The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, May 31, 1905, Image 5

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    -f -r-:
Of Local and General Intercut, Gathered
at Home or Clipped from our
Mrs. Diana Bare of Maddens'
ville, is visiting her brother, Dr.
Madden of Altoona.
Foley's Honey and Tar is pecul
iarly adapted for asthma, bron
hitis and hoarseness. Sold by
all dealers.
David Ashton of Maddensvillc,
left Saturday to visit his sister,
Mrs. Annie Woolett, who resided
at Fort Littleton a few years ago.
Mrs. Mary Cuff and .Nora Wat
son are spending this week at the
home of the former's father,
IJenry Caution near Mercers
burg. You never heard of any one us
ing Foley's Iloney and Tar and
cnot being satisfied. Sold by al
Whene'er you feel impending ill,
And need a magic little pill,
No other one will fill the bill,
Like DeWitt'sLittleEarly Risers.
The famous little pills "early
RisEits"curo constipation, sick
headache, biliousness, etc.
They never gripe or sicken, but
impart early rising energy. Good
for either children or adults. J.
C. P. Jones, Chief Burgess, Miles
burg Borough, Pa., says: "I nev
er used pills in my family during
the forty years of housekeeping,
fiat gave such satisfactory re
sults as DeWitt's Little Early Ris
ers " Sold at Trout's drug store.
"What do you know about the
prisoner ?" asked the judge. "I
don't know nothm' 'bout him,
jedge, only he's bigoted." "Big
oted, "said hishoaor. "Yes, sah."
"What do you mean by "bigot
ed?" "Well, jedge," explained
the witness, "he knows too much
foh one niggah and not nuff fob.
Administered to Russia by Japan Sun
day and Monday.
Man't Unreasonableness
is often as great as woman's. But
Thos. S. Austin, Mgr., of the Re
publican, of Leavenworth, lad.,
was not unreasonable, when he
refused to allo v the doctors to
operate on his wife, for female
trouble, "Instead," he says, "We
concluded to try Electric Bitters.
My wife was then so sick, she
could hardly leave her bed, and
live (5) physicians had failed to re
lieve her. After taking Electric
Bitters, she was perfectly cured,
and can now perform all her house
nold duties." Guaranteed at
Trout's drug store, price 50c.
Always Take Time.
Take time to breathe a morn
ing prayer, asking God to keep
you from evil, -and use you for
His glory during the day.
Take time to be pleasant. A
bright smile or a pleasant word
falls like a sumbeam upon the
hearts ot those around us.
Take time to be polite. A gen
tle "I thank you," "If you
please," "Excuse me," etc., even
to an inferior, is no compromise
of dignity, and you know
"True politeness is to say
The kindest things in the kind
way." (
Take time to be patient with
children. Patience and kindness
will open a way for good influence
over almost any child.
Take- time to be thoughtful
about the aged. Respect gray
hairs even if they crown the head
of a beggar.
says it cured
mended it to others,
Japan has virtually brought to
an end the war In tho Far East by
administering a crushing defeat
to the Russian Navy in tho Ko
rean Straits.
The fighting is still in progress
Togo pursuing his scattered and
demoralized enemy after one of
the most notable and decisive na
val battles of history. Tho Rus
sian loss at tho end of the Sunday
fighting was fourteen vessels
sunk and five captured. In tho
former list are three of the Czar's
newest and best battleships and
in thelatter three more first class
Rear Admiral Nebogatoff has
been taken prisoner, with about
3000 other Russians. It is re
ported, seemingly on good author
ity, that Vice Admiral Rojestven
sky was lost, with his flagship,
the Kniaz Suvaroff.
The Japanese escaped with
trilling damage' to their. larger
fighting ships, while their abso
lute losses seem to be contiued to
the list announced yesterday
one cruiser and ten torpedo boats.
Japan has won the supremacy
of the sea in the Far East, per
haps for all time. European di
plomats agree that Russia can
never defeat the Japanese nation
on land or sea, aud the opinion is
general that peace will quickly
follow in the wake of the terrible
naval duel now coming to a con
clusion in the Korean Straits.
A Lesson in health.
Healthy kidneys filter the im
purities from the blood, and un
less they do this good health is
impossible. Foley's Kidney Cure
makes sound kidneys aud will
positively cure all forms of kid
ney and bladder disease, It
strengthens the whole system.
Sold by all dealers.
James R. Sharpe, president of
the Fulton County Fire Insurance
Company, was in town a night
last week. "Jim" is one of Beth
el's hustlers, and any organiza
tion backed by such men as he
must certainly be O. K.
Nettie Ranck is teaching an
eight-weeks' term of summer
school at this place for primary
Clarence Seville,' photographer
of McConnellsburg has pitched
his tent in this town and is doing
business in an up-to-date man
ner. The P. O. S. of A. have secured
Claude T. Renoof Allentown, Pa.,
as one of the speakers for the big
4th of July celebration to be held
in this place. As an orator and
speaker he is surpassed by few
in eastern Pennsylvania.
"Col Spangler 's" western show
gave two exhibitions in this placo
last-Monday, and we have this to
say of the show : It was well
worth the Drice of admission.
M. L. Kirk and force ot paint
ers gave the new M. E. parsonage
its initial coat one day last week.
Strictly (ienuloe, 1
Most of the patent medicine
testimonials are probably genu
ine. The following notice recent
ly appeared in the Atchison (Kan.)
Globe: "Joe Tack, a well known
engineer, running on the Missou
ri Pacific between Wichita and
Aiowa, lately appeared in a big
one, with a picture, and when he
was in this office to-day, we ask
ed him about it. He says he had
terrific pains in his stomach, and
thought he had cancer. His drug
gist recommended Kodol and he
him. He recom-
who were
also cured." Kodol Dyspepsia
cure digests what you eat and
cures all stomach troubles. Just
as surely as the sun shines your
stomach can be brought back to
its originally pure condition and
life sweetened by this lasting f.nd
truly the greatest digesUnt
kuown. Sold at Trout's drug
are the most fatal of all diseases.
1 1)1X1 0 Suartatnd Rioedy
or money refunded. Contains
remedies recognized by emi
nent physicians as the Best for
Kidney and Bladder troubles.
, PRICK 50c. aaJSIXO.
For sale at Trout's drug store
LADIES Franco's!
- . . i . . .
?wt ?s tit f-ciyt w w tMX
Safe, Quick, Reliable Regulator
Htiparlor f n other rentedlea amri at high prtcM.
(hire) KUftrunlud. Bilt'C'nitwfully URt-tl ly over
'-VIOO.OOO Wimn.ii. Hrti'ft, t.t Ceiita.druf
KUU ur hy mail. TuaiilnonUU A ImiokIhL trtw.
nr. LaVraoco, . , fblladelplila,
Mac Mellott and wife of Need
uioro, spfnt Suudny with tho lat
ler'a father, Silas M org rot.
J. H. Cnvalt is sjwndinj? a few
wooks vis'tiug fiien.U in Chicago
and vicinity. 1
1. M. Peck, agent for tho Amor
ican Wall Paper Company, return
ed from a business trip to Pitts
burg last week.
H. W. Hatfield loRt a valimhln
horse last week.
Ellis Peck and Albert Wink vis
ited Ward Baruhart hst Sunday.
Our hustling supervisor, John
Troxel, is repairing the roads in
this vicinity.
The Oakley Sunday school will
observe "Children's Day" Sun
day, June 18th at 10 o'clock a. m.
tto-v") the coutih and heala lunga
Jos. Fisher and Mrs. Jacob
llesfi visited Alfred Peck and tarn
ily last Saturday.
W. G. Peck spent last Sunday
ith his part-tils, Alfred Peck and
A. W. Fisher spent last Sunday
with FJ. H. Peck.
A Mellott was through this vi
cinity last week buying up cows.
Edith Mellott was spending a"
few days with her sister Mrs.
Logue Hess.
Itching, blind, bleeding or pro
truding piles. Druggists refund
money if Pazo Ointment fails to
cure any case, no matter of how
long standing, in 0 to 14 days.
First application gives ease and
rest. 50c. If your druggisthasn't
it send 50c in stamps and it will
be forwarded post-paid by Paris
Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo.
Stylish and
We have just received a new lot of fino dress and ready-to-wear
hats, and believe we can offer you the most Stylish and I'p-to-date
Hats (or the money.
Those are conceptions that will please you. Some designs
are exact copies of the leading Paris Styles. Every hat is made'
of dependable materials, embodying excellent workmanship and
they are moderately priced.
They are here, for your inspection. Come, and see thera
We have a lino of Infants' caps from 2.1c up to $1.35 each. Baby
Hats 50c, 75c. and tl.OO. Ladies Collars 10, 15, X, 25 and 60c;
I.udioB Collar and Cuff sets 25 and 50 cents; Iluehiiig for collars
15 anil 50 cents a yd; China Silk 50 cents a yard.
Lena E3. LeucJig,
Hustontown, Fei.
More News for May.
Have you seen our display of clothing- for men and
boys yet? It will do your heart good to see them,
even it you are not needing a suit. A full suit ot black
diagonal tor 2.40 ready to put on and wear. A mix
ed cassimere suit for 4.00, and a heavy strong busi
ness suit, 5.
A Clean Up Sale
of boys light all wool summer suits, worth 3.50 for
$2. A pretty summer suit for young man (coat and
pants) and pants with turn-up bottoms for 5.50.
The largest line of pretty pants for summer wear.
Tempting offerings in Dry Goods a fixed principle at
this house.
There are four things that we want you to know
about our underwear: 1, That they are attractive. 2,
That they are well made. 3, That the materials are
worthy, and, 4, That they are lower priced than such
goods are usually sold at.
Remember not once in a while but all the time,
we sell the "same goods for less money."
I'm truly
McConnellsburg, Pa.
11110 ii ai umujumuDii i g
- II
50 tons feed and flour on hand. Pure grain ehop, 91.35;
Kj Brand, 1.25; Flour, 1.25 to 1.(I0. One carload of
j Alif flinburg Spring Wagons
and Buggies
f Wagons H0 to M8. Busies (18, ty
W One car York A Grade Buggies 18 spokes, rivets rim,
(Spj leather cu.shions, dust-proof box, bracer on shaft, full fvj
CJJ rubber top-4-bow, 15. . PJj
JJ 1 car of Beaver Sprlugs hand iimde Farm Wagous,
'tf finely painted, long hound, round coupling pole, steel
Cj V skein, $55, $05, $08, and $75. 3
W. Standard Fertilizers 00. Standard Bone and I'ot- j$
W ash-fU.50. l ean supply you with fertilizers any time nK
from April 1st, to November 1st. J5J
C. E. Starr,
For 75 years the favorite family medicine for throat and lungs. VOIClj?
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take LoXfttlVC DrCIT.O Quinine Tellcts. C (V'L
ieven MUlloa taxes told In put 13 montht. TtiS fcl.'tare,
Cmt Crip
Id Two Days,
ca every NJiSBlT
orljr opposite Cooper Itounc
is better prepared than ever be
fore to furnish our farmers with
and one of the best
Corn Plows
in use. Repairs for all kinds of
Mowera and Binders, Sections for
all kinds of Binders and Mowers
cheaper than ever.
AVVAV, AWAY, down this year.
Machine Oil from 20c to 5ln per
Falling-Top Buggies
Runabout Buggies,
Stick Wapons, Ac. Also Garden
Tools of all kinds.
If you want to save money you
will call on
??.fr;.Mi,VI.r'!la'"''.- ". "k nrucsiit for
Mold mrulllo bon-B, avitlnl with bltm ribbon.
Krfuar 4annrruua ull.
lonand Imltatloni. Iluv of I)
Or M.II.1 4... In n.miu in u . i ' ... . . 1
a-Malal and - Krlirf for,'.." i tr,
f. . -. leauuiutiiKts. bold by
OHICRHMTKn nHnwtnii. n.
ala MautUoa Nquarc, I'll I LA- PA.
JtrUB yapar.
Why ha our More becu visited by people far and near ?
Why has our trade been prowini; every day ?
Why do people continue to trade with us after once buying
from lis f
Ask the man who bus been dealing with us these questions
and he will tell you without hesit ntlon ihat we have what the peo
ple want and that our prices are lower than others.
Tls a fact Unit we are in Crum's store but we have made so
many ehanj; in the line of (foods curried thnt yot would scarce
ly know the place.
We are not afraid to quote prices for fear of being under
sold. Here's a few prices.
8 pounds rice 25 cents.
7 pounds good prunes " 25 cents.
8 cakes Star soap 25 cents.
16 pounds granulated sugar $1 '.OO
4 cans corn 25 cents.
Totm Talk Tobacco a plug 25 cents.
5c s nokjng tobacco, package 3 cents.
5 gcllOK of oil GO cents.
140 pounds sack of salt GO cents.
Lancaster Giugham, a yard 6 cents.
Machine Thread, a spool 4 cents.
Lawn 5 cents a yd up.
Calico 4 cents a yd up.
Laces cent a yd up.
We cannott name you prices on all our goods but we assure
you that you will say this is the bargain store of Huntingdon
county if you will give us a trial.
Harry E. Huston,
Crum Store, Saltillo, Pa.
.is the people's paper.
$1.00 a Year in Advance.
are now showing the
largest line of House
Furnishings in town.
Carpets, Mattings, Li
noleums,oil cloths, cur
tains, blinds, &c. A
good table oil cloth 1 1
cts. yard. By the time
yourjeyes cac hthis we
will have all our spring
and summer stuffs for
dresses and waists
which we will be glad
to show you.
Shoes for everybody
all grades and prices.
Please call.
McConnellsburg, Pa.
for tkMrkt . tfUM. ' w