The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, June 14, 1905, Image 4

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Published Every Thursday.
B. W. PECK, Editor and Proprietor.
JUNE 14, 1905.
Published Weekly. $1.00 per
Annum in Advance.
Per square of lines S timed II M.
Per square each subsequent Insertion.... NO.
All advertisements Inserted for less than
three months charged by tbe square.
8 mm. Omns. 1 yr.
..IIS.OO. I t-jn.oo. I fcWOO
. . 25.00. 40 00. M OO
. .. 40.011. I M OO. 75.00
One-fourth column. ..
One-hair uolumu
One Column
Nothing Inserted for less than II
Prof esslonal Cards one year Ift
Court Proceedings.
Court convened at teu o'clock
a. tn., yesterday with President
Judge Samuel McC. Swope and
associates David A. Nelson and
Wm, Bender on the bench.
Uor ace N. Sipes was admitted
as a practicing attorney.
Petition presented for appoint
ment of guardian of Jessie Logan
Dickson, William Scott Dickson,
and Maria Dickson Alexander.
Thomas F. Sloan appoint guard
ian. Bond $2hX). Approved.
Petition of Thomas K Sloan,
for permission to invest funds of
his wards at 5 per cent.
In case of Virginia M. Edwards
vs. Robert I. Edwards, subpoena
in divorce. Alias sub. allowed.
Commonwealth vs. Russell
Mollott, f. & b. Nol. pros.
Petition for appoiLtmentof two
appraisers in estate of Matthew
M. Pittman to appraise and set
apart property to widow. Adam
Grissinger and John P. Conrad
In re apjwal of the county com
missioners of Fulton county, M.
R. Shaffner, Esq., appointed Mas
ter to take testimony and report
Petition of Ella Gulden, guard
ian of minor of Wm. F. Gulden,
deceased, allowing her to join in
the conveyance of real estate for
the purpose of conveying her
ward's interest in real estate.
Estate of Esther Fisher. Re
port of Auditor, distributing bal
ance in the hands of M. R. Shaff
ner, Esq., executor.
Petition of Jacob Shultz for dis
charge as committee of Morgan
Burton, a lunatic. Order for dis
charge of committee upon his ma
king deed for real estate and pay
ing over the personal estate.
The following accounts were
confirmed :
First and final account of D. A.
Black and D. M. Black adminis
trators of John A. Black, deceas
ed. First and final account of Jen
nie Daniels, administratrix of es
tate of G. Frank Daniels, deceas
ed. First and final account of Jacob
Shultz, committee of Morgan
Burton, a lunatic.
Account of John N. Klein, ad
ministrator of the estate d. b. n.
c. a. of Magdalena Pott. J. N.
Hipes appointed auditor.
First and final account of Real
Estate Trust Company of Phila
delphia, trustee of estate'of John
McKibbin. Exceptions having
been filed, S. W. Kirk, Esq., ap
pointed auditor.
Estate of James Vores, deceas
ed. Appraisement confirmed un
less exceptions be filed within
twenty days.
Petition of Minnie F. Barton
asking order on Wm. F. Barton to
pay money into court for her de
fence and alimony. Order made
that W. F. Barton pay into court
for defence.
Wm. F. Barton vs. Minnie F.
Barton subpoena in divorce. K.
W. Kirk, Eq., appointed Master.
Estate of Susan G. Unger. In
quest approved.
Estate of Eva Eckert and Christ
opher Eckert. Return ot sale of
real estate. Confirmed.
"Estate of John P. Eckert. Pe
tition for inquest awarded.
Estate of Evalino Bivens. Or
der awarded for sale of real es
tate. Bond, in the sum of $1800
Estate of Theodore McGowao.
Petition of S. W. Kirk, Esq., for
permission to invest funds of
ward at a lower rate than 6 per
Estate of Jacob W. Miller, do
ceaod. Widow's appraisement
approved unless exceptions be
filed within 20 days.
First and final account ol E. O.
Cook and J. f.. Grismnger estate
of Mary Grissinger Into of Wells
township deceased confirmed.
The Court refused a new trial
J in the Jacob IX Dcaor vu. Taylor
township case.
In re rule on plaintiff to show
cause why action by Mary B.
Llenry vs. Dr. F. S. Shoemaker
should not bo strickou from the
record. Argued and to be decid
ed at Chambers
In re rule on K. Bottomney to
file testimony in case of Dr. Wm.
F. Trout vs. Merccrsburg Turn
pike Compauy. Made absolute
and attachment awarded if testi
mony is not tiled within ten days.
In matter of rule on Daniel E.
Fore to nhow cause why judgment
of Daniel E. Fore vs. Gporgc
Wiltls, should not ho satisfied, was
argued mid will he decided at
chain hers.
Petition of John Riniiont et al.
to stay execution of Anna Mason
vs. Frank Mason, was presented
and after argument by counsel for
creditors, petitioners were given
l. days to take depositions or rule
to be dismissed.
In the mutter of the exceptions
to report of Frank P. Lynch, Esq.,
auditor appointed to make distri
bution of funds in the hands of
Tilden Bill administrator of John
Hill, deceased, was argued. To
be decided at cliambers.
Court appointed F. M. Taylor,
Harvey Strait and Geo. W. Wag
ner viewers to view, vacate and
locate on other grounds a public
road in Ayr township, near Stout
eagle's mill.
Interesting to Asthma Sufferers.
Daniel Bante, of Otterville,
Iowa, writes, "I have had astuma
for three or four years and have
tried aboutfall ihe cough aud asth
ma cures in the market and have
received treatment from physi
cians in New York and other cit
ies, but got very little benefit un
til I tried Foley's Ilouey and Tar
which gave immediate relief aud
I will never be without it in my
house. 1 sincerely recommend
it to ali. " Sold by all dealers.
They Waste Enough Food to Supply Million
Poor People.
The food supply of New York
is so enormous that though the
rich and well-to-do gorged from
morning to night they simply
could not eat it all, says Cleve
land MoiTet in Success. There
would still remain an abundance
for every one if some way could
be found of distributing the frag
ments. Just consider the figur
es which I have on careful author
ity: New York receives every
week 10,000,000 pounds of dress
ed beef, 12,000,000 pounds of
pork, ham and pig's meat, 1,500,
000 pounds of oultry, 1,000,000
pounds of sausages, 1,000,000
pounds of mutton and lamb, over
2,000,000 pounds of liver, heart,
tripe, etc., over 1,000,000 pounds
of canned meat, 500,000 pounds
of game, and 1,000,000 pounds of
The fragments of this food,
tons and tons of it, are collected
every day and carried off to fat
ten pigs iu Jersey or 'load the
fertilizer scows that ply down the
bay. Every day of the year from
500 to '.100 cartloads of food much
of it perfectly good, are taken
from the homes and hotels of
New York aud simply thrown
away. A million people could live
and live well on this waste if the
problem of collecting and distri
buting it could be solved. And I
suppose any kind-hearted Individ
ual could solve it himself with a
wagon and a little brains !
Oualily vs. Ouanllty.
Hard muscles and strong body
do not depend on the quantity of
food you eat, but on its perfect
digestiouand proper assimilation.
When you take Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure your system gets all the
nouiishment out of all the food
you eat. It digests what you eat
regardless of the condition of the
stomach aud conveys the nutrient
properties to the blood and tis
sues. This builds up and strength
ens the entire system. Kodol
cures indigestion, belching, dy
spepsia, sour stomach, weakheart
etc. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for
what is sometimes called Ameri
ca's national disease dyspepsia
is destined to eventually work
a wonderful and lasting benefit
tosull'ers from this distressing
and mind ha 'fisting , condition
Sild at Trout's drug store.
Daniel's Love for Bundy and i Very Indlg
na"t Client
Mr. Webster's fondness for
brandy gave one of bis important
clients a very bad twenty-four
hours, lie was called to Phila
delphia to defend the Goodyear
rubber patents, and tho head of
tho firm met him at the station.
When they had entered the car
he at once turned to Mr. Webster
aud referrod to one feature of
evidence to bo presented iu the
trial tho following day.
'I speak of it, Mr. Webster,"
he said, "as it lias a peculiarly
important bearing on the case,
and I thought you might not have
understood its significance"
Mr. Webster, who was looking
dreamily out of tho carriage win
dow, was recalled to a conscious
ness of his client's presence, lie
yawned and, settling back again
st the cushions, remarked :
"I have always hoped I might
some day come to Philadelphia,
because I've beeu told that there
is no place in the United States
where they serve liner brandy.
When I came away from Boston
I said to some of my friends,
'Boys, I'm going to find out about
that Philadelphia brandy, and if
1 find that it really is the best I
shall have made a useful trip.' "
Several times Mr Goodyear
tried to draw his distinguished
attorney's attention to the partic
ular point at issue, but he never
seemed to take the slightest in
terest in h. The braudy of Phil
adelphia was apparently the only
topic which interested him, and
he always recurred to it.
Mr. Goodyear left him some
what brusquely at his hotel.
When lie returned to his office
his story was anything but in
spiriting. "We've got a man who
is supposed to be the greatest
lawyer iu the United States, and
tliCionly subject in which betakes
any interest is Philadelpnia bran-J
That night, though, Mr. Web'
ster worked in his room until 2
o'clock, occasioually walking the
l'.oor aud marshaling his case
into battle ariay. His plea the
next day was one of his most im
pressive utterances in its power
aud logic, and the case, involving
hundreds of thousands of dollars
was g:ven to the Goody-ears.
Harper's Weekly.
Turture ol a Preacher.
The story of the torture of Rev
O. D. Moore, pastor of the Bap
tist church, ol Harpers ville, N.Y.,
will interest you. Ho says: "I
suffered agonies, because of aper
sistcnt cough, resulting from the
grip. 1 had to sleep sitting up in
bed. I tried many remedies with
out relief, until I took Dr. King's
New Difcovery for consumption,
coughs and colds, which entirely
cured my cough, and saved me
from consumption." A grand
cure for diseased conditions of
throat aud lungs. At Trout's
drug store; price 50c and sfrl.00,
guaranteed. Trial bottle free.
Corn is growing nicely, but is
much troubled with wire worms,
cut worms and black birds.
Emory Diehl, who had been on
the sick li it, but was better, was
taken worse again last Saturday
necessitating a call from Dr. Fish
er yesterday.
It is reported that the Brush
Creek Chapel near Cry stalSprings
is to be rebuilt in the near fu
ture. Oliver Clevenger and family,
and Sherman Clevenger and fam
ily wore visiting Sunday in Bod
ford county at Will Mellott'sat
which time communion was ad
ministered to Mrs. Uriah Mollott
an aged lady by Rev. J. H, Bar
ney. We are informed that T. R.
Starr of our Valley, and Simon
Deshong of Pleasant Ridge, are
tired of the hills and mountains
of old Fulton and that they start
ed Monday on a trip down to the
Eastern Shore of Maryland and
through Virginia on the lookout
for a good place to 3ettlo. We
wish them success, although
there are lots of places that can
not be compared to "Little Ful
ton" if it can't get a railroad.
Cards are out announcing the
marriage of Watson O. Piessinger
of Whips Cove, to Miss Flora
Smith of Emmaville, on Wednes
day, 15th. We wish thorn sue
cess on tho matrimonial sea of
trouble, and h i their frailfwrk
will be able to ateer chvir of reefs
aud land thwn ate in a litMo cot
tage all tU'ir owu.
Under-selling Store.
We have just received a fihe lot of Mid-Summer Hat, latent styles.
If you want to know the latest styles come to our store and getthein.
Ladles' Ready Trimmed Hats from 50 cents to tlO. Children's Hats
from 25 cents to $2. Ready-to-Wear Hats and Turbans la all col
ors. Ladies' Dress Bonnets from $1 to $.'1.50. Sunbonnets 10 and
15 cents. Wrappers 75 cents, Shirt-waist Suits tl.35 to C1.75. Shirt
Waists (10 cents to 12.25. PulT, Back and Side Combs 12 cents and
up. Ribbons in all shades at the lowest prices. Belts from 10 to
50 cents; Laces 2o to 25c a yard; Corsots and Collars; Ladies Gauze
Vests 5 cents; Infunt's Hose 7 cents Fancy Hat Pins, Collars or
Fans, with every hat.
Come and see our goods and get prices. You are welcome
whether yon buy or not.
Your's respectfully,
Opposite Postoffice.
in all branches of Buggies,
Carriages, Spring IVagons,
New work on Applica
tion. Aaron Steele,
McConnellsburg, I'a.
Shop on Old Heikns Stand oppo
site Court House.
Falling Top
both Factory and Handmade from
$35 to $85
Large stock on hand all the time
to select from.
Hustontown, Pa.
Do You Want I Suit ?
One that fits you, that will look gen
teel, that will wear and wear and wear,
und at a price very much lower than
you have been accustomed to pay ? If
so, you want to see Gilbert C. Mellott,
one of the Xovmal students bore, who
has the agency for one of the largest
tailoring establishments In the United
States. Mr. Mellott will show you
samples, take your measure just as
well as any tailor, send In your order,
and he guarantees tho suit to be all
right or you need not take it. At
least, it will not cost you anything to
see him and talk the matter over. Ills
prices are surprisingly low. Let him
know aud he will call to see you.
Gilbert C. Mellott.
It. McConnellsburg, Pa.
Monument Unveiling.
On Saturday, June 17th, the
General Albright G. A. R. Post
will uavoil a monument in the
Saltillo cemetery, erected In hon
or of 23 men who left that locality
for war and never returned.
Speakers from a distance have
been secured to make addresses,
and a program of special merit
will be executed. Everybody
cordially invited to attend.
, A Vanke Trick.
It was at tho second battle of
Bull Run that a cannon ball car
ried off a poor soldier's leg.
"Carry me to tho rear!" he
cried to a tall Yankee companion
who had been lightning by his
The Yankee caught the wound
ed soldier up, and as he was about
to put him across his shoulders,
another cannon ball carried away
the poor fellow's head. The Yan
kee, however, in the confusion,
did not notice this, but proceeded
with his burden to the rear.
"What are you carrying that
thinK for ?" cried an oflicer.
"Thing !" returned the Yankee,
"its a man with his log shot off."
"Why ho hasn't any head!"
cried the officer.
Tho Yankee looked at Ins load
aud for the first time saw that
what the oflicer said was true.
Throwing down the body, he
thundered out.
"Confound him ! he told me it
was his leg."
Bo CuLtlt SSynrn. Tuu Cx4.
Mm tm Ium, Sott ty Oaf flats.
Cure. Cold! FrevenU Pneumonia .
When in need of Millinery
Goods don't fail to call at An
nie K. Dawney's, Hustontown,
You can And what you want
either in Ready-to-Wear Hats,
Pattern Hats, or Untrimmcd
Hats, and at prices that are
We will not be undersold. -
We have a few salable hats
such as Ready-to-Wear, and
Untrimmed left over from last
season, that will go at and be
low cost.
Hats that were sold last sea
son at 2.5o, now $1.50. Wehave
them at prices ranging from 50
cents to $1.50.
A fine lot of all kinds will
bo here by April 20th.
Come ad see us. We can
save you money.
Thanking tho public tor past
patronage, I am,
Very respectfully,
Hustontown, Pa.
ton. tho coufh and sala
Nearly opposite Cooper House
Is better prepared than ever be
fore to furnish our farmers with
and one of the best
Corn Plows
in use. Repairs for all kinds of
'Mowers and Binders, Sections for
all kinds of Binders and Mowers
, cheaper than ever.
AWAY, away, down this year.
Machine Oil from 20c to 5a per
Falling-Top Buggies
Runabout Buggies,
Stick Wagons, &o. Also Garden
Tools of all kinds.
If you want to Bave money you
will call on
low) Spin s,i Oakdik St., riillailelphlit, Pa.
re the most fatal of all dis
eases. Cm CY'O IDKEY CURE In
or money refunded. Contains
remedies recognized bv emi
nent physicians as the best for
Kidney and Bladder troubles,
pfuc KbtMiiSjoa.
For sale at Trout's drug store
n. A. Deavor and one of his
boys were down at the sawmill
the other day, and their attention
was directed t a copperhead
snake. This they dispatched,
and looking around they found
others and kept up the work of
slaughter until six large ones had
been killed.
I Covers the Field.
In every part of the
County faithful re
porters ire located
that gather the daily
Then there is the
State and National,
News, War News, a
Department for the
Farmer and Mechan
ic, Latest Fashions
for the Ladies. The
latest New York, Bal
timore, Philadelphia
Markets. The Sun
day School Lesson,
Helps for Christian
Enaeavorers, and a
Good Sermon for ev
' erybody.
CARDS, &c,
X In fact anything and
everything in the best
t style along that line.
I Sample copies of
the News sent to any
I of your friends cn
t request.
TIME TABLK May 28, 1905.
Leave no. -i no 4 no. a; no. K no. 10 no
'k.u tA.M tA.II tP.M p.H
WinuheatKr 1 Hi .... 2 ui a so
Murtlnxburir 8 15 it 47 7 14
HitKemtown .... 0 4-.' M ui I'! 1" 8 SM1 K (10 10 10
'Jreeuoustlo .... 03 lil 12 M 8 .V) U tj U 30
MnruerHbuiif K oo 10 Ho 8 Ofi ....
Cuuinbei-HburK.. 7 ifliTijllfi I Oo'TiW tl 45" i"o54
Wuynesboro 1 Ool 11! (XI 8 15....
Slilppenxburg... 1 40 10 05 1 so Ifii 9 ml II 16
Newviiie 8 07 io ax I mi ft m n si
Ui.1 lisle 8 tM 10 41 8 00 5 9 45 li! 02
Mechtiulusburg,. 8 40 II Oft fin ft 5:1 10 07 li! i
Oillsburu 10 Co ft ijo
Arr, Uurrlhburg. II Oft II V0 2 3A 0 10 10 2ft 12 10
Arr. I'hllu II 4K 8 17 ft 47 8 50 4 t.i 4 1
Arr. New York. 2 03 ft ft:t 8 OH II 7 18 7 13
Arr Baltimore.. 12 15 8 II 8 00 9 4H li ISO T 16
H. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. A U. A M
Truln No. 12 east runs dally exuept Sunday
between HKemtown aud Hurrlxburir, leavinil
Haventown 1.U6 and arrlvlnir at Harrlaburs at
Additional eust-bound local trains will run
dally, except Sunday, us follows: Leave
Carlisle 7.06 a. m., 12.80 p.m. 8.16 p.m., leave
MealiunlOHburii 6.51 a in., 7.2U a. m 12.62 p. m.,
;i.3t) p. ui.' Leave Ullsburg 6.86 a. m., 10.00 a.
in., ft.20 p. m..
Train Num. 2, 8 aud 1 10 run dally between Ha
gerHtown and Harrlaburtf.
t Dally except Sunday.
no. lino. 3 1 no. oino. Vino. 91 100
New York
ShlppeuH )urg...
Cliauibersburg. .
Meruersburg.. .
(ireenuastle ....
Ar. Wlnuheutor.
A. H
4 41
II 66
A. U
8 66
4 86i
12 00
8 65
II 40
8 80
6 66
8 80
II Oft
II 23
11 42
12 02
12 18
12 38
12 ft8
1 16
I 65
II 40:
ft 00
12 10
4 3ft
7 60
2 66
;6 80
8 40
11 45
12 OH
8 25
4 oe
8 41
4 Hi
8 45
8 Oil
H 2K
8 25
ft l
8 43
6 40
8 01
8 20
12 24
9 Ol
9 24
8 4M
M 4H
1 Oil
t 00
I 80
8 10
4 Io
9 OH
io m
9 20
10 80
4 80
ft IH
ft 00
ft 63
ft 21
6 41
8 24
7 10
P. u.
9 4
8 15
1 05
7 6
8 81
9 'A
9 Ml
10 84
10 20
10 SH
11 40
10 46
A. U
Train No. 17 west runs daily exoept Sunday
between Hurrlsburg and HuKcrNtown, leav
ing Hurrlsburg at 6.15 p.m. and arrlvlug at Ha
gurslowu at 7.67 p. m.
Additional looal trains will leave Harrlsburg
as follows: For Carlisle and Intermediate sta
tions al 9.87 a. m.. 2.00 p. tu. and 6.30 p. m., also
forMeohanlesburg. Ulllnburg and Intermediate
uullonsat 7 80 a. m., 8.10 p. in. and tt 80 p. ni. -
Tralus Nos. 1,8 and 109 run dally between
Harrlaburv and Hag-ei-stowo.
Pullman palace sleeping can, between Nev.
York aud Knoivllle, Term., on trains I wem
und 110 east and between i'hlladelph a anl
Welsh ou N. A W. Hallway on trains lot west
aud 12 eunt, except that on Sunday tne l'talla
litlphla sleeper will run east ou No. 2.
Through coaches to and from Philadelphia
ou tralus and 4 east and 7 and 9 west.
t Dally exoept Sunday.
Pas. Pus. Mix. I Pas. Mix. Pai.
W ,63 Ml I4 tod ton
P. M am am Arr. am a u p. m,
6 05 9 44 t 66 Chambcrsburg.. 8 45 11 60 8 65
ft HI 9 6(1 7 14 Marlou 88 II 82 1 41
ft 63 10 80 8 16 ..Merueraburg.. 8 00 10 80 lift
13 10 6H 8 60 Ivjudon 7 88 9 42 2 43
8 20 11 06 9 06 ....Richmond.... 7 80 9 80 2 86
M.lA. M A. U. A, M. A. M. P. M.
Vice Pies. & (Jen. Supt. Sunt.
H. A. K1UULK. Cien. Pans. Agent.
DelVltt's M Oalvo
For Pilot, Burnt, Sore
KILLthi cough
and CURE thi LUNC8
Dr. King'
Nov Discovery
0UGHS and EOo L CI nn
I0LDS Frt Trial.
8 urea t aud Quickest Our for all
First class
Tonsorial Artist,
McCONNKI.l.sniJKO, PA. '
A Clean Cup and Towel with each Shave.
Kverythlng Antiseptic.
Kaiors Sterilised.
tSr8hop In room lately occupied by Kd Drake
Tonsorial Attist.
Strictly up to date In all styles of hair cut
tlnir. Oulck, eav shavps. Iliiv-rum, Creams-Witch-hazel,
without extra chnrite. Fresh
towel to each customer. Latent Improved up,
paratus for Htcrllllng tools. Parlors opposite
Fulton House.
Attorney at Law,
Office on Square,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
All lc(ral business and collections entrusted
will ecelve careful and prompt attention.
Prkshytkrian. Kev. W. A. West,
D. D.. PaHtor. PreachlriL' services
each alternate Subbuth at 10:.'!0 a. m.
apd every Sunday evening at 7:00.
Services at Green Hill on alternate
Sabbaths at 10:30 a. m. Sabbath
school at 9:15. lunior Christian Kn
deavor at 2:00. Christian Endeavor
at 6:00. Prayer meeting Wednesday
evening at 7:00.
Metuoiust episcopal Kev. J. V.
Adams, Pastor. Sunday School
at 0:30 a. m. Preaching every other
Sunday morning at 10:30 and every
Sunday evening at 7:00. Kpworth
League at B:00 p. m. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening at 7:00.
United Presbyterian Kev. J. L.
Grove, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:30
a. m. Preaching every Sunday morn
ing at 10:30, and every other Sunday
evening at7:00. The alternate Sabbath
evenings are UHed by the Young Peo-
Fle's Christian Union at 7:00 p. m.
'rayer meeting Wednesday evening
at 7:00.
l!.VANOr'.f.ioAu lA'THKRAN Kev. A.
G. Wolf, Pastor. Sunday school 0:13
a. m. Preaching every other Sunday
morning at 10:30 and every other Sun
day evening at 7:00. Christian En
deavor at 6:00 p. m. Prayer meeting
on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
Rkkokmkd Kev. C. M. Smith, Pas
tor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.
Prcitching on alternate Sabbaths at
10:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Christian
Endeavor ut 0:00 p. in. Prayer meet- '
Ing on Wednesday evening at 7:00.
The first term of the Courts of Ful
ton county In the year shall commence
on tho Tuesday following the second
Monday of January, at 10 o'clock a. m.
Tho second term commences on the
third Monday of March, ut 2 o'clock
p. m.
The third term on the Tuesday next
following the second Monday of June,
at 10 o'clock a. m.
The fourth term on the first Monday
f October, at 2 o'clock p. m.
Justice of the Peace Thomas F.
Sloan, L. H. WiUe.
Constable John If. Doyle.
Burgess II. W. Scott.
Courrcilnien 1). T. Fields, Leonard
Hohman, Samuel 15ender,M. W. Nace.
Clerk William Hull.
High Constable Wm.Huumgardncr.
School Directors A. U. Nace. John
A. Irwin, Thomas F. Sloan, F. M.
Taylor, John Comorer, C. B. Stevens.
President Judge Hon. S.Mc. Swope.
Associate Judges David Nelson. W.
II. Bender.
Prothonotary, Ac Geo. A. Harris.
District Attorney--George B. Dan
iels. Treasurer A. C. Luuver.
Sheriff J. G. Alexander.
Deputy Sheriff W. H. Nesbit.
Jury Commissioners Simon Desh
ong, Bennett A, Truax.
Auditors W. C. Davis, Geo. W.'
Glenn, J. A Myers.
Commissioners S. D. Mellott, Geo.
Slgel, and H. P. Palmer.
Clerk Frank Henry.
County Surveyor A. J. Fore.
County Superintendent Charles E
Attorneys W Scott Alexander, J.
Kelson Sipes, Thomas F. Sloan, F.
McN. Johnston, M. H. Shaffner, Geo.
B. Daniels, John P. Sipes, S. W.
Odd Fellows M'Connellsburg Lodge
No. 744 meets every Friday evening In
tne Comerer Building In McConnells
burg. Fort Littleton Lodge No. 484 meets
every Saturday evening In the Cromer
building at Fort Littleton.
Wells Valley Lodge No. 007 meets
every Saturday evening in Odd Fel
lows' Hall at Wells Tannery.
Harrisonvllle Lodge No. 701 meets
every Saturday evening in Odd Fel
lows' Hall at Harrlsouvlllo.
Wntni-fall T...rlira Mr. 971 ' manlii
. - - - h v. . . ' vo ev
ery Saturday evening In Odd Fellows'
U..11 . Aiir 1 1 ill..
i-it.j nu vv ubui'iuix ivjuiB.
Warfordsburg Lodge'No. 601 meets
In Warfordsburg every Saturday
King Post G. A. P.. No. 305 meets In
McConnellsburg In Odd Fellows' Hall
the Brst Saturday In every month at 1
p. m.
Koval Arcanum, Tusoarora Council, .
No. 121, meets on alternate Monday
evenings In P. O. S. of A. Hall, in
Washington Camp No 407, P, O. 8.
A., of New Orenadameets every Sat
urday evening in P. O. S. of A. Hall.
Washington Camp, No. 664, P. O.S.
of A., Hustontown, meets every Satur.
urday evening in P. O. S. of A. Hall.
John Q. Taylor Post O. A. H., No.
Ml), meets every Saturday, on or just
preceding full moon In Lashley hall,
at 2 p. m., at Buck Valley.
Woman's Relief Corps, No. 80
meets at same date and place at 4 p.m.
Gen. D. B. McKibbin Post No. 402,
G. A. S., meets the second and fourth
Htiturdays In each month at n
i , :
The Fulton Conctj Wm.