A ttno asortnnt of cigars at Malloy's grocery. Tor that uew WpritiK Suit or a pair of Low Shoes, go to Huston, the bargain man at Saltillo. Mrs. Isaac Hull, of this place, is visiting her daughter, Miss lrvio Hull in New York City. Ed Horton, near Clear Ridge, sold his property to Grant Baker of Knobsville, and will move to Dudley. The surest and safest remedy for kidney and bladder diseases i s Fol ey 's Ki d ney Cu re. Sold by all dealers. Mrs. Wilson L. Nice and baby Helen, of Carlisle, are spending a week or two with McC'ounells liurg fi lends. IK A. K. Davis and Norris K. Hoover, of Hustontown, were reg istered at the Fulton House yes terday. This is a grx.U tune to sub scribe lor the Fulton County Nkws. Only a dollar a year in ad vaiice. Huston, at Saltillo, sells Wall Paper, Mattings, Oil Cloth, and Carpets at prices that defy com petitions. Yes, he do ! Foley's Kidney Cure if taken iu time affords security from all kidney and bladder diseases. Sold by all dealers. Sadie Wilson, who had been wi'.h her brother Charley near Orbisonia during the past two weeks returned to her borne. Preaching services in the Sal vation Army church near Big Cove Tannery, Saturday evening at o'clock, Sunday at 10:30, 2:30 and 7:45. Rev. J. R. Logue will preach at Damascus next Sunday morning at 10 o'clock; at Antioch at 2:30 p. in., and at Oakley at 7:30 in the evening. Among the list of announce ments in the Fulton Democrat for the nomination for county com missioner, is added this week the name of William C. Davis, of Lick ing Creek township. Howard Zimmerman Hancock's enterprising liveryman, was in town a few hours yesterday. As an evidence of prosperity and enterprise, Mr. Zimmerman has recently purchased an entire new outtit, and is in better shape than ever to give satisfactory service to his many patrons. We notice thuname of James D. Stevens, of Dublin, announced as a candidate for the Republi can nomination for the oflice of county com jiissioner. James is a successful, progressive farmer and possesses the qualifications i if an eilicient ofiicer. liov. A. D. MeClosky, formerly pastor of the Methodist Kpisco pal church at this place, has giv en up work for a year, and will reside in Liverpool, Pa. His many friends here will be glad to learn that his health is improving, and that he hopes to be able to resume work nest spring. Dr. Frank Em mert, Chambers burg's eye, ear and throat spe cialist, will be at Dr. J. W. Mos ser's office, McConnellsburg, on Thursday, May 11th. Dr. Em inert is not a stranger to Fulton county people, and any one need ing his services may cousult him here and- thus bo saved the ex pense of a trip away. Eyes ex amined and glasses fitted. Prothonotary Harris has re ceived from the State Department commissions for the following persons who were elected justice of tlm peace last February, name ly, Wm. P. Gordon, Job L. Gar land, F. M. Diehl, S. C. Gracey, C. C. Kerling, Daniel E. Fore and H. S. Daniels. These commis sions may be lifted on the first day .of May, or at any time with in sixty days thereafter. Full ol Tngic Mciafof. are these lines from J. H. Sim mons, of Ca ey, la. Think what migtit have resulted from his ter rible cough if he had not taken the medicine about which lie writes: '1 had a fearful cough, disturbed my night's rest. I tried everything, butnothing would re lieve it, until I took Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption coughs and colds, which com pletely cured me. " Instantly re lieves and permanently cures all throat sndlungdiseases; prevents grip and pneumonia. At Trout's the druggist; guaranteed; 50c and 1.00. Trial battle free. You can have the NEWS on whole year for a dollar, "LAUREL Rioac. Jailing Pi-ck aud wife visited Fred Gordon and family Sunday. Martin Bishop spent last Sun day with Robert Mellott. Will Biveus and wife visited Mrs. David Lynch. Biddis Lynch and family visit ed his mother Sunday. Mrs. N. H. Evans visited Mary Shives. Chick Mellott and family and Ed Keyaer and family visited Ja cob Cordon and family last Sun day. There will be preaching nvxt Sunday by Rev. A. G. B. Powers at 10 o'clock at Laurel Ridge. !NKW CIRI: FOR CANUR. All surface cancers are now kuown to be curable, by Bucklon's Arnica Salve. Jas. Walter's, of Duftield, Va., writes: "I had a cancer on my lip lor years, that seemed iucurablo, till Bucklon's Arnica Salve healed it, aud now it is perfectly well." Guaranteed , cure for cuts and burns. L'.'c at Trout's drug store. Personally Conducted excursions in Pullman Tourist sleeping cars from Chicago to San Francisco, IjOS Angeles and Portland without change via the Chicago, Union Paciticand North western Lino. Colonist oneway tickets on sale March 1st to Mai' loth only .13.00 from Chicago, with correspondingly lbw rates from all other points. Double Berth in Tourist Sleeping cur on ly 7.00. Booklets with maps and full information on receipt of 4 cents in stamps. W. B. Knis kern, P. T. M., C. & N. W. Ry., Chicago. PLANS TO GET RICH are often frustrated by sudden j breaking down, due to dyspepsia or constipation. Braceupand take j Dr. King's New Life Pills. They I take out the materials which are clogging your energies and give you a new start. Cure headache and dizziness too. AtTrout'sdrug store; 2ie guaranteed. Clear KiJKu. J. S. Appleby and family, of Decorum, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. X. 1). Hen ry, as did, al.so, their youngest daughter, Mrs. frank Keith, of Hobertsdalc. Mrs. Catharine Baker, widow of Wm. linker, deceased, while cutting rug rugs at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. P. Kerhn, j was seized with a paralytic stroke j last Friday, and remains iu a very serious condition. ' T. K. Fleming and wife spent Sunday at Fort Littleton. Misses Grace and Lois Huston accompanied their - aunt, Anna Ir win, to McConnellsburg last Wed nesday and .spent a day with friends there. Mary, Jesse, and Blanche Car muck visited their uncle, Jesse Carmack, near Dublin Mills over Sunday. James Stevens and son Leon visited his fatlier-in-law, Jas. Ker lin, last Sunday. Jiert Henry and wife, of the Cove, was to see the hitter's grand mother, on Sunday. Kdward Horton has sold his property, and will move to Dudley in the near future. TO CURE A COLD IN 0ME DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W, Grove's signature is on each box. 25c C1T0. John Carbaugh and wife, and George Seiders and wife attend ed the funeral of Jerries Yores last Sunday. .Mrs. John Seville is convalesc ing. Mrs. Riley Garland ison the sick list. D. It. Garland is plowing for Michael KnautT. Judge Nelson burned a lime kiln last week. John Burke and Web Seville did the work. Miss Ella Kendall opened her school Monday. Mrs. James Seville of Frauklin county, is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Soiders at Cito. PNEUMONIA IS ROBBED OF ITS TERRORS by Foley's Honey and Tar. It stops the racking cough and heals and strengthens the lungs. If taken in time it will prevent an attack of pneumonia. Refuse substitutes, bold by all dealers. VVIj'I caudidni- s lor ll.e otttee of County Superintendent are us ually scurrying up and down the county at this season of the year, to make their calling and "elec tion" sure, one candidate, at least, is not bothering the farmers very much, and that is Charlie Barton, who has so elliciently exercised supervision over the schools of the county during the p;ist three years, and who is now a candidate for re clectiou. Unfortunately for hi in, a week or two ago, one of his little boys contracted scar let rash, and tlio Health Authori ties promptly put a rod card on the door of his residence, aud notified him aud his family not to leave their home, nor to admit visitors until all danger from the contagion of the disease shall have passed aud the quarantine shall be lifted, lie will, of course, not be present in the convention next Tuesday, but the convention will be held just the same, and all of tho directors of the county who wish to give him a lift, need have no fear iu coming to town and at tending the convention. A (iUARANTEED CURE KIR PILES. Itching, blind, bleeding or pro truding piles. Druggists refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case, no matter of how long standing, in C to 14 days. First application gives ease and rest. uOc. If your druggisthasn't it send "0c in stamps and it will be forwarded post-paid by Pans Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. McConnellsburg Nurmal School. The undersigned will open a Normal school luihe Public-School J Building, McConnellsburg, at 1 I p. m. Monday, May llli, to con j tinue 8 weeks. Tuition ". No reduction for part of. term. Good board may be had from 2.50 rp. Special attention to those prepar ing to teach. County Superin tendent's examination at close, of term. One able assistant teacher has already been engaged, aud more will be employed if size of school demands it. B. C. Lamhkuson. Bark Wanted. We are in the market for a large quantity, this year's peel, Rock Oak aud Hemlock bark. For prices, apply to S A I.T1I.LO TAX NEUY, i) -2J-m2. Saltillo, Pa. A CHATTANOOGA DRUOOIST'S STATEMENT, j Robt. J. Miller, Proprietor of: the Bead House Drug Store, of j Chattanooga, Teuu., writes: j 'There is more merit in Foley's ' Honey and Tar than in any other cough syrup. The calls for it j multiply wonderfully and wo sell ' more of it than all other cough j syrups combined." 3old by all j dealers. i AGENTS ANYBODY CAN DOIT AGENTS e want good live representa tives to take orders for "Peu-oor Pearl" Medallions. Entirely new. Soil at sight. Big money. Ex clusive territory given. Agents' supplies. Novelties up-to-date. Write at once. Universal Man ufacturing Company, Pittsburg, Pa. PLEASANT KlOtil:. Riley Deshong aud wife were guests at Morgan Doshoug's, Sunday. Mrs. Logue Shives is on the sick list. Riley Truax made a business trip to the County Seat last Sat urday. George Kautfman made a busi ness trip to Waynesboro last week. R. A. Skiles aud family, of Hustontown, spent Sunday among friends and relatives. The fence commissioners ot Belfast, have decided to prohibit the farmers from erecting barb wire fences on their farms, hold ing that it is against the law to use that kind of wiro. . WON A NAME OF FAME. BeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pill, have been made famous by their certain yet harmless and gentle action upou tho bowels and live'-. They have no equal for. biliousness, consti pation, etc. They do not weaken tho stomach, gripe, or mako you feel sick. Once used always pre ferred. They strengthen. Sold at Trout's drug store j Subscribe for the n'ews. Strikingly Attractive May Millinery Tliia business his flouri'died and prnwn treat because It has been built on the firm foundation of worthy nierclmnJise unJ rlose profit,. Our Millinery Leadership is very Pronouned You'll find here, ready-to-wf or and tailored hnts, trimmed "nuts, "rlili." and stylish, originally designed by our sieeial expert, milliner. This is tlio si-cond g! ison wo have jilyen ollr patrons the licnelit of an exclusive, eity tnodi.sto. Our millinery has won undisputed prustijrn for our stove. Hundreds of Hate? AIT prices, trimmed and uptrimmed, in stock. Children's hats, baby bonnets, cups and cloaks, gorgeous (lowers, beautiful foliage, element plumes and ribbons, uncqualed in quality and splendor, ready for your !nsH'iion and selection. This is the Strongest Late Season Known for Many Years. We buvo then fore, prepared for you a tempting assortment of at tractive patterns in Valenciennes, Knglish laces, Gorman laces, Veni.se and Orientol, all-over laces, black, white and cream, at surprisingly low prices. , We Call Your Attention to the folly of sending to tlio big city houses for goods you could buy at home for less money. Your trade belongs to us, nnd you will lind on our counters a line of smart trf-oKS fabrics unrivaled by any store. T. J. WIENER, Hancock, JWd, Kntire new stock W Banner Patterns. New, Up-to-date Millinery Sale. Millinery at Strikingly Low Prices. (ur Millinery Store is full of sunshine. Tho Spring and Summer Hats are here in countless numbers. Everything that's stylish from the simplest street hats to the most fashionable creations made. We are making exceptiona lly low prices on beautiful Spring and Summer Millinery, Ladies Neckwear. Silks for Waists. An. pliiiue, Laces, etc. In fact, sianu wiinoui a parallel. We will be pleased to have you call any day and see our ele gent line of Hats. Our lials range in prices from or up. Flowers ldc per bunch up. Lena B. LeiicHg, Hustontown, Fa. ROUSS RACKET STORE CORSETS, CORSETS, We handle the best Corsets that is made and in the bast styles. It is tho Armorside, at Win. Also 2.-1, 3S, and -i'tn oneB. Announcement for Vpril and Housecleaning Time Hardware, 2t) lb building paper liulli building paper 1 Jaehelor manure forlts Poultry wire Garden ralas Steel shovels Floor oil cloth Ilest grade Hour oil cloth 50c; roll. 75c roll 48c. 3 to 7e u yd. 15 to 22e. 4Ho. lllc. i!4c. 5c. lo 25 ami 55c. i boxes carpet tacks Matting tacks Horse shoe pincers Shoeing hammers Horse rasps Curry Combs 25c, 1I to 24c 5 to Hie Thanking you for the -increase in our business, we are HULL & BENDER, Felt window shudes He. Oil shades fringed 2.'tc. 50e shades for Ii5e. White curtain poles Sc. Hrass rods 8c. iMue curtains 2j yd 3i)c. Lace curtains , and 3J yd long for ti.'lc to ! . Proprietors. FRANK P. PLESblNGER, Practical Surveyor, Emmaville, Fulton county. Pa , Graduate of the Scranton School of Civil Kngineering. Laud Surveying a Specialty. Maps, drafts, and calculations care fully and accurately executed. 4-1.;. A 1JIG 1JARGAIN I have in McConnellsburg a Drop Head Singer Machine 1 will sell very cheap. Cash or time. S. D. STKVKNS, . . Chamtersburg, I'a. X As to Wabash Connection. The Wabash Railroad announc es that it will run trains through from Pittuburg to Baltimore via. Ilagerstowi. by January 1st next. October 1 is the date set for the completion of the connection from Cherry Run to Cumberland. With tho possiblo exception of the entrance of tho Wabash lAo Pittsburg, tho building of C3 miles of railroad to connect the Western Mary laud with tho West Virginia Central from Cherry Run to Cumberland is tho most expensive railroad construction iu re .ent years. Tho tost of buildiDg the first hve miles from Cumberland oast averaged JjcjriO, 000 a mile, and the avei ago cost for the G5 miles is given at f 100, 000 a mile. we feel certain that tho low prices here J CLOTHING, CLOTHING. We have any thing you may want. Chil dren's suits from loo to $2.2.') youths, 2.2." t ) $4.2j; men's, 42.40 to 7. 75. Meat saws 2n to 75c. 2 foot rules flc. H in., brass band rules 2Hc 'Ix'.l in., steel but hinges ,u5c. MatUntjs lo, 12 to 2c. V-e have just added to our stock a I. Ice line of Lancaster ginghams at tic a yard. Have you seen any of that 1-4 unbleached muslin that we are sell ing at 7e yd. Compare it with what you have been paying He. I ted table damnsk 23c: white 23c. We now ho ve our men's summer un derwear, and it is iino, men's double scat drawors 23c; Halbriggan drawers aud shirt 43c. We just received a new shee for children and misses with a low hee that we think is hard lo beat, (I to 8 03-; 8 to 12 75c; 12J to 2 00c See onr lino of shoes. One Minute Cough Cure For Coughs, Colds and Croup. Adminisrator's Notice. Letters of udnilnist'tttluo on tho estuteof in. I-:. Itlvcns ;uid KiiKiliite Jlivens, lulii Wcllx liiuo-hl I'll., ilrci-iiNfd. huvlnt; been nmt eilliy Uiu Keclsterof VVUIm tor Kultuu eminl.v, Ui the ulifsciiljtr. whou pustolfloe uitilrehx Is Wells TiiuiH'j-y. Kulion County, I'a,, uiluenuny who we fiitlt'ltttitl to the said estuie will please niuke puyineut. unci iliuso huviiiK olalioitvtill prcseui them to m. c. ivi:ns, Adujiulsii-iitor. 4-r.MMWlw. Wells Tunneiy. l'u. Convention of School Directors to Elect County Superintendent. To the School Direct op of Kulion county : jeutleuivu : in purMtitnutt of the foi-ty-thirtl seeuou of the uet of Jlay H, Sj'l, you tlie llerrhy notllled to meet In eiinveuliou. at the court liuue. Iu Meuouuellshuiif, on the m-sl Tuesday iu May. A. I. !'.. Iielu:.' Hit heuoud tlav of the month, at I o clock p m.. ami seleet viva voee. hy a majority of the whole number of directors present, one person of literary and sficutlllo uc.ulrc mem, and of sltlli and e'xper-eut-In Hie ai t or teuehinu, us county super intendent, for the three sueet'etlinK years: and certify the result lo the Mate Superintendent ui Jliirilshur, as required bv the ihirty-uinth ami fortieth seetioo of sa-U net. C'HAS. K. HAKTON. County Superlcte-dent of Kulton county April 3, 111 is. at. Administrator s Notice. Notice Is herehy ulven that letiei-K of admin. Istt-utlou have heeu tminled tothe under.lKiif d upou Hie estate of liar y C ilehall laiu of Taylor township. Kultuu uouiny. t'a., ileueus el. All persons having claims UKultisl mid es lute will present them properly uuthuntiouled fur settlement, and those owmi; the hhiijh will please call and settle. T. K. Kl.rMI.VU, 'leitr Kltle. I'a., AdmiuiHtrtttor. FOLEYSHOIfErlAR , m ... . fxr Sale at Trout's drujr store. "Ask for the 1G05 1 f" si Vour dull.irs will go farther at our store than'nny where else. We have just received a car of Barb Wire, Smooth Wire and Nails, which we bought in November when the price was the lowest, and we can sell to vou now for less than factory price. 1CTAA r&AFC Woven Wire Fencing IJUU KULa at IM-ices so low as to Surprise all. 9 strand heavy wire 35 cents per rod; 6 strand heavy wire 25 cents per rod. Good yellow muslin 5 1-4 cents per yard by the web. 500 yards fancy Rag Carpet 35, 45, and 50 cents per yard. 40 COOK STOVES and RANGES on hand to select from, 13 to 35 each. Tl j We and Furniture steel roof to put on it, and paint for outside and in; and then furnish it from Top to Bot tom at bottom Prices. We are having built 3 Carloads of Buggies and Wagons which will be here in April and lor high grade guaranteed work, we will sell lower than any other dealer in the county. We get Jobbet S Prices and will sell at wholesale prices. We have bought i 200 Tons PHOSPHATE you get nice tresh goods here, and our price will be lowei than others. Remember we have 3 Stores in Huntingdon county. CLAY PARK, Three Springs. Rei. .14 M .-! ; 'i i cm x m -m m Spring Business is on the boom now. Every Season we try too add some new feature tothe construction of a garment. This spring we "call your at tention to our non-breakable concave shoulder and we can explain too the appearance of a garment. Be with the majority and come and see us. GOLDSMITH THE TAILOR, McConnellsburg, Fei. Opposite the Public School Huilding. .. n v. f i . -m :J3 :5 'U r4 Bmmm'mlitmmmimm'fm'imm Read This Twice Star Trading Stamps Cluen, Fix It on Your Memory, It is interesting to know "that" $12.95 buys an Oak bedroom suit. $12.95 buys a Parlor suit. v $ 2.95 buys an Enamel Iron Bed full size. CAQC buysoVelourcovered Couch , A poHtal will bi-iu you an illiiatr-ittod circular. It-will m.t, you on J.riceb. Complute lino pf Furniture, t'tirpi ts, Matllntfu, Oil Cloth, Laci Curtalutt, Bhados, etc. .Star Trad lug tamps Ivan. Frank 13-17 C'Ioku Ui W. M. It. It. depot. DYSPEPSIA CORE DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT Tk. 1 1 00 bottl. mnulnt 2 ttm.t th. tri.l which ..II, for SO cvt. ( n.PAIIO ONLY AT THB LATCUtullV 01- C C. D.WITT Su COMDANV rrirr. v it v "T MViHUU A.. Kodol Almanac "ftnd 200 DOLLARS -f! (ihenn. medium and hurh mired. f . ---cs - - r can furnish you hardware glass to put up a house, a of which will be in in time for spring plant ing. We carry no fertilizers over; so and enjoy the distinction of carrying the largest variety ot merchandise ot any tirm ) n M M Hi ( m i l f ' rm-4fmM 1 w v,. . r , E. Miller, East Market Street, ex. YeaJ Calendar."