The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, July 05, 1905, Image 4

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Published Every Thursday.
W. PECK, Editor and Proprietor.
JULY 5, 1905.
Published Weekly. $1.00 per
Annum in Advance.
Per square of linen S times l 60.
Per square each subsequent Insertion .... N).
All advertisements Inserted for less thsn
three months charged by the square.
3 mos. I 6 mow. 1 yr.
One-fourth column.
One-half column....
Que Column
. . 25.00.
. .. 40.00.
75 00
Nothing Inserted for less than II
Professional Cards one year 15
The Dale Fixed for Democratic State Conven
tion. May Place Stewart on the Ticket.
The Democratic state commit
tee met at Harrlsburg on Wed
nesday afternoon of last week
and decided to reconvene the Mav
utate convention in Uarrisburg
on August 16, for the nomination
of a candidate for justice of the
Supreme court.
State Chairman J. K. P. llall
was in charge of the proceedings.
Efforts will be made by Guffey
and Hall to induce independent
Republicans and the City party
to endorse William II. Berry,
Chester, the Democratic nominee
for state treasurer, in return for
the Democratic endorsement of
Justice John Stewart, ol Cham
bersburg, the Republican candi
date for Supreme Court judge.
Should these parties endorse
Berry, tho Democrats will put
Stewart's name on their ticket;
otherwise they will name a candi
date against him.
FusiononSupreme Court judge
is favored by a great majority ot
the members of the committee
who were there, only on the
ground that the independents
and City party people accept Ber
ry as their candidate. Berry at
tended the meeting of the com
mittee and he seems to be imbu
ed -with the idea that he can be
elected if he can poll the inde
pendent vote in addition to his
regular party vote.
As to his becoming the nomi
nee of the Prohibition party, he
said several members of the Pro
hibition state committee had writ
ten him asking whether he would
accept the nomination of tnat
party. He replied that he could
see no reason why he should not,
provided the Prohibition platform
did not conflict with the Demo
cratic declarations.
k 4 .- L .
iviany prominent Democrats
are alraid if Berry goes on the
Prohibition ticket it will do him
more harm than good.
The attendance was small.
Should the State convention de
cide to nominate a Democrat for
judge, it is probable that Judge
Grant Herring, Bioomsburg, will
be named.
While the sentiment in commit
tee favored the nomination of
Justice Stewart, as iudicated by
the discussion on the resolution
fixing the time for holding the
State convention, no formal action
was taken on this question. Bern
ard J. Clark, Blair county, offer
ed a motion that it be the sense
ot the committee that the conven
tion endorse Stewart, but the mo
tion was not seconded and the
matter -was dropped. The sug
gestion, however, was greeted
with prolonged applause.
No False Claims.
The proprietors of Foley's Hon
ey aud Tar do not advertise this
asa "sure cure for consumption."
They do not claim it will cure this
dread complaint in advanced cas
es, but do positively assert that
it will cure in the earlier stages
and never fails to give comfort
and relief in the worst cases
Foley's Honey and Tar is without
doubt the greatest throat and
lung remedy. Refuse substitut
es. Sold by all dealers.
Elmer Edwards a boy about 15
years old, ran away from iny
home without cause and I hereby
all persons not to harbor him or
sell him goods on my account.
J. K. Sipkk,
Sidelir-g Hill, Pa.
July 5th, 05-3t.
Call and see. Malloy has cards
that tell hotvto jret a 10x20 pic
ure free.
Indications That Supreme Council Will Agree
to Compromise.
New York, July 3. It is ex
pected now, the American says,
that the supreme council of the
Royal Arcanum will compromise
in the matter of the advance in
assesmonts against which coun
cils throughout the entire coun
try have been wagiug war for the
last three weeks. It is asserted
by prominent members of the
Royal Arcanum club that assur
ances have been received from
tho executive committee in Bos
tou that the protests of the seventy-two
Brooklyn councils pre
sented iu a conference in the Au
rora Grata cathedral would be
given careful consideration, and
that everything would bo done to
bring about a satisfactory adjust
ment of the trouble.
Thirteen couueils in New Jer
sey, Jersey City and vicinity met
in Columbia hall, Greenville, and
decided to follow the action ot the
New York and Brooklyn councils
in sending delegations to the su
preme council and to request the
grand council of the state to ex
ert its influeuce with the execu
tive committee to prevail on the
supreme council to suspend the
enforcement of the new rates un
til such time as the question can
be thoroughly elucidated. New
York state will be strengthened
in the fight by the support of the
councils of New Jersey, Pennsyl
vania, Michigan, Illinois, Massa
chusetts, Connecticut, Maryland
and Rhode Island. Thus there
are seven grand jurisdictions al
ready allied for a reconstruction
of the assesment tables.
Sickening Shivering hits
of ague and malaria, can be re
lieved and cured with Electric
Bitters. This is a pure, tonic
medicine; of special benefit in
malaria, for it exerts a true cura
tive influence on the disease.driv
ing it entirely out of the system.
It is much to be preferred to qui
nine, having none of this drug's
bad after eO'ectt. E. S. Munday
of Henrietta, Tex., writes: "My
brother was very low with malar
ial fever and jaundice, till he took
Electric Bitters, which saved his
life. At Trout's drug store; price
.'i0c, guaranteed.
Britain Leads in Tea, America in Coffee
many In Beer.
The United States drank IG4,-
000,000 pounds of coffee in VM4.
Nearest to this quantity out of
ten other nations came Germany,
with .597,000,000 pounds. France
used but lOH.OOO.OOO. Great Brit
ain was so busy leading the world
in tea-drinking she used ud 2jC.-
000,000 pounds of leaves to Rus
sia's 127,300,000 aud our own 10!),.
000,000 that she consumed only
29,500,000 pounds of coffee. Chic
ory that is another story.
In beer-driuldijg Germany led
the way with 1,7,000,000 gal
lons. Great Britain was,
with l,;jOl, 000,000 gallons. The
United States, with 1,491,000,000
gallons, was a promising third
promising because Dack . in liJOO
our thirst tor malt liquors was
satisfied with 1,1!)H,002,101 gal
lons. Russia aud Germajy both
drank more whisky than we in
F.iOi the figures for the three
countries are, in gallons, 174,000,
000, 124,300,000 and 121,000,000.
We drank in 1900 about 103,330,.
000 gallons of whisky and bran
dy. France was the 1904 leader
in wine, using 1,313,000,000 gal
lons, while we were a bad seventh,
with 43,300,000 gallons. Still, we
advance. In 1900 our sufficiency
in wine was reached at 23,425,000
. The per capita figures, says
the New York World, make dif
ferent ratings. Holdiugour own
in the quantity of coffee drank
"per head," we became insignifi
cant in tea, were fourth in distill
ed liquors and likewise in beer,
and eighth in wine.
Mrs. Maria U. Mann, of Salu
via, was called to the home of her
daughter, Mrs. J. Vernon Skip
per, of Tyrone, last week on ac
count of the dangerous illness ot
her grand son, Norman Skipper.
There will be a festival held in
the grove between Shade Truax's
and Squire Daniel Covalt's en
Timber Ridge, on July Htn, lor
tin benrfit of Adam L)i'nhono
who is paralyze J, and his hhud
sister. All are invited to come
and bring something to help the
aged couple.
Celestial Empire Poor Field lor Accident In
surance. "China would be a poor field
for accident insurance compan
ies," said a man in the tea trade.
The inhabitants would be only too
glad to get hurt in order to collect
their insurance.
"Up the river from Hong Kong
there's a little settlement of Eng
lishmen. Just across the ri.-er
is a graveyard, inhabited by a few
scrub birds of the snipe family.
They are very poor shooting, but
your briton must have sport of
some kind, and shooting these
birds is the only sport in sight.
"One day an Englishman let
drive at a snipe and hit a China
man who had just bobbed out
from behind a tombstoue. The
charge of shot struck the coolie
in his wrist, putting his hand out
of business.
"Of course, the Chinaman mad9
a roar. The Briton, wanting to
do the square thing offered to pay
the damage. The coolie demand-
euio. ine u,ngnsnmau gener
ously made it 15.
"There was never any good
hunting in the graveyard after
that. Whenever an Englishman
was seen apj roaching, a China
man hid behind every gravestone.
"With marvelous cleverness,
they'd manage to get in range
just when the Briton fired. If
one of them had the luck to get
two or three birdshot in his sys
tem, he would come out, roar, and
"Of course, this drove away tho
snipe; but the coolies took to
catching the birds, tying them by
the leg to gravestones and hiding
themselves in holes from which
they could rise and get shot at
the proper moment. The Eng.
lishmen had to stop hunting. It
was too expensive.
"One of the pleasant and refin
ed Chinese tortures is crushing
the ankle. There are coolies in
Shanghai who keep a standing
offering to submit to this torture
for the benefit of tourists at a
rate of $5.
"1 know of several cases where
this offer has been accepted.-
Ihe coolies submitted without a
howl and smiled when he collect
ed the money." New York Sun.
A Grim Tragedy
is daily enacted, in thousands of
homes, as death claims, in each
one, another victim of consump
tion or pneumonia. But wueu
coughs or colds are properly
treated, the tragedy is averted.
F. G. Huntly, of Oaklandon, lnd.,
writes; "My wife had the con
sumption, aud three doctors gave
her up. Finally she took Dr.
King's New Discovery for Con
sumption, coughsandcolds, which
cured her, and to-day she is well
and strong." It kills the germs
of all diseases. One dose relieves.
Guaranteed at 50c and $1.00 by
Trout's drug store. Trial bottle
fi ee.
Prolific Families.
Henry S weifort died a few days
ago atKeefer's church, Montgom
ery county, aged 90 years, and
when an inventory of the old
man's family was made so that
the funeral arrangements could
be completed, it was found that
he had 28 children, 52 grand-chil
dren, 5o great-grandchildren,
and one great-great-grand-chila.
Mrs. William Seidel, a neigh
bor of Mr. Sweiford, celebrated
her 8uth birthday last week, and
she gathered around her on that
occasion 12 children, 22 grand
children and 46 great grandchil
President Roosevelt should be
well satisfied with the progress
made by these worthy Montgom
ery county people, who believe in
a literal interpretation of the Di
vine injunction to "multiply and
replenish the earth."
There is a little woman over on
the northern edge of the Chester
Valley, who is the mother of 21
childreu, but they are not given
to marrying like tho offspring of
the Montgomery county patriarch
so she is somewhat deficient in
grand and greit-grandchildren.
But, she too ha-i done well and
deserve commendation.
lUnip tt frog "Kan n
WJ 3513 TWlinH $131.3
Under-selling Store.
We have just received a fine lot of Mid-Summer Hats, latest Btyles.
If you want to know the latest styles come to our store and get them.
Ladles' Beady Trimmed Hats from 60 cents to 110. Children's Hats
from 25 cents to $2. Ready-to. Wear Hats and Turbans Id all col
ors. Ladies' Dress Bonnets from $1 to f.1.50. Sunbonncts 10 and
15 cents. Wrappers 75 cents, Shirt-waist Suits II. .Vi to 11.75. Shirt
Waists (10 cents to $2.25. Puff, Hack and Side Combs 12 cents and
up. Ilibbons In all shades at the lowest prices. Belts from 10 to
50 cents; Laces 2c to 25o a yard; Corsets and Collars; Ladies Gauze
Vests 5 cents; Infant's Hose 7 cents Fancy Hat Pins, Collars or
Fans, with every hat.
Come and see our goods and fret prices. You are welcome
whether you buy or not.
Your's respectfully,
Opposite I'ostoff'icc. McCunncllsbiii'.
Falling Top
both Factory and Handmade from
$35 to $85
Large Btock on hand all the time
to select from.
Hustontown, Pa.
for childrtni J rift. aurt. JVo Bpialt
ffmr. Alwnv reliable. I,ai1lea, ask Time?!.! fur
""la im-uillic boxen, Heitled with blue ribbon
Take no oilier. trruse umiKrriiua suits!!.
lutionsMnd IniilHIIoiio. llui ..I your UniuKi.H
or ;u -Ic. In Mumps for l'arliiilar. Trail.
uaonlMU nl Kvllrr for l.mllro." i.. Mlrr.
by 'return .null, lu.ouo TeMiiuuiilaU. fculd by
U lJruK.fii.tji.
1M Sladi.un Kiiuure, I'll II. A., fA.
JaPtlia tali .D.r.
Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar
Cures .11 Coughs, and expels Cold, from
the system by gently moving tb. bowel..
New Tenant Law.
An important measure which
affects the relation between land
lords and tenants, recently be-
came a law in this State. It pro
vides that where a tenant shall
hold possession of real estate
within this commonwealth, eith
er by license or lease, oral or
written, for any tune less thau
one year, or by the month, for an
indefinite timo, and the immed
iate landlord of such real estate
shall desire to regain possession
thereof from such tenant or occu
pant, he shall serve upon the ten
ant or adult member of his fami
ly a notice iu writing demanding
that he requires such tenant or
occupant to deliver to htm the
possession of the premises so
held within thirty days from the
day of service thereof, provided
that this act shall not be constru
ed as authorizing the disposses
sion of a tenant, before the expir
ation of his or her lease or license.
When e'er you feel impending ill,
And need a magic little pill,
No other one will fill the bill
LikeDeWitt's Little Early ilisors.
Tho famous little pill "Eariy Ris
ers," cure constipation, sick head
ache, biliousness, etc. They nev
er gripe or sicken, but impart
early rising energy. Good for
children or adults. Sold by Stout
eagle & Bro.
"There was a darky in South
em Tennessee named Enh. .Fri
day, who died a short time ago. j
Eph, was neither a member of
the church nor of a lodge und
thus had no one to deli fur an ad
dreps or a prayer at his burial.
At last an old uucle consented to
say a few remarks for the depart:
ed soul. As the coffin was being
lowered into tV- gravj.the .Id
uncle said ti tli asoinl lid
" 'Eph. Friday, ue, trusts you
hab voao to de pluco whar we
pocts you ain't.' " '
jut - i'l.nw
at y
in all branches of Buggies,
Carriages. Spring Wagons,
Neivwork on Applica
tion. Aaron Steele,
McConnellsburjr, I'a.
Shop ou Old Ueikes Stand oppo-,
site Court House.
Cures CoM: Prevents Pneumonia
When in need of Millinery
Goods don't fail to call at An
nie E. Dawney's, Hustontown,
You can find what you want
either In Ready-to-Wear Hats,
Pattern Hats, or Untrimmed
Hats, and ut prices that are
We will not be undersold.
We have a few salable hats
such as Heudy-to-Wear, and
Untrimmed left over from last
season, that will go at and be
low cost.
Huts that were sold last sea
son at 2.5o, now $1.50. We have
them at prices ranging from 50
cents to $1.50.
A One lot of all kinds will
be here by April 2tith.
Come a-d see us. We can
save you money.
Thanking; the public tor past
patronage, I am,
Very respectfully,
(ANNIE e. dawney,
Husfontown, Pa.
loo. tb courfh .ud hails lung:
Nearly opposite Cooper House
is better prepared than ever be
fore to furnish our farmers with
and one of the best
Corn Plows
in use. Repairs for all kinds of
Mower, and Hinders, Sections for
all kinds of Hinders and Mowers
cheaper thau ever.
away, down this year,
Oil from 2)c to .Vic per
Falling-Top Buggies
Runabout Buggies,
Stick Wuyons, Ac. Also Garden
. Tools of all kinds.
If you want to save minify you
will cull on
I i. .si n: stkckiniim TDIICCCe
Allllo.MINAI.HUl'1'OUltH. I nUoOLO
llKiaSriiiNii (liltuia St., I'lillmlaliikm,
are the most fatal of aU diseases.
till EV'Q U CURE It I
lULCI 0 tuartitnd Rixs.y
or money refunded. Contains
remedies recognized by emi
nent physicians as the best lot
Kidney and Bladder troubles.
For sal9 at Trout's drug storo
t i
i THE i
j Covers the Field.
I In every part of the
County faithful re-
porters are located
t that gather the daily
Then there is the
; State and National,
News, War News, a
Department for the
rarmer and Mechan
ic, Latest Fashions
for the Ladies. The
latest New York, Bal
timore, Philadelphia
Aarkets. The bun
day School Lesson,
Helps for Christian
Endeavorers, and a
Good Sermon for ev
CARDS, 4c,
In fact anything and
everything in the best
style along that line.
5 Sample copies . of
the News sent to any
of your friends on
TIME TABLE. May 2S, 1105.
l.euve no. fuo iuo. ioo. jno7ioj iTu
A.M TA.M ta. U P. M p.u
WmchcNter 7 H s on 8 SO
Murunnl,,ri; m lis a it 1 Hi
HllKorHluwn .... 6 -.' V U)f! 17 3 :a H 00 ho IU
(iremiuiiNtle .... i 03 H :!! hi w s Ml n J iu an
Mttroershury h ih i 0 H ti'i .... j
t'liuuiliersbuiK.. 1 a7 W 4,'.foif"? .", iu 61
Waynesboro 1 Ool IS oo 8 I r, ....
ShippeiiNuurv... 7 J 10 OA 1 tfi 4 H. 9 (l II Irt
Newvllle H OT'lO 1 1)9 5 Oil 9 SI II S7
Ottlllsle i. 8 w. 10 44 SOU 6 i D ih IS OS
Meclmnlcsburg,. tl 4i)ll 05 i So ft Ml 10 07 IS SI
Ulllsburtr 10 () ft SJ
Arr, Hurrlsburg. 9 Oh II so i 85 0 iu 0 S" 18 10
Arr. I'hlU II in j 8 17 ft 47 H Ml 4 8;) 4 M
Arr. New York. 8 o.i ft 5;t 8 ok s:i 7 is 7 i:i
Arr Uultluiure.. 18 lii 8 II e 00 8 in i SO 7 Ift
P. M.P. U. P.M. P. U. A. U. a. M.
Train No. is east runs dullv exuent Sunrtuv
between Hukci-sUik d uuil lliinlsbuii!. leaving
iiuKorsiuwu 1.06 ana arriving al HarrlKbuiK a
Adilltlonul ean-bound local trains will run
dully, except Sunday, a follows: Leave
Carlisle 7. OS a. tn., p. ui.,. leuve
.virunauiuNimrif o.m a m.. a. ni.. is.iss p. m,
JI..10 p. iu. l.euve Dlllxburi; a. bi 10.00 u
in.. ft.SO n. in..
Trains Nos. 8.8 uud 1 10 run dully between 11 u
i;rrni.owu auu nul l isoiirif.
t Daily except Sunday.
no. lino. u:no. biiio. 7ino. 91 109
New York
Chuiubei'sburg. .
Mereersbur .. .
Cireenuustle ....
lIUKeratown ....
Ar. Winchester.
4 44
u f
A. U
bb IS oo
7 Aft
4 Ufi
8 MS
t HO
8 ftf
II 4(1
4 Sf. 8
7 Mil!
8 ih
8 Oil 18
II 40
IIS Sill
ft M
6 00
8 2ti
8 Hi
11 Oft
i Or
8 II
4 C(i
fi IU
6 40
8 4H
9 Ol
II '
8 SH
8 40
0 01
6 80
4 I'l
9 S4
9 4l
9 OH
18 0:
4 Hi)
6 4K
10 .17
0 ih
U Ift
7 On
7 -IS
8 HI
9 St
i. u
9 '.II
ft no
10 80
10 03
18 80
ft FH
ft 81
ft 41
6 84
7 10
10 80
18 M
10 45
10 Ml
11 40
1 16
P. M.
Truin No. 17 west runs dai'y except Sunday
..wvnuu ..utunuuiH UUU IIUKVI'dlDWD, 1CUV
III! HllPr u lllrv ill I IKn m ...I .. ..-!.. ......
., uw uiiiviuk at xiu
auuiuouui local truins will leave Hurrlsburg
as follows: For Curllsln and Intermediate sta-
..uun . p.q, B, in., p. m. wuu tt.fiu p. in., also
forMeehunlesburg lillUburg and intermediate
iruius Nun. 1.8 huu ion run dally between
Harrisburi aud Hagemiowo.
l'ulluiun palace KleepluK oai-s between Nrv
.....uoaav l l It, Ul., O.Ul p. III. anil S. SO D, JD.
,u,nuu lYiiu&vuiu, ieim., on trains i wesi
'id 110 east and between 1'htludclph a und
, emu uU i-t, w vv. itauwayon truins ium west
aud IS east, except that on Sunday the 1'hlia-
,lV "--I'ci will lull CUM IJU ISO. .
LuiwuKiivimuiicH vo uuu iroin niiuau:puu
on trulns8 and 4 east und 7 aud 9 west.
t Dully except Sunduv.
P. M
6 or
6 1
ft M
p y,
8 RS
8 41
3 16
8 43
8 .'16
P V.
a in
P. M
Vlue Pres. it (Jen. Supt. Sunt
H. A. RIDDLKHeu. Puss. Agent. '
Kodol Dyspepsia Gure
Digests what you eat.
wwm. LUIIUil
Dr. Kins's
tkvi Discovery
eoc & $i.oo
Free Trial.
Buret and Uuiukeut Cure lor all
XilttOAT and LUNG TKOUii-
Pas. Mix. Pas Mix
1H till t4 0t)
A h A m Arr a ti a m
9 44 8 ISfp Cbumbersburg . 8 4;llfti'
9 ftil 7 14 Marlon 8 81 II ,!
10 80 8 IIS ..Meroei-sburg.. 8 on 10 Ho
10 liC 8 60 Ixjndou 7 SK 9 4"
11 Of. 9 06 .... Richmond.... 7 ,i 9.
AM A.ST .1 m.!a .
First Class
Tonsorial Artist,
A Clean Cup and Townl with each Shave.
Kvcrythlng Antlsepiio.
Kazum Sterlllu,
tWShop In room lulelv occupied by Kd llmke
Tonsorial Artist.
Strictly up to date In all styles of hair out.
w'.f' "l,,k,- vu",y ,hBV'"- li'iy-rnm. Creams-Wltch-haiel.
without extra charge. Fresh
towel to each customer. Latest Improved an
njiratus for sterilising tools. I'arlore opposite
rulton House.
Attorney at Law,
Oflice on Square,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
All local business nod collections entrusted
will ecnlve careful and prompt attention.
nil HCIIKfi.
Prkshytkrian. Kev. W. A. WeBt,
D D.. 1'astor. Preachlri)? services
each altornate Sabbath ati0::i0a. m.
and every Sunday evening at 7:00.
Services at Green Hill on alternate
Sabbaths at 10:;I0 a. m. Sabbath
school at 9:15. Junior Christian En
deavor at 2:00. Christian Endeavor
at 6:00. Prayer meeting Wednesday
evening at 7:00.
Methowst episcopal Rev. J. V.
. o 1,nstor- Sunday School
at 0:,f0 a. m. Preaching every other
Sunday morning at 10:,10 and every
Sunn ay evening at 7 Mi. Epworth
Leaguo at (i:00 p. m. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening at 7:00.
Unitku i'rkshytkrian Kev. J. L.
Grove, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:30
a. m. Preaching every Sunday morn
ing at 10:.J0, and every other Sunday
evening at7:00. The alternate Sabbath
evenings are used bv tho Young Peo
ple's Christian Union at 7:00 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening
at 7 :00. h
1W ANOKI.H, An LiUTH LR A N I lev . A.
G. Wolf, Pastor. Sunday school 9:15
a. m. Preaching every other Sunday
morning at 10:.'iu und everv other Sun
day evening at 7:00. Christian En
deavor at 0:00 p. m. Praver meeting
on Wednesday evening at7:00.
Rkvokmkd Kev. C. M. Smith, Pas
tor. Sunduy school at 9:30 a. m.
Prenchirig on alternate Sabbaths at
10:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Christian
Kndeavor ut (i:()0 p. m. Prayer meet
ing op Wednesday evening at 7:00.
u-:ii!Hs or coi'ht.
The lirst term of the Courts of Ful
ton county in tho year shall commence
on the Tuesday following the second
Monday of January, at 10 o'clock a. m.
The second term commences on the
third Monday of March, at 2 o'clock
p. m.
The third term on the Tuesday next
following the second Monday of June,
at 10 o'clock a. m.
The fourth term on the first Monday
f October, at 2 o'clock p. m.
HOKOl'till Oi l ICKKS.
Justice of the Pence Thomas P.
Sloan, L. II. Wihle.
Constable John H. Doyle.
Burgess 11, W. Scott.
CouncMmen I). T. Fields, Leonard
llohman, Samuel Hender.M. W. Nace
Clerk-William I in 11.
II igh Constable Wm. Kiiiimgardner.
School Directors A. U. Nace. John
A. Irwin. 'I'liniiiiu V 1.1 i
lay lor, John Comerer, C, B. Stevens.
President Judge-Hin.S.Mc. Swope.
A ssociate Judges David Nelson, W.
II. Bender.
I'rothonotiiry, Ac Geo? A. Harris,
District Attorney George B. Dan
iels. Treasurer A. C. Luuver,
Sheriff J. G. Alexander.
Deputy Sheriff W. 11. Nesblt.
Jury Commissioners Simon rwii.
ong, liennctt A. Truux.
Auditiira W f' ii . n.,,. m
, ouu, vv .
Glonu, J. A Myers.
commissioners S. D. Mellott, Geo
Sigel, und II. P. Palmer.
Clerk Frank Henry.
County Surveyor A. J. Fore.
Countv m..,..!.... r. -
A llripnarc XA7 C,.n.. Al .
Ielson Sinnil. 'riinmnu Ti i.t
McN. Johnston, M. K. Shaffner, Geo.
B. Daniels, John P. Sipes, S. W,
Odd L'ellnu'n M 'rv....,Qii.,i t j
No. 744 mi.,.lu .,.n i.',.i.i.. .. i 7
tne Comerer Building in ivleConneils-
Fort Llt.tliit.iin T , -n;,. Am
- , a.vj, tn-t meets
everv Saturday evening in the Cromer
WellH VAllfiV T ( Mrt ftnt a-
j ft vj 'v;i wu i
every Saturday evening in Odd Pel-
'"" -nun at wens Tannery.
Hari'lsonvilln T.iwl.r M.-. Tnl .
- . A.W, IW lllt.tHS
every Saturday evening in Odd Pel
lit,... I 1 1 1 II . , ri .. i
inn ui Harrison vine.
Waterfllll T.l ultra M. 77- . ...
. . - r ' uirrvis ev
ery Saturday evening in Odd Fellows'
Hull ,,i Tir ... 1 1 it in..
. uu ti uvui inn mills.
Warfordsburg Lod;re No. (Ml mipi.iu
n Warfordsburtr everv Ki.tu...i,.
evening. J
If inir lDHt. G. A 17 tjn tint .
McConnmlsmii'ii In il,l,l i.i,.n .i n. n
the tlrst Saturday in every month at 1
II m
Koval Ai'i'iinnii, T,i.. n n
No. 11, ninets on alternate Monday
eyeiiii.grt In P. O.-S. of A. Hull. In
WB-ihllH"iii. fin. i.i V.. Hi- li fi o
A., (if Nl .V t ,'uri ,.,) u .. ....... . .
- i.....,n rvHi Sat
urday euniiii,- in P. (j. . of A. IUII
Wiislilrittioii fiiinv. v.. r.i.i ti .
of A., llu-'.init.vii rii's-tM everv Sat nr.'
unlay eveniu in P. u. K. of A. Hall.
JuIlTI O Piul f II
hh'hN i-very Jjanicij v , ,.n or just
preceding mil moon In Lasbley hall
at 2 p. in., at Buck Valley.
Woman's llnllef n,i,i u..
meets at sumo date and place at 4 p.m.
t'u. is u. mrivihiiin I'obt Ni. ,02,
O. A. S.. mcAtri Uia y.w.tttl ii.wi (
---- - - a--"..rii nuu lunr ir
Haturuuy. in each mouth at Pleasan
Tlie Fclton Conntj Um