The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, July 05, 1905, Image 8

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    Don't fail to rt'iid the now ads
of J. K. Johuston and tlio ll.vket
W. M. Omerer hiw taken the
ajroucy tor the Geiser Company
of Waynesboro. S?o his add.
Sound kidneys are safeguards
of life. Make the kidneys healthy
with Foley's Kidney Cure. Sold
by all dealers.
Dr. Stevens lias moved his
Dental office from the-Democrat
building to the Stevens building
on East Water street.
lie sure and read tlio Kouss
Kacket Store's new ad this week.
'They have lots of pood bargaius
that you should know of.
The services in the Presbyter
ian church in this place, on Sab
bath evenings, will begin at C:.'iO
during the summer months.
Letters addressed to the fol
lowing pcrsous remain uncalled
for iu the McConnellsburg post
oilice: John Blair, S. P. Todd,
and Mrs. W. H. Leche.
The Salvation Army church nt
Dig Cove Tannery will hold an
ice cream festival on Friday and
Saturday evenings, J uly 1 It h arid
Foley's Kidney Cure purities
the blood by straining out impur
ities and tones up the whole sys
tem. Cures kidney and bladder
troubles. Sold by all dealers.
The degree of doctor of divin
ity has been conferred on the
Kev. James O. Hose, pus tor of
the Presbyterian church, Mer
cersburg, by the college at Grove
City, Pa., from which he was
The ladies of the i..!. K. church
ac Dublin Wills, will hold an ice
cream social and aprou sale, Sat
urday evening, July 8. Proceeds
to be expended for the repair of
the church. You are invited to
The famous little Pills Early
Risers cure coustipatiou, sick
headache, biliousness, etc. They
never gripe or sicken, but impart
early rising energy. Good for
children or adults. Sold by Stout
eagle & Bro.
Ten million dollars as an en
dowment for higher education iu
the United States has been given
the general education board at
New York by John D. Rockefeller
Standard oil company magnate.
The announcement was made by
Dr. Wallaco Buttrick, of the board
at a meeting on Friday.
While loading hay in oue of the
fields on his farm on Wednesday
last, the team ot Mr. J. Wesley
Hoop, took fright at. something
aud ran away. From the tield
they ran down to the pike near
Squire Daniels' then toward ilar
risouville. About a mile east of
Harrisonvillo they collided with a
telegraph polo breaking the
tongue otherwise injuring
the wagon. Neither of the horses
was hurt.
Your food must be properly di
gosted and assimilated to be of
auy value to you. If your stom
ach is weak or diseased take Ko-
dol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests
what you eat and gives the stom
ach a rest, enabling it to recuper
ate, take on new lift; and grow
strong again. Kodol cures sour
stomach, gas, bloating, heart pal
pitation aud all digestive disor
ders. Sold by Stoutoagle & Hro.
The smallpox in Path Valley is
a ttung or tne past. Alter a Jong
Kiege with the dread disease the
vigilance ol the physicians of the
valley and the state health officer,
Dr. II. X. Donbrake, has been re
warded by complete victory. A
great record was made m fight
ing the epidemic. Not a single
case escaped quarantine and not
a case broke out outsido of quar
antine limits. There was but one
fatality, Mrs. Robert Doyle.
A new idea in a cough syrup is
the Laxative principal and is orig
inal with Kennedy's Laxative
Honey p.ndTar. Thiscough nyrup
assists in expelling colds from the
system by gently moving the
bowels. Best for coughs, colds,
croup, etc. The red clover blos
som is on every package of the
origional Laxative Cough Syrup.
Sold by Stouteagle & Bro.
Permanent Certificate Examination.
The examination for Perma
nent Certificates will bo held at
McConnellsburg, Mowln.y and
Tuesday, July 11th and 12th.
Minn ie Mock,
Our Tinners are boxy cutting
llieir Imrvpxt. Tlio grain is the
be?.t for several years.
Samuel Kohni and Walter Kolim
of Mnpleton, Huntingdon county,
re visiting their aunt Mr. John
Our champion horse shoe pitch
er, .John A. Ilolman, takes four
games out of live.
John E. Moor is home from
A ('IN where lie has been engaged
burning coke.
Scott Kcgaris has returned from
Illnir county. lie reports work
plenty ami wages good.
Henry llann was lucky enough
to liud two bees in the woods.
The whir of the reaper ami whet
of the scvlhe is the noise of the
How Iu (io Iu California.
Travel via the Chicago, Union
Pacific A: Northwestern Lino.
Two fast through trams per day.
The Overland Limited, electric
lighted, less than three days en
route. The California Express,
through service to San Francis
co, Los Angeles aud Portland.
The best of everything. Full par
ticulars on application to W. B.
Kuiskcra, P. T. M., C. & N. W.
Ivy., Chicago.
Nothing is more in demand than
a medicine which meets modern
requirements for a blood and sys
tem cleanser, such as Dr. King's
New Life Pills. They are just
wiiat you need to cure stomach
and liver trouble. Try them. At
Trout's drug store, 27ic, guaran
teed. '1 hoinpsoo.
Daniel Keefer died rn June tith
aged thirty-three years. lie had
spent all his life near where ho
died. Interment at Antioch.
Miss Lydia Simpson of Wash
ington, Pa., is visiting her aunts,
Mary and P.eckie Simpson.
Mrs. Elizabeth Hess is visiting
her daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Moses ' Gordon's
family were ihe guests of W. II.
Evans on Sunday.
Mrs. Ada Dickson was visiting
her brother John V. Fisher last
week. She was accompanied by a
daughter and a niece Miss Staines,
all of Illinois.
The fuueral of Daniel Keefer
was so large that the church could
not hold all the people.
"I was troubled w'th kidney
complaint for about two years,"
writes A. LI. Davis, of Mt. Ster
ling, la., "but twe bottles of Fol
ey's Kidney Cure effected a per
manent cure. " Sold by all deal
ers. Wanted.
A good energetic ageut to sell
our high grade teas, coffees, ba
king powder, spices and extracts.
Ve offer splendid inducements
to the right party. All particu
lars and catalogues furnished
TiikGukat A. A P. Tka Co.,
V-'A 1 Kr.KYKNTii Avi:.,
Altooua, Pa.
-McKihhni Items.
Harvesting is about over at tins
Johnson Layton and wife were
th gue.sts of Hazil Clark last Sun
day. John Spade and family from
l.edfrusl county were visiting their
parents near McKihhin from Fri
day until Sunday last.
Edward Clevenger is home from
Normal School this week.
Miss Maude Clark was a guest
of DelphaTr uax last Sunday even
ing. William Truax and John Spade
made a business trip to McCon
neUshurg llst Saturday.
Harry l'arlett wears a smile and
sings, "Home Sweet Home." It
is a hoy.
Misses Ulanch tmd Clyde Smith
were the guests of Mrs. Kosa Lay
ton last Sunday.
There will bo singing at Pleasant
drove Saturday night at eight o'
clock sharp.
There will be a basket picnic at
Pleasant U rove the tiist Saturday
in August. It is supposed to last
all day. Everybody is iuvited.
Take Laxative IJrorno Quinine
Tablet. All druggists refund
the money if it fails to cure. E.
W. Grove's signature h on each
box. 25c,
rateable Farm Property
At Private Sale.
The Emanuel Sharpe farm
at Needmore, Fulton county,
Pa., is now offered for sale. Thi9
desirable property contains about
160 acres, about 100 of which
is under fence and iu high state
of cultivation, much of it having
beeu recently limed. The- bal
ance in timber. The improve
ments consist of a tine two-story
"I" frame house, alargerwA:
barn, wagoushed, corncrib, ice
house, and all other necessary
outbuildings. Good water at
the door, also a plentiful supj ly
ot water at the barn where
stock may be watered all through
the winter without the necessity
of takiug them from under roof,
8 8 the whole barnyard is covered.
On the farm is a splendid
young orchard of choice
fruit. The buildiugs are all
Mwmul modern, Tiiu farm
lies nice for cultivation, the build
ings splendidly located, and alto
gether it is most desirable and
can be bought right.
For further particulars, call on
or address, James R. Sharpe,
Dott, Pa., or the owner, Eman
uel Sharpe, Bigtimber, Mon
tana. W.A1. Comcrer,
assent for
for the sale of Traction and
l'oitulile Knjrines, Gasoline,
Separators, Clover Hullers,
Sawmills, c.
Knjfines on lianil all the time.
Blaine Welch, who has been
employed at Harrisburg, spent a
few days with his parents, re
cently. Mrs. Alex Skinner of Fannotts
burg, spent a few days among
Owing to the inclement weather
the festival was fairly well at
tended Saturday evening.
Mr. L. C. Kelly intending to go
to Kansas, had a very good sale
last Friday and Saturday.
Oscar Snyder is home from
Mount Union.
take Foley's Kiduey Cure. It
has cured wlieu everything else
has disappointed,
Sold by all
The whir of the binder and the
rattlo of the mower is heard in
our section.
Jonathan Cooper visited Hiram
Hill recently.
Mrs. Lizzie Layton, of Pleasaut
Hidge, visited friends in this vi
cinity last week.
Frank Iless has added greatly
to his new baru by having it
Sam Truax and wife have been
quite p iorly with tho mumps the
past week.
There will be a Sunday school
picnic at Pleasant tJrove in Au
Harriet Howard, of 200 W. 34th
St., New York, at oue time had
her beauty spoiled with skin trou
ble. She writes: "I had salt
rheum or eczema for years, but
nothing would cure it, until I us
ed J5uckleu's Arnica Salve." A
quick aud sure healer for cuts,
burns and sores. L'.'c at Trout':
drug store.
Tho students attending the
summer school will be given an
examination for teachers' certifi
cates Friday and Saturday of this
week. None but students of the
school will be permitted to take
this examination..
For the accommodation of those
who have been attending other
schools or any who may desire to
take the examination at this time,
a special examination will be held
at the Public School budding in
this place, Wednesday, July 12th
beginning at eight o'clock. All
applicants from Ayr and Tod are
especially requested to come in
for this examination.
The age limit is the same as a
year ago, 18. The regular exam
ination aud school lettings will
take place during the last week
of July and tlio first week of Au
Chas. E. Bautm,
County Superin' t dent
Hancock, Aid.
Clearance Sale,
Superlative special In black and colored silks, white goods, summer ging
hams and lawns, wide embroidery flouncing,' lao.s, all-over laces, Insertions.
I Qp0 . Kid, Silk, Lisle Thread, In white, black,
' ' ' tan, brown, gray. All sizes. .
Wash neck pieces, luce stocks, turn-over collurs, linen collars. Muslin.
Underweur and Gauze Vests.
Headquarters for
Corsets of every sty
le, price and size.
Ask for the "Amer
ican Lady." The
most popular distin
guished and widely
advertised eorsit. In
i -
!L'- tlie world.
r asmon aneets r ree.
Entire new stock l!05
Rouss Racket Store
Hurrah ! Hurrah !
We are fortunate in setting 10 dozen more of those
45c shirt to sell at 25c. When this lot is gone we
can't get any 'more.
Talk about bargains. We have never had one that
comes up to the Enamel Preserving Kettle that we just
got in, 4-qt.-20c; 6-qt. 25c; 10-qt. 40c; broiling kettle
witn iid -qt. 3c; blue and white molted preserving
kettles 4-qt 25c; 5-qt 28c; 6-qt 35c; 8-qt 48c; 10-qt
auik cans 1.65
Shoes I Shoes ! Shoes J
Shoes ior every body. It is impossible for us to de
scribe each shoe, but we have never sold so many
shoes in one season as we have this year so you can
judge for yourself. We have shoes from 10c to $4.00.
Just received another 64 dozen case of the heaviest
misses hose ever sold in the county at 10c a pair.
Call at the Racket Store and save money on every
article you buy and just keep an account and see how
much you save in one month.
A Large Peach Crop.
D. M. Wertz, the live peach
grower of Quincy, says that the
prospects were for an enormous
crop in his orchard and those of
his neighbors in the Quincy belt.
The June drop, whilo consider
able, was not such as to impair
the crop. Mr. Wertz says the
drop was not heavy enough, and
it came to pass that he was oblig
ed to hire about fifty hands to go
through the orchards and thin
out the too exuberant growth.
This work has been completed
end now the trees have just a
sufficient number of peaches to
make a sufficient load for the
trees and assure a fine size and
quality of fruit. Mr. Werts looks
for a crop that will run from 12,
0U0t)ls,000 packages. Reposi
Itching, blind, bleeding or pro
truding piles. Druggists refund I
money if Pazo Ointment fails to
cure any case, no matter of how
long standing, in 0 to 14 days.
First application gives ease and
rest. 50c. If your druggisthasn't
it send 50c in stamps and it will
be forwarded post-paid by Paris
Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo.
Change of Mail Carriers.
With July 1st, the old contracts
for carrying the mails ceased,
and the new contractors began
their duties. John Sheets and
son continue the route from this
place to Mercersburg; Stout
eagle Bros, have the route to Sa
luvia; Scott Keeder has another
four years' contract between this
and Big Cove Tannery, aud Christ
Wagner takes the route to Fort
Mrs. Minerva Smith, of Dan-vill-,
111., .writes: "I had bronchi
tis for tweuty years and never
got relief until I used Foley's
Honey and Tar, which is a sure
cure." Hold by all dealers.
Hanner Patterns
and 1.80.
Town Properties for Sale or Ex.
Ten percent, return in rentals.
Two very, handsome and con
venieit homes with seven
lots in best business town in the
county and in southern Pennsyl
vania, For sale, or will exchange
for farm or good timber land.
Difference either way payable iu
cash or as agreed upon. Partic
ulars by personal letter. Ad
dress, Box2Go, Everett, Bed
ford county, Pa.
WT I na
mi. c.uriy Misers
Tho famous little pill.
Administrator's Notice.
i...!?,?.t.'?.ek ne"uy Kiven that letters of admin-
yiJinV'8 e"lle ' W.Oomerer lute ol
Oublln township, h'ulion county. Pa., deceas
f ,I""'K'U havuiK olaluiN aKaluxt ml.l en-
,! V""1 properly uutlientluated
p"artJue!l"u!le"ttlehONeOWlU,, l"e ""'"e
.,,. OU. J. A. COMKHKR.
Adminisrator's Notice.
Letter of administration ou the eKtm.f
Jacob W. Miller, late Dublin to" nl T Vulton
couuiv. Pa., deceased. Imvluv been irrunt
edby the UeKlHterof WUIm "."'KiS "VZuiy
I, the Nul-erlber. whose M,stolnu TmlilreHH "i
bblrleyahurK. Pennsylvania. a" persons
who are Indebted to the said estate wIlPnTee
pen'eu!''"'11 "" UttV""
May H, I90Y
.iitiel .hereby given That lettera t.Unin
ry have been KrHUUd to the unilersiiiel ui.uii
the .! of Noah Mellott lale of Tod
towu.hlp. Fulton count", Pa., d censed
Any nemoiia havlnv ikli....i..i ......
Ill present them properly authenticated for
...wi,.,l nioseuwiiiKinesume will pleas
call and Kettle.
Needinore, Pa.
8 H 0)
Kennedy' Laxative Honey and Tar
Curt all Coughs, and expels Colds from
tks system by gently moving tas Bowels.
stc.os th cough nd hoeda lungs
For Hale by Stouteagle & Bra
6 Buildings Filled With
the Best Bargains
on Earth !
I ha ye just got a car of Mifflinburg Hand-made
Buggies and It agons Hand-made Buggies, 18
Spokes, 4-Bow Top, Long-distance Axle, Full
Nickel Trimmed, ,
$65 Each;
Hand-made, 3 -Sea ted Top fPagons, 18 Spoke
$80; Regular Price $110.
Factory Buggies $45 to $55 each. Single or
Double Driring Harness at a Bargain. One
horse Farm IVagon, Double Bed, Spring-Seat
and Brake
$34; Eegular Price $45.
I hare just bought a car load of Deering Bin
ders, Mowers, Rakes, and Twine. JVrite me
for Prices and Terms.
for Sale. Those wh o used our high grade fer
tilizers last fall and used them beside goods
they got from other dealers, report that our
goods is showing up much better than theirs.
IVe are still selling the same grade as last fall.
No Resacked Goods
to be got from me. Everything fresh and new.
JVrite or phone to me your needs.
Three Sprlngs. Pa.
Each year finds an increase in the use of fertilizers
Many men, who, a few years ago, had no faith in the
nse of fertilizers, have been converted to a belief in
their use by seeing the marvelous success of its use
by their neighbor.
Many inferior grades of fertilizers have been thrown
upon the market, which have had a tendency to weak
en the confidence of people using phosphate as a crop
I have heard many people express a desire to secure
a reliable fertilizer; and after a carertul investigation ot
the merits of several brands, I find that M. E, Wheeler
& Cos. fertilizers are far superior to many makes now
used in this section.
My first shipment of this excellent brand of phos
phate is now in and every sack of it is fresh and
pure stock.
To the man who wants a first class phosphate at the
lowest possible price, 1 will say that a trial of my fer
tilizers will convince him that I carry a line withoVi
an equal.
My prices will surprise and please you.
Harry E. Huston,
Crum Store. Saltillo, Pa..
is the people's paper.
$1.00 a Year in Advance.
The l .00 bjitleco .ub 2't ttm.athe trial Hm, which Mll( lor 50 cenle.
"" eat-v at thb uaoToy or
Price $85.