The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, April 26, 1905, Image 5

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Of Local and General Interest, Gathered
at Home or Clipped from our
Post master Woollet is still con
fined to his bed, but convalescing.
John 11. Uunyau is out on the
street again, but he is not very
strong yet.
Divine services in Hebron
church near Big Cove Tannery
on Suud vy at 2:'!0 p. m.
Foley's Kidney Cure makes
kidneys and bladder right. Don't
delay taking. Sold by all deal
ers. William X. McGovcrn, Esq., of
Bristol, Tenn., was circulating
among his many friends here a
few days last week.
M rs. M ary A. Kelly of this place,
spent Saturday and Sunday at
the home of her sister, Mrs. Isaac
Culler, of Thompson township.
Holy communion in St. Paul's
Reformed church of this place,
this coming Sunday at 10:30 a. m.
Preparatory services on Satur
day at 2:.f!0 p. m.
Foley's Honey and Tar contains
no opiates, and will not constipate
like nearly all other cough medi
cines. Itefuso substitutes. Sold
by all dealers.
li. Ilolmes Thompson, of the
Democrat oflico, returned home
Monday, after having spent a
week very pleasantly in Philadel
phia and Tyrone.
Grandmother Eitemiller, who
has been confined to her room for
several weeks is still growing
voaker, and her conditiou this
morning is not such as would iu
spire a much longer lease of
Noah Mellott, wl o has his homo
with his daughter, Mrs. Will
Summers, has been in very poor
health during the past few weeks.
His doctor says he is suffering
with enlargement of t ie heart,
aud is out of his mind part of the
John Sheets is still adding to
the improvements about the yard
at his residence on the corner of
Water and First street's. A large
Ohio stone has just been placed
at the foot of the steps that lead
from the sidewalk up to the front
Bedford Odd Fellows- have
made arrangements for the cele
bration of the eighty-sixth anni
versary of the founding of Odd
Fellowship in the United States.
The exercises will be held in the
Methodist Episcopal church in
that town, and Rev. J. V. Adams
of this place has been invited to
deliver the principal address. He
and Mrs. Adams left here for Bed
ford Tuesday morning.
Samuel Marshall, who has been
in Mt. Union for sometime, made
his appearance in town yesterday.
When questioned, he said that
there wau no smallpox in Mt. Un
ion, and that the story about the
trains not stoppiug at that, place
was a fake. It happened that
some of our people had passed
through that town on the Penn
sylvania railroad within a very
few days, and knew positively
that Mr. Marshall was mistaken.
By the pei suasion of Constable
Fields, Mr. Marshall made his
stay-in town rather brief. Our
people do not care about taking
any chances on ti e Uuban itch,
smallpox, or any other thng that
causes them to be quarantined,
with the additional risk of funeral
Look for full announcement of
my summer school in next week's
issue of the News. It will begin
day lilth. Write, if you desire
particulars before announcement
H. M. Gejukith.
Don't Borrow Trouble.
It is a bad habit Jo borrow anything,-
but the worst thing you
run possibly borrow, is trouble.
When sick, Bore, heavy, weary
und worn-out "by the pains and
poUousof dyspepsia, biliousness!
Britrht's disease, and similar in.
tornal disorders, don't sit down
and brood over your symptoms,
out lly for relief 1o Electric Bit-
t'.irs. Hero you will tiud sure and
pertnauent forgotfulness of all
your, and yor.r body will not be
btudeued by a load of debt dis
ease. At Ti out's drugstore.
Price f0e. Guaranteed.
Th recent cold weather and
snow .lurries made us feel that
winter had come again.
Grain and grass aro looking
fine iu this community.
John V. Fisher purchased a
horse from Wilson Walt!! last
Charley Deshong was a pleas
ant visitor at Jacob Peck's last
Saturday night.
A. C. Peck, who is employed in
Hancock, spent Saturday night
and Sunday with his parents near
It is rumored thatDeuton PecH
is the successful mail bidder be
tween here and Covalt.
Antioch Sunday school started
(i IT very nicely last Sunday with
A. C. Peck as superintendent.
Chronic llrnntlillis Cured.
"For teu years 1 had chronic
bronchitis so bad that at times I
could not speaii above a whisper, "
writes Mr. Joseph ColTman, of
Moutmorenci, Ind. "I tried all
remedies available, but' with no
success. Fortunately mv em
ployer suggested that I try Fol
ey's Honey and Tar. J.ts effect
was almost miraculous, ancj. I am
now cured of tho d:sease. On
my recommendation many people
have used Foley's Honey and Tar,
and always with satisfaction."
Sold by all dealers.
School Hoards Did Not Organize
State Officers Coining.
Public Opinion Tuesday.
The school directors of Metal
and Fannett tovnhips met on
Saturday und decided not to or
ganize themselves into hoards of
health to tight tho smallpox con
tagion now raging in these town
ships. Tlie action which will now
ie taken by the state health officers
will be watched with interest.
Dr. Lee, state secretary, has dis
patched Dr. Butt, state health of-v
ficer at large, to the aceim of the
epidemic, but Dr. Halt has been
compelled to remain at home be
cause of illness. When he lias
auflieiently recovered lie will go to
Dry Run and from there superin
tend the quaranlins. Dr. Shope,
Fannetlsburg, has heen in com
munication with tho slate authori
ties as has the Franklin county
health ollicer, Dr. H. X. Uonhrake,
of this place.
Ten new eases have heen report
ed since last Friday.
Dreadful Attack ol Whooping Cougb. j
Mrs, Ellen Harhson, of .'500 !
Park Ave., Kansas City, Mo., j
writes as follows: "Our two chil- j
dren had a severe attack ot whoop
ing cough, one of them in the par
oxysm of coughing would -often
faint and bleed at tho noe. We
tried everything we heard of
without getting relief. We then
called in our family doctor who
prescribed Foley's Honey and
Tar. With the very first dose
they began to improve and we
feel that it has saved their livesv"
Refuse substitutes. Sold by all
Spring In all her boauty is hero and so nro we with a full and up-to-date
line of everything usually knpt in a general store.
If you will call and examine our line we will clonrly demonstrate to you
that we found some big bargains for you while in Philadelphia buying
our spring utoek.
We have been told that our now lot of clothing Is the best and eheapest
Unit has ever bppn In this store and yon know thnt moans thoy nrn mark
ed very low.
Men's all wool suits ns low us $4."l), and an extra good fancy suit for
r..o, i!.r,o und r..r,o.
Men's Jilaek Worsted suits $:i.n(i, absolutely fast black, a big bargain.
Young men's suits l.!is up. I'hUilrrn's knee punts SOc up. Hoys knee
punts 0e a pair up.
Dry Goods
It is a pleasure to show our dry goodu for it is a lino full of choice bar
gains in all tho new spring and summer fabrics. Lawns as low as iV yd.
Batiste ami Organdies. 8, 10 and li:. White India Linen, .", 7, 8, !), and
1-e a yd, Lancaster Oingham (ic a yd. Calico 4c up to lie. Muslin 5, ti,
and 7e. Mohairs, Mousellines, Silks, Mulls, Crepo de chine at prices
that, please.
Houseclcaning Supplies
Slur Soap 7 cakes for 2."c; Matting lie per yd up; Carpet lie to .'(."!; Wall
1,'nper Hie and 12c double Horder same price per bolt; Window
blinds with rollers ic each: Curtains as low as Xc pair; quart Ammonia
only 12c: Wall Urushes 4c to 2"ic; Scrub Brushes Tie each; Floor Oil (.'loth
22c yd; Tablo Oil Cloth l"c yd; Linoleum 40c so,, yd.
We are paying l."o a dozen for eggs: 2fc for butter; 4c a pound for dried
apples: 11c for lard: 11c for side and shoulder; 14c a pound for ham.
Harry E. Huston,
Crum Store, Saltillo, Pa.
Just Noa
you should call at
J. K. Johnston', store,
and see for yourself the
many things he has to
Offer at Way -down
ummer Goods
USSSrr Early Risers
The famous little pills.
in and he
room for
are coming
must have
More about this,
next week.
McConnellsburg, Pa,
should indicate your taste and If
you buy It here where you have so
many styles to sele . from and at
prices that are sure to suit you,
your best girl friend will say '-That
is such a becoming hatl know you
got it at Johnston's."
KoRcda and Alice Uoosevelt Blue
are the latest colors aud I have
... use 1 them tastefully in the mako
up of many of my huts. Coine and
see then:.
If you want a certain piece of
ribbon or any little help to your
toilet aud you "can't llnd It In
town" it is because you haven't
come to me, 1 have it.
Hats trimmed free of charge.
Maye Johnston,
The Milliner, McConnellsburg.
m S3
tfti 50 tons feed and Hour on hand, l'ure grain chop, ..'15; ff)
Brand, 1.2.V, Flour, $1.25 to 1.0. One carload of Mj.
f)t Mifflinburg Spring Wagons
ana miggies
A J it
. 'Vagons H() to hs. Buggies H8.
One car York A Grade Buggies 18 spokes, rivets rlin
leather cushions, dust-proof box, bracer on shaft, full
rublier top 4-bow, 45.
1 car of Beaver Springs hand made Farm Wagous,
linely painted, long hound, round coupling pole, steel
skein, 455, $lif, t8, and $75.
Standard Fertilizers 1.'1.00. Standard Bone and Pot
ash 14.50. 1 can f'nly you with fertilizer any time
from April 1st, to . .uber 1st.
C. E. Starr,
To dure a CoM in One Day
Cures Crip
la Two Pays.
Toke Laxative BrOmO Quinine Tablets. pi fj on every
Wn Million hence. trM In 13 ninths. ThlS SfenStlire. XY7
Cfrtnn box. 25c.
your iieaith and SVifciCNGTii with
a pleasant, potent, and Permanent Invigorator for WOMEN,
iPmy5 R 1: Cet it from your DrugfcUt
are now showing the
largest line of House
Furnishings in town.
Carpets, Mattings, Li
noleums,oil cloths, cur
tains, blinds, &c. A
good table oil cloth 1 1
cts. yard. By the time
your eyes catch this we
will have all our spring
and summer stuffs for
dresses and waists
which we will be glad
to show you.
Shoes for everybody
all grades and prices.
Please call.
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Do you want to live where the climate is mild the year round
where labor is never oppressed by stress of weather, and where
animal vitality is never lost by mere conflict with cold?
Do you want to live in a region where the resources are more
varied Jthan in any other equal area in the world, where the division
of great ranches affords a fine opportunity to get a small farm that
will assure you a competence?
Do you want to live where, with a minimum of labor, you can
grow profitable crops of grapes and small fruit, oranges, lemons,
olives, prunes and almonds, alfalfa and grain, where crops are sure,
business is good and capital easily finds profitable investment ?
Then go to California, where both health and opportunity await
your coming.
The Chicago, Union Pacific and
North -Western Line
is the most direct route to the Pacific Coast, and there are two fast
through trains daily via this line, over the famous double-track
railway between Chicago and the Missouri River. One-way Colonist
tickets are on sale daily, March i to May 15, at
the rate of $33.00 from Chicago, with corre
spondingly low rates from all points, give you
an unusual chance to make the trip.
These tickets are good on daily and personally conducted
excursions, on which a double berth in a Pullman tourist
sleeping car irom Chicago costs only $7.00. Round-trip tickets
are always on sale from all points at reduced rates via the
Chicago & Morth-Vcstcrn, Union Pacific and
Southern Pacific Railways.
P. T. M. C. & N..W. Ry., Chicgo, III.
Hl niil fr to my lirM, California booklet!, iiajh and full
purucuUtra waecruiuK rule aud Inn) rvtt.