INTEPJEST1NQ PARAGRAPHS Of Local and General Interest, Gathered at Home or Clipped from our Exchanges. CONDENSED FOR HURRIED READERS Full liuo of Ladies' Summer Skirts at J. K. Johnston's. See the pretty new lino of clothing for men and boys at J. K. Johnston's. Foley's Honey and Tar is pecul iarly adapted for asthma, bron chitis and hoarseness. Trifles light as hair sometimes turn the wnole course of a man's appetite. Adam was not evicted for non payment of rent, but for contempt of the landlord. A New York man calls his sweet heart Kitty, because she gets her back up so often. You never heard of any one us ing Foley's Iloney and Tar and not being satisfied. Old potatoes have become such a drug on the market, that in some places in Cumberland coun ty they have been selling as low as ten cents a bushel. The uame of Samuel C. Gracey, of Taylor township, appears this week in the list of announcements in the Fulton Democrat as a can didate for the office of County Commissioner. The United Presbyterian church in Mercersburg was re contly sold and has been fitted up with machinery for a sewing fac tory. The new enterprise, which gives employment to about twen ty operators, went into operation last Thursday morning. Mrs. John C. Ileinbaugh, of Cito, called at this office a few minutes while m town last Fri day and advanced her subscrip tion to the "News" well into 1906. Mrs. Heinbaugh thinks that the money paid out by a family for a good newspaper is money well spflnt. A delightful social occasion, at which more than eighty guests were entertained, occurred at the home of Senator and Mrs. W. S. Alexander, 5n this place, on last Thursday evening, given in hon or of Mr. and Mrs. Merrill W. Nace, the latter a niece of Mrs. Alexander. Wanted. A good, energetic agent to sell our nigh-grade teas, coffees, spices, baking powder, and extracts. We pay the high est commission and furnish use ful and costly premiums to help influence business. Address TheG beat A. & P. Tea Co. , 1311 Eleventh Ave., 2t. Altoona, Pa,, ' The demand for "fresh roasted peanuts" in Mercersburg has made it necessary to install a new latest improved gasoline roaster in that town. The Journal says that they now have six roasters, and the man who installed the first one does more business now than he did when he first put in his machine. The Hancock Star says that Buck Valley was so named be cause of the deer that used to abound there. It still retains the name oecause of the dears there now. In colonial times it was . Whippe's Cove or Sarah's Manor, said to be a tract of land set aside for Wil)iam Penn's eldest daugh ter, Sarah. Whene'er you feel impending ill, Aud need a magic little pill, No other one will fill the bill, Like DeWitt'sLittleEarly Risers. The famous little pills "early RisEus"cure constipation, sick headache, biliousness, etc. They never gripe or sicken, but impart early rising energy. Cood for either children or adults. J. CP. Jones, Chief Burgess, Miles burg Borough, Pa., says: "I nev er used pilla in my family during the forty years of housekeeping, fiat gave such satisfactory re suits as DeWitt's Little Early Ris ers " Sod at Trout's drug store. CHILDREN SAVBOVKR IW.OOJ. Fupii la Pittsburg School! Amnnot la Bank Have That SHARPE. Rain is much needed now. Mrs. Mary Gregory visited Mrs. Waltz, at Gem, last Satur day night and Sunday. Mrs. Ettle Peck and daughter visited G. W Bishop's family, Sunday. Rev. Logue preached a very able sermon at Antiocb, Sunday. Flossio Sharps visited W. C. Peck's family Wednesday. Eli Funk spent Sunday even ing with W, C. Peck. It will surprise most people to learn that the school children of Pittsburg have upwards ot $90, 000 on deposit In bank. It true, however, and the plan o savings for children, which was onlv started a few years ago, 1 proving so much of a succes that more schools are adopting it each year and now the bank is collecting the childish savings each week from thirty schools The school savings bank scheme is in operation most successfully in Long Island City, one of the boroughs of the Greater New York, where it was introduced by J. H. Thiry, who copyrighted it. W. J. Jones, of the Pittsburg Bank for Savings, became inter estod in the idea, aud when In visited New York went across t( Long Island City and iuvestigat ed it, and coming home introduc ed it here. Speaking of the plan yesterday Mr. Jones said: "We have now about thirty of the public schools of Pittsburg besides a number of the parochial schools and the plan is growing in popularity every month. A young man from our bank goes to the school at a certain time each week and collects the money from the children. Each child has a book made out in his or her name, and is allowed 4 per cent. on the depo'it, the same as other depositors. The money can be drawn out only when the book is signed by the parents or guar dians and the principal of the school for identification. As business man I favor this plan, as it trains the child to habits of saving and tends to curtail the cigarette and candy habits. As no one but the child and the par ents know how much or how lit tle is deposited, there can be no comparisons to wound the feel ing of those who, by their circum stances, are unable to save any thing. And I may stiy that the little hoards prove almost a god send sometimes to families over taken by some unforeseen mis fortune. . In other cases the child amasses a neat little sum to have on hand when life is run outside the schools." E'ittsburg Dis patch. Strictly Genuine. Most of the patent medicine testimonials are probably genu ine. The following notice recent ly appeared In the Atchison (Kan.) Globe: "Joe Tack, a well known engineer, running on the Missou ri Pacific between Wichita and Kiowa, lately appeared in a big one, with a picture, and when he was in this office to-day, we ask ed him about it. He says he had terrific pains in his stomach, and thought he had cancer. His drug gist recommended Kodol and he says It cured him. He recom mended it to others, who were also cured." Kodol Dyspepsia cure digests what you eat and cures all stomach troubles. Just as surely as the sun shines your stomach can bo brought back to its originally pure condition and life sweetened by this lasting and truly the greatest digestant known. Sold at Trout's drug store. Henry E. Baker, a respected farmer who lived near Marion, Franklin county, met death in a peculiar manner, Monday even ing. Mr. Haker who made his home with William Hurd, tenant on Mr. Baker's large farm, had gone to the creok, not far from the farm house, with a pail for water. While stooping over to fill the pail it is supposed that he was stricken with vertigo or prob ably apoplexy and he fell . face downward into the stream. His was noted and a search made. Ha was found dead, death haviug, undoubtedly, been due to drowning. uii W m wm Kuriy Misers Tha) famous llttlo pills. r. TKAT JEW STATC. fiove.aor Stone Wa.ild Divorce Us from Philadelphia. Ex Governor Stone, Pit-is burg-, advocates the division of Pennsyl vania Into two states, with the Susquehanna river as the divid ing line. Mr. Stone has written a letter on this subject to the Pit tsburg Leader in which he ex Jains the advantage of such a division on both sides of the line. "Owing to the fact that the great centre of population is in hiladelphia aud itssurroumliogs in the extreme western end of the state," he says, "there neces sarily arises frequent unrest aud irritation in the country districts over the Philadelphia methods. No man appreciated this better than did Senator Quay, who had been the practical political leader in Pennsylvania sluco Mm Civil War. He was always atle to hold the balanceof power and moderate the modern politics of Philadel phia; "But to day Philadelphia leads and dictates tho roli tics of 11 1 State absolutely the legislative appropriations, appointments, Federal and state, and everything tnat affects the material welfare of tho whole State." Summer Schoo". At the solicitation of numerous patrons, I have decided to open a school in tho public school build- in; in McContiollrhnrg next Mon day morning, May l.Mh to con tinue for a term of six weeks. This school is intended to accom m nlate the primary and inter mediate scholars, and such of those who have been attending the grammar school as do not wish to attend the Normal. Terms: si' and 3, owing to grade. ESTET.LA IdMiL'F.. "I THANK THE LORD!" cried iliiuuah Plant, of Little Rock, Ark., "l'r the relief I got from Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Itcured my fearful running sores, which nothing else would heal, and from which I had su ffered for ." years. " It is a marvelous healer for cuts, burns aud wounds. Guaranteed at Trout's drug store; 2."c. ... . iwery tiling at special price next week at Maye Johnston's. Samuel II. Kliue and son, Floyd of Mill, wore welcome call ers at the News office yesterday Don't forget the bargain sale at Maye Johnston's l.'th to 20th. A DISASTROUS CALAMITY. It isadisastrous calamity, when you lose your health, becauso in digestion and constipation have sapped it away. Prompt relief can be had in Dr. Kind's Now Life Pills. They build up your digestive organs, and cure head- ache,dizziuess,colic, constipation, etc. Guaranteed at Trout's drug store: "5c. Mrs. W. H. Peck aud daughter Lyda, of Gem, were among the shoppers iu town yesterday. our attentiou is called to the new advertisements in this week's paper Harry E. Huston, J. K Johnston, W. 11. Nesbit, and Mrs A. F. Little. Harvey Black is spending this week in town. Next Monday he expects to leave with Mrs. Black for Johnstown, where they will begin housekeeping. FOLEISHONETTAR itoni ttk cough and hauls luntf More News for May. Have .you seen our display of clothing' for men' and boys yet? It will do your heart good lo see them, even it you are not needing a suit. A full suit ot black diagonal for 2.40 ready to put on and wear. A mix ed cassimere suit for 4.00, and a heavy slrong busi ness suit, 5. A Clean Up Sale of boys light all wool summer suits, worth 3.50 for 2. A pretty summer suit for young man (coat and pants) and pants with turn-up bottoms for 5.50. The largest line of nrettv rants fnr snmnipr w?ar Tempting offerings in Dry Goods a fixed principle at' tins house. There are four things that we want you to know about our underwear: 1, That they are attractive. 2, That they are well made. 3, That the materials are worthy, and, 4, That they are lower priced than such goods are usually sold at. Remember not once in a while but all the time, we sell the "same goods for less money." I'm truK' J. K. JOHNSTON, McConnellsburg, Pe. mTTTn tit I ir nnvrmT TmrnuT i in 1 W feal R8 K1 50 tons feed and flour ou hand, l'urc grain chop, sl..V; Brand, $1.25; Flour, f 1.25 to Uil). One carload of Mifflinburg Spring Wagons 0 m 4 and Buggies jg I'llU, full rot- FOLEYSIIONEYTAR Cur.a Coldtt Frav.nL Fnaumonia 31 Wagons MJ to Busies iW One car York A Crude Buggies 1 8poks, rivets leather cushions, dust-proof liox, bracer on shaft rubber top -4-bow, 15, 1 cur of Heaver Springs hand mudo Farm Wagons, llnoly painted, long hound, round coupling1 nolo, steel skein, 55, Ci5, $titi, and 75. Standurd fertilizers tl.'I.Ol). Staudard Hone and ash lH-1.50. 1 cun supply you with fertilizers any time from April 1st, to November 1st. V-. lj. oLcirr, mj THREE SPRINGS, F. $ ' ' CITO. fciley Garland visited M:chael Peck, Suntiaj. Ttie farmers in this vicinity are busy planting' corn. Rome are clone. The funeral of Mrs. Otho Bou ders was largely attended. Frank Mellott, of Cite , visited his brother-in-law, John Nondor shot, in Franklin county. Mary and iiessie llohman were at Michael Peck's. Sunday. Mrs. John Solders is poorly. John Carbaugh is making quite an improvement on his plae by building a stone fence. Oliver Peck was delivering fruit trees, and stayed all night with Michael Peck, one night last week. j Jaynevs Vcr- -S5j Cut off that cough with Expect oraTTF and prevent pneumonia; bronchitis and consumption. The world's Standard Throat Medicine tor 75 years. Get it of your druggist and keep it always ready in the and Lung house. Man' LnrtKonhlcnef is often as groat as woman's. I!ut Thos. S. Austin, Mgr., of tho Re publican, of Leavenworth, Iod., was not unreasonable, when he refused to alio tho doctors to operate on his wife, l'r fuinalo trouble, "Instead," he suyx, "We concluded to try Electric Hitters. My wife was then so sick, she could hardly leave her bed, aud five (".) physicians had failed to re lieve her. After taking Electric Bitters, she was perfectly cured, and can now perform all her house nold duties." Guaranteed at Trout's drug store, price 50c. The many friends in this place of Rev. Lewis Chambers, of Big Cove Tannery, were pleased to see him in town last Friday. It was his first visit to the County Seat since last October, he hav ing been conuned to his homo during most of the wiater, on ac count of ill health. Time Will Tell! Time tells all tiling)), and two months of our wonderful bargain sll Inn Is having its effect. New customers erery (lay showg that our goods and prices are pleas ing. We are more than di'lirhld with the way our trade Is growing, and we hope to Inrrrase It much more. During May every possible inducement will Ihj offered to make It the banner month of the year. STYLISH CLOTHING CLOTH 65 Hy buying large assortment of men's, younginen'd, boys', and chil dren's clothing, we have secured the control of tho Allen Tailor-made clothing in this place. Kvery gar ment is well made and you will be pleased with tho fii couldn't fit bet torand tho style Is just what the stylish dresser wants Children's knee pants suits 80o upl'"" tueu's suits, as low as $2.00, and 3.00 buys a black worsted suit which is, without doubt, a bargain. Men's brown, black and fancy suits from .i.0) to 12. DRY GOODS Kvery day linds us busy showing the most complete line of Dry Goods this store has ever shown. , It has been most too cool for summer goods, but it seems that peo ple cannot resist buying from our wonderful collection of silks, mulls, eivpe de chines, mohairs, organdies, lawns, batiste, etc. If you want a iic lawn dress, it is here; or, If you want a dollar mo hair dress, it is here a dress to suit you In price, in quality, and iu pattern awaits you. Our price on produce same as last week. We will make It pay you to trade with us. Can we hope to see vou. Harry E. Huston, Crum Store, Saltillo, Pa. 6E0.W.REISNER4C0. are now showing the largest line of House Furnishings in town. Carpets, Mattings, Li noleums! cloths, cur tains, blinds, &c. A good table oil cloth 1 1 cts. yard. - By the time your eyes each this we will have all our spring and summer stuffs for dresses and waists which we will be glad to show you. Shoes for everybody all grades and prices. Please call. GEO. W. REISNER & CO. McConnellsburg, Pa. ! To Cure a Cold in Ono Day Seven HCoa aoaea aoH la fst 13 wotiiha. Til t'ttTTtl, - CaraaCfrt