FITS pnrmrmrm ly mirari. Noflu or nnrvoiw nnMRftor firot rtv'i" of Dr.'Kllne'K Gr-Bt NerveReetorr,?trliilhoUle'anrl trrtf,e lr l)r. B. H. Ki.m,Ltd.,931 Arih St., rhlla., P. Compulaory flpnnlincs prevails in th chooli of Copenhnften. . A Gnrntrl Cnn For PIlM. Ttihlnf, Blind, r.lnMlne or rrotrnltn Pllos. Iniirirlit. will rofuinl money if Tar.0 Ointment falls to cure in 6 to 14 diiys. Wo. Durable brirk. formed of chipped grnnite iul clay, ) a recent Srottih invention. Rarllent Green Onion. The John A. SaUcr Semi Co., I.n Croasij, Vi., always have iomcthing new, aoino tning valuable. Thin year tliey offer among their new money making vege tables, an Earliest (Ireen KatuiR Onion, it u a winner, Mr. Farmer and Gardener! JUST SEND THIS OTICB AND 160. nd they will send ynU their 1i plant and teed catalog, together with enough awed to grow 1,000 fine, oolid Cnhbacea, S.fHKI ri:-h, juicy Turnip?, 2,0iX) blanching, nutty Celery, 2,000 rich, buttery Lettuce, 1,0110 splendid Onions, 1,000 rare, 'uvciuim Uitdivlir, 1.000 glorinuly brilliant Flowers. In all over il.tioo plants thin great offer m made to get you to tent their warranted Vegetable seeds and all roit nrr ICo postac., providing you will return this notice, an4 if you will send them 20c in postnge, they will add to the above n big package of Balzer'g Fourth of .'uly Sweet Corn the earlient on enrth 10 dnvs earlier thun tory.l'eepo'Day.First of All.ctc. (A.C.L.l llui-lt I tin glirt-l of k wnmrrt incut. To Cnre n Cold In Odd Dar Take I.axntivn liromo Quinine Tablts. AH druirglsts refund monoy If It tail to cure. E. V, Grove's KiirniiTiirH Is on box. 25e, The average length of a dog's lifo is fifteen years. IMso'g Cure cannot be too hichly spoken of esaoough cure. J. VI. O'JiRiES, Ml Third Avenue, N., MinunupollH, Minn., Jan. tt, l'JDJ, Santo Domingo is said to be .Spanish for Holy Sunday. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's panitary Lotion. Never .''"nils. Sold bv all druggists, t. M.iil orders promptly tilled by Dr. E. Detclion, Crawfor.Uville, Ind. The Indian rhinoceros is slowly becoming Citinct. WOMEN NOT This Statement Has Been Unjustly Made, Because Modest Women Evade Questions Asked By Male Physicians. llllrTjZFa rmenA!rs. fiaLeeM An eminent physician says that "Women aro not truthful; tlvy will lie to their physician." This statement should be qualified; women do tell the truth, but not the whole truth, to a male physician, but this Is only in re gard to those painful and troub'lesoi.lo disorders peeuliur to their sex. There can be no more terrible ordeal to a delicate, sensitive, refined woman than to be obliged to answer certain questions when those questions are asked, even by her family physician. This is espeeiully the case With un married wo.iaen. Is it any wonder, then, that women continue to suffer and that doctors ail to cure female diseases when they cannot pet the proper information to work on ' This is tho reason why thousands and thousands of women are now corre sponding with Mrs. l'inkham. To her they can and do give every symptom, so that .he really knows more about the true condition of her patients, through her correspondence with them than the physician who personally questions them. If you suffer from any form of trouble peculiar to women, write at once to Mrs. l'inkham, Lynn, Mass., and she will advise you free of charge. The fact that this great boon, which is extended freely to women by Mrs. l'inkham, 'is appreciated, the thou sands of letters received by her prove. Many such grateful letters as the fol lowing aro constantly pouring in Ask Mrs. Pinkham'8 Advico-A Woman fi,: -.-vj .itt.i J" ' ' Potash as Necessary as Rain The quality and quantity of the crops depend on a sufficiency of Fotash In the soil. Fertilizers which are low in Potash will never produce satisfactory results. Kvery farmer should b familiar with the proper proportion! of Ingredient that go to nulia tfia b.M ferillliera lor every kind of crop. V have publialied a aerica ot hooka, conjulnins- t):e laleat retearchea op thi all (mpoMaut auhject, which wa will aend frea 11 you aik. Writ now wluls you tliink oi II to U eEHMAN EaU WOKE S Kaaaaa StrMi, w Trk, WHY' WOT !n vMtIrat t'-eIl!!rl-rt plan of (rlvlnir Iras, twantt fid auil uarttul. I'roj. luaia with Toa. Conwia, Hihihw, Rilr-ta. Bakln Powder andCocoa. liandsonmly lll;utrattlctlin.e. upla.tulua-. ,ent live on ai plInMJB , lxtont tllooit. rramluma are axll v e-.rn.Hj Most liberaj luanoemauta vr oUernd. W rite lo-lav. rite to-.lay. 'rWelll KIIFMTTMr'OIITINri.V llFtl.t O., a llnamaa Snarl, Nw Varlt ( ll 1. l"Ti Wil'TFtl . rsilaiils nianufatnr. nSalts rr. hig.t i-wiu.r on earin. tat luroimatlon and rHIKtiU I' wiluilo ra NtnuUcluring tu.HI J C.nlraJ Av.Uaa.O Knew What tie Vu Tatarlng About. A render naks where the chnrnctert rrttlon of Washington as "first in war, first In pence and first In Hie hearts of lilu countrymen" comes from. It ap pears In tho orntlon delivered by Mnjor Henry Lee at the request of Congress U libO. SpVtngttold IlppnhHcan. IOO Reward. SMOO. The readorsof this paper will he pleaedt learn that there Is nt lemt one drended dis ease that solonoo h busn abre to eure In alt ItMtniron, and.that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive oure now known to tho medloal fraternity. Catarrh binr a con stitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's CatarrhCurelstaknnintnr nally.aotlndlroitly upon the blood and mu cousirfaoRs of the sytem, thereby ilestroy. Ingthefouudutlon of the disease, and Klvln? the patlont strength by bull. ling up the con stitution and aasistin nature in doing its work. The proprietors havesb much faith la Itsouratlvo powers that they olTer One Hun drml Dollars forany cam that It falls to ours. Bond for list rf totl nionlals. Address F. J. Chexky A Co., Toledo, O. Fold by I'rugglsts, 75?. Take Hull's Family Pills for constlpntloa. China's Coal Flrlils. Clilnn's resources of coal find Iron are anions the largest nnd most favor ably Kltunted In the world. The extent of the great coal fields hns been put at 4X),0K) erjunro miles more than sev enty times tho nKfrregate extent of all the coal fields of Bsitaln. FACE LIKE RAW BEEF Burning lTp With a Tnrrililo lulling Ec senia Speedily Cared hy Ciillcurn. "Cuticura cured me of a terrible eczema from which I had suffered agony and pain for eight years, being unable to obtain any help from the best doctors. My scalp was covered with scabs and my face was like a piece of raw beef, my eyebrows and lashes were falling out. and I felt as if burning up from tho terrible itching and pain. Cu ticura gave me relief the very hint day, nnd made a complete cure in a short time. My bend nnd face are now clear nnd well. (Signed j Mii-s Mary M. Fay, 75 West Jl.iin St., Weslboro, Mass." The loiiR-standing controversy be tween the Burns ami Hayes factions of the Knight of Labor was decided b the Court of Appeals of the District ir favor of the Hayes faction. The best paid clergy in Siberia get about fOuO a year. TRUT Mrs. Ella Lee, Frnnkford, Ind.,writcs: Denr Mrs. FinkhnVi: " I want to thank you for what your medi cine baa uone for me. " Three years ngo I bad inflammation of the oyarios and ulcers on inv womb. I was under th8 doc tor's care for ubout t hree mouths, and tho only time. I was not in pain was when flnder the iiilluen. e of morphine. The doctor finally said I never would bo better ami would bo au Invalid the nut of my lift, 1 had given up in despair, but ono evening I came across one of your advertisements awl decided to write you for advice. I did so and com mencMl to take Lydia-E. J'inMiniii's Vege table Compound. I liefriin to improve at onee ami to-day 1 nm a well woman, and I know it is all due to your advice and medicine. Mrs. J. II. Farmer of 2R09 Elliott Avenue, St. Louis, Mo., writes: Dear Mrs. rinUbam: " I cannot thank you enough for what your advice and medicines have, done for mo They have done me more good than all the doctors I ever had. " lu.r the lht eight years I have suffered with leiualo troubles; was very weak; )md nervous prostration, and could not do my work; but 1 am happy to fay Lvdia E. fink bams Vegetable Compound bus inado a dil'.erent woman bf me. I am in licrfec-t health and have gained in weight from IW jioiinds to lu'J pounds." No other medicine in the world has received such widespread and utiqunli iled indorsement. No other medicine has such a, record for actual cures of fcmnle illsns bus Lydiu E. I'inkhum's Vegetable Compound. Mrs. l'iukhuui invites all sick women to write her for advice. fcihe has gmikd thousands to health. Address mjj Hit, au una. Best IWcrstar'r's A Woman's l!ls. THt ,'OflAND? WATEEPBOOF , OILED CLOTHING m-f .Fivr-n thf- . HIGHEST POSSIBLE AWARD AT Tnc ST.LOU; WORLD'S PAIR. 5end US the rvMrves, nf riviere In. your town who do rot itll oor Soods. ftrtd we will end you a. tyiiccuort or pictures, in colors, of .iius lowers ot ine world, m A-.'.I2WCR f- ESTABLISHED 163. Tfavx aaizcrs : v X a.Tn a f n w M . , rvuiiuuai UUIS I iHJ bua. per acra. iuu wau ewifc tu rwoora is 19 For 10c and this notice ; we mall you free lots of farm sed aatnpiea sun our dir ca.iiOr, it'll. iDsanaooui tuiaoMt woodnrauid . uwuMude or ottir aeiHla. M I0HN A. IALZER SEED 00. It Create, mis. nnnoov "w rioovERT; tt- VM I C Vr a Jt 1 n r.n.r a wont mm o ul uill.uUle i ( davs' iisalM.M aVrs. . axiis'l SOUS, lai, Atusta. ta. HFDL n&SMi erOTO? ALL IN SAFE PLACES. Woman'! Many and Varied Recep tacles for Valuable Documents. A Germantown householder who had plven various valuable papers to his wife to take rare of recenlly hunted all over the house for the Ip mrsnco policy on his furniture and could not find It. When tho wifo cam home from a ten he- told her his trouble with considerable perturba tion, lest the donmccnt should have been lost. "Is that all?" said the wife, looking with disgust at her very much dis turbed desk, where tho husband had been rummaging. "Why didn't you aak ine?" and going to a picture on. the wall Bhe pulled tho policy from be hind It. "And whore," Inquired the hits tnnd, nfter he had recovered from his i-iiriiriso, "do thoo shares ln-hc rullubnck Valley Railroad and Tim ber Dcvelopiiu-nt company happen to be?" "They're safe enough," was the answer. "They're In the closet tunler the stairs behind the grape Juice." And the deed to the house?" "That'g upstairs In the sparo room . packed away under your aummoi suit." Hy dilipent cross-examination the . husband found the locations, scattered from cllar to. roof, of numerous other documents of value. "And now," said he, "what's tho answer?" "Why," said tho wifo, who was used to his Blanc "I don't mean that any robber shall ever come In n-.d clean us out In a one hour search. He never think of the places I've chosen, nnd If he did ho would bo hoard fcoinp up and down stairs ar -1 knocking over bottles." Philadelphia Record. EXPERIENCE SPOKE FCR HIM Bay Rerrcmbered Recent L'sn to Which Nose H.-.d Qoen Put. When Horace started to sciitxd he had a cold. It bad been with him most nil winter, consequently ho had come to regard his 110.0 us the very keystone of his existence. Ho wu still doing some pretty tall snlfflinr when cailod up for his first recitation. The lesson with which he was In troduced to the life studious with that complex and Incompre hensible subject, "Hoy." The teach er, being a woman possessed of an analytical mind, believed In getting right down to first principles, eh? not only taught the component parte, of the word "boy,", but bewildered Horace with sundry questions con cerning the boy himself. She tweaked Horace's ears, gouged h's eyes and made sportive jabs at hia lins and mouth, Inquiring the while what the vnrlous organs indicated -were called and what were their functions. Horace, In spite of his nervousness, acquitted himself creditably, and he would probably have got off with "A plus" If the teacher hud let his nose alone.. Unfortunately she attacked the offending proboscis nnd asked: "And what Is this called?" "By dose," gasped Horace, thickly. "And whnt Is it for?" she persisted. And Horace, Imbued with an hon esty born of Innocence nnd long suf fering, straightway responded: "To blow." In the Bureau of Sewers. Willlnm H. Mlcjiales, superintend ent of the bureau 'of sewers of New York, said the other day: "We hear some strange things In this ofllce sometimes. Some of the stories our inspeciors bring to us are hardly credible. "For instance, in (ho matter of ignorance of the most elementary kind of sanitation: "An Inspector went ono day to In spect an old house in tnc country. There was a good deal of smell about the old place. The Inspector walked about sniffing. " 'Dear me,' ho said, 'what an un pleasant odor. Can it bo the drains?' "The owner of tho house shook his head positively. '"It ctin't bo the drains.' he said, 'because there uin't none.' " Salt Lako Tribune. Reasoning of Youthful Bcatonlan. President Finlcy of the City collegs was recently In Iloslon, anil since that experience, is fond of relating this conversation be overheard in a street ear of that city: "Mamma," said n Utile hoy, sitting w In front of President Flnley. "Her bert Spencer must have been a fine writer." "Why, my child?" Inquired hlsH mother. "Why, they wouldn't have named the Spencerinn pen after hira if he hadn't been," was the Infantile expla nation. New York Time-. KtVect of J'l'oapi-;i3 In the six years of the country' frentcxt prosperity, from 1M7 to l'JU.i. nveniKo prices of breads tuffs advanced (15 per cent.; nie.ils. nil. I pi'v ct'iit.; dairy ttml garden products, fiO.l per rent., nnd clulhtiiu 1M.1. All these v. ere 1i'.-,(ii Ik of the funnel' and stockman. wha profiled more limn any nlber chics of the community by these advances. The miner benelited I'.'.l per cent, l-y that advance In the average price o!' inelais. The only decrease in the aver no prices of commodities in that pe riod was in i'allwayfrcl;;it rates, which decreased from .70S jier ton-mllo Jit JSD7 to ,7U3 in liM, a loss of 4.4 per cent. Tho report of the Interstate Commerce Commission shows that the average Increase In the pay of railroad employes In that period wan a trifle abovo 8.5 per cent. Costly Investigation. Mayor John Weaver of Philadelphia Is the proud father of a boy named Roy, who is of an Investigating turn of mind. On his last birthday Roy was presented by his father with a handsome watch. Tho very next day Mr. Weaver came suddenly upon' bis young hopeful In tho act of dissect ing the timepiece. In his hand he held the empty case, and all around him, In picturesque confusion, lay the delicate works. "I was only trying to find out If you had betn cheated," remarked Roy. "I read the other day tUat a watch had 175 different parts, and I just wanted to be sure they were all here." New York Times. THE KEYSIONE STATE Latest News of Pennsylvania Told in Short Order. While talking with his wife and Mich ael Crubcr about the sudden death of Kcv. David llarbinsoii. Dr. William C. Dctwiler, a dentist, was stricken with paralysis of the heart at his home in Eas ton, and died in a few minutes. He was "l years old. Mrs. Henry Schoolcy, of Kingston, is suffering from a broken bono in her foot. She has been ill the habit of sit ting on her foot and believes she broke the botic in that way. Oscar Knorr, aged -f years, Delaware County's oldest printer, is dead. While setting type in the Norwood "Sentinel" ( llicc he was stricken with paralysis and was rendered speechless. lie was re moved to the home of his daughter, Mrs. North, at C,!cnol,hii, where he died shortly afterward. Sixteen eases of diphtheria arc re ported in the village of Intercourse and V.vo (le.-.'.h have occurred. Patrick O'Donnell was sent to the Herks County jail charged with robbing Jacob Dry, a DoitglassviUc fanner. Dry says that he gave employment lo O'Don ni.ll, who 'was a tramp, and that O'Don nell stole fj fnun a child's hank and Dry's best suit of clothes. O'Donnell dtcapnicd. but was arrested at Port L'n ioa. A cave-in ocurrcd on the public road tw i lies we-.; of Mt. Carmel. C'.metery is s'.tu.ited alongside the road at this -pot, and ii is feared part of it will sink uit.i the mines. Hi:;:- Uckcr and Kdward Ainli iiiy, ot M;'!,!le-e Township, were arre ted charged with forging the of Mr-.. M .nir !n a $,'c.i ni:e, cashed by 1. Y. 1.:::: 1. Anthony was committed to jail a:;d Ockc r enu red bail. D: tnc: Superintendent M. K. Coombs, of the Carnegie Sieel Company, an-:r.;:;:c-- '.hat the (ireenville plant of the I'.'.y.y would resume as soon as the :::!. V.miry be put in ord. r. The m:!l lias been idle a year. Jo'm Slaver was held in $500 bail for inal charge.! with assauhing John Dan. i:o an l smashing his cornet. Danko is a in. niher of St. John's Hand, of ila.Mc ton. It is said that rivalry due to their attentions to a girl caused trouble be tween the nun. Dtpondcnt because of continued ill ness, Charles T. Trout, aged 50 years, junior mc-.nbir of a Cirardville drug gist firm, commuted suicide at the home of his brother-in-law. Dr. W. 11. Rob inson, of l'ottsville, by shooting himself with a revolver. A. T. DnlTy, of Scranlon, chairman of the Grievance Committee of the union railroad firemen on the Lackawanna sy-tcni, has been appointed inspector of safety appliance.-; on railroads by the in terstate Commerce Commission. At the sale of the property of the late Richard Kinney, at Cornwall, upward of a thousand persons gathered, the ma jority to sec the accumulation of relics, many .1 century old. Old gold and silver watches were sold by the dozen. Stocks ot Hint lock guns and pistols sold for a mere song. A good price was received for a gig in which it is supposed Wash ington once rode. Wild ducks in great numbers afe now appearing in the Su-ipichanna River at Columbia, bat sportsmen are unable te shoot iheni owing to the high water. Flocks of wild geese arc also appearing on the river. After being idle for three years, the Dimcanville iron works, owned by the I'nitcd States Steel Corporation, is to resume operations this week, giving em ployment to ;oo men. After secral attempts to end his lil'n, Calvin Shullz, a bachelor, jj years old, of Reading Township, has succeeded. Three weeks ago he cut his throat, and physicians saved him by in-erling a tube tnrutigh which he breathed, lie was re- ! covering when, during a mental abiTra ti. n, lit removed the tube from his throat and death resulted. . V. R. Wilcox, of West I'airview. Cumberland County, who fasted sixty clays to get rid of indigestion, says (SJ will start on April I lo walk from' N.sfT i ork to San branciseo, Cal. kjj United States Commissioner of Cor porations James R. Garfield has ap pointed Attorney 1'. K. Kilculleii, of Scranton, his special agent 10 Lacka wanna County. Mr. Kileiiikn has ap pointed John T. llrown, also of Scranton, as his assistant, and will at once li.giii lo investigate conditions as to corpora tions in this viciiriiv.- A cave-in over an ibandoiici m:U.e is causing mucli dainaj at Clarridge 11 mining lown. j ciiurcii and tiiree siore., witn their contents, have been wrecked, while two other houses are gradually sinking into the mine, forcing their oc cupants to vacate. The people of the town fear a further cave-in that will swallow up other buildings. A Grange of the Patrons of Husband ry has been organize. 1 in Fremont, by Organizer C 11. Dildinc, of Columbia County. This is the only grange in Snyder County. While returning on a freight train from a visit 10 his brother-in-law, Wil liam Hinklc, in Lebanon, William Gar rett, a Pottstown boilirinaker, fell from the train at Douglassville and was killed. A petition is being freely signed by the residents of Prespect Park asking the Philadelphia, Washington & llahi more Railroad ofiicials to replace the .present wooden station with a stone and brick building. Dr. I. C. Gable, medical isipector of York County, has made his final report on the smallpox outbreak in several townships of York County. The report, which goes lo the Slate Hoard of Health, shows that there was a total of 145 cases of the disease. No new case has been reported since February and only one family remains in quarantine. John Reppcrt, of Bests, aged 8a years, died from burns received in trying to save his wife, aged 80 years, whose dress caught fire while she was working at the kitchen stove and who died the same night. Rumors as to the killing of John Ku jufski, a Slav laborer, by a street car in West Lebanon were set at rest by a post-mortem examination. Considerable excitement arose over the story thai Kujufski had been murdered and his body laid on the street car track to hide the crime. The autopsy showed that the car wheels killed the man. Frank Bamhriek was kil.ed by falling I200 feet down the new Pine Knot Shaft of the Philadelphia & Reading Coal & Iron Company, at rottsville. Five hun dred feet from the surface his body broke through a platform of three-inch pi. inks. FROM THE PRIMITIVE LIFE. Scientist 8u(igett Origin of Man'i General Rlght-Handedness. N. Dlshop Harman reviews a num ber of morphological facts In relation to visceral assymmetry In human bo Ings, eay the Medical Record. He then advances a hypothesis as to the presence of a general right-handed ness In nun. He sugsestg an incident In tho Hie of primitive man In which two of these beings have a hnnd-to-hnnd conflict. One learns the secret of division of labor In tho forelimbe and uses his left arm for a shield and his right for fighting. He Is tho vie tor In the fight and Ms offspring, af ter ho has raptured the wire of the victim, would revert to the material custom of using the left hand. The writer then cites various examples to prove the real ambidexterity of ordin arlly trained men. Most men brush the hair with a pair of brushes, using each hand cpially and roincidrntly In the task Women plait the hair, using both hands; they also hold the hand-glass, first with one hand, then with the other, while adjusting plaits, coil? and pins with the free hand. The process shows extraordinary bimanual dexterity, with hnnd and eye cerebra tion. Violin ploying Illustrates In a most remarkably way tho diversion of labor between the fore-limbs. The use of the typewriter and the Inscrip tion of tho Uraillo type by the blind all show a wonderful bimanual di vision of labor. Kancns at Center of Universe. Thomas A. McNeal, Kansas elate prinler, believes the state to be "tho renter of tho universe," and ho Justi fies hks belief In this convincing way: "Scientists have noted that IJ a num str.rts from Kan: as and travels east ward nnd keens going until Knnsan Ik again reached end then takes the sanie Journey, but starling to the west ward, the distance traveled is precise ly the Kaino." COMMISSIONER CARFIELD'S REPORT It la t'ounil tw 11 Fnv.jritlrlo to the C.rrnt l'if-ltii, Th" report of Commissioner of Cor porations C-ifiield on the beef indus try, ufier about eight months' inves tigation in Chicago nnd elsewln'i-o, sh'nvs that there h-s Ikt-ii an enormous amount of exaggeration in the state ments that have uppnired for some time past In regnvd t.i the lieef busi ness. This investigation was set on foot by 11 resolution of 'he House of Itepi vseutntive.-; inbipicd March 7, J!oi, and the asrvriaiued faets after a most rigid exiiiiiiiiation of the methods r.nd general eomlurt of tho business are contained In a report covering 30S pages. 113 f",;u'es mid tables conelu slvely show tiiut the popular belief in enormous lue.Ois made by the large puckcr:, suelj as Armour Co., Swift !c Co. and Nelson .Morris & Co., nnd In the exclusive control of the busi ness which many think they enjoy, is really w ithout foundation. Tlie leonrt made to President IIooso velt by Commissioner (larlield is real ly Hie first odieial statement of the ac tual conditions of Hie beef business that has been made, and as the con clusions arrived at are bused, as shown by hi 111, upon data olliciully obtained, there seems to bo no reason why they should not be regarded as reliable and in all respects trustworthy. This report shows why the price of belli cattle and beef advanced to Hie highest li;vel ever known after the short corn crop of lll.ll. and states Unit because of the deerti'se in numb: r .f entile 11 ml also in decreased weiglil. ''the high prices of beef which cause. 1 so niueh complaint aiming consumers at Ibis time were attributable wholly to thenc? abnormal entile prices." All the IK'invs of the live weight n!:rt live cost of all dressed beef cal tie were obtained from actual killing reeird.-. and all Information of every kind ob tained by the Commissioner was volun tarily and freely offered by the pack ers, all books of record and papers cimiu'ctod wilb tho business having be"ii placed at his disposal. To make certain that the results ot the investigation should be absolutely accurate, the Commissioner stales that a double method of ascertaining profits was adopted, and. without going into detail here. It Is found that the conclu sion arrived at shows an average profit of W cents per head. The Commis sioner says "the close parallebsin in the results of the two methods of as certaining the profits confirms com pletely the correctness of the general conclusions." It Is clearly established that "Western packers do not control more than half of the beef supply of the United States," tlio conclusion of the Commissioner being that the busi ness done by them nmounts to "about 4." per cent." of the total slaughter of the country. The whole report Is extremely Inter esting and well worthy of careful pe rusal. As an official report it may be regarded as worlby of eonlldeuee, nnd it certainly leads the render to the conclusion arrived at by the Commis sioner when he stales Hint "tho capl talizjition of nunc oi' these concerns is excessive as compared with lt.'i aelnal Investment," and that from thorough and right examination of original en tries in books and papers to which ho hud access there was also "Indirect evi dence that the profits of the packers; in their beef business aro less thun Is frequently supposed," 11s nhown by comparison between the total fronts and tho total amount of sales. Frnp fiii-miii? has assumed large propor tions in Canada. tra Allen's VnntKftfl. It Is the only cure for Swollen, Smariln?, Tlrsil, Aching, Hot, BweBtlna Feet, Corns o.a.1 )''Uulous, Ask for Allen's Foot-Kase, powder to li.i shaken Into the shoes. Cures wild vom walk. At all Druggists anil Hhoe Stores, ifSo. lou't any substitute. Bum pie sent 1 EH. Address.Al'len 8. Olmsted, Leltoy, N. Y, It tots only three francs to cremate human being in France. K. H. Giiii'i Hon, ot Atlanta, On., are the only successful UropBy Specialists In the world, kjeo their liberal offer lu advorilae n ent In aaotlier column ot this ia;e;. The nvernpt number of births in London nun tli is 11,00a. Sirs. V lnsh'w's SoothingSymp forehlUlron teething, sol'IVn the gums, reduoes luf.muuia lioii,ulUy puiu,curs wiudoullc.Uju. a bottle. At a coot if twenty-five cent Japanese ductors tu ufeia the tt omnia of Wu lueo. ARMY CHAPLAIN V(xr s s , ( CHAPLAIN D L. JAVC0X. HALF OU.i ILLS ARE CATARRH. r'; W;' 1 Thousands of People Have Kidney Trouble and Don't Know It is Catrrah. r t Mr. David T.. .Tiiveox, Chaplain i Clio-inda, 1. O. (!. T., nnd Chun. i lain (.. A. 11., So.'i ItiouUay, Uuk- t land. Cnl.. write: ' I u m a ii nlil tra r vrlcra n. 1 t eiml r,ictrl hvvvvu hlmlOvr nml i klilnrii trouble. 1 sici( Ziun- i ilrrtlH of l nl I n i-h ami consul eit J a lioM of .icors. but neither 1 ennui linn proven the best medi cine I ever used. Mv paias are crone und I believe myselt to be cured. 1 feel well nnd would not be without n bottle in time of need for ten times its cost." Hundreds of war veterans have kidney and bladder trouble. imjiurn tlrlnkliiff wntcr. le)tii(i on Urn frtiumi, nnd nil manner of xponuron to wet. nri wif wen I her produoad catarrh of the kUlneyn ami llaitler. TMe Secret Even the hest hoiiriclccoyicra cannot ninko a gooJ cup of coffee -without good ninteriul. Dirty, adulterated az:d queerly blended collV-o such rt.s uiiKcriiv.ulinis dealera fchovd over tbeir counters won't do. But, take tho rmio, clean, natural flavored LION COFFEE, the loader of all package coliees the coffe.o tliut, ,for over a quarter of a cnj-.iry ha.i been duilj' welcomed in millions of homer, and you will make a drink lit for a kins' in this wav: HOW TO MAKE GOOD COFFEE. . Uft I.IOV i'OFFEK, twanno lo i; I lien reflun yoti nnift n't the heat cntlee. tlrind your LION COl'Ftlit rTher fine, l e -ti tjihL-(M.nt.fiil to tarli eu ami one rtctra for tlie ik;.." Kirnt mix It Willi a lillie cohl w.-jic. en oo--h to muke a thick nabtr, arid add whlto of mi v ii en Is to he iwl na a iiuler), then foLeoi-eol tlid foliowu: ruku : 1st. WrrH nrsII.!NG WATER. AOd baltlan wnlrr, anil lei tt bolt TltRI E MIM'TI.S ONLY. Ami a lltlie cclrl vvuler aul set awldc live minutes lo wctilfc. Serve riromptlv. 2d. VVI'IH Ot !) VVA'fa. A0t your cold water lo the pante and brinn it In a boil. Then fet aJtlclc, udd a litUe culU water, laud In live luiibutes It's ready Co serve. S (Don't boll It too lonpr. Don't lot it stand more than ten minutes before serving. DONTS (.Don't use wateir that haa been boliod bofore. TWO WAYS TO SETTLE COFFEE. 1st. With Ei!s. Tso pnrt ot the white of an mum.: It with the ground LION COFKi;E before l)oilinK. .L Willi ttd Vimrr ln9tcad of cp;s Af'.cr boillnR odd a daah of cold water, and et ur.ide for eii:;.t o.- ten Liinutes. l.iien rerve itirot:;Mi .1 ptrj.r.t-r. Insist on fji'J'Jus a pae'tiasjc f genuine LiGlV COITEE, prepare I! uecortHliij 'o tiiis rcciyc: an.l jou will oniv use UOW COFFEE in futiii-e. (..'.d vuy ie 1 lb. eakd puckages.) (Liou bend on every pie iiiieo.) (Save thvte Liou-heiuls l'cr vuln.d lo prctr.iitrcs.) SOLD BY GKOCEIiS EVERYWHERE VOorsox SPICE CO., Toledo, Ohio. 4? BEST FOR TBS 63' ELS fc' s .isra.. OUARAN TEL-D CMUiS for U bowel troubles. I louuu, w'iu on Biomvn, nioatr-a onwein, i. ul mtiuih, rjTdache, indigestion, pimples, : pa.ns fter entint',, liver trouble, en How Rkio and dii hint's. Whi-n your ttowelt. don't movo ro-iultirly you ere tick. Cr..itipation kf'.la more pcoi'i than nil rther c3isesei tor, ft her. It atar'n chronic ailmrnti itud Icn yearm of nufTr-ring. No matter whnt aits you, start taking C ASCARKT3 today, tor you will never ret well and s:av well until yoi grt your bowela Tnke our advice, start with Ciar.jrrti toJay ubdrr ah-ohire Riiaranteo to cure of money refunded. The crnuiiie tnhlet atumnrfj CCC. Nevr in bulk. Sample ao4 t boolrK-t fr. A'?tlr-'t f r-rlint" Rmf(ty Ci'nminv. Cbiripo rr N-w Ynrk. 50 Exrmt trrtA 5SS' $3.50 SHOES . "W, tnu?.-l:in imiht' liiul flU moro ."i n in,.,...o hh.u s th in nuy tt liir inn 11 tii'Mftn ft r tn Hit uinlil. Will, 00 1 KiiWJkitD lo&iiy oao witg cku ii ijjio till itaUuitot AV. T,. ;:..;' sliiies ore tho ffrtnti'st ('!!(! In thf uiii ltl l't'vuir til thir t-4tlli'Ht .(jlf, ri.j' Ilttinu- uiil MijH'i-lfir Mfurhijr tiiiililiK, Itu-y uro Jti"-t iiH kimmI iik Ilnifi1 th;it cut front K,.UO In MIO, lh till linn, H Ihr irii's lt)ilhi iliiMt, tout inure to mrl, liuld their shii lirttr, Tr lim-.'i-, ittitl nrt of Krt-atcr vnliitf limn hii.v uih.ii' ftjixr.o mIhh mi ilttt Iiiutki't tiwl.ty. V. Jt JtoiiKlitN Ktlnr atitfcs Iht'ir vuluu Ity htiuiiphti; liU 11 a iut) iumI i ! o ou Hie botttMii if tm It hIiop. J.ook for It. 'luli mi thihtetUntH. w. I, liotiKlH :i..v xIio.n Hr aolil throuifh hUuwu retail utorcn In lliiirln i!ll citlfpi, it ml by hIhiv tlcrtler t?vcry. herv. No manor 1mt you liv, t,, UuugU aro within your rcAvh. EQUAL $6.00 SHOES, I have trurtt H', . ihwolnt 0 W 1W1 for Vear$ und cnuir them i'uaJ to uuy 11 aw on the mart ft, Thry have yityn entire ttit.fachoi." Wn. II, Audit tvu Atui ,ttai$ Aytnty haiua$ Cttv, Mo, Boys wear W. L. Oousrlaa $2.80 and $2.00 ahocs betauM they fit better, hold their hap nod wear lunger thun other make, ll'. A. Joi.(rui Ncf Conn Caitokm in hi (".90 thtne. Cut on a (Vl 11 to 4 the JtnfMt patent leathtr piwiuctd. Fast Cblor Byetett will art 4r ttrmtty. W. T. lioutflu hn the Iftrcmtt tho mall ordur I'UKiiiHu in tho urNt. No ti out la to wet ft ttt lr until. 'Jt cfjutH Htiia pri'i rr (kllvtiry. If ytu dn.i'.ic futtliitr luiui inallmi wrtte for jHUitrtttect Cataivgun V JSjertnft litffj, W. L. D0U0US. trortifwi, Mm. ERTlSEll iJT PAYS tr .Mi mm tuai iTIWT1 1 imii""11 Li.r.iS V-itLhC All EL St 1 In (ti. 'i l)v "Inn"! D0VGLA&Q SEVERE KIDNEY BLADDER TROUBLE. I Thev have doctor d with every c o n cc i vab!c Irug. have c o n s u 1 te d nil school ef inidiciiie. It was not until IV-rmsa came into use, however, that these old soldiers found a rem- Cdv V. .,.:! n.-t!,.TlU- n,.r. tl.o.n More vaunt of en til ri ll of K ltinru and bladder hare been filler by I'e nina than all oilier medivl ne oiiv blned. Address J)r. S. B. Hartmnn, President of Ilie ili'.tjuari .'-aiiitiii-iiim, Coiuiiibus, Oiiio. and l.e will be pie.ised to give you tiie benetit of his in. .heal advice gratia. All currcxpoudciicc held strictly contiden tial. g! Gecd Bpp-ndicitia, hiliousnci, bJ bretn, bttd Crab Orchard M'ATER Nature's Great Remedy FOR DY8PEPSSA SICK HEADACHE CONSTIPATION Bthnulnte, tho Llvor, rt'tculatan tho Eowuls uml liHup, tho pntlro stm lu a hoaliliy iOUlltlOII.. k Natural Froduot with n record ot Cen tury. If ainiotiiil try jL. SO LP BY ALL HRl'GOISTS. CRAB ORCHARD WATER CO., LOl ISt Il.l.K, KV. PARSOWCS mis r will cnr nilnuuwai an.) Sick Haad t'ie.',.i,.i,.uoii,ll Livai arid U.l (;.u.ilaiiiu. ,v eM,i M imnuriiw, 01 lli.l.iiMHt. lirata w.iuiriii riuUitimt relief Iiutu tiiem. Tlia uae 0 PARSONS' PILLS m dlrotrit, IU cure or pravrut manr Mkin uti,itM and bJem.W., ir(iuri;g lliv uiuiilf twu cleitr anil ny. 'liiey mk iK-tv nfjl IfUioJ, Oia d"e. 'ii ct. a b.'ttio. ( vl ilfj, at ell aealiu-a ir Nkt liv 'null on rc;i't f price. I 8. JOHNSON X CO.. iluia, kM. ptOiNfUXA'JLJ; V flm nin n I. .inn tfxr hiariVl BltJ 111-, tr t. '! i Yvtt vi chare it. tl ln i. t il. ill. ) tii.i C'-O.V. : medicine. H W ! a WWrrl