The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, April 19, 1905, Image 8

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    Emter Caudles. Get iLciii at
Luther Grove of Clear Ridge,
vas in town last Thursday.
A fine assortment of cigars at
Malloy's grocery.
Inquire at Trout's Drugstore
if you want to buy corn.
Paul Wagner is paying 7 and 8
ceuts a pound for beef hides.
You get the best stylo at the
lowest price at Maye Johnston's.
The surest and safest remedy
for kidney and bladder diseases
is Foley's Kidney Cure. Sold by
all dealers.
This is a time to sub
scribe tor the Pulton County
Nkvs. Lmiy a dollar a year in ad
Three pounds of fine large
prunes, twenty-five cents at Ir
win's. Try them for your Faster
There is no difference between ! and back to work
the suit- you got at Charlie Gold- j CIlP 'our ueens
smith's and the one vou cot in 1 the buLs vootu 've
the Big City except in price.
Foley's Kidney Cure if taken
iu time atl'ords security from all
kidney and bladder diseases.
Sold by all dealers.
Kead C. E. Goldsmith's new
advertisement. Charlie is having
a great run on spring and sura-
mer suits, and he and his help
can hardly keep up with the or-
A country boy wanted to learn j
trade. Will have a good home I
and good wages while learning,
Must be right handed. Address
Lx k Box 11,
McCouuellsburg, Pa.
Mr. Samuel Bancroft, proprie
tor of the Bedford Springs sum
mer resort ha been elected pres-
ident of the Huntingdon & Broad ,
Top llailroid Company to succeed j
the late President Colket. J
For Sale. A fine two-year- j
old part bay colt, works nicely, '
and a fiue driver. Will trade for
a good yearling. For particulars ;
call on or address
Ika Smith '
Ijocust Grove, Pa. j
The Everett Republican, last .
week started out on the twelfth '
year of its existence. The Re-!
publican is one of the best ex-i
changes that comes to our desk,
and we trust that Brother Cham-'
herlain mav rind this a still more I
prosperous year to nim tnan ny
of its predecessors.
Robt. J. Miller, Proprietor of
the Read House Drug Store, of
Chattanooga, Tenn., writes:
"There is more merit in Foley's
Houey and Tar than in any other
cough syrup. The calls for it
multiply wonderfully and we sell
more of it than all other cough
syrups combined." Sold by all
The calithumpian band was out
in full force Wednesday evening
serenading Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Gladfelter, at the home of Mrs.
Gladtelter's parents, Daniel Lai
dig and wife,. The young couple
have. the best wishes of their
many friends for a pleasant voy
age through life.
Charles Foreman has been ail
iug for some time, but is report
ed to be improving.
Stephen Wilson spent Satur
day aud Sunday at home. He is
employed at a sawmill near Burnt
J. F. Johnson has bought a new
sawmill to replace, the one that
burned a tew week a ago, and ex
pects to have it ready to work in
a short time.
James Foreman has gone to
Roaring Springs, Blair county,
where lie h .is employment at car
pptiter work.
J. E. L on has bought a team
of horses and a new wagon to use
inhauliughis lumber to Three
Sprir its.
Clarence Bergstresser, who
went to Altoona a shorttime ago,
has1 a good position there in Jos.
P. Long's grocery store.
J. F. Johnston's steam saw
mill was burned Saturday night,
Apr. 1, the mill being a total loss.
Ross King has bought a horse
aud is busily engaged in turning
up the sod.
Zelda Laidig has teen ailing
the past week.
Piue Grove school closed on
Wednesday of last week and Lai
dig school will closo Tuesday of
this week.
Jaw. K. Reader has moved to
Hiram Clevenger's farm, known
ea ihu John Lyon property. ' i
Citting a Queen Bee' Win)?.
Dallas Lore Sharp describes a
method of preventing bees from
swarming m The Country Cal
endar for May, the first issue of
the new outdoor monthly publish
ed by the Review of Reviews
Hook Co.:
Keep your queens clipped. Lay
aside your sentiments, your fears
of the Society for the Prevention
of Cruelty to Auimals, your ideas
that it hurts her, your fears of
killing tier, and get your scis
sors. Sei.o her au.y way. She
won't sting. Get her by one
wing (if you can't do better) aud
holding her gently against the
frame, snip otT one wing. This
won't stop the swarmiug, but it
will keep the bees from abscond
ing, for the swarm won't go otT
without the queen while you are
away. So you are often able to
induce them to call otT the strike
thou, give
tin; in shade
j at the hottest hours if necessary,
shake them if they show signs of
swarming, and keep the colonies
All surface cancers are now
known tobecuraole.byBucklen's
Arnica Salve. Jas. Walter's, of
Outfield, Ya., writes: "I hud a j
j cancer on my lip for years, that I
seemed incurable, till Bucklen's;
Arnica Salve healed it, and now
it is perfectly well. " Guaranteed
cure for cuts and burns. L"c at
Trout's drug store,
Young People's Societies' Union Meeting.
The Christian Endeavorers, the
Epworth Leaguers, aud all other j
Societies of youDg or old people
o! every denomination, are ask-'
ed to be present and to engage in j
the Union service in the Presby-1
terian cnurch on Sabbath even- j
'in next' APr- -3 at "::!0 o'clock,
s- M; CooK
Secretary, j
A" t'ie Moncy in California
is not rroni its gold tields. For-
tunes are made from the wheat
fields aud the fruit farms. Why
not investigate the chances there?
Tickets, '.):) Chicago to Californ
ia, via Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Paul Railway, Union Pacilic and
Southern Pacific line, daily,
March 1 to May 1.", Rate
for double berth, 7 Chicago to
San Francisco, Los Angeles,
Santa Barbara or Sacramento.
Tourist folder, with complete in
formation, sent free on request.
F. A. Miller, General Passenger
Agent, Chicago, or W. S. Howell,
i.1! Broadway, New York.
We want good live representa
tives to take orders for "Peuroor
Pearl" Medallions. Eatirelynew.
Sell at sight. Big money. Ex
clusive territory given. Agents'
supplies. Novelties up-to-date.
Write at once. Universal Man
ufacturing Company, Pittsburg,
Branch Manager,
We intend opening a Branch in
this, or adjacent towns, for the
district between York and Som
erset counties, and require a
thoroughly reliable and compe
tent life man to take charge as
District Manager. Good renew
al contract. Communication con
fidential. Address
Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada,
(ill-tin Stephen Girard Jiulldinjf, U
Philadelphia, Pa.
Itching, blind, bleeding or pro
truding piles. Druggists refund
money if Pazo Ointment fails to
cure any case, no matter of how
long standing, in 0 to 14 days.
First application gives ease and
rest. 50c. If your druggisthasn't
it send 50c in stamps and it will
be forwarded post-paid by Pans
Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo.
McConndlsburj Normal School.
The undersigned will open a
Normal school inthePublicSchool
Building, McConnellsburtf, at 1
p. m. Monday, May l.'th, to con
tinue 8 weeks. Tuition No
reduction for part of term. Good
board may be had. from $2. 50 up.
Special attention to those prepar
ing to teach. County Superin
tendent's examination at close of
One able assistant teacher has
already been engaged, and more
will be employed if size of school
demands it.
H. C. Lamhkkkon. I
Practical Surveyor,
Emmaville, Fulton countv. Pa.,
Graduate of the Scranton School
of Civil in)?.
Land Surveying a Spwlalty.
Maps, drafts, and cak'ulutiimscare
fully and ai-ciiratoly executed.
Mrs. Enialine Sponsler and two
little childron have neon on the
sick list, but are improving un
der Dr. Hoop's care.
A child of Leonard Hockeu
smith aud wife has been quite
Mrs. Anna Ilann is spending
several days at the homo of S. II.
Ilockensmith in Taylor. Their
daughter Sadie still continues
critically ill.
We had quite a blizzard of a
snow snorm last Sunday regu
lar Match weather.
C. T. Dixon and wife have mov
ed m with Kmory Hosier at the
Specr farm.
Roy Sipe spent Sunday with
lierte Hann.
Miss Grace Hann and little sis
ter Marie spent Sunday after
noon with Cora Strait.
Martin Lake is singing "A
i Charge."
It's a twin boy and
j ir
DcWitt's Little Early Risers,
the famous little pill, have been
made famous by their certain yet
harmless and gentle action upon
the bowels and live'1. They have
no equal for biliousness, consti
pation, etc. They do not weaken
the stomach, gripe, or make you
feel sick. Once used always pre
ferred. They strengthen. Sold
at Trout's drug store.
Bark Wanted.
We are iu the market for a
large quantity, this year's peel,
Rock Oak and Hemlock bark.
For prices, apply to
Saltillo tannery,
3-2'J-m2. Saltillo, Pa.
Mrs. Wm. Lake is very ill at
this writing.
Samuel Smith, who has been
confined to his bed with pneumon
ia, is slowly recovering.
Wm. II. Spade, who was called
to this place on the Hth, inst., on
account of the serious illness of
his wife, returned to Altoona this
week to resume work at the car
penter trade. Mr. Spade expects
to move to the Mountain City in
the near future.
Family Wanted.
To move on farm iu Allen's Val
ley, opposite Kuohsville, Pa., to
keep store for saw mill camps,
and to keep boarders. Employ
ment given to men of the family
Reut free, and possession giv
en at once. An excellent oppor
tunity for the right party.
Call on or address
H. Kalkach & Sons,
Richmond Furnace,
ol. Pa.
are often frustrated by sudden
breaking down, due to dyspepsia
or constipation. Brace upand take
Dr. King's New Life Pills. They
take out the material. which are
clogging your energies and give
you a new start. Cure headache
and dizziness too. AtTrut'sdrug
store; 2."c guaranteed.
We had a fine snow last Sunday
for April.
Gilbert Mellott closed his term
of school at Pleasant Grove last
Mrs. Etta Chaney from Mary
land was visitiug her parents in
this county.
William Truax accompanied his
daughter to Maryland, where he
! expects to spend a few days.
Maud Clark was visitinsr her
friend Mrs. Rachel Wink in Whips
Cove. Mrs. Wink expects to
spend the summer in Harrison
burg, Va. We are sorry to see
her go,
Delpha Truax, having spent the
winter iu Maryland, has return
ed to her home near McKibbin.
Morton Hess and wife aud Mrs.
Ellen Clark were the guests of
Hank Truax's last Sunday.
Johnson Layton sings, "A
charge to keep I have." It's a
Harry Parlette has moved to
Wm. Truax's to take charge of
Rev. A G. B. Powers will preach
his spriug sermon at Pleasant
Grove Easter Sunday at 3 o'clock
p. m.
Clever Conceptions of Artistic
Millinery Ready for Easter
Children's and Infants' Ileadwear, Flow
ers and Foliage, Fine Ribbons, Fancy
Gauzes and Chi H ons.
Wonderful Offerings
Spring Dress Goods
Mohairs, Voiles, Poplar Cloth, "Soiesette."
Shirt-Waist Goods in all the
Spring Washable Fabrics
Linen, Gingham, Aercenzed Silk, Wash
Silks, Pi I de Soie.
-NoVelties, Belts, Neckwear, Gloves, Jus
trite Corsets, Beautiful Aluslin Under
wear, Hosiery, Select Diess Trim
minjjs, Laces and Embroideries.
Hancock, Vd.
New, Up-to-date Millinery Sale.
Millinery at Strikingly
Low Prices.
Our Millinery Store is full of sunshine. The Spring and Summer
Hats aro hero in ouiitl.-ss numbers. Everything that's stylish
from the simplest street hat s to the most lashionubie creations made
e are makiny exceptionally low prices on beautiful Spring
and Summer Millinery, Indies Neckwear, Silks for Waists An
Clique, Lares, .etc. In fact, we feel certain that the low prices here
stand without a parallel.
We will be pleased to have you call any day and see our ele
ment line of Hats. Our hats ranjfe in prices from 75c up. Flowers
Hie per bunch up.
Lena B. Laidig,
Hustontown, Fa.
We 'handle the best
Corsets that is made
and in the best styles.
H is the Armors id e,
at 8!ic. Also 2.", ,'IS,
and 4"c ones.
Housecleaning Time
201b building: paper
li(ltt) building paper
Hachelor manure forks
Poultry wire
Garden rakes
Steel shovels
floor oil cloth
Itest grade floor oil cloth
4 boxes carpet tacks
Matting tacks
Horse shoe pincers
Shoeing hammers
Horse rasps
Curry Combs
50c roll.
75c roll
.'1 to 7c a yd.
15 to 22c.
25 and 55c.
Hi to 24c.
5 to l'ic.
Felt window shades He.
Oil shades fringed 2:fc.
50c shades for 35c.
White curtain poles 8c.
Brass rods 8c.
Luce curtains 2j yd 3tc.
Lace curtains 3 and 3 yd
long for 03c to $1.
Thanking you for
the increase in our
business, we are
Adminisrator's Notice.
I.ttm lit udmlDKtrutlou uu tliu eslutnof
iu. K. litvenx mid Kumllue lllnu, lulu VV-IIn
liiuslilp t'ii.. Ui'i'eiiMMl. havliiK Iweu k'ru hi
eilhy Hie HiiiHturo( '.Villi for Pultun uonniv.
Ill IIIC MIU-ITINl'l IHIM' IMI-lOHICt) Ullcll.-H- Is
ell Tannery. Kulttm County. Ph., nl) pei-Nou.s J
...... . u .....i ....... l .iic nun, ,-ki mo III DIUI1SH
muke iiiyuii!iil. uud lliouc having cluluut III
orient them to
WellH Tuiinury. 1
Contractor Wanted fur Bark Peeling.
Wo, the undersigned, will con
tract with one, two, or three par
ties to poel bark, for any quantity
such parties think they can peel.
We quote liberally per ton.
For further information call on
LI. Kalbach & Son Allous Val
ley, opposito Koobsville, or ad
dress them an Richmond Fur
nace, Franklin county, l'a.
by Foley's Honey and Tar, It
stops the racking cough aud heals
and strengthens the lungs. If
taken iu time it will prevent an
attack of pneumonia. Ret use
substitutes. Hold by all dealers.
We have any thin;;
you may want. Chil
dren's suits from 7"e
to $2.1'.); youths, 2.2,"
to $4.25; men's, 82.40
to 7.73.
Meat saws
2 foot rules
li in., brass band rules
.'1x3 in., steel but hinges
20 to 75c.
10, 12 to 20c.
. o uiivo jusi auueu to our stock a
nice line of Lancaster ginghams at 0c
a yard. Have you seen any of that
4-4 unbleached muslin that we are sell
ing at 7c yd. Compare it with what
you have been paying 8c. '
lied table damask 23c; white 23e.
We now havo our men's summer un
U , 1 i.. i i , .
derwear, and it is fine, men's double
seat drawors 23c; Balbriggan drawers
and shirt 43c.
We just received a new
shee for children and
misses with a low heo
that we think is hard to
beat, (I to 8 03c; Hi to 12
75c; 12 to 2 00c-
See onr line of shoes.
Convention of School Directors to Elect
County Superintendent.
I'o Iho Suhuul HireuioiK of Pulton oounlv :
tiinitliMimu :-in iuiMiiinr of ihe forty,
third sCTitioii of iho uul of Muv B, IKM, you lire
ln-ri..y notified to lilucl In olivcutloli. lit thil
"""i t huu-e. Ill MrCoinie-lM.tirK, ou tho llrst
TiiBMliiy InMuy. A. I). nm. iikIuk tlm kei'ond
duy of the mouth, at 1 o olonk p um ,.i,.,.t
viva vooe l.y u majority of the whole niiuilii-r
of ilin'otom iiresi-i.l.oue person of litenii y r,d
NOienlltlo uoiiuireiiicnt. uud of skill und niper
leuee in the m l of leuelliliK. 114 county Milier
liil.iit..H. for the three nuceeeilluii years i,ud
eeilily ihe result to the suite Superintendent
lit lliirrlsliuri?. 11s required by Ihe I till iv-uiut li
und fortieth section of nuid uul.
f'HAS. K. MAitTON,
County Superintendent of Pullou comity
April , III h. 3t '
Take Laxative Dromo Quinine
Tablets. All druggists refund
the money if it fails to cure. E.
W. Urov.-'s signature is ou each
box. 25c
por Sale at Trout's drug utore.
"Ask for the 1905
$ ! - DOLLARS - $ !
Vour dollars will go fat thcr at our store than any
where else. We have just received a car of Barb Wire,
Smooth Wire and Nails, which we bought in November
when the price vvas'the lowest, and we can sell to vou
now for less than factory price,
I IT A A Tkr(T Woven Wire Fencing
I J U U KUD.J at l',:iccs s() lmv Jls tw
Surprise all.
9 strand heavy wire 35 cents per rod; 6 strand heavy wire
25 cents per rod. Good yellow muslin 5 1-4 cents per
yard by the web. 500 yards fancy Rag Carpet 35, 45,
and 50 cents per yard.
on hand to select from, 13
for outside and in; and then furnish it from Top to Bot
tom at bottom Prices. We are having built
3 Carloads of Buggies
and Wagons
which will be here in April and for high grade guaranteed
work, we will sell lower than any other dealer in the
county. We get Jobbers Prices
and will sell at wholesale prices.
We have bought
200 Tons Of which will be in in
you get nice tresh goods here, and ourprice will be lower
than others.
Remember we have
3(T a and enjoy the distinction of
O tOrCS ca.n'yin the lirest variety
of merchandise ot any tu rn
in Huntingdon county.
Three Springs. Fo.
I Spring Business
is on the boom now. Every Season we try
too add some new feature to the construction
of a garment.- This spring we call 'your at
. tention to our non-breakable concave shoulder
and we can explain too the appearance of a
garment. Be with the majority and come
and see us.
mcConnellsburg, Pa.
Opposite the Public "School Building.
ReadThis Twice
Star Trading Stamps Given.
Fix It on Your Memory,
It is interesting to know "that"
$12.95 buys an Oak bedroom suit.
$12.95 buys a Parlor suit.
$ 2.95 buys an Enamel Iron Bed
full size.
SfS O11? buysaVelourcovered
A postal will bi-liiff you uu llluuiratud clrciilur. H will post you on
prions. Complete line of Furnlturo, Carpnts, Mailings, Dil CUotb Ciirtalos, Shades, etc. . " '
Star Trading
C'loHtt to
W. M. 15. 11.
Tk II .00 bottkeorMnt 2 ttmoth trl.l Hi., which 80 MK ONLY AT TK uioutoiv or
Kodol Almanae and 2(K
to 35 each.
Cheap, medium and high priced.
We can furnish you hardware
and glass' 'to put up a house, a
steel roof to put on it. and caint
tumps glvmi.
Frank E. Miller,
13-17 East Market Street,
Chambersburg, Pq,
YcaJ Calendar."