The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, May 24, 1905, Image 8

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    ! VJMf9S!Sfimmi9)!Jf.l Iff!1-!1. .LiJ .. -.
I i fd ii m m mi n , ., ., i . i. ip.
. m " "
' J. E. Lyou, of West Dublin, was
in ton Moada.
The largest line of nobby straw
hats tt J. K. Johnston's.
Mrs. L. II. Youse sjnmt Mon
day with friends at Mercersburg.
Foley's Honey and Tar contains
uo opiates and can safely be given
to children.
Vou can buy a watch guaran
teed for 1 year for 75c. at J. K.
Tlio Crystal Springs camp
meeting will open August l'.th
and continue ten days.
Take your Wool, Butter and
Kggs to Huston's at Saltillo and
you will go home with bargains.
This is a g vl time to sub
scribe lor the Fulton County
Nkivs. Only a dollar a year in ad
John Shaffer was at Mercers
burg on business, Monday, and
while there, he purchased a fine
You will be well dressed if you
buy that Suit for Decoration Day
of lluston, at Saltillo. They fit
and please.
Miss Myrtle Stouteagle, of East
Water street, is spending a couple
of weeks with her sister. Mrs. W.
S. Warthiu, in the Cove.
Last Saturday, K. S. Wible sold
his house and two lots in the
Magsam Extension to S. K. Pitt
mau, of this place.
The annual Memorial Sermon
will be preached in the M. E.
church in this place next Sunday
morning at 10:30 o'clock by Kev.
J. V. Adams.
Salt, (50c. a sack; 10 lbs. Gran.
Sugar 1.00; Tibs. Prunes 2:c.;
4 Cans Corn 2"c; lbs. Kice 2:c,
at the store of lluston, the bar
gain man at Saltillo.
Uev. A. G. B. Powers, of Need
more, will conduct song service
at Bedford Chapel M. E. church,
rear Sideling Hill postofliee, Sun
day night, May i'sth, at m o'clock.
All are invited to attend.
John G.Smith, a Cumberland
Valley railroad passenger brake
man, who was asleep two miles
away trom the explosion and rail
road wreck near Harrisburg, was
thrown out of bed by the shock.
A frost hereon last Saturday
night did a good deal of mischief
to eafly garden vegetables. What
was peculiar, was the fact that in
some gardens beans, tomatoes,
and corn were entirely destroyed
while in adjoining lots, not a thiug
was injured.
Mrs. frank Little, of Hancock,
who had gone to Baltimore for
treatment a few days before, died
in that city ou Wednesday of last
week. The remains of the de
ceased were brought to Hancock
and interment was made in the
Catholic cemetery. Mrs. Little
was a Miss Euglish before mar
riage, and is survived by her hus
band and seven childreu.
cried Hannah Plant, of Little liock,
Ark., "for the relief I got from
Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It cured
my fearful runniug sores, winch
nothing else would heal, aud from
which I had suffered for 5 years. "
It is a marvelous healer for cuts,
burus and wounds. Guaranteed
at Trout's drug store; 2oc.
Ella Lake, who is employed in
McConnellsburg at the Fulton
House, spent Sunday at the home
of her father, Jonas Lake.
D. T. Humbert, of Thompson
township, candidate for associate
Judge, was in this vicinity last
Friday. We think he would be
all right.
John Mum ma lost a cow and a
horse by death not long ago.
Koy Cromwell, near Maddens
villo, spent Sundav. in this vicin
ity. AdaKeeder spent Sunday at
M. L. Laidig and niece, Sarah
Clevenger, spent Sunday with
rolativ'os in Trough Creek Valley,
Huntingdon county.
Persons aftiicted with Piles
should be careful at this season
of the year. Hot weather and
bad drinking water contribute to
the conditions which make piles
more painful and dangerous. De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve stops
the pain, draws out the soreness
and cures, (jet the genuine,
bearing the name of E. C. De
Witt & Co. Sold atTrout's drug
Desirable Real Estate
at Public Sate,
The undersigned, aent for
the owner, will sell at private sale
the following desirable real es
tate, situate in Tod township,
Fulton county, Penna., U mile
north of McConnellsburg, adjoin
ing hinds of Fred Gross, Abram
Pittmau, Shaffer's Heirs, George
Brant, and others, containing
Twenty Acres, all under fon;e,
ami in good state of cultivation.
The improvements are a good
Two-Story Log House, and
Bank Barn, together with nec
essary outbuildings. There is
also on the premises A Fine Or
chard of All Kinds of Fruit,
and a spring of Never Failing
Water Near the House. This
is an attractive opportunity for
any one wanting a small farm,
and a desirable country home,
the price is very reasonable,
and the terms easy. For furth
er particulars, call on or address
John Siiakti:u,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
o-17 t.").
One MinuteCough Cureis right
on time when in comes to curing
coughs croup, whooping cough,
etc. It is perfectly harmless,
pleasant to take aud is the chil
dren's favorite cough syrup.
Sold at Trout's drug store.
Quite a number of our folks at
tended the baptismal services in
Buck Valley last Sunday.
Ira Smith was the guest of
Miss Ora Lay ton lasl Saturday.
Our merchant at Locust Grove
is doing a good busiuess. Our
farmers will do well by calling on
Howard for their twine for the
coining harvest.
Ourfiieud, W. H. Spade, of
Altoona, is spending a few days
with us, after which he will go to
Pittsburg, where he has obtain
ed employment at s:;.."0u day of
eight hours. Mr. Soade expects
j to make the Smoky. City his fu
i ture home.
II you will make inquiry it will
be a revelation to you how many
succumb to kidney or bladder
troubles in one form or another.
If the patient is not beyond medi
cal aid, Foley's Kidney Cure will
cure. It never disappoints. Sold
by all dealers.
The New Insurance Company.
The Fulton County Mutual Fire
Insurance Company now have
their charter, and have received
from their printers, all their sup
plies of policies, application
blanks and other stationery, nec
essary for the transaction ol bus
iness, and theoflicersare as busy
as nailers placing agents and re
ceiving applications from those
who wish to go in on the ground
Our neighboring counties have
local companies for their home
protection, and there is no reason
why FulUm should be less enter
prising. Policies ia the new company
will go into effect on and after
the lirst ot June.
Uo Vou Want a Suit ?
One that lils you, tbut will look gn-tf-el,
Hint will wear ami wour und w-ar,
ami at a prire very much lower thun
you have hern to pay 'f If
o, you want to Gilbert C. .Mello'.t,
one ot the Normal students here, who
has the agency for one of the largest
tailoring establishments In the I'niU.'d
States. Mr. Mellott will show you
sample.-., lake your measure juHt as
well us any tailor, semi in your order,
and he guarunlees the suit to be all
riyht or you need not take it. At
least, it will not cost you anything to
see him and talk the' matter over. His
prices are surprisiiiu'ly low. Ijel him
know and lie will call to see you.
Cn.uKUT C.
It. MeCoiinell.sburjf, l'a.
Clouser Hess.
At the Lutheran parsonage in
this place, on Tuesday, May l(i,
1'JOj, Kev. A. G. Wolf united in
marri'ige Mr. Jacob Clouser and
Mrs. Margaret C. Hess, both of
Avr township, this county.
Itching, blind, bleeding or pro
truding piles. Druggists refund
money If Pazo Ointment fails to
cure any case, no matter of how
long standing, in (5 to 14 days.
First application gives ease and
rest. 50c. If your druggisthasn't
it send 50c in stamps and it will
be forwarded post-paid by Pans
Medicine Co., St Louis, Mo.
Register and Clerk's Notice.
V.-tlrf -.i tT"t- ci-n thr.t the following
named iiocomtuni havf fl'ed thir hccoun's
In the KckImt und clerk's olllce of Pulton
oountj-. V'a.. nod 'but the same liU'- pr'jr.t
etl to the Orphunv Court ot Raid ocnmTT lor
eoiillrtnatluD on the Tue-nla? fuiluTvlrip the -(Jtl
ftlotnlny ot .luue next telnir the i:ith 1.
I. First nnd tlnul nccuiint of The Rrul F.stnte
Trust Company ot Philutlelphift Trustee of es
tate of .lohn McKll.bin lute u minor.
J. First nnd tlnnl Heeount ill .tennle iMinlcl.
nclniluisiriii rlx of the esinte of O. r'rnk IHin
lets, Ime ot LlektnK Creek township deeensed.
H The seeoimt of John A. Kerlln. ndmlnlit
trntor it. n. n. e. I. it. of Mrs. Miu.Mnlene Pott
hMe of Ayr lowrHlup, deeeasecl.
I. r1rt nmt dual iieeount of o. I', t 'not, and
.1, T.. Oiissintter mini! ulsirutors of tin- estuie of
Mitry UrlsMlnuer litte of Wells township, de
eeiied. First, nnd flnul iieooimt of !. A. and O. M.
Itlttek iiilininisti-Hlors of the est ute of John A.
Mlitek lute ol Tuylor township, deeeitsed,
IteiMsler s Olllee. I ijKO. A. H A RltlS.
.Mn 17, l!v. i llenMer.
Prothonotary's Notice.
Notice h herehv given that the following
naniisl Mflromitimtn have lllpd their Recount In
th I'rotlionotarv OMiee and tlett the fame will
he presented to the Court of Common Plea of
Kiitron County, IVmi., on Tuesday following
necond Monday of . I one next liulng t;ltli Inct.)
First and final iieeonnt of .liienn Sliult.?
eMiiiinilit-e of Miiivaii Hurtoii 11 lunatle, title of
Helhel township, now deeeased.
ProthVn Orlloe, J C.KO. A. HAKIMS,
May 1,", , li'C.l j l'rutliunotary.
Notiee in liereb.y given tlittt tny wife
Mutildu F. Uiiu'ilollar lius left my
bed and board without just cause, and
that 1 will pay no deljU of her ciid
traetinjr. .Iamf.s H. UlNF.INll.l.AK.
May 1.1. l!H)5.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between
the undersigned has been this day dis
solved by mutual consent, and that
each will hereafter do business on his
own account, and neither will be re
sponsible for any financial obligations
assumed by the other.
J acoii Ci.orsF.R,
r.. E. Cuh-skk,
May 20, lmC). Ayr township,
lit. Fulton County, Pa.
Take Laxative Bromo Quiuiue
Tablets. All druggists refund
the money if it fails to cure. E.
W. G row's signature is on each
box. oc
Profit in Both Light and Water.
The annual statement of the
finances of the borough of Cham
bersburg, shows that the elec
tric light plant is the largest
scurce of income which the bor
ough has, instead of being a sink
hole into which the prolit of the
other departments are poured.
During the past year the water
department gave the borough a
profit of over 5,000 and the light
department a profit of over 9,000.
Answer: It is made from a
prescription of a leading Chicago
physician, and one of the most
eminent in the country. The in
gredients are the purest that
money can buy, and are scientifi
cally combined to get their ut
most value. Sold by all dealers.
James Peck and wife visited
lienry Trott Sunday.
Robert Mellott, wife and son,
Garthwaste, visited his parents
last Sunday.
Among those who visited Mrs.
David Lynch last Sunday, were,
Uiddis Lynch and wife, Will Biv
ens, wife and daughter; IZobert
Mellott and wife, Jacob Clouser
and wife, and Nellie Hess.
David Strait and wife, of Hus
tontown, spent Saturday and
Suuday with his sister, Mrs.
Robert Mellott, and family.
Elmer Clouser and Daisy Shaw
attended May meeting Sunday.
Mrs. Robert Mellott, Mary
Shives and Mrs. Johu Waltz, vis
ited Oliver Peek's one day last
Rev. Ahunaaz Mellott will
preach at Laurel Ridge next Sun
day at 10 o'clock.
A. A. Ilerren of Finch, Ark.,
writes, "Foley's Honey and Tar
is the best preparation forcoughs,
colds and lung trouble. I know
that it has cured consumption in
the first stages."
Meeting of Stockholder.
Notice is hereby given that a
mooting of the Stockholders of
the Fulton Telephone Compiny
will be held at Needmore on Sat
urday, June 10, 1905, at 1 o'clock
p. m., f ir the election of officers
aud the transaction of such other
business as may be brought be
fore the meeting.
At Mrs. A. F. Little's
you will find a nice lot of raid
summer hats which have just ar
rived from the city, at bargains.
A nice hat pin with each lady's
hat, and a fan or a doll with each
child's hat for one week,
Store opposite postofliee,
Strikingly Attractive
May Millinery
This business has flourished and grown great because It has been
built on the firm foundation of worthy merchandise and close profits.
Our Millinery Leadership is very Pronounced
You'll find hero, ready-to-wear and tailored hats, trimmed hats,
"cltic." and stylish, originally designed by our special expert milliner.
This Is the second season we have glvon our patrons the benefit of an
exclusive city modlsto. Our millinery has won undisputed prestige
for our store.
Hundreds of Hots
All prices, trimmed and untrimmed, in stock. Children's hats, baby
bonnets, caps and cloaks, gorgeous flowers, beautiful foliage, elegent
Illumes rtnd ribbons, unncjualed in quality and splender, ready for
your inspection and selection.
This is the Strongest Lace Season Known for
Many Years.
We have therefore prepared for you a tempting assortment of at
tractive patternn In Valonclennos, English laces, German laces, Venlso
and Orlentol, all-over lnees, black, white and cream, at surprisingly
low prices.
We Call Your Attention
to the folly of sending to the big city houses for goods you could
buy at home for less money. Your trade belongs to us, and you will
find ou our counters a lino of smart dress fabrics unrivaled by any
T. J. WIENER, Hancock, Md.
Entire new stock lilO'i Banner Patterns.
Under-selling Store.
We have just received a fine lot of Mid-Summer Hats, latost styles.
' If you want to know the latest styles come to our store and get them.
Ladies' Heady Trimmed Hats from 50 cents to tlO. Children's Hats
from 25 cents to $2. Ready-to-Wear Hats and Turbans In all col
ors. Ladies' Dress Bonnets from 81 to $:t.G(. Sunbonnets 10 and
15 cents. Wrappers 75 cents, Shirt-waist Stilts $1.35 to $1.75. Shirt
Waists fiO cents to 2.25. Puff, Hack and Side Combs 12 cents and
up. Jtibbons in ull shades at the lowest prices. Helts from 10 to
50 cents; hiw.ea 2c to 25c a yard; Corsets and Collars; Ladies Gauze
Vests 5 cents; Infant's Hose 7 cents Fancy Hat Pins, Collars or
Fans, with every hat.
Come and see our goods
whether you buy or not.
Your's respectfully,
Opposite Postoffice.'
We handle the best
Corsets that is made
and in the lst styles.
It is the Armorslde,
at 8!ic. Also 25, 3H,
and 45o ones.
Housecleaning Time
20Hi building paper 50c roll.
30Mi building paper 75c roll.
Bachelor manure forks 4fc.
Poultry wire 3 to 7c a yd.
Garden rakes 15 to 22c.
Steel shovels 48o.
Floor oil cloth lite,
Best grade floor oil cloth 24o.
4 boxes carpet tacks 5o.
Matting tacks lc.
Horse shoe pincers 25 and 55c.
Shoeing hahimers 25c.
Horse rasps 10 to 24c.
Curry Combs 5 to Mio.
Thanking you for
the Increase In our
business, we are
Felt window shades 8c.
Oil shades fringed 23c.
50c shades for 35c.
White curtain poles 8c.
Brass rods 8c.
Lace curtains 24 yd 39c.
Lace curtains 3 aud 3 yd
long for 63c to 91.
Notice to Tax-Payers.
The Tax-puyers of Kulton county are h ore by
notilieil tlmt 1 will meet them t the following
tiiiifit ttinl pUcuit, lu Ihe UiHtnctn named, lor the
purport ot receiving the State, County and Do
Taxes for the veur 1005, vie;
Thui-Htlfiy, Juno 1, at Hiram P. O., In Taj lor
towiuuip, from 1 to 8 a. m.
Welli ThurHday, June 1, at Woll Tannery,
from 1 to 'S i m. at New lirenaila from 4 to H.'M
p. m.
Taylor. Friday , June 2. at Waterfall from 0
to 7. 0 a. in., at Dublin Mill ironi f to lu.OV a
in., ut Clear Kidge from 11 Ut 12.00 in., aud
at HuNtontown Iroiu 2,00 to 4 p. m.
Dublin. Saturday, June 3, at Burnt Cabin,
atttnuuk'H Hoi el I roio lu k. in. to !2 ui., at Kort
Liukuton, from 'J to ;O0 p. hi., and at kunb
ville, Saturday, Juno 3, tn Tod township at
il am mi l' More from 5 to 6 p. m.
Tod. Monday, .June A, at the Treunurer'a Of-rt-.e,
MuConnalltiburg from a. m. to 12 in
McConnellsburg. Monday, June 0, at the
Treasurer utttco, from ii to 6 p. m.
HriiHb Creek. Wednesday, 11111101, at A kern
vtlle from l.Hu to 10 a, m., at Lynch '1 More from
lu.;u) to 1 1 -Ml a. m. at Kiumavllle from I 30 to 2.HU
p.m., at John Plomiliiuer'ii utore from -t to ft p. m.
and at Abuer Mttllutt'n from 6.'W to 7 p. m.
I'lilon. Thursday, June 8, ut Amaranth,
from H to a. in., at heilovera' Store from
10 to 11.30 a. m., aud at Lafhley'mitore, from 1.30
to 3 p. m.
Htliei-Friday. June V, at Wartordflburg,
from 7 to 10 a. iu., at iTraitkllu MIU freui 11 a,
iu., to 12 m., ami at Ito.t from to 4.30 p. in.
Belt'uHt, Saturday, Juno 10, at Neidmore,
fruiu 1 :iD to 11a. iu., at Joseph W. Lake's etora
from 1-30 to a p. m.
Thompson. Monday, June 111, at Plum
Itun, from 10 a. 111., to 12 m aud at Amos Sharpe'i
tlont, from 2.30 to 4 p. m. Tuesday, Juue 12, at
(J.J. Mellott' Atom (Uem, P.O.) In He I last
township, from 7 to 8, a. iu,
Ayr Tuesday, Juue 13, at Illy Cove Tan
ner , from 9 to 11 a. ui., auO at Webster Mills,
from 1 to 3 p. m.
Licking Creek. -.Wednesday, June 14, at 8a
luvla from It to 11 a. m., and at Harrlsonvllle
from 1 to 3 p. iu., and at Joseph 11. Mellott'
store at Andover, from 4 to 0 p. ni.
All persons appearing at the respective placet
to pay their taxes will mj allowed a reduction of
or before J11W 2fttu the duplicates will l put
Into the bands of a Justin of the Peace In each
township, lor collection; all parties then owing
will be required to pay the full Tax cbargrd on
duplltsato, and lues allowed by law fur collecting
dehl. The rate Is 6 nulls
LICKNHKH, -All persons who are subject to
Mercantile or Manufacturers' Llcens are re
quenUHlto iuH me at the above tiroes and places,
as 1 am 00 milled by law to bring suit on all un
paid Lteeunus by J uly 10, iwxt.
A. O. LaI'VKR,
April DO, 1001. County Treasurer.
per cent, if Taxes are not na
Subscritx tor Uio Wb.
nnd get prices. You are welcome
We have any thing
you may want. Chil
dren's suits from 75c
to 2.25; youths, $2.25
to $4.25; men's, $2.40
to $7.75.
Meat saws
20 to 75c,
foot rules
1 in., brass band rules 28c.
3x3 In , steel but hinges ,05c.
Mattings 10, 12 to 20c.
V e have just added to our stock a
nice line of Lancuster gins-hams ut He
a yard. Have you seen any of that
1-4 unbleached muslin that we arc sell
ing at 7o yd. Compare it with what
you have been paying 8c.
Red table damask 23c; white 23c.
Wo now have our men's summer un
derwear, and it Is fine, men's double
seat drawers 23c; Balbriggnn drawers
and shirt 4,'lc.
wejusi received a new
Bhoe for children and
misses with a low heel
that we think is hard to
beat, 0 to 8 G.'lc; fU to 12
75c; 12 to 2 90c'
See onr line of shoes.
Adminisrator's Notice.
..rruicn, m OIHII I DISl Til HOfl Oil the estate Of
Jttoolt v. Miller, lata Diibllu township. Kulton
..'uu.T. ucucficii, nuvinir neen Ki'uut
eilhy the KeKlHlerof WIIIh for Kulton county,
to tnu huoNorllier. whose postortloe uiidre Is
Buineymiurif. r ennsylvania, all pemou.
wuo urn imioiuen to tne suld emmo will please
mBke payment, und those hnvlnif clu'uuwlll
present tUem to
w W. 8. MII.I.KK,
Mivy ii. 1805. Administrator.
' kk or ugroit i.kknsk-n.iiIob is
hereby nlven that Hurry Huuill li Hied his pe-
.itmu wii.ii nie cierK 01 me t;otirtM ox virter
Hesslou o the Peaon of Kulton c: jnnlv, Pu
usklnif Him mild Court to transfer the l.lquur grunted ( M1I W. Sevlitr on .hiuuu
ry 1J, at Mel.'oiiiiellHlnin-'. I'll., in liei'in
Ap-I! I, I'.tOft. for the remainder of the venr.
Aud that applleatlon for said Iruusler a III be
K resented to l lie sulci Court on the sjotli (uy 0f
lay, A. D., IDofc. at lOo'eloek A. M.
Clerk's (Hllee, I UKO. A. II A IIHIS
May 10. f Clerk, i;. S.
far ehildtuni j-ift. jurm. ftn ,
Administrator's Notice.
Notiee t nureny i;ivnn tliut let turn or admin
istration have been Kiunted tothe tinderslKued
upon the estate of Harry Cutehall late of
I aylor townslilp, Kulton oountv, Po deeeas
ed. All persons havlnx cluluis against .aid es
tate wilt present them properly autlienlleated
fur settlement, and those uwluu the nuniu will
please call und settle.
Cler KUtce, I'a.,
--ofi. Atlnilulstrator,
One Minute Cough Cure
For Coughs, Colds ami Croup.
par Sale at Trout's dru store.
"Ask for the 1905
6 Buildings Filled With
the Best Bargains
on Earth I
I have just got a car of Mifllinburg Hand-made
Buggies and H agons Hand-made Buggies, 18
Spokes, 4 -Bow Top, Long-distance Axle, Full
Nickel Trimmed,
$65 Each;
Regular Price $85.
Hand-made, 3 -Seated Top IVagons, 18 Spoke
$80; Regular Price $110.
Factory Buggies $45 to $55 each. Single or
Double Driving Harness at a Bargain. One
horse Farm IVagon, Double Bed, Spring-Seat
and Brake
$34; Regular Price $45.
1 have just bought a car load of Deering Bin
ders, Mowers, Rakes, and Twine. Write me
for Prices and Terms.
for Sale. Those who used our high grade fer
tilizers last fall and used them beside goods
they got from other dealers, report that our
goods is showing up much better than theirs.
We are still selling the same grade as last fall. -
No Resacked Goods
to be got from me. Everything fresh and new.
Write or phone to me your needs.
Three Springs. Fei.
5 '
I Spring Business
is on the boom now. Every Season we try jjj
too add some new feature to the construction fi
of a garment. This spring we call your at-
tention to our non-breakable concave shoulder $j
and we can explain to you many other things 3
that add greatlv too the appearance of a w
garment. Be with the majority and come m
ana see us.
McConnellsburg, IF ex.
Opposite the Public School liuilding.
ReadThis Twice
Star Trading Stamps Given.
Fix It on Your Memory,
It is interesting to know "that"
$12.95 buys an Oak bedroom suit.
$12.95 buys a Parlor suit;
$ 2.95 buys an Enamel Iron Bed
full size.
Qtr buys a Velour covered
vpJ.O couch
A postal will bi-luff you an illustrated circular. It will post you on
Iocs. Complete liun of Furniture, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloth
ik'O Curtains, Shades, eta. '
Star Tradlq
C Close to
C W. M. H. li.
1 depot. X
Tta 11.09 hottteoMUIni 3H Hm..tha IrUIMu. whlck Mill for f 0
rauuio OMkV at tm uaoutxiiT or
Kodol Alraanae and 200
v 8S
tumps civen.
Frank E. Miller,'
13-17 East Market Street,
Chambersburg, Fa.
Yea-i Calendar,"