The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, June 07, 1905, Image 8

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    Farmers Want More Education.
(Continued (mm nnt pe.)
how ol tbeluture. It is through
jiKit .UK. Ii Uicrlio HikI l nlcr
ideas are inculcated and spread.
Education is fur the purpose of
enabling a man to support liim
.self, and the education which is
the right of every mau should be
sufficiont to tit a man to support
himself aud two dependent per
sons. The Farmers' Institute is a
school of practical science, aud it
is a school of high grade. While
it does not take up a regular and
exhaustive course of instruction,
points out to farmers the sources
whence they can obtain informa
tion on desired subjects, to cause
the farmer to think and to inspire
him with inspiration for his pro
fession. The Farmers' Institute is a
need of the present day. So long
as good soil could be had for a
few dollars an acre, when insect
enemies were few and not dan
gerous, and when rural life was
simple aud free from perplexing
questions, there, was little need
for study or research. To-day
all these things are changed and
the agricultural question i.s com
ing to be a serious one.
The Farmers' institute is prac
tical. It teaches a man'how to
discover an unprofitable cow. It
teaches him how to secure a cheap
and well balanced ration, for the
successful production ol the dai
ry products most desired. It
teciches how to cultivate the soil
what methods should be followed
and why these methods are best.
It teaches how to spray the insect
pests, what to use and when to
apply the solution. How to breed
his stock for special purposes.
It comes to the man in need,
cheers and encourages him, en
abling him to help himself and to
conquer the obstacles in his
The institute also teaches a
man not to despise his calling.
It presents agriculture in its true
aspect, as one of the learned pro
fessions, and keeps him from
holding it up to his children in a
disparagiug light.
When a man stops studying his
profession he has passed the dead
line. It makes no difference
whether he be sixty or forty, and
it is a province of the Institute to
wake such a man up, show him
his danger and impress upon him
the necessity for closer thought
and gradually leaven the whole
of his life.
While a man ought to regard
public service as a duty the man
who, while owning a hundred
acre farm cannot live without
public office lias not much in
The ruin of the ancient coun
tries was brought about by the
absorption of the people of the
great cities and the deterioration
ol the people in these cities, and
the only salvation for any country
lies in the education of the rural
people that they n.ay intelligent
ly direct the affairs of the land.
The United States Government
recognizes the value of the farm
ers Institutes by establishing,
recently, a bureau of Normal In
stitutes, for the purpose of ex
perimentation and for collecting
statistics regarding what has
bem and is being done in the ex
perimental stations of the nation.
This is but one of the many de
partments of the National De
partment of Agriculture which
lias done aud is doing so much
for the farmers of the nation.
Prof. Hamilton claimed that the
average farmer reads only the
family Bible, the weekly market
reports, and in times of preat ex
citement the political party. He
is too tired at the close of the day
to read and he gradually drops
into a rut, working in a mechani
cal, unthinking manner. It is to
foster and to encourage education
and to impress the necessity for
education aud intelligence on the
partpf farmers that these insti
tutes are conducted, and they
ought to receive the support and
encoui'ageinent of every public
spirited citizen.
DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve
penetrates the pores of the skin,
and by jts antiseptic, rubifocient
and healing influence it subdues
inflammation and cures boils.cuts,
eczema, tetter, ring worm and all
skin diseases. A specific for blind
bleediDg, itching and protruding
piles. The original and genuine
Witch Hazel Salve is made by E.
C. DeWitt & Co., and sold by
Trout's, the druggist
Rogcri the Photographer
Will be at Malloy's studio, Mc
Connellsburg, during the week
beginning Juno 50th. Comoaud
bring the family.
The Overland Limited to California
lea es Union Passenger Station,
Chicago, 0:05 P. M. daily, arrives
San Francisco the third day in
timefordinner. Koute Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway,
Union Pacific and Southern Pacif
ic Line. All ticket Agents sell
via this route. Ask them to do
Handsome book, description of
California, sent for six cents tks
tage. F. A. Miller, General Pas
senger Agent, Chicago, or W S.
Howell, .'M Broadway, New York.
K. A. G ray, J. P., Oakviile, Ind ,
writes, "For ten years I was
contiucd to my bed with discaso
of my kidneys, it was so severe
that I could not move part of the
time. I cousulted the very best
medical skill available, but could
get no relief until Foley's Kidney
Cure was recommended to me.
It has been a Godsend tome."
Sold by all dealers.
Rev. Whitraeu aud wife spent
last week at Concord, Pa.
Myrtle Locke of Locksvalley,
spent a few days last week in our
Kate Watters aud MiunieSpeck
visited the former's sister, Mrs.
Lucy Ham bright at Lewistowu,
last week. '
Jennie Speck made a flying trip
to Chambersburg last Wednes
day. Dr. Stewart of Dry Kun, was
in our town last Tuesday and
Wednesday doing dental work.
K. C. McGowan made a busi
ness trip to Saltillo and Three
Springs last Saturday.
Lloyd Wagner of Bridgeport,
Pa., visited friends at Burnt Ca
bins last week.
If you have kidney or bladder
trouble and do not use Foley's
Kidney Cure, you will have only
yourself to blame for results, as
it positively cures all forms of
kidney and bladder diseases.
Sold by all dealers.
Mrs. Morgan Deshong is on the
sick list.
Among those who visited Mrs.
Morgan Deshong were Mrs.'.Har
riet Mellott, of Kiddlesburg; Dav
id Kline and wife, Mrs. Elizabeth
Morton aud daughter Frances.
Janet aud Mary Deshong, Mrs.
F. II. Shives and daughter and
grandson, spent Sunday with
Mrs. Sarah Funk. ,
James A. Mellott is one of the
happiest men in Licking Creek
township, he is singing "O, Pat
rick, moind the baby. It's a
Isaac Lay ton bought a nice
young horse from Morgan Desh
ong. Mrs. Lizzie Brumbaugh spent
Sunday with .James A. - Mellott
and wife.
Geo. Bradnick aud wife visited
thelatter's pareuts, Christopher
Deshong and wife.
Millions rush in mad chase aft
er health from one extreme of
faddism to another, when, if they
would only eat good food and keep
their bowels regular with Dr.
King's New Life Pills, their trou
ble away. Prompt relief and
quick cure for liver and stomach
trouble. jc at Trout's drug
store; guaranteed.
Mrs. Ruth W. Swope and son
Howard, of Licking Creek town
ship, went over to Foltz last Fri
day and spent the time until
Tuesday morning in the home of
Mrs. Swope's daughter, Mrs. S.
L. Bedford. They returned
home Tuesday, accompanied by
Mrs. Austin Swope, who had
neen spending a week with Mrs.
Bedford, and who expects to re
turn to her horns in Pittsburg
next week.
It is a fearful fate to have to en
dure the terrible torture of piles.
"I can truthfully say,' writes
Harry Colson, of Masonville, la.,
"that for blind, bleeding, itchiiig
and protruding piles, Buckler. 's
Arnica Saliva Is tno best cure
made." Also best !or cuts, burns
and injunos. 25c at Trout's drug
Valuable Farm Property
At Private Sale.
The Emanuel Sharpe farm
at Nccdmorc, Fullou county,
Pa., is uow offered for sale. This
desirable property contains about
1 60 acres, about 1ih of which
is under fence aud in high state
of cultivation, much of it having
been recently limed. The bal
ance in timber. The improve
ments consist of a nne two-story
"L" frame house, a large bank
barn, wagoushed, corncrib, ice
house, and all other necessary
outbuildings. Good water at
the door, also a plentiful supply
of water at the barn where
stock may be watered all through
the winter without the necessity
of taking thomlrom uuder roof,
as the whole barnyard is covered.
On the farm is a splendid
young orchard of choice
fruit. The buildiugs are all
wwand modern. Tno farm
lies nice for cultivation, the build
iugs splendidly located, and alto
gether it is most desirable and
can be bought right.
For further particulars, callou
or address, James R. Sharpe,
Dott. Pa., or the owner, Eman
uel Sharpe, Bigtimber, Mon
tana. Desirable Real Estate
at Public Sale.
The undersigned, agent for
the owner, will sell at private sale
the followiug desirable real es
tate, situate in Tod township,
Fulton county, Penna., H mile
north of McConnellsburg, adjoin
ing lands of Fred Gress, Abram
Pittman, SnatTer's Heirs, George
Brant, aud others, containing
Twenty Acres, all under fen;e,
and in good state of cultivation.
The improvements are a good
Two-Story Log House, and
Bank Barn, together with nec
essary outbuildings. There is
also on the premises A Fine Or
chard of All Kinds o f Fruit,
and a spring of Never Failing
f rater Near the House. This
is an attractive opportunity 'for
auy one wanting a small farm,
aud a desirable country home,
the price is very reasonable,
and the terms easy. For furth
er particulars, call on or address
John Shaiuvkk,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
3-1 7-t5.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine
Tablets. All druggists refund
the mouey if it fails to cure. E.
W. Grove's signature is on each
box. -c
Meeting of Stockholders.
Notice is hereby given that a
meeting of the Stockholders of
the Fulton Telephone Company
will be held at Need more on Sat
urday, Juuo 10, l'JU'vat i o'clock
p. in., f r the election of oflieers
aud the transaction of such other
business as may be brought be
fore the meeting.
J. S. SwAinzvt:i.i)icu, M. D.
Itching, blind, bleeding or pro
truding piles. Druggists refund
money if Pazo Ointment fails to
cure any case, no matter of how
long standing, in (i to 14 days.
First application gives ease and
rest. 50c. If your druggisthasn't
it send 50c in stamps and it will
be forwarded post-paid by Paris
Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo.
Cards ot Thanks.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Summers
wish, through the columns of the
News, to thank their friends and
ueighbors for the many acts ol
kindness during the illness and
death of the latter's father, Mr.
Noah Mellott. Mrs. Summers
says that the family record shows
that Mr. Mellott was aged GO
years, 9 mouths, and H days.
Mrs. Daisy Pittman desires in
this way to express her heart
felt gratitude to the many kind
friends, who did so much during
the sickness of her husband,
Matthe v M. Pittman, to add to
his comfort, and to the lightening
of the burdens incident to the be
For coughs, croup, whooping
cough, etc., One Minute Cough
Cure is the children's favorite.
This is because it contains no op
late, is perfectly har miens, tastes
good and cures. Sold at Trout's
drug store.
StrlkJngly Attractive
May Millinery
This buRlnon hat flourished and grown great because It hat been
built, on the firm foundation ot worthy merchandise aud close profits.
Our Millinery Leadership is very Pronounced
, You'll find here, ready-to-wear and tailored hats, trimmed hats,
"chic" and stylish, originally designed by our special expert milliner.
This is the second season we have given our patrons the benefit of an
exclusive city modiste. Our millinery has won undisputed prestige
for our store.
Hundreds of Hats
All prices, trimmed and untrimmed, In stock. Children's hats, baby
bonnets, caps and cloaks, gorgeous flowers, beautiful foliage, elcgent
plumes and ribbons, unequaled In quality and splender, ready for
your Inspection and selection.
This is the Strongest Lace Season Known for
Many Years.
We have therefore prepared for you a tempting assortment of at
tractive patterns in Valenciennes, English laces, German laces, Vonlse
and Orlentol, all-over laoes, black, white and cream, at surprisingly
low prices.
We Call Your Attention
to the folly of tending to the big city houses for goods you could
buy at homo for less money. Your trade belongs to us, and you will
find on our counters a line of amart dress fabrics unrivaled by any
T. J. WIENER, Hancock, Md,
Kntire new stock 190", Banner Patterns.
Rouss Racket Store
We wish to call your attention to some fresh goods
just from New York. Have you seen any of those
45c shirts for men that we are selling: at 25c.
Wood stair rods, 4c; Brass Curtain Rods extends
to 5 ft., 8c; Hammocks good size with pillow, 80c;
Don't fail to see our men's and boys' clothing
52.00 to 2.75; Table oil cloth same quality we sold
at 15c now Ilea yard; bargent's wood bottom planes
30c a set; Sargent iron planes. 4.45 set; Cultivator
Shovel with bolts, 8c; Bull tongs, 13c; Clipper scy
the and snath, $1.05; double shovels for corn plows
12 and 17c; Milk cans, $1.65 and $1.80. The nicest
lap spread we ever had, 45c; Horse Muzzles, 5 and
8c; Dress suit cases, 98c; a guaranteed Watch ior
65c. Just received our second invoice of men's and
boys' straw hats 6 to 90c; Paris Green in 1-4 lb
boxes. 5c.
We are selling more shoes this spring than we
ever have. If we didn't have the right shoes and ihe
right prices we wouldn't sell so many.
Racket Store,
Register and Clerk's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the following
numed uccounluniK have tiled their iicoountH
in the Ketdster und Clerks ortlce of Fulton
oounty. Pa., uud thut the Hume will be nreKent
ed to the Orphans' Court of said uouutv for
onuUrmatiuu ou the Tuesduy following the ?nd i
Moufiay or j ii ue next ueiiiK the l.un day.
1. First and Itnul aeeount of The Heal Entute
Trust Company of Philadelphia Trustee of es
tate of Juhn MuKiobin lute u minor.
i. First and llual aooount of Jennie DanleU,
administratrix of the estate of (J. Frank Dan
iels, late of Licking ('reek township deceased.
X The aeeouut of John N. Klein, udmlnlh
trator d. b. 11. e. t. a. of Mr. Magduleue Poll
lute of Ayr township, deceased.
4. First and final aeeount of O. K. Cook and
J. I.. Grlssiuer administrator of the estate of
Mary CirissiiiKer late ol Wells township, de
ceased. ft. First und final aeeount of D. A. and D. M.
liluek administrators of the est alt of John A.
Black lute ol Taylor township, deceased,
ttetrister'n Ortlce. t GKO. A. HARMS,
May 17, 100ft. f UetfUter.
Notice to Tax-Payers.
The Tx-i:iyem of Fulton county are hereby
untitled that 1 will meet them at the fallowing
tlnii'M and placet, In the diMnct named, tor the
mirpoHr of reeelvinif the State, County and Uo
I'axnt fur Hit) year ltfufi, vii:
ThtirHday, June 1, at Hiram P. O., hi Ta)lor
towimhtp, trom 7 to 8 a, m,
Wells Thursday, Juno 1, at Wells Tannery,
from 1 to 3 p in. at New Grenada from 4 to
p. iu.
Taylor Friday, June 'i. at Waterfall from 6
toTXta. m.. atlMihlln Ml I In truiu 9 to a.
iu., a Clear UtdKufiom II to 12.00 m., and
at Hutontown trom '2 .00 to 4 p. m.
Dublin Katurday, June 3, at Kurnt Cabin
ntripouk's Hotel from iu a. iu. to lii m.t at Fort
Littleton, from 'i to AMt p. at., and at Knob
vIIIm, Saturday, June 3, In Tod tuwuahip at
Haiumd'n Hi ore from ft to 0 p, m.
Tod Monday, Jnue ft, at the Treasurer's Of
flee, MeConnelUburg from U a. m. to 12 in.
McComielltfburtf. - Monday, June 5, at the
Treasurer's otHce, Irom 2 to ft p. in.
Hrufih Creek Wmlnnmlay, June I, at Altera
ville from tu 10 a. in., at Lynch' store from
10 30 to 1 1.30 u. m. at Kuimavllle from ) 30fo2.30
p.m., at John PlenMinicer'N more from 4 toft p. in.
and at Abner Mellull's from 6.30 to 7 p. in.
l'n ion Thursday, June 8, at A umrunth,
fiom t to 9 a. in., at Serlevers 8 to re trom
lo to 11 30 a. m., and at Lavhley's store, from 1.30
to 3 p. in.
Bethel- Friday. June 9, at Wartordburg,
from 7 to lo a- m., at Franklin Mlllsfrom 11 a,
iu., to 12 ui., aud at J 'oil from 230 to 4.30 p. in.
He Has t Saturday, June 10, at Xeidmore,
from a. 30 to II a. m., at Joneph W. Lake's store
from 1.30 tt 8 p. m.
Thompson. Monday, June 12, at Plum
Kun, from 10 a. ru., to 12 I at Amos Hilary's
store, from 2.30 to 4 p. iu. TueNday, June 12, at
U.J. Mellott' store (lietu, P. O.) iu lieltast
township, from 7 to a, a. ui.
Ayr Tuesday, June 13, at Big Cove Tan
nwn , from 9 to It a. iu., aud at Webster Mills,
from I to 3 p. in.
Licking Creek Wednesday, June 14, at Ha
lnvl Irom 9 tu U a. in-, and at llarrisouvlUe
from 1 to 3 p. m., and at Joseph B. Mellott's
store at AndOTer, from 4 tod p. iu.
All rsons apartng at the respective plaoei
to pay their Uhi will tie allowed a reduction of
II vs per cent If Taxes are not paid ou
or before July 2Mb the duplicate will be put
Into the hands of a J ustice of the Peaee In each
towmdilp, fureolleot(on,all parties then owing
will be required to pay the full Tax charged on
dupllcute, and fees allowed by law for collecting
d.ihts. The rate Is ft mills
MCKNHKH All persons who are auhject to
Mercantile or Mamiiaoturers' License are re
quested tu meet me above times aud places,
asl am compelled bv law to bring suit on all un
paid Licenses by J uly 10, next.
April 26, IfMtfl. , County Treasurer.
tsa tfe aougb anal bU lug,
Subscribe for the News.
Adminisrator's Notice.
Letters of udnilolstnuloi) od the extiue nf
JuiMih V, Miller, lute Uuhllu township Kiiltiio
eouniv. i'u., aeeeuseu, iiuvidk neen itritut
edbv the Kexisteruf VVIDh for Fullmi eoimiv
to the subscriber, whose postoftloe udtlress in
bhirleyKljurK. Peunsylvaniu, ull persons
who ure Indebted to the said estate win please
uiuKe puymeni, una uiose ouviiik cluiins v. ill
preseui luem to
W. 8. MILJ.KR,
Muy 24. 1905. Administrator.
Prothonotary's Notice.
Notice In hereby vWen that the follow In
namiMl Henoiintaiita lotve Hied their account In
III. Prothunotary'. Office and that the .sine will
be preivnted to ihe Court of Common Pleas of
rulton County. Penna., on Tuesday foilowlng
ancuiiu Aiuuuuy 01 uune ruxi(Deing Mill liutt.)
First and final account of Juoob Hhultz
committee of Morxau Hurton a lunatic, lute of
uetnei township, now deceased,
Prolh'y'a Office, I OKO. A. HAltltIS,
May 16, IMH. Protlionutary,
ftrakUdrmmt tmfm, urm. jr ajafataa
Do You Want a Suit?
One that flt8 you, that will look gen
teel, that will wear and wear and wear,
and at a price very much lower thun
you have been accUHtomed to pay Jf
so, you want to see Gilbert C. Mello't,
one of the Normal students here, who
nan the agency for one of the largest
tailoring establishments In the United
States. Mr. Mellott will show you
gamples, take your measure just as
well as any tailor, send in your order,
and he guarantees the suit to be all
right or you need not take it. At
least, it will not cost you anything to
see him and talk the matter over. His
prices are surprisingly low. Let him
know and he will call to see you.
Gilhkkt C. Mellott. '
H. McConnellsburg, I'u.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between
the undersigned has boon this day dis
solved by mutual consent, and that
each will hereafter do business on his
own account, and neither will be re
sponsible tor any financial obligations
assumed by the other.
Jacob Cjxuhkii,
O. K. Clouskh,
May 20, liMifl. Ayr township,
3t. Fulton County, I'u.
One Minute Cough Cure
For Coughs. Cold and Croup.
For Sale at Trout' dru itore.
"Ask for the 1905
6 Buildings Filled With
the Best Bargains
on Earth !
I have just got a car of Mijfflinburg Hand-made
Buggies and H agons Hand-made Buggies, 18
Spokes, 4-Bow Top, Long-distance Axle, Full
Nickel Trimmed,
$65 Each;
Hand-made, 3 -Sea ted Top IVagons, 18 Spoke
$80; Regular Price $110,
Factory Buggies $45 to $55 each. Single or
Double Driving Harness at a Bargain. One
horse Farm IVagon, Double Bed, Spring-Seat
and Brake
$34; Regular Price $45.
I have just bought a car load of Deering Bin
ders, Mowers. Rakes, and Twine. Write me
for Prices and Terms.
for Sale. Those wh o used our high grade fer
tilizers last fall and used them beside goods
they got from other dealers, report that our
goods is showing up much better than theirs.
IVe are still selling the same grade as last fall.
No Resacked Goods
to be got from me. Everything fresh and new.
Write or phone to me yo'ir needs.
Three Springs. Fa.
Under-selling Store.
We have just received a fine lot of Mid-Summer Hats, latest styles,
If you want to know the latent stylos come to our btore and get them.
Ladies' Ready Trimmed lints from 50 cents to $10. -Children's Hats
from 25 cents to 82. Ueiidy-to-Weur Hats and Turbans in all col
ors. Ladies' Dress Bonnets Irom 1 to :t.5(). Sunbounets 10 and
15 cents. Wrappers 7" cents, Shirt-waist Suits $1.35 to $1.7;"). Shirt
Waists tiO cents to 2.2"). I'utr, fiuek md Side Combs 12 cents and'
up. Hibbons in all shades at the lowest prices. Belts from 10 to
SO cents; Laces 2c to 2."e a yard; Corsets and Collars; Ladies Gauze
VeBts 5 cents; Infant's Hose 7 cents Fancy Hat l'lns, Collars or
Fans, with every hat.
Come and sen our goods and get prices. You are welcome,
whether you buy or not.
Your's respectfully,
Opposite I'ostoffice.
Read This Twice
Star Trading Stamps Given,
Fix It on Your Memory,
It is interesting to know "that"
$12.95 buys an Oak bedroom suit.
$12.95 buys a Parlor suit.
$ 2.95 buys an Enamel Iron Bed
full size.
QI buysaVelourcovered
U,VO Couch
A postal will bring you un illustrated ctrculur. It you on
prices. Complete line of Furniture, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloth,
Lace Curtains, Shades, etc. " '
Star Trading
Closo to
Tk. 11.00 3 tw, Mtlu, which Mllt for COemU,
1 It. C. D.WITT As CHMDINV nun . -
Kodol Almanac and 200 Year Calendar."
Regular Price $85.
tumps given.
E. Miller'
East Market Street,
' I f f CI,