The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, May 10, 1905, Image 8

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    A HiieVsortmeut of citcars at
Malloy's grocery.
Tlio In rgost lino of nobby straw
lititi at T. K. .Min-iton':..
Foley a liouey una Tar euutaius
no opiates and ran safely be givn
to children.
You can buy a watch guaran
teed for 1 year for 7."o. at .1. K.
lor that uew Spring Suit or a
pair of how Shoes, po to llustou,
the bargain man at Saltillo.
Take your Wool, Butter aud
its to Huston's at Saltillo and
you will go home with bargains.
This is a g-(..i time to sub
scribe lor the FlLTOX County
J i:vs. t.'iily a dollar ayear in ad
You will bo well dressed if you
luy that Suit for Decoration Day
of Huston, at Saltillo. They tit
and please.
Huston, at Saltillo, sells Wall
Paper, Mattings, Oil Cloth, and
Carpets at prices that defy com
petitions. Yes, he do !
Four or five school boarders
can have nico accommodations in
the home of Mrs. M. H. Trout at
usual price.
Salt, (0c. a sack; 10 lbs. Gran.
Sugar $1.00; 7 lbs. Prunes 2"c;
4 Cans Corn 2."c: lbs. Rice 2'c,
at the store of Huston, the bar
gain man at Saltillo.
Miss Jess Nace, who had been
visiting friends in town siuce the
wedding of her brother Merrill,
returned to her home in Cham
ber sburg Monday.
.John Martz, the new proprie
tor of the ludian Queen Hotel at
Hustontown, accompanied by
Harrv Keller, spent i few hours
in McConnellsburg last Thurs
day. Congressman Reynolds, ol
Hod ford, has filed an application
with Fourth Assistant Postmas
ter General Degraw, for a free
rural mail delivery route to ex
tend from Hopewell down through
Wells Valley.
Mon .;y to Loan in lots of not
less than xl'hO on first mortgage,
judgement or other good securi
ty. Judgments bought and sold.
Write or call ou
M. 11. Shafknek,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
W. W. Smith, principal of the
Wells Valley Graded school dur
ing toe past two years, has con
sented to teach a Summer Nor
mal, which will open next Mon
day, May Kithat Schoolhouse
No. ;J, in Wells Valley. Special
attention given those preparing
to teach. Tuition and board rea
sonableboard not over l'..'0 a
John D. Smith, of EmmavilJe,
and son-in-law, Frank M. Diehl,
of Whips Cove, were in town
Monday. Frank lifted his com
mission as Justice of tne Peace,
and is now ready for business.
Among other supplies, he took
home with him a few oi those latest-improved,
never slip matri
monial knots that are so popular
just now, and any of our youDg
friends over there who want to
find out how tight he can tie them
up for life, have only to give him
the tip.
Miss Kstella Rrewor, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Rush Iirewei,
died at the home of her parents
in the Little Cove, on Monday
morning of last week. Funeral
services were conducted on Wed
nesday forenoon by her pastor,
Rev. A. G. Wolf, of this place.
Miss llrewer was in her "Oth
yenr, a graduate of the Shippens
burg State Norma! School and a
teacher by profession, having
t-iught successfully for several
terms in her home township.
Traveling is Uanxerou.
. Constaut motion jars the kid
neys which are kept in place in
the bod by delicate attachments.
This is the reason that travelers,
trainmen, street car men, team
sters and all who drive very much,
suffer from kidney disease in
some form. Foley's Kidney Cure
strengthens the kidneys and
cures all forms of kidney and
bladder disease. Geo. K. Ifau
san, locomotive engineer, Lima,
)., writes. "Constant vibration
of the engine caused me a great
deal of trouble with toy kidneys,
and I got no relief until I used
Foley's Kidney Cure." Sold bv
all dealers.
Special Sale
of all millinery goods from May
15th to 20th. A g-reat number of
Hats to select from.
Maye Johnston.
IE TU ' I.IOfoll I.ICKNSK - No'lo In
hereby ulvtjrMKii llurrv I Ixmil his Alr-d his p
lltlim wllh tin- Ofctrk r thi- Courts of QuurtBr
SOLIUM of tlip Vt'iHve of Fulton County. Pn.,
a -hiuif tho i;jll Court-lo transfer tn i.'qttor
Lf 'n-." tf t ? I ;lii--'k; tvinr on .lum
IT W. I A M' 0nn U ",1'uT lt . to l.oiiti
April I. i-.mV iur th- r. ol the Vfiir.
And that application for said irtfir will be
preheated to the suit! Court on the tiuth iliiv of
!.. A. !-. ut ID o'clock A. M.
I Icrk sOlllcc. i , II AIIRlV.
I May lu. Itmft. l Icrk. o. S.
A. A. Herreu of Finch, Ark.,
writes, "Foley's Honey and Tar
is the bestpreparation forcoughs,
colds and lung trouble. I know
that it has cured consumption in
the first stages."
Ran Away From Hume.
Giloert Mcllott, a boy of four
teen years, and sou of Daniel A.
Mellott, a former resident of Un
ion township, either through per-
suasion of malicious persons, or
! of his own will, rau away from
! my premises last Sabbath with
out any cause whatever.
Persons are hereby warnec!
that they will be dealt with ac
cording to law, if giving him em
payment, harboring Kim, or as
sisting him in any shape or form.
Wilson E. Litton,
Webster Mills, Pa.
May 1, 190'). 3t.
Thad S. Shoemaker, formerly
of Hustontown, is now located at
Williamsburg, Pa., putting in the
power plants for Charlie Swab's
big paper mill, and for lighting
the town. Thad has not lost his
interest in the Fulton County
i Take Laxative Promo Quinine
: Tablets. All druggists refund
1 the money if it fails to cure. E.
j W. GrovVs signature is on each
I box. 2rc
S. L. Slaves aud family speut
Sunday afternoon with F. R.
Shives and wife.
Andrew Truax spent part of
last Sunday with Constable Jas.
B. Mellott.
Farmers in this sectiou are
busy plantiug corn.
Mrs. Matilda Deshougis ou the
sick list.
Mellott A Shives have moved
their engine and saw mill from
Slabtown to Lake Garland's.
F. R. Shives and sons put up a
spring housa for Ephraim Skiles
last week.
Clayton Deshoug aud daughter
spent Saturday at Morgan Desh
ong's. Mrs. Ellen Mellott aud son,
Scott, spent Saturday afternoon
at Michael Mellott's.
j II you will make inquiry it will
i be a revelation to you how many
j succumb to kidney or bladder
! troubles in one form or another,
i If the patient is not beyond medi
cal aid, Foley's Kidney Cure will
cure. It never disappoints. Sold
by all dealers.
Dr. West will preach in the
Greenhill Presbyterian church
i next ftunoay morning at 10:ii0.
! Mr. Clarence Wilson and Miss
j Barbara Largent were the guest
! of the latter's parents, Mr. and
i Mrs. E. A. Largeut Sunday.
There will be preaching servic-
I es at the Salvation Army church
near Big Cove Tannery, on Sun-
day morning at 10:.n,n; L':il0 and &
o'clock p. m.
I Among those who called at the
' V - L w - . -i
.'suuicb ou ousiuess, Monaay,
was Elmer Kamsey, of Clear
Ridge. Mr. Ramsey recently
purchased from the heirs, the
Huston store, has taken posses
sion, and is building up a fine
business. ..
The butchering business, for
several years conducted by Ieon
ard Hob man & Son, in this place,
on the first of this month passed
into the hands of ex-Deputy Sher
iff Mex. A. Kirk and Judge Davy
Nelson. They have leased the
Ilohman room which will be open
at all times during business hours
for the accommodation of their
customers. Mr. Kirk had been
in the creamery busiuoss in
Franklin county for several years,
but this spring placed one of his
sons in charge of that business.
Ono MinuteCough Cureis right
on time when in comes to curing
coughs croup, whooping cough,
etc. It is perfectly harmless,
pleasant to take and is the chil
dren's' favorite cough syrup.
Sold at Trout's drug store.
CtimpoRlle-Ohncrvaiion Cam.
"Something entirely new has
been placed on the Overland Lim
ited trains. It 13 a 'composite
observation' car. It afford
wotnwn passengers au opportun
ity of enjoying the scenery with
the greatest comfort and free
from the fumes of tobacco smoke.
Throughout the car there has
been placed a series of steel
arches, which bind sills and sides
together and strengthen tho roof
in a manner which renders the
car almost indestructible. "Chi
cago Chronicle.
The Overland Limited loaves
Union Passenger Statiou, Chica
go, 6.03 p. m. daily. Arrives San
Francisco the third day in time
for dinner. Route Chicago,
Milwaukee St. Paul Railway,
Union Pacific, and Southern Paci
fic line.
Itching, blind, bleeding or pro
truding piles. Druggists refund
money if Pazo Ointment fails to
cure any case, no matter of how
long standing, in 6 to 14 days.
First application gives case and
rest. 50c. If your druggisthasn't
it send 50c in stamps and it will
be forwarded post-paid by Pans
Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo.
We want good live representa
tives to take orders for "Peuroor
Pearl" Medallions. Entirely new.
Sell at sight. Big money. Ex
clusive territory given. Agents'
supplies. Novelties up-to-date.
Write at onco. Universal Man
ufacturing Company, Pittsburg,
McConnellsburg Normal School.
Tho undersigned will open a
Normal school inthePublicSchool
Building, McConnellsburg, at 1
p. m. Monday, May 1'ith, to con
tinue 8 weeks. Tuition 10. No
reduction for part of term. Good
board may be had from ifc'.oO up.
Special attention to those prepar
ing to teach. County Superin
tendent's examination at close of
One able assistant teacher has
already been engaged, and more
will bo employed if size of school
demands it.
B. C. Lamhkhson.
Answer: It is made from a
prescription of a leading Chicago
physiciau, and one of the most
eminent in the country. The in
gredients are the purest that
money can buy, and are scientifi
cally combined to get their ut
most value. Sold by all dealers.
Bark Wanted.
We are in the market for a
large quantity, this year's peel,
Rock Oak and Hemlock bark.
Kor prices, apply to'
Saltitlo tannery,
:j-i,Si-ml. Saltillo, Pa.
Practical Surveyor,
Emmaville, Fulton county. Pa.,
Graduate of the Scranton School
of Civil Kntrineerinp.
Land Surveying a Spot-laity.
Maps, drafts, and calculations care
fully and accurately executed.
I liave in McCoiinollriburtf u 1
Drop Head Singer Machine
I will soli very clwup. Cash or X
t titiitt
fJhumkerslmrir, Pa.
should Indicate your taste and if
you buy it here where you have so
many styles to select from and at
prices that are guro to suit you,
your liont girl friend wlllsay ''That
Is such a becoming hat 1 know you
trot It at Johnston's."
lleseda aud Alice Itoosovell lilue
are the latest colors and I have
used them tastefully In the make
up of many of my hats. Come and
see them.
Jf you want a certain piece of
ribbon or any Utile help to your
toilet and you "can't find It In
town" It Is because you haven't
come to me. I have it.
Hats trimmed free of charge,
Maye Johnston,
The Milliner, McConnellsburg.
You cao have the KWB on
whole year for a dollar.
Strikingly Attrnctlvo
May Millinery
This business lias flourished and grown great because it hM been
built on the firm foundation of worthy merchandise mid close prollts.
Our Millinery Leadership is very Pronounced
You'll find here, ready-to-wear and tailored hnts, trimmed hats,
"chic" and stylish, originally ilnslgnod by our special expert milliner.
This Is the socond so son we havo ylvrn our patrons the benefit, of tin
exclusive city modiste. Our millinery has won undisputed prestige
for our store.
Hundreds of Hnts
AU prices, trimmed and untriinined, In stock. Children's hats, baby
bonnets, caps and clonks, gorgeous Dowers, beautiful foliairc, element
plumes and ribbons, unequaled in fjiiality and splender, ready for
your inspection anil selection.
This is the Strongest Lace Season Known for
Many Years.
Wo hao therefore prepared for you a tempting assortment of at
tractive patterns In Valenciennes, Knglish luces, German laces, Venlse
and Oriental, all-over luces, black, white and crciim, at surprisingly
low prices.
We Call Your Attention
to the folly of sending to the big city houses for goods you could
buy at home for less money. Your trade belongs to us, and J"wi will
find on our counters u line of smart dress fabrics unrivaled by any
' store.
T. J. WIENER, Hancock. Aid,
F.ntire new stock lilll'i Manner Patterns.
Big Special Sale In Fine
Spring Millinery showing is so enchanted by the showing of. spring
The sunshine of last week brought millinery buyers galore. Ami
they were more than surprised at the extent, beauty, and scope ot the
showing here. We have a variety, of styles which for charm and beau
ty cannot be surpassed. The materials used aro rich and stylish: the
hats, themselves, becoming, and practical, and our prices are so mod
erate that all may have new headwear without feeling the expense.
A cordial invitation is extended to all to visit us and compare our
prices u ml quality.
Lena B. LeucJIg, '
Hustontown, Fa.
Wo handle the best
Corsets that is made
and in the best styles.
It Is the Armorside,
at 8!c. Also 21, .'18,
and 45c ones.
A nnouncement
Housecleaning Time-
20Hi building paper
Itotti building paper
Haehelor manure forks
Poultry w'ire
Garden rakes
Steel shovels
Floor oil cloth
Hest grade Moor oil cloth
4 boxes carpet tacks
Matting tacks
Horse shoe pincers
Shoeing hammers
Horse raps
Curiy Combs
50c roll.
"5c roll
II to 7c a yd.
15 to 22c.
25 and 55c.
' HI to 24c.
5 to Hie.
Thanking you for
the Increase. In our
business, wo are
Felt window shades He.
Oil shades fringed 2.U-.
5oc shades for 115c,
White curtain poles He.
Brass rods Sc.
Luce curtains 21 yd 3'Jc.
Lace curtains .'1 aud yd
long for (i.'tc to $1.
Notice to Tax-Payers.
The Tax-imytTH ol" Fulton county art hereliy
notified that 1 will meet thi'iii at tho following
tiiut-H utiil pUre. in (ho (liMtrirtH iihuumI, lor tlio
mirpowe ot reeuU itm t lit Httttu, County mid D04
Tuxt'H tor tltu vixr r.fOft, vix;
'iiiui-Hdny, Juno l.HtHiramP. O., hi Tu.ilor
towimhip, Irom 1 tu U it. 111.
Vt'fAU 'J'liurmlay, June I, at Wei la Tamipry,
from 1 to U ji 111. at Now CtreiiHila troiu 4 to o.iiO
p. IU.
Taylor Krhlm , .1 unr 2. at W;iterr'all from 6
to 7.0 a. m.. at Dublin Mi I It from t to lo.ou a.
in., at Clour ltll((t' from 11 to 12.u0 in., itntl
at Hufttuntown trom i.oo to 4 . 111.
luil.lin. Saturday, .) une 3, at Hurnt Cahlm,
at Spfck'a HoiuMroiu lu t. in. u 12 m.tat Fort
Jjittletoit, t'ruiu 2 to :i.:u p. hi., ami at Knolm
vtlla, NatunUy, .lun 'A, in Toil township tit
Hamlin!' Sion; from A to 6 p. iu.
Tod. Monday, June fl, at the Tretturer'n Of
ti'jo, AlcloniielMiurg- Irom U a. ui, lu I'J m
Mr'onTioll)urtf. - Monday, June 5, ut the
Treasurer' otticu, liom 'I to 0 p. ni
HniHh Crick. Wednohdny, June I, at A tier h
rilltt Irom 9 !10 to 1" a. 111., at Lyuoli'M tttmo trout
to :h to 1 1.: to a. in. at F.iumaville I j oin I :io to 2.M)
p.ui., at John IlcKiiit!r'M hture from 4 loo ik 111.
and at Aimer Mellitt' from 6.'W to 7 p. 111.
I'nimi Thursday, Juno 8, at Amaranth,
from to U a. in., at Nfrievtwit' Hluru liom
lu (o 1 1.30 a. in.r and at !ahltjy'i htore, f rom 1-30
to .'t p. in.
IttiihH-Friday. June 0, at Warfordhuru,
from 7 t lu a m., at t raukliti Mill Irom 11 a,
111., to Yi ui., aud at !oit from 'ZM't to i.'Mi p. pi.
Uelt'ast. Saturday, June 10. at Neidinore,
rrout ;toto 11 a. 111., at Jowph W. Lake's utorc
fioiu 1.0 to ;l p. m.
ThoinpNon Monday, June 12, at Plum
Hun, irom 10 a tu., to i'Z maud at A urn Khai pt;V
Hioro, trom 'i.'M) to 4 p. m. 'i'lienday, Juiih IL', at
O..I. Mohotl k moru Hit'UJ, !'.() In KellaKt
tuwiiMUlp, from 7 to a. m.
Ayr Tucttday, June 13, at Hiv Cove Tan
iium , from l to II a, id., and at Vv hater Ml tin,
from 1 tu A p. ru.
Idr-Mutf 're'lt Wudnefeduv, Juno 14, at Ha
lovla truni 9 to 1 1 a. 111., aad at IfarriHonvitlH
from 1 tnH p- and at 4oMupli If. Mullott'n
mine at Andofur, Irom 4 to 0 p. iu,
AH prnomi appearing: at tin riieotlve ptattea
Ut pay their taxia wilt br allowed a reduction of
tlve por emit. If Taxen are not paid ou
or holoro July 2tli the diipllcatiui will 1d p it
Into the hantU of a Junticto of the Ptae In each
t4iwuhlp, lui colhM'tlou; all part I in tliun owin
will he required tu pay the lull Tax chaird on
duidlratf , and loea allowf.d hy law fur collootlng
Ueh la. The rate la 6 will.
IjICKNHKH All permmii who are iuhjoct to
Mercantile or ManinacturerH IJcemi are ro
quKMttidto mot't ute at tho ahove time and plaoen,
a 1 am rom lulled bv law to hrlng ult on all un
paid iJcBHu by July lu, next.
April 20, 1005. County 'J'reaaurer.
too tUm coutlh nd hU lung
We have any thing
you may want. Chil
dren's suits from ".;
to $2.25; youths, $2.25
to $4.25; men's, $2.40
to $7.75.
Moat saws
2D to '
- loot rules ,s;.
U in., brass bund rules 2c
.'ix.'J in , steel but hinges ,o5c
Muttings 10. ! t )..
V e have just added to our stock it
nico line of Lancaster gingliums at (ie
a yard. Have you seen any of that
4-4 unbleached muslin that we are sell
ing ut 7c yd. Compare it with what
you have been paying He.
Med table damask 2.'ic; white 2.'ic.
We now have our men's summer un
derwear, and It is fine, men's double
seat drawors 2.'!c; lialbriggan drawers
and shirt 4.1c.
We just received a new
shoe for children aud
misses with a low hool
that we think is hard to
beat, tl to H 0.1c; 8i to 12
75c; V2i to 2 UOc
See onr line of shoes.
One Minute Gough Gup&
For Coughs, Colds and Croup.
Admimsrator's Notice.
I.elirrH of uliiilalst'ialiu ou the estate nf
Will. R Ilivi'Qsaud Klimliue Hil.-li, lulu W.-lls
toMn.ilp i'q,., deciMi.Ml. hii vitiir lieuli vrunl
mIIjv the Kexiiterof WilU fur Kulloii euuuu.
to the NiiliNul'ilier, wllohe KiNtulhed uddres k
W'ellh TuDiiery. t'ulton County. 1'u., till ntr.Hiiu
who ure iu.leliteU to the Nuid eNtato will pleuse
muke payment, uud those ImvuiK eluiuisuil
preiieiit them to
M. .', III VKN'S,
MWM. Wells Tuuuery. I'll.
Auditor's Notice.
Noliee Is hereliy kIvrii that the muleisij-iieil
audit, ir uppoliued lo nnilie (tisirlliu'.lnn of I he
funds In me Hands of .M .it. Shailiier, exi-euiui
of the last will. &e.. ir Ivter Kl-her.
lale of T,nl township, ui-erasfii. u ill sn in
his olhee lu fe:oniiellslnn!. I'a , tor the pt-r
foruianee of wud duty ou Thursday, May IK.
llKl-, lit 10 o'floen. 11. In., when end where
all persons Interested may ullend II they see
Milt. II. DANIKf.S,
8:l"'' Auditor.
for children; jj., jurt. Ac vviuitj
Administrator's Notice.
Notiee is hereliy Kiven thai let ten. of admin
istration have lvu (.'ranted lothe iiiitlri' u. il
upon the entitle of Hurry Utilehull lulu ol
Taylor towuship. r'ullou eoiltily, i'a., Ue.H'as.
el. All persons huvlln ulaiuiH uKHllist .aid es
tute will preeut them properly nuthenlleated
foi Kotileuieiii. and those owlni? the same hl
please eall und settle.
Clear Kldi'e. I'n..
p'or Sale at Troufte drug store.
"Ask for the 1905
nz . it
Vour dollars will go farther at our store than any
where else. We have just received a car of Barb Wire,
Smooth Wire and Nails, which we bought in November
when the price was the lowest, and we can sell to vou
now for less than factory price.
CTAA HAHC Woven Wire Fencing
J U U HUUlS at prccs .so ,ow as t()
Diirprisic tin.
9 strand heavy wire 35 cents per rod; 6 strand heavy wire
25 cents per rod. Good yellow muslin 5 1-4 cents per '
yard by the web. 500 yards fancy Rajf 9arPet
and 50 cents per yaid.
on hand to select from, 513 to 535 each.
steel roof to put on it, and paint
for outside and in: and then furnish it from Top to Bot
tom at bottom Prices. We are having built
3 Carloads of Buggies'
and Wagons
which will be here in April and tor high grade guaranteed
work, we will sell lower than any other dealer in the
county. We get Jo!b!bers Prices
and will sell at wholesale prices.
We have bought
200 Tons
you get nice fresh goods here.and ourprice will be lower
than others.
Remember we have
3 Stores
in Huntingdon county.
Three Springs, Pa.
: k ;
. I ;
l (
: I 1
; 1 :
1 1
i I !
: ;
, 1 i
1 (
1 1
) 1 '
. I (
I (
M i
pnng Business
h on the boom
too add some new feature to the construction- ll
of a garment. This spring we caM your at-
tpntinn in nnr nnn-hrP'iL-nKlo innn,a An
....... v, . uinmaun. l.uiayC oiiuuiUCI J-'I
mid we mil PYnhin in rrir monir nlliar Kitiryo
. . - -" r.uiii lj jvu inuiljr Ulliv-l jk-d
f hit -1,1,1
and see us.
McConnellsburg, Fo.
Opposite the Public School liuilding.
ead This Twice
Stnr Trading: Stamps Given,
Fix It on Your Memory,
It is interesting to know "that
$12.95 buys an Oak bedroom suit.
$12.95 buys a Parlor suit. ...
$ 2.95 buys an Enamel Iron Bed
full size. '
5&A OS buysaVelourcovered
cpLj. ;z Couch
A postal will brino- you un llluhtrahul circular. It will pout you on
prtcoH. Cimiplclp Jii, of I'urulturo, Carpets, MaUio-s oil Cloth
I.ucu Curtains, Sliatles, etc.
Star TraJInif tamps Klveu. '
Frank E. Milter,
13-17 East Market Street.
I 'line Ui
( W. M. It. 11.
7 ,1
w-wvwi vhambersburg, Fo.
TU 11.00 batLconUliu 2 Irl.Mt., h)ch M,for f0 eMt
) O.LV AT Til I A . . .
LJ K. C. D.WITT 6c
Kodol Almanac and 200
(jhenn. memiim nnn hiyh nrtrpri.
r , ---o-- r -
can furnish you hardware
glass to put up a house, a
which will be in in
time forspring plant
ing. We carry no
fertilizers over: so
and enjoy the distinction of
carrying the largest variety
of merchandise ot any tirm
now. EverySeason we try
iuu me auucuiaiiLC ui u f
lie Willi t ie maiontv and come M
VeaJ Calendar,"