iiNiLKUliiNiinKAijRAPIIS Of Local and Ocnenl Interest, Gathered at Home or Clipped from our Exchanges. CONDENSED FOR HURRIED READERS Call and see. Malloy has cards that tell how to get a 10x20 pic ture free. There will bo a festival at Bed ford's ChapelJuly 1st. All are invited to attend. Emory Booth, of Altooi.a, was a guest in the home of the Knauff family a few days last week. Daniel Lake and daughter.Mrs. Montgomery, and the latter's lit tle son Dean, spent last Thursday night In the home of Kev. J, 0. Garland. Chronic bronchial troubles and summer coughs can be 'quickly relieved and cured by Foley's Honey and Tar. Sold by all deal ers. After having spent the time from Friday until Monday with her parents, Mrs. P. R. Mclntyre was accompanied to her home in Mercersburg by her sister, Net tie Knauff, who will remain in that city a few days. During the summer kidney ir regularities are often caused by excessive drinking or being over heated. Attend to the kidneys at once by using Foley's Kidney Cure. Sold by all dealers. Children's Day Services will he held at the Greenhill Presbyter ian church next Sunday morning and will be immediately followed by a sermon by Rev. Wheeler, of Newville, Pa. Mr. Wheeler will preach i n the Pr esby ter lan ch u r ch in McConnellsburg Sunday eve ning. If in a kind of bilious mood, You wish an aid to digest food, No other pill is half so good As De Witt's Little Early Risers. The famous little pills Early Risers cure constipation, sick headache, biliousness, etc. They never gripe or sicken, but impart early rising energy Good 'for either children or adults. Bob Moore, LaFayette, ind., says : "No use talking, DeWitt's Little Earl Risers do their work. All other pills I have used gripe and make me sick. DeWitt's Lit tle Early Risers brought the long sought relief. They are perfect." Sold at Trout's drugstore. WEST DUBLIN. Last Saturday forenoon, while prying out some stumps with a digging iron Hiram Clevenger had the misfortune to injure his right foot so badly that he can not walk without the use of a cane. The digging iron slipped from its place at the stump and threw Mr. Clevenger's whole weight with that of the iron upon his foot with the above result. D. R. Mummaand M. D. Mathias areweatherboardingC. M.Brant's barn. Hester Witter.of Waterfall, and Lessie Ritchey, of Hustontown, spent Sunday at Ross King's. Last Friday morning, Ross King started to go to McConnells burg for a load of corn. When he was at Pond Hollow, while he was a short distance away from the team the horses became frighten ed and ran up the hill and did not stop until they ran against the largo' oak tree opposite Mrs. Clevenger's when Aarie Cleven ger caught them. The tongue of the wagon was broken in three pieces, the gears damaged, and the lines broken. WEST vitw. Mrs. Geo. Chesnut visited the family of Dr. David Chesnut last Sunday. Mrs, A. V, Funk and son Stiu ley visited John May's Sunday. Blanche Shaw and Davy Ches nut visited Scott Deneon and wife recently. Bertha Shaw visited Mrs. Har ry tlill oue day last week. Alice Myers, who had bon spending sometime nt Charlps L'lshloy 's and Jacob Weaver's re turned to her home this v'eek. , John Garland and corps of workmen have just completed a new barn for Benj. I'ollenshead. The hot sun and frequent showers are ripening the grain very fast. People will begin har vesting next week. Elder T. N. Aldertoa of Great Cacapon, who had been quaran tined on account of smallpox ii his family, filled In appointment atTonoloway list Sa'urdayand INTO THEIR NEW HOME. Mr. and Mrs. James Henry Entertained Many of Their Friends Last Friday. Lust Fi id ay was a red letter day in the calendar' of our good friends and neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. James Henry, who until that time had enjoyed life on the farm north of town, purchased from the heirs of the late Johu M.Sloan. With a view to living a less strenuous life, and preferring to direct his farming operations by a long distance telephone, Mr. Henry proceeded to build for hi in self a handsome and convenient suburban residence, and on its completion during the past week, celebrated the event in fine style, By some lucky combination of circumstances, the timely arrival of the birthday anniversary of Mrs Henry on Friday last, gave an ex cellent opportunity for them to 'rally the clan" for the double purpose of "hanging the crane," and wishing her many, many hap py returns of the day. The build ing and entering a new home is one of the most notable and joy ous events in the life of any fam ily uo matter whether the arch itecture be elegant or modest in style; therefore it was a most fit ting occasion for the man y neigh ro"s and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Henry to bring their children and congratulations, andsocontribute to the success of the house warm mg. The dinner was ot that good, old fashioned generous kind that suggests enormous reserve stores. The poultry house the smoke house, and the spring house the pantry and the cellar each paid rich tribute to tho elab orate menu; and the only regret expressed by tho lucky partici pants was that the human appe tite has its limitations. In cidents of the meal were the arriving of messages of regret from those who were detained at home by duties pertaiuing to tho Sunday school convention. Sym pathy was expressed for tnern they will never know what they missed. If the man who causes two blades of grass to grow where formerly but one grew is a bene factor, how grandly must he rank who erects a handsome, conveni ent, up to-date dwelling with gen erous water supply and surrounds it with all manner of fruit tempt ing to the eye and of luscious flav or? The judgment of Mr. Henry in selectiug such an exceptional ly fine site for building, is to be commended. The elevation is such as secures the most charm ing view of an ideal landscape as well as good drainage and per fect ventilation. When complet ed he will have the luxury of a bathroom and an unlimited sup ply of water in every part of the' house. 1o Mr. and Mrs. Henry, the company are indebted for a most enjoyable day in the country in the most delightful month of the year and they wish for them many years in their ne v quar ters. BIG REDUCTION ! On Ladies' Hisses and Children's Outing Hats. To lietrln June ilth anil continue until Juno 2:t, l!Hi5. Hats that represent thn Acme of Style, Grace and Beauty, A display that includes huts of every sort, shape, and color. Hats for every possible occasion, from the most Pleturequo l'lumed Hats to tho most correct tailor made effects. :i..r)0 Shirt-waist lints now 2.4!l. 2.25 Shirt-waist Hats now $1.7.1, , 2.00 Shirt-wulst Huts now tl.iio, $1.50 Shirt-waits Huts now $1.00, 1.2' Sliiit-wuisl Huts now HV. A cliuuee for all to have n new hut at a very trilling rout. No two huts alike. Hustontown. Pa. 1 JUNE NEW: The weather man promises (rood weather this week, and we promise great bargains this week. m Fancy Figured Lawns 27 Inches wide, with small Moral designs in blue, black, pink and green at 5 cents per yard. APRON GINGHAM small check c per yard. I'ine liatiste of extra sheer unli ty. In small oval, bubble liifiires, and in the most fashionable colors, 10c a yard m $ m 8 m $ m Blouse Linen if ) f 2(1 Inches wide, natural color, 10 per yard: strictly all linen, natural color, le per yard. inches wide, U ft: as !,: I DOTTED DRESS SWISS t 2 inches wide, white ground in small, medium and Iiirjie, white dotted patterns, 12, l' and .'10c. I Curtain Scrims PS unbleuchuble, 'M inches wide, open lace leno pat tern tic per yard; bleach ed, ltd inches wide, open luce leno pattern JOc per yard. We also have, u lai-jre stock of Linens, Dimities, i'ercules, All-over I. aces, lOmbroideries, etc., that we will lie glad to show you. Come see us now. To-morrow, to-duy will bo yesterday. Von will please remember "More goods for same money; Same goods for less money." I.J. K. JOHNSTON M'Connellsburg, Rei. i teg fi? mTTTH TIT i ir AnnmT TinirniT I tuk in n v i ' u ti u mu i Wi I I I I II II H I II i I 'i I 'i I I ' -'' 3 50 tons feed and flour on hand. lJure grain chop, Brand, 1.25; Flour, 1.25 to $l.(i(). One carloud of and Buggies Furious Fighting. "For seven years," writes Ceo. W. Hoffman, of Harper, Wash., "I had a bitter battle, with chronic stomach and liver trouble, but at lastl won, and cured my diseases. I by the use of Klectrio Bitters. I J unnesitatingiy recommend them to all, and don't intend in tho fu ture to Do without thein in the house. They are certainly a won derful medicine, lo have cured such a bad case as mine." Sold under guarantee to do the samu for you, by Trout's tho druggist, at 50c a bottle. Try them to-day. S3 Wagons 75 to $88. Buggies $!.'t. One car York A Grade Liuggles 18 spokes, rivets rim, leather cushions, dust-proof box, brucer on shuft, full rubber top 4-bow, 3 1 car of Heaver Springs hand made Farm Wagous, 'jtfj finely painted, long hound, round coupling pole, steel skein, $55, $(15, $(i8, and 75. , Standard Fertilizers .41.1.00. Standard Hone and l'ot- rrfj ash 1414.50. I can supply you with fertilizers any time ($ from April 1st, to November 1st. JS3 m Mifflinhnrn Snrinn Wannns f.'l 1 cj i C. E. Starr, THREE SPRINGS, FV. PI LADIES Henry Barmond, wife, and daughter Ruie, ar d William Hull and wife were guests of Michael Knauff 's family last Sunday'. COMPOUNDS Viiw. ....i .mi ii ii ii 1 1 r Safe, Quick, Reliable Regulator Hmierlnr to otlier remfrilfi ul1 at hlKli rleei. Cnrrt punrimtriMt. Bu-'oeKafllUy uimmI ly ovor JCHMIIIO Women. I'rlr. -43 ('nl. Klinrly iimll. TalUil"iiUln liooklut fre-. Dr. I.olTuuco, IMilladelplila, -ni the cou-Jh and) heals lungs CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH rENfjYBQYAL PILLS ir. AImiiv. r. lhihl.-. I,aille, unit rrMi:Klt for i ma :n .,.,.,i, ,,, ac,.,, UIH, aJitlil rit.-litlhi! Ikhi-s, M-itU'tl wllli rlljbt-n. Take uu tllM-r. HrfuiM- ilmiurmiu ulti.lt luaiitimniid ImllalloiiM. liitv ,.t vour lnii;ni .1, or wiui 4r. in miitii Ic.r I'arllfiilara, li.il uiunlala anil lt, ll,.c r .u,n." 1,11,,, liv rrliiru Hull, JO.OUU TcMimuiiuil.t Kola b cuiaHiauTKn ohemioai. oo. IllO nailluiu Hqiiurr, 1'llli.A., I'A. MerUui afala pspr. sr . Cut off that cough, with avnc'S Expccioran? and prevent pneumonia; jfiJjlDronchitis and consumption. The world's Standard Throat and Lung Medicine for 7 5 years. Get it of your "druggist and keep it always ready in the naiistv. To Cure a Cold in One Day Tcke Laxative Dromo Quinine TaMcts. njb Seven Million boxes told In past 13 month. This sirnaturO. X-syT Cures Crip in Two Day. on every GEO.W. REISNERflCO, Furnishings are now showing the largest line of House in town. Carpets, Mattings, "Li noleu ms, oilcoths, cur tains, blinds, &c. A good table oil cloth 1 1 cts. yard. By the time your eyes catch this w e will have all our spring and summer stuffs for dresses and waists which we will be glad to show you. Shoes for everybody all grades and prices. Please call. GEO. W. REISNER & CO. McConnellsburg, Pa. Iwli m mm. . V . To tlie Pacific Coaat to Ci lifornia, Oregon, Washington rouivJ-trip, long transit and return limits, liberal btop-over privileges. The rate is praoireally on the basis of one fare for the round trip. Of course, if you wish lo visit both California and Oregon or Washington, ihe cost L slij,h0y more. Theca re-duced rates are in c ffect on certain dates in months of May to October, inclusive. T)iey apply from all Eastern points via Chicaj.YO, St. LoJm or MerapMs gateways. The Rock Island System u Hi Lake you up ia either CJiicago or St.Louis.or at hundreds of other Miid-'e Vcit points and carry you to the Coast in through Standard or Tourist Skapeis wiih unexcelled Dining Car service. The Reck LUnd tdco affords a choice of routes: on the "Scenic" route you can step off in Coh rt.do see Salt Lake City-visit Yellowstone I k lion.:.! Park; oa .lia "Southern" route you can go via EI Pa jo, thru New Mexico, t-.cn "up coast" to San Francisco and on lo Portland os- Seattle if desired. In short, these Pacific Coast xcursions offer an unusually good chance lo see our western count ry in a comprehensive manner. If you desire to go only as far as Colorado, there are excursion rates in effect to iiat sectioi:. and return, all summer long, cpccic'ly reduced June 30 lo July 4, August 12 and 13, and August 30 to September 4. Extension trips to Ogden or Salt L.ik;: and return at lw cost also. FVo-rt S.-ptoiiiber 15 U October 31, 1905, one-way touru. or "colonial " tickets will be on sale to California and the Pacific K'orthwest-ai;oi:t half regular fare. If ir.t'Jr.-itel, cauj name iml nddtatt on this coupon, designating which boi!lut wtr.tod undtu v hat point you pluntogo. Name piobablo (ito c.r start oli.o, o wo cun t lvii.o tlefinitcly with ro.pcct to rata, etc Addreu JOHN SEBASTIAN, Put. Traf . Mgr, Rock I.land System, CHlCACa c:aUiiii.i. '' bookUt mid rite.. AdJn L.v about WW Sunday. . i - ' Dutlaatioa