The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, May 24, 1905, Image 7

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    M1 1 rvDrr
Friends Were Alarmed
Advised Change of Climate.
Mis Mildred Keller. 718 1.1th et-reet. N.
., WaxliiiiKten, 1). C, writes:
"I can Htifcly recommend l'crnna for on
tarrh. I hnd it for yeitrs and it would
rmpond to no kind of treatment, or if it
did it was only temporary, and on the
siiRhtent provocation the trouble would
come back.
'"X wiw in Kurh a ittnt that my
'rleniln were alarmed attont me, anil
I tean (ult to leave tiix climate
Then I trie I Heruna, and to my
great, Joy found ft helped me from
the ft rl done I toolc, and a. Jew bottle
cured me.
"It built up my constitution, I refrained
my appetite, and I feel that I am perfectly
well and -strong." Mildred Keller.
Wo have on file many thousand testi
monials like the above. We can give our
readers only a slight glimpse of the vast
stray of unsolicited endorsement Dr.
Hartman is receiving.
Had 8ens of Mischief and Profanity
Almost Human.
I have always been curious to Unow
vhether ft. parrot attaches any mean
ing to the words he utters, says a zoo
phlllst. Naturalists tell me he doesn't,
but fhen they also declare that a
hcrso hair left In water doesn't turi
Into a snnke, nnd everybody who has
ever been young on a farm knows
they're entirely wrong nbout that. I
knew a parrot onco In a Mississippi
town. He was a low-minded bird wlro
used swear words, but It ecempd to me
that he l;new the meaning of what he
said. One day ho nat on a chair on
the Rullery, watching the antics of half
a dozen pups. Somebody threw a ball
to the pups.
"Play ball!" screamed Tolly.
The pups played till one of them ran
full tilt Into a china berry tree and
knocked himself over. Polly laughed.
The pups Instantly went for the bird.
They surrounded his chair and they
divested him of his tall feathers. 1
could net help believing that Polly
laughed because the pups' mishap
amused him, and I know the dogs
grinned as they robbed him or his
feathers. Alio te swore at them wlta
what Impressed me at the time as
human Intelligence of the highest or-'ier.
Latest News of Pennsylvania Told in
Short Order.
Butcher Hair Was Like Wagier'a.
Wngner, a German folk tale relates,
became afflicted with headache and
determined to have his hair cut. Ho
accordingly arranged with a bnrber
to perform the operation on a certain
day. That worthy resolved to make
a good thing of it, and accordingly
Informed all his customers of Wag
?er's Impending sacrifice.
Most of them paid him a certain
rum down. To the barber's horror,
Mme. Wagner superintended the cut
ting, and when U was over appro
priated the whole of the coveted locks.
The barber, in despair, confessed
that he had sold them many times
over, whereupon madam suggested
that; '.the butcher had hair much like
And the story goes that that night
half Dresden slept with the butcher's
hair under its pillow.
orcat Bank Gquoezes Pennlev
The World's Work, in a recent is
sue, shown how carefully the Firs
National bank of Chicago looks Jo its
postage account. "Stamped postal
esrd are -not used, and not one of
the thousands of routine letters that
aro written every day is, stamped and
sealed until the whole Toutino mail
.tut the day Is ascembled In ttie after
noon. Then all the cards nnd letters
to one -correspondent are pvt in a sin
gle envelope, and except Tor letters
from the offloers and he like the
bank monies as near as pussible to get
ting Its entire mall can-led at 2 cents
an ounce, or 1 cent for every postal
card, instead of often paying 2 cents
for a quarter of an ount?e, as It would
have to do If every communication
were ser'ed and stamped separately.
This little matter of gettjng full value
out of a 2 cent stamp makes a saving
of $25 to $30 a day.?
Knew Hia Own Yacht.
Truman H. Newberry, the rich
young Detroiter who is going to suc
ceed Assistant Secretary Darling, was
a member of the Michigan naval mili
tia at the time of tho war with Spain.
His fine yacht was tendered to the
government and was used, and Mr.
Newberry himself served as a com
mon sailor on the Yosemite. When
President Roosevelt was last In De
troit he made a speech In which he
"I cannot say that the story Is
true, but they do say that during the
Spanish war a common sailor while
.scrubbing the decks was asked what
yacht that was In the distance.
"'It's the Dawn," replied the sailor.
'"How do you know?' was the
'"I know, said the common sailor,
'because I own her.' "
Irregularities and Female Derana-e,
moot. Result -Cured by Ljmi a
Pinkba,m'a Vegetable Compound.
Owing to our mode and manner of
iiviuK. auu mu nervous haste of every
woman to accomplish just so much
each day, it is said that there is not
MrChtF flurry f
one woman in twenty-five but what
suffers with some derangement of the
female organism, and this is the seeret
of so many unhappy homes.
No woman can be amiable, light
hearted and ha?py, a joy to her bus
band and children, and perform the
duties incumoeni upon ner, when she la
suffering with backache, headache,
nervousness, sleeplessness, oearlng.
down pains, displacement of the womb,
Spinal weakness or ovarian troubles.
Irritability and snappy retorts take
the place of pleasantness, and all sun
shine is driven out of the home, and
lives are wrecked by woman's great
enemy womb trouble.
Bead this letter: ,
Dear Mrs. Plnkhsm:
" I was troubled for eight years ith Irregn
lariUea which broke doMn my health and
brought on extreme nervousness and despon
dency. Lydla S. I'inkbams Vegetable Com
pound proved to be the only medicine which
bellied me. Day by day I improved in health
while takiug it until I was entirely cured.. I
ean attend to my social and household duties
and thoroughly enjoy life one more, as Lydia
K. Hnkbain's Vegetable Compound bat wade
me a well woniau, without an ache or a pain. "
Mrs. Chester Curry, U Saratoga Street,
Kant Boston, Moss.
At the first indication of ill health,
painful or irregular menstruation,
pain in the aide, headache, backache,
bearing-down pains, nervousness or
" the blues.'' secure at onoe a bottle of
Lydla K. Piukham's Vegetable Com
pound mmi b?la lu use.
Itnllrnnfli nnft Pmcr..
In his testimony before the S"nnte
C'onimlUoe on Iiitcrxlntp Cniumpi-cp nt
Washington on M.'.v J. I'rofessnr Hugo
ji. jieyer, ' iiii-ngo university, an
expert on railroad lnuiiagcuiont, made
.tins statement: us look at wlmt nilsht have hap
pened If we had heeded the protests
of the farmers nf New VoiU mid Ohio
nnd Pennsylvania (In the seventies
when grain from the West began pour
ing to the Atlantic Kcabnnrdj and acted
upon the doctrine which the Interstate
.onuuprco Commission has enunciated
time and again, that no man may bi
deprived of the advantages 'net-ruing to
hliu by virtue of his geographical po
sition. We could not Lave west of the
Mississippi a population of millions of
people who are prosperous and nre
rrreat consumers. Wo never should
hare seen the year3 when we built
10,000 and VJ.OOO miles of railway, for
there would have been no farmers
west of the Mississippi Itlver who
could have uted the l.iiul Unit would
have been opened un liy the buildiiisr
of those railways. And, if -j had not
seen the years when wc could build
10,000 and 12,000 miles of railway n
year, we should not have to-day. east
of tho Mississippi, n steo! and iron
producing centre which is at once the
marvel und the despair of Kurope, be
cause we could not have built up n
steel and Iron industry if there had
been no market for its product.
"We could not have in New Kng
land n great boot and shoe Industry;
we could not have in New Kngland'a
great cotton milling industry; we could
not have spread throughout New York
nnd Pennsylvania and Ohio manufac
turing industries of the most diversi
fied kinds, because those industries
would hnve no market among the farm
ers west of tho Mir.s'issippi lliver.
"And, while the progress of this
country, whlie 11m dovelopim tit of the
agricultural West of this conn try, did
mean the Impairment of the agricul
tural value cast of the Mississippi
Uiver that ran up into hundreds of
millions of dollars. It meant, inci
dentally, the buHdlus up of great nian
ufaoturiug industries that r.ddcd to
the value of this Jaml by thousands of
millions of dollars. And, geullemeii,
these things were 'not foreseen in tho
seventies. The statesmen and the pub
lic men of this country did not see
what part the agricultural develop
ment of the West was going to play in
the Industrial development of the East.
Aud, you may read the decisions of
the Interstate Commerce Commission,
from the first to Me last, and what is
oho of the greatest liaractcristics of
those deelsionsV The continued in
ability to see tho question in this largo
"The Interstate Commerce Commls-H
slon never can see anything more than
that the farm laud of some farmer
Is decreasing In value, or, that souje
man, who lias u flour mill with a pro
duction of tlfly barrel;-, a lay, Is being
crowded out. It never can see that
the destruction or impairment of farm
values In this place menus lbs building
up of farm values in that place, und
that that shifting of values Is a neces
sary Incident to tho Industrial and inau.
ufaeturing development of this coun
try. And, if we shall give to the Inter
state Couimerco Commission power to
regulate rates, we shuil no longer have
our rates regulated on the statesman
like basis on which they have been
regulated iu tho pst !iy' tho railway
men, who really have ooen great states
men; who really have been great build,
eis of empires; who have had an Im
agination that rivalr the Imagination
of the Hrcatest poet and of the great
est inventor, oud who have operated
with u courage nnd daring mat rivals
tho courage und during 0r ihe gieatest
military general. Hut wa shall have
our rates rcgulutcd by a body of civil
ssrvuuts, bureaucrats, whose iut.
ting sla the world over, is that they
can never grasp a situation u n ,.Be
"J "" "'i" wm grasp ot the states
man; thut they never can see th t,t
that they are confronlod with a small
evil; that that evil Is relatively
mid that It cannot be corrected except
by the creation of ?vlls and aimu.
which aro Infinitely greater thau the
tie thut U to be corrected."
At a special meeting of the Mt. Carmcl
Council an ordinance was passed calling
for the completion of the town's sewer
system, as n cost of $ifio,ooo.
Amos Witter, a 6-ycar-old boy, of
Reading, was scalded to death by falling
backward into a tub of water while play
ing. The detention house on the Almshouse
farm will probably be converted into
a ho-pitnl fur consumptives by the Read
ing Society fcr the Prevention of Tuber
culosis. 1-leath separated Mr and Mrs. William
Yocum, two aged people of Stouchsburg,
in a month. Mr. Yocum was buried four
wctks ago and Mrs. Yocum is now dead
from a broken hip sustained three weeks
Stepping in front of a fast express
train on the Reading Railway at Roycrs
ford, Antonio Marato, a track laborer,
was struck and instantly killed. The un
fortunate man had given the foreman
notice that he was going to leave the
work at the end of the week.
The Reading Road Drivers' Associa
tion has decided to offer a purse of $too
to the first township adjacent to Reading
that will improve its highways, under the
good roads law.
John Harry, of Clarion, who was run
into by a sled load of young people, who
were coasting on Fifth Avenue, on
March 3, and was severely injured, has
brought suit against Marion Switzcr,
Wilbur Harding and Dale Katz, who
were on the sled at the time, claiming
$jooo damages.
Clan-nee M. Unsch, of Philadelphia,
whose bid was tlie lowest for doing
the printing for ihc State for four years
from July 1 next, will be held to his
conrract hy Superintendent of Public
Printing Pomeroy. Mr. Kusch submitted
a TT(rpoi.a1 that nvns adjudged the lowest
and the contran was awarded him. Sib
senncntly the Legislature rcduocd the
number of public documents to be iwint
ed iy 85,000. Mr. Pusch, claiming that
he had made the larger number of docu
ments his basis of his hid, pnvtcstcd
against being held to the contract. The
matter was submitted to tnc Attorney
General, anil after a conference Vtwccn
the latter, flic Governor and Mr. Pomc
rrry it was decided to notify Mt. Rusch
that he must do the nrintine inider his
bid or forfeit to the next lowest bidder
and pay the difference.
James T, Green, Jr.. has made appli
cation to the Controller of the Currency
at Washington to organic -a national
bank at York Haven. The "bank will
be capitalized at $.w,ooa
Mrs. Coyle, of Beaver Brook, is cut
ting her third set of teeth. They arc ap
pearing -on both the upper and lower
jaws, aTe perfectly formed and arc a
good and sound as the second set. She
lost the latter a number of years ago.
Althougn Mrs. Coyle is aged, nearly oo,
she is as lively as a woman of 50 years.
Charles Zelisky was sent "to jail at
Wijkes-Tlarrc charged with "breaking the
wrist of Isabel Zuras, while dancing.
Me was two-stepping roughly, it is charg
ed, and bumped into her willi such force
that the wrist was broken. Her father
had him arrested for aggravated assault
r'.nd battery, and he could not furnish
bail '
A blast killed Paciotto Beneditto, an
Italian laborer at Christiana. The Ital
ian had crawled into a large pipe fot
safety. The explosion did not take place
when expected, and he proceeded to in
vestigate, when a flyiug piece of rock
crushed his head.
The first meeting of the Harrisburjr
Association of Raptist Churches, the ter
ritory including llarrisburg, Stcelton,
York, Wicomico, Mechanicsburg and
Lancaster, was held at Lancaster. These
officers were elected : Moderator, Rev.
. F. Anderson, llarrisburg; clerk, Johi
Z. Nissley, llarrisburg; treasurer, D. P.
Jerauld, llarrisburg; trustees, Mahloi
iiyans, Jacob R. Givlcr and John C
Nissley. Addresses were made bv Rev.
C. D. Parker, York; H. E. Paull, Stccl-
on; Mrs. Harriet Newal Jones. Phila
delphia, and Rev. J. I Jackson, Ger-
nantown. .
A fire at ' the Oliver Powder Mill.
Laurel Run, caused an explosion which
ucstroyed the feed null, the mixer ami
?omc smaller buildings, but the thirty
two men employed there escaped in-itiry.
Mrs. O. W. Fooks, of Salisbury, Md.,
wife of G. W. Fooks, Sheriff of Wico
mico County,
says: "I suf
fered with kid
ney complaint
forclght years.
It came on hie
gradually. 1
felt tired and
weak,, was
short of breath
nnd was trou
bled with
bloating after
en ting, a nd my
mbs were badly swollen. One doctor
lold me It would finally turn to Hrlght's
disease. I was laid up at one time for
three weeks. I had not taken Doun's
Kidney rills more than three days
when the distressing aching across my
back disappeared, nnd I was soon en
tirely cured."
For sale by nil dealers. Trice, f0
cents. Fostor-Mllburn Co., PutTalo, N. Y.
Money Hidden in Books.
Last December on old man known
as M. Henri died in the Rue de Patny,
Paris. He was known to possess pri
vate means, but that they were meager
was Indicated by his shabhlness nnd
tho fact that he lived alone in a single
room. When a search of M. Henri's
room was made after his death noth
ing more valuable was found than two
shelves of dingy looking books, which
were sold, with his few stocks of fur
niture, to pay his funeral expenses.
When, however, the buyer of the books
examined his purchase ho discovered
to his amazement two volumes of rare
value absolutely , unique for every
page of each of them, S2(t in all, was a
$25 note of the Bank of England.
l.ail.v KnRereil Tnrlurei lntll Cured ly
ullrura Si tnK liril liny anl NIrIiI. "
'"My scalp was covered with little pim
ples and I snflered tortures from the itch
ing. I was scratching sll dy and night,
nnd 1 -ronld get. no rest. 1 washed my
head with hot water and t'tieiita Soap
and then applied the :utienra Ointment
ns n -dressing. One box of tire ointment Br
oncrf-nke of Cutirura Sn -cured me. New
nw head is entirely oleM- and my huir ta
(rowing splendidly. I have used Cuticira
Hopever since, and hll never be without
it. '(Signed) Ada C. Smith, 303 (iiundtt.,
-forscy City. N.
W? 7
Get Premiums
Your Baking Powder
Buy Good Luck Baking Powder snd eet the beautiful nremlumi
we re offering absolutely free. Good Luck is unquestionably the
- Purest baking powder Dossible to manufacture. Bread -made wiih it
- il light, white, wholesomt and nutritious. It keeps longer snd better
than other baking powders and raies the bstter quickest snd very thoroughly.
Good Luck is only 10c a pound. By giving the best st the lowest cost Good
Luck is no being shipped in csr load and train load lots to all part ot the
country. It is the idea of getting these beautiful presents free, in addition to
the high quality and lew price, that makes this s remarkable premium oKer
t !kiimond.vJ
Baking Powder
is packed in 6 ot. and 1 lb. cans. The coupons necessary to et the
many useful gifts, are printed on Ihe label ot each can. Cut out
these coupons. Save them. A few of them will get you a hand
some free premium. For details read the little book to be found
in every can. Don't torget to ask tor Good Luck next hrne.
Save worry, tare money, and last but not least save the cou
pons and get the beautiful gift. If your grocer doesn't sell
it, scan us bis name snd we will tee that you are supplied.
n-iru TjeUiwMawna-.1-
?sss '-
This it the coupon found on every can.
If 1
Exchange Tells of Hardships They
Caused One 'Unfortunate.
f '"Imagine the cuffe of a person who
'. at different periods of his life was
j obliged to learn 'to spell all over
mgaln," said the professor. "1 knew cf
', such a man, not originally a poor
1 speller, who was 'compelled thrice to
;, take up the study of orthogrf.phy. It
, happened In tbis way:
)j "This friend 10T mine was reared in
I the country, -attended tho school.
and acquired therein the necessary
! proficiency iinfleT the rules of the old
j time teacher. As a matter of fact he
.! learned to irpe'll while standing. It
fc was a curious fact thut for manv
years that mim -could not spell some
of the simplest words unless he stood
up. On his Ifeot, he was tho best
speller In tire class, -and acquired
many a prize ic the spelling 'bees.'
There was nrtt -a -pupil in fhose day
who could Turn him djwn,' when it
came to an exercise In upright ortho
graphy. "Then, yeaTs afterward, he hnd to
learn to sptTl with a pencil. All his
spelling talent went rnto his pencil.
His tongue had :iost tt cunning, and
whether standing or fitting he would
miss the easiest -words, -unless ho used
his pencil.
"Finally, with the ndvent of the
5 typewriter, he was obliged again to
j learn how to spe-ll, this time with tho
, machine. Queer thing. Isn't It? Un
less the word 'is -a simple one, my
. friend's tongue refuse Its aid, his !
pencil declines to nffurd Its old-time
Ctt-fi IVewnpftpeTft.
Chinese newspapers, owing t the
rheap quality ,f paper used nd to the
Sow price or labor, both literary and
mechanical, are Issued at an extreme
ly small figure. The price of the
ordinary Shanghai journal is lour cash,
or about ue-nrth of a -cent.
Tnfn Cnml tin Cnr.l
by loealappllestlons as tliey cannot reach the
(lisiMtsed portion oiilieeur. Xliere is only one
way to cure deulWs, uud that in liy consti
tutional roineiiiu.-!. Ue,ifuestiti t;iised liy an
IuiUined.coii.lition of tuu inuoous liuuigo;
the Eustachian 1'ulie. Whoutliis tube is lu
flamed you Imvti a riiniblingsoiiiid orimper
fct henriuK, iuil wlion u u uutlroly closed
loaJ-oes8istiioi-H-iiilt, mill unless the luiluui
nation enn he taken nut uud this tulJ8 re
stored to itM normal condition, hearing wilt
bedostniyed forever. Nino eusiw out of teu
uacBuiwuuyciiiiirrn, wmi: 11 u iiotlilui'butaa or tli imirajus aurtaoss.
We will kIv Oiiu iluiidi-ed Dollars torauy
caur Uiuifiie.M (c-aiised l.yciiturriothiitcuu
uotLiocurettby Hall's (Juturrli (Jure. Kendfor
c-lriMilurs freo. 1-'. .1. i Co., Toledo, O.
tlold by lriis;ii.sts, 7.:.
'iatie llalTs l-'aiiiily fills for i.-onstlputioo.
-Ntrallan lylne ) tl I .
j The swallow is .lining annihilated. 'As
J thf liirds ..ross l-'iaiic-- and Italy going
! l Africa in the fall und returning in
j the spring iln-v are mercilessly slaugh
1 fe-reil tor the table and the plume
! trade -Their iniuiliers are visibly de
1 creasing.
rTTSnerminrviflvrMivtHl. Kofi tnr nervous,
oewfiftor II Mt duv's use of lr. Kilne's firea"
Nervi'liiHtoror.-r Jtrialbottle and treatise fre
lr.. It. it. Ki.ixK.;Ud.,,.iajlArch St.. IMiiln., Pa.
T.h'kc fiiwa is Hie only large hIiccI of
fresh u-atcr in .lapan.
AR lmr KfHl.r For Allen's l ool-llti...
A rtc.wdor. it rosts tlin feot. (,'iiren CoAk
Bnnions. Swollen. Sure. Hot. il.-dlon. A,.l,in .
Hweating Knot and Ingrowing Nulls.' Allen's
iu.tins iiinvoriiiiisiiooHniisy. A.:
ntf Ivruggists uud Shoo stores, !iS cents. Ac-
t-rrn un BiioKiaiiio. Kiuuple malted 1-bks
Ada.-css, AIU.11 H. Olmsted, I.eKoy, N. V.
L-i-li J wy is -one uf -the deepest lakes in
uie iIILIKII -IHies.
Conviction Follows Trial
When bujdng loose coffee or anything your grocer happens
to Lave in his bin, how do you know what you are
getting ? Some queer stories about cofl'ee that is sold in bulk,
could be told, if the people who handle it .(grocers), cored to
speak out.
Could any amount of mere talk have persuaded millions of
houuakotpers to use
Lion Coffee, ' t
the leader of all package coffees for over a quarter'
of a century, if thoy had not found it superior o all other brands in
Purity, Strength, Flavor and Uniformity?
This popular success ol LION COFFEE
csm be Que only to Inherent merit. There ' "
la no stronger proof ol merit than con
Mnued and lnereofllng popularity.
II the verdict of MILLIONS OF
HOUSEKEEPERS does not convince
you ol the merits ol LION COFFEE,
It costs you but a trifle to buy a
package. It Is tbe easiest way to
convince yourself, and to make
1,10 COFFER la o'ld only In 1 lb. sealed parksm,
flu-lot OU l""eat cle "Inn it lefiuj
l.inn-hond on every piic-kace.
btve tliene Mun-fteada for valuable premiums
WOOLSON SPICE CO., Toledo, Oliio.
and he is -tomntTied to refer to
t the writlriB machine. And yet he's a
City Councils, Allentown, elected I.ct 'MKOoi speller. Tire Sunday Magazine.
Wise city solicitor and John IL McDcr
mott water coraniissioncr.
The Reading school board has refused
to accept a report from the Buildtiur
Committee and instructed it to make a
thoroiiKh iuvestiKaion of the qmality of
brick beniK used in the consfrnction of
the $.?.;o,roo boy.' high school building.
The brick is of various shades, it is said,
instead of the uniform color specified.
Howard Dunlup was arrested in Read
iiiR on a charge of horse stealing, pre
ferred by W ellington Diiuhp, i Lan
caster. Dnnlap says he took a horse
and wagon becaus he was unable ;to col
lect hw wages.
An engineer reported to the West
Cluster Council that the proposed cwer
system jin'd disposal plant will prciliahly
cost $!00,ooo. Cotnucil will take aj'.lion
in the wear future.
Albert Hoskins, of Pottsville, attacked
his wife with a sickle and bread kmifc
and then plunged the knife into his own
throat. He is in a serious condition
at the Pottsville Htopial. The wift'si
injuries ant sligh. Hoskins, it is allege-A,
also tried o injure hts children an4
After ringing a physician's office belt,
i-reaerick riueler, aged o 9years, ot
Msn.Winnlfi.w'-sKootlilnirSyriip forelilVdre-
iwiiinc.noiieu lueKiiins. rediinna nnnm.
tlon.sllsy.spaiu.cureH wind colle.Hoc.ubottle.
Undon has l.r).000 street uceidents in 11
Piso'sCiire for Oonatiniptlon Ih an Infallible
meiliclnu for v.oiik!j anJ eiMn. N. V.
"""!, ijt-c-au unim, Feb. 17, 1TO0.
The amount of rioe produced iu ISiam
lias increased enriiQiMjy.
Iteli rtired in 30 minutes by Woolford's
SumtNi-y lotion. erer .' ail. SnNI I,., nil
Ipoed tlio Ktnimich an iiroppr food ohkt ;,(-'ffit, 81. Mail outers promptly lilk-J
tft .fllgcst 11 lid .-oniainliig 1li(. proper i JWrJsYille, dnd.
ntiiouiit of pliosphntoH nnd Hip honltliy
From CUnuco In Tonll.
The brolu dopendit tntteli more on fhe
toniacli tlinii we are- npt to HUpKsp 1111
t1 wo take thon-slit in the mutter.
inniiy misglvng 1 had no fultli that It
would Rueerad where every thing else
hnd failed. ,
"But it did micceod. nnd yoo don't
York, fell diad from an attack of heart ) know' ljow' R'ml nni that I tried It. I
failure. , 'w iikp n new pernon. 1 have coined In
weight and I don't Ijave that terrible
m-iilii will respond to nil dcniamlK. A
liotirKie liouspwifo in HiiITiiIo nYitPH:
Tlie doctor dliignoid my trouble ns
R 'mrvoUR nfTeetlon of th utomiicli.' I
ivn Actually so nervous that 1 -could
not Kit -tst ill for five minute to rend the
iioWHpn-per, nnd to attend 1 my bouse,
hold durioK was dimply Impossible. 1
doctored nil tho 1lnu with remedies,
but medlelne did no good.
"My physician put ine 011 all aorta bt
diet, and I tried many kinds of cereal
foods, but none of them agreed wHh
me. I was almost discouraged, and
wnen I tried (rupe-Xiils 1 did bowIIIi
After a strike of less than two days'
duration, the 300 men and boys employed
at ,u. Mo. 11 i-v-n: 'r
w 'v .-iu. ia. uiiik-i, iuttiirura, re
turned to work. Superintendent Tindlcy
Ctiaranteeiug thai in the future the same
rati; of wages would be paid at that col
liery as at the collieries of the Philadel
philphia & Reading Sompany.
A committee of the Alumni Association
of Darlington Seminary, appointed to
prepare plans for a memorial to Mrs.
Darlington, wife of Dr. Richard Dar
lington, founder of this institution, lias
decided that the memorial shall be placed
in the Chester County Hospital.
The billet mill of four 50-ton furnaces
will be put in operation by the Eastern
Steel Company, Pottsville, by the mid
dle of July, and the entire rolling mill
plant will be operated by October 1.
Mrs. Elizabeth Huff, an aged resident
of Mornsville, is dead from burns she
received when her clothing caught Are
from a gasoline stove.
A fire, supposed to have been started
by lightning, burned almost 100 acre
ot timber in Millcreek Township. The
fire burned for nearly sixty hours, and
was extinguished after a hard fight on
the part of the warden and farmers.
burning sensation :n my stomach any
more. 1 feel so strong again that I nm
surprised at myself. Tho street noises
that used to Irritate me so, I never
notice now, imd my mind is do clear
that my household duties are a real
Name given by I'oatum Co., Hattle
Creek, Mich.
There's a rensou.
Now why waa this great change mad
tu this woman?
Tho atoinaeb and U10 bralu bad not
been SHpplitjd with the right kind of
food to rebuild and atrengtben the
nerve contrea iu these organs. It l ab
solute folly to try to do tliia with
hiedlolne. Tjcro la but on sure wav.
and that la to quit the old food that baa
railed and take on Grapo-Nuti food,
which Is more tban half digested lu the
process of manufacture and la rich lu
tbe phosphate of potash contained fn
tUn natural grain, wtieta unites with
albumen and water the only tbrea
substances that will make up the soft
(ray filling in tbo thousands of delicate
nervo centres In tho brain and body.
(Jrape-Nuta food is 11 Itre ronrt hnek i
health In all such rases.
In 1KI0 .ohn .laeob Aator was the only
imllioujiic in Nine York.
ItotMle lllnoil llulm for the Hlnod.
If you suffer from ulcers, ee.em, scrofula,
blood jKiiaon, eanoet, entlag roran, lt:1iing'
skin, plmpkw, boils, bone piilns, swellings,
rheumatism, catarrh, or any blood or skin
disease, we advise you to tnke Botiuilo Hlnod
lialin (I). B. il). Especially recommended
for old, obstinate, deep-seated coses, cures
where all else fulls, heals every sore, makes
the blood nuns nnd rich, civea the akin tho
kiuw ui jiraun. I'rilglsls. VI per
lutRD wuniu, a iioiuii U Dottles f 5.00,
express prepuld. Sample sent free by wrltlni
Jilo:d Balm Co., Atlanta, On. Describe
irouoie sua free pieilleal advlea seat la
n-aitMi letter. UeOlclne seat at one, pro
The longest river in the world is the
Nile, 4,000 uiiles; in Europe the Voks,
2,114 miles; in Asia, the Yang-tse-Ki-
ang, .1,100 miles, in Amend the Mis
sissippi-Missouri, 3,656 miles; in Atis
tra the Murray, 3.350 miles.
regularly you arealck. Csna-loaiinn bin. asin"t. when your bowels don't mm
start, chronic Z " ,nC Ion? yj of .SPriL""' ""I th" toeeth.r. I.
CASCARETS today, for you wflf ncirr I?.nC- No m'!er what ail. you, atart taklac
right Take ou, ."Ri"'. " h cIscweT. ,' oS un7 U,n,il -VOU el J"u'
money refunded. The ifn.ilne liK SdWp v sbaolute euarantee o, aura or
In Her Dreams.
Miss Ascum Jus.t back from Palm
Beach, ah?
Miss Bra),'Z Yea, and oh, you'd nev
er dreum all tho proposals I h,
Miss AFCtin: No; but I suppose
that's the way they came to you.
Philadelphia Press.
Better Fruits-Belter Profits
Better peaches, apples, pears and
berries are produced when Potash
Is liberally applied to the soil. To
insures full crop, of choicest quality,
use a fertilizer coiitaiuiitg not less
than 10 per cant, actual
Sew! for nar iietleal bookaiof Informa'tlon 1
ihtyara mi aivtriiuas raniphlali, boomliur
1 ,ncai lutiHun, but f authsauiivs M
ik UMUaas. kwliaalorUjauktasN j
Crab Orchard
Nature's Great Remedy
m.Ms.A La. aL . VM,"I " 1XWH
A Natural IVoduot with a reoord of Can-
7. miuiua uj if,
14 .' aVflVit.'xyvf. Im-'X
PRnPlir"nf V.ln.ln. lo ror r.rineia and
r D n lul r K i"""""' ";iuii, irM tar
cevtrt-o' el inulllna tlrei 11 ry
stca.att, BkIi.,MiI.
: ttaiup to
D 17 O P tl YiESa ffiOTi
MS. Uk W HMaoUla Ml 10 !, M
tra sw. a. a. asaaa's soas. awa. Abut, aa.
Ill hp.-. i, t.W-.'f.
$3io shoes as.
j wn w.(,y wapran uua
trrllt I?,"Kl'" .hoe. are the,
llielr eaeellent ,t,ie. fxtr Uttlnv Z..
uiwrloi- weuvliia imllil-. They
f- ';. V' dlfreinei7i
il!?. VTiv"' font!'". o .hoi.
" man io mane, llolit tluilr al,uiw
shoe. Loo.foalt. Jke nu .nbTiT;rr
throuali lilaown retail aVor.ln"hi23L2
clpaleau-., and by .ho. SJilerVSfSit
Uouclas shoes an llhlo yoiu kmetb
'tVMl 9B.OO $HOCS.
now on the tna
pii. AlfUH LUV. Mia. ak- .
U , ... . ' J-e w a-M -
JvJr cl,M Vorann Celt, hi la A
PU Color Ey,M, will motvftl ;
in- r... ,l skt . v :r: v w v i
adveruse1 i'Wi.'iT n l
Write ma al ni - for hlaak an -
Wa ud. II. U r. . .
lk.v. , -