The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, March 22, 1905, Image 4

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Pablishw'd Every Thursday.
B. W. PECK, Editor and Proprietor.
MARCH 22, 1905.
Published Weekly. 1.00 per
Annum in Advance.
IVr inure ol " linen limes 11 V).
I'cr iuare eucb Hultseuucnt I nsertion . . . . Fk.
A.l advertlM'tnenls inserted for less thao
three tminilm charitcd by the ftquare.
;1 nioH. ) (linos. I yr.
fine-fourth column livon. :non. :iono
Oi e-h.ilf column jr.i. 40l. MHO
' ) no Comma Idoo.l KiUO. T.YUO
Nni.h'tii; inserted for Icsh than II
tnr,-.-oiil Card one year In
Brief Account of the Inauguration is Seen by
a Former Fulton County Boy.
The President, escorted by the
Rough Kiders aud the New York
militia, left the White House about
1o a. m., and arrived at the Capi
tol about 12 o'clock. Then tho
oath of office was administered by
Chief Justice Fuller, after which
the President delivered his in
augural address.
The address was delivered a lit
tle before 1 p. in. The crowd was
so great that we could not hear
the President's voice, but having
board him speak on one of his
tours, we did not mind this in-
convenience so much.
After tho Inaugural address
the procession moved back to the"
White House, which the Presi- :
dent reached about 2 p. m., when
ho lunched and theu watched the
procession of soldiers and others
as" they passed. The march cou- ;
tinued until ."i:45 p. m.
The precision with which the i
soldiers marched, as they passed
along iu double rows sixteen men
deep, was something wonderful, ,
and shows what training in that
line will do. The number in the
procession was variously estimat- ,
ed from to ('.0,0(10 soldiers '
and others. There were, it is
thought, over 100,000 spectators.
Pennsylvania avenue was kept
clear of spectators by a steel wire
one-half inch thick. When the
march was ended we went to tho
Congressional Library. .This is
really a wonderful place. While
most of tiie rooms were closed,
v.s saw a great deal of interest iu
the room that was open. We saw
many old State papers in glass
cases Many of these papers are
yellow with age, but the writing '
is distinct as over. Some of the
papei had been torn but since
had oeeu pasted together. Oue
paper bore a date between 1400
and l."i(, and was iu a language
we ;ould not read.
We are sure it would be worth
any one's time while iu Washing
ton to visit this building. We had
heard of it before going to Wash
ington, and it was equal to any
thing we had read of it.
Like Finding Money.
Finding health is like finding
money so think those who are
sick. When you have a cough, cold
sore throat, or chest irritation,
bettor act promptly like W. C.
Harbor, of Saudy Level, Va. He
says: "I had a terrible chest trou
ble, caused by smoke and coa
dust on my lungs; but alter find
ing no relief in other remedies, I
was cured by Dr. King's New Dis
covery for consumption, coughs
and colds." Greatest sale of any
cough or lung modicine in the
world. AtTrout's drug store: 50c
and 1.0i guaranteed. Trial bot
tle free.
Sll'tS MILL.
March 11. Quito an interest-
ing local institute was held at I
Sipes Mill school, Saturday eve
ning. All report a good time.
Wm. Hard, wife and family re
turned home after spending two
weeks with friends in Hrush
Ct eek.
' Thomas aud Thorntou Mellott,
after spending a week with their j many times they are cast down
parents, Joshua Mellott and wwfe, j just by despising the aged. For
returned to Johnstown Monday. , instance, I shall relate a little
J. VV. Bard, wife and little ' story. A young gentleman (sin
daughter, Laurus, of Emmaville, glo, of course) stepped into a
tspent last week with the hitter's j small crowd of people the other
parents, 11. U. Deshong and wife.
Miss Anna Deshong, who has
beea very sick for the past three
wei.-ks, is now able to open her
school again at Jacob Lake's.
i'rof. U. N. 1 'aimer and Miss
Orpha Snyder spent Saturday
evening and Sunday with friends
at Siies Mill, aud attouded the
Institute at that place.
ciimr ninac
Mrs. Jetitiio Crow aud st vpral I
of the Huston family have boon
laid up with la grippe the past
week. popularity is demonstrated by
Calvin linker and son Jay spent the fact that it has a l;nror cir
Sunday with the former's daujrh-1 dilation than any other moi i.inj? (
ter, Mrs. Frank Madden, of Mad-' paper in lMtsbtirg. During the i
deusville. past few years it has attratceda!
Hert Henry, wife and two chil-.
dren, of Knobsvillo, ppont Satur-:
day nightand Sunday at the home
of her parents
J. T
Kerlin and
William and
Clarence Sipe i
spent Saturday night at
A. W.
Miss Coklio Fields is spending
sometime with friends at Roberts j
Kdward l.lack of Dublin Mills,
was in our town on Sunday.
.1. I. Woodcock, one of our aged
men, is attending court this week
being one of the grand jurors.
Calvin Henry made a trip to
Saltillo on Monday.
Win. Fleming, of Shade Cap,
spent a couple of days with his
brother here the past week
Crace Huston, teacher o.p Wa
terfall school, has resigned anil
is at home.
Clarence Henry, who has been
in a hospital at Pittsburg for the
past few weeks, is reported as
getting along nicely.
To draw tho fire out of a burn
or heal a cut without leaving a
scar, use De Witt's Witch Hazel
Salvo. A specific for piles. (.Jot
'he genuine. J. L. Tucker, editor
of the Harmouizer, Centre, Ala.,
writes: "I have' used UeWitt's
'itch Hazel Salve in my family peculiarly susceptible to the do
f r piles, cuts and burns. It is , wlopmcnt of consumption. Fol-'
the best salve on the market. Ev-1 ey's Honey and Tar will stop the
cry family should keep it on hand, j .ougii, heal and strengthen the
.-)(Id by Trout s drug store.
lialph May was a pleasant call
er at Alfred Peck's Saturday
George Plossinger and Kussel
Truax made a Hying trip to Han
cock recently. They report mud
dy roads.
Miss Pilanche Truax has re
turned from Hrush Creek.
Callis II lodes of Hancock, was
tho guest of May Peck last week.
The Pleasant Grove Sabbath
school was organized March "th,
and there will bo Sunday school
the first Sunday in April.
.Job Hess caught a red fox.
Jacob is quite a hunter. He says
that if tho legislature would only
;ay for scalps that he would
comb a lot of them in.
Miss Ida and May Sipes were
at W. II. Truax 's last Sunday.
Keed Strait was a pkasant cal
ler at John II. Strait's last Suu
day. W. II. Truax is recovering from
a severe attack of grip.
Frank Mellott and wife are
looking for a farm.
dob Mellott is singing "A
charge to keep I have -it's a boy."
There will be a meeting of the
Kulton County Mutual Fire In
surance Company at Needmore,
on Saturday, March :.'.", l!)u.", at 1
o'clock p. m.
All persons interested are in
vited to attend.
J. S. S w A It'l'Z WKLDKK,
L't. Secretary.
Mrs. KlizabPth Strait is very ill
at this writing.
Mrs. Hoy Duvall is poorly. Mr.
Duvall was accompanied home
oue day last week by her sister,
Jennie Strait, who expects to st y
a few weeks aud administer such
help as is needed.
Harvey Strait is making quite
,m improvement on his farm.
How the young should treat
the old: They should always
speak to them kindly and never
try to shun theircompany; always
try to keep their faces familiar
to the old, for by so doing they
are lifted up in society, wherein
' day. An elderly lady began to
: address him, aud not being famil -
i lar with his face, supiw.sed hitn
i to be a married man, and anxious
to know about tho balance of his
' lamily, asked him how hisjittlo
baby was, and w hat he called it ?
! lie hesitated a minnt tr mi alow. !
y said, 'I guess they haven't
ly said, "I kuoss tho.y
named it " (
- ;. v, Tim. pcksOu..
On FVhrunry 2, Tho I'ittsburi
Tunes wis 2.") years old. lis own- j
er claim that its unduniuishud
groat deal of attention by ti e
frankness with which it lias (lis-
cursed subjects of public ititor-
est. 'Whenever there is before
! the people some question of ab-
sorbin" i miiortance Hewtip.ipor .
readers are on the qui vivo to i
know what The Times has to snjr, I
and what The Times says Is rijrht '
to t he point. It hows to the Hi
That, however, is only one of tlie
merits claimed for it by its pub
lishers. Its general mows "ser
vice is comprehensive and com-
nlete. ft, is neen ruf.n in it tinun-
cial depart ment and up to date on j
its sporting page. Its serial I
stories are by the best modern 1
authors. It pavs especial atten
tion to tho news ami views of all
the churches, and iti'this respect
lias won tho admiration of tho 1
best peojilo. Its editorial page
is a dailv fo-ist of the best and
brightest thought. It endeavors I
lo avoid the "yellow" and caters j
only to the people of the home
and the family. It ha. no Sun
day issue. Six cents a week, si)
a year.
Dangers of Pneumonia.
A cold at this time if neglected I
is liabletocause pneumonia which
is so often fatal, and even when i
the patient has recovered the
lungs arewcakened, making them
luugs arid prevent pneumonia,
Sold by ail dealers.
)ld Doctor Domehead, of ''sciene
lie couldn't build u hencoop, by jingo,
if he tried,
Hut l.ibbl"s deep in science- solves
mighty problems, and
i-'.uch week instructs his class of throe, 1
" I '.ut -on the other hand"' 1
If you have the blues, consult!
old "Doc" Dome-head; if fortune I
has frowned on you, consult I
"Doc" Domehead: if SLIP- has j
failed to smile, consult "Doc"1
Domehead. lie is an advocate of ,
the Simple Life, and his special-'
ty is "Science Made Simple." He ';
will ma ite you laugh in spite of
yourself, and will cure all your ,
with the anlus of himself and
his class.
Doctor Domohead's class has'
taken the leading position iu tho '
Philadelphia Suuday North'
American's Comic Supplement. ;
You will get more fun out of
these pictures than you ever had !
in your life out of a funny paper, i
It is a new comic page that is
really funny a page with a laugh j
in every line.
Wi h the old Doctor are Phoebe ;
Ann. a scientific maiden; a four-1
tceu-caret cut-up whoso name is i
Dennis, aud studiou
Lionglegs lie's a "yes,
sir" pro-
position who, as tho class, add
lo the gaiety of every situation.
The Doctor knows his business;
lie shows that at the start "but
on the other hand" there you
get right down to the point, and,
as the wily press agent is wont
to declare, the point "must be
seen to be appreciated," and to
appreciate it thoroughly you
should becomeone of the Doctor's
patients at once.
Are Vou Encaged ?
F.ngaged people should remem
ber, that, after marriage, many
quarrels can be avoided by keep
ng their digestions m good con
dition with Kleoirio Hitters. S
A. Drown of Hennettsville, S. C,
says: "For years my wife suffer
ed intensely from dyspepsia, com
plicated wuh a torpid liver, until
she lost herstrength and vigor,
and became a mere wreck of hea
former self. Then she tried Elec
tric Hitters, -' hieh helped her at
once and liaa'ly made hor entire
ly well. She is now strong and
healthy." Trout's tho druggist
sells and guarantees them, at 5Dc.
a bottle.
At the Republican county con -
vention hold fn this place vester -
dav, David Mll.iy was elected
! delegate to the Ntato-Republican
j convention. '
I .
j CfSFCT-Bflhll JtizT't
M lliti
Boat Coueh Syrup. Tastea Coodl yjJ
w ill viiiin. aiu ity arucciaisj ka
II I'l
$1,000 TO $10,000 A YEAR.
1 ihi linic Malrftiiinn, Clel k, .Men limit s
o Mutter Mli at Your IT'M'iit limine!
ACOMl'LKTK reorganization of the producing department of the
Company in this Hoction all'ords a chanuo for a few good men.
Eight vacancies on tho agency force in this rich territory ro
imiin ojen for men of character and ability; you can find out by
writing whether it will he worth your while to make a change. No
previous experience is necessary. '
A coulee of professional instruction given free.
The Mutual Life Insurance CoriiDany ofN.Y.,
Address, UhORGK T. I)E.TER, Superintendent of Domestic
Agencies, :!2 iNaasau Street, New
: :
Special Millinery News
We have just returned from the -ity with a Revolution in
Art Millinpry.
This Sanson's Opening at Mrs. Little's, .Saturday, March IXt'i,
and Monday, March 2'ith, promises to en I ipso any similar event in
the history of McOonncllsburg. Here are hats to suit every faro.
We are liusy impark in;: boxes, marking ami placing goods on our
shelves for your convenience
Wo have two hundred Heudy Trimmed Hats utid hundreds of
I ni rimmed T! tit to display at our epenin;;-.
A cordial -invitation extended to everybody.
Little's millinery.
Opposite Posloffiee. McConnellsburp;.
both Factory und Handmade, from
$35 to $85
lAa go n s
bar,;, stock on hand all the time
to select from.
Ilustontown, Pa.
Tom Watson's
The .MuKuinc I lull tins An IJcu Jl.ick Of I
' it ' i
.ivt. yi)U ,.,,, a . -,,,... 1; WaisliU. or
Oi'itO.'iu 1ms htrun the iiMliliciltloll ot 11
You know w ho Mr-. Wutsou is ': llr'n the mini
w lni w role "Tim Story of Fninee." "Life
of Niiio)eoii," uirl -'I'll i - Life iinU 'I'iuh-. of
'ni'initis ,JelTt-r-.oii." He lilt' n-opU 's
l-;ir!v ir;iiiui'l;Cir for i 'i-i: -.itl :t t lust ycur.
Kirsi niiuiher of TOM ATSOX S M Al i.-XZIN K
w ill he puhlilii'il l-'eh. l-'or sule ul al
hews-stiuuls He, Ity uiiill, i'lo.ip,;!
year. "X ou will mi.s the uio-1 liitercslinif
I -piiLre niiiulne i 1 Aini-ilca lr yon full to
1,'et lliis nuiiihcr. AsU your rn-vvMleulcr for
Tom Watson's Maoainij or, bettor still,
send u ihilhir for a yeur's suheripliou lo
I'M Wi-.t 4-JTiil Slreel.
Nr YuliK Crrv, N'. Y.
Willi I-; h mi e ata l.iior K
loo Si-Koto OAuor.-i St., PiiilmMli.tiiii, I'h- k; stock isos Tnunnre
TD rX a f'r an c 6'sJQ-'
- O J l ' I I W J I V
Wrv.f r r.miRf.iMS m Mtivv v'
Saf-s, Quick, Reliable Regulator
s-i' iri.,r tool li-r re'iit-itlcs ttnll at high prlcei. '
C !). loin. 'I. Hii-'fi t-WlullV UHi'd lv M-r
'.;Hi.tttU V 'HH'il. I'l'ii . '41 VlifnirUf'
U mo'l. l.VJlllll"ltl)iK Ixiol.ll't fit''.
"r. :a:'iHiu o V!illutlt'llaiiii I'u
The output of coal at the Rob
ortsdale, Woodva'e and Rocky
Ridge mitn.i.s has been greatly re
duced owing to the inability of
the Pennsylvania railroad to sup-
; ply standard guage cars,
York, N. Y.
: ' :
from 20 cents to 00 cents a gal
lon. Don't be deceived-no-body
will sell you a liO-eont
oil for 2") cents.
and -'uardii for all kinds of
j machines at prices lower than
j you have ever heard.
on hand; Hinder twine, Horse
lakes in fact farmer's should
remember if they want any
thing in the machinery line
that I can help them if anybody
W. H. MSBIT, ,
V Connellsburg
?and CURU. the LUNGS
g 0UGH5 and
50o &S1.00
Fmo Trial.
S Surubt and Q,Liickent Cure lor ull
3 THROA1' and LUNO TKOUli-
f. Ahvnv n'llnhU". 1 nlin. Dniffwist fof
iiiiiii:vii:kk KX.l.lSII hi lt-.l and
4. old iio-tuillt' tH)xi-s, M'jiit- with hint) rWwn.
'i iUv no oilier. i;rii lituic-rtuK huill
ludonwiuitl imlltilioiiM. Utivot vour JidrM-t,
or H'lul If. ut Miuii-4 iur larlliilui'4( r'll
moiiluU uii'1 K-llr lor iMdlvm. in inlrr,
b r'iurii lail. lu.ouo ruMttuioumli. Hi'd by
H liniHi'Httt.
rfllinriPTRR CH EM IOATj OO.
IuO MudUon Niunri-. l illl A., PA,
Pneumonia follows La Gtrlpp
but never followa the uae of
Itetopi tho Clinch and hoala the lung.
Provcnte riicuinouls nd Coiikumpttoa.
Hh. Q. TARHks, ot 157 Osgood St., C'hlonto,
vritem "My wifs bad 1 (rippc mwi it loft her
with Tary bad eouirb on bar lunga wbiok
Volki'i Uiirnit AMD Ta aurad aomplaulf '
For s .lrt at Trout's Drutf Store
1 ,.!
Covers the Field.
In every part of the -County
faithful re
porters are located
that gather the daily
Then there is the
State and National,
News, War News, a
Department for the
Farmer and Mechan
ic, Latest Fashions
for the Ladies. The
latest New York, Bal
timore, Philadelphia
Markets. The bun
day School Lesson,
Helps for Christian
tricieavorers, and a
Good Sermon for ev
erybody. ?
In fact anything and
everything in the best
style along that line.
I! ("Sample copies of
the NEWS sent to any
of your friends on
TIM E TABLbI-Nov 27, 1904,
l.tiuve no. -i ao i no. tl.uof juo.iu llu
. M tA.MiU m!I'. U P.H
rt'iuchester 7:o.... it mi 61
liu tlusljurif K lfi 2 47 7 I I
lui:eriiiwn .... 0 41 9 (i'i " J ,s:i 8 uo 10 10
' irci-acHMtle .... ( US II SIMS Wll 3 Ml H HI 10 SO
.Vl-reersburK-. ..H0(.iIO So A
:nuuitH!rKlurK. l"sw 9 MIU i 5k tT45i ifj Vt
VVuyneslHiro 7 Oil la (XI 8 a ....
-Slilpiierisuiirg... 7 411 in on 1 si 4 .vi 9 Ort 11 10
Sowvllle 8 07 10 -.': 141 BOO 9 2lllk7
vuiiisie 8SKI04I a o;i f :a 9 4." is (is:
Moc'lllinlcsburK.. 8 4 II oft 2 iJ 5 W 10 07 U 21
i 'HKIlui K 10 IHl 8 an
Arr, llarrlsburij. 9 0f II Jo 2 40 a 10 10 45 12 40
rr. l'hllu II 4K 8 17 IS 47 8 ftO 4 SI 4 2!l
Arr. New York. (ill till 8 OK II 2:1 7 in 7 13
Arr llultlmore.. it ir a 11 6 00 04s 220 7 15
1. U. P. U. P. H. P. H. A. U. A. M
Train No. 12 east runs dully except Sunday
between HuKerslowu und UurriNburtf, ltiavtni
UiiKeihiowii 1.06 aud arriving at Uui-HNliurv al
Additional east-bound local trains will run
dally, exiH-pt .Sunday, an IoIIown: Leave
Uurllrtle 7.0S a. iu., 12.30 p.m. 3.15 p.m.,' leave
MculiunlcsliuiK B.54 a m., 7.iM a. in., Vi.hi p. m..
I.HU p. 111. leave Uillsburir 5.38 a. m.. 10.00 a.
ul.. 5.23 p. Ul.,
Trains Noh. 2.8 and 110 run daily between Ha
iierxtown and UurrUburu
t Lially except Sunduv.
Leave no. 1 no. II no. 0 no. 7 no. 9 109
P. M A. M AH A. M P.H P.M.
Ilaltlmnre II l.i 4 44 8 MS 12 00 4 HA 8 30
New York 7 6f 12 Id 8 b! 2 Mi A M
I'lliia It 4o 4 in 8 40 It 40 6 30 8 2H
HitrriNburg 5 00 7 W II 4r 3 2A 8 26 II I
UllinburK 8 60 4 Ot
Meulittnlusbui'K.. 6 10 8 lf 12 03 8 41 8 43 11 23
Ctrllnle 5 40 8 37 12 24 4 On 9 mil 42
N'ewvlllo 8 01 8 tiK 12 4K 4 10 9 24 12 02
Slllppen.burI... 6 20 9 17 I ll 4 HI 9 i! 12 18
Wuvnenboro 10 37 Son 5 4N
CliaiiibiirHburg. . 6 40 9 8'. 1 27 4 M 10 00 12 3d
Meroersburif.. . 8 l!i 10 80 5 6.1
'JieeiiuiiKile .... 7 05 9 Mi 1 50 5 21 10 21 12 M
HaKOlstown .... 7 27I0 22 2 10 I 11 10 43 I 15
MurtitiHburir 8 2iiU t 21
Ar. Wlnulieaicr. 9 15 11 50 7 10
A. M-iA; u. p. m. p. h. p. m a. m.
Train No. 17 west runs dui'y eiuept Sunday
Di-tween llarrlhburi; uod HuKeintown. leav
Iuk Hui-rlKburx at 5.15 p.m. und arriviOK at lla
uerstown ut 7.57 p. m.
Aililltlonul local trains will leave Harrlsbum
is follows: For Carlisle and Intermediate sta
tions al 9.37 a. m.. 2.00 p. ni. and ii.30 p. m., also
tnrMeuhiinlcsburK. Ulllsburg and Intermediate
si-atlousal 7 Sua. m., 8. 10 p. m. and d p. hi.
Trains Num. ,8 and 109 run dully between
Hurrisbur and lluKerstown.
t'ulluiun palace sleeplbK oara between Ken
York uud Knoxvllle, Tenu., on trains 1 wen
und III) east und between 1'hlladelph a-au-J
Welsh on N. & W. Kailwyon trains lie west
snd 12 east, except tliut on Sunday tbo i'hiiu-b-lplila
sleeper will run east ou No. 2.
ThrouKli coucbus to uud from l'bllndnlpbli
on trtlus 2 and 4 east and 7 und 9 west.
t liailv exoept Sundav.
I 'as.
lJ. M
5 05
i Irtl
1'uh Mlx. I
I'as. IMIx.
tiM tin
A H' A U
P H,
4 (Xi
8 4ll
8 I'
2 4
2 4'l
tl: tOI
9 41
6 55
7 14
8 16
8 50
9 OA
A. U.
8 46111 50
8 33ill 32
9 5ii
6 Fa 10 8(1
ll 13 10 68
6 20 II OA
.. .Marion ....
.. .Loudon....
8 Otlj
7 8H
7 80
10 l
9 I
9 80
A. M
A. M
Vice I'ii-h. & (lent Supt. ,, Sunt.
H. A. tUUIH.i;. (leu Pass. Agent
DolttV Salvo
For Piles Durn, Soros.
( tooa tit cough and bl Ivbii
An iilmoit Iniallililo remedy far dis
e'.o of Die Throat and Lungs,
known (St used the world over for
almost Century.
First Class
Tonsorial Artist,
A Clean Cup and TnwM with each Shave
Kverythliig Anilspptin.
Karors Strrllljed.
tWShop In room lately occupied by W llialie
Tonsorial Artist.
StHotly up to date In h)1 ntylon of hair out
thipf. yulok. cuny nrtav(M. Huy-rtim, (Jreniiis-Wlioh-haznl.
without extra rJiure. Krrsh
towl to each tMiHtotunr. I,atft tmprovt-d up,
Earattm for alerllUtiiK loom, i'arlora oppoKc
'ultoQ House.
Attorney at Law,
Oflice on Sciuare,
McConnellsburjj, F'a.
All letral business and collections entrusted
will tceive careful uud pr.unpt attentmu.
CI UK CllfcS.
Prkshyterian. Kev. V. A. Wst,
D. L)., TaHtor. PrencliiDg si-rvives
each alternate Stihlinth atlOMO a. m.
and every Sunday evrnlnj; at 7:00.
Services it Green Tlill on alternate
Sabbiitrhs at 10::10 a. m. Habdnth
school at 9:1!). Junior Christian I'.n
dnavor at 2:00, Christian Kmlraror
at l:00. Prayer meeting Wednesday
eveninjf nt 7:jG.
Adam, l'astor, Sunday School
at 9:30 a. m. Preaching every other
Sunday morning at 0:30 and every
Suuday evening at 7:00. Kpworui
rague at .0:00 p. m. l'rayer nuietinif
Thursday eveuinif at 7:00.
Unitku PKksuytkrian Kov. J. L.
Grove, Pastor. Sunday schoo' at H:'I0
a. in. Preaching every Sunday morn
ing' at 10:li0, and every other SimOny
eveulntf at7:00.1 The alternate Solilnilii
eveninsrs are used by the Younp Peo
ple's Christian Union ut 7:00 p. in,
Prayer meeting Wednesday eveuin;
at 7:00.
G. Wolf. "iKiiir. Sunday school 9:13
a.m.' l'i e;n-:niJ;.r every other Sunday
morning? tit I0::io and every other Sun
day evening at 7:00. Christian Ku
deavor ut ti:00 p. in. l'rayer meeting
on Wednesday evening ut7:00.
Kktoiimkij Rev. C. M. Smith, Tas
tor. Sunday scliool at 9:li() a. in.
Preaching ou alternate Sub'uiths ut
10:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. 111, Christian
Kndeavor at (1:00 p. m. Prayei mett
ing on Wednesday evening 'at 7:00.
f KR.MS Ol- COt lit'.
The first term of tlie Courts of Pul
ton county in the year shall commence
on the Tuesday following the swoiii
Monday of January, at 10 o'clock a. m.
The second term commences on the
third Monday of March, at 2 o'clock
p. 111.
The third term on the Tuesday next
following the second Monday of'june,
ut 10 o'clock a. m.
The fourth term on the iirst Monday
f October, at 2 o'clock p. m.
llOKOt (ill Ol l-'IOKIIS.
Justice of the Peace -Thomas P.
Sloan, L. H. Wille.
Constable Jolin 11. Doyle.
Burgess II. W. Scott. "
Couiicilrnen I). T. Fields, Leoniud
'llohman, Samuel IVnder,M. . i,'uce.
Clerk William Hull.
High Consta ble Wm.Hanmgnrduer.
ijchool Directors A. U. Xuce. John
A. Irwin, Thomas F. Sloan, F. M.
Taylor, John Comcrer, C. i. Stevens.
g t.M:i!i 1. di it k: tok v.
President Judge ilon.S.Mc. Swone.
Associate Judges David Nelson. W.
II. lleiuler.
Prothonotary, Ac Geo. A. Tl arris.
District Attorney George 15. Dan
iels. Treasurer A. C. Luuver.
Sheriff J. G. Alexander.
Deputy Sheriff W. II. Nesbit .
, Jury Commissioners Simon Desh
ong. Dennett A. Truax.
Auditors W, C. Davis, Geo. W.
Glenn, J. A Myers.
Commissioners' S.'D. Mellott, Geo.
Sigol, and It. 1. Palmer.
Clerk Prank Henry.
County Surveyor A .1. Fore.
County Superintendent Charles V,
Attorneys W Scott Alexander, J.
Nelson Sipes, Thomas V. Sloan, F.
McN. Johnston, M. H. Bhall'ner, Ceo.
H. Daniels, John P. Sipes, fc. .
Odd Fellows M'CoiinellsburgI-,o(l. ..
No. 744 meets every Friday evening in
tne Comerer Building In McCouiicils
burg. Port Littleton Lodge No. 481 meets
every Saturday evening In the Cromer
building at Fort Littleton.
Wells Valley'Lodge No, C07 mints
every Sat inlay ovening In OdJ Fel
lows' Hull ut Wells Tannery.
Ilarrisonvllle Lodge Nil. 701 meets
every Saturday evening in Odd Ft 1
lows' Hull at lliirrisoiivillc.
Waterfull Lodge No. 7i3 meets ev
ery Saturday evening in Odd Fellows'
Hall ut Waterfall Mills.
Wjii'fordsbtirg Lodge No. fJOl meets
In Warfordsburg every baunluy
evening. A
King Post G. A. P.. No. .Ki5 meets iu
McConnellsburg In Odd Fellows' Hall
the tlrst Saturduy In every month al 1
p. m.
Itoval Arca'nuru.Tuscnrora Council,
No. 121, meets on alternate, Monday
evenings. in V. O. S. of A. Hull, iu
Washington Camp-Xo, 407, P. O. S.
A., of New Grenada, meets every Sat
urduy evening in P. O. S, of A, ' Hall.
Washington Cump, No. f.r4, P. O.S.
of A., Hustoutown, meets every Sittiw
urduy evening In P. O. S. of A. Hall.
John Q. Taylor Post G. A. H., No.
5HU, nieoW.every Saturday, on or just
preceding full moon in Lashley hull,
it 2 p, m., A( Duck Valley.
Woman' Relief Corps, No. 80
meets at same date and pluce ut 1 p jn,
Gen. D. B, McKibbin Post No. 402,
O. A. S., meets the second and fourth
Sttturuays in i!uch month at Pleimu n
Li j
, The Fnlton Connt? Kewj