The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, April 26, 1905, Image 7

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Wheal Mw MHk AhM it nil Klaildat
Tramblea Bat In, Gat at the Caaea.
Don't make the nrl stake of believing
backach and bladder itla to be local
ailments. Get at the ennno and cure
t.lie kldncju. TJf
Dnnn'a Kidney
rilla wlil'h linre
cured thousands.
Contain 8. 1).
ft VfT-r tWl Hunter, of En-
VCT W fine No. 14, ritts-
burjf. Pn., Fire
-wSV, Drpnrtment, mid
residing at 27LU
Wyllo avenue,
"It waa three year ago that I used
Donn'a Kidno.v rilla for an nttack of
kidney trouble tlint wan mostly buck
ache, and they flxorl mo up fine. There
ia no miBlake about that, and If I
should ever be troubled nBnin t would
iret tliem first thing, as I know what
they are."
For sale by nil dValiTs. Trice !0
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., lluffulo. N. Y.
Father Waa Laid Up.
Arthur Hill and Joseph Schroda of
"The Wizard of Oz" company chanced
to drop in at a small shooting gallery
In Providence last week, where they
spent an hour peppering the bull's
eye and winning innumerable cigars.
Tho place was presided over by a
pretty girl and a decrepit old man
man whom she called ."Father." As
Arthur Hill does not indulge In the
pernicious smoking habit, he handed
back all the cigars he won for his un
erring aim and said to the girl, "Give
them to the old man."
The next day Hill and Schrode
were strolling past the same place,
and they noticed that the girl was on
duty alone, but the old man was miss
leg. "I guess father smoked them," re
marked Hill, laconically.
The present population of Great Britain
and Ireland ia about 42.730,000.
Suggestions How to Find Relief from Such
jfiMissJVelite Holmes ft MrxTillie Hart t$7 Jj
While no woman is entirely free from
periodical suffering, it docs not seem to
be the plan of nature that women
should suffer so severely. Menstrua
tion is a severe strain on a woman's
vitality. If it is painful or irregular
something is wrong which should be
set right or it will lead to a serious de
rangement of the whole female organ
ism. More than fifty thousand women
have testified in grateful letters to Mrs.
Pinkham that Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound overcomes pain
ful and irregular menstruation.
It provides a safe and sure way of es
cape from distressing and dangerous
weaknesses and diseases.
The two following letters tell so con
vincingly what Lydia E, Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound will do for
women, they cannot fail to bring hope
to thousands of sufferers.
Miss Nellie Holmes of 640 N, Davl
sion Street, Buffalo, N. Y., writes :
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
" Your medii'ine in indeed an Ideal medicine
for women. I Buttered misery for years with
painful period, headache, mid bearing-down
pains. I consulted two different physicians
but failed to got any relief. A friend from
the East advised me to try Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound. I dirt go, and
no longer suffer as 1 did before. My periods
are natural -every ache and pain is gone, anil
air general health is much Improved. I
adviae ail women who suffer to take Lydia
Ja. nnunanvs Vegetable uompouiia."
Mrs. Tlllle Hart, of Larimore, N. D.,
Dear Mrs. Plnkhain
' r miffhfc Vi ti i u tinvi hMin anaPAil m n it
months of suffering and pain bad I only
known of the erttcvy of Lydia E. Pinkham's I
Ask Mrs. PinUham". Advlce-A Woman
tlO.OOO SIW1SD to 4ajM wU
caa alsprov this lUWaMnl.
-a w. itouaina v.i.oo snnes are ina
w B"i."'ii a-llTrs in n worm wtwy
em In the world le
inellent atria, earjy Ut
cause di ineir ex
inttf ana suirl
iles Ore limt ni irnnif u llinMlhHl font
ioi to ai.OO. Tby onlr UI-
:i.M shines aosl mora Ui uinite, hold
their tH heltar, wrar loiiKr, and
r n-iiw. mm ma i.riiM,. v. wuueimr
ahtMa lire aoltl IhroiiKh lila t,wn -teli
atorea In the pi-lnt'.lintl iUltH, ami lijr
ahoe ilfalem evwry where- N muttr
where you live, W. I. liuusloa abuea
are within your ruuult.
" Thm Bmmt Evmr Woe:"
"I vrtlt to tav that I A(tr rorjt yuvr $S.M
ihoft for tilt putt jlv VM ' ana Ami thm tfit
tit I tfr icon" - lire, trunk T. HipUy, ait
A'fMl Jtjfvrtm St., Ufuwitlte, Air.
Bays wear W. I.. Douslas 12.50 and 12.00
shoes because they tit better, hold their
shape and wear lunger than other niakaa.
tf. 1. Dnuela) titet Corona Coltitm in hu
ts.00 thort. Corona Colt II eonctilrd In
m llu tuft paliKl hJtlur pruductd.
Fm-t Color BytMi will not wear brtt.y.
W. I.. Douala hfta the tartfcBt ahrie mall oritur
bu.lui'M In th i,rl,(. No irimblv In set a tit
blltiull. JUri-iiti ultra urpiiT0ihillvery. .
It lull dMlre (urthar liif(iriotluu, wntP
JllullruUJ Oululvtut jf spring Styltl.
W. L. 0OU0US, BrMklaa, Mam.
kwrK.7 .if
art, r iiTaiar tkiub imhi nllj oi'.ipr
7 1:1. AO nhoe tut the mitrkft to-dar, tV. L.
cmiIii Simmiil. e thtlr vniile hf
tHiupliitf 111", name Hntl iijrltie uil the
bottom or rutin aIkki. LtMik for It. Take
Howl Specialization In Manufacture
Reduces Cost of Production.
When Edison first made the small
Incandescent electric lamps, consist
ing of a carbon filament fixed by plati
num wlrea In a pearshaped glass bulb
from which the air had been exhaust
ed, the cost was $3 each; now there
are many million similar lamps of bet
ter quality made each year and sold
at less than twenty cents each.
Formerly watches were made by
hand and were costly luxuries; now
they are made by machinery In lots
of a thousand at a time and the cost
of a new watch that will keep fairly
good lime Is less than the cost of hav
ing an expensive watch cleaned.
The same principles apply In all
linea of manufacture, and It has been
found that reduction in cost of produc
tion, due to specialization in manufac
ture is naturally followed by Increas
ed demand, for the simple reason that
each successive reduction brings a
new class of consumers or purchas
ers Into the market, and a commodity
which was regarded as a luxury of tho
few when the cost was relatively high
becomes a necessity of the many
when the cost is reduced to a suffi
ciently low level.
Optical Convention.
An optical convention will be held
In London the latter part of May,
under the presidency of Dr. R. T.
Glazebrook, F. R. S. The object of
the convention Is to bring into co
operation men Interested In optical
matters. A sub-committee has been
appointed to consider the subjects of
papers on optical questions which
should be broiiBht before the conven
tion, and suggestions as to subjects
for discussion will be welcomed. It
has been decided to organize an exhi
bition, of a scientific character, of in
struments manufactured in this coun
try. England, with a view to show the
progress recently made, and to stimu
late further efforts.
Vegetable Compound sooner: for I have tried
so many remedies without help. 1
1 areauea tne npproncn oi my menstrual
nArind avnrv month, aa It meant so much rjain
and suffering for me, but after I had useu the
Uompouna two monttu 1 became regular ana
natural and am now perfectly well and free
from pain at my monthly periods. I am very
grateful for wbat L,yuia J. rinnnams vege
table Compound has done for me."
Such testimony should be accepted
by all women as convincing evidence
that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound stands without a peer as a
remedy for all the distressing ills of
The success of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound rests upon the
well-earned gratitude of American
When women are troubled with irreg
ular, suppressed or painful menstrua
tion, leucorrhcea, displacement or ul
ceration of the womb, that bearing
down feeling, inflammation of the
ovaries, backache, bloating, (or flatu
lency), general debility, indigestion and
nervous prostration, or are beset with
such symptoms as dizziness, faintness,
lassitude, excitability, irritability, ner
vousness, sleeplessness, melancholy,
they Bhould remember there is one tried
and true remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound at once removes
sucn trou bles. Kef use to buy any other
medicine, for you need the best.
Don't hesltnto to write to Mrs.
Pinkhnm if there is anything
about your sicklies you do not
understand, sno win ireui you
with kindness and tier udvlce is
tree. No woman ever regretted
writing her and she has helped
thousands. Address Lynn, Mass.
Best Understands a Woman's Ills.
Sinor Garofalo. the Italian criminolo
gist, reckons that throughout Europe
10,000 persons are annually condemned
tor murder and that only one criminal
out of three is brought to justice.
A former army officer playa a hand organ
on tne streets 01 snemeiu, i-ngiand.
Mrs. Wlnslow'sKoottalugByrup lor children
teething, soften the (rums, reduces luflamma
tlon,allayspaia,eureii wind rollcoc.abottle.
Fruits grown in China are usually in
ferior in flavor.
Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's
fsnnitarv lotion. Kever ''uila. Sold bv all
druggists, $1. Muil orders promptly rilled
by fir. E. Detchon, Crawfordsville, Ind.
. The Peruvian railways bavo all been con
solidated. I
-l au"" .r vririLv .OLIV.ACK3
new order
llv pou.
for an
Wrha m at onoa lor blankiand Inatruatlooa.
Free ol cliarne. No I'ennlon. No I'ay. Addreas
W. II. WILLS, Willi building. Sia Indiana At,
Waablnsiou, D. V. 1'alauU aud Irada-MarlUj
rrn aniw nnuu, -, .wl -.
Latest News of Pennsylvania Told in
Short Order.
The Monroe County Mountain Re
sort Association is trying to secure better
railroad facilities between Monroe Coun
ty and Philadelphia.
Women (if Oxford are collecting
money to build a public hall.
Mayor M'Call, of York, has decided
that in case a prisoner is unable or re
fuses to pay a fine imposed for a mis
demeanor, he shall be placed at -work
upon the city highway.
A syndicate of Philadelphia and Balti
more capitalists has pitrcha-cd the plants
and franchises of t'le Consumers' Water
Company, i:i Hun.iver, and the Mcphcr
rystown Water Company. The syndicate
has also bought several hundred acres
of land, gaining c.introl of nil the water
supplies in tlint vicinity.
An unexpected flow of pas at l!'c
depth of (joo f'-et in a well in the IV
haven farm. Clarion, was ignited, de
stroying (lie derrick and rigging. The
loss is $1500.
Kebcccrt Laird, f t Carlisle, lias pre
sented to the pilworthtown Frc-liy'irian
CT.ttroh a baptismal font, in mrniory
of Mrs. Mary 1. Middle, late of 'tV.-r-wood.
Birmingham Township, and ol
Lydia Spencer Baird. who died in
Wiun the grand-mother of it-year-old
Arthur Itrossman, of Kcadinr'.
caught him playing truant she punished
him with a broomstick. Thereupon tin
boy, it is alleged, burled a bar of iron
at her and broke her nose. The griirrl
niuihcr caused the boy's arrest and in
preferring charges against him declared
that he had forged his mother's
to checks upon which he secured ?tl
from a local bank. It is said that the
boy found his mother's check book, and
induced a companion to draw a check
for $1.50. This was promptly cashed
and then he tried again. Further suc
cess made him bold and he, it is said,
tried a $6 check, which the cashier re
fused to honor. I lis mother would have
kept the matter quiet, but tho assault
on the grand-mother brought the mat
ter to light. The b;y will probably bv
sent to a reformatory.
On January 5 last a dangerous fire
broke out at night in a livery stable in
the hrart of the business district of llar
risburg. The fire battled the firemen and
destroyed the stable and an adjoining
building. Charles Scha'cffcr, aged 10.
was arrested, charged with setting fire
to the stable. It is said he had told of
his crime to a friend, who informed the
A delegation of residents of the Cum
berland Valley called on Governor Pen
nypacker to invite him to participate
in the dedication of the monument to
soldiers of the Revolutionary war, at
Middle Springs Presbyterian Church,
two miles from Shippensburg, on June
I. He promised to be present and make
an address.
The strike of the union miners in
the Meyersdalc district has been de
clared off, the union having withdrawn
its support. The strike has been in pro
gress for sixteen months.
The Bethlehem Steel Company started
the erection of three large crucible and
open hearth furnaces.
Associate Judge Joseph Wertz, 71
ycrtrs, of Lewistown, fell in his kitchen
and sustained a fracture of the right leg.
John McClurg, of Oxford, a line
man, was working at the top of a thirty
five foot pole when it suddenly broke.
He fell and was rendered unconscious.
Upon being brought to his senses again
it was found that despite his fall be was
Fifty loaders in the Sterling Colliery,
Shamokin, operated by the Philadelphia
Coal & Iron Company, went on strike,
refusing to pick slate out of chutes before
loading coal into wagons.
The college women of Scranton have
formed an organization with Mrs. J. M.
Wainwright, a Vassar graduate, as pres
ident, and Miss Anna Russ.of Smith
College, secretary. The organization will
engage in philanthropic work.
A. D. Hoover, who has been postmas
ter at Zion's View for ten years, has re
signed. The West Chester branch of the Wo
men's Auxiliary of the Chester County
Hospital has elected the following offi
cers: President, Miss Hannah A. Mar
shall ; vice-presidents, Miss Elma
Hoopes, Mrs. George Bidden; secretary,
Mrs. Alice Shafer; treasurer, Mrs. F. S.
Orders have been issued by Colonel
Rufus C Elder, of the Fifth Regiment,
National Guard, to muster out the hos
pital corns at Altoona and organize a
new corps in Bellefonte, where the sur
geon, Dr. "Albert G. H. Hayes, resides.
D. W. Tyron, rashier of the Spartans
burg Bank, which failed in March, has
been arrested, charged ' with embezzle
ment, on complaint of W. E. Rice, of
Chicago. Rice alleges that he contracted
with Tyron for the erection of a chair
factory in Spartansburg and paid Tyron
$1500 to be used in conducting the busi
ness, but, he says, Tyron diverted the
money to his own use.
Ten feet below the earth's surface a
vein of anthracite coal has been discov
ered near Royer, Blair county. Some
of the coal was taken out and burned,
and found to be of excellent quality. The
extent of the vein has not been ascer
tained. Much excitement has resulted
among the farmers in that locality.
Dison McKcnnan, a 13-year-old boy
of Shickshinny, near Wilkes-Barrc, died
of hydrophobia. He frothcr at the
mouth, snapped like a dog and suffered
intense pains until his death. He was
bitten about five weeks ago by a dog
which was not then thought to be mad.
John Bygosh is in jail on the charge
of blowing up the house of William Mill
bak, in Luzerne Borough. Millbak de
clared at the hearing that he heard a
man stumble and swear, and that the
voice was that of Bygosh. A few min
utes later the house was blown up with
dynamite. ,
The Schuylkill county poor directors
have filed a case stated in court to se
cure an opiniot as to whether or not
they are to be paid under the new con
troller act, which fixes a salary of $1,500
a year. They have been receiving $3 a
day under the old law.
' Shortly after he had joined a corps
organized at the Lincoln Colliery, Potts
ville, to administer first aid to injured
miners, James Schrciller was caught be
tween mine cars al killed.
Ziba Scott, a widely-known guide and
hunter of Springbrook, has been missing
since April 5. All of his clothes. and
his spectacles were found near Rattle
snake Pond, half a mile from his home
Joseph Lamborn, a young man living
near Russellvillc, was found dead in a
field where be had been plowing, with
a bullet through his brain, and a revol
ver iTlenchcd in his band. The Coroner'
juryrendered a verdict of suicide.
R. G. Dun & Co.'s "Weekly Trade Re
view" says:
"Good news still predominates in trade
and industry. Easter business is of
large volume; dry goods, clothing, foot
wear and all lines of wearing apparel
reporting an unusually good demand,
and shipping departments are taxed to
their full capacity in many cases. The
country as a whole is experiencing more
settled weather, which is reflected in a
better retail distribution of merchandise.
Jobbing trade in goods for Fall de
livery is broadening, and there is mors
inclination to prepare for the future.
Manufacturers report less idle machinery,
the iron and steel industry leading with
an unprecedented output of pig iron,
vrt consumption is also above all records,
for there is no accumulation at the
A few labor controversies arc threaten
:d, but none are of sufficient magni
tude to materially check progress, even
if ixpccted settlements arc not attained,
for the number of hands involved is
comparatively small.
Reports arc somewhat conflicting as to
mercantile collections, but improvement
should follow the liberal distribution of
funds in starting agricultural work.
Treasury shipments of small change to
the interior largely exceeding the amount
in transit a year ago.
Car blockades are few, owing to the
favorable weather, although traffic is
very heavy, as shown by railway sarn
Ings for the first week of April, 10.9 per
cent, larger than last year.
Failures this week numbered 214 in
the United States, against 225 last year,
and 20 in Canada, compared with 16 a
year ago.
"Bradstrcet's" says:
Wheat, including flour, exports for the
week ending April 13, are 1,242,301 bush
els, against 886,017 last week, 1,213,855
this week last year, 2,977,777 in 1903, and
,iiR,to8 in 1002. Corn, exports for the
week are 2,299,767 bushels, against 3.366,
347 last week, 583.309 a year ago, 1.677,
521 in 1903, and 400.733 in 1902.
Baltimore. FLOUR Weak and un
changed ; receipts, 3,756 barrels.
WHEAT Dull and firmer; spot con
tract, l.o6(ff;i.o7; spot No. 3 red West
ern, i.07l4(tii.072 ; April, i.o6fcJ(Si.o7;
May, I.06 asked; June, I.oiJ'a asked;
July, 87 asked; steamer No. 2 red, 9"!-
! receipts, 7,407 bushels; South
ern, by sample, 871.1.05; Southern, on
grade, gXirii I.o6)4.
CORN rirmer; spot, 52I4(?i 52H I
July, 52!f252 ; September, 531 5314 ;
steamer mixed. MCiASH ', receipts, 73,
788 bushels; Southern white corn, 49
52'4) Southern yellow corn, 40'A" 53.
OATS Firm; No. 2 white, .?637;
No. 2 mixed, 35S35!4 ; receipts, 9,20c
RYE Firm (uptown) ; No. 2 West
ern, 90; receipts, 1,429 bitshelss.
BUTTER Firm and unchanged; fai
cy imitation, 26ff27; fancy creamery,
31(7732; fancy ladle, 24(25; store pack
ed, 2orfT2t.
EGGS Firm and .unchanged ; l6Vj.
C H E E S E Firm and unchanged ;
large, 13 i; medium, 14; small,
SUGAR Firm and unchanged; cbarsc
granulated, 6.25; fine, 6.25.
New York. BUTTER Firm and un
changed ; receipts, 4,490.
CHEESE Firm and unchanged; re
ceipts, 3,207.
EGGS Irregular; receipts, 33,669;
State, Pennsylvania, and near-by selected,
choice, I9('!l9j4; Western storage pack
ed, 18! ; do., firsts, 17 ; Southerns, 16
POULTRY Alive, steady; Western
chickens, 12; fowls, 15; old turkeys, 16;
dressed, quiet; Western chickens, 10(12;
fowls, 1014; turkeys, 146:1 iq.
FLOUR Receipts. 16,509 barrels; ex
ports, 4,173 barrels; steady, but quiet.
RYE FLOUR Steady ; fair to good,
COTTONSEED OIL Steady; prinn
yellow, 2yii2b.
ROSIN Quiet; strained, common t(
good, 3.15 asked.
SUGAR Raw, firm; fair refining,
4 5-16; centrifugal, 96 test, 4 5-16; mo
lasses sugar, 4 1-16; refined, quiet.
POTATOES Weak ; Long Island,
I.502.oo; State and Western, 1.00
1. 10; ersev sweets, 2.504.50.
PEANUTS Steady ; fancy hand
picked, 5Jt("oJ i other domestic, i'dji
CABBAGES Quiet; Florida, per bar
rel crate, l.oo2.oo.
Live Stock.
New York. BEEVES Nothing do
ing in live cattle; feeling steady. Ex
ports, 24 cattle and 95 sheep.
CALVES Quiet, but steady. Com
mon to fairly good veals, 4.00(0.6.50; no
prime here; culls, 3.50. City dressed
veals, in fair demand, at 8c to lie per
pound; country dressed, at 7c to yc.
dull; lambs, 10c to 15c lower. Clipped
sheep, 4.50 to 5.50; woolcd lambs, 8.00
to 8.50; clipped do., at 5.00 to 6.50.
HOGS Market about steady. Good
to prime State hogs, 6.10 to 6.15.
Chicago. CATTLE Market steady
to 15c lower. Good to prime steers, 6.00
(6.65; poor to medium, 4-6o575i
stockers and feeders, 2.50 5. 10; cows,
2.6oJ'5.6o; heifers, i.ooifi.oo ; canners,
l.6o(?t.3.oo; bulls, 3.504.oo; calves, 3.00
HOGS Mixed and butchers', 5.45(0)
5.65; good to choice heavy, 5.57!
5.67; rough heavy, 5-45(5-55 1 1'ght,
5.4015.60; bulk of sales, 5.55(05.57',.
SHEEP Lambs, steady to lower.
Good to choice wethers, 5756.15; tair
to choice mixed, 4.505.65; native lambs,
One-third of the 100.000 Japanese in
this country are said to be in California.
Official figures show that 100 lives
were lost in making the Simplon tun
nel. An English woman a few years ago in
vented a button hook for gloves, which
is now worth $5,000 a year to her.
During the session of Congress which
closed on March 4, President Roosevelt
signed 1,842 fheasurcs passed bv th'
Senate and House of Representatives.
Dr. William Henry, un-English physi
cian, states as a result- of experiment
that in all forms of animal life, insect
included, exists the taste for alcohol.
Owls are not really wise, and the
reason that they seem so is because they
nevir move their eyes. This they can
not do, as their eyeballs are fixed im
movably in the sockets.
Dominion Department of Trade and
Commerce of Canada issued the first
check for bounty on steel rails on Feb
ruary 10, 1905, to the Consolidated Lake
Superior Company for $60,000.
Ostrich farming in South Africa con
tinues a most profitable business.
ftuconltnt Blvalv Proliflo Producer
of Olaeas.
There la probably no one artlcla of
food, except raw milk, which Is o
freuently a cause of disease, and some
times even fatal Illness, as Is the oys
ter. The outrttlve value of the oyster
Is very small. It takes fourteen oys
ters to equal one egg In food value,
and more than 250 oysters to equal a
single pound of beef In food value.
This Is due to the fact that the oyster
consists chiefly of water, the balance
being mostly llvor and germs. The
oyster lives upon the ooze and slime
of the ocean bottom. TypholA-fevel
germs, and other disease-producing or
ganisms are tidbits for the oyster,
and millions of them aro always found
In the oyster's stomach and the mu
cous, or slimy Juice, In which the oys
ter Is always bathed.
Another paper recently reports the
death of the Dean of Winchester from
typhoid fever, as the result of eating
oysters at the mayor's banquet In
England. The result of this death,
according to a wholesale oyster dealer
In England, has been the falling off In
the consumption of oysters to the ex
tent of 75 per cent; that Is, that there
Is orjly one oyster eaten now where
four were eaten before these facts
became public. Oyster merchants and
persons engaged In the oyBter busi
ness generally, In England, are com
plaining that their business Is ruined.
Within three or four days after the
death of the Dean of Winchester, the
oytter trade fell off at Emsworth from
five thousand to nothing.
Several similar epidemics have oc
curred In England, and a few In this
country, in which fatal cases of ty
phoid fever were traced directly to the
use of the oyster. ,
The oyster Is a scavenger, and ab
solutely unlit for human food. The
Idea that It Is more digestible than
other foods is In the highest degree
absurd. In addition to the germs with
which It always swarms, the oyster
contains a large amount of uric acid
which can not be gotten rid of by boil
ing, or by any other means.
Poser for the Artlot.
"Irish bulls will happen," declared
Representative McNary of Massaehti
tetts. "I had a friend, an old Irish
sontractor, who made a fortune and
wanted his portrait painted. He went
to the artist and the terms were satis
factory. " "Now, have you any special pose
you want?" asked the artist.
"Ol have thot,' answered the pros
pective sitter. 'Ol want mesclf painted
thandin' behind a tree.' "
Cannot Rerinca a Ultra.
It Is stated In Washington that un
der the Townsend rate bill If a rate is
died by the commission it cannot be
lowered by a railroad. Should an
emergency arise calling for a decreased
rate tho railroads or shippers would
have to appeal again to the commis
sion, there being no latitude nllowed,
whatever the circumstances. Hitherto
a maximum rate has been the rule, but
no such concession Is made under the
proposed legislation. ,
iTory Concratnlattona.
A very famous American dentist met
the English husband of un American
friend of mine with the genial congra
tulation: "My dear sir, I wish you J6y!
'ou have married a first-rate set of
tceth."-r-Kortnlgbtly Review.
Iloarnaaa Cannot Hn Cnra-1
by local applications as they cannot reach the
diseased port iou of tlieaar. There is only one
way to cure deufuess, and that Is by consti
tutional remedies, l'eutucss Is caused by aa
mlluaied condition o the mucous lining ol
the Eustachian Tub. Wheutuls tube is ia
rlumed you huvo a rumhliugsound orimpor
teut hearing, and when it is entirely closed
beaiaess is the result, und unless the inflam
mation can be taken out and this tube re
stored to its normal eoudltion, hearing will
be destroyed forever. Nine casus out of ten
are caused by cuturrii, which is nothing but an
inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
Wo will give One Hundred Dollars for any
Cttseof Uealuess (caused by catarrh)that can
not beoured by Hall's Catar-h Cure. Send for
eireularsfreo. T.J. Cheney 4 Co.,Tolodo,0.
Hold bv DnigistH, 75c.
Take Hull's Family Pills for constipation.
Engltiih Khopkeopera
The upper class in England is sink
lug; the middle Is rising rapidly, and
those who belong to the former keep
shops in assumed names, while those
who belong to tho latter endeavor to
conceal that they themselves are con
nected .with trade. The conversation
of both, however, betrays that they
are shopkeepers. London Truth.v
FITS permanently cured. Nofltsor nervous
ness after llrst day's use of Dr. Kline's Orcat
NervoKo.storor,,2triaH'oUleand treatise f n-s
Ur. It. H. Klisk, Ltd.,!:il Arch St., l'blla., l'u.
In some of the London schools the boys
take lessons iu cooking.
Ak Your Mealep Fop Allnn'a Font-FaVi.
A powdor. It rests tuo teot. Cures form,
Jtunlons. Swollen. Horo, Hot, Oiil louH.Adhln-;
KweatlnK Feet and InijrowiiiK Noils. Allen's
Foot-Ease mukesiiewortlijhtshoeseasy. A,
a I Druggists and Hhoe stores, 26 cents. Ac
e?pt no substitute. Haraplo mailed Fii,
Addross, Allea 8. Olmsted. I.eRoy, N. Y.
The frown forests of Russia comprise
30,000,000 acres belonuiiiu to the Czar.
1'opnlar Cam.
The Pope-Hartford and Pope-Tribune
fcnso'.ine ears and runabouts meet the spe
eilic demands of a large ojasa of automobile
users. They are simple in construction,
free from complication nd efficient. Prices
from ")00 to $1000. For finely illustrated
catalogues and descriptive matter, ad
dress J)ept. A, Pope Manufacturing Co.,
Hartford, Conn.
Glass houses mny soon be made (tone
proof. I lso's Cure Is tbebest medicine we ever us I
lor all alloctlons of throat nod lungs. Wir,
O. tNDsLar, Vunburen, Ind., Feb. 11), l'JO '.
Compulsory education will bccouio gen
eral iu Cape Colony soon.
Fees Like Raw Heel Thought Nlia Woul.l
Los Her liar Henlml Without
llleulli Mother Thanks Cullcura,
"My little girl had eczema very bad
when she was ten months old. I thought
she wonld lose her riulit car. It hud
turned black, and her face was like apiece
of raw meat, and very sore. It would
bleed when I washed her, and I hud to
keep cloths on it dy mid night. There
was not a deer spot on her face whei I be
gait using Ciiticura Soup nnd Ointment,
and now it is completely healed, without
scur or blemish, which ia more than 1 had
hoped for. (Signed) Mrs. Koso Kther, 201
Eckford St., Brooklyn, N. V."
The (-tsidence of the proprietor of one
of the', porcelain factories at Limoges
wil taiked by striker.
Recommends Pe-ru-na
Sartor Quesndi, ru'an Minister to tie L'r.i.ed Slates.
Penor Qurandn, Culnti Miu-,tii to the I'nited Slntia. in nn oiatur born. In nn
artielo in liic Outlook inr . I u!y, IHtM), by (leoi'Kt? Keiirmii. wlni lieiinl Onmada apeak,
at the Eatpbnn Theatre. M ilanaw, Cuba, henaid: "I haH won many imilicneci under
the Hpell of eloquent speech and in the irrip of rtlrong' eiiiuf i-mal exeitrmrnt; but. I
have rarily vrirni'KiMd mieli a Keenc nt the e'.iw,. of (Jmvaila'H eulogy upon I he
dead patriot, Marti." In a lettfr to The I'erunu M.'diciiie t 'oiiiaiuy, ivnlt.i-n from
Valiington, O. C, Scnor (Jm-Kuda m:ik:
"Pert 11 mi
J can, fecotumPiirl us a very g'qod
It Ls (in excellent strew? tlienin
tonic, and, it is also an effi".acious cure for the
almost universal enninluint of catarrh''
Gonzalo De Oaesada.
CoiurreSRmnn ,T. II. itankhfiid. of Ala-I
buna, one of the.inoul intluetitia! mi-m-
tiera 01 the Houae of KeprtHClitatlves, in
a letter written from Wiudiing-toti, 1. C,
(riven bia endorsement to the great ca
tarrh remedy, Peruna, in the following
I'oiir JVniMM 1m one of the brut
medicine J ei'fi' trlrd, und 110 fum
lly tthtmltl br trlihout ionr rvnidi-A--aiit-e
remedy. Ah a tonic and ealtirrli
rure know of no tit ln better."-
J. H. llanhlientt.
s Facts Arc Stubborn TMkcis1
Cniform excellent quality for OVCr a quarter of a
century has steadily increased the wales of LION COFFEE,
The leader of all package coflces.
Lion Coffee
is now used in millions of boinos. Such
popular success speaks for itsolf. It is a
positive proof that LION COFFEE bus the
Confidence of the people.
The uniform quality of LION
COFFEE survives all opposition.
LION COFFEE keep Its old frlenda and
makes new one every day.
LION COFFEE bas even more
than Its Strength, Flavor and Qual
ity to commend it. On arrival from
the plantation. It Is careJuIIy roast-
a A n t Sn.VA.lAaa anil B...iml
packed In i lb. sealed packages, iv
and not opened again until needed n-yjr
for use In the home. This precludes
the possibility ol adulteration or contact with germs, dirt,
dust, Insects or unclean hands. Tne absolute purity of
LION COFFEE Is therelore guaranteed to the consumer.
Sold only iu 1 lb. packages. Lion-liend oil ovcry package.
Save these Lion-heads for valuable premiums.
WOOLSON SriCE CO., Toledo, Ohio.
iT'.f sw -or K.4
GUARANTEED CURE let all bowel trouble, appendicitis, biliousness, bad braatli, bad
Vlood, wind orrthe stomach, bloated bowels, foul mouth, hradacha, indigestion, pimples,
pains after eating, liver trouble, sallow skin and ditxiness. When your bowels don't mova
regularly you are sick. Constipation kills mnre people than all other diseases It
starta chronic ailmsnts and lone years of suiTcring. No matter what aiis you, atArt taking
& is loaiy, lor you win never get wen ana stay wen uniii ytm jow wwcia
right Take our advice, atart with Cascareta today under absolute guarantee to euro or
money refunded. The genuine tablet atamned C C C. Never sold in bulk. Sample and
booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Company. Chicago Sr Nw York. 50a
to the farmer who under
stands how to feed his
crops. Fertilizers for Corn
must contain at least 7
per cent, actual
c,i r- t .1....
genu 1 1 1 uui uvi.m nnj r i .
ten wny roiuan ia as necessary
to plant life aa sun and rain;
Bent free, if you ask. Write
vu-uav, f?
(7 il 93 Nassau street. mew lorn. ijj
I'rulln, Vwtublen nnd rolutnes.
HssurscWrtri mf Am laullul Ml Ctiesslnula.
r ri f i3nv " w ptoovKr! a7
U I J 1 nk .!. nna
t-, $ ftf laalM.ftlaU au4 0 4ym' UvalaMal
. . M. m. m. asssa' asa, , Aklaasa. .
1 i
ura .
V Iff "
There is but a i".e medicine which is
a radual Hpecilie t atru , li. It is lerunu,
wltii'h has flood a ha.f century teat and
cured Ihoiii-aml of tmcn.
If you do not derive 'prompt and batis
factory 11 suits iio-ii the line of PeniD
write at nri'-e to l)r. Ilartman. giving
full statement of your cue and he will I
pleased to give you lua vuluable advc
Address Dr. llartmiin. President of TI
Ilartman Sanitarium, f 'olunitius, O. A.
correspondence held strictly confidential,
Crab Orchard
A hhaxmo OK
Sick Headache
Tha Three "Ills" Thai iluk. Ufa
Nature's Great Reined
In Hao fur Aliunxt a Century.
Wu., .irurit Jul tewtj.