The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, June 14, 1905, Image 5

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Of Lodal and General Interest, Gathered
at Home or Clipped from our
Call and see. Malloy lias card h
that tell how to get a 16x20 pic
ture free.
Mr. Isaac B. Lay ton was a wel
come caller at the News office
jod riessinger was among
the busmess visitors at the Coun
ty Seat Tuesday.
Chronic bronchial troubles and
summer coughs can be quickly
relieved and cured by Foley's
Honey and Tar. Sold by all deal
ers. This is a time to sub
scribe lor the Fulton County
News. Only a dollar a year in ad
The choir of the Methodist
church at Knobsville, will hold a
festival in the Grove at that place,
June 17th, for the purpose of
raising mouey to help repair the
During the summer kidney ir
regularities are often caused by
excessive drinking or being over
heated. Attend to the kidneys
at once by using Foley's Kidney
Cure. Sold by all dealers.
Harry Mellott, m the employ of
D. F. Trout, was painfully injur
d Tuesday evening. He was
dismounting from a horse and
stepped on a dung hook, running
one of the tines clear through one
of his feet.
James D. Steveus, S. C. Burk
hart, and Grant Baker all of
Dublin township; James K. Jack
son, of Brush Creek, and S. A.
Nesbit, of McConnellsburg, are
candidates for the Republican
nomination for County Commis
sioner. The county convention
will be held June 27th.
A delightful social function was
given by Mr. and Mrs. J. Hous
ton Johnston at their home at
'Webster Mills on Tuesday even
ing in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph M. Johnston of Allegheny,
Pa., who are enjoying their honey
moon among their many friends
in the Cove. About sixty guests
wore present, and the host and
hostess proved that they were
skilled in art of entertaining a
large company.
If in a kind of bilious mood,
You wish an aid to digest food,
No other pill is half so good
George W, Comerer Killed Near Burnt
Cabin Yesterday Morning.
Mr. Comerer and His Men Were Sawing
Shingles When the Collar of the Saw
Burst, a Piece of Which
Struck Him Causing Death. j
Mr. George W. Comerer, a
prominent lumberman of Burnt '
Cabins was struck by allying piuce '
of metal and fatally injured while 1
working at one of his wivvinilU
near that place about noon -nstor-
At the time of the accident, lie
was engaged in sawing shingles, i
when the collar of the swiftly re
volving saw burst, one piece,
On Ladies' Misses and Children's
Outing Hats.
To begin Juno lull iiml uontlmio until Juno 2.1, lixifS.
Huts Hint represent Uio Acme of .Style, Oraee :nl Iteauty. A
display tliut Includes lints of every sort, shape, and color. Huts
for every possible, oeeusion, from the most Pieturefjne I'lunied
Hats to the most eorreet tailor made elicrts.
.! i",0 Shin-waist Hats now fcM'.t.
f2.2. Shirt-waist Hats now 41.7."., 2.0 Shirt-waist Huts now $1.50,
11.50 .Shirt-waits Hats now Jl.ilf), l.a' Shiit-walst Hats now 8c.
A chance for all to have a new hat at a very irillinj; cost.
No two hats alike.
Lena E3. Loidig,
Hustontoun, Fex.
weighing about ten pounds struck ..$,!&'!
Mr. Comerer in the right bread fi ' ' "" ' " '
carrying it und the right lung en
tirely away.
Mr. Comerer lived about an
hour nftcr the accident and wan
conscious to the last breath. lie
knew that death would conio vcrv
soon and he calmly bade those
abcut him good by, after giving
such directions as he was able to
His wife was immediately sent
for, but barely reached the scene
of the uecident as her husband
closed his eyes in death.
Up to the hour of going to
press, we nave no knowledge or
the arrangements for tho funeral.
Mr. Comerer was aged about
tifty years. There are no children.
Frank Mentzer, one of the as
sistants at the mill was struck by
another of the living pieces of
metal and badly injured.
The weather man promises jrood weather tills week, and we
' promise tfieut bargains this week.
Fancy Figured Lawns
27 inches wide, with small Moral designs in blue, black, pink
and t;reen at 5 cents per yard.
Was Wasting Away.
The following letter from Rob
ert R. Watts, of Salem, Mo., is
instructive. "I have been trou
bled with kidney disease for the
last five years. I lost Ilesh and
never felt well and doctored with
leadiug physicians aud tried
remedies suggested without
lief. Finally I tried Foley's Kid
ney Cure aud less than two bot
tles completely cured me aud I
am now sound and well." Sold
by all dealers.
small check 5c per yard,
ty, In small oval, bubble
colors, 10c a yard
l'ine liat-lste of extra sheer iiali
liuurcs, and in the most fashionable
I Dress and
wit ti
2(i Inches wide, natural color,
strictly all linen, natural color,
10 per yard: .'! inches wide,
Nc per yard.
1)1) 1 i h J )K1 Wl? m
2H inches wide, white ground in .small
white (lotted patterns, 12, 15 and .'Mlc.
medium and large.
ltll ft i CI
?i n Curtain Scrims
The children's Services at the
different churches last Sunday
evening, were well attended, and
those having part acquitted the
unbleachable, llti inches
wide, open lane leuo mt
teru (In per yard; bleach
ed, incites wide, open
lace leno pattern ll)c per yard. Wo also have a large stock
of Linens, Dimities, Percales, All-over Laces, F.mbroidcrics,
etc., that we will be lad to show you. ,
Come see us now. To-morrow, to-day will be yesterday.
You will please remember "More goods for same money;
Same goods for less money."
'A rm. rm a V '!
As DeVVitt'sLittleEarlv Risers. selves In a very creditable niiio TTn fiir i nor.
m - m'uonnensDurg, i-ei. pi
Risers cure constipation, sick
headache, biliousness, etc. They
never gripe or sicken, but impart
early rising energy Good
for either children or adults.
Bob Moore, LaFayette, Lnd.,
says : "No use talking, De Witt's
Little Early Risers do their work.
All other pills I have used gripe
and make rne sick. DeWitt's Lit
tle Early Risers brought the long
sought relief. They are perfect."'
Sold at Trout's drug store.
George Women are still push
lag their way into all the indus
tries, Jack That's so. I have just
been discharged to make way
for a woman.
"You have ? Well, well ! What
are you going to do now ?"
"1 am trying to marry the
A fellow on the race-course
staggered about with more liquor
than he could carry. "Hallo!
what's the matter now?" said a
chap whom the inebriated indi
vidual had just run against.
"Why hie why, the fact is, a
lot of my frionds have been bol
ting liquor on the race to day, and
they have got me to hold the
sUkes." ,
Charles Ross, wife, and little
daughter, of Everett, have been
spending some time with the fam
ily of M. C. Greenland. ' .
Mrs. David Quinter and little
s.ui, who were guests in the fam
ily of G. W. Sipe the past week,
returned to their home in Hunt
ingdon, on Saturday.
Mrs. W. L. Moseby is afflicted
with a serious throat trouble.
The Epworth League of the
Pine Grove M. E. church will
hold a festival on Saturday even
ing, June 24. Proceeds for the
benefit of the church. A good
time is anticipated and a cordial
invitation extended to all to attend.
Big Barn Burned.
The large hank barn on one of
F. M'N. Johnston's farms in the
Cve, tenanted by Wm. Keefer,
wan totally destroyed by fire last
night." Three horses, a lot of
corn aud hay were destroyed.
On'iu of tire ut.kuown.
Furious Fighting.
"For seven year?," writes Geo.
W. Hoffman, of Harper, Wash., "I
had a bitter battle, with chronic
stomach and liver trouble, but at
lastl won, and cured my diseases,
by the use of Electna Bitters. I
unhesitatingly recommend them
to all, and don't intend in the fu
ture to be without thorn in the
house. They are certainly a won
derful medicine, to have cured
such a bad case as mine." Sold
under guarantee to do the same
for you, by Trout's the druggist,
at 50c a bottle. Try them to day.
Charlie Hixsou, wife, and son
Harmon, of Emmaville, were in
town yesterday.
W' Early Risers
Tho famous little pllU.
j$ Mifflinburg Spring Wagons
50 tons feed anil Hour on hand. Pure grain chop, H.3i
lirand, 1.-5; Flour, $1.25 to SU.U0. One carload of
35; Q
and Buggies
Wagons 75 to Buggies ti.'l.
One car York A Grade Buggies 18 spokes, rivets rim
leather cushions, dust-proof box, bracer on shaft, full
rubber top 4-bott, 15.
1 car of Jleaver Springs hand made Farm Wttgous,
finely painted, long hound, round coupling pole, steel
skein, $55, H5, .(iS, and 75.
Standard Fertilizers tilt. 00. Standard Hone and Pot
ash $14.50. I can supply you with fertilizers any time
from April 1st, to November 1st.
C. E. Starr,
Safe, Quick, Reliable Regulator
Nlllierlur 10 whit re'i.,. - "9", '
Mill. COO Wllllll-ll. I'l'I'O. V(S iiIn, ilrlig-
lr. I.Fiuoo, - I'talUdtilplilu, I'a.
otu Ihu coutili unJ heals lunga
v. 9
mmmws oglish
1 w-
un. ,1vhvk ri'llubli'. I.H1(., unit FlnniclM for
IIK IH S I K I.ISII lu Ht..l nnd
4Jnll utfiiilliu boxMM, wnhMl wilh blue rltibun.
'1'ul.f ii iilli,.... lt..Jn. flnt;'r4iiM mil.Mil
liifiiniHitn,! Imllnlluith. Iluvtil vniir l)ruKisl,
or Hi'ii.l lr. in t;4iu.s ,,r I'arlii'iilHi', '111.
UiiimIiiIm mill "Itclll'f Iiii Lnill,.' lnlrttr,
ly ivIuriliHiill, lO.UIlU iVhIiiiiuiiihIm. HulU b
U iiliilsli.
luO Kucll N.,uurr, VA.
11. A. Gray, J. P., Oakville, lnd.,
writes, "For ten years I was
confined to my bod with disease
of my kidneys, it was so severe
that I cnuld not move part of the
limo. I consulted the very beet
medical skill available, but could
pet no relief until Foley's Kidney
(Jure was recommended to me.
It ha been a Godsoud to me."
St l I by all doalora.
Before that cough turns into a serious throat or lung trouble, stop it with
It has proved its real value during 75 years. M'OIclS?'
Ask 'your druggist for it. '
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Laxative Drcmo Quinine Tablets. rtLJb
Sven Million hoxt toM in put 13 month. This denature,
Cures Crip
in Two Dayi.
on every
rox. tzs.
are now1 showing the
largest line of House
Furnishings in town.
Carpets, Mattings, "Li
noleums, oiScoths, cur
tains, blinds, &c. A
good table oil cloth 1 1
cts. yard. By the time
your eyes catch this we
will have all our spring
and summer stuffs for
dresses and waists
which we will be glad
to show you.
Shoes for every body
all grades and prices.
Please call.
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Do you want to live where the climate is mild the year round
where labor is never oppressed by stress of weather, and where
animal vitality is never lost by mere conflict with cold?
Do you want to live in a region where the resources are more
varied than in any other equal area in the world, where the division
of great ranches affords a fine opportunity to get a small farm that
will assure you a competence?
Do you want to live where, with a minimum of labor, you can
grow profitable crops of grapes and small fruit, oranges, lemons,
olives, prunes and almonds, alfalfa and grain, where crops are sure,
business is good and capital easily finds profitable investment ?
Then go to California, where both health and opportunity await
your coming.
the Chicago, Union Pacific and
North -Western Line
is the most direct route to the Pacific Coast, and there are two
fast through trains daily via this line, over the famous double
track railway between Chicago and the Missouri River.
Special low round-trip rates are in effect via this line
throughout the summer to various Pacific Coast points, and
colonist low rate one-way tickets will be on sale during Sep
tember and October, which give an unusual chance for settlers
to make the trip at a minimum of expense.
Daily and personally conducted excursions are operated through to San
Francisco, Los Angeles, and Portland without change, on which a double
berth in a Pullman tourist sleeping car from Chicago costs only $7.00, via the
Chicago & ortii-Wcstern, Union Pacific and
Southern Pacific Railways.
W. B. KNISKr.RN, ' '
V. T. M. C. & N.-W. Ry,, Chicago, 111.
PId.k mail Ircc to my bilri, California booMata, map ul full
particular toutnwg raiaa and train uerviia. ,