyspep sia, indigestion, stomach trouble, and makes rich, red blood, health and strength. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure -rebuilds wornout tissues. Gov. G. W. Atkinson, of W. Va., says. I have usoi a number of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and have found it to be a very effe3tive, and uidoed, a powerful remedy for stomach ailments. X recom mend it to my friends." Sold by Stout eaglo & Bro. L. C. Kelly and wife, of Burnt Cabius, were in town last Satur doy. Mr. Kelly, who has been engaged in the mercantile busi ness together with the manage ment of two good farms for a number of years, has closed out all his holdings in this county, and has purchased real estate in Kansas. On Mouday, he and M rs Ko'ly left for Ransom, Kan ki, where they expect to reside indefinitely. Mr. and Mrs. Kel ly are among our county's best known and most estimable joo )U Hiid wu trust that they may lind thoir western home most ploatuiut. CHILDRESS CHATTER. Not sueiug auy mws from . our Utile village lu your pipor, I con cluded to writo you. Sorao oay j that item are hard to pet; good j oueh lire Horntim", but 1 lind that time to write th- in properly is i harder to And than the items. I ' Our little village is situated nearly two miles northwest of j Clear Ridge and a mile and a half from Dublin Mills, and in sight of tho Cromwell church. It has a population of about 30, contains one pensioner drawing $12 a month from Uncle Sam, contains one merchant, one sawmill man, one weaver, three miners, three farmers and no loafers. The first house here was owned by George Wagner, who raised a family of i ton children, being twice married, i the three sons by the last mar-1 riage, purchased land and built houses here and lived for a good number of years. When about a year ago, one of them sold his property and then the others fol lowed, and when the three deeds were made out, it was found that three brothers would still occupy these three homes. The Wagner brothers were named Horace G., William and Orlando. The Ram soy brothers who purchased are Elmer, Taylor and 3ruce all married and have families. An other of the Ramsey boys has purchased land here and built a house which he will occupy soon. Our little village has a planing mill and a carding mill. The house of Taylor Ramsey was burned the last of April, and he moved into another house close by. Elmer Ramsey of this place, runs a largo business in the store room of the late T. W. Huston at Clear Ridge. Mike Detwiler moved from here a few weeks ago to a house be tween Waterfall and New Gren ada. Mrs. Kinnie Garver spent a week with her nephew Bart Stev ens. John Gallaher has purchased a very nice little driving horse. Mrs. Rosen berry, of Franklin county, visited the Ramsey fami lies here for a week or two. Mike Detwiler, wife and little daughter Annallee, Frank Mori, Sadie Wilson and Ada Fleming spent Sunday here. Barney Ramsey, the oldest man of our town has been quite poor ly under the care of Dr. R. B. Campbell, but is getting well again. Sheridan Ramsey and family, and H. B. Stevens and lady friend spent the Fourth at Qrbisonia, and report a good time. Luther Detwik , of Aitoona, has been here CP ing ou lriends for a few days 200 TONS URUATLY IN DKMAND. Nothing is more iu demand than a medicine which meets modern requirements for a blood and sys tem cleanser, such as Dr. King's New Life Pills. They are just what you need to cure stomach and liver trouble. Try them. At Trout's drug store, 2ic, guaran teed. Postmastor S. 13. Woollett, a few days ayo, purchased from the Thomas Pattcrsou estate, the four-acre lot of ground along the Cove road south ol town. LADIES Tdr.LafrancosIB -COMHUUNU-r wet ?s w owj&$ or w mv. u LiiteMiMiMaaaMMaMtflMMAMHPMHMMHlM Safe, Qjlck, Reliable Regulator Rimer in to other rmut mvm hibh wuv... "ur gu.n.iUMd. ""'r'U lnldn.. 00.000 Women. Frlre. M5 J ,'"! Jl"" "r liy mull. ToiUlll"nll Iwokim free. Ir. LaFrauco, lilUdelpbl, Fa. far eMiV-m. -.V, vr: JHv ic FERTILIZER I OU SALH. ALL IK1.SH GOODS. Standard Fertilizer $13.00 Packer's Union Fertilizer , tl.1.00 Hell's Fertilizer 113.00 Standard Bone and Potash $14 00 Banner Wheat Orower $14.00 Can be (rot at any time you come. Alwayg on hand. WAGONS AND BUGGIES Mifllinburtf 3 seated top waponft 4 bows on each side TT.oO. 2 seated top wagons $72 00. Heaver Springs hand made Farm Wagons, steel skoin, long hound round coupling polo, 3 sets of hrakers, doublo bed, all complete, .". Hugglos ull 18 spokog, rlvits in rim, $l! to $02. Salt, Feed and Flour Suit in drain bags HO lbs. li.V. Agriculttinil Suit in 200 lb. bur lap sacks, $7.7") per ton. Chop, pure grain per 100 lbs., 1.3". Shorts good per 100 lbs., $1.35. Bran per 100 lbs., 1.1. Flour, all kinds ot the lowest cash price. Horse shooing, 80c, best shoes and nails. Highest market price paid for Cloverseed. C. E. Starr, THREE SPRINGS, R. Summer Footwear. This has been a season of Low Shoes. Their use has been more genurul than for several years and why shouldn't the Oxford be popular? It has all the style and wear ot the regular high cut shoes and is so cool and comfortable that it is really the only shoe to wear during the warm summer days. We have them in all the popular shapes and shades including tuns, patent leather, uml vici's both button and luce, l'rice for ladies Oxfords ranging from $1.00, $1.2", to 2.00 per pair. Men's Oxfords $1.50 to $2.75 in tan, vici, and patent leather. Oxfords for the little chaps as low as 53 cents. Quality considered we Will put our prices on shoes side by side with any shoe dealer in the county and wager that thoy are lower for our motto Is "Quality before all else. For your next pair of low shoes or shoes of any description try Harry E. Huston, Crum Store, Saltillo. Pa. 6E0.W.REISlRaC0, are now showing the largest line of House Furnishings in town. Carpets, Mattings, Li noleums, oil coths, cur tains, blinds, &c. A good table oil cloth 1 1 cts. yard. By the time your eyes catch this we will have all our spring and summer stuffs for dresses and waists which we will be glad to show you. Shoes for everybody all grades and prices. Please call. GEO. W REISNER & CO. McConnellsburg, Pa. r V V ? Y Y? TV V.V WM VV TV, V.V Y.V Y V V. Y V Y V. Y Y.Y - SUMMER MILLINERY At Reduced Prices. An exceptional opportunity that comes to you just in time to get a new Hut for Campmeeting, that brings you a stylish, up-to-dute, hand made hut for a price thut is practically less than the material alone would cost you. I am showing a large assortment of all the new stylos In Summer I fats ut reduced prices. They are mude of lino braids, oiiiffon, proxeline braid on wire frames in black, 'viiite and colors. Com : tvirly u id get your choice. Lena S3. LoicUg;, Hustontown, Fo. ?JC S3 FULTON COUNTY NEWS is the people's paper. $1.00 a Year in Advance. BRONCHITIS F-OR TWENTY YEARS. Mr. Miiutrvn Smith, of Dan; villi, III., writes: "I had bronc'ii tw for twenty years and nevor rot ro)it uutil I used Foloy'a Honey and Tar, wliie'i liasure Before that cough turns into a serious throat or lung trouble, stop it with Jaiyec's Expsctoinairail It has proved its real value during 75 years. V, OlqJT Ask your druggist for it. To Cure n Cold in One Dav Take Laxative Dromo Quinine Taiicts. A Seven Million boxes told In Mist 13 months. . Tfci &i?n&tlira. Cure Crip In Two Days. on every i mat To the Pacific Coast to California, Oregon, Washington round-trip, long transit and return limits, liberal stop-over privileges. The rate is practically on the basis of one fare for the round trip. Of course, if you wish to visit both California and Oregon or Washington, the cost is slightly more. These reduced rates are in effect on certain dates in months of May to October, inclusive. They apply from all Eastern points via Chicago, St. Louis or Memphis gateways. The Rock Island System will take you up in either Ch icago or St. Louis, or at hundreds of other Middle West points and carry you to the Coast in through Standard or Tourist Sleepers with unexcelled Dining Car service. The Rock Island also affords a choice of routes: on the "Scenic" route you can stop off in Colorado-see Salt Lake City-visit Yellowstone National Park; on the "Southern" route you can go via El Paso, thru New Mexico, then "up coast" to San Francisco and on to Portland or Seattle if desired. In short, these Pacific Coast excursions offer an unusually good chance to see our western country in a comprehensive manner. If you desire to go only as far as Colorado, there are excursion rates in effect to that section and return, all summer long, specially reduced June 30 to July 4, August 12 and 13, and August 30 to September 4. Extension trips to Ogden or Salt Lake and return at low cost also. From September 15 to October 31, 1905, oneway tourist or " colonist " tickets will be on sale to California and the Pacific Northwest -about half regular fare. v If interested, .end nam. and addrau on thU coupon, dciignatinv which booklet wanted and to what point you plan to go. Name probabl data of atart aUo, o w. can advU. definitely with reipect to rata, ate AddrM ' JOHN SEBASTIAN, Paaa. Traf. Mcr Rock Ulaad Syatoea. , CIZCACO. Nam- AddreM- Lae abeuL. 1 . DefttlBattaaw. cure." Sold by all deal 'tv.